8.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var path = require('path');
2var saucelabsBrowsers = require(path.resolve('test', 'saucelabs-browsers.js'));
4var sourceFiles = [
5 'Gruntfile.js',
6 'src/*.js',
7 'src/**/*.js',
8 'test/**/test.*.js'
11module.exports = exports = function(grunt) {
12 'use strict';
14 var BANNER = '/*!\n' +
15 ' localForage -- Offline Storage, Improved\n' +
16 ' Version ' + grunt.file.readJSON('package.json').version + '\n' +
17 ' https://localforage.github.io/localForage\n' +
18 ' (c) 2013-2017 Mozilla, Apache License 2.0\n' +
19 '*/\n';
21 var babelModuleIdProvider = function getModuleId(moduleName) {
22 var files = {
23 'src/localforage': 'localforage',
24 'src/utils/serializer': 'localforageSerializer',
25 'src/drivers/indexeddb': 'asyncStorage',
26 'src/drivers/localstorage': 'localStorageWrapper',
27 'src/drivers/websql': 'webSQLStorage'
28 };
30 return files[moduleName] || moduleName.replace('src/', '');
31 };
33 grunt.initConfig({
34 babel: {
35 options: {
36 babelrc: false,
37 extends: path.resolve('.babelrc-umd'),
38 moduleIds: true,
39 getModuleId: babelModuleIdProvider
40 },
41 dist: {
42 files: {
43 'build/es5src/localforage.js': 'src/localforage.js',
44 'build/es5src/utils/serializer.js': 'src/utils/serializer.js',
45 'build/es5src/drivers/indexeddb.js': 'src/drivers/indexeddb.js',
46 'build/es5src/drivers/localstorage.js': 'src/drivers/localstorage.js',
47 'build/es5src/drivers/websql.js': 'src/drivers/websql.js'
48 }
49 }
50 },
51 browserify: {
52 package_bundling_test: {
53 src: 'test/runner.browserify.js',
54 dest: 'test/localforage.browserify.js'
55 },
56 main: {
57 files: {
58 'dist/localforage.js': 'src/localforage.js'
59 },
60 options: {
61 browserifyOptions: {
62 standalone: 'localforage'
63 },
64 transform: ['rollupify', 'babelify'],
65 plugin: ['bundle-collapser/plugin', 'browserify-derequire']
66 }
67 },
68 no_promises: {
69 files: {
70 'dist/localforage.nopromises.js': 'src/localforage.js'
71 },
72 options: {
73 browserifyOptions: {
74 standalone: 'localforage'
75 },
76 transform: ['rollupify', 'babelify'],
77 plugin: ['bundle-collapser/plugin', 'browserify-derequire'],
78 exclude: ['lie/polyfill']
79 }
80 }
81 },
82 concat: {
83 options: {
84 separator: ''
85 },
86 localforage: {
87 // just to add the BANNER
88 // without adding an extra grunt module
89 files: {
90 'dist/localforage.js': [
91 'dist/localforage.js'
92 ],
93 'dist/localforage.nopromises.js': [
94 'dist/localforage.nopromises.js'
95 ]
96 },
97 options: {
98 banner: BANNER
99 }
100 }
101 },
102 connect: {
103 test: {
104 options: {
105 base: '.',
106 hostname: '*',
107 port: 9999,
108 middleware: function(connect) {
109 return [
110 function(req, res, next) {
111 res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin',
112 '*');
113 res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods',
114 '*');
116 return next();
117 },
118 connect.static(require('path').resolve('.'))
119 ];
120 }
121 }
122 }
123 },
124 es3_safe_recast: {
125 dist: {
126 files: [{
127 src: ['dist/localforage.js'],
128 dest: 'dist/localforage.js'
129 }]
130 },
131 nopromises: {
132 files: [{
133 src: ['dist/localforage.nopromises.js'],
134 dest: 'dist/localforage.nopromises.js'
135 }]
136 }
137 },
138 eslint: {
139 target: sourceFiles
140 },
141 mocha: {
142 unit: {
143 options: {
144 urls: [
145 'http://localhost:9999/test/test.main.html',
146 'http://localhost:9999/test/test.min.html',
147 'http://localhost:9999/test/test.callwhenready.html',
148 'http://localhost:9999/test/test.customdriver.html',
149 'http://localhost:9999/test/test.faultydriver.html',
150 'http://localhost:9999/test/test.nodriver.html',
151 'http://localhost:9999/test/test.browserify.html',
152 'http://localhost:9999/test/test.require.html',
153 'http://localhost:9999/test/test.webpack.html'
154 ]
155 }
156 }
157 },
158 'saucelabs-mocha': {
159 all: {
160 options: {
161 username: process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME,
162 key: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY,
163 urls: ['http://localhost:9999/test/test.main.html'],
164 tunnelTimeout: 5,
165 build: process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_ID,
166 concurrency: 3,
167 browsers: saucelabsBrowsers,
168 testname: 'localForage Tests'
169 }
170 }
171 },
172 ts: {
173 typing_tests: {
174 tsconfig: {
175 tsconfig: 'typing-tests',
176 passThrough: true
177 }
178 }
179 },
180 uglify: {
181 localforage: {
182 files: {
183 'dist/localforage.min.js': ['dist/localforage.js'],
184 'dist/localforage.nopromises.min.js': [
185 'dist/localforage.nopromises.js'
186 ]
187 },
188 options: {
189 banner: BANNER
190 }
191 }
192 },
193 watch: {
194 build: {
195 files: ['src/*.js', 'src/**/*.js'],
196 tasks: ['build']
197 },
198 'mocha:unit': {
199 files: [
200 'dist/localforage.js',
201 'test/runner.js',
202 'test/test.*.*'
203 ],
204 tasks: [
205 'eslint',
206 'browserify:package_bundling_test',
207 'webpack:package_bundling_test',
208 'mocha:unit'
209 ]
210 }
211 },
212 webpack: {
213 package_bundling_test: {
214 entry: './test/runner.webpack.js',
215 output: {
216 path: 'test/',
217 filename: 'localforage.webpack.js'
218 }
219 }
220 }
221 });
223 require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt);
225 grunt.registerTask('default', ['build', 'connect', 'watch']);
226 grunt.registerTask('build', ['browserify:main', 'browserify:no_promises',
227 'concat', 'es3_safe_recast', 'uglify']);
228 grunt.registerTask('serve', ['build', 'connect:test', 'watch']);
230 // These are the test tasks we run regardless of Sauce Labs credentials.
231 var testTasks = [
232 'build',
233 'babel',
234 'eslint',
235 'ts:typing_tests',
236 'browserify:package_bundling_test',
237 'webpack:package_bundling_test',
238 'connect:test',
239 'mocha'
240 ];
241 grunt.registerTask('test:local', testTasks.slice());
243 // Run tests using Sauce Labs if we are on Travis or have locally
244 // available Sauce Labs credentials. Use `grunt test:local` to skip
245 // Sauce Labs tests.
246 // if (process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_ID ||
247 // (process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME && process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY)) {
248 // testTasks.push('saucelabs-mocha');
249 // }
251 grunt.registerTask('test', testTasks);