2.71 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { FormatCodeSettings, SourceFile } from "typescript";
2import { LitIndexEntry } from "./document-analyzer/html/lit-html-document-analyzer.js";
3import { LitAnalyzerContext } from "./lit-analyzer-context.js";
4import { LitClosingTagInfo } from "./types/lit-closing-tag-info.js";
5import { LitCodeFix } from "./types/lit-code-fix.js";
6import { LitCompletion } from "./types/lit-completion.js";
7import { LitCompletionDetails } from "./types/lit-completion-details.js";
8import { LitDefinition } from "./types/lit-definition.js";
9import { LitDiagnostic } from "./types/lit-diagnostic.js";
10import { LitFormatEdit } from "./types/lit-format-edit.js";
11import { LitOutliningSpan } from "./types/lit-outlining-span.js";
12import { LitQuickInfo } from "./types/lit-quick-info.js";
13import { LitRenameInfo } from "./types/lit-rename-info.js";
14import { LitRenameLocation } from "./types/lit-rename-location.js";
15import { Range, SourceFilePosition } from "./types/range.js";
16export declare class LitAnalyzer {
17 private context;
18 private litHtmlDocumentAnalyzer;
19 private litCssDocumentAnalyzer;
20 private componentAnalyzer;
21 constructor(context: LitAnalyzerContext);
22 getOutliningSpansInFile(file: SourceFile): LitOutliningSpan[];
23 getDefinitionAtPosition(file: SourceFile, position: SourceFilePosition): LitDefinition | undefined;
24 /**
25 * Yields entries that describe regions of code in the given file, and
26 * what the analyzer knows about them.
27 *
28 * This is useful for generating a static index of analysis output. Two such
29 * indexing systems are Kythe and the Language Server Index Format.
30 */
31 indexFile(file: SourceFile): IterableIterator<LitIndexEntry>;
32 getQuickInfoAtPosition(file: SourceFile, position: SourceFilePosition): LitQuickInfo | undefined;
33 getRenameInfoAtPosition(file: SourceFile, position: SourceFilePosition): LitRenameInfo | undefined;
34 getRenameLocationsAtPosition(file: SourceFile, position: SourceFilePosition): LitRenameLocation[];
35 getClosingTagAtPosition(file: SourceFile, position: SourceFilePosition): LitClosingTagInfo | undefined;
36 getCompletionDetailsAtPosition(file: SourceFile, position: SourceFilePosition, name: string): LitCompletionDetails | undefined;
37 getCompletionsAtPosition(file: SourceFile, position: SourceFilePosition): LitCompletion[] | undefined;
38 getDiagnosticsInFile(file: SourceFile): LitDiagnostic[];
39 getCodeFixesAtPositionRange(file: SourceFile, sourceFileRange: Range): LitCodeFix[];
40 getFormatEditsInFile(file: SourceFile, settings: FormatCodeSettings): LitFormatEdit[];
41 private getDocumentAndOffsetAtPosition;
42 private getDocumentsInFile;
44//# sourceMappingURL=lit-analyzer.d.ts.map
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