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1#!/usr/bin/env node
3const program = require('commander');
4const cli = require('../lib/cli');
5const pkg = require('../package.json');
7function list(val) {
8 return val.split(',');
11function parseAssociateParser(val, req) {
12 const data = val.split(',');
13 if (data.length === 0 || data.length > 2) {
14 throw new TypeError('Incorrectly formatted extension / parser registration. (param: ' + val + ')');
15 }
16 const parser = data[1] || 'defaultParser';
17 const ext = data[0];
19 req[ext] = { parserName: parser };
20 return req;
23/* eslint-disable no-console */
25 .description(pkg.description)
26 .version(pkg.version)
27 .usage('[options] <file ...>')
28 .option(
29 '-A, --associate-parser [ext,parser]',
30 'associate unknown extensions with bundled parsers (parser optional / default: defaultParser)',
31 parseAssociateParser,
32 {}
33 )
34 .option('-i, --ignore <patterns>', 'add ignore patterns', list, [])
35 .option('-I, --inline-files', 'parse possible inline files', false)
36 .option('-r, --reporter [reporter]', 'use reporter (table|json|xml|markdown|vscode|raw) (default: table)', 'table')
37 .option('-S, --skip-unsupported', 'skip unsupported filetypes', false)
38 .option('-t, --filetype [filetype]', 'force the filetype to parse. Useful for streams (default: .js)')
39 .option('-T, --tags <tags>', 'add additional comment types to find (alongside todo & fixme)', list, [])
40 .option('-x, --exit-nicely', 'exit with exit code 0 even if todos/fixmes are found', false)
41 .on('--help', function() {
42 console.log(' Examples:');
43 console.log('');
44 console.log(' # Check a specific file');
45 console.log(' $ leasot index.js');
46 console.log('');
47 console.log(' # Check php files with glob');
48 console.log(' $ leasot **/*.php');
49 console.log('');
50 console.log(' # Check multiple different filetypes');
51 console.log(' $ leasot app/**/*.js test.rb');
52 console.log('');
53 console.log(' # Use the json reporter');
54 console.log(' $ leasot --reporter json index.js');
55 console.log('');
56 console.log(' # Search for REVIEW comments as well');
57 console.log(' $ leasot --tags review index.js');
58 console.log('');
59 console.log(' # Add ignore pattern to filter matches');
60 console.log(' $ leasot app/**/*.js --ignore "**/custom.js"');
61 console.log('');
62 console.log(' # Search for REVIEW comments as well');
63 console.log(' $ leasot --tags review index.js');
64 console.log('');
65 console.log(' # Check a stream specifying the filetype as coffee');
66 console.log(' $ cat index.coffee | leasot --filetype .coffee');
67 console.log('');
68 console.log(' # Report from leasot parsing and filter todos using `jq`');
69 console.log(
70 ' $ leasot tests/**/*.styl --reporter json | jq \'map(select(.kind == "TODO"))\' | leasot-reporter'
71 );
72 console.log('');
73 })
74 .parse(process.argv);