3.08 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
5 */
6import { Directive, PartInfo, DirectiveClass, DirectiveResult } from './directive.js';
7import { AttributePart, Part, Disconnectable } from './lit-html.js';
8import type { PropertyPart, ChildPart, BooleanAttributePart, EventPart, ElementPart, TemplateInstance } from './lit-html.js';
11 *
12 * We currently do not make a mangled rollup build of the lit-ssr code. In order
13 * to keep a number of (otherwise private) top-level exports mangled in the
14 * client side code, we export a _$LH object containing those members (or
15 * helper methods for accessing private fields of those members), and then
16 * re-export them for use in lit-ssr. This keeps lit-ssr agnostic to whether the
17 * client-side code is being used in `dev` mode or `prod` mode.
18 * @private
19 */
20export declare const _$LH: {
21 boundAttributeSuffix: string;
22 marker: string;
23 markerMatch: string;
24 HTML_RESULT: number;
25 getTemplateHtml: (strings: TemplateStringsArray, type: 1 | 2) => [import("trusted-types/lib/index.js").TrustedHTML, string[]];
26 overrideDirectiveResolve: (directiveClass: new (part: PartInfo) => Directive & {
27 render(): unknown;
28 }, resolveOverrideFn: (directive: Directive, values: unknown[]) => unknown) => {
29 new (part: PartInfo): {
30 _$resolve(this: Directive, _part: Part, values: unknown[]): unknown;
31 __part: Part;
32 __attributeIndex: number | undefined;
33 __directive?: Directive | undefined;
34 _$parent: Disconnectable;
35 _$disconnectableChildren?: Set<Disconnectable> | undefined;
36 _$notifyDirectiveConnectionChanged?(isConnected: boolean): void;
37 readonly _$isConnected: boolean;
38 _$initialize(part: Part, parent: Disconnectable, attributeIndex: number | undefined): void;
39 render: ((...props: unknown[]) => unknown) & (() => unknown);
40 update(_part: Part, props: unknown[]): unknown;
41 };
42 };
43 patchDirectiveResolve: (directiveClass: typeof Directive, resolveOverrideFn: (this: Directive, _part: Part, values: unknown[]) => unknown) => void;
44 setDirectiveClass(value: DirectiveResult, directiveClass: DirectiveClass): void;
45 getAttributePartCommittedValue: (part: AttributePart, value: unknown, index: number | undefined) => unknown;
46 connectedDisconnectable: (props?: object) => Disconnectable;
47 resolveDirective: (part: ChildPart | AttributePart | ElementPart, value: unknown, parent?: import("./lit-html.js").DirectiveParent, attributeIndex?: number | undefined) => unknown;
48 AttributePart: typeof AttributePart;
49 PropertyPart: typeof PropertyPart;
50 BooleanAttributePart: typeof BooleanAttributePart;
51 EventPart: typeof EventPart;
52 ElementPart: typeof ElementPart;
53 TemplateInstance: typeof TemplateInstance;
54 isIterable: (value: unknown) => value is Iterable<unknown>;
55 ChildPart: typeof ChildPart;
57//# sourceMappingURL=private-ssr-support.d.ts.map
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