3.64 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
3const { redBright, dim } = require('chalk')
4const execa = require('execa')
5const debug = require('debug')('lint-staged:task')
6const { parseArgsStringToArgv } = require('string-argv')
7const { error, info } = require('log-symbols')
9const { getInitialState } = require('./state')
10const { TaskError } = require('./symbols')
12const getTag = ({ code, killed, signal }) => signal || (killed && 'KILLED') || code || 'FAILED'
15 * Handle task console output.
16 *
17 * @param {string} command
18 * @param {Object} result
19 * @param {string} result.stdout
20 * @param {string} result.stderr
21 * @param {boolean} result.failed
22 * @param {boolean} result.killed
23 * @param {string} result.signal
24 * @param {Object} ctx
25 * @returns {Error}
26 */
27const handleOutput = (command, result, ctx, isError = false) => {
28 const { stderr, stdout } = result
29 const hasOutput = !!stderr || !!stdout
31 if (hasOutput) {
32 const outputTitle = isError ? redBright(`${error} ${command}:`) : `${info} ${command}:`
33 const output = []
34 .concat(ctx.quiet ? [] : ['', outputTitle])
35 .concat(stderr ? stderr : [])
36 .concat(stdout ? stdout : [])
37 ctx.output.push(output.join('\n'))
38 } else if (isError) {
39 // Show generic error when task had no output
40 const tag = getTag(result)
41 const message = redBright(`\n${error} ${command} failed without output (${tag}).`)
42 if (!ctx.quiet) ctx.output.push(message)
43 }
47 * Create a error output dependding on process result.
48 *
49 * @param {string} command
50 * @param {Object} result
51 * @param {string} result.stdout
52 * @param {string} result.stderr
53 * @param {boolean} result.failed
54 * @param {boolean} result.killed
55 * @param {string} result.signal
56 * @param {Object} ctx
57 * @returns {Error}
58 */
59const makeErr = (command, result, ctx) => {
60 ctx.errors.add(TaskError)
61 handleOutput(command, result, ctx, true)
62 const tag = getTag(result)
63 return new Error(`${redBright(command)} ${dim(`[${tag}]`)}`)
67 * Returns the task function for the linter.
68 *
69 * @param {Object} options
70 * @param {string} options.command — Linter task
71 * @param {String} options.gitDir - Current git repo path
72 * @param {Boolean} options.isFn - Whether the linter task is a function
73 * @param {Array<string>} options.files — Filepaths to run the linter task against
74 * @param {Boolean} [options.relative] — Whether the filepaths should be relative
75 * @param {Boolean} [options.shell] — Whether to skip parsing linter task for better shell support
76 * @param {Boolean} [options.verbose] — Always show task verbose
77 * @returns {function(): Promise<Array<string>>}
78 */
79module.exports = function resolveTaskFn({
80 command,
81 files,
82 gitDir,
83 isFn,
84 relative,
85 shell = false,
86 verbose = false,
87}) {
88 const [cmd, ...args] = parseArgsStringToArgv(command)
89 debug('cmd:', cmd)
90 debug('args:', args)
92 const execaOptions = { preferLocal: true, reject: false, shell }
93 if (relative) {
94 execaOptions.cwd = process.cwd()
95 } else if (/^git(\.exe)?/i.test(cmd) && gitDir !== process.cwd()) {
96 // Only use gitDir as CWD if we are using the git binary
97 // e.g `npm` should run tasks in the actual CWD
98 execaOptions.cwd = gitDir
99 }
100 debug('execaOptions:', execaOptions)
102 return async (ctx = getInitialState()) => {
103 const result = await (shell
104 ? execa.command(isFn ? command : `${command} ${files.join(' ')}`, execaOptions)
105 : execa(cmd, isFn ? args : args.concat(files), execaOptions))
107 if (result.failed || result.killed || result.signal != null) {
108 throw makeErr(command, result, ctx)
109 }
111 if (verbose) {
112 handleOutput(command, result, ctx)
113 }
114 }