3.51 kBJSONView Raw
2 "definitions": {},
3 "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
4 "$id": "https://lineup.js.org/develop/schema.4.0.0.json",
5 "type": "object",
6 "title": "LineUp Dump Schema",
7 "properties": {
8 "uid": {
9 "type": "integer",
10 "title": "base for genrating new uids"
11 },
12 "selection": {
13 "type": "array",
14 "title": "list of selected data indices",
15 "items": {
16 "type": "number"
17 }
18 },
19 "aggregations": {
20 "type": "object",
21 "title": "key value of aggregation states",
22 "additionalProperties": true
23 },
24 "showTopN": {
25 "type": "integer",
26 "title": "set show top N value"
27 },
28 "rankings": {
29 "type": "array",
30 "title": "list of rankings",
31 "items": {
32 "type": "object",
33 "title": "one ranking",
34 "properties": {
35 "columns": {
36 "type": "array",
37 "title": "column dumps",
38 "items": {
39 "type": "object",
40 "title": "a column dump",
41 "required": ["id", "desc"],
42 "additionalProperties": true,
43 "properties": {
44 "id": {
45 "type": "string",
46 "title": "column id"
47 },
48 "desc": {
49 "title": "column desc",
50 "examples": ["rank", "string", "number"]
51 },
52 "width": {
53 "type": "integer",
54 "title": "column width",
55 "examples": [100]
56 },
57 "label": {
58 "type": "string",
59 "title": "column label"
60 },
61 "renderer": {
62 "type": "string",
63 "title": "column item renderer"
64 },
65 "groupRenderer": {
66 "type": "string",
67 "title": "column group renderer"
68 },
69 "summaryRenderer": {
70 "type": "string",
71 "title": "column summary renderer"
72 }
73 }
74 }
75 },
76 "sortCriteria": {
77 "type": "array",
78 "title": "list of columns the ranking is sorted by",
79 "items": {
80 "type": "object",
81 "title": "sort criteria",
82 "required": ["sortBy", "asc"],
83 "properties": {
84 "sortBy": {
85 "type": "string",
86 "title": "column id"
87 },
88 "asc": {
89 "type": "boolean"
90 }
91 }
92 }
93 },
94 "groupSortCriteria": {
95 "type": "array",
96 "title": "list of columns the ranking is group sorted by",
97 "items": {
98 "type": "object",
99 "title": "sort criteria",
100 "required": ["sortBy", "asc"],
101 "properties": {
102 "sortBy": {
103 "type": "string",
104 "title": "column id"
105 },
106 "asc": {
107 "type": "boolean"
108 }
109 }
110 }
111 },
112 "groupColumns": {
113 "type": "array",
114 "title": "list of columns the ranking is grouped by",
115 "items": {
116 "type": "string",
117 "title": "column id"
118 }
119 }
120 }
121 }
122 }
123 }