1 | # listr-update-renderer [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/SamVerschueren/listr-update-renderer.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/SamVerschueren/listr-update-renderer)
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3 | > [Listr](https://github.com/SamVerschueren/listr) update renderer
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5 | <img src="screenshot.gif" />
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8 | ## Install
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10 | ```
11 | $ npm install --save listr-update-renderer
12 | ```
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15 | ## Usage
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17 | ```js
18 | const UpdaterRenderer = require('listr-update-renderer');
19 | const Listr = require('listr');
20 |
21 | const list = new Listr([
22 | {
23 | title: 'foo',
24 | task: () => Promise.resolve('bar')
25 | }
26 | ], {
27 | renderer: UpdaterRenderer,
28 | collapse: false
29 | });
30 |
31 | list.run();
32 | ```
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34 | > Note: This is the default renderer for [Listr](https://github.com/SamVerschueren/listr) and doesn't need to be specified.
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37 | ## Options
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39 | These options should be provided in the [Listr](https://github.com/SamVerschueren/listr) options object.
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41 | ### showSubtasks
42 |
43 | Type: `boolean`<br>
44 | Default: `true`
45 |
46 | Set to `false` if you want to disable the rendering of the subtasks. Subtasks will be rendered if an error occurred in one of them.
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48 | ### collapse
49 |
50 | Type: `boolean`<br>
51 | Default: `true`
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53 | Set to `false` if you don't want subtasks to be hidden after the main task succeed.
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56 | ## Related
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58 | - [listr](https://github.com/SamVerschueren/listr) - Terminal task list
59 | - [listr-verbose-renderer](https://github.com/SamVerschueren/listr-verbose-renderer) - Listr verbose renderer
60 | - [listr-silent-renderer](https://github.com/SamVerschueren/listr-silent-renderer) - Suppress Listr rendering output
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63 | ## License
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65 | MIT © [Sam Verschueren](https://github.com/SamVerschueren)