8.19 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2/* litejs.com/MIT-LICENSE.txt */
6// With initial congestion window set to 2 and 1452 bytes of data in a segment.
8// 1 round trip to get 2904 bytes, Initial Window (IW) = 2
9// 2 round trips to get 8712 bytes, Congestion Window (CW)=4
10// 3 round trips to get 20328 bytes, CW = 8
11// 4 round trips to get 43560 bytes, CW = 16
14// Scripts that are dynamically created and added to the document are async by default
15// HTML5 declared that browsers shouldn’t download scripts with an unrecognised type
18// IE9 and below allows up to 32 stylesheets, this was increased to 4095 in IE10.
20// You can invalidate a URL in the browser's cache by sending a PUT method xmlhttprequest to it:
21// xhr("PUT", url).send(null) Works in all major browsers
23// XMLHttpRequest was unsupported in IE 5-6 and PATCH is not supported in IE7-8.
24// IE does not allow to add arbitrary properties to ActiveX objects.
25// IE does not allow to assign or read the readystatechange after the send().
26// Last version-independent ProgID with 3.0 is good enough (MSXML2 is supported from IE4.01).
27// MSXML 6.0 has improved XSD, deprecated several legacy features
28// What's New in MSXML 6.0: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms753751.aspx
30!function(window, scripts, next) {
31 var seq = 0
32 , xhrs = []
33 , loaded = {}
34 , urlEscRe = /[+#\s]+/g
35 , XMLHttpRequest = +"\v1" && window.XMLHttpRequest || Function("return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP')")
36 , execScript = window.execScript ||
37 // THANKS: Juriy Zaytsev - Global eval [http://perfectionkills.com/global-eval-what-are-the-options/]
38 Function("d,Date", "return(1,eval)('(Date)')==d&&eval")(Date, 1) ||
39 Function("a", "var d=document,b=d.body,s=d.createElement('script');s.text=a;b.removeChild(b.insertBefore(c,b.firstChild))")
41 //** errorLog
42 , lastError
43 , unsentErrors = []
45 window.onerror = onerror
46 function onerror(message, file, line, col, error) {
47 // Do not send multiple copies of the same error.
48 if (lastError !== (lastError =
49 [ file
50 , line
51 , col || (window.event || unsentErrors).errorCharacter || "?"
52 , message
53 ].join(":")
54 ) && 1 == unsentErrors.push(
55 [ lastError
56 , error && (error.stack || error.backtrace || error.stacktrace) || "-"
57 , +new Date()
58 , "" + location
59 ]
60 )) setTimeout(sendErrors, 307)
61 }
63 function sendErrors() {
64 if (xhr.logErrors) {
65 xhr.logErrors(unsentErrors)
66 } else {
67 setTimeout(sendErrors, 1307)
68 }
69 }
70 //*/
72 // next === true is for sync call
73 //
74 // Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Status Code Registry
75 // http://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml
76 //
78 window.xhr = xhr
79 function xhr(method, url, next, attr1, attr2) {
80 // encodeURI("A + B").replace(/%5[BD]/g, decodeURI).replace(/\+/g, "%2B").replace(/%20/g, "+")
81 // unescape("A+%2B+B".replace(/\+/g, " "))
82 var xhr = xhrs.shift() || new XMLHttpRequest()
84 // To be able to reuse the XHR object properly,
85 // use the open method first and set onreadystatechange later.
86 // This happens because IE resets the object implicitly
87 // in the open method if the status is 'completed'.
88 // MSXML 6.0 fixed that
89 //
90 // The downside to calling the open method after setting the callback
91 // is a loss of cross-browser support for readystates.
92 // http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2005/09/xmlhttp_notes_r_2.html
95 // function progress(ev) {
96 // if (ev.lengthComputable) {
97 // var percentComplete = (ev.loaded / ev.total) * 100
98 // }
99 // }
100 // xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", onProgressHandler)
101 // xhr.addEventListener("progress", onProgressHandler)
102 // xhr.onprogress = progress
105 // Vodafone 360 doesn't pass session cookies, so they need to be passed manually
106 // if (sessionID) xhr.setRequestHeader("Cookie", sessionID);
107 // if (xhr.getResponseHeader("Set-Cookie")) sessionID = xhr.getResponseHeader("Set-Cookie");
110 xhr.open(method, url.replace(urlEscRe, encodeURIComponent).replace(/%20/g, "+"), next !== true)
113 // With IE 8 XMLHttpRequest gains the timeout property.
114 // With the timeout property, Web developers can specify
115 // the length of time in milliseconds for the host to wait for a response
116 // before timing out the connection.
118 //xhr.timeout = 10000
119 //xhr.ontimeout = timeoutRaised
121 if (next !== true) xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
122 if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
123 // From the XMLHttpRequest spec:
124 //
125 // > For 304 Not Modified responses
126 // > that are a result of a user agent generated conditional request
127 // > the user agent must act as if the server gave a 200 OK response
128 // > with the appropriate content.
129 //
130 // In other words, the browser will always give status code 200 OK,
131 // even for requests that hit the browser cache.
132 //
133 // However, the spec also says:
134 //
135 // > The user agent must allow author request headers
136 // > to override automatic cache validation
137 // > (e.g. If-None-Match or If-Modified-Since),
138 // > in which case 304 Not Modified responses must be passed through.
139 //
140 // So, there is a workaround to make the 304 Not Modified responses visible
141 // to your JavaScript code.
142 //
143 // - Opera 8.x passes 304
144 // - IE9 returns 1223 and drop all response headers from PUT/POST
145 // when it should be 204,
146 // http://www.enhanceie.com/ie/bugs.asp
147 // - File protocol and Appcache returns status code 0
148 // - Android 4.1 returns status code 0 when cache manifest is used
149 // - IE 10-11 returns status code 0 with CORS for codes 401, 403
150 // Fix: Internet options -> Trusted sites -> Custom Level ->
151 // Miscellaneous -> Access data sources across domains -> Enable
152 // - Use CloudFlare status "522 Connection Timed Out" for network error
154 method = xhr.status || (xhr.responseText ? 200 : 522) // Reuse variable for status
155 if (next) next.call(
156 xhr,
157 (method < 200 || method > 299 && method != 304 && method != 1223) && method,
158 xhr.responseText,
159 url,
160 attr1,
161 attr2
162 )
163 xhr.onreadystatechange = next = nop
164 xhrs.push(xhr)
165 }
166 }
167 return xhr
168 }
171 //** require
172 var modules = {}
173 , process = window.process = {
174 env: {}
175 }
177 //process.memoryUsage = function() {
178 // return (window.performance || {}).memory || {}
179 //}
181 window.require = require
182 function require(name) {
183 var mod = modules[name]
184 if (!mod) throw Error("Module not found: " + name)
185 if (typeof mod == "string") {
186 var exports = modules[name] = {}
187 , module = { id: name, filename: name, exports: exports }
188 Function("exports,require,module,process,global", mod).call(
189 exports, exports, require, module, process, window
190 )
191 mod = modules[name] = module.exports
192 }
193 return mod
194 }
196 require.def = function(map, key) {
197 for (key in map) modules[key] = map[key]
198 }
199 //*/
201 /**
202 * 1. FireFox 3.0 and below throws on `xhr.send()` without arguments.
203 * You can work around this by explicitly setting the message body to null.
204 */
206 xhr.load = load
207 function load(files, next, raw) {
208 if (typeof files == "string") files = [files]
209 var file
210 , len = files && files.length
211 , i = 0
212 , pending = 0
213 , res = []
215 for (; i < len; i++) if ((file = files[i]) && file !== loaded[file]) {
216 if (loaded[file]) {
217 !function(old, i2) {
218 loaded[file] = function(err, str, file, i) {
219 old(err, str, file, i)
220 cb(1, str, file, i2)
221 }
222 }(loaded[file], i)
223 } else {
224 loaded[file] = cb
225 xhr("GET", file, function(err, str, file, i) {
226 loaded[file](err, str, file, i)
227 }, pending).send(null) /* 1 */
228 }
229 pending += 1
230 }
232 if (!pending && next) next()
234 function cb(err, str, file, i) {
235 loaded[file] = file
236 if (err) {
237 res[i] = ""
238 onerror(err, file)
239 } else {
240 res[i] = str
241 err = file.split("?")[0].split(".").pop()
242 if (!raw && err != "js") {
243 xhr[++seq] = str
244 res[i] = "xhr." + err + "(xhr[" + seq + "]);delete xhr[" + seq + "]"
245 }
246 }
247 if (!--pending) {
248 if (!raw) execScript( res.join("/**/;") || ";" )
249 if (next) next(files, res, raw)
250 }
251 }
252 }
254 load(scripts, next)
256 function nop() {}
257}(this, [/*!{loadFiles}*/])