930 BTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Utility module to work with strings.
3 *
4 * @module string
5 */
6export const fromCharCode: (...codes: number[]) => string;
7export const fromCodePoint: (...codePoints: number[]) => string;
8export function trimLeft(s: string): string;
9export function fromCamelCase(s: string, separator: string): string;
10export function utf8ByteLength(str: string): number;
11export function _encodeUtf8Polyfill(str: string): Uint8Array;
12export const utf8TextEncoder: TextEncoder;
13export function _encodeUtf8Native(str: string): Uint8Array;
14export function encodeUtf8(str: string): Uint8Array;
15export function _decodeUtf8Polyfill(buf: Uint8Array): string;
16export let utf8TextDecoder: TextDecoder | null;
17export function _decodeUtf8Native(buf: Uint8Array): string;
18export function decodeUtf8(buf: Uint8Array): string;
19export function splice(str: string, index: number, remove: number, insert?: string): string;
20//# sourceMappingURL=string.d.ts.map
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