234 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * liquidjs@10.14.0, https://github.com/harttle/liquidjs
3 * (c) 2016-2024 harttle
4 * Released under the MIT License.
5 */
6(function (global, factory) {
7 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
8 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
9 (global = global || self, factory(global.liquidjs = {}));
10}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
12 /******************************************************************************
13 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
15 Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
16 purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
25 ***************************************************************************** */
26 /* global Reflect, Promise */
28 var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
29 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
30 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
31 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
32 return extendStatics(d, b);
33 };
35 function __extends(d, b) {
36 if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
37 throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
38 extendStatics(d, b);
39 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
40 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
41 }
43 var __assign = function() {
44 __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
45 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
46 s = arguments[i];
47 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
48 }
49 return t;
50 };
51 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
52 };
54 function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
55 function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
56 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
57 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
58 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
59 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
60 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
61 });
62 }
64 function __generator(thisArg, body) {
65 var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
66 return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
67 function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
68 function step(op) {
69 if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
70 while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try {
71 if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;
72 if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
73 switch (op[0]) {
74 case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
75 case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
76 case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
77 case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
78 default:
79 if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
80 if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
81 if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
82 if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
83 if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
84 _.trys.pop(); continue;
85 }
86 op = body.call(thisArg, _);
87 } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
88 if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
89 }
90 }
92 function __values(o) {
93 var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
94 if (m) return m.call(o);
95 if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
96 next: function () {
97 if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
98 return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
99 }
100 };
101 throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
102 }
104 function __read(o, n) {
105 var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
106 if (!m) return o;
107 var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;
108 try {
109 while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);
110 }
111 catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
112 finally {
113 try {
114 if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
115 }
116 finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
117 }
118 return ar;
119 }
121 function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {
122 if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
123 if (ar || !(i in from)) {
124 if (!ar) ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);
125 ar[i] = from[i];
126 }
127 }
128 return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));
129 }
131 var Token = /** @class */ (function () {
132 function Token(kind, input, begin, end, file) {
133 this.kind = kind;
134 this.input = input;
135 this.begin = begin;
136 this.end = end;
137 this.file = file;
138 }
139 Token.prototype.getText = function () {
140 return this.input.slice(this.begin, this.end);
141 };
142 Token.prototype.getPosition = function () {
143 var _a = __read([1, 1], 2), row = _a[0], col = _a[1];
144 for (var i = 0; i < this.begin; i++) {
145 if (this.input[i] === '\n') {
146 row++;
147 col = 1;
148 }
149 else
150 col++;
151 }
152 return [row, col];
153 };
154 Token.prototype.size = function () {
155 return this.end - this.begin;
156 };
157 return Token;
158 }());
160 var Drop = /** @class */ (function () {
161 function Drop() {
162 }
163 Drop.prototype.liquidMethodMissing = function (key) {
164 return undefined;
165 };
166 return Drop;
167 }());
169 var toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString;
170 var toLowerCase = String.prototype.toLowerCase;
171 var hasOwnProperty = Object.hasOwnProperty;
172 function isString(value) {
173 return typeof value === 'string';
174 }
175 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
176 function isFunction(value) {
177 return typeof value === 'function';
178 }
179 function isPromise(val) {
180 return val && isFunction(val.then);
181 }
182 function isIterator(val) {
183 return val && isFunction(val.next) && isFunction(val.throw) && isFunction(val.return);
184 }
185 function escapeRegex(str) {
186 return str.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
187 }
188 function stringify(value) {
189 value = toValue(value);
190 if (isString(value))
191 return value;
192 if (isNil(value))
193 return '';
194 if (isArray(value))
195 return value.map(function (x) { return stringify(x); }).join('');
196 return String(value);
197 }
198 function toEnumerable(val) {
199 val = toValue(val);
200 if (isArray(val))
201 return val;
202 if (isString(val) && val.length > 0)
203 return [val];
204 if (isIterable(val))
205 return Array.from(val);
206 if (isObject(val))
207 return Object.keys(val).map(function (key) { return [key, val[key]]; });
208 return [];
209 }
210 function toArray(val) {
211 val = toValue(val);
212 if (isNil(val))
213 return [];
214 if (isArray(val))
215 return val;
216 return [val];
217 }
218 function toValue(value) {
219 return (value instanceof Drop && isFunction(value.valueOf)) ? value.valueOf() : value;
220 }
221 function isNumber(value) {
222 return typeof value === 'number';
223 }
224 function toLiquid(value) {
225 if (value && isFunction(value.toLiquid))
226 return toLiquid(value.toLiquid());
227 return value;
228 }
229 function isNil(value) {
230 return value == null;
231 }
232 function isUndefined(value) {
233 return value === undefined;
234 }
235 function isArray(value) {
236 // be compatible with IE 8
237 return toString$1.call(value) === '[object Array]';
238 }
239 function isIterable(value) {
240 return isObject(value) && Symbol.iterator in value;
241 }
242 /*
243 * Iterates over own enumerable string keyed properties of an object and invokes iteratee for each property.
244 * The iteratee is invoked with three arguments: (value, key, object).
245 * Iteratee functions may exit iteration early by explicitly returning false.
246 * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.
247 * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
248 * @return {Object} Returns object.
249 */
250 function forOwn(obj, iteratee) {
251 obj = obj || {};
252 for (var k in obj) {
253 if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, k)) {
254 if (iteratee(obj[k], k, obj) === false)
255 break;
256 }
257 }
258 return obj;
259 }
260 function last(arr) {
261 return arr[arr.length - 1];
262 }
263 /*
264 * Checks if value is the language type of Object.
265 * (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes, new Number(0), and new String(''))
266 * @param {any} value The value to check.
267 * @return {Boolean} Returns true if value is an object, else false.
268 */
269 function isObject(value) {
270 var type = typeof value;
271 return value !== null && (type === 'object' || type === 'function');
272 }
273 function range(start, stop, step) {
274 if (step === void 0) { step = 1; }
275 var arr = [];
276 for (var i = start; i < stop; i += step) {
277 arr.push(i);
278 }
279 return arr;
280 }
281 function padStart(str, length, ch) {
282 if (ch === void 0) { ch = ' '; }
283 return pad(str, length, ch, function (str, ch) { return ch + str; });
284 }
285 function padEnd(str, length, ch) {
286 if (ch === void 0) { ch = ' '; }
287 return pad(str, length, ch, function (str, ch) { return str + ch; });
288 }
289 function pad(str, length, ch, add) {
290 str = String(str);
291 var n = length - str.length;
292 while (n-- > 0)
293 str = add(str, ch);
294 return str;
295 }
296 function identify(val) {
297 return val;
298 }
299 function changeCase(str) {
300 var hasLowerCase = __spreadArray([], __read(str), false).some(function (ch) { return ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z'; });
301 return hasLowerCase ? str.toUpperCase() : str.toLowerCase();
302 }
303 function ellipsis(str, N) {
304 return str.length > N ? str.slice(0, N - 3) + '...' : str;
305 }
306 // compare string in case-insensitive way, undefined values to the tail
307 function caseInsensitiveCompare(a, b) {
308 if (a == null && b == null)
309 return 0;
310 if (a == null)
311 return 1;
312 if (b == null)
313 return -1;
314 a = toLowerCase.call(a);
315 b = toLowerCase.call(b);
316 if (a < b)
317 return -1;
318 if (a > b)
319 return 1;
320 return 0;
321 }
322 function argumentsToValue(fn) {
323 return function () {
324 var args = [];
325 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
326 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
327 }
328 return fn.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(args.map(toValue)), false));
329 };
330 }
331 function escapeRegExp(text) {
332 return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
333 }
335 /**
336 * targeting ES5, extends Error won't create a proper prototype chain, need a trait to keep track of classes
337 */
338 var TRAIT = '__liquidClass__';
339 var LiquidError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
340 __extends(LiquidError, _super);
341 function LiquidError(err, token) {
342 var _this =
343 /**
344 * note: for ES5 targeting, `this` will be replaced by return value of Error(),
345 * thus everything on `this` will be lost, avoid calling `LiquidError` methods here
346 */
347 _super.call(this, typeof err === 'string' ? err : err.message) || this;
348 _this.context = '';
349 if (typeof err !== 'string')
350 Object.defineProperty(_this, 'originalError', { value: err, enumerable: false });
351 Object.defineProperty(_this, 'token', { value: token, enumerable: false });
352 Object.defineProperty(_this, TRAIT, { value: 'LiquidError', enumerable: false });
353 return _this;
354 }
355 LiquidError.prototype.update = function () {
356 Object.defineProperty(this, 'context', { value: mkContext(this.token), enumerable: false });
357 this.message = mkMessage(this.message, this.token);
358 this.stack = this.message + '\n' + this.context +
359 '\n' + this.stack;
360 if (this.originalError)
361 this.stack += '\nFrom ' + this.originalError.stack;
362 };
363 LiquidError.is = function (obj) {
364 return (obj === null || obj === void 0 ? void 0 : obj[TRAIT]) === 'LiquidError';
365 };
366 return LiquidError;
367 }(Error));
368 var TokenizationError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
369 __extends(TokenizationError, _super);
370 function TokenizationError(message, token) {
371 var _this = _super.call(this, message, token) || this;
372 _this.name = 'TokenizationError';
373 _super.prototype.update.call(_this);
374 return _this;
375 }
376 return TokenizationError;
377 }(LiquidError));
378 var ParseError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
379 __extends(ParseError, _super);
380 function ParseError(err, token) {
381 var _this = _super.call(this, err, token) || this;
382 _this.name = 'ParseError';
383 _this.message = err.message;
384 _super.prototype.update.call(_this);
385 return _this;
386 }
387 return ParseError;
388 }(LiquidError));
389 var RenderError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
390 __extends(RenderError, _super);
391 function RenderError(err, tpl) {
392 var _this = _super.call(this, err, tpl.token) || this;
393 _this.name = 'RenderError';
394 _this.message = err.message;
395 _super.prototype.update.call(_this);
396 return _this;
397 }
398 RenderError.is = function (obj) {
399 return obj.name === 'RenderError';
400 };
401 return RenderError;
402 }(LiquidError));
403 var LiquidErrors = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
404 __extends(LiquidErrors, _super);
405 function LiquidErrors(errors) {
406 var _this = _super.call(this, errors[0], errors[0].token) || this;
407 _this.errors = errors;
408 _this.name = 'LiquidErrors';
409 var s = errors.length > 1 ? 's' : '';
410 _this.message = "".concat(errors.length, " error").concat(s, " found");
411 _super.prototype.update.call(_this);
412 return _this;
413 }
414 LiquidErrors.is = function (obj) {
415 return obj.name === 'LiquidErrors';
416 };
417 return LiquidErrors;
418 }(LiquidError));
419 var UndefinedVariableError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
420 __extends(UndefinedVariableError, _super);
421 function UndefinedVariableError(err, token) {
422 var _this = _super.call(this, err, token) || this;
423 _this.name = 'UndefinedVariableError';
424 _this.message = err.message;
425 _super.prototype.update.call(_this);
426 return _this;
427 }
428 return UndefinedVariableError;
429 }(LiquidError));
430 // only used internally; raised where we don't have token information,
431 // so it can't be an UndefinedVariableError.
432 var InternalUndefinedVariableError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
433 __extends(InternalUndefinedVariableError, _super);
434 function InternalUndefinedVariableError(variableName) {
435 var _this = _super.call(this, "undefined variable: ".concat(variableName)) || this;
436 _this.name = 'InternalUndefinedVariableError';
437 _this.variableName = variableName;
438 return _this;
439 }
440 return InternalUndefinedVariableError;
441 }(Error));
442 var AssertionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
443 __extends(AssertionError, _super);
444 function AssertionError(message) {
445 var _this = _super.call(this, message) || this;
446 _this.name = 'AssertionError';
447 _this.message = message + '';
448 return _this;
449 }
450 return AssertionError;
451 }(Error));
452 function mkContext(token) {
453 var _a = __read(token.getPosition(), 2), line = _a[0], col = _a[1];
454 var lines = token.input.split('\n');
455 var begin = Math.max(line - 2, 1);
456 var end = Math.min(line + 3, lines.length);
457 var context = range(begin, end + 1)
458 .map(function (lineNumber) {
459 var rowIndicator = (lineNumber === line) ? '>> ' : ' ';
460 var num = padStart(String(lineNumber), String(end).length);
461 var text = "".concat(rowIndicator).concat(num, "| ");
462 var colIndicator = lineNumber === line
463 ? '\n' + padStart('^', col + text.length)
464 : '';
465 text += lines[lineNumber - 1];
466 text += colIndicator;
467 return text;
468 })
469 .join('\n');
470 return context;
471 }
472 function mkMessage(msg, token) {
473 if (token.file)
474 msg += ", file:".concat(token.file);
475 var _a = __read(token.getPosition(), 2), line = _a[0], col = _a[1];
476 msg += ", line:".concat(line, ", col:").concat(col);
477 return msg;
478 }
481 //
482 // This file is generated by bin/character-gen.js
483 // bitmask character types to boost performance
484 var TYPES = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 4, 4, 4, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 2, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 64, 0, 65, 0, 0, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
485 var WORD = 1;
486 var BLANK = 4;
487 var QUOTE = 8;
488 var INLINE_BLANK = 16;
489 var NUMBER = 32;
490 var SIGN = 64;
491 var PUNCTUATION = 128;
492 function isWord(char) {
493 var code = char.charCodeAt(0);
494 return code >= 128 ? !TYPES[code] : !!(TYPES[code] & WORD);
495 }
496 TYPES[160] = TYPES[5760] = TYPES[6158] = TYPES[8192] = TYPES[8193] = TYPES[8194] = TYPES[8195] = TYPES[8196] = TYPES[8197] = TYPES[8198] = TYPES[8199] = TYPES[8200] = TYPES[8201] = TYPES[8202] = TYPES[8232] = TYPES[8233] = TYPES[8239] = TYPES[8287] = TYPES[12288] = BLANK;
497 TYPES[8220] = TYPES[8221] = PUNCTUATION;
499 function assert(predicate, message) {
500 if (!predicate) {
501 var msg = typeof message === 'function'
502 ? message()
503 : (message || "expect ".concat(predicate, " to be true"));
504 throw new AssertionError(msg);
505 }
506 }
508 var NullDrop = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
509 __extends(NullDrop, _super);
510 function NullDrop() {
511 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
512 }
513 NullDrop.prototype.equals = function (value) {
514 return isNil(toValue(value));
515 };
516 NullDrop.prototype.gt = function () {
517 return false;
518 };
519 NullDrop.prototype.geq = function () {
520 return false;
521 };
522 NullDrop.prototype.lt = function () {
523 return false;
524 };
525 NullDrop.prototype.leq = function () {
526 return false;
527 };
528 NullDrop.prototype.valueOf = function () {
529 return null;
530 };
531 return NullDrop;
532 }(Drop));
534 var EmptyDrop = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
535 __extends(EmptyDrop, _super);
536 function EmptyDrop() {
537 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
538 }
539 EmptyDrop.prototype.equals = function (value) {
540 if (value instanceof EmptyDrop)
541 return false;
542 value = toValue(value);
543 if (isString(value) || isArray(value))
544 return value.length === 0;
545 if (isObject(value))
546 return Object.keys(value).length === 0;
547 return false;
548 };
549 EmptyDrop.prototype.gt = function () {
550 return false;
551 };
552 EmptyDrop.prototype.geq = function () {
553 return false;
554 };
555 EmptyDrop.prototype.lt = function () {
556 return false;
557 };
558 EmptyDrop.prototype.leq = function () {
559 return false;
560 };
561 EmptyDrop.prototype.valueOf = function () {
562 return '';
563 };
564 return EmptyDrop;
565 }(Drop));
567 var BlankDrop = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
568 __extends(BlankDrop, _super);
569 function BlankDrop() {
570 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
571 }
572 BlankDrop.prototype.equals = function (value) {
573 if (value === false)
574 return true;
575 if (isNil(toValue(value)))
576 return true;
577 if (isString(value))
578 return /^\s*$/.test(value);
579 return _super.prototype.equals.call(this, value);
580 };
581 return BlankDrop;
582 }(EmptyDrop));
584 var ForloopDrop = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
585 __extends(ForloopDrop, _super);
586 function ForloopDrop(length, collection, variable) {
587 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
588 _this.i = 0;
589 _this.length = length;
590 _this.name = "".concat(variable, "-").concat(collection);
591 return _this;
592 }
593 ForloopDrop.prototype.next = function () {
594 this.i++;
595 };
596 ForloopDrop.prototype.index0 = function () {
597 return this.i;
598 };
599 ForloopDrop.prototype.index = function () {
600 return this.i + 1;
601 };
602 ForloopDrop.prototype.first = function () {
603 return this.i === 0;
604 };
605 ForloopDrop.prototype.last = function () {
606 return this.i === this.length - 1;
607 };
608 ForloopDrop.prototype.rindex = function () {
609 return this.length - this.i;
610 };
611 ForloopDrop.prototype.rindex0 = function () {
612 return this.length - this.i - 1;
613 };
614 ForloopDrop.prototype.valueOf = function () {
615 return JSON.stringify(this);
616 };
617 return ForloopDrop;
618 }(Drop));
620 var BlockDrop = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
621 __extends(BlockDrop, _super);
622 function BlockDrop(
623 // the block render from layout template
624 superBlockRender) {
625 if (superBlockRender === void 0) { superBlockRender = function () { return ''; }; }
626 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
627 _this.superBlockRender = superBlockRender;
628 return _this;
629 }
630 /**
631 * Provide parent access in child block by
632 * {{ block.super }}
633 */
634 BlockDrop.prototype.super = function () {
635 return this.superBlockRender();
636 };
637 return BlockDrop;
638 }(Drop));
640 function isComparable(arg) {
641 return (arg &&
642 isFunction(arg.equals) &&
643 isFunction(arg.gt) &&
644 isFunction(arg.geq) &&
645 isFunction(arg.lt) &&
646 isFunction(arg.leq));
647 }
649 var nil = new NullDrop();
650 var literalValues = {
651 'true': true,
652 'false': false,
653 'nil': nil,
654 'null': nil,
655 'empty': new EmptyDrop(),
656 'blank': new BlankDrop()
657 };
659 function createTrie(input) {
660 var e_1, _a;
661 var trie = {};
662 try {
663 for (var _b = __values(Object.entries(input)), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
664 var _d = __read(_c.value, 2), name_1 = _d[0], data = _d[1];
665 var node = trie;
666 for (var i = 0; i < name_1.length; i++) {
667 var c = name_1[i];
668 node[c] = node[c] || {};
669 if (i === name_1.length - 1 && isWord(name_1[i])) {
670 node[c].needBoundary = true;
671 }
672 node = node[c];
673 }
674 node.data = data;
675 node.end = true;
676 }
677 }
678 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
679 finally {
680 try {
681 if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
682 }
683 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
684 }
685 return trie;
686 }
688 // convert an async iterator to a Promise
689 function toPromise(val) {
690 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
691 var value, done, next, state, err_1;
692 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
693 switch (_a.label) {
694 case 0:
695 if (!isIterator(val))
696 return [2 /*return*/, val];
697 done = false;
698 next = 'next';
699 _a.label = 1;
700 case 1:
701 state = val[next](value);
702 done = state.done;
703 value = state.value;
704 next = 'next';
705 _a.label = 2;
706 case 2:
707 _a.trys.push([2, 5, , 6]);
708 if (isIterator(value))
709 value = toPromise(value);
710 if (!isPromise(value)) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
711 return [4 /*yield*/, value];
712 case 3:
713 value = _a.sent();
714 _a.label = 4;
715 case 4: return [3 /*break*/, 6];
716 case 5:
717 err_1 = _a.sent();
718 next = 'throw';
719 value = err_1;
720 return [3 /*break*/, 6];
721 case 6:
722 if (!done) return [3 /*break*/, 1];
723 _a.label = 7;
724 case 7: return [2 /*return*/, value];
725 }
726 });
727 });
728 }
729 // convert an async iterator to a value in a synchronous manner
730 function toValueSync(val) {
731 if (!isIterator(val))
732 return val;
733 var value;
734 var done = false;
735 var next = 'next';
736 do {
737 var state = val[next](value);
738 done = state.done;
739 value = state.value;
740 next = 'next';
741 if (isIterator(value)) {
742 try {
743 value = toValueSync(value);
744 }
745 catch (err) {
746 next = 'throw';
747 value = err;
748 }
749 }
750 } while (!done);
751 return value;
752 }
754 var rFormat = /%([-_0^#:]+)?(\d+)?([EO])?(.)/;
755 var monthNames = [
756 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',
757 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
758 ];
759 var dayNames = [
760 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'
761 ];
762 var monthNamesShort = monthNames.map(abbr);
763 var dayNamesShort = dayNames.map(abbr);
764 function abbr(str) {
765 return str.slice(0, 3);
766 }
767 // prototype extensions
768 function daysInMonth(d) {
769 var feb = isLeapYear(d) ? 29 : 28;
770 return [31, feb, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
771 }
772 function getDayOfYear(d) {
773 var num = 0;
774 for (var i = 0; i < d.getMonth(); ++i) {
775 num += daysInMonth(d)[i];
776 }
777 return num + d.getDate();
778 }
779 function getWeekOfYear(d, startDay) {
780 // Skip to startDay of this week
781 var now = getDayOfYear(d) + (startDay - d.getDay());
782 // Find the first startDay of the year
783 var jan1 = new Date(d.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
784 var then = (7 - jan1.getDay() + startDay);
785 return String(Math.floor((now - then) / 7) + 1);
786 }
787 function isLeapYear(d) {
788 var year = d.getFullYear();
789 return !!((year & 3) === 0 && (year % 100 || (year % 400 === 0 && year)));
790 }
791 function ordinal(d) {
792 var date = d.getDate();
793 if ([11, 12, 13].includes(date))
794 return 'th';
795 switch (date % 10) {
796 case 1: return 'st';
797 case 2: return 'nd';
798 case 3: return 'rd';
799 default: return 'th';
800 }
801 }
802 function century(d) {
803 return parseInt(d.getFullYear().toString().substring(0, 2), 10);
804 }
805 // default to 0
806 var padWidths = {
807 d: 2,
808 e: 2,
809 H: 2,
810 I: 2,
811 j: 3,
812 k: 2,
813 l: 2,
814 L: 3,
815 m: 2,
816 M: 2,
817 S: 2,
818 U: 2,
819 W: 2
820 };
821 // default to '0'
822 var padChars = {
823 a: ' ',
824 A: ' ',
825 b: ' ',
826 B: ' ',
827 c: ' ',
828 e: ' ',
829 k: ' ',
830 l: ' ',
831 p: ' ',
832 P: ' '
833 };
834 function getTimezoneOffset(d, opts) {
835 var nOffset = Math.abs(d.getTimezoneOffset());
836 var h = Math.floor(nOffset / 60);
837 var m = nOffset % 60;
838 return (d.getTimezoneOffset() > 0 ? '-' : '+') +
839 padStart(h, 2, '0') +
840 (opts.flags[':'] ? ':' : '') +
841 padStart(m, 2, '0');
842 }
843 var formatCodes = {
844 a: function (d) { return dayNamesShort[d.getDay()]; },
845 A: function (d) { return dayNames[d.getDay()]; },
846 b: function (d) { return monthNamesShort[d.getMonth()]; },
847 B: function (d) { return monthNames[d.getMonth()]; },
848 c: function (d) { return d.toLocaleString(); },
849 C: function (d) { return century(d); },
850 d: function (d) { return d.getDate(); },
851 e: function (d) { return d.getDate(); },
852 H: function (d) { return d.getHours(); },
853 I: function (d) { return String(d.getHours() % 12 || 12); },
854 j: function (d) { return getDayOfYear(d); },
855 k: function (d) { return d.getHours(); },
856 l: function (d) { return String(d.getHours() % 12 || 12); },
857 L: function (d) { return d.getMilliseconds(); },
858 m: function (d) { return d.getMonth() + 1; },
859 M: function (d) { return d.getMinutes(); },
860 N: function (d, opts) {
861 var width = Number(opts.width) || 9;
862 var str = String(d.getMilliseconds()).slice(0, width);
863 return padEnd(str, width, '0');
864 },
865 p: function (d) { return (d.getHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'); },
866 P: function (d) { return (d.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'); },
867 q: function (d) { return ordinal(d); },
868 s: function (d) { return Math.round(d.getTime() / 1000); },
869 S: function (d) { return d.getSeconds(); },
870 u: function (d) { return d.getDay() || 7; },
871 U: function (d) { return getWeekOfYear(d, 0); },
872 w: function (d) { return d.getDay(); },
873 W: function (d) { return getWeekOfYear(d, 1); },
874 x: function (d) { return d.toLocaleDateString(); },
875 X: function (d) { return d.toLocaleTimeString(); },
876 y: function (d) { return d.getFullYear().toString().slice(2, 4); },
877 Y: function (d) { return d.getFullYear(); },
878 z: getTimezoneOffset,
879 Z: function (d, opts) {
880 if (d.getTimezoneName) {
881 return d.getTimezoneName() || getTimezoneOffset(d, opts);
882 }
883 return (typeof Intl !== 'undefined' ? Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone : '');
884 },
885 't': function () { return '\t'; },
886 'n': function () { return '\n'; },
887 '%': function () { return '%'; }
888 };
889 formatCodes.h = formatCodes.b;
890 function strftime(d, formatStr) {
891 var output = '';
892 var remaining = formatStr;
893 var match;
894 while ((match = rFormat.exec(remaining))) {
895 output += remaining.slice(0, match.index);
896 remaining = remaining.slice(match.index + match[0].length);
897 output += format(d, match);
898 }
899 return output + remaining;
900 }
901 function format(d, match) {
902 var e_1, _a;
903 var _b = __read(match, 5), input = _b[0], _c = _b[1], flagStr = _c === void 0 ? '' : _c, width = _b[2], modifier = _b[3], conversion = _b[4];
904 var convert = formatCodes[conversion];
905 if (!convert)
906 return input;
907 var flags = {};
908 try {
909 for (var flagStr_1 = __values(flagStr), flagStr_1_1 = flagStr_1.next(); !flagStr_1_1.done; flagStr_1_1 = flagStr_1.next()) {
910 var flag = flagStr_1_1.value;
911 flags[flag] = true;
912 }
913 }
914 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
915 finally {
916 try {
917 if (flagStr_1_1 && !flagStr_1_1.done && (_a = flagStr_1.return)) _a.call(flagStr_1);
918 }
919 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
920 }
921 var ret = String(convert(d, { flags: flags, width: width, modifier: modifier }));
922 var padChar = padChars[conversion] || '0';
923 var padWidth = width || padWidths[conversion] || 0;
924 if (flags['^'])
925 ret = ret.toUpperCase();
926 else if (flags['#'])
927 ret = changeCase(ret);
928 if (flags['_'])
929 padChar = ' ';
930 else if (flags['0'])
931 padChar = '0';
932 if (flags['-'])
933 padWidth = 0;
934 return padStart(ret, padWidth, padChar);
935 }
937 // one minute in milliseconds
938 var OneMinute = 60000;
939 var ISO8601_TIMEZONE_PATTERN = /([zZ]|([+-])(\d{2}):(\d{2}))$/;
940 /**
941 * A date implementation with timezone info, just like Ruby date
942 *
943 * Implementation:
944 * - create a Date offset by it's timezone difference, avoiding overriding a bunch of methods
945 * - rewrite getTimezoneOffset() to trick strftime
946 */
947 var TimezoneDate = /** @class */ (function () {
948 function TimezoneDate(init, timezone) {
949 this.date = init instanceof TimezoneDate
950 ? init.date
951 : new Date(init);
952 this.timezoneOffset = isString(timezone) ? TimezoneDate.getTimezoneOffset(timezone, this.date) : timezone;
953 this.timezoneName = isString(timezone) ? timezone : '';
954 var diff = (this.date.getTimezoneOffset() - this.timezoneOffset) * OneMinute;
955 var time = this.date.getTime() + diff;
956 this.displayDate = new Date(time);
957 }
958 TimezoneDate.prototype.getTime = function () {
959 return this.displayDate.getTime();
960 };
961 TimezoneDate.prototype.getMilliseconds = function () {
962 return this.displayDate.getMilliseconds();
963 };
964 TimezoneDate.prototype.getSeconds = function () {
965 return this.displayDate.getSeconds();
966 };
967 TimezoneDate.prototype.getMinutes = function () {
968 return this.displayDate.getMinutes();
969 };
970 TimezoneDate.prototype.getHours = function () {
971 return this.displayDate.getHours();
972 };
973 TimezoneDate.prototype.getDay = function () {
974 return this.displayDate.getDay();
975 };
976 TimezoneDate.prototype.getDate = function () {
977 return this.displayDate.getDate();
978 };
979 TimezoneDate.prototype.getMonth = function () {
980 return this.displayDate.getMonth();
981 };
982 TimezoneDate.prototype.getFullYear = function () {
983 return this.displayDate.getFullYear();
984 };
985 TimezoneDate.prototype.toLocaleString = function (locale, init) {
986 if (init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.timeZone) {
987 return this.date.toLocaleString(locale, init);
988 }
989 return this.displayDate.toLocaleString(locale, init);
990 };
991 TimezoneDate.prototype.toLocaleTimeString = function (locale) {
992 return this.displayDate.toLocaleTimeString(locale);
993 };
994 TimezoneDate.prototype.toLocaleDateString = function (locale) {
995 return this.displayDate.toLocaleDateString(locale);
996 };
997 TimezoneDate.prototype.getTimezoneOffset = function () {
998 return this.timezoneOffset;
999 };
1000 TimezoneDate.prototype.getTimezoneName = function () {
1001 return this.timezoneName;
1002 };
1003 /**
1004 * Create a Date object fixed to it's declared Timezone. Both
1005 * - 2021-08-06T02:29:00.000Z and
1006 * - 2021-08-06T02:29:00.000+08:00
1007 * will always be displayed as
1008 * - 2021-08-06 02:29:00
1009 * regardless timezoneOffset in JavaScript realm
1010 *
1011 * The implementation hack:
1012 * Instead of calling `.getMonth()`/`.getUTCMonth()` respect to `preserveTimezones`,
1013 * we create a different Date to trick strftime, it's both simpler and more performant.
1014 * Given that a template is expected to be parsed fewer times than rendered.
1015 */
1016 TimezoneDate.createDateFixedToTimezone = function (dateString) {
1017 var m = dateString.match(ISO8601_TIMEZONE_PATTERN);
1018 // representing a UTC timestamp
1019 if (m && m[1] === 'Z') {
1020 return new TimezoneDate(+new Date(dateString), 0);
1021 }
1022 // has a timezone specified
1023 if (m && m[2] && m[3] && m[4]) {
1024 var _a = __read(m, 5), sign = _a[2], hours = _a[3], minutes = _a[4];
1025 var offset = (sign === '+' ? -1 : 1) * (parseInt(hours, 10) * 60 + parseInt(minutes, 10));
1026 return new TimezoneDate(+new Date(dateString), offset);
1027 }
1028 return new Date(dateString);
1029 };
1030 TimezoneDate.getTimezoneOffset = function (timezoneName, date) {
1031 if (date === void 0) { date = new Date(); }
1032 var localDateString = date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: timezoneName });
1033 var utcDateString = date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: 'UTC' });
1034 var localDate = new Date(localDateString);
1035 var utcDate = new Date(utcDateString);
1036 return (+utcDate - +localDate) / (60 * 1000);
1037 };
1038 return TimezoneDate;
1039 }());
1041 var DelimitedToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1042 __extends(DelimitedToken, _super);
1043 function DelimitedToken(kind, _a, input, begin, end, trimLeft, trimRight, file) {
1044 var _b = __read(_a, 2), contentBegin = _b[0], contentEnd = _b[1];
1045 var _this = _super.call(this, kind, input, begin, end, file) || this;
1046 _this.trimLeft = false;
1047 _this.trimRight = false;
1048 var tl = input[contentBegin] === '-';
1049 var tr = input[contentEnd - 1] === '-';
1050 var l = tl ? contentBegin + 1 : contentBegin;
1051 var r = tr ? contentEnd - 1 : contentEnd;
1052 while (l < r && (TYPES[input.charCodeAt(l)] & BLANK))
1053 l++;
1054 while (r > l && (TYPES[input.charCodeAt(r - 1)] & BLANK))
1055 r--;
1056 _this.contentRange = [l, r];
1057 _this.trimLeft = tl || trimLeft;
1058 _this.trimRight = tr || trimRight;
1059 return _this;
1060 }
1061 Object.defineProperty(DelimitedToken.prototype, "content", {
1062 get: function () {
1063 return this.input.slice(this.contentRange[0], this.contentRange[1]);
1064 },
1065 enumerable: false,
1066 configurable: true
1067 });
1068 return DelimitedToken;
1069 }(Token));
1071 var TagToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1072 __extends(TagToken, _super);
1073 function TagToken(input, begin, end, options, file) {
1074 var _this = this;
1075 var trimTagLeft = options.trimTagLeft, trimTagRight = options.trimTagRight, tagDelimiterLeft = options.tagDelimiterLeft, tagDelimiterRight = options.tagDelimiterRight;
1076 var _a = __read([begin + tagDelimiterLeft.length, end - tagDelimiterRight.length], 2), valueBegin = _a[0], valueEnd = _a[1];
1077 _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.Tag, [valueBegin, valueEnd], input, begin, end, trimTagLeft, trimTagRight, file) || this;
1078 _this.tokenizer = new Tokenizer(input, options.operators, file, _this.contentRange);
1079 _this.name = _this.tokenizer.readTagName();
1080 _this.tokenizer.assert(_this.name, "illegal tag syntax, tag name expected");
1081 _this.tokenizer.skipBlank();
1082 return _this;
1083 }
1084 Object.defineProperty(TagToken.prototype, "args", {
1085 get: function () {
1086 return this.tokenizer.input.slice(this.tokenizer.p, this.contentRange[1]);
1087 },
1088 enumerable: false,
1089 configurable: true
1090 });
1091 return TagToken;
1092 }(DelimitedToken));
1094 var OutputToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1095 __extends(OutputToken, _super);
1096 function OutputToken(input, begin, end, options, file) {
1097 var trimOutputLeft = options.trimOutputLeft, trimOutputRight = options.trimOutputRight, outputDelimiterLeft = options.outputDelimiterLeft, outputDelimiterRight = options.outputDelimiterRight;
1098 var valueRange = [begin + outputDelimiterLeft.length, end - outputDelimiterRight.length];
1099 return _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.Output, valueRange, input, begin, end, trimOutputLeft, trimOutputRight, file) || this;
1100 }
1101 return OutputToken;
1102 }(DelimitedToken));
1104 var HTMLToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1105 __extends(HTMLToken, _super);
1106 function HTMLToken(input, begin, end, file) {
1107 var _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.HTML, input, begin, end, file) || this;
1108 _this.input = input;
1109 _this.begin = begin;
1110 _this.end = end;
1111 _this.file = file;
1112 _this.trimLeft = 0;
1113 _this.trimRight = 0;
1114 return _this;
1115 }
1116 HTMLToken.prototype.getContent = function () {
1117 return this.input.slice(this.begin + this.trimLeft, this.end - this.trimRight);
1118 };
1119 return HTMLToken;
1120 }(Token));
1122 var NumberToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1123 __extends(NumberToken, _super);
1124 function NumberToken(input, begin, end, file) {
1125 var _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.Number, input, begin, end, file) || this;
1126 _this.input = input;
1127 _this.begin = begin;
1128 _this.end = end;
1129 _this.file = file;
1130 _this.content = Number(_this.getText());
1131 return _this;
1132 }
1133 return NumberToken;
1134 }(Token));
1136 var IdentifierToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1137 __extends(IdentifierToken, _super);
1138 function IdentifierToken(input, begin, end, file) {
1139 var _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.Word, input, begin, end, file) || this;
1140 _this.input = input;
1141 _this.begin = begin;
1142 _this.end = end;
1143 _this.file = file;
1144 _this.content = _this.getText();
1145 return _this;
1146 }
1147 IdentifierToken.prototype.isNumber = function (allowSign) {
1148 if (allowSign === void 0) { allowSign = false; }
1149 var begin = allowSign && TYPES[this.input.charCodeAt(this.begin)] & SIGN
1150 ? this.begin + 1
1151 : this.begin;
1152 for (var i = begin; i < this.end; i++) {
1153 if (!(TYPES[this.input.charCodeAt(i)] & NUMBER))
1154 return false;
1155 }
1156 return true;
1157 };
1158 return IdentifierToken;
1159 }(Token));
1161 var LiteralToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1162 __extends(LiteralToken, _super);
1163 function LiteralToken(input, begin, end, file) {
1164 var _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.Literal, input, begin, end, file) || this;
1165 _this.input = input;
1166 _this.begin = begin;
1167 _this.end = end;
1168 _this.file = file;
1169 _this.literal = _this.getText();
1170 _this.content = literalValues[_this.literal];
1171 return _this;
1172 }
1173 return LiteralToken;
1174 }(Token));
1176 var operatorPrecedences = {
1177 '==': 2,
1178 '!=': 2,
1179 '>': 2,
1180 '<': 2,
1181 '>=': 2,
1182 '<=': 2,
1183 'contains': 2,
1184 'not': 1,
1185 'and': 0,
1186 'or': 0
1187 };
1188 var operatorTypes = {
1189 '==': 0 /* OperatorType.Binary */,
1190 '!=': 0 /* OperatorType.Binary */,
1191 '>': 0 /* OperatorType.Binary */,
1192 '<': 0 /* OperatorType.Binary */,
1193 '>=': 0 /* OperatorType.Binary */,
1194 '<=': 0 /* OperatorType.Binary */,
1195 'contains': 0 /* OperatorType.Binary */,
1196 'not': 1 /* OperatorType.Unary */,
1197 'and': 0 /* OperatorType.Binary */,
1198 'or': 0 /* OperatorType.Binary */
1199 };
1200 var OperatorToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1201 __extends(OperatorToken, _super);
1202 function OperatorToken(input, begin, end, file) {
1203 var _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.Operator, input, begin, end, file) || this;
1204 _this.input = input;
1205 _this.begin = begin;
1206 _this.end = end;
1207 _this.file = file;
1208 _this.operator = _this.getText();
1209 return _this;
1210 }
1211 OperatorToken.prototype.getPrecedence = function () {
1212 var key = this.getText();
1213 return key in operatorPrecedences ? operatorPrecedences[key] : 1;
1214 };
1215 return OperatorToken;
1216 }(Token));
1218 var PropertyAccessToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1219 __extends(PropertyAccessToken, _super);
1220 function PropertyAccessToken(variable, props, input, begin, end, file) {
1221 var _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.PropertyAccess, input, begin, end, file) || this;
1222 _this.variable = variable;
1223 _this.props = props;
1224 return _this;
1225 }
1226 return PropertyAccessToken;
1227 }(Token));
1229 var FilterToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1230 __extends(FilterToken, _super);
1231 function FilterToken(name, args, input, begin, end, file) {
1232 var _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.Filter, input, begin, end, file) || this;
1233 _this.name = name;
1234 _this.args = args;
1235 return _this;
1236 }
1237 return FilterToken;
1238 }(Token));
1240 var HashToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1241 __extends(HashToken, _super);
1242 function HashToken(input, begin, end, name, value, file) {
1243 var _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.Hash, input, begin, end, file) || this;
1244 _this.input = input;
1245 _this.begin = begin;
1246 _this.end = end;
1247 _this.name = name;
1248 _this.value = value;
1249 _this.file = file;
1250 return _this;
1251 }
1252 return HashToken;
1253 }(Token));
1255 var rHex = /[\da-fA-F]/;
1256 var rOct = /[0-7]/;
1257 var escapeChar = {
1258 b: '\b',
1259 f: '\f',
1260 n: '\n',
1261 r: '\r',
1262 t: '\t',
1263 v: '\x0B'
1264 };
1265 function hexVal(c) {
1266 var code = c.charCodeAt(0);
1267 if (code >= 97)
1268 return code - 87;
1269 if (code >= 65)
1270 return code - 55;
1271 return code - 48;
1272 }
1273 function parseStringLiteral(str) {
1274 var ret = '';
1275 for (var i = 1; i < str.length - 1; i++) {
1276 if (str[i] !== '\\') {
1277 ret += str[i];
1278 continue;
1279 }
1280 if (escapeChar[str[i + 1]] !== undefined) {
1281 ret += escapeChar[str[++i]];
1282 }
1283 else if (str[i + 1] === 'u') {
1284 var val = 0;
1285 var j = i + 2;
1286 while (j <= i + 5 && rHex.test(str[j])) {
1287 val = val * 16 + hexVal(str[j++]);
1288 }
1289 i = j - 1;
1290 ret += String.fromCharCode(val);
1291 }
1292 else if (!rOct.test(str[i + 1])) {
1293 ret += str[++i];
1294 }
1295 else {
1296 var j = i + 1;
1297 var val = 0;
1298 while (j <= i + 3 && rOct.test(str[j])) {
1299 val = val * 8 + hexVal(str[j++]);
1300 }
1301 i = j - 1;
1302 ret += String.fromCharCode(val);
1303 }
1304 }
1305 return ret;
1306 }
1308 var QuotedToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1309 __extends(QuotedToken, _super);
1310 function QuotedToken(input, begin, end, file) {
1311 var _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.Quoted, input, begin, end, file) || this;
1312 _this.input = input;
1313 _this.begin = begin;
1314 _this.end = end;
1315 _this.file = file;
1316 _this.content = parseStringLiteral(_this.getText());
1317 return _this;
1318 }
1319 return QuotedToken;
1320 }(Token));
1322 var RangeToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1323 __extends(RangeToken, _super);
1324 function RangeToken(input, begin, end, lhs, rhs, file) {
1325 var _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.Range, input, begin, end, file) || this;
1326 _this.input = input;
1327 _this.begin = begin;
1328 _this.end = end;
1329 _this.lhs = lhs;
1330 _this.rhs = rhs;
1331 _this.file = file;
1332 return _this;
1333 }
1334 return RangeToken;
1335 }(Token));
1337 /**
1338 * LiquidTagToken is different from TagToken by not having delimiters `{%` or `%}`
1339 */
1340 var LiquidTagToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1341 __extends(LiquidTagToken, _super);
1342 function LiquidTagToken(input, begin, end, options, file) {
1343 var _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.Tag, [begin, end], input, begin, end, false, false, file) || this;
1344 _this.tokenizer = new Tokenizer(input, options.operators, file, _this.contentRange);
1345 _this.name = _this.tokenizer.readTagName();
1346 _this.tokenizer.assert(_this.name, 'illegal liquid tag syntax');
1347 _this.tokenizer.skipBlank();
1348 _this.args = _this.tokenizer.remaining();
1349 return _this;
1350 }
1351 return LiquidTagToken;
1352 }(DelimitedToken));
1354 /**
1355 * value expression with optional filters
1356 * e.g.
1357 * {% assign foo="bar" | append: "coo" %}
1358 */
1359 var FilteredValueToken = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1360 __extends(FilteredValueToken, _super);
1361 function FilteredValueToken(initial, filters, input, begin, end, file) {
1362 var _this = _super.call(this, exports.TokenKind.FilteredValue, input, begin, end, file) || this;
1363 _this.initial = initial;
1364 _this.filters = filters;
1365 _this.input = input;
1366 _this.begin = begin;
1367 _this.end = end;
1368 _this.file = file;
1369 return _this;
1370 }
1371 return FilteredValueToken;
1372 }(Token));
1374 var SimpleEmitter = /** @class */ (function () {
1375 function SimpleEmitter() {
1376 this.buffer = '';
1377 }
1378 SimpleEmitter.prototype.write = function (html) {
1379 this.buffer += stringify(html);
1380 };
1381 return SimpleEmitter;
1382 }());
1384 var StreamedEmitter = /** @class */ (function () {
1385 function StreamedEmitter() {
1386 this.buffer = '';
1387 this.stream = null;
1388 throw new Error('streaming not supported in browser');
1389 }
1390 return StreamedEmitter;
1391 }());
1393 var KeepingTypeEmitter = /** @class */ (function () {
1394 function KeepingTypeEmitter() {
1395 this.buffer = '';
1396 }
1397 KeepingTypeEmitter.prototype.write = function (html) {
1398 html = toValue(html);
1399 // This will only preserve the type if the value is isolated.
1400 // I.E:
1401 // {{ my-port }} -> 42
1402 // {{ my-host }}:{{ my-port }} -> 'host:42'
1403 if (typeof html !== 'string' && this.buffer === '') {
1404 this.buffer = html;
1405 }
1406 else {
1407 this.buffer = stringify(this.buffer) + stringify(html);
1408 }
1409 };
1410 return KeepingTypeEmitter;
1411 }());
1413 var Render = /** @class */ (function () {
1414 function Render() {
1415 }
1416 Render.prototype.renderTemplatesToNodeStream = function (templates, ctx) {
1417 var _this = this;
1418 var emitter = new StreamedEmitter();
1419 Promise.resolve().then(function () { return toPromise(_this.renderTemplates(templates, ctx, emitter)); })
1420 .then(function () { return emitter.end(); }, function (err) { return emitter.error(err); });
1421 return emitter.stream;
1422 };
1423 Render.prototype.renderTemplates = function (templates, ctx, emitter) {
1424 var errors, templates_1, templates_1_1, tpl, html, e_1, err, e_2_1;
1425 var e_2, _a;
1426 return __generator(this, function (_b) {
1427 switch (_b.label) {
1428 case 0:
1429 if (!emitter) {
1430 emitter = ctx.opts.keepOutputType ? new KeepingTypeEmitter() : new SimpleEmitter();
1431 }
1432 errors = [];
1433 _b.label = 1;
1434 case 1:
1435 _b.trys.push([1, 8, 9, 10]);
1436 templates_1 = __values(templates), templates_1_1 = templates_1.next();
1437 _b.label = 2;
1438 case 2:
1439 if (!!templates_1_1.done) return [3 /*break*/, 7];
1440 tpl = templates_1_1.value;
1441 _b.label = 3;
1442 case 3:
1443 _b.trys.push([3, 5, , 6]);
1444 return [4 /*yield*/, tpl.render(ctx, emitter)
1445 // if not, it'll return an `html`, write to the emitter for it
1446 ];
1447 case 4:
1448 html = _b.sent();
1449 // if not, it'll return an `html`, write to the emitter for it
1450 html && emitter.write(html);
1451 if (emitter['break'] || emitter['continue'])
1452 return [3 /*break*/, 7];
1453 return [3 /*break*/, 6];
1454 case 5:
1455 e_1 = _b.sent();
1456 err = LiquidError.is(e_1) ? e_1 : new RenderError(e_1, tpl);
1457 if (ctx.opts.catchAllErrors)
1458 errors.push(err);
1459 else
1460 throw err;
1461 return [3 /*break*/, 6];
1462 case 6:
1463 templates_1_1 = templates_1.next();
1464 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
1465 case 7: return [3 /*break*/, 10];
1466 case 8:
1467 e_2_1 = _b.sent();
1468 e_2 = { error: e_2_1 };
1469 return [3 /*break*/, 10];
1470 case 9:
1471 try {
1472 if (templates_1_1 && !templates_1_1.done && (_a = templates_1.return)) _a.call(templates_1);
1473 }
1474 finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
1475 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
1476 case 10:
1477 if (errors.length) {
1478 throw new LiquidErrors(errors);
1479 }
1480 return [2 /*return*/, emitter.buffer];
1481 }
1482 });
1483 };
1484 return Render;
1485 }());
1487 var Expression = /** @class */ (function () {
1488 function Expression(tokens) {
1489 this.postfix = __spreadArray([], __read(toPostfix(tokens)), false);
1490 }
1491 Expression.prototype.evaluate = function (ctx, lenient) {
1492 var operands, _a, _b, token, r, result, l, _c, _d, e_1_1;
1493 var e_1, _e;
1494 return __generator(this, function (_f) {
1495 switch (_f.label) {
1496 case 0:
1497 assert(ctx, 'unable to evaluate: context not defined');
1498 operands = [];
1499 _f.label = 1;
1500 case 1:
1501 _f.trys.push([1, 11, 12, 13]);
1502 _a = __values(this.postfix), _b = _a.next();
1503 _f.label = 2;
1504 case 2:
1505 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 10];
1506 token = _b.value;
1507 if (!isOperatorToken(token)) return [3 /*break*/, 7];
1508 r = operands.pop();
1509 result = void 0;
1510 if (!(operatorTypes[token.operator] === 1 /* OperatorType.Unary */)) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
1511 return [4 /*yield*/, ctx.opts.operators[token.operator](r, ctx)];
1512 case 3:
1513 result = _f.sent();
1514 return [3 /*break*/, 6];
1515 case 4:
1516 l = operands.pop();
1517 return [4 /*yield*/, ctx.opts.operators[token.operator](l, r, ctx)];
1518 case 5:
1519 result = _f.sent();
1520 _f.label = 6;
1521 case 6:
1522 operands.push(result);
1523 return [3 /*break*/, 9];
1524 case 7:
1525 _d = (_c = operands).push;
1526 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(token, ctx, lenient)];
1527 case 8:
1528 _d.apply(_c, [_f.sent()]);
1529 _f.label = 9;
1530 case 9:
1531 _b = _a.next();
1532 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
1533 case 10: return [3 /*break*/, 13];
1534 case 11:
1535 e_1_1 = _f.sent();
1536 e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
1537 return [3 /*break*/, 13];
1538 case 12:
1539 try {
1540 if (_b && !_b.done && (_e = _a.return)) _e.call(_a);
1541 }
1542 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
1543 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
1544 case 13: return [2 /*return*/, operands[0]];
1545 }
1546 });
1547 };
1548 Expression.prototype.valid = function () {
1549 return !!this.postfix.length;
1550 };
1551 return Expression;
1552 }());
1553 function evalToken(token, ctx, lenient) {
1554 if (lenient === void 0) { lenient = false; }
1555 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1556 switch (_a.label) {
1557 case 0:
1558 if (!token)
1559 return [2 /*return*/];
1560 if ('content' in token)
1561 return [2 /*return*/, token.content];
1562 if (!isPropertyAccessToken(token)) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
1563 return [4 /*yield*/, evalPropertyAccessToken(token, ctx, lenient)];
1564 case 1: return [2 /*return*/, _a.sent()];
1565 case 2:
1566 if (!isRangeToken(token)) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
1567 return [4 /*yield*/, evalRangeToken(token, ctx)];
1568 case 3: return [2 /*return*/, _a.sent()];
1569 case 4: return [2 /*return*/];
1570 }
1571 });
1572 }
1573 function evalPropertyAccessToken(token, ctx, lenient) {
1574 var props, _a, _b, prop, _c, _d, e_2_1, variable, e_3;
1575 var e_2, _e;
1576 return __generator(this, function (_f) {
1577 switch (_f.label) {
1578 case 0:
1579 props = [];
1580 _f.label = 1;
1581 case 1:
1582 _f.trys.push([1, 6, 7, 8]);
1583 _a = __values(token.props), _b = _a.next();
1584 _f.label = 2;
1585 case 2:
1586 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
1587 prop = _b.value;
1588 _d = (_c = props).push;
1589 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(prop, ctx, false)];
1590 case 3:
1591 _d.apply(_c, [(_f.sent())]);
1592 _f.label = 4;
1593 case 4:
1594 _b = _a.next();
1595 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
1596 case 5: return [3 /*break*/, 8];
1597 case 6:
1598 e_2_1 = _f.sent();
1599 e_2 = { error: e_2_1 };
1600 return [3 /*break*/, 8];
1601 case 7:
1602 try {
1603 if (_b && !_b.done && (_e = _a.return)) _e.call(_a);
1604 }
1605 finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
1606 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
1607 case 8:
1608 _f.trys.push([8, 14, , 15]);
1609 if (!token.variable) return [3 /*break*/, 11];
1610 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(token.variable, ctx, lenient)];
1611 case 9:
1612 variable = _f.sent();
1613 return [4 /*yield*/, ctx._getFromScope(variable, props)];
1614 case 10: return [2 /*return*/, _f.sent()];
1615 case 11: return [4 /*yield*/, ctx._get(props)];
1616 case 12: return [2 /*return*/, _f.sent()];
1617 case 13: return [3 /*break*/, 15];
1618 case 14:
1619 e_3 = _f.sent();
1620 if (lenient && e_3.name === 'InternalUndefinedVariableError')
1621 return [2 /*return*/, null];
1622 throw (new UndefinedVariableError(e_3, token));
1623 case 15: return [2 /*return*/];
1624 }
1625 });
1626 }
1627 function evalQuotedToken(token) {
1628 return token.content;
1629 }
1630 function evalRangeToken(token, ctx) {
1631 var low, high;
1632 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1633 switch (_a.label) {
1634 case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(token.lhs, ctx)];
1635 case 1:
1636 low = _a.sent();
1637 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(token.rhs, ctx)];
1638 case 2:
1639 high = _a.sent();
1640 return [2 /*return*/, range(+low, +high + 1)];
1641 }
1642 });
1643 }
1644 function toPostfix(tokens) {
1645 var ops, tokens_1, tokens_1_1, token, e_4_1;
1646 var e_4, _a;
1647 return __generator(this, function (_b) {
1648 switch (_b.label) {
1649 case 0:
1650 ops = [];
1651 _b.label = 1;
1652 case 1:
1653 _b.trys.push([1, 10, 11, 12]);
1654 tokens_1 = __values(tokens), tokens_1_1 = tokens_1.next();
1655 _b.label = 2;
1656 case 2:
1657 if (!!tokens_1_1.done) return [3 /*break*/, 9];
1658 token = tokens_1_1.value;
1659 if (!isOperatorToken(token)) return [3 /*break*/, 6];
1660 _b.label = 3;
1661 case 3:
1662 if (!(ops.length && ops[ops.length - 1].getPrecedence() > token.getPrecedence())) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
1663 return [4 /*yield*/, ops.pop()];
1664 case 4:
1665 _b.sent();
1666 return [3 /*break*/, 3];
1667 case 5:
1668 ops.push(token);
1669 return [3 /*break*/, 8];
1670 case 6: return [4 /*yield*/, token];
1671 case 7:
1672 _b.sent();
1673 _b.label = 8;
1674 case 8:
1675 tokens_1_1 = tokens_1.next();
1676 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
1677 case 9: return [3 /*break*/, 12];
1678 case 10:
1679 e_4_1 = _b.sent();
1680 e_4 = { error: e_4_1 };
1681 return [3 /*break*/, 12];
1682 case 11:
1683 try {
1684 if (tokens_1_1 && !tokens_1_1.done && (_a = tokens_1.return)) _a.call(tokens_1);
1685 }
1686 finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; }
1687 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
1688 case 12:
1689 if (!ops.length) return [3 /*break*/, 14];
1690 return [4 /*yield*/, ops.pop()];
1691 case 13:
1692 _b.sent();
1693 return [3 /*break*/, 12];
1694 case 14: return [2 /*return*/];
1695 }
1696 });
1697 }
1699 function isTruthy(val, ctx) {
1700 return !isFalsy(val, ctx);
1701 }
1702 function isFalsy(val, ctx) {
1703 val = toValue(val);
1704 if (ctx.opts.jsTruthy) {
1705 return !val;
1706 }
1707 else {
1708 return val === false || undefined === val || val === null;
1709 }
1710 }
1712 var defaultOperators = {
1713 '==': equals,
1714 '!=': function (l, r) { return !equals(l, r); },
1715 '>': function (l, r) {
1716 if (isComparable(l))
1717 return l.gt(r);
1718 if (isComparable(r))
1719 return r.lt(l);
1720 return toValue(l) > toValue(r);
1721 },
1722 '<': function (l, r) {
1723 if (isComparable(l))
1724 return l.lt(r);
1725 if (isComparable(r))
1726 return r.gt(l);
1727 return toValue(l) < toValue(r);
1728 },
1729 '>=': function (l, r) {
1730 if (isComparable(l))
1731 return l.geq(r);
1732 if (isComparable(r))
1733 return r.leq(l);
1734 return toValue(l) >= toValue(r);
1735 },
1736 '<=': function (l, r) {
1737 if (isComparable(l))
1738 return l.leq(r);
1739 if (isComparable(r))
1740 return r.geq(l);
1741 return toValue(l) <= toValue(r);
1742 },
1743 'contains': function (l, r) {
1744 l = toValue(l);
1745 if (isArray(l))
1746 return l.some(function (i) { return equals(i, r); });
1747 if (isFunction(l === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l.indexOf))
1748 return l.indexOf(toValue(r)) > -1;
1749 return false;
1750 },
1751 'not': function (v, ctx) { return isFalsy(toValue(v), ctx); },
1752 'and': function (l, r, ctx) { return isTruthy(toValue(l), ctx) && isTruthy(toValue(r), ctx); },
1753 'or': function (l, r, ctx) { return isTruthy(toValue(l), ctx) || isTruthy(toValue(r), ctx); }
1754 };
1755 function equals(lhs, rhs) {
1756 if (isComparable(lhs))
1757 return lhs.equals(rhs);
1758 if (isComparable(rhs))
1759 return rhs.equals(lhs);
1760 lhs = toValue(lhs);
1761 rhs = toValue(rhs);
1762 if (isArray(lhs)) {
1763 return isArray(rhs) && arrayEquals(lhs, rhs);
1764 }
1765 return lhs === rhs;
1766 }
1767 function arrayEquals(lhs, rhs) {
1768 if (lhs.length !== rhs.length)
1769 return false;
1770 return !lhs.some(function (value, i) { return !equals(value, rhs[i]); });
1771 }
1773 var Node = /** @class */ (function () {
1774 function Node(key, value, next, prev) {
1775 this.key = key;
1776 this.value = value;
1777 this.next = next;
1778 this.prev = prev;
1779 }
1780 return Node;
1781 }());
1782 var LRU = /** @class */ (function () {
1783 function LRU(limit, size) {
1784 if (size === void 0) { size = 0; }
1785 this.limit = limit;
1786 this.size = size;
1787 this.cache = {};
1788 this.head = new Node('HEAD', null, null, null);
1789 this.tail = new Node('TAIL', null, null, null);
1790 this.head.next = this.tail;
1791 this.tail.prev = this.head;
1792 }
1793 LRU.prototype.write = function (key, value) {
1794 if (this.cache[key]) {
1795 this.cache[key].value = value;
1796 }
1797 else {
1798 var node = new Node(key, value, this.head.next, this.head);
1799 this.head.next.prev = node;
1800 this.head.next = node;
1801 this.cache[key] = node;
1802 this.size++;
1803 this.ensureLimit();
1804 }
1805 };
1806 LRU.prototype.read = function (key) {
1807 if (!this.cache[key])
1808 return;
1809 var value = this.cache[key].value;
1810 this.remove(key);
1811 this.write(key, value);
1812 return value;
1813 };
1814 LRU.prototype.remove = function (key) {
1815 var node = this.cache[key];
1816 node.prev.next = node.next;
1817 node.next.prev = node.prev;
1818 delete this.cache[key];
1819 this.size--;
1820 };
1821 LRU.prototype.clear = function () {
1822 this.head.next = this.tail;
1823 this.tail.prev = this.head;
1824 this.size = 0;
1825 this.cache = {};
1826 };
1827 LRU.prototype.ensureLimit = function () {
1828 if (this.size > this.limit)
1829 this.remove(this.tail.prev.key);
1830 };
1831 return LRU;
1832 }());
1834 function domResolve(root, path) {
1835 var base = document.createElement('base');
1836 base.href = root;
1837 var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
1838 head.insertBefore(base, head.firstChild);
1839 var a = document.createElement('a');
1840 a.href = path;
1841 var resolved = a.href;
1842 head.removeChild(base);
1843 return resolved;
1844 }
1845 function resolve(root, filepath, ext) {
1846 if (root.length && last(root) !== '/')
1847 root += '/';
1848 var url = domResolve(root, filepath);
1849 return url.replace(/^(\w+:\/\/[^/]+)(\/[^?]+)/, function (str, origin, path) {
1850 var last = path.split('/').pop();
1851 if (/\.\w+$/.test(last))
1852 return str;
1853 return origin + path + ext;
1854 });
1855 }
1856 function readFile(url) {
1857 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1858 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1859 return [2 /*return*/, new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
1860 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
1861 xhr.onload = function () {
1862 if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) {
1863 resolve(xhr.responseText);
1864 }
1865 else {
1866 reject(new Error(xhr.statusText));
1867 }
1868 };
1869 xhr.onerror = function () {
1870 reject(new Error('An error occurred whilst receiving the response.'));
1871 };
1872 xhr.open('GET', url);
1873 xhr.send();
1874 })];
1875 });
1876 });
1877 }
1878 function readFileSync(url) {
1879 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
1880 xhr.open('GET', url, false);
1881 xhr.send();
1882 if (xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 300) {
1883 throw new Error(xhr.statusText);
1884 }
1885 return xhr.responseText;
1886 }
1887 function exists(filepath) {
1888 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1889 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1890 return [2 /*return*/, true];
1891 });
1892 });
1893 }
1894 function existsSync(filepath) {
1895 return true;
1896 }
1897 function dirname(filepath) {
1898 return domResolve(filepath, '.');
1899 }
1900 var sep = '/';
1902 var fs = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
1903 __proto__: null,
1904 resolve: resolve,
1905 readFile: readFile,
1906 readFileSync: readFileSync,
1907 exists: exists,
1908 existsSync: existsSync,
1909 dirname: dirname,
1910 sep: sep
1911 });
1913 function defaultFilter(value, defaultValue) {
1914 var args = [];
1915 for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
1916 args[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
1917 }
1918 value = toValue(value);
1919 if (isArray(value) || isString(value))
1920 return value.length ? value : defaultValue;
1921 if (value === false && (new Map(args)).get('allow_false'))
1922 return false;
1923 return isFalsy(value, this.context) ? defaultValue : value;
1924 }
1925 function json(value, space) {
1926 if (space === void 0) { space = 0; }
1927 return JSON.stringify(value, null, space);
1928 }
1929 function inspect(value, space) {
1930 if (space === void 0) { space = 0; }
1931 var ancestors = [];
1932 return JSON.stringify(value, function (_key, value) {
1933 if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null)
1934 return value;
1935 // `this` is the object that value is contained in, i.e., its direct parent.
1936 while (ancestors.length > 0 && ancestors[ancestors.length - 1] !== this)
1937 ancestors.pop();
1938 if (ancestors.includes(value))
1939 return '[Circular]';
1940 ancestors.push(value);
1941 return value;
1942 }, space);
1943 }
1944 function to_integer(value) {
1945 return Number(value);
1946 }
1947 var raw = {
1948 raw: true,
1949 handler: identify
1950 };
1951 var misc = {
1952 default: defaultFilter,
1953 raw: raw,
1954 jsonify: json,
1955 to_integer: to_integer,
1956 json: json,
1957 inspect: inspect
1958 };
1960 var escapeMap = {
1961 '&': '&amp;',
1962 '<': '&lt;',
1963 '>': '&gt;',
1964 '"': '&#34;',
1965 "'": '&#39;'
1966 };
1967 var unescapeMap = {
1968 '&amp;': '&',
1969 '&lt;': '<',
1970 '&gt;': '>',
1971 '&#34;': '"',
1972 '&#39;': "'"
1973 };
1974 function escape(str) {
1975 return stringify(str).replace(/&|<|>|"|'/g, function (m) { return escapeMap[m]; });
1976 }
1977 function xml_escape(str) {
1978 return escape(str);
1979 }
1980 function unescape(str) {
1981 return stringify(str).replace(/&(amp|lt|gt|#34|#39);/g, function (m) { return unescapeMap[m]; });
1982 }
1983 function escape_once(str) {
1984 return escape(unescape(stringify(str)));
1985 }
1986 function newline_to_br(v) {
1987 return stringify(v).replace(/\r?\n/gm, '<br />\n');
1988 }
1989 function strip_html(v) {
1990 return stringify(v).replace(/<script[\s\S]*?<\/script>|<style[\s\S]*?<\/style>|<.*?>|<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, '');
1991 }
1993 var htmlFilters = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
1994 __proto__: null,
1995 escape: escape,
1996 xml_escape: xml_escape,
1997 escape_once: escape_once,
1998 newline_to_br: newline_to_br,
1999 strip_html: strip_html
2000 });
2002 var defaultOptions = {
2003 root: ['.'],
2004 layouts: ['.'],
2005 partials: ['.'],
2006 relativeReference: true,
2007 jekyllInclude: false,
2008 cache: undefined,
2009 extname: '',
2010 fs: fs,
2011 dynamicPartials: true,
2012 jsTruthy: false,
2013 dateFormat: '%A, %B %-e, %Y at %-l:%M %P %z',
2014 trimTagRight: false,
2015 trimTagLeft: false,
2016 trimOutputRight: false,
2017 trimOutputLeft: false,
2018 greedy: true,
2019 tagDelimiterLeft: '{%',
2020 tagDelimiterRight: '%}',
2021 outputDelimiterLeft: '{{',
2022 outputDelimiterRight: '}}',
2023 preserveTimezones: false,
2024 strictFilters: false,
2025 strictVariables: false,
2026 ownPropertyOnly: true,
2027 lenientIf: false,
2028 globals: {},
2029 keepOutputType: false,
2030 operators: defaultOperators
2031 };
2032 function normalize(options) {
2033 if (options.hasOwnProperty('root')) {
2034 if (!options.hasOwnProperty('partials'))
2035 options.partials = options.root;
2036 if (!options.hasOwnProperty('layouts'))
2037 options.layouts = options.root;
2038 }
2039 if (options.hasOwnProperty('cache')) {
2040 var cache = void 0;
2041 if (typeof options.cache === 'number')
2042 cache = options.cache > 0 ? new LRU(options.cache) : undefined;
2043 else if (typeof options.cache === 'object')
2044 cache = options.cache;
2045 else
2046 cache = options.cache ? new LRU(1024) : undefined;
2047 options.cache = cache;
2048 }
2049 options = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, defaultOptions), (options.jekyllInclude ? { dynamicPartials: false } : {})), options);
2050 if ((!options.fs.dirname || !options.fs.sep) && options.relativeReference) {
2051 console.warn('[LiquidJS] `fs.dirname` and `fs.sep` are required for relativeReference, set relativeReference to `false` to suppress this warning');
2052 options.relativeReference = false;
2053 }
2054 options.root = normalizeDirectoryList(options.root);
2055 options.partials = normalizeDirectoryList(options.partials);
2056 options.layouts = normalizeDirectoryList(options.layouts);
2057 options.outputEscape = options.outputEscape && getOutputEscapeFunction(options.outputEscape);
2058 return options;
2059 }
2060 function getOutputEscapeFunction(nameOrFunction) {
2061 if (nameOrFunction === 'escape')
2062 return escape;
2063 if (nameOrFunction === 'json')
2064 return misc.json;
2065 assert(isFunction(nameOrFunction), '`outputEscape` need to be of type string or function');
2066 return nameOrFunction;
2067 }
2068 function normalizeDirectoryList(value) {
2069 var list = [];
2070 if (isArray(value))
2071 list = value;
2072 if (isString(value))
2073 list = [value];
2074 return list;
2075 }
2077 function whiteSpaceCtrl(tokens, options) {
2078 var inRaw = false;
2079 for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
2080 var token = tokens[i];
2081 if (!isDelimitedToken(token))
2082 continue;
2083 if (!inRaw && token.trimLeft) {
2084 trimLeft(tokens[i - 1], options.greedy);
2085 }
2086 if (isTagToken(token)) {
2087 if (token.name === 'raw')
2088 inRaw = true;
2089 else if (token.name === 'endraw')
2090 inRaw = false;
2091 }
2092 if (!inRaw && token.trimRight) {
2093 trimRight(tokens[i + 1], options.greedy);
2094 }
2095 }
2096 }
2097 function trimLeft(token, greedy) {
2098 if (!token || !isHTMLToken(token))
2099 return;
2100 var mask = greedy ? BLANK : INLINE_BLANK;
2101 while (TYPES[token.input.charCodeAt(token.end - 1 - token.trimRight)] & mask)
2102 token.trimRight++;
2103 }
2104 function trimRight(token, greedy) {
2105 if (!token || !isHTMLToken(token))
2106 return;
2107 var mask = greedy ? BLANK : INLINE_BLANK;
2108 while (TYPES[token.input.charCodeAt(token.begin + token.trimLeft)] & mask)
2109 token.trimLeft++;
2110 if (token.input.charAt(token.begin + token.trimLeft) === '\n')
2111 token.trimLeft++;
2112 }
2114 var Tokenizer = /** @class */ (function () {
2115 function Tokenizer(input, operators, file, range) {
2116 if (operators === void 0) { operators = defaultOptions.operators; }
2117 this.input = input;
2118 this.file = file;
2119 this.rawBeginAt = -1;
2120 this.p = range ? range[0] : 0;
2121 this.N = range ? range[1] : input.length;
2122 this.opTrie = createTrie(operators);
2123 this.literalTrie = createTrie(literalValues);
2124 }
2125 Tokenizer.prototype.readExpression = function () {
2126 return new Expression(this.readExpressionTokens());
2127 };
2128 Tokenizer.prototype.readExpressionTokens = function () {
2129 var operator, operand;
2130 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2131 switch (_a.label) {
2132 case 0:
2133 if (!(this.p < this.N)) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
2134 operator = this.readOperator();
2135 if (!operator) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
2136 return [4 /*yield*/, operator];
2137 case 1:
2138 _a.sent();
2139 return [3 /*break*/, 0];
2140 case 2:
2141 operand = this.readValue();
2142 if (!operand) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
2143 return [4 /*yield*/, operand];
2144 case 3:
2145 _a.sent();
2146 return [3 /*break*/, 0];
2147 case 4: return [2 /*return*/];
2148 case 5: return [2 /*return*/];
2149 }
2150 });
2151 };
2152 Tokenizer.prototype.readOperator = function () {
2153 this.skipBlank();
2154 var end = this.matchTrie(this.opTrie);
2155 if (end === -1)
2156 return;
2157 return new OperatorToken(this.input, this.p, (this.p = end), this.file);
2158 };
2159 Tokenizer.prototype.matchTrie = function (trie) {
2160 var node = trie;
2161 var i = this.p;
2162 var info;
2163 while (node[this.input[i]] && i < this.N) {
2164 node = node[this.input[i++]];
2165 if (node['end'])
2166 info = node;
2167 }
2168 if (!info)
2169 return -1;
2170 if (info['needBoundary'] && isWord(this.peek(i - this.p)))
2171 return -1;
2172 return i;
2173 };
2174 Tokenizer.prototype.readFilteredValue = function () {
2175 var begin = this.p;
2176 var initial = this.readExpression();
2177 this.assert(initial.valid(), "invalid value expression: ".concat(this.snapshot()));
2178 var filters = this.readFilters();
2179 return new FilteredValueToken(initial, filters, this.input, begin, this.p, this.file);
2180 };
2181 Tokenizer.prototype.readFilters = function () {
2182 var filters = [];
2183 while (true) {
2184 var filter = this.readFilter();
2185 if (!filter)
2186 return filters;
2187 filters.push(filter);
2188 }
2189 };
2190 Tokenizer.prototype.readFilter = function () {
2191 var _this = this;
2192 this.skipBlank();
2193 if (this.end())
2194 return null;
2195 this.assert(this.peek() === '|', "expected \"|\" before filter");
2196 this.p++;
2197 var begin = this.p;
2198 var name = this.readIdentifier();
2199 if (!name.size()) {
2200 this.assert(this.end(), "expected filter name");
2201 return null;
2202 }
2203 var args = [];
2204 this.skipBlank();
2205 if (this.peek() === ':') {
2206 do {
2207 ++this.p;
2208 var arg = this.readFilterArg();
2209 arg && args.push(arg);
2210 this.skipBlank();
2211 this.assert(this.end() || this.peek() === ',' || this.peek() === '|', function () { return "unexpected character ".concat(_this.snapshot()); });
2212 } while (this.peek() === ',');
2213 }
2214 else if (this.peek() === '|' || this.end()) ;
2215 else {
2216 throw this.error('expected ":" after filter name');
2217 }
2218 return new FilterToken(name.getText(), args, this.input, begin, this.p, this.file);
2219 };
2220 Tokenizer.prototype.readFilterArg = function () {
2221 var key = this.readValue();
2222 if (!key)
2223 return;
2224 this.skipBlank();
2225 if (this.peek() !== ':')
2226 return key;
2227 ++this.p;
2228 var value = this.readValue();
2229 return [key.getText(), value];
2230 };
2231 Tokenizer.prototype.readTopLevelTokens = function (options) {
2232 if (options === void 0) { options = defaultOptions; }
2233 var tokens = [];
2234 while (this.p < this.N) {
2235 var token = this.readTopLevelToken(options);
2236 tokens.push(token);
2237 }
2238 whiteSpaceCtrl(tokens, options);
2239 return tokens;
2240 };
2241 Tokenizer.prototype.readTopLevelToken = function (options) {
2242 var tagDelimiterLeft = options.tagDelimiterLeft, outputDelimiterLeft = options.outputDelimiterLeft;
2243 if (this.rawBeginAt > -1)
2244 return this.readEndrawOrRawContent(options);
2245 if (this.match(tagDelimiterLeft))
2246 return this.readTagToken(options);
2247 if (this.match(outputDelimiterLeft))
2248 return this.readOutputToken(options);
2249 return this.readHTMLToken([tagDelimiterLeft, outputDelimiterLeft]);
2250 };
2251 Tokenizer.prototype.readHTMLToken = function (stopStrings) {
2252 var _this = this;
2253 var begin = this.p;
2254 while (this.p < this.N) {
2255 if (stopStrings.some(function (str) { return _this.match(str); }))
2256 break;
2257 ++this.p;
2258 }
2259 return new HTMLToken(this.input, begin, this.p, this.file);
2260 };
2261 Tokenizer.prototype.readTagToken = function (options) {
2262 if (options === void 0) { options = defaultOptions; }
2263 var _a = this, file = _a.file, input = _a.input;
2264 var begin = this.p;
2265 if (this.readToDelimiter(options.tagDelimiterRight) === -1) {
2266 throw this.error("tag ".concat(this.snapshot(begin), " not closed"), begin);
2267 }
2268 var token = new TagToken(input, begin, this.p, options, file);
2269 if (token.name === 'raw')
2270 this.rawBeginAt = begin;
2271 return token;
2272 };
2273 Tokenizer.prototype.readToDelimiter = function (delimiter, respectQuoted) {
2274 if (respectQuoted === void 0) { respectQuoted = false; }
2275 this.skipBlank();
2276 while (this.p < this.N) {
2277 if (respectQuoted && (this.peekType() & QUOTE)) {
2278 this.readQuoted();
2279 continue;
2280 }
2281 ++this.p;
2282 if (this.rmatch(delimiter))
2283 return this.p;
2284 }
2285 return -1;
2286 };
2287 Tokenizer.prototype.readOutputToken = function (options) {
2288 if (options === void 0) { options = defaultOptions; }
2289 var _a = this, file = _a.file, input = _a.input;
2290 var outputDelimiterRight = options.outputDelimiterRight;
2291 var begin = this.p;
2292 if (this.readToDelimiter(outputDelimiterRight, true) === -1) {
2293 throw this.error("output ".concat(this.snapshot(begin), " not closed"), begin);
2294 }
2295 return new OutputToken(input, begin, this.p, options, file);
2296 };
2297 Tokenizer.prototype.readEndrawOrRawContent = function (options) {
2298 var tagDelimiterLeft = options.tagDelimiterLeft, tagDelimiterRight = options.tagDelimiterRight;
2299 var begin = this.p;
2300 var leftPos = this.readTo(tagDelimiterLeft) - tagDelimiterLeft.length;
2301 while (this.p < this.N) {
2302 if (this.readIdentifier().getText() !== 'endraw') {
2303 leftPos = this.readTo(tagDelimiterLeft) - tagDelimiterLeft.length;
2304 continue;
2305 }
2306 while (this.p <= this.N) {
2307 if (this.rmatch(tagDelimiterRight)) {
2308 var end = this.p;
2309 if (begin === leftPos) {
2310 this.rawBeginAt = -1;
2311 return new TagToken(this.input, begin, end, options, this.file);
2312 }
2313 else {
2314 this.p = leftPos;
2315 return new HTMLToken(this.input, begin, leftPos, this.file);
2316 }
2317 }
2318 if (this.rmatch(tagDelimiterLeft))
2319 break;
2320 this.p++;
2321 }
2322 }
2323 throw this.error("raw ".concat(this.snapshot(this.rawBeginAt), " not closed"), begin);
2324 };
2325 Tokenizer.prototype.readLiquidTagTokens = function (options) {
2326 if (options === void 0) { options = defaultOptions; }
2327 var tokens = [];
2328 while (this.p < this.N) {
2329 var token = this.readLiquidTagToken(options);
2330 token && tokens.push(token);
2331 }
2332 return tokens;
2333 };
2334 Tokenizer.prototype.readLiquidTagToken = function (options) {
2335 this.skipBlank();
2336 if (this.end())
2337 return;
2338 var begin = this.p;
2339 this.readToDelimiter('\n');
2340 var end = this.p;
2341 return new LiquidTagToken(this.input, begin, end, options, this.file);
2342 };
2343 Tokenizer.prototype.error = function (msg, pos) {
2344 if (pos === void 0) { pos = this.p; }
2345 return new TokenizationError(msg, new IdentifierToken(this.input, pos, this.N, this.file));
2346 };
2347 Tokenizer.prototype.assert = function (pred, msg, pos) {
2348 if (!pred)
2349 throw this.error(typeof msg === 'function' ? msg() : msg, pos);
2350 };
2351 Tokenizer.prototype.snapshot = function (begin) {
2352 if (begin === void 0) { begin = this.p; }
2353 return JSON.stringify(ellipsis(this.input.slice(begin, this.N), 32));
2354 };
2355 /**
2356 * @deprecated use #readIdentifier instead
2357 */
2358 Tokenizer.prototype.readWord = function () {
2359 return this.readIdentifier();
2360 };
2361 Tokenizer.prototype.readIdentifier = function () {
2362 this.skipBlank();
2363 var begin = this.p;
2364 while (!this.end() && isWord(this.peek()))
2365 ++this.p;
2366 return new IdentifierToken(this.input, begin, this.p, this.file);
2367 };
2368 Tokenizer.prototype.readNonEmptyIdentifier = function () {
2369 var id = this.readIdentifier();
2370 return id.size() ? id : undefined;
2371 };
2372 Tokenizer.prototype.readTagName = function () {
2373 this.skipBlank();
2374 // Handle inline comment tags
2375 if (this.input[this.p] === '#')
2376 return this.input.slice(this.p, ++this.p);
2377 return this.readIdentifier().getText();
2378 };
2379 Tokenizer.prototype.readHashes = function (jekyllStyle) {
2380 var hashes = [];
2381 while (true) {
2382 var hash = this.readHash(jekyllStyle);
2383 if (!hash)
2384 return hashes;
2385 hashes.push(hash);
2386 }
2387 };
2388 Tokenizer.prototype.readHash = function (jekyllStyle) {
2389 this.skipBlank();
2390 if (this.peek() === ',')
2391 ++this.p;
2392 var begin = this.p;
2393 var name = this.readNonEmptyIdentifier();
2394 if (!name)
2395 return;
2396 var value;
2397 this.skipBlank();
2398 var sep = jekyllStyle ? '=' : ':';
2399 if (this.peek() === sep) {
2400 ++this.p;
2401 value = this.readValue();
2402 }
2403 return new HashToken(this.input, begin, this.p, name, value, this.file);
2404 };
2405 Tokenizer.prototype.remaining = function () {
2406 return this.input.slice(this.p, this.N);
2407 };
2408 Tokenizer.prototype.advance = function (step) {
2409 if (step === void 0) { step = 1; }
2410 this.p += step;
2411 };
2412 Tokenizer.prototype.end = function () {
2413 return this.p >= this.N;
2414 };
2415 Tokenizer.prototype.readTo = function (end) {
2416 while (this.p < this.N) {
2417 ++this.p;
2418 if (this.rmatch(end))
2419 return this.p;
2420 }
2421 return -1;
2422 };
2423 Tokenizer.prototype.readValue = function () {
2424 this.skipBlank();
2425 var begin = this.p;
2426 var variable = this.readLiteral() || this.readQuoted() || this.readRange() || this.readNumber();
2427 var props = this.readProperties(!variable);
2428 if (!props.length)
2429 return variable;
2430 return new PropertyAccessToken(variable, props, this.input, begin, this.p);
2431 };
2432 Tokenizer.prototype.readScopeValue = function () {
2433 this.skipBlank();
2434 var begin = this.p;
2435 var props = this.readProperties();
2436 if (!props.length)
2437 return undefined;
2438 return new PropertyAccessToken(undefined, props, this.input, begin, this.p);
2439 };
2440 Tokenizer.prototype.readProperties = function (isBegin) {
2441 if (isBegin === void 0) { isBegin = true; }
2442 var props = [];
2443 while (true) {
2444 if (this.peek() === '[') {
2445 this.p++;
2446 var prop = this.readValue() || new IdentifierToken(this.input, this.p, this.p, this.file);
2447 this.assert(this.readTo(']') !== -1, '[ not closed');
2448 props.push(prop);
2449 continue;
2450 }
2451 if (isBegin && !props.length) {
2452 var prop = this.readNonEmptyIdentifier();
2453 if (prop) {
2454 props.push(prop);
2455 continue;
2456 }
2457 }
2458 if (this.peek() === '.' && this.peek(1) !== '.') { // skip range syntax
2459 this.p++;
2460 var prop = this.readNonEmptyIdentifier();
2461 if (!prop)
2462 break;
2463 props.push(prop);
2464 continue;
2465 }
2466 break;
2467 }
2468 return props;
2469 };
2470 Tokenizer.prototype.readNumber = function () {
2471 this.skipBlank();
2472 var decimalFound = false;
2473 var digitFound = false;
2474 var n = 0;
2475 if (this.peekType() & SIGN)
2476 n++;
2477 while (this.p + n <= this.N) {
2478 if (this.peekType(n) & NUMBER) {
2479 digitFound = true;
2480 n++;
2481 }
2482 else if (this.peek(n) === '.' && this.peek(n + 1) !== '.') {
2483 if (decimalFound || !digitFound)
2484 return;
2485 decimalFound = true;
2486 n++;
2487 }
2488 else
2489 break;
2490 }
2491 if (digitFound && !isWord(this.peek(n))) {
2492 var num = new NumberToken(this.input, this.p, this.p + n, this.file);
2493 this.advance(n);
2494 return num;
2495 }
2496 };
2497 Tokenizer.prototype.readLiteral = function () {
2498 this.skipBlank();
2499 var end = this.matchTrie(this.literalTrie);
2500 if (end === -1)
2501 return;
2502 var literal = new LiteralToken(this.input, this.p, end, this.file);
2503 this.p = end;
2504 return literal;
2505 };
2506 Tokenizer.prototype.readRange = function () {
2507 this.skipBlank();
2508 var begin = this.p;
2509 if (this.peek() !== '(')
2510 return;
2511 ++this.p;
2512 var lhs = this.readValueOrThrow();
2513 this.p += 2;
2514 var rhs = this.readValueOrThrow();
2515 ++this.p;
2516 return new RangeToken(this.input, begin, this.p, lhs, rhs, this.file);
2517 };
2518 Tokenizer.prototype.readValueOrThrow = function () {
2519 var _this = this;
2520 var value = this.readValue();
2521 this.assert(value, function () { return "unexpected token ".concat(_this.snapshot(), ", value expected"); });
2522 return value;
2523 };
2524 Tokenizer.prototype.readQuoted = function () {
2525 this.skipBlank();
2526 var begin = this.p;
2527 if (!(this.peekType() & QUOTE))
2528 return;
2529 ++this.p;
2530 var escaped = false;
2531 while (this.p < this.N) {
2532 ++this.p;
2533 if (this.input[this.p - 1] === this.input[begin] && !escaped)
2534 break;
2535 if (escaped)
2536 escaped = false;
2537 else if (this.input[this.p - 1] === '\\')
2538 escaped = true;
2539 }
2540 return new QuotedToken(this.input, begin, this.p, this.file);
2541 };
2542 Tokenizer.prototype.readFileNameTemplate = function (options) {
2543 var outputDelimiterLeft, htmlStopStrings, htmlStopStringSet;
2544 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2545 switch (_a.label) {
2546 case 0:
2547 outputDelimiterLeft = options.outputDelimiterLeft;
2548 htmlStopStrings = [',', ' ', outputDelimiterLeft];
2549 htmlStopStringSet = new Set(htmlStopStrings);
2550 _a.label = 1;
2551 case 1:
2552 if (!(this.p < this.N && !htmlStopStringSet.has(this.peek()))) return [3 /*break*/, 3];
2553 return [4 /*yield*/, this.match(outputDelimiterLeft)
2554 ? this.readOutputToken(options)
2555 : this.readHTMLToken(htmlStopStrings)];
2556 case 2:
2557 _a.sent();
2558 return [3 /*break*/, 1];
2559 case 3: return [2 /*return*/];
2560 }
2561 });
2562 };
2563 Tokenizer.prototype.match = function (word) {
2564 for (var i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
2565 if (word[i] !== this.input[this.p + i])
2566 return false;
2567 }
2568 return true;
2569 };
2570 Tokenizer.prototype.rmatch = function (pattern) {
2571 for (var i = 0; i < pattern.length; i++) {
2572 if (pattern[pattern.length - 1 - i] !== this.input[this.p - 1 - i])
2573 return false;
2574 }
2575 return true;
2576 };
2577 Tokenizer.prototype.peekType = function (n) {
2578 if (n === void 0) { n = 0; }
2579 return this.p + n >= this.N ? 0 : TYPES[this.input.charCodeAt(this.p + n)];
2580 };
2581 Tokenizer.prototype.peek = function (n) {
2582 if (n === void 0) { n = 0; }
2583 return this.p + n >= this.N ? '' : this.input[this.p + n];
2584 };
2585 Tokenizer.prototype.skipBlank = function () {
2586 while (this.peekType() & BLANK)
2587 ++this.p;
2588 };
2589 return Tokenizer;
2590 }());
2592 var ParseStream = /** @class */ (function () {
2593 function ParseStream(tokens, parseToken) {
2594 this.handlers = {};
2595 this.stopRequested = false;
2596 this.tokens = tokens;
2597 this.parseToken = parseToken;
2598 }
2599 ParseStream.prototype.on = function (name, cb) {
2600 this.handlers[name] = cb;
2601 return this;
2602 };
2603 ParseStream.prototype.trigger = function (event, arg) {
2604 var h = this.handlers[event];
2605 return h ? (h.call(this, arg), true) : false;
2606 };
2607 ParseStream.prototype.start = function () {
2608 this.trigger('start');
2609 var token;
2610 while (!this.stopRequested && (token = this.tokens.shift())) {
2611 if (this.trigger('token', token))
2612 continue;
2613 if (isTagToken(token) && this.trigger("tag:".concat(token.name), token)) {
2614 continue;
2615 }
2616 var template = this.parseToken(token, this.tokens);
2617 this.trigger('template', template);
2618 }
2619 if (!this.stopRequested)
2620 this.trigger('end');
2621 return this;
2622 };
2623 ParseStream.prototype.stop = function () {
2624 this.stopRequested = true;
2625 return this;
2626 };
2627 return ParseStream;
2628 }());
2630 var TemplateImpl = /** @class */ (function () {
2631 function TemplateImpl(token) {
2632 this.token = token;
2633 }
2634 return TemplateImpl;
2635 }());
2637 var Tag = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
2638 __extends(Tag, _super);
2639 function Tag(token, remainTokens, liquid) {
2640 var _this = _super.call(this, token) || this;
2641 _this.name = token.name;
2642 _this.liquid = liquid;
2643 _this.tokenizer = token.tokenizer;
2644 return _this;
2645 }
2646 return Tag;
2647 }(TemplateImpl));
2649 /**
2650 * Key-Value Pairs Representing Tag Arguments
2651 * Example:
2652 * For the markup `, foo:'bar', coo:2 reversed %}`,
2653 * hash['foo'] === 'bar'
2654 * hash['coo'] === 2
2655 * hash['reversed'] === undefined
2656 */
2657 var Hash = /** @class */ (function () {
2658 function Hash(markup, jekyllStyle) {
2659 var e_1, _a;
2660 this.hash = {};
2661 var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(markup, {});
2662 try {
2663 for (var _b = __values(tokenizer.readHashes(jekyllStyle)), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
2664 var hash = _c.value;
2665 this.hash[hash.name.content] = hash.value;
2666 }
2667 }
2668 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
2669 finally {
2670 try {
2671 if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
2672 }
2673 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
2674 }
2675 }
2676 Hash.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
2677 var hash, _a, _b, key, _c, _d, _e, e_2_1;
2678 var e_2, _f;
2679 return __generator(this, function (_g) {
2680 switch (_g.label) {
2681 case 0:
2682 hash = {};
2683 _g.label = 1;
2684 case 1:
2685 _g.trys.push([1, 8, 9, 10]);
2686 _a = __values(Object.keys(this.hash)), _b = _a.next();
2687 _g.label = 2;
2688 case 2:
2689 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 7];
2690 key = _b.value;
2691 _c = hash;
2692 _d = key;
2693 if (!(this.hash[key] === undefined)) return [3 /*break*/, 3];
2694 _e = true;
2695 return [3 /*break*/, 5];
2696 case 3: return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(this.hash[key], ctx)];
2697 case 4:
2698 _e = _g.sent();
2699 _g.label = 5;
2700 case 5:
2701 _c[_d] = _e;
2702 _g.label = 6;
2703 case 6:
2704 _b = _a.next();
2705 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
2706 case 7: return [3 /*break*/, 10];
2707 case 8:
2708 e_2_1 = _g.sent();
2709 e_2 = { error: e_2_1 };
2710 return [3 /*break*/, 10];
2711 case 9:
2712 try {
2713 if (_b && !_b.done && (_f = _a.return)) _f.call(_a);
2714 }
2715 finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
2716 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
2717 case 10: return [2 /*return*/, hash];
2718 }
2719 });
2720 };
2721 return Hash;
2722 }());
2724 function createTagClass(options) {
2725 return /** @class */ (function (_super) {
2726 __extends(class_1, _super);
2727 function class_1(token, tokens, liquid) {
2728 var _this = _super.call(this, token, tokens, liquid) || this;
2729 if (isFunction(options.parse)) {
2730 options.parse.call(_this, token, tokens);
2731 }
2732 return _this;
2733 }
2734 class_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
2735 var hash;
2736 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2737 switch (_a.label) {
2738 case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, new Hash(this.token.args).render(ctx)];
2739 case 1:
2740 hash = (_a.sent());
2741 return [4 /*yield*/, options.render.call(this, ctx, emitter, hash)];
2742 case 2: return [2 /*return*/, _a.sent()];
2743 }
2744 });
2745 };
2746 return class_1;
2747 }(Tag));
2748 }
2750 function isKeyValuePair(arr) {
2751 return isArray(arr);
2752 }
2754 var Filter = /** @class */ (function () {
2755 function Filter(name, options, args, liquid) {
2756 this.name = name;
2757 this.handler = isFunction(options)
2758 ? options
2759 : (isFunction(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.handler) ? options.handler : identify);
2760 this.raw = !isFunction(options) && !!(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.raw);
2761 this.args = args;
2762 this.liquid = liquid;
2763 }
2764 Filter.prototype.render = function (value, context) {
2765 var argv, _a, _b, arg, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, e_1_1;
2766 var e_1, _h;
2767 return __generator(this, function (_j) {
2768 switch (_j.label) {
2769 case 0:
2770 argv = [];
2771 _j.label = 1;
2772 case 1:
2773 _j.trys.push([1, 8, 9, 10]);
2774 _a = __values(this.args), _b = _a.next();
2775 _j.label = 2;
2776 case 2:
2777 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 7];
2778 arg = _b.value;
2779 if (!isKeyValuePair(arg)) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
2780 _d = (_c = argv).push;
2781 _e = [arg[0]];
2782 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(arg[1], context)];
2783 case 3:
2784 _d.apply(_c, [_e.concat([_j.sent()])]);
2785 return [3 /*break*/, 6];
2786 case 4:
2787 _g = (_f = argv).push;
2788 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(arg, context)];
2789 case 5:
2790 _g.apply(_f, [_j.sent()]);
2791 _j.label = 6;
2792 case 6:
2793 _b = _a.next();
2794 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
2795 case 7: return [3 /*break*/, 10];
2796 case 8:
2797 e_1_1 = _j.sent();
2798 e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
2799 return [3 /*break*/, 10];
2800 case 9:
2801 try {
2802 if (_b && !_b.done && (_h = _a.return)) _h.call(_a);
2803 }
2804 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
2805 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
2806 case 10: return [4 /*yield*/, this.handler.apply({ context: context, liquid: this.liquid }, __spreadArray([value], __read(argv), false))];
2807 case 11: return [2 /*return*/, _j.sent()];
2808 }
2809 });
2810 };
2811 return Filter;
2812 }());
2814 var Value = /** @class */ (function () {
2815 /**
2816 * @param str the value to be valuated, eg.: "foobar" | truncate: 3
2817 */
2818 function Value(input, liquid) {
2819 var _this = this;
2820 this.filters = [];
2821 var token = typeof input === 'string'
2822 ? new Tokenizer(input, liquid.options.operators).readFilteredValue()
2823 : input;
2824 this.initial = token.initial;
2825 this.filters = token.filters.map(function (_a) {
2826 var name = _a.name, args = _a.args;
2827 return new Filter(name, _this.getFilter(liquid, name), args, liquid);
2828 });
2829 }
2830 Value.prototype.value = function (ctx, lenient) {
2831 var val, _a, _b, filter, e_1_1;
2832 var e_1, _c;
2833 return __generator(this, function (_d) {
2834 switch (_d.label) {
2835 case 0:
2836 lenient = lenient || (ctx.opts.lenientIf && this.filters.length > 0 && this.filters[0].name === 'default');
2837 return [4 /*yield*/, this.initial.evaluate(ctx, lenient)];
2838 case 1:
2839 val = _d.sent();
2840 _d.label = 2;
2841 case 2:
2842 _d.trys.push([2, 7, 8, 9]);
2843 _a = __values(this.filters), _b = _a.next();
2844 _d.label = 3;
2845 case 3:
2846 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 6];
2847 filter = _b.value;
2848 return [4 /*yield*/, filter.render(val, ctx)];
2849 case 4:
2850 val = _d.sent();
2851 _d.label = 5;
2852 case 5:
2853 _b = _a.next();
2854 return [3 /*break*/, 3];
2855 case 6: return [3 /*break*/, 9];
2856 case 7:
2857 e_1_1 = _d.sent();
2858 e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
2859 return [3 /*break*/, 9];
2860 case 8:
2861 try {
2862 if (_b && !_b.done && (_c = _a.return)) _c.call(_a);
2863 }
2864 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
2865 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
2866 case 9: return [2 /*return*/, val];
2867 }
2868 });
2869 };
2870 Value.prototype.getFilter = function (liquid, name) {
2871 var impl = liquid.filters[name];
2872 assert(impl || !liquid.options.strictFilters, function () { return "undefined filter: ".concat(name); });
2873 return impl;
2874 };
2875 return Value;
2876 }());
2878 var Output = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
2879 __extends(Output, _super);
2880 function Output(token, liquid) {
2881 var _this = this;
2882 var _a;
2883 _this = _super.call(this, token) || this;
2884 var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(token.input, liquid.options.operators, token.file, token.contentRange);
2885 _this.value = new Value(tokenizer.readFilteredValue(), liquid);
2886 var filters = _this.value.filters;
2887 var outputEscape = liquid.options.outputEscape;
2888 if (!((_a = filters[filters.length - 1]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.raw) && outputEscape) {
2889 filters.push(new Filter(toString.call(outputEscape), outputEscape, [], liquid));
2890 }
2891 return _this;
2892 }
2893 Output.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
2894 var val;
2895 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2896 switch (_a.label) {
2897 case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, this.value.value(ctx, false)];
2898 case 1:
2899 val = _a.sent();
2900 emitter.write(val);
2901 return [2 /*return*/];
2902 }
2903 });
2904 };
2905 return Output;
2906 }(TemplateImpl));
2908 var HTML = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
2909 __extends(HTML, _super);
2910 function HTML(token) {
2911 var _this = _super.call(this, token) || this;
2912 _this.str = token.getContent();
2913 return _this;
2914 }
2915 HTML.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
2916 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2917 emitter.write(this.str);
2918 return [2 /*return*/];
2919 });
2920 };
2921 return HTML;
2922 }(TemplateImpl));
2924 var LookupType;
2925 (function (LookupType) {
2926 LookupType["Partials"] = "partials";
2927 LookupType["Layouts"] = "layouts";
2928 LookupType["Root"] = "root";
2929 })(LookupType || (LookupType = {}));
2930 var Loader = /** @class */ (function () {
2931 function Loader(options) {
2932 this.options = options;
2933 if (options.relativeReference) {
2934 var sep = options.fs.sep;
2935 assert(sep, '`fs.sep` is required for relative reference');
2936 var rRelativePath_1 = new RegExp(['.' + sep, '..' + sep, './', '../'].map(function (prefix) { return escapeRegex(prefix); }).join('|'));
2937 this.shouldLoadRelative = function (referencedFile) { return rRelativePath_1.test(referencedFile); };
2938 }
2939 else {
2940 this.shouldLoadRelative = function (referencedFile) { return false; };
2941 }
2942 this.contains = this.options.fs.contains || (function () { return true; });
2943 }
2944 Loader.prototype.lookup = function (file, type, sync, currentFile) {
2945 var fs, dirs, _a, _b, filepath, _c, e_1_1;
2946 var e_1, _d;
2947 return __generator(this, function (_e) {
2948 switch (_e.label) {
2949 case 0:
2950 fs = this.options.fs;
2951 dirs = this.options[type];
2952 _e.label = 1;
2953 case 1:
2954 _e.trys.push([1, 8, 9, 10]);
2955 _a = __values(this.candidates(file, dirs, currentFile, type !== LookupType.Root)), _b = _a.next();
2956 _e.label = 2;
2957 case 2:
2958 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 7];
2959 filepath = _b.value;
2960 if (!sync) return [3 /*break*/, 3];
2961 _c = fs.existsSync(filepath);
2962 return [3 /*break*/, 5];
2963 case 3: return [4 /*yield*/, fs.exists(filepath)];
2964 case 4:
2965 _c = _e.sent();
2966 _e.label = 5;
2967 case 5:
2968 if (_c)
2969 return [2 /*return*/, filepath];
2970 _e.label = 6;
2971 case 6:
2972 _b = _a.next();
2973 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
2974 case 7: return [3 /*break*/, 10];
2975 case 8:
2976 e_1_1 = _e.sent();
2977 e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
2978 return [3 /*break*/, 10];
2979 case 9:
2980 try {
2981 if (_b && !_b.done && (_d = _a.return)) _d.call(_a);
2982 }
2983 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
2984 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
2985 case 10: throw this.lookupError(file, dirs);
2986 }
2987 });
2988 };
2989 Loader.prototype.candidates = function (file, dirs, currentFile, enforceRoot) {
2990 var _a, fs, extname, referenced, dirs_1, dirs_1_1, dir, e_2_1, dirs_2, dirs_2_1, dir, referenced, e_3_1, filepath;
2991 var e_2, _b, e_3, _c;
2992 return __generator(this, function (_d) {
2993 switch (_d.label) {
2994 case 0:
2995 _a = this.options, fs = _a.fs, extname = _a.extname;
2996 if (!(this.shouldLoadRelative(file) && currentFile)) return [3 /*break*/, 8];
2997 referenced = fs.resolve(this.dirname(currentFile), file, extname);
2998 _d.label = 1;
2999 case 1:
3000 _d.trys.push([1, 6, 7, 8]);
3001 dirs_1 = __values(dirs), dirs_1_1 = dirs_1.next();
3002 _d.label = 2;
3003 case 2:
3004 if (!!dirs_1_1.done) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
3005 dir = dirs_1_1.value;
3006 if (!(!enforceRoot || this.contains(dir, referenced))) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
3007 // the relatively referenced file is within one of root dirs
3008 return [4 /*yield*/, referenced];
3009 case 3:
3010 // the relatively referenced file is within one of root dirs
3011 _d.sent();
3012 return [3 /*break*/, 5];
3013 case 4:
3014 dirs_1_1 = dirs_1.next();
3015 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
3016 case 5: return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3017 case 6:
3018 e_2_1 = _d.sent();
3019 e_2 = { error: e_2_1 };
3020 return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3021 case 7:
3022 try {
3023 if (dirs_1_1 && !dirs_1_1.done && (_b = dirs_1.return)) _b.call(dirs_1);
3024 }
3025 finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
3026 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
3027 case 8:
3028 _d.trys.push([8, 13, 14, 15]);
3029 dirs_2 = __values(dirs), dirs_2_1 = dirs_2.next();
3030 _d.label = 9;
3031 case 9:
3032 if (!!dirs_2_1.done) return [3 /*break*/, 12];
3033 dir = dirs_2_1.value;
3034 referenced = fs.resolve(dir, file, extname);
3035 if (!(!enforceRoot || this.contains(dir, referenced))) return [3 /*break*/, 11];
3036 return [4 /*yield*/, referenced];
3037 case 10:
3038 _d.sent();
3039 _d.label = 11;
3040 case 11:
3041 dirs_2_1 = dirs_2.next();
3042 return [3 /*break*/, 9];
3043 case 12: return [3 /*break*/, 15];
3044 case 13:
3045 e_3_1 = _d.sent();
3046 e_3 = { error: e_3_1 };
3047 return [3 /*break*/, 15];
3048 case 14:
3049 try {
3050 if (dirs_2_1 && !dirs_2_1.done && (_c = dirs_2.return)) _c.call(dirs_2);
3051 }
3052 finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; }
3053 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
3054 case 15:
3055 if (!(fs.fallback !== undefined)) return [3 /*break*/, 17];
3056 filepath = fs.fallback(file);
3057 if (!(filepath !== undefined)) return [3 /*break*/, 17];
3058 return [4 /*yield*/, filepath];
3059 case 16:
3060 _d.sent();
3061 _d.label = 17;
3062 case 17: return [2 /*return*/];
3063 }
3064 });
3065 };
3066 Loader.prototype.dirname = function (path) {
3067 var fs = this.options.fs;
3068 assert(fs.dirname, '`fs.dirname` is required for relative reference');
3069 return fs.dirname(path);
3070 };
3071 Loader.prototype.lookupError = function (file, roots) {
3072 var err = new Error('ENOENT');
3073 err.message = "ENOENT: Failed to lookup \"".concat(file, "\" in \"").concat(roots, "\"");
3074 err.code = 'ENOENT';
3075 return err;
3076 };
3077 return Loader;
3078 }());
3080 var Parser = /** @class */ (function () {
3081 function Parser(liquid) {
3082 this.liquid = liquid;
3083 this.cache = this.liquid.options.cache;
3084 this.fs = this.liquid.options.fs;
3085 this.parseFile = this.cache ? this._parseFileCached : this._parseFile;
3086 this.loader = new Loader(this.liquid.options);
3087 }
3088 Parser.prototype.parse = function (html, filepath) {
3089 var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(html, this.liquid.options.operators, filepath);
3090 var tokens = tokenizer.readTopLevelTokens(this.liquid.options);
3091 return this.parseTokens(tokens);
3092 };
3093 Parser.prototype.parseTokens = function (tokens) {
3094 var token;
3095 var templates = [];
3096 var errors = [];
3097 while ((token = tokens.shift())) {
3098 try {
3099 templates.push(this.parseToken(token, tokens));
3100 }
3101 catch (err) {
3102 if (this.liquid.options.catchAllErrors)
3103 errors.push(err);
3104 else
3105 throw err;
3106 }
3107 }
3108 if (errors.length)
3109 throw new LiquidErrors(errors);
3110 return templates;
3111 };
3112 Parser.prototype.parseToken = function (token, remainTokens) {
3113 try {
3114 if (isTagToken(token)) {
3115 var TagClass = this.liquid.tags[token.name];
3116 assert(TagClass, "tag \"".concat(token.name, "\" not found"));
3117 return new TagClass(token, remainTokens, this.liquid);
3118 }
3119 if (isOutputToken(token)) {
3120 return new Output(token, this.liquid);
3121 }
3122 return new HTML(token);
3123 }
3124 catch (e) {
3125 if (LiquidError.is(e))
3126 throw e;
3127 throw new ParseError(e, token);
3128 }
3129 };
3130 Parser.prototype.parseStream = function (tokens) {
3131 var _this = this;
3132 return new ParseStream(tokens, function (token, tokens) { return _this.parseToken(token, tokens); });
3133 };
3134 Parser.prototype._parseFileCached = function (file, sync, type, currentFile) {
3135 var cache, key, tpls, task, taskOrTpl, _a, err_1;
3136 if (type === void 0) { type = LookupType.Root; }
3137 return __generator(this, function (_b) {
3138 switch (_b.label) {
3139 case 0:
3140 cache = this.cache;
3141 key = this.loader.shouldLoadRelative(file) ? currentFile + ',' + file : type + ':' + file;
3142 return [4 /*yield*/, cache.read(key)];
3143 case 1:
3144 tpls = _b.sent();
3145 if (tpls)
3146 return [2 /*return*/, tpls];
3147 task = this._parseFile(file, sync, type, currentFile);
3148 if (!sync) return [3 /*break*/, 3];
3149 return [4 /*yield*/, task];
3150 case 2:
3151 _a = _b.sent();
3152 return [3 /*break*/, 4];
3153 case 3:
3154 _a = toPromise(task);
3155 _b.label = 4;
3156 case 4:
3157 taskOrTpl = _a;
3158 cache.write(key, taskOrTpl);
3159 _b.label = 5;
3160 case 5:
3161 _b.trys.push([5, 7, , 8]);
3162 return [4 /*yield*/, taskOrTpl];
3163 case 6: return [2 /*return*/, _b.sent()];
3164 case 7:
3165 err_1 = _b.sent();
3166 cache.remove(key);
3167 throw err_1;
3168 case 8: return [2 /*return*/];
3169 }
3170 });
3171 };
3172 Parser.prototype._parseFile = function (file, sync, type, currentFile) {
3173 var filepath, _a, _b, _c;
3174 if (type === void 0) { type = LookupType.Root; }
3175 return __generator(this, function (_d) {
3176 switch (_d.label) {
3177 case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, this.loader.lookup(file, type, sync, currentFile)];
3178 case 1:
3179 filepath = _d.sent();
3180 _b = (_a = this.liquid).parse;
3181 if (!sync) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
3182 _c = this.fs.readFileSync(filepath);
3183 return [3 /*break*/, 4];
3184 case 2: return [4 /*yield*/, this.fs.readFile(filepath)];
3185 case 3:
3186 _c = _d.sent();
3187 _d.label = 4;
3188 case 4: return [2 /*return*/, _b.apply(_a, [_c, filepath])];
3189 }
3190 });
3191 };
3192 return Parser;
3193 }());
3195 (function (TokenKind) {
3196 TokenKind[TokenKind["Number"] = 1] = "Number";
3197 TokenKind[TokenKind["Literal"] = 2] = "Literal";
3198 TokenKind[TokenKind["Tag"] = 4] = "Tag";
3199 TokenKind[TokenKind["Output"] = 8] = "Output";
3200 TokenKind[TokenKind["HTML"] = 16] = "HTML";
3201 TokenKind[TokenKind["Filter"] = 32] = "Filter";
3202 TokenKind[TokenKind["Hash"] = 64] = "Hash";
3203 TokenKind[TokenKind["PropertyAccess"] = 128] = "PropertyAccess";
3204 TokenKind[TokenKind["Word"] = 256] = "Word";
3205 TokenKind[TokenKind["Range"] = 512] = "Range";
3206 TokenKind[TokenKind["Quoted"] = 1024] = "Quoted";
3207 TokenKind[TokenKind["Operator"] = 2048] = "Operator";
3208 TokenKind[TokenKind["FilteredValue"] = 4096] = "FilteredValue";
3209 TokenKind[TokenKind["Delimited"] = 12] = "Delimited";
3210 })(exports.TokenKind || (exports.TokenKind = {}));
3212 function isDelimitedToken(val) {
3213 return !!(getKind(val) & exports.TokenKind.Delimited);
3214 }
3215 function isOperatorToken(val) {
3216 return getKind(val) === exports.TokenKind.Operator;
3217 }
3218 function isHTMLToken(val) {
3219 return getKind(val) === exports.TokenKind.HTML;
3220 }
3221 function isOutputToken(val) {
3222 return getKind(val) === exports.TokenKind.Output;
3223 }
3224 function isTagToken(val) {
3225 return getKind(val) === exports.TokenKind.Tag;
3226 }
3227 function isQuotedToken(val) {
3228 return getKind(val) === exports.TokenKind.Quoted;
3229 }
3230 function isLiteralToken(val) {
3231 return getKind(val) === exports.TokenKind.Literal;
3232 }
3233 function isNumberToken(val) {
3234 return getKind(val) === exports.TokenKind.Number;
3235 }
3236 function isPropertyAccessToken(val) {
3237 return getKind(val) === exports.TokenKind.PropertyAccess;
3238 }
3239 function isWordToken(val) {
3240 return getKind(val) === exports.TokenKind.Word;
3241 }
3242 function isRangeToken(val) {
3243 return getKind(val) === exports.TokenKind.Range;
3244 }
3245 function getKind(val) {
3246 return val ? val.kind : -1;
3247 }
3249 var typeGuards = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
3250 __proto__: null,
3251 isDelimitedToken: isDelimitedToken,
3252 isOperatorToken: isOperatorToken,
3253 isHTMLToken: isHTMLToken,
3254 isOutputToken: isOutputToken,
3255 isTagToken: isTagToken,
3256 isQuotedToken: isQuotedToken,
3257 isLiteralToken: isLiteralToken,
3258 isNumberToken: isNumberToken,
3259 isPropertyAccessToken: isPropertyAccessToken,
3260 isWordToken: isWordToken,
3261 isRangeToken: isRangeToken
3262 });
3264 var Context = /** @class */ (function () {
3265 function Context(env, opts, renderOptions) {
3266 if (env === void 0) { env = {}; }
3267 if (opts === void 0) { opts = defaultOptions; }
3268 if (renderOptions === void 0) { renderOptions = {}; }
3269 var _a, _b, _c;
3270 /**
3271 * insert a Context-level empty scope,
3272 * for tags like `{% capture %}` `{% assign %}` to operate
3273 */
3274 this.scopes = [{}];
3275 this.registers = {};
3276 this.sync = !!renderOptions.sync;
3277 this.opts = opts;
3278 this.globals = (_a = renderOptions.globals) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : opts.globals;
3279 this.environments = isObject(env) ? env : Object(env);
3280 this.strictVariables = (_b = renderOptions.strictVariables) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : this.opts.strictVariables;
3281 this.ownPropertyOnly = (_c = renderOptions.ownPropertyOnly) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : opts.ownPropertyOnly;
3282 }
3283 Context.prototype.getRegister = function (key) {
3284 return (this.registers[key] = this.registers[key] || {});
3285 };
3286 Context.prototype.setRegister = function (key, value) {
3287 return (this.registers[key] = value);
3288 };
3289 Context.prototype.saveRegister = function () {
3290 var _this = this;
3291 var keys = [];
3292 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
3293 keys[_i] = arguments[_i];
3294 }
3295 return keys.map(function (key) { return [key, _this.getRegister(key)]; });
3296 };
3297 Context.prototype.restoreRegister = function (keyValues) {
3298 var _this = this;
3299 return keyValues.forEach(function (_a) {
3300 var _b = __read(_a, 2), key = _b[0], value = _b[1];
3301 return _this.setRegister(key, value);
3302 });
3303 };
3304 Context.prototype.getAll = function () {
3305 return __spreadArray([this.globals, this.environments], __read(this.scopes), false).reduce(function (ctx, val) { return __assign(ctx, val); }, {});
3306 };
3307 /**
3308 * @deprecated use `_get()` or `getSync()` instead
3309 */
3310 Context.prototype.get = function (paths) {
3311 return this.getSync(paths);
3312 };
3313 Context.prototype.getSync = function (paths) {
3314 return toValueSync(this._get(paths));
3315 };
3316 Context.prototype._get = function (paths) {
3317 var scope;
3318 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3319 switch (_a.label) {
3320 case 0:
3321 scope = this.findScope(paths[0]);
3322 return [4 /*yield*/, this._getFromScope(scope, paths)];
3323 case 1: return [2 /*return*/, _a.sent()];
3324 }
3325 });
3326 };
3327 /**
3328 * @deprecated use `_get()` instead
3329 */
3330 Context.prototype.getFromScope = function (scope, paths) {
3331 return toValueSync(this._getFromScope(scope, paths));
3332 };
3333 Context.prototype._getFromScope = function (scope, paths, strictVariables) {
3334 var i;
3335 if (strictVariables === void 0) { strictVariables = this.strictVariables; }
3336 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3337 switch (_a.label) {
3338 case 0:
3339 if (isString(paths))
3340 paths = paths.split('.');
3341 i = 0;
3342 _a.label = 1;
3343 case 1:
3344 if (!(i < paths.length)) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
3345 return [4 /*yield*/, readProperty(scope, paths[i], this.ownPropertyOnly)];
3346 case 2:
3347 scope = _a.sent();
3348 if (strictVariables && isUndefined(scope)) {
3349 throw new InternalUndefinedVariableError(paths.slice(0, i + 1).join('.'));
3350 }
3351 _a.label = 3;
3352 case 3:
3353 i++;
3354 return [3 /*break*/, 1];
3355 case 4: return [2 /*return*/, scope];
3356 }
3357 });
3358 };
3359 Context.prototype.push = function (ctx) {
3360 return this.scopes.push(ctx);
3361 };
3362 Context.prototype.pop = function () {
3363 return this.scopes.pop();
3364 };
3365 Context.prototype.bottom = function () {
3366 return this.scopes[0];
3367 };
3368 Context.prototype.findScope = function (key) {
3369 for (var i = this.scopes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
3370 var candidate = this.scopes[i];
3371 if (key in candidate)
3372 return candidate;
3373 }
3374 if (key in this.environments)
3375 return this.environments;
3376 return this.globals;
3377 };
3378 return Context;
3379 }());
3380 function readProperty(obj, key, ownPropertyOnly) {
3381 obj = toLiquid(obj);
3382 if (isNil(obj))
3383 return obj;
3384 if (isArray(obj) && key < 0)
3385 return obj[obj.length + +key];
3386 var value = readJSProperty(obj, key, ownPropertyOnly);
3387 if (value === undefined && obj instanceof Drop)
3388 return obj.liquidMethodMissing(key);
3389 if (isFunction(value))
3390 return value.call(obj);
3391 if (key === 'size')
3392 return readSize(obj);
3393 else if (key === 'first')
3394 return readFirst(obj);
3395 else if (key === 'last')
3396 return readLast(obj);
3397 return value;
3398 }
3399 function readJSProperty(obj, key, ownPropertyOnly) {
3400 if (ownPropertyOnly && !Object.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key) && !(obj instanceof Drop))
3401 return undefined;
3402 return obj[key];
3403 }
3404 function readFirst(obj) {
3405 if (isArray(obj))
3406 return obj[0];
3407 return obj['first'];
3408 }
3409 function readLast(obj) {
3410 if (isArray(obj))
3411 return obj[obj.length - 1];
3412 return obj['last'];
3413 }
3414 function readSize(obj) {
3415 if (obj.hasOwnProperty('size') || obj['size'] !== undefined)
3416 return obj['size'];
3417 if (isArray(obj) || isString(obj))
3418 return obj.length;
3419 if (typeof obj === 'object')
3420 return Object.keys(obj).length;
3421 }
3423 var BlockMode;
3424 (function (BlockMode) {
3425 /* store rendered html into blocks */
3426 BlockMode[BlockMode["OUTPUT"] = 0] = "OUTPUT";
3427 /* output rendered html directly */
3428 BlockMode[BlockMode["STORE"] = 1] = "STORE";
3429 })(BlockMode || (BlockMode = {}));
3431 var abs = argumentsToValue(Math.abs);
3432 var at_least = argumentsToValue(Math.max);
3433 var at_most = argumentsToValue(Math.min);
3434 var ceil = argumentsToValue(Math.ceil);
3435 var divided_by = argumentsToValue(function (dividend, divisor, integerArithmetic) {
3436 if (integerArithmetic === void 0) { integerArithmetic = false; }
3437 return integerArithmetic ? Math.floor(dividend / divisor) : dividend / divisor;
3438 });
3439 var floor = argumentsToValue(Math.floor);
3440 var minus = argumentsToValue(function (v, arg) { return v - arg; });
3441 var modulo = argumentsToValue(function (v, arg) { return v % arg; });
3442 var times = argumentsToValue(function (v, arg) { return v * arg; });
3443 function round(v, arg) {
3444 if (arg === void 0) { arg = 0; }
3445 v = toValue(v);
3446 arg = toValue(arg);
3447 var amp = Math.pow(10, arg);
3448 return Math.round(v * amp) / amp;
3449 }
3450 function plus(v, arg) {
3451 v = toValue(v);
3452 arg = toValue(arg);
3453 return Number(v) + Number(arg);
3454 }
3456 var mathFilters = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
3457 __proto__: null,
3458 abs: abs,
3459 at_least: at_least,
3460 at_most: at_most,
3461 ceil: ceil,
3462 divided_by: divided_by,
3463 floor: floor,
3464 minus: minus,
3465 modulo: modulo,
3466 times: times,
3467 round: round,
3468 plus: plus
3469 });
3471 var url_decode = function (x) { return decodeURIComponent(stringify(x)).replace(/\+/g, ' '); };
3472 var url_encode = function (x) { return encodeURIComponent(stringify(x)).replace(/%20/g, '+'); };
3473 var cgi_escape = function (x) { return encodeURIComponent(stringify(x))
3474 .replace(/%20/g, '+')
3475 .replace(/[!'()*]/g, function (c) { return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); }); };
3476 var uri_escape = function (x) { return encodeURI(stringify(x))
3477 .replace(/%5B/g, '[')
3478 .replace(/%5D/g, ']'); };
3479 var rSlugifyDefault = /[^\p{M}\p{L}\p{Nd}]+/ug;
3480 var rSlugifyReplacers = {
3481 'raw': /\s+/g,
3482 'default': rSlugifyDefault,
3483 'pretty': /[^\p{M}\p{L}\p{Nd}._~!$&'()+,;=@]+/ug,
3484 'ascii': /[^A-Za-z0-9]+/g,
3485 'latin': rSlugifyDefault,
3486 'none': null
3487 };
3488 function slugify(str, mode, cased) {
3489 if (mode === void 0) { mode = 'default'; }
3490 if (cased === void 0) { cased = false; }
3491 str = stringify(str);
3492 var replacer = rSlugifyReplacers[mode];
3493 if (replacer) {
3494 if (mode === 'latin')
3495 str = removeAccents(str);
3496 str = str.replace(replacer, '-').replace(/^-|-$/g, '');
3497 }
3498 return cased ? str : str.toLowerCase();
3499 }
3500 function removeAccents(str) {
3501 return str.replace(/[àáâãäå]/g, 'a')
3502 .replace(/[æ]/g, 'ae')
3503 .replace(/[ç]/g, 'c')
3504 .replace(/[èéêë]/g, 'e')
3505 .replace(/[ìíîï]/g, 'i')
3506 .replace(/[ð]/g, 'd')
3507 .replace(/[ñ]/g, 'n')
3508 .replace(/[òóôõöø]/g, 'o')
3509 .replace(/[ùúûü]/g, 'u')
3510 .replace(/[ýÿ]/g, 'y')
3511 .replace(/[ß]/g, 'ss')
3512 .replace(/[œ]/g, 'oe')
3513 .replace(/[þ]/g, 'th')
3514 .replace(/[ẞ]/g, 'SS')
3515 .replace(/[Œ]/g, 'OE')
3516 .replace(/[Þ]/g, 'TH');
3517 }
3519 var urlFilters = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
3520 __proto__: null,
3521 url_decode: url_decode,
3522 url_encode: url_encode,
3523 cgi_escape: cgi_escape,
3524 uri_escape: uri_escape,
3525 slugify: slugify
3526 });
3528 var join = argumentsToValue(function (v, arg) { return toArray(v).join(arg === undefined ? ' ' : arg); });
3529 var last$1 = argumentsToValue(function (v) { return isArray(v) ? last(v) : ''; });
3530 var first = argumentsToValue(function (v) { return isArray(v) ? v[0] : ''; });
3531 var reverse = argumentsToValue(function (v) { return __spreadArray([], __read(toArray(v)), false).reverse(); });
3532 function sort(arr, property) {
3533 var values, _a, _b, item, _c, _d, _e, _f, e_1_1;
3534 var e_1, _g;
3535 return __generator(this, function (_h) {
3536 switch (_h.label) {
3537 case 0:
3538 values = [];
3539 _h.label = 1;
3540 case 1:
3541 _h.trys.push([1, 8, 9, 10]);
3542 _a = __values(toArray(arr)), _b = _a.next();
3543 _h.label = 2;
3544 case 2:
3545 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 7];
3546 item = _b.value;
3547 _d = (_c = values).push;
3548 _e = [item];
3549 if (!property) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
3550 return [4 /*yield*/, this.context._getFromScope(item, stringify(property).split('.'), false)];
3551 case 3:
3552 _f = _h.sent();
3553 return [3 /*break*/, 5];
3554 case 4:
3555 _f = item;
3556 _h.label = 5;
3557 case 5:
3558 _d.apply(_c, [_e.concat([
3559 _f
3560 ])]);
3561 _h.label = 6;
3562 case 6:
3563 _b = _a.next();
3564 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
3565 case 7: return [3 /*break*/, 10];
3566 case 8:
3567 e_1_1 = _h.sent();
3568 e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
3569 return [3 /*break*/, 10];
3570 case 9:
3571 try {
3572 if (_b && !_b.done && (_g = _a.return)) _g.call(_a);
3573 }
3574 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
3575 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
3576 case 10: return [2 /*return*/, values.sort(function (lhs, rhs) {
3577 var lvalue = lhs[1];
3578 var rvalue = rhs[1];
3579 return lvalue < rvalue ? -1 : (lvalue > rvalue ? 1 : 0);
3580 }).map(function (tuple) { return tuple[0]; })];
3581 }
3582 });
3583 }
3584 function sort_natural(input, property) {
3585 var propertyString = stringify(property);
3586 var compare = property === undefined
3587 ? caseInsensitiveCompare
3588 : function (lhs, rhs) { return caseInsensitiveCompare(lhs[propertyString], rhs[propertyString]); };
3589 return __spreadArray([], __read(toArray(input)), false).sort(compare);
3590 }
3591 var size = function (v) { return (v && v.length) || 0; };
3592 function map(arr, property) {
3593 var results, _a, _b, item, _c, _d, e_2_1;
3594 var e_2, _e;
3595 return __generator(this, function (_f) {
3596 switch (_f.label) {
3597 case 0:
3598 results = [];
3599 _f.label = 1;
3600 case 1:
3601 _f.trys.push([1, 6, 7, 8]);
3602 _a = __values(toArray(arr)), _b = _a.next();
3603 _f.label = 2;
3604 case 2:
3605 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
3606 item = _b.value;
3607 _d = (_c = results).push;
3608 return [4 /*yield*/, this.context._getFromScope(item, stringify(property), false)];
3609 case 3:
3610 _d.apply(_c, [_f.sent()]);
3611 _f.label = 4;
3612 case 4:
3613 _b = _a.next();
3614 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
3615 case 5: return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3616 case 6:
3617 e_2_1 = _f.sent();
3618 e_2 = { error: e_2_1 };
3619 return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3620 case 7:
3621 try {
3622 if (_b && !_b.done && (_e = _a.return)) _e.call(_a);
3623 }
3624 finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
3625 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
3626 case 8: return [2 /*return*/, results];
3627 }
3628 });
3629 }
3630 function sum(arr, property) {
3631 var sum, _a, _b, item, data, _c, _d, e_3_1;
3632 var e_3, _e;
3633 return __generator(this, function (_f) {
3634 switch (_f.label) {
3635 case 0:
3636 sum = 0;
3637 _f.label = 1;
3638 case 1:
3639 _f.trys.push([1, 8, 9, 10]);
3640 _a = __values(toArray(arr)), _b = _a.next();
3641 _f.label = 2;
3642 case 2:
3643 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 7];
3644 item = _b.value;
3645 _c = Number;
3646 if (!property) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
3647 return [4 /*yield*/, this.context._getFromScope(item, stringify(property), false)];
3648 case 3:
3649 _d = _f.sent();
3650 return [3 /*break*/, 5];
3651 case 4:
3652 _d = item;
3653 _f.label = 5;
3654 case 5:
3655 data = _c.apply(void 0, [_d]);
3656 sum += Number.isNaN(data) ? 0 : data;
3657 _f.label = 6;
3658 case 6:
3659 _b = _a.next();
3660 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
3661 case 7: return [3 /*break*/, 10];
3662 case 8:
3663 e_3_1 = _f.sent();
3664 e_3 = { error: e_3_1 };
3665 return [3 /*break*/, 10];
3666 case 9:
3667 try {
3668 if (_b && !_b.done && (_e = _a.return)) _e.call(_a);
3669 }
3670 finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; }
3671 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
3672 case 10: return [2 /*return*/, sum];
3673 }
3674 });
3675 }
3676 function compact(arr) {
3677 return toArray(arr).filter(function (x) { return !isNil(toValue(x)); });
3678 }
3679 function concat(v, arg) {
3680 if (arg === void 0) { arg = []; }
3681 return toArray(v).concat(toArray(arg));
3682 }
3683 function push(v, arg) {
3684 return concat(v, [arg]);
3685 }
3686 function unshift(v, arg) {
3687 var clone = __spreadArray([], __read(toArray(v)), false);
3688 clone.unshift(arg);
3689 return clone;
3690 }
3691 function pop(v) {
3692 var clone = __spreadArray([], __read(toArray(v)), false);
3693 clone.pop();
3694 return clone;
3695 }
3696 function shift(v) {
3697 var clone = __spreadArray([], __read(toArray(v)), false);
3698 clone.shift();
3699 return clone;
3700 }
3701 function slice(v, begin, length) {
3702 if (length === void 0) { length = 1; }
3703 v = toValue(v);
3704 if (isNil(v))
3705 return [];
3706 if (!isArray(v))
3707 v = stringify(v);
3708 begin = begin < 0 ? v.length + begin : begin;
3709 return v.slice(begin, begin + length);
3710 }
3711 function where(arr, property, expected) {
3712 var values, token, arr_1, arr_1_1, item, _a, _b, e_4_1;
3713 var e_4, _c;
3714 var _this = this;
3715 return __generator(this, function (_d) {
3716 switch (_d.label) {
3717 case 0:
3718 values = [];
3719 arr = toArray(arr);
3720 token = new Tokenizer(stringify(property)).readScopeValue();
3721 _d.label = 1;
3722 case 1:
3723 _d.trys.push([1, 6, 7, 8]);
3724 arr_1 = __values(arr), arr_1_1 = arr_1.next();
3725 _d.label = 2;
3726 case 2:
3727 if (!!arr_1_1.done) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
3728 item = arr_1_1.value;
3729 _b = (_a = values).push;
3730 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(token, new Context(item))];
3731 case 3:
3732 _b.apply(_a, [_d.sent()]);
3733 _d.label = 4;
3734 case 4:
3735 arr_1_1 = arr_1.next();
3736 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
3737 case 5: return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3738 case 6:
3739 e_4_1 = _d.sent();
3740 e_4 = { error: e_4_1 };
3741 return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3742 case 7:
3743 try {
3744 if (arr_1_1 && !arr_1_1.done && (_c = arr_1.return)) _c.call(arr_1);
3745 }
3746 finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; }
3747 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
3748 case 8: return [2 /*return*/, arr.filter(function (_, i) {
3749 if (expected === undefined)
3750 return isTruthy(values[i], _this.context);
3751 return equals(values[i], expected);
3752 })];
3753 }
3754 });
3755 }
3756 function where_exp(arr, itemName, exp) {
3757 var filtered, keyTemplate, _a, _b, item, value, e_5_1;
3758 var e_5, _c, _d;
3759 return __generator(this, function (_e) {
3760 switch (_e.label) {
3761 case 0:
3762 filtered = [];
3763 keyTemplate = new Value(stringify(exp), this.liquid);
3764 _e.label = 1;
3765 case 1:
3766 _e.trys.push([1, 6, 7, 8]);
3767 _a = __values(toArray(arr)), _b = _a.next();
3768 _e.label = 2;
3769 case 2:
3770 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
3771 item = _b.value;
3772 return [4 /*yield*/, keyTemplate.value(new Context((_d = {}, _d[itemName] = item, _d)))];
3773 case 3:
3774 value = _e.sent();
3775 if (value)
3776 filtered.push(item);
3777 _e.label = 4;
3778 case 4:
3779 _b = _a.next();
3780 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
3781 case 5: return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3782 case 6:
3783 e_5_1 = _e.sent();
3784 e_5 = { error: e_5_1 };
3785 return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3786 case 7:
3787 try {
3788 if (_b && !_b.done && (_c = _a.return)) _c.call(_a);
3789 }
3790 finally { if (e_5) throw e_5.error; }
3791 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
3792 case 8: return [2 /*return*/, filtered];
3793 }
3794 });
3795 }
3796 function group_by(arr, property) {
3797 var map, token, arr_2, arr_2_1, item, key, e_6_1;
3798 var e_6, _a;
3799 return __generator(this, function (_b) {
3800 switch (_b.label) {
3801 case 0:
3802 map = new Map();
3803 arr = toArray(arr);
3804 token = new Tokenizer(stringify(property)).readScopeValue();
3805 _b.label = 1;
3806 case 1:
3807 _b.trys.push([1, 6, 7, 8]);
3808 arr_2 = __values(arr), arr_2_1 = arr_2.next();
3809 _b.label = 2;
3810 case 2:
3811 if (!!arr_2_1.done) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
3812 item = arr_2_1.value;
3813 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(token, new Context(item))];
3814 case 3:
3815 key = _b.sent();
3816 if (!map.has(key))
3817 map.set(key, []);
3818 map.get(key).push(item);
3819 _b.label = 4;
3820 case 4:
3821 arr_2_1 = arr_2.next();
3822 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
3823 case 5: return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3824 case 6:
3825 e_6_1 = _b.sent();
3826 e_6 = { error: e_6_1 };
3827 return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3828 case 7:
3829 try {
3830 if (arr_2_1 && !arr_2_1.done && (_a = arr_2.return)) _a.call(arr_2);
3831 }
3832 finally { if (e_6) throw e_6.error; }
3833 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
3834 case 8: return [2 /*return*/, __spreadArray([], __read(map.entries()), false).map(function (_a) {
3835 var _b = __read(_a, 2), name = _b[0], items = _b[1];
3836 return ({ name: name, items: items });
3837 })];
3838 }
3839 });
3840 }
3841 function group_by_exp(arr, itemName, exp) {
3842 var map, keyTemplate, _a, _b, item, key, e_7_1;
3843 var e_7, _c, _d;
3844 return __generator(this, function (_e) {
3845 switch (_e.label) {
3846 case 0:
3847 map = new Map();
3848 keyTemplate = new Value(stringify(exp), this.liquid);
3849 _e.label = 1;
3850 case 1:
3851 _e.trys.push([1, 6, 7, 8]);
3852 _a = __values(toArray(arr)), _b = _a.next();
3853 _e.label = 2;
3854 case 2:
3855 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
3856 item = _b.value;
3857 return [4 /*yield*/, keyTemplate.value(new Context((_d = {}, _d[itemName] = item, _d)))];
3858 case 3:
3859 key = _e.sent();
3860 if (!map.has(key))
3861 map.set(key, []);
3862 map.get(key).push(item);
3863 _e.label = 4;
3864 case 4:
3865 _b = _a.next();
3866 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
3867 case 5: return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3868 case 6:
3869 e_7_1 = _e.sent();
3870 e_7 = { error: e_7_1 };
3871 return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3872 case 7:
3873 try {
3874 if (_b && !_b.done && (_c = _a.return)) _c.call(_a);
3875 }
3876 finally { if (e_7) throw e_7.error; }
3877 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
3878 case 8: return [2 /*return*/, __spreadArray([], __read(map.entries()), false).map(function (_a) {
3879 var _b = __read(_a, 2), name = _b[0], items = _b[1];
3880 return ({ name: name, items: items });
3881 })];
3882 }
3883 });
3884 }
3885 function find(arr, property, expected) {
3886 var token, _a, _b, item, value, e_8_1;
3887 var e_8, _c;
3888 return __generator(this, function (_d) {
3889 switch (_d.label) {
3890 case 0:
3891 token = new Tokenizer(stringify(property)).readScopeValue();
3892 _d.label = 1;
3893 case 1:
3894 _d.trys.push([1, 6, 7, 8]);
3895 _a = __values(toArray(arr)), _b = _a.next();
3896 _d.label = 2;
3897 case 2:
3898 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
3899 item = _b.value;
3900 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(token, new Context(item))];
3901 case 3:
3902 value = _d.sent();
3903 if (equals(value, expected))
3904 return [2 /*return*/, item];
3905 _d.label = 4;
3906 case 4:
3907 _b = _a.next();
3908 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
3909 case 5: return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3910 case 6:
3911 e_8_1 = _d.sent();
3912 e_8 = { error: e_8_1 };
3913 return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3914 case 7:
3915 try {
3916 if (_b && !_b.done && (_c = _a.return)) _c.call(_a);
3917 }
3918 finally { if (e_8) throw e_8.error; }
3919 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
3920 case 8: return [2 /*return*/, null];
3921 }
3922 });
3923 }
3924 function find_exp(arr, itemName, exp) {
3925 var predicate, _a, _b, item, value, e_9_1;
3926 var e_9, _c, _d;
3927 return __generator(this, function (_e) {
3928 switch (_e.label) {
3929 case 0:
3930 predicate = new Value(stringify(exp), this.liquid);
3931 _e.label = 1;
3932 case 1:
3933 _e.trys.push([1, 6, 7, 8]);
3934 _a = __values(toArray(arr)), _b = _a.next();
3935 _e.label = 2;
3936 case 2:
3937 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
3938 item = _b.value;
3939 return [4 /*yield*/, predicate.value(new Context((_d = {}, _d[itemName] = item, _d)))];
3940 case 3:
3941 value = _e.sent();
3942 if (value)
3943 return [2 /*return*/, item];
3944 _e.label = 4;
3945 case 4:
3946 _b = _a.next();
3947 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
3948 case 5: return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3949 case 6:
3950 e_9_1 = _e.sent();
3951 e_9 = { error: e_9_1 };
3952 return [3 /*break*/, 8];
3953 case 7:
3954 try {
3955 if (_b && !_b.done && (_c = _a.return)) _c.call(_a);
3956 }
3957 finally { if (e_9) throw e_9.error; }
3958 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
3959 case 8: return [2 /*return*/, null];
3960 }
3961 });
3962 }
3963 function uniq(arr) {
3964 arr = toValue(arr);
3965 var u = {};
3966 return (arr || []).filter(function (val) {
3967 if (hasOwnProperty.call(u, String(val)))
3968 return false;
3969 u[String(val)] = true;
3970 return true;
3971 });
3972 }
3973 function sample(v, count) {
3974 if (count === void 0) { count = 1; }
3975 v = toValue(v);
3976 if (isNil(v))
3977 return [];
3978 if (!isArray(v))
3979 v = stringify(v);
3980 var shuffled = __spreadArray([], __read(v), false).sort(function () { return Math.random() - 0.5; });
3981 if (count === 1)
3982 return shuffled[0];
3983 return shuffled.slice(0, count);
3984 }
3986 var arrayFilters = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
3987 __proto__: null,
3988 join: join,
3989 last: last$1,
3990 first: first,
3991 reverse: reverse,
3992 sort: sort,
3993 sort_natural: sort_natural,
3994 size: size,
3995 map: map,
3996 sum: sum,
3997 compact: compact,
3998 concat: concat,
3999 push: push,
4000 unshift: unshift,
4001 pop: pop,
4002 shift: shift,
4003 slice: slice,
4004 where: where,
4005 where_exp: where_exp,
4006 group_by: group_by,
4007 group_by_exp: group_by_exp,
4008 find: find,
4009 find_exp: find_exp,
4010 uniq: uniq,
4011 sample: sample
4012 });
4014 function date(v, format, timezoneOffset) {
4015 var date = parseDate(v, this.context.opts, timezoneOffset);
4016 if (!date)
4017 return v;
4018 format = toValue(format);
4019 format = isNil(format) ? this.context.opts.dateFormat : stringify(format);
4020 return strftime(date, format);
4021 }
4022 function date_to_xmlschema(v) {
4023 return date.call(this, v, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z');
4024 }
4025 function date_to_rfc822(v) {
4026 return date.call(this, v, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z');
4027 }
4028 function date_to_string(v, type, style) {
4029 return stringify_date.call(this, v, '%b', type, style);
4030 }
4031 function date_to_long_string(v, type, style) {
4032 return stringify_date.call(this, v, '%B', type, style);
4033 }
4034 function stringify_date(v, month_type, type, style) {
4035 var date = parseDate(v, this.context.opts);
4036 if (!date)
4037 return v;
4038 if (type === 'ordinal') {
4039 var d = date.getDate();
4040 return style === 'US'
4041 ? strftime(date, "".concat(month_type, " ").concat(d, "%q, %Y"))
4042 : strftime(date, "".concat(d, "%q ").concat(month_type, " %Y"));
4043 }
4044 return strftime(date, "%d ".concat(month_type, " %Y"));
4045 }
4046 function parseDate(v, opts, timezoneOffset) {
4047 var date;
4048 v = toValue(v);
4049 if (v === 'now' || v === 'today') {
4050 date = new Date();
4051 }
4052 else if (isNumber(v)) {
4053 date = new Date(v * 1000);
4054 }
4055 else if (isString(v)) {
4056 if (/^\d+$/.test(v)) {
4057 date = new Date(+v * 1000);
4058 }
4059 else if (opts.preserveTimezones) {
4060 date = TimezoneDate.createDateFixedToTimezone(v);
4061 }
4062 else {
4063 date = new Date(v);
4064 }
4065 }
4066 else {
4067 date = v;
4068 }
4069 if (!isValidDate(date))
4070 return;
4071 if (timezoneOffset !== undefined) {
4072 date = new TimezoneDate(date, timezoneOffset);
4073 }
4074 else if (!(date instanceof TimezoneDate) && opts.timezoneOffset !== undefined) {
4075 date = new TimezoneDate(date, opts.timezoneOffset);
4076 }
4077 return date;
4078 }
4079 function isValidDate(date) {
4080 return (date instanceof Date || date instanceof TimezoneDate) && !isNaN(date.getTime());
4081 }
4083 var dateFilters = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
4084 __proto__: null,
4085 date: date,
4086 date_to_xmlschema: date_to_xmlschema,
4087 date_to_rfc822: date_to_rfc822,
4088 date_to_string: date_to_string,
4089 date_to_long_string: date_to_long_string
4090 });
4092 /**
4093 * String related filters
4094 *
4095 * * prefer stringify() to String() since `undefined`, `null` should eval ''
4096 */
4097 var rCJKWord = /[\u4E00-\u9FFF\uF900-\uFAFF\u3400-\u4DBF\u3040-\u309F\u30A0-\u30FF\uAC00-\uD7AF]/gu;
4098 // Word boundary followed by word characters (for detecting words)
4099 var rNonCJKWord = /[^\u4E00-\u9FFF\uF900-\uFAFF\u3400-\u4DBF\u3040-\u309F\u30A0-\u30FF\uAC00-\uD7AF\s]+/gu;
4100 function append(v, arg) {
4101 assert(arguments.length === 2, 'append expect 2 arguments');
4102 return stringify(v) + stringify(arg);
4103 }
4104 function prepend(v, arg) {
4105 assert(arguments.length === 2, 'prepend expect 2 arguments');
4106 return stringify(arg) + stringify(v);
4107 }
4108 function lstrip(v, chars) {
4109 if (chars) {
4110 chars = escapeRegExp(stringify(chars));
4111 return stringify(v).replace(new RegExp("^[".concat(chars, "]+"), 'g'), '');
4112 }
4113 return stringify(v).replace(/^\s+/, '');
4114 }
4115 function downcase(v) {
4116 return stringify(v).toLowerCase();
4117 }
4118 function upcase(str) {
4119 return stringify(str).toUpperCase();
4120 }
4121 function remove(v, arg) {
4122 return stringify(v).split(stringify(arg)).join('');
4123 }
4124 function remove_first(v, l) {
4125 return stringify(v).replace(stringify(l), '');
4126 }
4127 function remove_last(v, l) {
4128 var str = stringify(v);
4129 var pattern = stringify(l);
4130 var index = str.lastIndexOf(pattern);
4131 if (index === -1)
4132 return str;
4133 return str.substring(0, index) + str.substring(index + pattern.length);
4134 }
4135 function rstrip(str, chars) {
4136 if (chars) {
4137 chars = escapeRegExp(stringify(chars));
4138 return stringify(str).replace(new RegExp("[".concat(chars, "]+$"), 'g'), '');
4139 }
4140 return stringify(str).replace(/\s+$/, '');
4141 }
4142 function split(v, arg) {
4143 var arr = stringify(v).split(stringify(arg));
4144 // align to ruby split, which is the behavior of shopify/liquid
4145 // see: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.4.0/String.html#method-i-split
4146 while (arr.length && arr[arr.length - 1] === '')
4147 arr.pop();
4148 return arr;
4149 }
4150 function strip(v, chars) {
4151 if (chars) {
4152 chars = escapeRegExp(stringify(chars));
4153 return stringify(v)
4154 .replace(new RegExp("^[".concat(chars, "]+"), 'g'), '')
4155 .replace(new RegExp("[".concat(chars, "]+$"), 'g'), '');
4156 }
4157 return stringify(v).trim();
4158 }
4159 function strip_newlines(v) {
4160 return stringify(v).replace(/\r?\n/gm, '');
4161 }
4162 function capitalize(str) {
4163 str = stringify(str);
4164 return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1).toLowerCase();
4165 }
4166 function replace(v, pattern, replacement) {
4167 return stringify(v).split(stringify(pattern)).join(replacement);
4168 }
4169 function replace_first(v, arg1, arg2) {
4170 return stringify(v).replace(stringify(arg1), arg2);
4171 }
4172 function replace_last(v, arg1, arg2) {
4173 var str = stringify(v);
4174 var pattern = stringify(arg1);
4175 var index = str.lastIndexOf(pattern);
4176 if (index === -1)
4177 return str;
4178 var replacement = stringify(arg2);
4179 return str.substring(0, index) + replacement + str.substring(index + pattern.length);
4180 }
4181 function truncate(v, l, o) {
4182 if (l === void 0) { l = 50; }
4183 if (o === void 0) { o = '...'; }
4184 v = stringify(v);
4185 if (v.length <= l)
4186 return v;
4187 return v.substring(0, l - o.length) + o;
4188 }
4189 function truncatewords(v, words, o) {
4190 if (words === void 0) { words = 15; }
4191 if (o === void 0) { o = '...'; }
4192 var arr = stringify(v).split(/\s+/);
4193 if (words <= 0)
4194 words = 1;
4195 var ret = arr.slice(0, words).join(' ');
4196 if (arr.length >= words)
4197 ret += o;
4198 return ret;
4199 }
4200 function normalize_whitespace(v) {
4201 v = stringify(v);
4202 return v.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
4203 }
4204 function number_of_words(input, mode) {
4205 input = stringify(input).trim();
4206 if (!input)
4207 return 0;
4208 switch (mode) {
4209 case 'cjk':
4210 // Count CJK characters and words
4211 return (input.match(rCJKWord) || []).length + (input.match(rNonCJKWord) || []).length;
4212 case 'auto':
4213 // Count CJK characters, if none, count words
4214 return rCJKWord.test(input)
4215 ? input.match(rCJKWord).length + (input.match(rNonCJKWord) || []).length
4216 : input.split(/\s+/).length;
4217 default:
4218 // Count words only
4219 return input.split(/\s+/).length;
4220 }
4221 }
4222 function array_to_sentence_string(array, connector) {
4223 if (connector === void 0) { connector = 'and'; }
4224 switch (array.length) {
4225 case 0:
4226 return '';
4227 case 1:
4228 return array[0];
4229 case 2:
4230 return "".concat(array[0], " ").concat(connector, " ").concat(array[1]);
4231 default:
4232 return "".concat(array.slice(0, -1).join(', '), ", ").concat(connector, " ").concat(array[array.length - 1]);
4233 }
4234 }
4236 var stringFilters = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
4237 __proto__: null,
4238 append: append,
4239 prepend: prepend,
4240 lstrip: lstrip,
4241 downcase: downcase,
4242 upcase: upcase,
4243 remove: remove,
4244 remove_first: remove_first,
4245 remove_last: remove_last,
4246 rstrip: rstrip,
4247 split: split,
4248 strip: strip,
4249 strip_newlines: strip_newlines,
4250 capitalize: capitalize,
4251 replace: replace,
4252 replace_first: replace_first,
4253 replace_last: replace_last,
4254 truncate: truncate,
4255 truncatewords: truncatewords,
4256 normalize_whitespace: normalize_whitespace,
4257 number_of_words: number_of_words,
4258 array_to_sentence_string: array_to_sentence_string
4259 });
4261 var filters = __assign(__assign(__assign(__assign(__assign(__assign(__assign({}, htmlFilters), mathFilters), urlFilters), arrayFilters), dateFilters), stringFilters), misc);
4263 var default_1 = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4264 __extends(default_1, _super);
4265 function default_1(token, remainTokens, liquid) {
4266 var _this = _super.call(this, token, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
4267 _this.key = _this.tokenizer.readIdentifier().content;
4268 _this.tokenizer.assert(_this.key, 'expected variable name');
4269 _this.tokenizer.skipBlank();
4270 _this.tokenizer.assert(_this.tokenizer.peek() === '=', 'expected "="');
4271 _this.tokenizer.advance();
4272 _this.value = new Value(_this.tokenizer.readFilteredValue(), _this.liquid);
4273 return _this;
4274 }
4275 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
4276 var _a, _b;
4277 return __generator(this, function (_c) {
4278 switch (_c.label) {
4279 case 0:
4280 _a = ctx.bottom();
4281 _b = this.key;
4282 return [4 /*yield*/, this.value.value(ctx, this.liquid.options.lenientIf)];
4283 case 1:
4284 _a[_b] = _c.sent();
4285 return [2 /*return*/];
4286 }
4287 });
4288 };
4289 return default_1;
4290 }(Tag));
4292 var MODIFIERS = ['offset', 'limit', 'reversed'];
4293 var default_1$1 = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4294 __extends(default_1, _super);
4295 function default_1(token, remainTokens, liquid) {
4296 var _this = _super.call(this, token, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
4297 var variable = _this.tokenizer.readIdentifier();
4298 var inStr = _this.tokenizer.readIdentifier();
4299 var collection = _this.tokenizer.readValue();
4300 if (!variable.size() || inStr.content !== 'in' || !collection) {
4301 throw new Error("illegal tag: ".concat(token.getText()));
4302 }
4303 _this.variable = variable.content;
4304 _this.collection = collection;
4305 _this.hash = new Hash(_this.tokenizer.remaining());
4306 _this.templates = [];
4307 _this.elseTemplates = [];
4308 var p;
4309 var stream = _this.liquid.parser.parseStream(remainTokens)
4310 .on('start', function () { return (p = _this.templates); })
4311 .on('tag:else', function () { return (p = _this.elseTemplates); })
4312 .on('tag:endfor', function () { return stream.stop(); })
4313 .on('template', function (tpl) { return p.push(tpl); })
4314 .on('end', function () {
4315 throw new Error("tag ".concat(token.getText(), " not closed"));
4316 });
4317 stream.start();
4318 return _this;
4319 }
4320 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
4321 var r, collection, _a, continueKey, hash, modifiers, scope, collection_1, collection_1_1, item, e_1_1;
4322 var e_1, _b;
4323 return __generator(this, function (_c) {
4324 switch (_c.label) {
4325 case 0:
4326 r = this.liquid.renderer;
4327 _a = toEnumerable;
4328 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(this.collection, ctx)];
4329 case 1:
4330 collection = _a.apply(void 0, [_c.sent()]);
4331 if (!!collection.length) return [3 /*break*/, 3];
4332 return [4 /*yield*/, r.renderTemplates(this.elseTemplates, ctx, emitter)];
4333 case 2:
4334 _c.sent();
4335 return [2 /*return*/];
4336 case 3:
4337 continueKey = 'continue-' + this.variable + '-' + this.collection.getText();
4338 ctx.push({ continue: ctx.getRegister(continueKey) });
4339 return [4 /*yield*/, this.hash.render(ctx)];
4340 case 4:
4341 hash = _c.sent();
4342 ctx.pop();
4343 modifiers = this.liquid.options.orderedFilterParameters
4344 ? Object.keys(hash).filter(function (x) { return MODIFIERS.includes(x); })
4345 : MODIFIERS.filter(function (x) { return hash[x] !== undefined; });
4346 collection = modifiers.reduce(function (collection, modifier) {
4347 if (modifier === 'offset')
4348 return offset(collection, hash['offset']);
4349 if (modifier === 'limit')
4350 return limit(collection, hash['limit']);
4351 return reversed(collection);
4352 }, collection);
4353 ctx.setRegister(continueKey, (hash['offset'] || 0) + collection.length);
4354 scope = { forloop: new ForloopDrop(collection.length, this.collection.getText(), this.variable) };
4355 ctx.push(scope);
4356 _c.label = 5;
4357 case 5:
4358 _c.trys.push([5, 10, 11, 12]);
4359 collection_1 = __values(collection), collection_1_1 = collection_1.next();
4360 _c.label = 6;
4361 case 6:
4362 if (!!collection_1_1.done) return [3 /*break*/, 9];
4363 item = collection_1_1.value;
4364 scope[this.variable] = item;
4365 return [4 /*yield*/, r.renderTemplates(this.templates, ctx, emitter)];
4366 case 7:
4367 _c.sent();
4368 if (emitter['break']) {
4369 emitter['break'] = false;
4370 return [3 /*break*/, 9];
4371 }
4372 emitter['continue'] = false;
4373 scope.forloop.next();
4374 _c.label = 8;
4375 case 8:
4376 collection_1_1 = collection_1.next();
4377 return [3 /*break*/, 6];
4378 case 9: return [3 /*break*/, 12];
4379 case 10:
4380 e_1_1 = _c.sent();
4381 e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
4382 return [3 /*break*/, 12];
4383 case 11:
4384 try {
4385 if (collection_1_1 && !collection_1_1.done && (_b = collection_1.return)) _b.call(collection_1);
4386 }
4387 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
4388 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
4389 case 12:
4390 ctx.pop();
4391 return [2 /*return*/];
4392 }
4393 });
4394 };
4395 return default_1;
4396 }(Tag));
4397 function reversed(arr) {
4398 return __spreadArray([], __read(arr), false).reverse();
4399 }
4400 function offset(arr, count) {
4401 return arr.slice(count);
4402 }
4403 function limit(arr, count) {
4404 return arr.slice(0, count);
4405 }
4407 var default_1$2 = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4408 __extends(default_1, _super);
4409 function default_1(tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) {
4410 var _this = _super.call(this, tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
4411 _this.templates = [];
4412 _this.variable = _this.readVariableName();
4413 while (remainTokens.length) {
4414 var token = remainTokens.shift();
4415 if (isTagToken(token) && token.name === 'endcapture')
4416 return _this;
4417 _this.templates.push(liquid.parser.parseToken(token, remainTokens));
4418 }
4419 throw new Error("tag ".concat(tagToken.getText(), " not closed"));
4420 }
4421 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
4422 var r, html;
4423 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
4424 switch (_a.label) {
4425 case 0:
4426 r = this.liquid.renderer;
4427 return [4 /*yield*/, r.renderTemplates(this.templates, ctx)];
4428 case 1:
4429 html = _a.sent();
4430 ctx.bottom()[this.variable] = html;
4431 return [2 /*return*/];
4432 }
4433 });
4434 };
4435 default_1.prototype.readVariableName = function () {
4436 var word = this.tokenizer.readIdentifier().content;
4437 if (word)
4438 return word;
4439 var quoted = this.tokenizer.readQuoted();
4440 if (quoted)
4441 return evalQuotedToken(quoted);
4442 throw this.tokenizer.error('invalid capture name');
4443 };
4444 return default_1;
4445 }(Tag));
4447 var default_1$3 = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4448 __extends(default_1, _super);
4449 function default_1(tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) {
4450 var _this = _super.call(this, tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
4451 _this.branches = [];
4452 _this.elseTemplates = [];
4453 _this.value = new Value(_this.tokenizer.readFilteredValue(), _this.liquid);
4454 _this.elseTemplates = [];
4455 var p = [];
4456 var elseCount = 0;
4457 var stream = _this.liquid.parser.parseStream(remainTokens)
4458 .on('tag:when', function (token) {
4459 if (elseCount > 0) {
4460 return;
4461 }
4462 p = [];
4463 var values = [];
4464 while (!token.tokenizer.end()) {
4465 values.push(token.tokenizer.readValueOrThrow());
4466 token.tokenizer.skipBlank();
4467 if (token.tokenizer.peek() === ',') {
4468 token.tokenizer.readTo(',');
4469 }
4470 else {
4471 token.tokenizer.readTo('or');
4472 }
4473 }
4474 _this.branches.push({
4475 values: values,
4476 templates: p
4477 });
4478 })
4479 .on('tag:else', function () {
4480 elseCount++;
4481 p = _this.elseTemplates;
4482 })
4483 .on('tag:endcase', function () { return stream.stop(); })
4484 .on('template', function (tpl) {
4485 if (p !== _this.elseTemplates || elseCount === 1) {
4486 p.push(tpl);
4487 }
4488 })
4489 .on('end', function () {
4490 throw new Error("tag ".concat(tagToken.getText(), " not closed"));
4491 });
4492 stream.start();
4493 return _this;
4494 }
4495 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
4496 var r, target, _a, branchHit, _b, _c, branch, _d, _e, valueToken, value, e_1_1, e_2_1;
4497 var e_2, _f, e_1, _g;
4498 return __generator(this, function (_h) {
4499 switch (_h.label) {
4500 case 0:
4501 r = this.liquid.renderer;
4502 _a = toValue;
4503 return [4 /*yield*/, this.value.value(ctx, ctx.opts.lenientIf)];
4504 case 1:
4505 target = _a.apply(void 0, [_h.sent()]);
4506 branchHit = false;
4507 _h.label = 2;
4508 case 2:
4509 _h.trys.push([2, 14, 15, 16]);
4510 _b = __values(this.branches), _c = _b.next();
4511 _h.label = 3;
4512 case 3:
4513 if (!!_c.done) return [3 /*break*/, 13];
4514 branch = _c.value;
4515 _h.label = 4;
4516 case 4:
4517 _h.trys.push([4, 10, 11, 12]);
4518 _d = (e_1 = void 0, __values(branch.values)), _e = _d.next();
4519 _h.label = 5;
4520 case 5:
4521 if (!!_e.done) return [3 /*break*/, 9];
4522 valueToken = _e.value;
4523 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(valueToken, ctx, ctx.opts.lenientIf)];
4524 case 6:
4525 value = _h.sent();
4526 if (!equals(target, value)) return [3 /*break*/, 8];
4527 return [4 /*yield*/, r.renderTemplates(branch.templates, ctx, emitter)];
4528 case 7:
4529 _h.sent();
4530 branchHit = true;
4531 return [3 /*break*/, 9];
4532 case 8:
4533 _e = _d.next();
4534 return [3 /*break*/, 5];
4535 case 9: return [3 /*break*/, 12];
4536 case 10:
4537 e_1_1 = _h.sent();
4538 e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
4539 return [3 /*break*/, 12];
4540 case 11:
4541 try {
4542 if (_e && !_e.done && (_g = _d.return)) _g.call(_d);
4543 }
4544 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
4545 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
4546 case 12:
4547 _c = _b.next();
4548 return [3 /*break*/, 3];
4549 case 13: return [3 /*break*/, 16];
4550 case 14:
4551 e_2_1 = _h.sent();
4552 e_2 = { error: e_2_1 };
4553 return [3 /*break*/, 16];
4554 case 15:
4555 try {
4556 if (_c && !_c.done && (_f = _b.return)) _f.call(_b);
4557 }
4558 finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
4559 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
4560 case 16:
4561 if (!!branchHit) return [3 /*break*/, 18];
4562 return [4 /*yield*/, r.renderTemplates(this.elseTemplates, ctx, emitter)];
4563 case 17:
4564 _h.sent();
4565 _h.label = 18;
4566 case 18: return [2 /*return*/];
4567 }
4568 });
4569 };
4570 return default_1;
4571 }(Tag));
4573 var default_1$4 = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4574 __extends(default_1, _super);
4575 function default_1(tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) {
4576 var _this = _super.call(this, tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
4577 while (remainTokens.length) {
4578 var token = remainTokens.shift();
4579 if (isTagToken(token) && token.name === 'endcomment')
4580 return _this;
4581 }
4582 throw new Error("tag ".concat(tagToken.getText(), " not closed"));
4583 }
4584 default_1.prototype.render = function () { };
4585 return default_1;
4586 }(Tag));
4588 var default_1$5 = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4589 __extends(default_1, _super);
4590 function default_1(token, remainTokens, liquid) {
4591 var _this = _super.call(this, token, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
4592 var tokenizer = _this.tokenizer;
4593 _this.file = parseFilePath(tokenizer, _this.liquid);
4594 _this.currentFile = token.file;
4595 while (!tokenizer.end()) {
4596 tokenizer.skipBlank();
4597 var begin = tokenizer.p;
4598 var keyword = tokenizer.readIdentifier();
4599 if (keyword.content === 'with' || keyword.content === 'for') {
4600 tokenizer.skipBlank();
4601 // can be normal key/value pair, like "with: true"
4602 if (tokenizer.peek() !== ':') {
4603 var value = tokenizer.readValue();
4604 // can be normal key, like "with,"
4605 if (value) {
4606 var beforeAs = tokenizer.p;
4607 var asStr = tokenizer.readIdentifier();
4608 var alias = void 0;
4609 if (asStr.content === 'as')
4610 alias = tokenizer.readIdentifier();
4611 else
4612 tokenizer.p = beforeAs;
4613 _this[keyword.content] = { value: value, alias: alias && alias.content };
4614 tokenizer.skipBlank();
4615 if (tokenizer.peek() === ',')
4616 tokenizer.advance();
4617 continue; // matched!
4618 }
4619 }
4620 }
4621 /**
4622 * restore cursor if with/for not matched
4623 */
4624 tokenizer.p = begin;
4625 break;
4626 }
4627 _this.hash = new Hash(tokenizer.remaining());
4628 return _this;
4629 }
4630 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
4631 var _a, liquid, hash, filepath, childCtx, scope, _b, _c, _d, value, alias, _e, _f, _g, value, alias, collection, _h, collection_1, collection_1_1, item, templates, e_1_1, templates;
4632 var e_1, _j;
4633 return __generator(this, function (_k) {
4634 switch (_k.label) {
4635 case 0:
4636 _a = this, liquid = _a.liquid, hash = _a.hash;
4637 return [4 /*yield*/, renderFilePath(this['file'], ctx, liquid)];
4638 case 1:
4639 filepath = (_k.sent());
4640 assert(filepath, function () { return "illegal file path \"".concat(filepath, "\""); });
4641 childCtx = new Context({}, ctx.opts, { sync: ctx.sync, globals: ctx.globals, strictVariables: ctx.strictVariables });
4642 scope = childCtx.bottom();
4643 _b = __assign;
4644 _c = [scope];
4645 return [4 /*yield*/, hash.render(ctx)];
4646 case 2:
4647 _b.apply(void 0, _c.concat([_k.sent()]));
4648 if (!this['with']) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
4649 _d = this['with'], value = _d.value, alias = _d.alias;
4650 _e = scope;
4651 _f = alias || filepath;
4652 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(value, ctx)];
4653 case 3:
4654 _e[_f] = _k.sent();
4655 _k.label = 4;
4656 case 4:
4657 if (!this['for']) return [3 /*break*/, 15];
4658 _g = this['for'], value = _g.value, alias = _g.alias;
4659 _h = toEnumerable;
4660 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(value, ctx)];
4661 case 5:
4662 collection = _h.apply(void 0, [_k.sent()]);
4663 scope['forloop'] = new ForloopDrop(collection.length, value.getText(), alias);
4664 _k.label = 6;
4665 case 6:
4666 _k.trys.push([6, 12, 13, 14]);
4667 collection_1 = __values(collection), collection_1_1 = collection_1.next();
4668 _k.label = 7;
4669 case 7:
4670 if (!!collection_1_1.done) return [3 /*break*/, 11];
4671 item = collection_1_1.value;
4672 scope[alias] = item;
4673 return [4 /*yield*/, liquid._parsePartialFile(filepath, childCtx.sync, this['currentFile'])];
4674 case 8:
4675 templates = (_k.sent());
4676 return [4 /*yield*/, liquid.renderer.renderTemplates(templates, childCtx, emitter)];
4677 case 9:
4678 _k.sent();
4679 scope['forloop'].next();
4680 _k.label = 10;
4681 case 10:
4682 collection_1_1 = collection_1.next();
4683 return [3 /*break*/, 7];
4684 case 11: return [3 /*break*/, 14];
4685 case 12:
4686 e_1_1 = _k.sent();
4687 e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
4688 return [3 /*break*/, 14];
4689 case 13:
4690 try {
4691 if (collection_1_1 && !collection_1_1.done && (_j = collection_1.return)) _j.call(collection_1);
4692 }
4693 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
4694 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
4695 case 14: return [3 /*break*/, 18];
4696 case 15: return [4 /*yield*/, liquid._parsePartialFile(filepath, childCtx.sync, this['currentFile'])];
4697 case 16:
4698 templates = (_k.sent());
4699 return [4 /*yield*/, liquid.renderer.renderTemplates(templates, childCtx, emitter)];
4700 case 17:
4701 _k.sent();
4702 _k.label = 18;
4703 case 18: return [2 /*return*/];
4704 }
4705 });
4706 };
4707 return default_1;
4708 }(Tag));
4709 /**
4710 * @return null for "none",
4711 * @return Template[] for quoted with tags and/or filters
4712 * @return Token for expression (not quoted)
4713 * @throws TypeError if cannot read next token
4714 */
4715 function parseFilePath(tokenizer, liquid) {
4716 if (liquid.options.dynamicPartials) {
4717 var file = tokenizer.readValue();
4718 tokenizer.assert(file, 'illegal file path');
4719 if (file.getText() === 'none')
4720 return;
4721 if (isQuotedToken(file)) {
4722 // for filenames like "files/{{file}}", eval as liquid template
4723 var templates_1 = liquid.parse(evalQuotedToken(file));
4724 return optimize(templates_1);
4725 }
4726 return file;
4727 }
4728 var tokens = __spreadArray([], __read(tokenizer.readFileNameTemplate(liquid.options)), false);
4729 var templates = optimize(liquid.parser.parseTokens(tokens));
4730 return templates === 'none' ? undefined : templates;
4731 }
4732 function optimize(templates) {
4733 // for filenames like "files/file.liquid", extract the string directly
4734 if (templates.length === 1 && isHTMLToken(templates[0].token))
4735 return templates[0].token.getContent();
4736 return templates;
4737 }
4738 function renderFilePath(file, ctx, liquid) {
4739 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
4740 switch (_a.label) {
4741 case 0:
4742 if (typeof file === 'string')
4743 return [2 /*return*/, file];
4744 if (Array.isArray(file))
4745 return [2 /*return*/, liquid.renderer.renderTemplates(file, ctx)];
4746 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(file, ctx)];
4747 case 1: return [2 /*return*/, _a.sent()];
4748 }
4749 });
4750 }
4752 var default_1$6 = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4753 __extends(default_1, _super);
4754 function default_1(token, remainTokens, liquid) {
4755 var _this = _super.call(this, token, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
4756 var tokenizer = token.tokenizer;
4757 _this['file'] = parseFilePath(tokenizer, _this.liquid);
4758 _this['currentFile'] = token.file;
4759 var begin = tokenizer.p;
4760 var withStr = tokenizer.readIdentifier();
4761 if (withStr.content === 'with') {
4762 tokenizer.skipBlank();
4763 if (tokenizer.peek() !== ':') {
4764 _this.withVar = tokenizer.readValue();
4765 }
4766 else
4767 tokenizer.p = begin;
4768 }
4769 else
4770 tokenizer.p = begin;
4771 _this.hash = new Hash(tokenizer.remaining(), _this.liquid.options.jekyllInclude);
4772 return _this;
4773 }
4774 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
4775 var _a, liquid, hash, withVar, renderer, filepath, saved, scope, _b, _c, templates;
4776 return __generator(this, function (_d) {
4777 switch (_d.label) {
4778 case 0:
4779 _a = this, liquid = _a.liquid, hash = _a.hash, withVar = _a.withVar;
4780 renderer = liquid.renderer;
4781 return [4 /*yield*/, renderFilePath(this['file'], ctx, liquid)];
4782 case 1:
4783 filepath = (_d.sent());
4784 assert(filepath, function () { return "illegal file path \"".concat(filepath, "\""); });
4785 saved = ctx.saveRegister('blocks', 'blockMode');
4786 ctx.setRegister('blocks', {});
4787 ctx.setRegister('blockMode', BlockMode.OUTPUT);
4788 return [4 /*yield*/, hash.render(ctx)];
4789 case 2:
4790 scope = (_d.sent());
4791 if (!withVar) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
4792 _b = scope;
4793 _c = filepath;
4794 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(withVar, ctx)];
4795 case 3:
4796 _b[_c] = _d.sent();
4797 _d.label = 4;
4798 case 4: return [4 /*yield*/, liquid._parsePartialFile(filepath, ctx.sync, this['currentFile'])];
4799 case 5:
4800 templates = (_d.sent());
4801 ctx.push(ctx.opts.jekyllInclude ? { include: scope } : scope);
4802 return [4 /*yield*/, renderer.renderTemplates(templates, ctx, emitter)];
4803 case 6:
4804 _d.sent();
4805 ctx.pop();
4806 ctx.restoreRegister(saved);
4807 return [2 /*return*/];
4808 }
4809 });
4810 };
4811 return default_1;
4812 }(Tag));
4814 var default_1$7 = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4815 __extends(default_1, _super);
4816 function default_1(token, remainTokens, liquid) {
4817 var _this = _super.call(this, token, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
4818 _this.variable = _this.tokenizer.readIdentifier().content;
4819 return _this;
4820 }
4821 default_1.prototype.render = function (context, emitter) {
4822 var scope = context.environments;
4823 if (!isNumber(scope[this.variable])) {
4824 scope[this.variable] = 0;
4825 }
4826 emitter.write(stringify(--scope[this.variable]));
4827 };
4828 return default_1;
4829 }(Tag));
4831 var default_1$8 = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4832 __extends(default_1, _super);
4833 function default_1(token, remainTokens, liquid) {
4834 var _this = _super.call(this, token, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
4835 _this.candidates = [];
4836 var group = _this.tokenizer.readValue();
4837 _this.tokenizer.skipBlank();
4838 if (group) {
4839 if (_this.tokenizer.peek() === ':') {
4840 _this.group = group;
4841 _this.tokenizer.advance();
4842 }
4843 else
4844 _this.candidates.push(group);
4845 }
4846 while (!_this.tokenizer.end()) {
4847 var value = _this.tokenizer.readValue();
4848 if (value)
4849 _this.candidates.push(value);
4850 _this.tokenizer.readTo(',');
4851 }
4852 _this.tokenizer.assert(_this.candidates.length, function () { return "empty candidates: \"".concat(token.getText(), "\""); });
4853 return _this;
4854 }
4855 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
4856 var group, fingerprint, groups, idx, candidate;
4857 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
4858 switch (_a.label) {
4859 case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(this.group, ctx)];
4860 case 1:
4861 group = (_a.sent());
4862 fingerprint = "cycle:".concat(group, ":") + this.candidates.join(',');
4863 groups = ctx.getRegister('cycle');
4864 idx = groups[fingerprint];
4865 if (idx === undefined) {
4866 idx = groups[fingerprint] = 0;
4867 }
4868 candidate = this.candidates[idx];
4869 idx = (idx + 1) % this.candidates.length;
4870 groups[fingerprint] = idx;
4871 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(candidate, ctx)];
4872 case 2: return [2 /*return*/, _a.sent()];
4873 }
4874 });
4875 };
4876 return default_1;
4877 }(Tag));
4879 var default_1$9 = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4880 __extends(default_1, _super);
4881 function default_1(tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) {
4882 var _this = _super.call(this, tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
4883 _this.branches = [];
4884 _this.elseTemplates = [];
4885 var p = [];
4886 var elseCount = 0;
4887 liquid.parser.parseStream(remainTokens)
4888 .on('start', function () { return _this.branches.push({
4889 value: new Value(tagToken.args, _this.liquid),
4890 templates: (p = [])
4891 }); })
4892 .on('tag:elsif', function (token) {
4893 if (elseCount > 0) {
4894 p = [];
4895 return;
4896 }
4897 _this.branches.push({
4898 value: new Value(token.args, _this.liquid),
4899 templates: (p = [])
4900 });
4901 })
4902 .on('tag:else', function () {
4903 elseCount++;
4904 p = _this.elseTemplates;
4905 })
4906 .on('tag:endif', function () { this.stop(); })
4907 .on('template', function (tpl) {
4908 if (p !== _this.elseTemplates || elseCount === 1) {
4909 p.push(tpl);
4910 }
4911 })
4912 .on('end', function () { throw new Error("tag ".concat(tagToken.getText(), " not closed")); })
4913 .start();
4914 return _this;
4915 }
4916 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
4917 var r, _a, _b, _c, value, templates, v, e_1_1;
4918 var e_1, _d;
4919 return __generator(this, function (_e) {
4920 switch (_e.label) {
4921 case 0:
4922 r = this.liquid.renderer;
4923 _e.label = 1;
4924 case 1:
4925 _e.trys.push([1, 7, 8, 9]);
4926 _a = __values(this.branches), _b = _a.next();
4927 _e.label = 2;
4928 case 2:
4929 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 6];
4930 _c = _b.value, value = _c.value, templates = _c.templates;
4931 return [4 /*yield*/, value.value(ctx, ctx.opts.lenientIf)];
4932 case 3:
4933 v = _e.sent();
4934 if (!isTruthy(v, ctx)) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
4935 return [4 /*yield*/, r.renderTemplates(templates, ctx, emitter)];
4936 case 4:
4937 _e.sent();
4938 return [2 /*return*/];
4939 case 5:
4940 _b = _a.next();
4941 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
4942 case 6: return [3 /*break*/, 9];
4943 case 7:
4944 e_1_1 = _e.sent();
4945 e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
4946 return [3 /*break*/, 9];
4947 case 8:
4948 try {
4949 if (_b && !_b.done && (_d = _a.return)) _d.call(_a);
4950 }
4951 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
4952 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
4953 case 9: return [4 /*yield*/, r.renderTemplates(this.elseTemplates, ctx, emitter)];
4954 case 10:
4955 _e.sent();
4956 return [2 /*return*/];
4957 }
4958 });
4959 };
4960 return default_1;
4961 }(Tag));
4963 var default_1$a = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4964 __extends(default_1, _super);
4965 function default_1(token, remainTokens, liquid) {
4966 var _this = _super.call(this, token, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
4967 _this.variable = _this.tokenizer.readIdentifier().content;
4968 return _this;
4969 }
4970 default_1.prototype.render = function (context, emitter) {
4971 var scope = context.environments;
4972 if (!isNumber(scope[this.variable])) {
4973 scope[this.variable] = 0;
4974 }
4975 var val = scope[this.variable];
4976 scope[this.variable]++;
4977 emitter.write(stringify(val));
4978 };
4979 return default_1;
4980 }(Tag));
4982 var default_1$b = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4983 __extends(default_1, _super);
4984 function default_1(token, remainTokens, liquid) {
4985 var _this = _super.call(this, token, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
4986 _this.file = parseFilePath(_this.tokenizer, _this.liquid);
4987 _this['currentFile'] = token.file;
4988 _this.args = new Hash(_this.tokenizer.remaining());
4989 _this.templates = _this.liquid.parser.parseTokens(remainTokens);
4990 return _this;
4991 }
4992 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
4993 var _a, liquid, args, file, renderer, filepath, templates, html, blocks, _b, _c;
4994 return __generator(this, function (_d) {
4995 switch (_d.label) {
4996 case 0:
4997 _a = this, liquid = _a.liquid, args = _a.args, file = _a.file;
4998 renderer = liquid.renderer;
4999 if (!(file === undefined)) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
5000 ctx.setRegister('blockMode', BlockMode.OUTPUT);
5001 return [4 /*yield*/, renderer.renderTemplates(this.templates, ctx, emitter)];
5002 case 1:
5003 _d.sent();
5004 return [2 /*return*/];
5005 case 2: return [4 /*yield*/, renderFilePath(this.file, ctx, liquid)];
5006 case 3:
5007 filepath = (_d.sent());
5008 assert(filepath, function () { return "illegal file path \"".concat(filepath, "\""); });
5009 return [4 /*yield*/, liquid._parseLayoutFile(filepath, ctx.sync, this['currentFile'])];
5010 case 4:
5011 templates = (_d.sent());
5012 // render remaining contents and store rendered results
5013 ctx.setRegister('blockMode', BlockMode.STORE);
5014 return [4 /*yield*/, renderer.renderTemplates(this.templates, ctx)];
5015 case 5:
5016 html = _d.sent();
5017 blocks = ctx.getRegister('blocks');
5018 // set whole content to anonymous block if anonymous doesn't specified
5019 if (blocks[''] === undefined)
5020 blocks[''] = function (parent, emitter) { return emitter.write(html); };
5021 ctx.setRegister('blockMode', BlockMode.OUTPUT);
5022 // render the layout file use stored blocks
5023 _c = (_b = ctx).push;
5024 return [4 /*yield*/, args.render(ctx)];
5025 case 6:
5026 // render the layout file use stored blocks
5027 _c.apply(_b, [(_d.sent())]);
5028 return [4 /*yield*/, renderer.renderTemplates(templates, ctx, emitter)];
5029 case 7:
5030 _d.sent();
5031 ctx.pop();
5032 return [2 /*return*/];
5033 }
5034 });
5035 };
5036 return default_1;
5037 }(Tag));
5039 var default_1$c = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5040 __extends(default_1, _super);
5041 function default_1(token, remainTokens, liquid) {
5042 var _this = _super.call(this, token, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
5043 _this.templates = [];
5044 var match = /\w+/.exec(token.args);
5045 _this.block = match ? match[0] : '';
5046 while (remainTokens.length) {
5047 var token_1 = remainTokens.shift();
5048 if (isTagToken(token_1) && token_1.name === 'endblock')
5049 return _this;
5050 var template = liquid.parser.parseToken(token_1, remainTokens);
5051 _this.templates.push(template);
5052 }
5053 throw new Error("tag ".concat(token.getText(), " not closed"));
5054 }
5055 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
5056 var blockRender;
5057 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5058 switch (_a.label) {
5059 case 0:
5060 blockRender = this.getBlockRender(ctx);
5061 if (!(ctx.getRegister('blockMode') === BlockMode.STORE)) return [3 /*break*/, 1];
5062 ctx.getRegister('blocks')[this.block] = blockRender;
5063 return [3 /*break*/, 3];
5064 case 1: return [4 /*yield*/, blockRender(new BlockDrop(), emitter)];
5065 case 2:
5066 _a.sent();
5067 _a.label = 3;
5068 case 3: return [2 /*return*/];
5069 }
5070 });
5071 };
5072 default_1.prototype.getBlockRender = function (ctx) {
5073 var _a = this, liquid = _a.liquid, templates = _a.templates;
5074 var renderChild = ctx.getRegister('blocks')[this.block];
5075 var renderCurrent = function (superBlock, emitter) {
5076 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5077 switch (_a.label) {
5078 case 0:
5079 // add {{ block.super }} support when rendering
5080 ctx.push({ block: superBlock });
5081 return [4 /*yield*/, liquid.renderer.renderTemplates(templates, ctx, emitter)];
5082 case 1:
5083 _a.sent();
5084 ctx.pop();
5085 return [2 /*return*/];
5086 }
5087 });
5088 };
5089 return renderChild
5090 ? function (superBlock, emitter) { return renderChild(new BlockDrop(function () { return renderCurrent(superBlock, emitter); }), emitter); }
5091 : renderCurrent;
5092 };
5093 return default_1;
5094 }(Tag));
5096 var default_1$d = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5097 __extends(default_1, _super);
5098 function default_1(tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) {
5099 var _this = _super.call(this, tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
5100 _this.tokens = [];
5101 while (remainTokens.length) {
5102 var token = remainTokens.shift();
5103 if (isTagToken(token) && token.name === 'endraw')
5104 return _this;
5105 _this.tokens.push(token);
5106 }
5107 throw new Error("tag ".concat(tagToken.getText(), " not closed"));
5108 }
5109 default_1.prototype.render = function () {
5110 return this.tokens.map(function (token) { return token.getText(); }).join('');
5111 };
5112 return default_1;
5113 }(Tag));
5115 var TablerowloopDrop = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5116 __extends(TablerowloopDrop, _super);
5117 function TablerowloopDrop(length, cols, collection, variable) {
5118 var _this = _super.call(this, length, collection, variable) || this;
5119 _this.length = length;
5120 _this.cols = cols;
5121 return _this;
5122 }
5123 TablerowloopDrop.prototype.row = function () {
5124 return Math.floor(this.i / this.cols) + 1;
5125 };
5126 TablerowloopDrop.prototype.col0 = function () {
5127 return (this.i % this.cols);
5128 };
5129 TablerowloopDrop.prototype.col = function () {
5130 return this.col0() + 1;
5131 };
5132 TablerowloopDrop.prototype.col_first = function () {
5133 return this.col0() === 0;
5134 };
5135 TablerowloopDrop.prototype.col_last = function () {
5136 return this.col() === this.cols;
5137 };
5138 return TablerowloopDrop;
5139 }(ForloopDrop));
5141 var default_1$e = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5142 __extends(default_1, _super);
5143 function default_1(tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) {
5144 var _this = _super.call(this, tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
5145 var variable = _this.tokenizer.readIdentifier();
5146 _this.tokenizer.skipBlank();
5147 var predicate = _this.tokenizer.readIdentifier();
5148 var collectionToken = _this.tokenizer.readValue();
5149 if (predicate.content !== 'in' || !collectionToken) {
5150 throw new Error("illegal tag: ".concat(tagToken.getText()));
5151 }
5152 _this.variable = variable.content;
5153 _this.collection = collectionToken;
5154 _this.args = new Hash(_this.tokenizer.remaining());
5155 _this.templates = [];
5156 var p;
5157 var stream = _this.liquid.parser.parseStream(remainTokens)
5158 .on('start', function () { return (p = _this.templates); })
5159 .on('tag:endtablerow', function () { return stream.stop(); })
5160 .on('template', function (tpl) { return p.push(tpl); })
5161 .on('end', function () {
5162 throw new Error("tag ".concat(tagToken.getText(), " not closed"));
5163 });
5164 stream.start();
5165 return _this;
5166 }
5167 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
5168 var collection, _a, args, offset, limit, cols, r, tablerowloop, scope, idx;
5169 return __generator(this, function (_b) {
5170 switch (_b.label) {
5171 case 0:
5172 _a = toEnumerable;
5173 return [4 /*yield*/, evalToken(this.collection, ctx)];
5174 case 1:
5175 collection = _a.apply(void 0, [_b.sent()]);
5176 return [4 /*yield*/, this.args.render(ctx)];
5177 case 2:
5178 args = (_b.sent());
5179 offset = args.offset || 0;
5180 limit = (args.limit === undefined) ? collection.length : args.limit;
5181 collection = collection.slice(offset, offset + limit);
5182 cols = args.cols || collection.length;
5183 r = this.liquid.renderer;
5184 tablerowloop = new TablerowloopDrop(collection.length, cols, this.collection.getText(), this.variable);
5185 scope = { tablerowloop: tablerowloop };
5186 ctx.push(scope);
5187 idx = 0;
5188 _b.label = 3;
5189 case 3:
5190 if (!(idx < collection.length)) return [3 /*break*/, 6];
5191 scope[this.variable] = collection[idx];
5192 if (tablerowloop.col0() === 0) {
5193 if (tablerowloop.row() !== 1)
5194 emitter.write('</tr>');
5195 emitter.write("<tr class=\"row".concat(tablerowloop.row(), "\">"));
5196 }
5197 emitter.write("<td class=\"col".concat(tablerowloop.col(), "\">"));
5198 return [4 /*yield*/, r.renderTemplates(this.templates, ctx, emitter)];
5199 case 4:
5200 _b.sent();
5201 emitter.write('</td>');
5202 _b.label = 5;
5203 case 5:
5204 idx++, tablerowloop.next();
5205 return [3 /*break*/, 3];
5206 case 6:
5207 if (collection.length)
5208 emitter.write('</tr>');
5209 ctx.pop();
5210 return [2 /*return*/];
5211 }
5212 });
5213 };
5214 return default_1;
5215 }(Tag));
5217 var default_1$f = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5218 __extends(default_1, _super);
5219 function default_1(tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) {
5220 var _this = _super.call(this, tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
5221 _this.branches = [];
5222 _this.elseTemplates = [];
5223 var p = [];
5224 var elseCount = 0;
5225 _this.liquid.parser.parseStream(remainTokens)
5226 .on('start', function () { return _this.branches.push({
5227 value: new Value(tagToken.args, _this.liquid),
5228 test: isFalsy,
5229 templates: (p = [])
5230 }); })
5231 .on('tag:elsif', function (token) {
5232 if (elseCount > 0) {
5233 p = [];
5234 return;
5235 }
5236 _this.branches.push({
5237 value: new Value(token.args, _this.liquid),
5238 test: isTruthy,
5239 templates: (p = [])
5240 });
5241 })
5242 .on('tag:else', function () {
5243 elseCount++;
5244 p = _this.elseTemplates;
5245 })
5246 .on('tag:endunless', function () { this.stop(); })
5247 .on('template', function (tpl) {
5248 if (p !== _this.elseTemplates || elseCount === 1) {
5249 p.push(tpl);
5250 }
5251 })
5252 .on('end', function () { throw new Error("tag ".concat(tagToken.getText(), " not closed")); })
5253 .start();
5254 return _this;
5255 }
5256 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
5257 var r, _a, _b, _c, value, test_1, templates, v, e_1_1;
5258 var e_1, _d;
5259 return __generator(this, function (_e) {
5260 switch (_e.label) {
5261 case 0:
5262 r = this.liquid.renderer;
5263 _e.label = 1;
5264 case 1:
5265 _e.trys.push([1, 7, 8, 9]);
5266 _a = __values(this.branches), _b = _a.next();
5267 _e.label = 2;
5268 case 2:
5269 if (!!_b.done) return [3 /*break*/, 6];
5270 _c = _b.value, value = _c.value, test_1 = _c.test, templates = _c.templates;
5271 return [4 /*yield*/, value.value(ctx, ctx.opts.lenientIf)];
5272 case 3:
5273 v = _e.sent();
5274 if (!test_1(v, ctx)) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
5275 return [4 /*yield*/, r.renderTemplates(templates, ctx, emitter)];
5276 case 4:
5277 _e.sent();
5278 return [2 /*return*/];
5279 case 5:
5280 _b = _a.next();
5281 return [3 /*break*/, 2];
5282 case 6: return [3 /*break*/, 9];
5283 case 7:
5284 e_1_1 = _e.sent();
5285 e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
5286 return [3 /*break*/, 9];
5287 case 8:
5288 try {
5289 if (_b && !_b.done && (_d = _a.return)) _d.call(_a);
5290 }
5291 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
5292 return [7 /*endfinally*/];
5293 case 9: return [4 /*yield*/, r.renderTemplates(this.elseTemplates, ctx, emitter)];
5294 case 10:
5295 _e.sent();
5296 return [2 /*return*/];
5297 }
5298 });
5299 };
5300 return default_1;
5301 }(Tag));
5303 var default_1$g = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5304 __extends(default_1, _super);
5305 function default_1() {
5306 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
5307 }
5308 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
5309 emitter['break'] = true;
5310 };
5311 return default_1;
5312 }(Tag));
5314 var default_1$h = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5315 __extends(default_1, _super);
5316 function default_1() {
5317 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
5318 }
5319 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
5320 emitter['continue'] = true;
5321 };
5322 return default_1;
5323 }(Tag));
5325 var default_1$i = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5326 __extends(default_1, _super);
5327 function default_1(token, remainTokens, liquid) {
5328 var _this = _super.call(this, token, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
5329 _this.tokenizer.skipBlank();
5330 if (!_this.tokenizer.end()) {
5331 _this.value = new Value(_this.tokenizer.readFilteredValue(), _this.liquid);
5332 }
5333 return _this;
5334 }
5335 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
5336 var val;
5337 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5338 switch (_a.label) {
5339 case 0:
5340 if (!this.value)
5341 return [2 /*return*/];
5342 return [4 /*yield*/, this.value.value(ctx, false)];
5343 case 1:
5344 val = _a.sent();
5345 emitter.write(val);
5346 return [2 /*return*/];
5347 }
5348 });
5349 };
5350 return default_1;
5351 }(Tag));
5353 var default_1$j = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5354 __extends(default_1, _super);
5355 function default_1(token, remainTokens, liquid) {
5356 var _this = _super.call(this, token, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
5357 var tokens = _this.tokenizer.readLiquidTagTokens(_this.liquid.options);
5358 _this.templates = _this.liquid.parser.parseTokens(tokens);
5359 return _this;
5360 }
5361 default_1.prototype.render = function (ctx, emitter) {
5362 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5363 switch (_a.label) {
5364 case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, this.liquid.renderer.renderTemplates(this.templates, ctx, emitter)];
5365 case 1:
5366 _a.sent();
5367 return [2 /*return*/];
5368 }
5369 });
5370 };
5371 return default_1;
5372 }(Tag));
5374 var default_1$k = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5375 __extends(default_1, _super);
5376 function default_1(tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) {
5377 var _this = _super.call(this, tagToken, remainTokens, liquid) || this;
5378 if (tagToken.args.search(/\n\s*[^#\s]/g) !== -1) {
5379 throw new Error('every line of an inline comment must start with a \'#\' character');
5380 }
5381 return _this;
5382 }
5383 default_1.prototype.render = function () { };
5384 return default_1;
5385 }(Tag));
5387 var tags = {
5388 assign: default_1,
5389 'for': default_1$1,
5390 capture: default_1$2,
5391 'case': default_1$3,
5392 comment: default_1$4,
5393 include: default_1$6,
5394 render: default_1$5,
5395 decrement: default_1$7,
5396 increment: default_1$a,
5397 cycle: default_1$8,
5398 'if': default_1$9,
5399 layout: default_1$b,
5400 block: default_1$c,
5401 raw: default_1$d,
5402 tablerow: default_1$e,
5403 unless: default_1$f,
5404 'break': default_1$g,
5405 'continue': default_1$h,
5406 echo: default_1$i,
5407 liquid: default_1$j,
5408 '#': default_1$k
5409 };
5411 var Liquid = /** @class */ (function () {
5412 function Liquid(opts) {
5413 if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
5414 var _this = this;
5415 this.renderer = new Render();
5416 this.filters = {};
5417 this.tags = {};
5418 this.options = normalize(opts);
5419 this.parser = new Parser(this);
5420 forOwn(tags, function (conf, name) { return _this.registerTag(name, conf); });
5421 forOwn(filters, function (handler, name) { return _this.registerFilter(name, handler); });
5422 }
5423 Liquid.prototype.parse = function (html, filepath) {
5424 return this.parser.parse(html, filepath);
5425 };
5426 Liquid.prototype._render = function (tpl, scope, renderOptions) {
5427 var ctx = scope instanceof Context ? scope : new Context(scope, this.options, renderOptions);
5428 return this.renderer.renderTemplates(tpl, ctx);
5429 };
5430 Liquid.prototype.render = function (tpl, scope, renderOptions) {
5431 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5432 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5433 return [2 /*return*/, toPromise(this._render(tpl, scope, __assign(__assign({}, renderOptions), { sync: false })))];
5434 });
5435 });
5436 };
5437 Liquid.prototype.renderSync = function (tpl, scope, renderOptions) {
5438 return toValueSync(this._render(tpl, scope, __assign(__assign({}, renderOptions), { sync: true })));
5439 };
5440 Liquid.prototype.renderToNodeStream = function (tpl, scope, renderOptions) {
5441 if (renderOptions === void 0) { renderOptions = {}; }
5442 var ctx = new Context(scope, this.options, renderOptions);
5443 return this.renderer.renderTemplatesToNodeStream(tpl, ctx);
5444 };
5445 Liquid.prototype._parseAndRender = function (html, scope, renderOptions) {
5446 var tpl = this.parse(html);
5447 return this._render(tpl, scope, renderOptions);
5448 };
5449 Liquid.prototype.parseAndRender = function (html, scope, renderOptions) {
5450 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5451 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5452 return [2 /*return*/, toPromise(this._parseAndRender(html, scope, __assign(__assign({}, renderOptions), { sync: false })))];
5453 });
5454 });
5455 };
5456 Liquid.prototype.parseAndRenderSync = function (html, scope, renderOptions) {
5457 return toValueSync(this._parseAndRender(html, scope, __assign(__assign({}, renderOptions), { sync: true })));
5458 };
5459 Liquid.prototype._parsePartialFile = function (file, sync, currentFile) {
5460 return this.parser.parseFile(file, sync, LookupType.Partials, currentFile);
5461 };
5462 Liquid.prototype._parseLayoutFile = function (file, sync, currentFile) {
5463 return this.parser.parseFile(file, sync, LookupType.Layouts, currentFile);
5464 };
5465 Liquid.prototype._parseFile = function (file, sync, lookupType, currentFile) {
5466 return this.parser.parseFile(file, sync, lookupType, currentFile);
5467 };
5468 Liquid.prototype.parseFile = function (file, lookupType) {
5469 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5470 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5471 return [2 /*return*/, toPromise(this.parser.parseFile(file, false, lookupType))];
5472 });
5473 });
5474 };
5475 Liquid.prototype.parseFileSync = function (file, lookupType) {
5476 return toValueSync(this.parser.parseFile(file, true, lookupType));
5477 };
5478 Liquid.prototype._renderFile = function (file, ctx, renderFileOptions) {
5479 var templates;
5480 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5481 switch (_a.label) {
5482 case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, this._parseFile(file, renderFileOptions.sync, renderFileOptions.lookupType)];
5483 case 1:
5484 templates = (_a.sent());
5485 return [4 /*yield*/, this._render(templates, ctx, renderFileOptions)];
5486 case 2: return [2 /*return*/, _a.sent()];
5487 }
5488 });
5489 };
5490 Liquid.prototype.renderFile = function (file, ctx, renderFileOptions) {
5491 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5492 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5493 return [2 /*return*/, toPromise(this._renderFile(file, ctx, __assign(__assign({}, renderFileOptions), { sync: false })))];
5494 });
5495 });
5496 };
5497 Liquid.prototype.renderFileSync = function (file, ctx, renderFileOptions) {
5498 return toValueSync(this._renderFile(file, ctx, __assign(__assign({}, renderFileOptions), { sync: true })));
5499 };
5500 Liquid.prototype.renderFileToNodeStream = function (file, scope, renderOptions) {
5501 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5502 var templates;
5503 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5504 switch (_a.label) {
5505 case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, this.parseFile(file)];
5506 case 1:
5507 templates = _a.sent();
5508 return [2 /*return*/, this.renderToNodeStream(templates, scope, renderOptions)];
5509 }
5510 });
5511 });
5512 };
5513 Liquid.prototype._evalValue = function (str, scope) {
5514 var value = new Value(str, this);
5515 var ctx = scope instanceof Context ? scope : new Context(scope, this.options);
5516 return value.value(ctx);
5517 };
5518 Liquid.prototype.evalValue = function (str, scope) {
5519 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5520 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5521 return [2 /*return*/, toPromise(this._evalValue(str, scope))];
5522 });
5523 });
5524 };
5525 Liquid.prototype.evalValueSync = function (str, scope) {
5526 return toValueSync(this._evalValue(str, scope));
5527 };
5528 Liquid.prototype.registerFilter = function (name, filter) {
5529 this.filters[name] = filter;
5530 };
5531 Liquid.prototype.registerTag = function (name, tag) {
5532 this.tags[name] = isFunction(tag) ? tag : createTagClass(tag);
5533 };
5534 Liquid.prototype.plugin = function (plugin) {
5535 return plugin.call(this, Liquid);
5536 };
5537 Liquid.prototype.express = function () {
5538 var self = this; // eslint-disable-line
5539 var firstCall = true;
5540 return function (filePath, ctx, callback) {
5541 var _a, _b, _c;
5542 if (firstCall) {
5543 firstCall = false;
5544 var dirs = normalizeDirectoryList(this.root);
5545 (_a = self.options.root).unshift.apply(_a, __spreadArray([], __read(dirs), false));
5546 (_b = self.options.layouts).unshift.apply(_b, __spreadArray([], __read(dirs), false));
5547 (_c = self.options.partials).unshift.apply(_c, __spreadArray([], __read(dirs), false));
5548 }
5549 self.renderFile(filePath, ctx).then(function (html) { return callback(null, html); }, callback);
5550 };
5551 };
5552 return Liquid;
5553 }());
5555 /* istanbul ignore file */
5556 var version = '10.14.0';
5558 exports.AssertionError = AssertionError;
5559 exports.AssignTag = default_1;
5560 exports.BlockTag = default_1$c;
5561 exports.BreakTag = default_1$g;
5562 exports.CaptureTag = default_1$2;
5563 exports.CaseTag = default_1$3;
5564 exports.CommentTag = default_1$4;
5565 exports.Context = Context;
5566 exports.ContinueTag = default_1$h;
5567 exports.CycleTag = default_1$8;
5568 exports.DecrementTag = default_1$7;
5569 exports.Drop = Drop;
5570 exports.EchoTag = default_1$i;
5571 exports.Expression = Expression;
5572 exports.Filter = Filter;
5573 exports.ForTag = default_1$1;
5574 exports.Hash = Hash;
5575 exports.IfTag = default_1$9;
5576 exports.IncludeTag = default_1$6;
5577 exports.IncrementTag = default_1$a;
5578 exports.InlineCommentTag = default_1$k;
5579 exports.LayoutTag = default_1$b;
5580 exports.Liquid = Liquid;
5581 exports.LiquidError = LiquidError;
5582 exports.LiquidTag = default_1$j;
5583 exports.Output = Output;
5584 exports.ParseError = ParseError;
5585 exports.ParseStream = ParseStream;
5586 exports.RawTag = default_1$d;
5587 exports.RenderError = RenderError;
5588 exports.RenderTag = default_1$5;
5589 exports.TablerowTag = default_1$e;
5590 exports.Tag = Tag;
5591 exports.TagToken = TagToken;
5592 exports.TimezoneDate = TimezoneDate;
5593 exports.Token = Token;
5594 exports.TokenizationError = TokenizationError;
5595 exports.Tokenizer = Tokenizer;
5596 exports.TypeGuards = typeGuards;
5597 exports.UndefinedVariableError = UndefinedVariableError;
5598 exports.UnlessTag = default_1$f;
5599 exports.Value = Value;
5600 exports.assert = assert;
5601 exports.createTrie = createTrie;
5602 exports.defaultOperators = defaultOperators;
5603 exports.defaultOptions = defaultOptions;
5604 exports.evalQuotedToken = evalQuotedToken;
5605 exports.evalToken = evalToken;
5606 exports.filters = filters;
5607 exports.isFalsy = isFalsy;
5608 exports.isTruthy = isTruthy;
5609 exports.tags = tags;
5610 exports.toPromise = toPromise;
5611 exports.toValue = toValue;
5612 exports.toValueSync = toValueSync;
5613 exports.version = version;
5615 Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
5618//# sourceMappingURL=liquid.browser.umd.js.map