1 | #!/usr/bin/env node
2 |
3 | import fs from 'node:fs'
4 | import path from 'node:path'
5 | import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
6 |
7 | import { Option, program } from 'commander'
8 | import debug from 'debug'
9 | import supportsColor from 'supports-color'
10 |
11 | import lintStaged from '../lib/index.js'
12 | import { CONFIG_STDIN_ERROR } from '../lib/messages.js'
13 |
14 |
15 | if (supportsColor.stdout) {
16 | process.env.FORCE_COLOR = supportsColor.stdout.level.toString()
17 | }
18 |
19 |
20 | process.on('SIGINT', () => {})
21 |
22 | const packageJsonPath = path.join(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url), '../../package.json')
23 | const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJsonPath))
24 | const version = packageJson.version
25 |
26 | const debugLog = debug('lint-staged:bin')
27 | debugLog('Running `lint-staged@%s`', version)
28 |
29 | const cli = program.version(version)
30 |
31 | cli.option('--allow-empty', 'allow empty commits when tasks revert all staged changes', false)
32 |
33 | cli.option(
34 | '-p, --concurrent <number|boolean>',
35 | 'the number of tasks to run concurrently, or false for serial',
36 | true
37 | )
38 |
39 | cli.option('-c, --config [path]', 'path to configuration file, or - to read from stdin')
40 |
41 | cli.option('--cwd [path]', 'run all tasks in specific directory, instead of the current')
42 |
43 | cli.option('-d, --debug', 'print additional debug information', false)
44 |
45 | cli.option(
46 | '--diff [string]',
47 | 'override the default "--staged" flag of "git diff" to get list of files. Implies "--no-stash".'
48 | )
49 |
50 | cli.option(
51 | '--diff-filter [string]',
52 | 'override the default "--diff-filter=ACMR" flag of "git diff" to get list of files'
53 | )
54 |
55 | cli.option('--max-arg-length [number]', 'maximum length of the command-line argument string', 0)
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 | cli
63 | .addOption(
64 | new Option('--stash', 'enable the backup stash, and revert in case of errors')
65 | .default(true)
66 | .hideHelp()
67 | )
68 | .addOption(
69 | new Option(
70 | '--no-stash',
71 | 'disable the backup stash, and do not revert in case of errors'
72 | ).default(false)
73 | )
74 |
75 | cli.option('-q, --quiet', 'disable lint-staged’s own console output', false)
76 |
77 | cli.option('-r, --relative', 'pass relative filepaths to tasks', false)
78 |
79 | cli.option('-x, --shell [path]', 'skip parsing of tasks for better shell support', false)
80 |
81 | cli.option(
82 | '-v, --verbose',
83 | 'show task output even when tasks succeed; by default only failed output is shown',
84 | false
85 | )
86 |
87 | const cliOptions = cli.parse(process.argv).opts()
88 |
89 | if (cliOptions.debug) {
90 | debug.enable('lint-staged*')
91 | }
92 |
93 | const options = {
94 | allowEmpty: !!cliOptions.allowEmpty,
95 | concurrent: JSON.parse(cliOptions.concurrent),
96 | configPath: cliOptions.config,
97 | cwd: cliOptions.cwd,
98 | debug: !!cliOptions.debug,
99 | diff: cliOptions.diff,
100 | diffFilter: cliOptions.diffFilter,
101 | maxArgLength: cliOptions.maxArgLength || undefined,
102 | quiet: !!cliOptions.quiet,
103 | relative: !!cliOptions.relative,
104 | shell: cliOptions.shell ,
105 | stash: !!cliOptions.stash,
106 | verbose: !!cliOptions.verbose,
107 | }
108 |
109 | debugLog('Options parsed from command-line:', options)
110 |
111 | if (options.configPath === '-') {
112 | delete options.configPath
113 | try {
114 | options.config = fs.readFileSync(process.stdin.fd, 'utf8').toString().trim()
115 | } catch {
116 | console.error(CONFIG_STDIN_ERROR)
117 | process.exit(1)
118 | }
119 |
120 | try {
121 | options.config = JSON.parse(options.config)
122 | } catch {
123 |
124 | }
125 | }
126 |
127 | lintStaged(options)
128 | .then((passed) => {
129 | process.exitCode = passed ? 0 : 1
130 | })
131 | .catch(() => {
132 | process.exitCode = 1
133 | })