16.8 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Efficient schema-less binary decoding with support for variable length encoding.
3 *
4 * Use [lib0/decoding] with [lib0/encoding]. Every encoding function has a corresponding decoding function.
5 *
6 * Encodes numbers in little-endian order (least to most significant byte order)
7 * and is compatible with Golang's binary encoding (https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/binary/)
8 * which is also used in Protocol Buffers.
9 *
10 * ```js
11 * // encoding step
12 * const encoder = new encoding.createEncoder()
13 * encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, 256)
14 * encoding.writeVarString(encoder, 'Hello world!')
15 * const buf = encoding.toUint8Array(encoder)
16 * ```
17 *
18 * ```js
19 * // decoding step
20 * const decoder = new decoding.createDecoder(buf)
21 * decoding.readVarUint(decoder) // => 256
22 * decoding.readVarString(decoder) // => 'Hello world!'
23 * decoding.hasContent(decoder) // => false - all data is read
24 * ```
25 *
26 * @module decoding
27 */
29import * as buffer from './buffer.js'
30import * as binary from './binary.js'
31import * as math from './math.js'
32import * as number from './number.js'
33import * as string from './string.js'
36 * A Decoder handles the decoding of an Uint8Array.
37 */
38export class Decoder {
39 /**
40 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array Binary data to decode
41 */
42 constructor (uint8Array) {
43 /**
44 * Decoding target.
45 *
46 * @type {Uint8Array}
47 */
48 this.arr = uint8Array
49 /**
50 * Current decoding position.
51 *
52 * @type {number}
53 */
54 this.pos = 0
55 }
59 * @function
60 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
61 * @return {Decoder}
62 */
63export const createDecoder = uint8Array => new Decoder(uint8Array)
66 * @function
67 * @param {Decoder} decoder
68 * @return {boolean}
69 */
70export const hasContent = decoder => decoder.pos !== decoder.arr.length
73 * Clone a decoder instance.
74 * Optionally set a new position parameter.
75 *
76 * @function
77 * @param {Decoder} decoder The decoder instance
78 * @param {number} [newPos] Defaults to current position
79 * @return {Decoder} A clone of `decoder`
80 */
81export const clone = (decoder, newPos = decoder.pos) => {
82 const _decoder = createDecoder(decoder.arr)
83 _decoder.pos = newPos
84 return _decoder
88 * Create an Uint8Array view of the next `len` bytes and advance the position by `len`.
89 *
90 * Important: The Uint8Array still points to the underlying ArrayBuffer. Make sure to discard the result as soon as possible to prevent any memory leaks.
91 * Use `buffer.copyUint8Array` to copy the result into a new Uint8Array.
92 *
93 * @function
94 * @param {Decoder} decoder The decoder instance
95 * @param {number} len The length of bytes to read
96 * @return {Uint8Array}
97 */
98export const readUint8Array = (decoder, len) => {
99 const view = buffer.createUint8ArrayViewFromArrayBuffer(decoder.arr.buffer, decoder.pos + decoder.arr.byteOffset, len)
100 decoder.pos += len
101 return view
105 * Read variable length Uint8Array.
106 *
107 * Important: The Uint8Array still points to the underlying ArrayBuffer. Make sure to discard the result as soon as possible to prevent any memory leaks.
108 * Use `buffer.copyUint8Array` to copy the result into a new Uint8Array.
109 *
110 * @function
111 * @param {Decoder} decoder
112 * @return {Uint8Array}
113 */
114export const readVarUint8Array = decoder => readUint8Array(decoder, readVarUint(decoder))
117 * Read the rest of the content as an ArrayBuffer
118 * @function
119 * @param {Decoder} decoder
120 * @return {Uint8Array}
121 */
122export const readTailAsUint8Array = decoder => readUint8Array(decoder, decoder.arr.length - decoder.pos)
125 * Skip one byte, jump to the next position.
126 * @function
127 * @param {Decoder} decoder The decoder instance
128 * @return {number} The next position
129 */
130export const skip8 = decoder => decoder.pos++
133 * Read one byte as unsigned integer.
134 * @function
135 * @param {Decoder} decoder The decoder instance
136 * @return {number} Unsigned 8-bit integer
137 */
138export const readUint8 = decoder => decoder.arr[decoder.pos++]
141 * Read 2 bytes as unsigned integer.
142 *
143 * @function
144 * @param {Decoder} decoder
145 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.
146 */
147export const readUint16 = decoder => {
148 const uint =
149 decoder.arr[decoder.pos] +
150 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 1] << 8)
151 decoder.pos += 2
152 return uint
156 * Read 4 bytes as unsigned integer.
157 *
158 * @function
159 * @param {Decoder} decoder
160 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.
161 */
162export const readUint32 = decoder => {
163 const uint =
164 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos] +
165 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 1] << 8) +
166 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 2] << 16) +
167 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 3] << 24)) >>> 0
168 decoder.pos += 4
169 return uint
173 * Read 4 bytes as unsigned integer in big endian order.
174 * (most significant byte first)
175 *
176 * @function
177 * @param {Decoder} decoder
178 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.
179 */
180export const readUint32BigEndian = decoder => {
181 const uint =
182 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 3] +
183 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 2] << 8) +
184 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 1] << 16) +
185 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos] << 24)) >>> 0
186 decoder.pos += 4
187 return uint
191 * Look ahead without incrementing the position
192 * to the next byte and read it as unsigned integer.
193 *
194 * @function
195 * @param {Decoder} decoder
196 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.
197 */
198export const peekUint8 = decoder => decoder.arr[decoder.pos]
201 * Look ahead without incrementing the position
202 * to the next byte and read it as unsigned integer.
203 *
204 * @function
205 * @param {Decoder} decoder
206 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.
207 */
208export const peekUint16 = decoder =>
209 decoder.arr[decoder.pos] +
210 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 1] << 8)
213 * Look ahead without incrementing the position
214 * to the next byte and read it as unsigned integer.
215 *
216 * @function
217 * @param {Decoder} decoder
218 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.
219 */
220export const peekUint32 = decoder => (
221 decoder.arr[decoder.pos] +
222 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 1] << 8) +
223 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 2] << 16) +
224 (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 3] << 24)
225) >>> 0
228 * Read unsigned integer (32bit) with variable length.
229 * 1/8th of the storage is used as encoding overhead.
230 * * numbers < 2^7 is stored in one bytlength
231 * * numbers < 2^14 is stored in two bylength
232 *
233 * @function
234 * @param {Decoder} decoder
235 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.length
236 */
237export const readVarUint = decoder => {
238 let num = 0
239 let mult = 1
240 while (true) {
241 const r = decoder.arr[decoder.pos++]
242 // num = num | ((r & binary.BITS7) << len)
243 num = num + (r & binary.BITS7) * mult // shift $r << (7*#iterations) and add it to num
244 mult *= 128 // next iteration, shift 7 "more" to the left
245 if (r < binary.BIT8) {
246 return num
247 }
248 /* istanbul ignore if */
249 if (num > number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
250 throw new Error('Integer out of range!')
251 }
252 }
256 * Read signed integer (32bit) with variable length.
257 * 1/8th of the storage is used as encoding overhead.
258 * * numbers < 2^7 is stored in one bytlength
259 * * numbers < 2^14 is stored in two bylength
260 * @todo This should probably create the inverse ~num if number is negative - but this would be a breaking change.
261 *
262 * @function
263 * @param {Decoder} decoder
264 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.length
265 */
266export const readVarInt = decoder => {
267 let r = decoder.arr[decoder.pos++]
268 let num = r & binary.BITS6
269 let mult = 64
270 const sign = (r & binary.BIT7) > 0 ? -1 : 1
271 if ((r & binary.BIT8) === 0) {
272 // don't continue reading
273 return sign * num
274 }
275 while (true) {
276 r = decoder.arr[decoder.pos++]
277 // num = num | ((r & binary.BITS7) << len)
278 num = num + (r & binary.BITS7) * mult
279 mult *= 128
280 if (r < binary.BIT8) {
281 return sign * num
282 }
283 /* istanbul ignore if */
284 if (num > number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
285 throw new Error('Integer out of range!')
286 }
287 }
291 * Look ahead and read varUint without incrementing position
292 *
293 * @function
294 * @param {Decoder} decoder
295 * @return {number}
296 */
297export const peekVarUint = decoder => {
298 const pos = decoder.pos
299 const s = readVarUint(decoder)
300 decoder.pos = pos
301 return s
305 * Look ahead and read varUint without incrementing position
306 *
307 * @function
308 * @param {Decoder} decoder
309 * @return {number}
310 */
311export const peekVarInt = decoder => {
312 const pos = decoder.pos
313 const s = readVarInt(decoder)
314 decoder.pos = pos
315 return s
319 * We don't test this function anymore as we use native decoding/encoding by default now.
320 * Better not modify this anymore..
321 *
322 * Transforming utf8 to a string is pretty expensive. The code performs 10x better
323 * when String.fromCodePoint is fed with all characters as arguments.
324 * But most environments have a maximum number of arguments per functions.
325 * For effiency reasons we apply a maximum of 10000 characters at once.
326 *
327 * @function
328 * @param {Decoder} decoder
329 * @return {String} The read String.
330 */
331/* istanbul ignore next */
332export const _readVarStringPolyfill = decoder => {
333 let remainingLen = readVarUint(decoder)
334 if (remainingLen === 0) {
335 return ''
336 } else {
337 let encodedString = String.fromCodePoint(readUint8(decoder)) // remember to decrease remainingLen
338 if (--remainingLen < 100) { // do not create a Uint8Array for small strings
339 while (remainingLen--) {
340 encodedString += String.fromCodePoint(readUint8(decoder))
341 }
342 } else {
343 while (remainingLen > 0) {
344 const nextLen = remainingLen < 10000 ? remainingLen : 10000
345 // this is dangerous, we create a fresh array view from the existing buffer
346 const bytes = decoder.arr.subarray(decoder.pos, decoder.pos + nextLen)
347 decoder.pos += nextLen
348 // Starting with ES5.1 we can supply a generic array-like object as arguments
349 encodedString += String.fromCodePoint.apply(null, /** @type {any} */ (bytes))
350 remainingLen -= nextLen
351 }
352 }
353 return decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString))
354 }
358 * @function
359 * @param {Decoder} decoder
360 * @return {String} The read String
361 */
362export const _readVarStringNative = decoder =>
363 /** @type any */ (string.utf8TextDecoder).decode(readVarUint8Array(decoder))
366 * Read string of variable length
367 * * varUint is used to store the length of the string
368 *
369 * @function
370 * @param {Decoder} decoder
371 * @return {String} The read String
372 *
373 */
374/* istanbul ignore next */
375export const readVarString = string.utf8TextDecoder ? _readVarStringNative : _readVarStringPolyfill
378 * Look ahead and read varString without incrementing position
379 *
380 * @function
381 * @param {Decoder} decoder
382 * @return {string}
383 */
384export const peekVarString = decoder => {
385 const pos = decoder.pos
386 const s = readVarString(decoder)
387 decoder.pos = pos
388 return s
392 * @param {Decoder} decoder
393 * @param {number} len
394 * @return {DataView}
395 */
396export const readFromDataView = (decoder, len) => {
397 const dv = new DataView(decoder.arr.buffer, decoder.arr.byteOffset + decoder.pos, len)
398 decoder.pos += len
399 return dv
403 * @param {Decoder} decoder
404 */
405export const readFloat32 = decoder => readFromDataView(decoder, 4).getFloat32(0, false)
408 * @param {Decoder} decoder
409 */
410export const readFloat64 = decoder => readFromDataView(decoder, 8).getFloat64(0, false)
413 * @param {Decoder} decoder
414 */
415export const readBigInt64 = decoder => /** @type {any} */ (readFromDataView(decoder, 8)).getBigInt64(0, false)
418 * @param {Decoder} decoder
419 */
420export const readBigUint64 = decoder => /** @type {any} */ (readFromDataView(decoder, 8)).getBigUint64(0, false)
423 * @type {Array<function(Decoder):any>}
424 */
425const readAnyLookupTable = [
426 decoder => undefined, // CASE 127: undefined
427 decoder => null, // CASE 126: null
428 readVarInt, // CASE 125: integer
429 readFloat32, // CASE 124: float32
430 readFloat64, // CASE 123: float64
431 readBigInt64, // CASE 122: bigint
432 decoder => false, // CASE 121: boolean (false)
433 decoder => true, // CASE 120: boolean (true)
434 readVarString, // CASE 119: string
435 decoder => { // CASE 118: object<string,any>
436 const len = readVarUint(decoder)
437 /**
438 * @type {Object<string,any>}
439 */
440 const obj = {}
441 for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
442 const key = readVarString(decoder)
443 obj[key] = readAny(decoder)
444 }
445 return obj
446 },
447 decoder => { // CASE 117: array<any>
448 const len = readVarUint(decoder)
449 const arr = []
450 for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
451 arr.push(readAny(decoder))
452 }
453 return arr
454 },
455 readVarUint8Array // CASE 116: Uint8Array
459 * @param {Decoder} decoder
460 */
461export const readAny = decoder => readAnyLookupTable[127 - readUint8(decoder)](decoder)
464 * T must not be null.
465 *
466 * @template T
467 */
468export class RleDecoder extends Decoder {
469 /**
470 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
471 * @param {function(Decoder):T} reader
472 */
473 constructor (uint8Array, reader) {
474 super(uint8Array)
475 /**
476 * The reader
477 */
478 this.reader = reader
479 /**
480 * Current state
481 * @type {T|null}
482 */
483 this.s = null
484 this.count = 0
485 }
487 read () {
488 if (this.count === 0) {
489 this.s = this.reader(this)
490 if (hasContent(this)) {
491 this.count = readVarUint(this) + 1 // see encoder implementation for the reason why this is incremented
492 } else {
493 this.count = -1 // read the current value forever
494 }
495 }
496 this.count--
497 return /** @type {T} */ (this.s)
498 }
501export class IntDiffDecoder extends Decoder {
502 /**
503 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
504 * @param {number} start
505 */
506 constructor (uint8Array, start) {
507 super(uint8Array)
508 /**
509 * Current state
510 * @type {number}
511 */
512 this.s = start
513 }
515 /**
516 * @return {number}
517 */
518 read () {
519 this.s += readVarInt(this)
520 return this.s
521 }
524export class RleIntDiffDecoder extends Decoder {
525 /**
526 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
527 * @param {number} start
528 */
529 constructor (uint8Array, start) {
530 super(uint8Array)
531 /**
532 * Current state
533 * @type {number}
534 */
535 this.s = start
536 this.count = 0
537 }
539 /**
540 * @return {number}
541 */
542 read () {
543 if (this.count === 0) {
544 this.s += readVarInt(this)
545 if (hasContent(this)) {
546 this.count = readVarUint(this) + 1 // see encoder implementation for the reason why this is incremented
547 } else {
548 this.count = -1 // read the current value forever
549 }
550 }
551 this.count--
552 return /** @type {number} */ (this.s)
553 }
556export class UintOptRleDecoder extends Decoder {
557 /**
558 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
559 */
560 constructor (uint8Array) {
561 super(uint8Array)
562 /**
563 * @type {number}
564 */
565 this.s = 0
566 this.count = 0
567 }
569 read () {
570 if (this.count === 0) {
571 this.s = readVarInt(this)
572 // if the sign is negative, we read the count too, otherwise count is 1
573 const isNegative = math.isNegativeZero(this.s)
574 this.count = 1
575 if (isNegative) {
576 this.s = -this.s
577 this.count = readVarUint(this) + 2
578 }
579 }
580 this.count--
581 return /** @type {number} */ (this.s)
582 }
585export class IncUintOptRleDecoder extends Decoder {
586 /**
587 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
588 */
589 constructor (uint8Array) {
590 super(uint8Array)
591 /**
592 * @type {number}
593 */
594 this.s = 0
595 this.count = 0
596 }
598 read () {
599 if (this.count === 0) {
600 this.s = readVarInt(this)
601 // if the sign is negative, we read the count too, otherwise count is 1
602 const isNegative = math.isNegativeZero(this.s)
603 this.count = 1
604 if (isNegative) {
605 this.s = -this.s
606 this.count = readVarUint(this) + 2
607 }
608 }
609 this.count--
610 return /** @type {number} */ (this.s++)
611 }
614export class IntDiffOptRleDecoder extends Decoder {
615 /**
616 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
617 */
618 constructor (uint8Array) {
619 super(uint8Array)
620 /**
621 * @type {number}
622 */
623 this.s = 0
624 this.count = 0
625 this.diff = 0
626 }
628 /**
629 * @return {number}
630 */
631 read () {
632 if (this.count === 0) {
633 const diff = readVarInt(this)
634 // if the first bit is set, we read more data
635 const hasCount = diff & 1
636 this.diff = math.floor(diff / 2) // shift >> 1
637 this.count = 1
638 if (hasCount) {
639 this.count = readVarUint(this) + 2
640 }
641 }
642 this.s += this.diff
643 this.count--
644 return this.s
645 }
648export class StringDecoder {
649 /**
650 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
651 */
652 constructor (uint8Array) {
653 this.decoder = new UintOptRleDecoder(uint8Array)
654 this.str = readVarString(this.decoder)
655 /**
656 * @type {number}
657 */
658 this.spos = 0
659 }
661 /**
662 * @return {string}
663 */
664 read () {
665 const end = this.spos + this.decoder.read()
666 const res = this.str.slice(this.spos, end)
667 this.spos = end
668 return res
669 }