6.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
4var contexts_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("../contexts"));
5var visitor_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("./visitor"));
6var import_sequencer_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("./import-sequencer"));
7var utils = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../utils"));
8var ImportVisitor = function (importer, finish) {
9 this._visitor = new visitor_1.default(this);
10 this._importer = importer;
11 this._finish = finish;
12 this.context = new contexts_1.default.Eval();
13 this.importCount = 0;
14 this.onceFileDetectionMap = {};
15 this.recursionDetector = {};
16 this._sequencer = new import_sequencer_1.default(this._onSequencerEmpty.bind(this));
18ImportVisitor.prototype = {
19 isReplacing: false,
20 run: function (root) {
21 try {
22 // process the contents
23 this._visitor.visit(root);
24 }
25 catch (e) {
26 this.error = e;
27 }
28 this.isFinished = true;
29 this._sequencer.tryRun();
30 },
31 _onSequencerEmpty: function () {
32 if (!this.isFinished) {
33 return;
34 }
35 this._finish(this.error);
36 },
37 visitImport: function (importNode, visitArgs) {
38 var inlineCSS = importNode.options.inline;
39 if (!importNode.css || inlineCSS) {
40 var context = new contexts_1.default.Eval(this.context, utils.copyArray(this.context.frames));
41 var importParent = context.frames[0];
42 this.importCount++;
43 if (importNode.isVariableImport()) {
44 this._sequencer.addVariableImport(this.processImportNode.bind(this, importNode, context, importParent));
45 }
46 else {
47 this.processImportNode(importNode, context, importParent);
48 }
49 }
50 visitArgs.visitDeeper = false;
51 },
52 processImportNode: function (importNode, context, importParent) {
53 var evaldImportNode;
54 var inlineCSS = importNode.options.inline;
55 try {
56 evaldImportNode = importNode.evalForImport(context);
57 }
58 catch (e) {
59 if (!e.filename) {
60 e.index = importNode.getIndex();
61 e.filename = importNode.fileInfo().filename;
62 }
63 // attempt to eval properly and treat as css
64 importNode.css = true;
65 // if that fails, this error will be thrown
66 importNode.error = e;
67 }
68 if (evaldImportNode && (!evaldImportNode.css || inlineCSS)) {
69 if (evaldImportNode.options.multiple) {
70 context.importMultiple = true;
71 }
72 // try appending if we haven't determined if it is css or not
73 var tryAppendLessExtension = evaldImportNode.css === undefined;
74 for (var i = 0; i < importParent.rules.length; i++) {
75 if (importParent.rules[i] === importNode) {
76 importParent.rules[i] = evaldImportNode;
77 break;
78 }
79 }
80 var onImported = this.onImported.bind(this, evaldImportNode, context), sequencedOnImported = this._sequencer.addImport(onImported);
81 this._importer.push(evaldImportNode.getPath(), tryAppendLessExtension, evaldImportNode.fileInfo(), evaldImportNode.options, sequencedOnImported);
82 }
83 else {
84 this.importCount--;
85 if (this.isFinished) {
86 this._sequencer.tryRun();
87 }
88 }
89 },
90 onImported: function (importNode, context, e, root, importedAtRoot, fullPath) {
91 if (e) {
92 if (!e.filename) {
93 e.index = importNode.getIndex();
94 e.filename = importNode.fileInfo().filename;
95 }
96 this.error = e;
97 }
98 var importVisitor = this, inlineCSS = importNode.options.inline, isPlugin = importNode.options.isPlugin, isOptional = importNode.options.optional, duplicateImport = importedAtRoot || fullPath in importVisitor.recursionDetector;
99 if (!context.importMultiple) {
100 if (duplicateImport) {
101 importNode.skip = true;
102 }
103 else {
104 importNode.skip = function () {
105 if (fullPath in importVisitor.onceFileDetectionMap) {
106 return true;
107 }
108 importVisitor.onceFileDetectionMap[fullPath] = true;
109 return false;
110 };
111 }
112 }
113 if (!fullPath && isOptional) {
114 importNode.skip = true;
115 }
116 if (root) {
117 importNode.root = root;
118 importNode.importedFilename = fullPath;
119 if (!inlineCSS && !isPlugin && (context.importMultiple || !duplicateImport)) {
120 importVisitor.recursionDetector[fullPath] = true;
121 var oldContext = this.context;
122 this.context = context;
123 try {
124 this._visitor.visit(root);
125 }
126 catch (e) {
127 this.error = e;
128 }
129 this.context = oldContext;
130 }
131 }
132 importVisitor.importCount--;
133 if (importVisitor.isFinished) {
134 importVisitor._sequencer.tryRun();
135 }
136 },
137 visitDeclaration: function (declNode, visitArgs) {
138 if (declNode.value.type === 'DetachedRuleset') {
139 this.context.frames.unshift(declNode);
140 }
141 else {
142 visitArgs.visitDeeper = false;
143 }
144 },
145 visitDeclarationOut: function (declNode) {
146 if (declNode.value.type === 'DetachedRuleset') {
147 this.context.frames.shift();
148 }
149 },
150 visitAtRule: function (atRuleNode, visitArgs) {
151 this.context.frames.unshift(atRuleNode);
152 },
153 visitAtRuleOut: function (atRuleNode) {
154 this.context.frames.shift();
155 },
156 visitMixinDefinition: function (mixinDefinitionNode, visitArgs) {
157 this.context.frames.unshift(mixinDefinitionNode);
158 },
159 visitMixinDefinitionOut: function (mixinDefinitionNode) {
160 this.context.frames.shift();
161 },
162 visitRuleset: function (rulesetNode, visitArgs) {
163 this.context.frames.unshift(rulesetNode);
164 },
165 visitRulesetOut: function (rulesetNode) {
166 this.context.frames.shift();
167 },
168 visitMedia: function (mediaNode, visitArgs) {
169 this.context.frames.unshift(mediaNode.rules[0]);
170 },
171 visitMediaOut: function (mediaNode) {
172 this.context.frames.shift();
173 }
175exports.default = ImportVisitor;
176//# sourceMappingURL=import-visitor.js.map
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