1 | import * as AbstractLevel from 'abstract-level'
2 | import * as ClassicLevel from 'classic-level'
3 | import * as BrowserLevel from 'browser-level'
4 |
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11 | export class Level<KDefault = string, VDefault = string>
12 | extends AbstractLevel.AbstractLevel<string | Buffer | Uint8Array, KDefault, VDefault> {
13 | |
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22 | constructor (location: string, options?: DatabaseOptions<KDefault, VDefault> | undefined)
23 |
24 | /**
25 | * Location that was passed to the constructor.
26 | */
27 | get location (): string
28 |
29 | open (): Promise<void>
30 | open (options: OpenOptions): Promise<void>
31 |
32 | get (key: KDefault): Promise<VDefault>
33 | get<K = KDefault, V = VDefault> (key: K, options: GetOptions<K, V>): Promise<V>
34 |
35 | getMany (keys: KDefault[]): Promise<VDefault[]>
36 | getMany<K = KDefault, V = VDefault> (keys: K[], options: GetManyOptions<K, V>): Promise<V[]>
37 |
38 | put (key: KDefault, value: VDefault): Promise<void>
39 | put<K = KDefault, V = VDefault> (key: K, value: V, options: PutOptions<K, V>): Promise<void>
40 |
41 | del (key: KDefault): Promise<void>
42 | del<K = KDefault> (key: K, options: DelOptions<K>): Promise<void>
43 |
44 | batch (operations: Array<BatchOperation<typeof this, KDefault, VDefault>>): Promise<void>
45 | batch<K = KDefault, V = VDefault> (operations: Array<BatchOperation<typeof this, K, V>>, options: BatchOptions<K, V>): Promise<void>
46 | batch (): ChainedBatch<typeof this, KDefault, VDefault>
47 |
48 | iterator (): Iterator<typeof this, KDefault, VDefault>
49 | iterator<K = KDefault, V = VDefault> (options: IteratorOptions<K, V>): Iterator<typeof this, K, V>
50 |
51 | keys (): KeyIterator<typeof this, KDefault>
52 | keys<K = KDefault> (options: KeyIteratorOptions<K>): KeyIterator<typeof this, K>
53 |
54 | values (): ValueIterator<typeof this, KDefault, VDefault>
55 | values<K = KDefault, V = VDefault> (options: ValueIteratorOptions<K, V>): ValueIterator<typeof this, K, V>
56 | }
57 |
58 | export type DatabaseOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.DatabaseOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.DatabaseOptions<K, V>
59 | export type OpenOptions = ClassicLevel.OpenOptions & BrowserLevel.OpenOptions
60 | export type GetOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.GetOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.GetOptions<K, V>
61 | export type GetManyOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.GetManyOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.GetManyOptions<K, V>
62 | export type PutOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.PutOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.PutOptions<K, V>
63 | export type DelOptions<K> = ClassicLevel.DelOptions<K> & BrowserLevel.DelOptions<K>
64 |
65 | export type BatchOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.BatchOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.BatchOptions<K, V>
66 | export type BatchOperation<TDatabase, K, V> = ClassicLevel.BatchOperation<TDatabase, K, V> & BrowserLevel.BatchOperation<TDatabase, K, V>
67 | export type ChainedBatch<TDatabase, K, V> = ClassicLevel.ChainedBatch<TDatabase, K, V> & BrowserLevel.ChainedBatch<TDatabase, K, V>
68 |
69 | export type Iterator<TDatabase, K, V> = ClassicLevel.Iterator<TDatabase, K, V> & BrowserLevel.Iterator<TDatabase, K, V>
70 | export type KeyIterator<TDatabase, K> = ClassicLevel.KeyIterator<TDatabase, K> & BrowserLevel.KeyIterator<TDatabase, K>
71 | export type ValueIterator<TDatabase, K, V> = ClassicLevel.ValueIterator<TDatabase, K, V> & BrowserLevel.ValueIterator<TDatabase, K, V>
72 |
73 | export type IteratorOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.IteratorOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.IteratorOptions<K, V>
74 | export type KeyIteratorOptions<K> = ClassicLevel.KeyIteratorOptions<K> & BrowserLevel.KeyIteratorOptions<K>
75 | export type ValueIteratorOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.ValueIteratorOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.ValueIteratorOptions<K, V>