8.32 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { lgQuery } from './lgQuery';
2import { VideoSource } from './plugins/video/types';
3import { VideoInfo } from './types';
4export interface ImageSize {
5 width: number;
6 height: number;
8export interface ImageSources {
9 media?: string;
10 srcset: string;
11 sizes?: string;
12 type?: string;
14export interface GalleryItem {
15 /**
16 * url of the media
17 * @data-attr data-src
18 */
19 src?: string;
20 /**
21 * Source attributes for the <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/source#attributes">picture</a> element
22 * @data-attr data-sources
23 */
24 sources?: ImageSources[];
25 /**
26 * Thumbnail url
27 * @description By default lightGallery uses the image inside gallery selector as thumbnail.
28 * But, If you want to use external image for thumbnail,
29 * pass the thumbnail url via any data attribute and
30 * pass the attribute name via exThumbImage option
31 * @example
32 * <div id="lightGallery">
33 * <a href="a.jpg" data-external-thumb-image="images/externalThumb.jpg" ><img src="thumb.jpg" /></a>
34 * </div>
35 *
36 * lightGallery(document.getElementById('lightGallery'), {
37 * exThumbImage: 'data-external-thumb-image'
38 * })
39 * @data-attr data-*
40 */
41 thumb?: string;
42 /**
43 * alt attribute for the image
44 * @data-attr alt
45 */
46 alt?: string;
47 /**
48 * Title attribute for the video
49 * @data-attr title
50 */
51 title?: string;
52 /**
53 * Title for iframe
54 * @data-attr data-iframe-title
55 */
56 iframeTitle?: string;
57 /**
58 * Caption for the slide
59 * @description You can either pass the HTML markup or the ID or class name of the element which contains the captions
60 * @data-attr data-sub-html
61 */
62 subHtml?: string;
63 /**
64 * url of the file which contain the sub html.
65 * @description Note - Does not support Internet Explorer browser
66 * @data-attr data-sub-html-url
67 */
68 subHtmlUrl?: string;
69 /**
70 * Video source
71 * @data-attr data-video
72 */
73 video?: VideoSource;
74 /**
75 * Poster url
76 * @data-attr data-poster
77 */
78 poster?: string;
79 /**
80 * Custom slide name to use in the url when hash plugin is enabled
81 * @data-attr data-slide-name
82 */
83 slideName?: string;
84 /**
85 * List of images and viewport's max width separated by comma.
86 * @description Ex?: img/1-375.jpg 375, img/1-480.jpg 480, img/1-757.jpg 757.
87 * @data-attr data-responsive
88 */
89 responsive?: string;
90 /**
91 * srcset attribute values for the main image
92 * @data-attr data-srcset
93 */
94 srcset?: string;
95 /**
96 * srcset sizes attribute for the main image
97 * @data-attr data-sizes
98 */
99 sizes?: string;
100 /**
101 * Set true is you want to open your url in an iframe
102 * @data-attr data-iframe
103 */
104 iframe?: boolean;
105 /**
106 * Download url for your image/video.
107 * @description Pass false if you want to disable the download button.
108 * @data-attr data-download-url
109 */
110 downloadUrl?: string | boolean;
111 /**
112 * Name of the file after it is downloaded.
113 * @description The HTML value of the download attribute.
114 * There are no restrictions on allowed values, and the browser will automatically
115 * detect the correct file extension and add it to the file (.img, .pdf, .txt, .html, etc.).
116 * <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a#attr-download">More info</a>
117 * @data-attr data-download
118 */
119 download?: string | boolean;
120 /**
121 * Actual size of the image in px.
122 * @description This is used in zoom plugin to see the actual size of the image when double taped on the image.
123 * @data-attr data-width
124 */
125 width?: string;
126 /**
127 * Facebook share URL.
128 * @description Specify only if you want to provide separate share URL for the specific slide. By default, current browser URL is taken.
129 * @data-attr data-facebook-share-url
130 */
131 facebookShareUrl?: string;
132 /**
133 * Tweet text
134 * @data-attr data-tweet-text
135 */
136 tweetText?: string;
137 /**
138 * Twitter share URL.
139 * @description Specify only if you want to provide separate share URL for the specific slide. By default, current browser URL will be taken.
140 * @data-attr data-twitter-share-url
141 */
142 twitterShareUrl?: string;
143 /**
144 * Pinterest share URL.
145 * @description Specify only if you want to provide separate share URL for the specific slide. By default, current browser URL will be taken.
146 * Note?: Pinterest requires absolute URL
147 * @data-attr data-pinterest-share-url
148 */
149 pinterestShareUrl?: string;
150 /**
151 * Description for Pinterest post.
152 * @data-attr data-pinterest-text
153 */
154 pinterestText?: string;
155 /**
156 * Facebook comments body html
157 * @description Please refer <a href="https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments/#comments-plugin">facebook official documentation</a> for generating the HTML markup
158 * @example
159 * <div
160 * class="fb-comments"
161 * data-href="https://www.lightgalleryjs.com/demos/comment-box/#facebook-comments-demo"
162 * data-width="400"
163 * data-numposts="5">
164 * </div>
165 * @data-attr data-fb-html
166 */
167 fbHtml?: string;
168 /**
169 * Disqus page identifier
170 * @description Please refer official <a href="https://help.disqus.com/en/articles/1717084-javascript-configuration-variables">disqus documentation</a> for more info
171 * @data-attr data-disqus-identifier
172 */
173 disqusIdentifier?: string;
174 /**
175 * Disqus page url
176 * @description Please refer official <a href="https://help.disqus.com/en/articles/1717084-javascript-configuration-variables">disqus documentation</a> for more info
177 * @data-attr data-disqus-url
178 */
179 disqusUrl?: string;
180 __slideVideoInfo?: VideoInfo;
181 [key: string]: any;
183export declare function convertToData(attr: string): string;
184declare const utils: {
185 /**
186 * get possible width and height from the lgSize attribute. Used for ZoomFromOrigin option
187 */
188 getSize(el: HTMLElement, container: lgQuery, spacing?: number, defaultLgSize?: string | undefined): ImageSize | undefined;
189 /**
190 * @desc Get transform value based on the imageSize. Used for ZoomFromOrigin option
191 * @param {jQuery Element}
192 * @returns {String} Transform CSS string
193 */
194 getTransform(el: HTMLElement, container: lgQuery, top: number, bottom: number, imageSize?: ImageSize | undefined): string | undefined;
195 getIframeMarkup(iframeWidth: string, iframeHeight: string, iframeMaxWidth: string, iframeMaxHeight: string, src?: string | undefined, iframeTitle?: string | undefined): string;
196 getImgMarkup(index: number, src: string, altAttr: string, srcset?: string | undefined, sizes?: string | undefined, sources?: ImageSources[] | undefined): string;
197 getResponsiveSrc(srcItms: string[]): string;
198 isImageLoaded(img: HTMLImageElement): boolean;
199 getVideoPosterMarkup(_poster: string, dummyImg: string, videoContStyle: string, playVideoString: string, _isVideo?: VideoInfo | undefined): string;
200 getFocusableElements(container: HTMLElement): NodeListOf<Element>;
201 /**
202 * @desc Create dynamic elements array from gallery items when dynamic option is false
203 * It helps to avoid frequent DOM interaction
204 * and avoid multiple checks for dynamic elments
205 *
206 * @returns {Array} dynamicEl
207 */
208 getDynamicOptions(items: any, extraProps: string[], getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt: boolean, exThumbImage: string): GalleryItem[];
209 isMobile(): boolean;
210 /**
211 * @desc Check the given src is video
212 * @param {String} src
213 * @return {Object} video type
214 * Ex:{ youtube : ["//www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0asJgSyxcY", "c0asJgSyxcY"] }
215 *
216 * @todo - this information can be moved to dynamicEl to avoid frequent calls
217 */
218 isVideo(src: string, isHTML5VIdeo: boolean, index: number): VideoInfo | undefined;
220export default utils;