24.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Efficient schema-less binary encoding with support for variable length encoding.
3 *
4 * Use [lib0/encoding] with [lib0/decoding]. Every encoding function has a corresponding decoding function.
5 *
6 * Encodes numbers in little-endian order (least to most significant byte order)
7 * and is compatible with Golang's binary encoding (https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/binary/)
8 * which is also used in Protocol Buffers.
9 *
10 * ```js
11 * // encoding step
12 * const encoder = new encoding.createEncoder()
13 * encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, 256)
14 * encoding.writeVarString(encoder, 'Hello world!')
15 * const buf = encoding.toUint8Array(encoder)
16 * ```
17 *
18 * ```js
19 * // decoding step
20 * const decoder = new decoding.createDecoder(buf)
21 * decoding.readVarUint(decoder) // => 256
22 * decoding.readVarString(decoder) // => 'Hello world!'
23 * decoding.hasContent(decoder) // => false - all data is read
24 * ```
25 *
26 * @module encoding
27 */
29import * as buffer from './buffer.js'
30import * as math from './math.js'
31import * as number from './number.js'
32import * as binary from './binary.js'
33import * as string from './string.js'
36 * A BinaryEncoder handles the encoding to an Uint8Array.
37 */
38export class Encoder {
39 constructor () {
40 this.cpos = 0
41 this.cbuf = new Uint8Array(100)
42 /**
43 * @type {Array<Uint8Array>}
44 */
45 this.bufs = []
46 }
50 * @function
51 * @return {Encoder}
52 */
53export const createEncoder = () => new Encoder()
56 * The current length of the encoded data.
57 *
58 * @function
59 * @param {Encoder} encoder
60 * @return {number}
61 */
62export const length = encoder => {
63 let len = encoder.cpos
64 for (let i = 0; i < encoder.bufs.length; i++) {
65 len += encoder.bufs[i].length
66 }
67 return len
71 * Transform to Uint8Array.
72 *
73 * @function
74 * @param {Encoder} encoder
75 * @return {Uint8Array} The created ArrayBuffer.
76 */
77export const toUint8Array = encoder => {
78 const uint8arr = new Uint8Array(length(encoder))
79 let curPos = 0
80 for (let i = 0; i < encoder.bufs.length; i++) {
81 const d = encoder.bufs[i]
82 uint8arr.set(d, curPos)
83 curPos += d.length
84 }
85 uint8arr.set(buffer.createUint8ArrayViewFromArrayBuffer(encoder.cbuf.buffer, 0, encoder.cpos), curPos)
86 return uint8arr
90 * Verify that it is possible to write `len` bytes wtihout checking. If
91 * necessary, a new Buffer with the required length is attached.
92 *
93 * @param {Encoder} encoder
94 * @param {number} len
95 */
96export const verifyLen = (encoder, len) => {
97 const bufferLen = encoder.cbuf.length
98 if (bufferLen - encoder.cpos < len) {
99 encoder.bufs.push(buffer.createUint8ArrayViewFromArrayBuffer(encoder.cbuf.buffer, 0, encoder.cpos))
100 encoder.cbuf = new Uint8Array(math.max(bufferLen, len) * 2)
101 encoder.cpos = 0
102 }
106 * Write one byte to the encoder.
107 *
108 * @function
109 * @param {Encoder} encoder
110 * @param {number} num The byte that is to be encoded.
111 */
112export const write = (encoder, num) => {
113 const bufferLen = encoder.cbuf.length
114 if (encoder.cpos === bufferLen) {
115 encoder.bufs.push(encoder.cbuf)
116 encoder.cbuf = new Uint8Array(bufferLen * 2)
117 encoder.cpos = 0
118 }
119 encoder.cbuf[encoder.cpos++] = num
123 * Write one byte at a specific position.
124 * Position must already be written (i.e. encoder.length > pos)
125 *
126 * @function
127 * @param {Encoder} encoder
128 * @param {number} pos Position to which to write data
129 * @param {number} num Unsigned 8-bit integer
130 */
131export const set = (encoder, pos, num) => {
132 let buffer = null
133 // iterate all buffers and adjust position
134 for (let i = 0; i < encoder.bufs.length && buffer === null; i++) {
135 const b = encoder.bufs[i]
136 if (pos < b.length) {
137 buffer = b // found buffer
138 } else {
139 pos -= b.length
140 }
141 }
142 if (buffer === null) {
143 // use current buffer
144 buffer = encoder.cbuf
145 }
146 buffer[pos] = num
150 * Write one byte as an unsigned integer.
151 *
152 * @function
153 * @param {Encoder} encoder
154 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
155 */
156export const writeUint8 = write
159 * Write one byte as an unsigned Integer at a specific location.
160 *
161 * @function
162 * @param {Encoder} encoder
163 * @param {number} pos The location where the data will be written.
164 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
165 */
166export const setUint8 = set
169 * Write two bytes as an unsigned integer.
170 *
171 * @function
172 * @param {Encoder} encoder
173 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
174 */
175export const writeUint16 = (encoder, num) => {
176 write(encoder, num & binary.BITS8)
177 write(encoder, (num >>> 8) & binary.BITS8)
180 * Write two bytes as an unsigned integer at a specific location.
181 *
182 * @function
183 * @param {Encoder} encoder
184 * @param {number} pos The location where the data will be written.
185 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
186 */
187export const setUint16 = (encoder, pos, num) => {
188 set(encoder, pos, num & binary.BITS8)
189 set(encoder, pos + 1, (num >>> 8) & binary.BITS8)
193 * Write two bytes as an unsigned integer
194 *
195 * @function
196 * @param {Encoder} encoder
197 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
198 */
199export const writeUint32 = (encoder, num) => {
200 for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
201 write(encoder, num & binary.BITS8)
202 num >>>= 8
203 }
207 * Write two bytes as an unsigned integer in big endian order.
208 * (most significant byte first)
209 *
210 * @function
211 * @param {Encoder} encoder
212 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
213 */
214export const writeUint32BigEndian = (encoder, num) => {
215 for (let i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
216 write(encoder, (num >>> (8 * i)) & binary.BITS8)
217 }
221 * Write two bytes as an unsigned integer at a specific location.
222 *
223 * @function
224 * @param {Encoder} encoder
225 * @param {number} pos The location where the data will be written.
226 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
227 */
228export const setUint32 = (encoder, pos, num) => {
229 for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
230 set(encoder, pos + i, num & binary.BITS8)
231 num >>>= 8
232 }
236 * Write a variable length unsigned integer. Max encodable integer is 2^53.
237 *
238 * @function
239 * @param {Encoder} encoder
240 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
241 */
242export const writeVarUint = (encoder, num) => {
243 while (num > binary.BITS7) {
244 write(encoder, binary.BIT8 | (binary.BITS7 & num))
245 num = math.floor(num / 128) // shift >>> 7
246 }
247 write(encoder, binary.BITS7 & num)
251 * Write a variable length integer.
252 *
253 * We use the 7th bit instead for signaling that this is a negative number.
254 *
255 * @function
256 * @param {Encoder} encoder
257 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
258 */
259export const writeVarInt = (encoder, num) => {
260 const isNegative = math.isNegativeZero(num)
261 if (isNegative) {
262 num = -num
263 }
264 // |- whether to continue reading |- whether is negative |- number
265 write(encoder, (num > binary.BITS6 ? binary.BIT8 : 0) | (isNegative ? binary.BIT7 : 0) | (binary.BITS6 & num))
266 num = math.floor(num / 64) // shift >>> 6
267 // We don't need to consider the case of num === 0 so we can use a different
268 // pattern here than above.
269 while (num > 0) {
270 write(encoder, (num > binary.BITS7 ? binary.BIT8 : 0) | (binary.BITS7 & num))
271 num = math.floor(num / 128) // shift >>> 7
272 }
276 * A cache to store strings temporarily
277 */
278const _strBuffer = new Uint8Array(30000)
279const _maxStrBSize = _strBuffer.length / 3
282 * Write a variable length string.
283 *
284 * @function
285 * @param {Encoder} encoder
286 * @param {String} str The string that is to be encoded.
287 */
288export const _writeVarStringNative = (encoder, str) => {
289 if (str.length < _maxStrBSize) {
290 // We can encode the string into the existing buffer
291 /* istanbul ignore else */
292 const written = string.utf8TextEncoder.encodeInto(str, _strBuffer).written || 0
293 writeVarUint(encoder, written)
294 for (let i = 0; i < written; i++) {
295 write(encoder, _strBuffer[i])
296 }
297 } else {
298 writeVarUint8Array(encoder, string.encodeUtf8(str))
299 }
303 * Write a variable length string.
304 *
305 * @function
306 * @param {Encoder} encoder
307 * @param {String} str The string that is to be encoded.
308 */
309export const _writeVarStringPolyfill = (encoder, str) => {
310 const encodedString = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str))
311 const len = encodedString.length
312 writeVarUint(encoder, len)
313 for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
314 write(encoder, /** @type {number} */ (encodedString.codePointAt(i)))
315 }
319 * Write a variable length string.
320 *
321 * @function
322 * @param {Encoder} encoder
323 * @param {String} str The string that is to be encoded.
324 */
325/* istanbul ignore next */
326export const writeVarString = string.utf8TextEncoder ? _writeVarStringNative : _writeVarStringPolyfill
329 * Write the content of another Encoder.
330 *
331 * @TODO: can be improved!
332 * - Note: Should consider that when appending a lot of small Encoders, we should rather clone than referencing the old structure.
333 * Encoders start with a rather big initial buffer.
334 *
335 * @function
336 * @param {Encoder} encoder The enUint8Arr
337 * @param {Encoder} append The BinaryEncoder to be written.
338 */
339export const writeBinaryEncoder = (encoder, append) => writeUint8Array(encoder, toUint8Array(append))
342 * Append fixed-length Uint8Array to the encoder.
343 *
344 * @function
345 * @param {Encoder} encoder
346 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
347 */
348export const writeUint8Array = (encoder, uint8Array) => {
349 const bufferLen = encoder.cbuf.length
350 const cpos = encoder.cpos
351 const leftCopyLen = math.min(bufferLen - cpos, uint8Array.length)
352 const rightCopyLen = uint8Array.length - leftCopyLen
353 encoder.cbuf.set(uint8Array.subarray(0, leftCopyLen), cpos)
354 encoder.cpos += leftCopyLen
355 if (rightCopyLen > 0) {
356 // Still something to write, write right half..
357 // Append new buffer
358 encoder.bufs.push(encoder.cbuf)
359 // must have at least size of remaining buffer
360 encoder.cbuf = new Uint8Array(math.max(bufferLen * 2, rightCopyLen))
361 // copy array
362 encoder.cbuf.set(uint8Array.subarray(leftCopyLen))
363 encoder.cpos = rightCopyLen
364 }
368 * Append an Uint8Array to Encoder.
369 *
370 * @function
371 * @param {Encoder} encoder
372 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
373 */
374export const writeVarUint8Array = (encoder, uint8Array) => {
375 writeVarUint(encoder, uint8Array.byteLength)
376 writeUint8Array(encoder, uint8Array)
380 * Create an DataView of the next `len` bytes. Use it to write data after
381 * calling this function.
382 *
383 * ```js
384 * // write float32 using DataView
385 * const dv = writeOnDataView(encoder, 4)
386 * dv.setFloat32(0, 1.1)
387 * // read float32 using DataView
388 * const dv = readFromDataView(encoder, 4)
389 * dv.getFloat32(0) // => 1.100000023841858 (leaving it to the reader to find out why this is the correct result)
390 * ```
391 *
392 * @param {Encoder} encoder
393 * @param {number} len
394 * @return {DataView}
395 */
396export const writeOnDataView = (encoder, len) => {
397 verifyLen(encoder, len)
398 const dview = new DataView(encoder.cbuf.buffer, encoder.cpos, len)
399 encoder.cpos += len
400 return dview
404 * @param {Encoder} encoder
405 * @param {number} num
406 */
407export const writeFloat32 = (encoder, num) => writeOnDataView(encoder, 4).setFloat32(0, num, false)
410 * @param {Encoder} encoder
411 * @param {number} num
412 */
413export const writeFloat64 = (encoder, num) => writeOnDataView(encoder, 8).setFloat64(0, num, false)
416 * @param {Encoder} encoder
417 * @param {bigint} num
418 */
419export const writeBigInt64 = (encoder, num) => /** @type {any} */ (writeOnDataView(encoder, 8)).setBigInt64(0, num, false)
422 * @param {Encoder} encoder
423 * @param {bigint} num
424 */
425export const writeBigUint64 = (encoder, num) => /** @type {any} */ (writeOnDataView(encoder, 8)).setBigUint64(0, num, false)
427const floatTestBed = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4))
429 * Check if a number can be encoded as a 32 bit float.
430 *
431 * @param {number} num
432 * @return {boolean}
433 */
434const isFloat32 = num => {
435 floatTestBed.setFloat32(0, num)
436 return floatTestBed.getFloat32(0) === num
440 * Encode data with efficient binary format.
441 *
442 * Differences to JSON:
443 * • Transforms data to a binary format (not to a string)
444 * • Encodes undefined, NaN, and ArrayBuffer (these can't be represented in JSON)
445 * • Numbers are efficiently encoded either as a variable length integer, as a
446 * 32 bit float, as a 64 bit float, or as a 64 bit bigint.
447 *
448 * Encoding table:
449 *
450 * | Data Type | Prefix | Encoding Method | Comment |
451 * | ------------------- | -------- | ------------------ | ------- |
452 * | undefined | 127 | | Functions, symbol, and everything that cannot be identified is encoded as undefined |
453 * | null | 126 | | |
454 * | integer | 125 | writeVarInt | Only encodes 32 bit signed integers |
455 * | float32 | 124 | writeFloat32 | |
456 * | float64 | 123 | writeFloat64 | |
457 * | bigint | 122 | writeBigInt64 | |
458 * | boolean (false) | 121 | | True and false are different data types so we save the following byte |
459 * | boolean (true) | 120 | | - 0b01111000 so the last bit determines whether true or false |
460 * | string | 119 | writeVarString | |
461 * | object<string,any> | 118 | custom | Writes {length} then {length} key-value pairs |
462 * | array<any> | 117 | custom | Writes {length} then {length} json values |
463 * | Uint8Array | 116 | writeVarUint8Array | We use Uint8Array for any kind of binary data |
464 *
465 * Reasons for the decreasing prefix:
466 * We need the first bit for extendability (later we may want to encode the
467 * prefix with writeVarUint). The remaining 7 bits are divided as follows:
468 * [0-30] the beginning of the data range is used for custom purposes
469 * (defined by the function that uses this library)
470 * [31-127] the end of the data range is used for data encoding by
471 * lib0/encoding.js
472 *
473 * @param {Encoder} encoder
474 * @param {undefined|null|number|bigint|boolean|string|Object<string,any>|Array<any>|Uint8Array} data
475 */
476export const writeAny = (encoder, data) => {
477 switch (typeof data) {
478 case 'string':
479 // TYPE 119: STRING
480 write(encoder, 119)
481 writeVarString(encoder, data)
482 break
483 case 'number':
484 if (number.isInteger(data) && math.abs(data) <= binary.BITS31) {
485 // TYPE 125: INTEGER
486 write(encoder, 125)
487 writeVarInt(encoder, data)
488 } else if (isFloat32(data)) {
489 // TYPE 124: FLOAT32
490 write(encoder, 124)
491 writeFloat32(encoder, data)
492 } else {
493 // TYPE 123: FLOAT64
494 write(encoder, 123)
495 writeFloat64(encoder, data)
496 }
497 break
498 case 'bigint':
499 // TYPE 122: BigInt
500 write(encoder, 122)
501 writeBigInt64(encoder, data)
502 break
503 case 'object':
504 if (data === null) {
505 // TYPE 126: null
506 write(encoder, 126)
507 } else if (data instanceof Array) {
508 // TYPE 117: Array
509 write(encoder, 117)
510 writeVarUint(encoder, data.length)
511 for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
512 writeAny(encoder, data[i])
513 }
514 } else if (data instanceof Uint8Array) {
515 // TYPE 116: ArrayBuffer
516 write(encoder, 116)
517 writeVarUint8Array(encoder, data)
518 } else {
519 // TYPE 118: Object
520 write(encoder, 118)
521 const keys = Object.keys(data)
522 writeVarUint(encoder, keys.length)
523 for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
524 const key = keys[i]
525 writeVarString(encoder, key)
526 writeAny(encoder, data[key])
527 }
528 }
529 break
530 case 'boolean':
531 // TYPE 120/121: boolean (true/false)
532 write(encoder, data ? 120 : 121)
533 break
534 default:
535 // TYPE 127: undefined
536 write(encoder, 127)
537 }
541 * Now come a few stateful encoder that have their own classes.
542 */
545 * Basic Run Length Encoder - a basic compression implementation.
546 *
547 * Encodes [1,1,1,7] to [1,3,7,1] (3 times 1, 1 time 7). This encoder might do more harm than good if there are a lot of values that are not repeated.
548 *
549 * It was originally used for image compression. Cool .. article http://csbruce.com/cbm/transactor/pdfs/trans_v7_i06.pdf
550 *
551 * @note T must not be null!
552 *
553 * @template T
554 */
555export class RleEncoder extends Encoder {
556 /**
557 * @param {function(Encoder, T):void} writer
558 */
559 constructor (writer) {
560 super()
561 /**
562 * The writer
563 */
564 this.w = writer
565 /**
566 * Current state
567 * @type {T|null}
568 */
569 this.s = null
570 this.count = 0
571 }
573 /**
574 * @param {T} v
575 */
576 write (v) {
577 if (this.s === v) {
578 this.count++
579 } else {
580 if (this.count > 0) {
581 // flush counter, unless this is the first value (count = 0)
582 writeVarUint(this, this.count - 1) // since count is always > 0, we can decrement by one. non-standard encoding ftw
583 }
584 this.count = 1
585 // write first value
586 this.w(this, v)
587 this.s = v
588 }
589 }
593 * Basic diff decoder using variable length encoding.
594 *
595 * Encodes the values [3, 1100, 1101, 1050, 0] to [3, 1097, 1, -51, -1050] using writeVarInt.
596 */
597export class IntDiffEncoder extends Encoder {
598 /**
599 * @param {number} start
600 */
601 constructor (start) {
602 super()
603 /**
604 * Current state
605 * @type {number}
606 */
607 this.s = start
608 }
610 /**
611 * @param {number} v
612 */
613 write (v) {
614 writeVarInt(this, v - this.s)
615 this.s = v
616 }
620 * A combination of IntDiffEncoder and RleEncoder.
621 *
622 * Basically first writes the IntDiffEncoder and then counts duplicate diffs using RleEncoding.
623 *
624 * Encodes the values [1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6] as [1,1,0,2,1,5] (RLE([1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1]) ⇒ RleIntDiff[1,1,0,2,1,5])
625 */
626export class RleIntDiffEncoder extends Encoder {
627 /**
628 * @param {number} start
629 */
630 constructor (start) {
631 super()
632 /**
633 * Current state
634 * @type {number}
635 */
636 this.s = start
637 this.count = 0
638 }
640 /**
641 * @param {number} v
642 */
643 write (v) {
644 if (this.s === v && this.count > 0) {
645 this.count++
646 } else {
647 if (this.count > 0) {
648 // flush counter, unless this is the first value (count = 0)
649 writeVarUint(this, this.count - 1) // since count is always > 0, we can decrement by one. non-standard encoding ftw
650 }
651 this.count = 1
652 // write first value
653 writeVarInt(this, v - this.s)
654 this.s = v
655 }
656 }
660 * @param {UintOptRleEncoder} encoder
661 */
662const flushUintOptRleEncoder = encoder => {
663 /* istanbul ignore else */
664 if (encoder.count > 0) {
665 // flush counter, unless this is the first value (count = 0)
666 // case 1: just a single value. set sign to positive
667 // case 2: write several values. set sign to negative to indicate that there is a length coming
668 writeVarInt(encoder.encoder, encoder.count === 1 ? encoder.s : -encoder.s)
669 if (encoder.count > 1) {
670 writeVarUint(encoder.encoder, encoder.count - 2) // since count is always > 1, we can decrement by one. non-standard encoding ftw
671 }
672 }
676 * Optimized Rle encoder that does not suffer from the mentioned problem of the basic Rle encoder.
677 *
678 * Internally uses VarInt encoder to write unsigned integers. If the input occurs multiple times, we write
679 * write it as a negative number. The UintOptRleDecoder then understands that it needs to read a count.
680 *
681 * Encodes [1,2,3,3,3] as [1,2,-3,3] (once 1, once 2, three times 3)
682 */
683export class UintOptRleEncoder {
684 constructor () {
685 this.encoder = new Encoder()
686 /**
687 * @type {number}
688 */
689 this.s = 0
690 this.count = 0
691 }
693 /**
694 * @param {number} v
695 */
696 write (v) {
697 if (this.s === v) {
698 this.count++
699 } else {
700 flushUintOptRleEncoder(this)
701 this.count = 1
702 this.s = v
703 }
704 }
706 toUint8Array () {
707 flushUintOptRleEncoder(this)
708 return toUint8Array(this.encoder)
709 }
713 * Increasing Uint Optimized RLE Encoder
714 *
715 * The RLE encoder counts the number of same occurences of the same value.
716 * The IncUintOptRle encoder counts if the value increases.
717 * I.e. 7, 8, 9, 10 will be encoded as [-7, 4]. 1, 3, 5 will be encoded
718 * as [1, 3, 5].
719 */
720export class IncUintOptRleEncoder {
721 constructor () {
722 this.encoder = new Encoder()
723 /**
724 * @type {number}
725 */
726 this.s = 0
727 this.count = 0
728 }
730 /**
731 * @param {number} v
732 */
733 write (v) {
734 if (this.s + this.count === v) {
735 this.count++
736 } else {
737 flushUintOptRleEncoder(this)
738 this.count = 1
739 this.s = v
740 }
741 }
743 toUint8Array () {
744 flushUintOptRleEncoder(this)
745 return toUint8Array(this.encoder)
746 }
750 * @param {IntDiffOptRleEncoder} encoder
751 */
752const flushIntDiffOptRleEncoder = encoder => {
753 if (encoder.count > 0) {
754 // 31 bit making up the diff | wether to write the counter
755 // const encodedDiff = encoder.diff << 1 | (encoder.count === 1 ? 0 : 1)
756 const encodedDiff = encoder.diff * 2 + (encoder.count === 1 ? 0 : 1)
757 // flush counter, unless this is the first value (count = 0)
758 // case 1: just a single value. set first bit to positive
759 // case 2: write several values. set first bit to negative to indicate that there is a length coming
760 writeVarInt(encoder.encoder, encodedDiff)
761 if (encoder.count > 1) {
762 writeVarUint(encoder.encoder, encoder.count - 2) // since count is always > 1, we can decrement by one. non-standard encoding ftw
763 }
764 }
768 * A combination of the IntDiffEncoder and the UintOptRleEncoder.
769 *
770 * The count approach is similar to the UintDiffOptRleEncoder, but instead of using the negative bitflag, it encodes
771 * in the LSB whether a count is to be read. Therefore this Encoder only supports 31 bit integers!
772 *
773 * Encodes [1, 2, 3, 2] as [3, 1, 6, -1] (more specifically [(1 << 1) | 1, (3 << 0) | 0, -1])
774 *
775 * Internally uses variable length encoding. Contrary to normal UintVar encoding, the first byte contains:
776 * * 1 bit that denotes whether the next value is a count (LSB)
777 * * 1 bit that denotes whether this value is negative (MSB - 1)
778 * * 1 bit that denotes whether to continue reading the variable length integer (MSB)
779 *
780 * Therefore, only five bits remain to encode diff ranges.
781 *
782 * Use this Encoder only when appropriate. In most cases, this is probably a bad idea.
783 */
784export class IntDiffOptRleEncoder {
785 constructor () {
786 this.encoder = new Encoder()
787 /**
788 * @type {number}
789 */
790 this.s = 0
791 this.count = 0
792 this.diff = 0
793 }
795 /**
796 * @param {number} v
797 */
798 write (v) {
799 if (this.diff === v - this.s) {
800 this.s = v
801 this.count++
802 } else {
803 flushIntDiffOptRleEncoder(this)
804 this.count = 1
805 this.diff = v - this.s
806 this.s = v
807 }
808 }
810 toUint8Array () {
811 flushIntDiffOptRleEncoder(this)
812 return toUint8Array(this.encoder)
813 }
817 * Optimized String Encoder.
818 *
819 * Encoding many small strings in a simple Encoder is not very efficient. The function call to decode a string takes some time and creates references that must be eventually deleted.
820 * In practice, when decoding several million small strings, the GC will kick in more and more often to collect orphaned string objects (or maybe there is another reason?).
821 *
822 * This string encoder solves the above problem. All strings are concatenated and written as a single string using a single encoding call.
823 *
824 * The lengths are encoded using a UintOptRleEncoder.
825 */
826export class StringEncoder {
827 constructor () {
828 /**
829 * @type {Array<string>}
830 */
831 this.sarr = []
832 this.s = ''
833 this.lensE = new UintOptRleEncoder()
834 }
836 /**
837 * @param {string} string
838 */
839 write (string) {
840 this.s += string
841 if (this.s.length > 19) {
842 this.sarr.push(this.s)
843 this.s = ''
844 }
845 this.lensE.write(string.length)
846 }
848 toUint8Array () {
849 const encoder = new Encoder()
850 this.sarr.push(this.s)
851 this.s = ''
852 writeVarString(encoder, this.sarr.join(''))
853 writeUint8Array(encoder, this.lensE.toUint8Array())
854 return toUint8Array(encoder)
855 }