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1import { GalleryItem } from './lg-utils';
2import { LgQuery } from './lgQuery';
3import { LightGallery } from './lightgallery';
4import { AutoplaySettings } from './plugins/autoplay/lg-autoplay-settings';
5import { CommentSettings } from './plugins/comment/lg-comment-settings';
6import { FullscreenSettings } from './plugins/fullscreen/lg-fullscreen-settings';
7import { HashSettings } from './plugins/hash/lg-hash-settings';
8import { PagerSettings } from './plugins/pager/lg-pager-settings';
9import { RotateSettings } from './plugins/rotate/lg-rotate-settings';
10import { ShareSettings } from './plugins/share/lg-share-settings';
11import { ThumbnailsSettings } from './plugins/thumbnail/lg-thumbnail-settings';
12import { VideoSettings } from './plugins/video/lg-video-settings';
13import { ZoomSettings } from './plugins/zoom/lg-zoom-settings';
14declare type LightGalleryCoreMobileSettings = Exclude<LightGalleryCoreSettings, 'mobileSettings'>;
15export interface MobileSettings extends LightGalleryCoreMobileSettings, Partial<ZoomSettings>, Partial<ThumbnailsSettings>, Partial<VideoSettings>, Partial<AutoplaySettings>, Partial<CommentSettings>, Partial<FullscreenSettings>, Partial<HashSettings>, Partial<PagerSettings>, Partial<RotateSettings>, Partial<ShareSettings> {
17export interface LightGalleryCoreStrings {
18 closeGallery: string;
19 toggleMaximize: string;
20 previousSlide: string;
21 nextSlide: string;
22 download: string;
23 playVideo: string;
25export declare type LightGalleryAllSettings = LightGalleryCoreSettings & ZoomSettings & ThumbnailsSettings & VideoSettings & AutoplaySettings & CommentSettings & FullscreenSettings & HashSettings & PagerSettings & RotateSettings & ShareSettings;
26export declare type LightGallerySettings = Partial<LightGalleryAllSettings>;
27export interface LightGalleryCoreSettings {
28 /**
29 * Type of transition between images.
30 */
31 mode: 'lg-slide' | 'lg-fade' | 'lg-zoom-in' | 'lg-zoom-in-big' | 'lg-zoom-out' | 'lg-zoom-out-big' | 'lg-zoom-out-in' | 'lg-zoom-in-out' | 'lg-soft-zoom' | 'lg-scale-up' | 'lg-slide-circular' | 'lg-slide-circular-vertical' | 'lg-slide-vertical' | 'lg-slide-vertical-growth' | 'lg-slide-skew-only' | 'lg-slide-skew-only-rev' | 'lg-slide-skew-only-y' | 'lg-slide-skew-only-y-rev' | 'lg-slide-skew' | 'lg-slide-skew-rev' | 'lg-slide-skew-cross' | 'lg-slide-skew-cross-rev' | 'lg-slide-skew-ver' | 'lg-slide-skew-ver-rev' | 'lg-slide-skew-ver-cross' | 'lg-slide-skew-ver-cross-rev' | 'lg-lollipop' | 'lg-lollipop-rev' | 'lg-rotate' | 'lg-rotate-rev' | 'lg-tube';
32 /**
33 * Slide animation CSS easing property
34 */
35 easing: string;
36 /**
37 *Transition duration (in ms).
38 */
39 speed: number;
40 /**
41 * If you are using lightGallery for commercial projects, you need to purchase a commercial license
42 * to get the license key. For projects that are compatible with GPLv3 license,
43 * please contact us for getting a license key at <a href="mailto:contact@lightgalleryjs.com">contact@lightgalleryjs.com</a>.
44 * If you want to test lightGallery before purchasing a commercial license, you can
45 * use `0000-0000-000-0000` as a temporary license key
46 */
47 licenseKey: string;
48 /**
49 * Height of the gallery.
50 * example '100%' , '300px'
51 */
52 height: string;
53 /**
54 * Width of the gallery.
55 * example '100%' , '300px'
56 */
57 width: string;
58 /**
59 * Add custom class for gallery container
60 * This can be used to set different style for different galleries
61 */
62 addClass: string;
63 /**
64 * Start animation class for the gallery.
65 * @description
66 * <ul>
67 * <li>startClass will be empty zoomFromOrigin is true.</li>
68 * <li>This can be used to change the starting effect when the image is loaded</li>
69 * <li>This is also applied when navigating to new slides</li>
70 * </ul>
71 */
72 startClass: string;
73 /**
74 * Enable zoom from origin effect.
75 * @description You need to know the original image size upfront and provide it via data-lg-size attribute as <code> data-lg-size="1920-1280</code>"
76 *
77 * If you don't know, the size of a few images in the list, you can skip the data-lg-size attribute for the particular slides,
78 * lightGallery will show the default animation if data-lg-size is not available
79 *
80 * If you are using responsive images,
81 * you can pass a comma separated list of sizes combined with a max-width (up to what size the particular image should be used)
82 *
83 * example -
84 * <code> data-lg-size="240-160-375, 400-267-480, 1600-1067"
85 * data-responsive="img-240.jpg 375, img-400.jpg 480"
86 * data-src="img-1600.jpg" </code>
87 *
88 * In the above example, upto 375 width img.240.jpg and lg-size 240-160 will be used.
89 * Similarly, upto 480 pixel width size 400-267 and img-400.jpg will be used
90 * And above 480, lg-size 1600-1067 and img-1600.jpg will be used
91 *
92 * <ul>
93 * <li>At the moment, zoomFromOrigin options is supported only for image slides.</li>
94 * <li>Will be false if dynamic option is enabled or galleryID found in the URL.</li>
95 * <li>startClass will be empty if zoomFromOrigin is true to avoid css conflicts.</li>
96 * </ul>
97 */
98 zoomFromOrigin: boolean;
99 /**
100 * Zoom from image animation duration
101 */
102 startAnimationDuration: number;
103 /**
104 * Backdrop transition duration.
105 * Note - Do not change the value of backdrop via css.
106 */
107 backdropDuration: number;
108 /**
109 * Configure where the gallery should be appended.
110 * Useful to create inline galleries and more
111 * It is an empty string in the default settings and later assigned to document.body to avoid accessing document for SSR
112 */
113 container: HTMLElement | '';
114 /**
115 * Delay for hiding gallery controls in ms.
116 * Pass <code>0</code> if you don't want to hide the controls
117 */
118 hideBarsDelay: number;
119 /**
120 * Delay in hiding controls for the first time when gallery is opened
121 */
122 showBarsAfter: number;
123 /**
124 * Delay slide transitions.
125 * @description This is useful if you want to do any action in the current slide before moving to next slide.
126 * <section>
127 * For example, fading out the captions before going to next slide.
128 * <code>.lg-slide-progress</code> class name is added to the current slide immediately after calling the slide method.
129 * But transition begins only after the delay
130 * </section>
131 */
132 slideDelay: number;
133 /**
134 * Support legacy browsers
135 * @description Currently this is used only for adding support to srcset attribute via picturefill library
136 * If true lightGallery will show warning message to include picturefill library
137 */
138 supportLegacyBrowser: boolean;
139 /**
140 * If true, toolbar, captions and thumbnails will not overlap with media element
141 * This will not effect thumbnails if animateThumb is false
142 * Also, toggle thumbnails button is not displayed if allowMediaOverlap is false
143 * <section>
144 * Note - Changing the position of the media on every slide transition creates a flickering effect.
145 * Therefore, the height of the caption is calculated dynamically, only once based on the first slide caption.
146 * </section>
147 * <section>
148 * if you have dynamic captions for each media,
149 * you can provide an appropriate height for the captions via allowMediaOverlap option
150 * </section>
151 */
152 allowMediaOverlap: boolean;
153 /**
154 * Video max size.
155 * @description This can be over-written by passing specific size via data-lg-size attribute
156 * Recommended video resolution and & aspect ratios <a href="https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6375112">https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6375112</a>
157 */
158 videoMaxSize: string;
159 /**
160 * Automatically load poster image for YouTube videos
161 */
162 loadYouTubePoster: boolean;
163 /**
164 * Height of the caption for calculating allowMediaOverlap positions
165 * Note - this is only used to find the position of media item if allowMediaOverlap is true.
166 * Not for setting height of the captions
167 * Set 0 if you want to calculate the height of captions dynamically
168 */
169 defaultCaptionHeight: number;
170 /**
171 * aria-labelledby attribute fot gallery
172 */
173 ariaLabelledby: string;
174 /**
175 * aria-describedby attribute for gallery
176 */
177 ariaDescribedby: string;
178 /**
179 * Hide scrollbar when gallery is opened
180 * @version V2.5.0
181 */
182 hideScrollbar: boolean;
183 /**
184 * Reset to previous scrollPosition when lightGallery is closed
185 * @description By default, lightGallery doesn't hide the scrollbar for a smooth opening transition.
186 * If a user changes the scroll position, lightGallery resets it to the previous value
187 * @version V2.5.0
188 */
189 resetScrollPosition: boolean;
190 /**
191 * If false user won't be abel to close the gallery at all
192 * This is useful for creating inline galleries.
193 */
194 closable: boolean;
195 /**
196 * allows vertical drag/swipe to close gallery
197 * <code>false</code> if option <code>closable</code> is <code>false</code>
198 */
199 swipeToClose: boolean;
200 /**
201 * allows clicks on black area to close gallery.
202 */
203 closeOnTap: boolean;
204 /**
205 * If false, close button won't be displayed.
206 * Useful for creating inline galleries.
207 */
208 showCloseIcon: boolean;
209 /**
210 * Show maximize icon.
211 * Useful for creating inline galleries.
212 */
213 showMaximizeIcon: boolean;
214 /**
215 * If false, will disable the ability to loop back to the beginning of the gallery from the last slide.
216 */
217 loop: boolean;
218 /**
219 * Whether the LightGallery could be closed by pressing the "Esc" key.
220 */
221 escKey: boolean;
222 /**
223 * Enable keyboard navigation
224 */
225 keyPress: boolean;
226 /**
227 * Trap focus within the lightGallery
228 * @version V2.5.0
229 */
230 trapFocus: boolean;
231 /**
232 * If false, prev/next buttons will not be displayed.
233 */
234 controls: boolean;
235 /**
236 * Enable slideEnd animation
237 */
238 slideEndAnimation: boolean;
239 /**
240 * If true, prev/next button will be hidden on first/last image.
241 */
242 hideControlOnEnd: boolean;
243 /**
244 * ability to navigate to next/prev slides on mousewheel
245 */
246 mousewheel: boolean;
247 /**
248 * Option to get captions from alt or title tags.
249 */
250 getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt: boolean;
251 /**
252 * control where the sub-html should be appended.
253 * If you choose '.lg-outer', you are responsible for placing the div at the right position.
254 * '.lg-outer' is useful if you want show custom HTML outside the normal gallery
255 */
256 appendSubHtmlTo: '.lg-sub-html' | '.lg-item' | '.lg-outer';
257 /**
258 * Set to true if the selector in "data-sub-html" should use the current item as its origin.
259 */
260 subHtmlSelectorRelative: boolean;
261 /**
262 * number of preload slides
263 * @description will exicute only after the current slide is fully loaded.
264 * for example, if you click on 4th image and if preload = 1 then 3rd slide and 5th
265 * slide will be loaded in the background after the 4th slide is fully loaded..
266 * if preload is 2 then 2nd 3rd 5th 6th slides will be preloaded.
267 */
268 preload: number;
269 /**
270 * Control how many slide items should be kept in dom at a time
271 * @description To improve performance by reducing number of gallery items in the dom,
272 * lightGallery keeps only the lowest possible number of slides in the dom at a time.
273 * This has a minimum value of 3
274 */
275 numberOfSlideItemsInDom: number;
276 /**
277 * Custom selector property instead of direct children.
278 * @description Based on your markup structure, you can specify custom selectors to fetch media data for the gallery
279 * Pass "this" to select same element
280 * You can also pass HTMLCollection directly
281 * Example - '.my-selector' | '#my-selector' | this | document.querySelectorAll('.my-selector')
282 */
283 selector: string | HTMLCollection[];
284 /**
285 * By default selector element relative to the current gallery.
286 * Instead of that you can tell lightGallery to select element relative to another element.
287 * Example - '.my-selector-container' | '#my-selector-container'
288 * In the code this become selector = document.querySelector(this.s.selectWithin ).querySelectorAll(this.s.selector);
289 */
290 selectWithin: string;
291 /**
292 * Custom html for next control
293 */
294 nextHtml: string;
295 /**
296 * Custom html for prev control
297 */
298 prevHtml: string;
299 /**
300 * specify which slide should load initially
301 */
302 index: number;
303 /**
304 * Set width for iframe.
305 */
306 iframeWidth: string;
307 /**
308 * Set height for iframe.
309 */
310 iframeHeight: string;
311 /**
312 * Set max width for iframe.
313 */
314 iframeMaxWidth: string;
315 /**
316 * Set max height for iframe.
317 */
318 iframeMaxHeight: string;
319 /**
320 * Enable download button.
321 * @description By default download url will be taken from data-src/href attribute but it supports only for modern browsers.
322 * If you want you can provide another url for download via data-download-url.
323 * pass false in data-download-url if you want to hide download button for the particular slide.
324 */
325 download: boolean;
326 /**
327 * Whether to show total number of images and index number of currently displayed image.
328 */
329 counter: boolean;
330 /**
331 * Where the counter should be appended
332 */
333 appendCounterTo: string;
334 /**
335 * By setting the swipeThreshold (in px) you can set how far the user must swipe for the next/prev image.
336 */
337 swipeThreshold: number;
338 /**
339 * Enables swipe support for touch devices
340 */
341 enableSwipe: boolean;
342 /**
343 * Enables desktop mouse drag support
344 */
345 enableDrag: boolean;
346 /**
347 * LightGallery can be instantiated and launched programmatically by setting this option to true and populating dynamicEl option (see below) with the definitions of images.
348 */
349 dynamic: boolean;
350 /**
351 * An array of objects (src, iframe, subHtml, thumb, poster, responsive, srcset sizes) representing gallery elements.
352 */
353 dynamicEl: GalleryItem[];
354 /**
355 * Fetch custom properties from the selector
356 * @description this is useful for plugin development
357 * By default lightGallery fetches and store all the props selectors to
358 * reduce frequent dom interaction for fetching props every time.
359 *
360 * If you need any addition data to be fetched and stored in the galleryItems variable,
361 * you can do this just by passing the prop names via extraProps
362 * @example
363 * HTML:
364 * <div id="lightGallery">
365 * <a href="a.jpg" data-custom-prop="abc"><img src="thumb.jpg" /></a>
366 * <a href="a.jpg" data-custom-prop="xyz"><img src="thumb.jpg" /></a>
367 * </div>
368 * JS:
369 * lightGallery(document.getElementById('lightGallery'), {
370 * extraProps: ['customProp']
371 * })
372 * // Note - If you are using dynamic mode, you can pass any custom prop in the galleryItem
373 * lightGallery(document.getElementById('lightGallery'), {
374 * dynamic: true,
375 * dynamicEl: [{
376 * src: 'img/img1.jpg',
377 * customProp:'abc',
378 * }]
379 * })
380 *
381 */
382 extraProps: string[];
383 /**
384 * Option to fetch different thumbnail image other than first image
385 * @description If you want to use external image for thumbnail,
386 * add the path of that image inside "data-" attribute
387 * and set value of this option to the name of your custom attribute.
388 *
389 * @example
390 * <div id="lightGallery">
391 * <a href="a.jpg" data-external-thumb-image="images/externalThumb.jpg" ><img src="thumb.jpg" /></a>
392 * </div>
393 *
394 * lightGallery(document.getElementById('lightGallery'), {
395 * exThumbImage: 'data-external-thumb-image'
396 * })
397 */
398 exThumbImage: string;
399 /**
400 * Function to detect mobile devices
401 */
402 isMobile?: () => boolean;
403 /**
404 * Separate settings for mobile devices
405 * @description Note - this is applied only at the time of loading
406 * by default controls and close buttons are disabled on mobile devices.
407 * use this options if you want to enable them or change any other settings for mobile devices
408 * Note - mobileSettings does not merge default values, You need to provide all mobileSettings including default values
409 */
410 mobileSettings: Partial<MobileSettings>;
411 /**
412 * Aria label strings for lightGallery core modules.
413 * @description This can be useful if you want to localize the lightGallery strings to other languages.
414 * Use your own service to translate the strings and pass it via settings.strings
415 * You can find dedicated strings option for all lightGallery modules in their respective documentation.
416 */
417 strings: LightGalleryCoreStrings;
418 plugins: (new (instance: LightGallery, $LG: LgQuery) => any)[];
420export declare const lightGalleryCoreSettings: LightGalleryCoreSettings;
421export {};
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