2.22 kBJavaScriptView Raw
4!function(exports) {
5 var pointerCache = {}
6 , hasOwn = pointerCache.hasOwnProperty
8 exports.clone = clone
9 exports.merge = merge
10 exports.mergePatch = mergePatch
11 exports.isObject = isObject
13 /**
14 * JSON Merge Patch
15 * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7396
16 */
18 function mergePatch(target, patch, changed, previous, pointer) {
19 var undef, key, oldVal, val, len, nextPointer
20 if (isObject(patch)) {
21 if (!pointer) {
22 pointer = ""
23 }
24 if (!isObject(target)) {
25 target = {}
26 }
27 for (key in patch) if (
28 undef !== (oldVal = target[key], val = patch[key]) &&
29 hasOwn.call(patch, key) &&
30 (
31 undef == val ?
32 undef !== oldVal && delete target[key] :
33 target[key] !== val
34 )
35 ) {
36 nextPointer = pointer + "/" + key.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1")
37 len = changed && isObject(target[key]) && changed.length
38 if (undef != val) {
39 target[key] = mergePatch(target[key], val, changed, previous, nextPointer)
40 }
41 if (len === false || changed && len != changed.length) {
42 changed.push(nextPointer)
43 if (previous && !isObject(oldVal)) {
44 previous[nextPointer] = oldVal
45 }
46 }
47 }
48 } else {
49 if (changed && isObject(target)) {
50 val = {}
51 for (key in target) if (hasOwn.call(target, key)) {
52 val[key] = null
53 }
54 mergePatch(target, val, changed, previous, pointer)
55 }
56 target = patch
57 }
58 return target
59 }
61 function merge(target) {
62 for (var key, source, a = arguments, i = 1, len = a.length; i < len; ) {
63 if (source = a[i++]) for (key in source) if (hasOwn.call(source, key)) {
64 target[key] = source[key]
65 }
66 }
67 return target
68 }
70 function clone(obj) {
71 var temp, key
72 if (obj && typeof obj == "object") {
73 // new Date().constructor() returns a string
74 temp = obj instanceof Date ? new Date(+obj) :
75 obj instanceof RegExp ? RegExp(obj.source, (""+obj).split("/").pop()) :
76 obj.constructor()
77 for (key in obj) if (hasOwn.call(obj, key)) {
78 temp[key] = clone(obj[key])
79 }
80 obj = temp
81 }
82 return obj
83 }
85 function isObject(obj) {
86 return !!obj && obj.constructor === Object
87 }
89// `this` refers to the `window` in browser and to the `exports` in Node.js.
90}(this.JSON || this)