20.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Copyright IBM Corp. 2018,2019. All Rights Reserved.
2// Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler
3// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
4// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
6import {Callback, Options, PromiseOrVoid} from './common';
7import {ModelBase, ModelData} from './model';
8import {Filter, Where} from './query';
11 * Data object for persisted models
12 */
13export type PersistedData<
14 T extends PersistedModel = PersistedModel
15> = ModelData<T>;
18 * Type of affected count
19 */
20export interface Count {
21 count: number;
25 * Persisted model
26 */
27export declare class PersistedModel extends ModelBase {
28 /**
29 * Create new instance of Model, and save to database.
30 *
31 * @param {Object|Object[]} [data] Optional data argument. Can be either a
32 * single model instance or an array of instances.
33 *
34 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `cb(err, obj)` signature.
35 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
36 * @param {Object} models Model instances or null.
37 */
38 static create(
39 data: PersistedData,
40 options?: Options,
41 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel>,
42 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel>;
44 static create(
45 data: PersistedData[],
46 options?: Options,
47 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel[]>,
48 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel[]>;
50 /**
51 * Update or insert a model instance
52 * @param {Object} data The model instance data to insert.
53 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `cb(err, obj)` signature.
54 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
55 * @param {Object} model Updated model instance.
56 */
57 static upsert(
58 data: PersistedData,
59 options?: Options,
60 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel>,
61 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel>;
63 static updateOrCreate(
64 data: PersistedData,
65 options?: Options,
66 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel>,
67 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel>;
69 static patchOrCreate(
70 data: PersistedData,
71 options?: Options,
72 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel>,
73 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel>;
75 /**
76 * Update or insert a model instance based on the search criteria.
77 * If there is a single instance retrieved, update the retrieved model.
78 * Creates a new model if no model instances were found.
79 * Returns an error if multiple instances are found.
80 * @param {Object} [where] `where` filter, like
81 * ```
82 * { key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}, ...}
83 * ```
84 * <br/>see
85 * [Where filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Where-filter.html#where-clause-for-other-methods).
86 * @param {Object} data The model instance data to insert.
87 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `cb(err, obj)` signature.
88 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
89 * @param {Object} model Updated model instance.
90 */
91 static upsertWithWhere(
92 where: Where,
93 data: PersistedData,
94 options?: Options,
95 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel>,
96 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel>;
98 static patchOrCreateWithWhere(
99 where: Where,
100 data: PersistedData,
101 options?: Options,
102 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel>,
103 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel>;
105 /**
106 * Replace or insert a model instance; replace existing record if one is found,
107 * such that parameter `data.id` matches `id` of model instance; otherwise,
108 * insert a new record.
109 * @param {Object} data The model instance data.
110 * @options {Object} [options] Options for replaceOrCreate
111 * @property {Boolean} validate Perform validation before saving. Default is true.
112 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `cb(err, obj)` signature.
113 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
114 * @param {Object} model Replaced model instance.
115 */
116 static replaceOrCreate(
117 data: PersistedData,
118 options?: Options,
119 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel>,
120 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel>;
122 /**
123 * Finds one record matching the optional filter object. If not found, creates
124 * the object using the data provided as second argument. In this sense it is
125 * the same as `find`, but limited to one object. Returns an object, not
126 * collection. If you don't provide the filter object argument, it tries to
127 * locate an existing object that matches the `data` argument.
128 *
129 * @options {Object} [filter] Optional Filter object; see below.
130 * @property {String|Object|Array} fields Identify fields to include in return result.
131 * <br/>See [Fields filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Fields-filter.html).
132 * @property {String|Object|Array} include See PersistedModel.include documentation.
133 * <br/>See [Include filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Include-filter.html).
134 * @property {Number} limit Maximum number of instances to return.
135 * <br/>See [Limit filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Limit-filter.html).
136 * @property {String} order Sort order: either "ASC" for ascending or "DESC" for descending.
137 * <br/>See [Order filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Order-filter.html).
138 * @property {Number} skip Number of results to skip.
139 * <br/>See [Skip filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Skip-filter.html).
140 * @property {Object} where Where clause, like
141 * ```
142 * {where: {key: val, key2: {gt: val2}, ...}}
143 * ```
144 * <br/>See
145 * [Where filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Where-filter.html#where-clause-for-queries).
146 * @param {Object} data Data to insert if object matching the `where` filter is not found.
147 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `cb(err, instance, created)` arguments. Required.
148 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
149 * @param {Object} instance Model instance matching the `where` filter, if found.
150 * @param {Boolean} created True if the instance does not exist and gets created.
151 */
152 static findOrCreate(
153 filter: Filter,
154 data: PersistedData,
155 options?: Options,
156 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel>,
157 ): PromiseOrVoid<[PersistedModel, boolean]>;
159 /**
160 * Check whether a model instance exists in database.
161 *
162 * @param {id} id Identifier of object (primary key value).
163 *
164 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `(err, exists)` arguments. Required.
165 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
166 * @param {Boolean} exists True if the instance with the specified ID exists; false otherwise.
167 */
168 static exists(
169 id: any,
170 options?: Options,
171 callback?: Callback<boolean>,
172 ): PromiseOrVoid<boolean>;
174 /**
175 * Find object by ID with an optional filter for include/fields.
176 *
177 * @param {*} id Primary key value
178 * @options {Object} [filter] Optional Filter JSON object; see below.
179 * @property {String|Object|Array} fields Identify fields to include in return result.
180 * <br/>See [Fields filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Fields-filter.html).
181 * @property {String|Object|Array} include See PersistedModel.include documentation.
182 * <br/>See [Include filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Include-filter.html).
183 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `(err, instance)` arguments. Required.
184 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
185 * @param {Object} instance Model instance matching the specified ID or null if no instance matches.
186 */
187 static findById(
188 id: any,
189 filter?: Filter,
190 options?: Options,
191 callback?: Callback<boolean>,
192 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel>;
194 /**
195 * Find all model instances that match `filter` specification.
196 * See [Querying models](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Querying-data.html).
197 *
198 * @options {Object} [filter] Optional Filter JSON object; see below.
199 * @property {String|Object|Array} fields Identify fields to include in return result.
200 * <br/>See [Fields filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Fields-filter.html).
201 * @property {String|Object|Array} include See PersistedModel.include documentation.
202 * <br/>See [Include filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Include-filter.html).
203 * @property {Number} limit Maximum number of instances to return.
204 * <br/>See [Limit filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Limit-filter.html).
205 * @property {String} order Sort order: either "ASC" for ascending or "DESC" for descending.
206 * <br/>See [Order filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Order-filter.html).
207 * @property {Number} skip Number of results to skip.
208 * <br/>See [Skip filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Skip-filter.html).
209 * @property {Object} where Where clause, like
210 * ```
211 * { where: { key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}, ...} }
212 * ```
213 * <br/>See
214 * [Where filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Where-filter.html#where-clause-for-queries).
215 *
216 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `(err, returned-instances)` arguments. Required.
217 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
218 * @param {Array} models Model instances matching the filter, or null if none found.
219 */
221 static find(
222 filter?: Filter,
223 options?: Options,
224 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel>,
225 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel[]>;
227 /**
228 * Find one model instance that matches `filter` specification.
229 * Same as `find`, but limited to one result;
230 * Returns object, not collection.
231 *
232 * @options {Object} [filter] Optional Filter JSON object; see below.
233 * @property {String|Object|Array} fields Identify fields to include in return result.
234 * <br/>See [Fields filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Fields-filter.html).
235 * @property {String|Object|Array} include See PersistedModel.include documentation.
236 * <br/>See [Include filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Include-filter.html).
237 * @property {String} order Sort order: either "ASC" for ascending or "DESC" for descending.
238 * <br/>See [Order filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Order-filter.html).
239 * @property {Number} skip Number of results to skip.
240 * <br/>See [Skip filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Skip-filter.html).
241 * @property {Object} where Where clause, like
242 * ```
243 * {where: { key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}, ...} }
244 * ```
245 * <br/>See
246 * [Where filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Where-filter.html#where-clause-for-queries).
247 *
248 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `(err, returned-instance)` arguments. Required.
249 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
250 * @param {Array} model First model instance that matches the filter or null if none found.
251 */
252 static findOne(
253 filter?: Filter,
254 options?: Options,
255 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel>,
256 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel>;
258 /**
259 * Destroy all model instances that match the optional `where` specification.
260 *
261 * @param {Object} [where] Optional where filter, like:
262 * ```
263 * {key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}, ...}
264 * ```
265 * <br/>See
266 * [Where filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Where-filter.html#where-clause-for-other-methods).
267 *
268 * @callback {Function} callback Optional callback function called with `(err, info)` arguments.
269 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
270 * @param {Object} info Additional information about the command outcome.
271 * @param {Number} info.count Number of instances (rows, documents) destroyed.
272 */
273 static destroyAll(
274 where?: Where,
275 options?: Options,
276 callback?: Callback<Count>,
277 ): PromiseOrVoid<Count>;
279 static remove(
280 where?: Where,
281 options?: Options,
282 callback?: Callback<Count>,
283 ): PromiseOrVoid<Count>;
285 static deleteAll(
286 where?: Where,
287 options?: Options,
288 callback?: Callback<Count>,
289 ): PromiseOrVoid<Count>;
291 /**
292 * Update multiple instances that match the where clause.
293 *
294 * Example:
295 *
296 *```js
297 * Employee.updateAll({managerId: 'x001'}, {managerId: 'x002'}, function(err, info) {
298 * ...
299 * });
300 * ```
301 *
302 * @param {Object} [where] Optional `where` filter, like
303 * ```
304 * { key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}, ...}
305 * ```
306 * <br/>see
307 * [Where filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Where-filter.html#where-clause-for-other-methods).
308 * @param {Object} data Object containing data to replace matching instances, if AnyType.
309 *
310 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `(err, info)` arguments. Required.
311 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
312 * @param {Object} info Additional information about the command outcome.
313 * @param {Number} info.count Number of instances (rows, documents) updated.
314 *
315 */
316 static updateAll(
317 where?: Where,
318 data?: PersistedData,
319 options?: Options,
320 callback?: Callback<Count>,
321 ): PromiseOrVoid<Count>;
323 static update(
324 where?: Where,
325 data?: PersistedData,
326 options?: Options,
327 callback?: Callback<Count>,
328 ): PromiseOrVoid<Count>;
330 /**
331 * Destroy model instance with the specified ID.
332 * @param {*} id The ID value of model instance to delete.
333 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `(err)` arguments. Required.
334 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
335 */
336 static destroyById(
337 id: any,
338 options?: Options,
339 callback?: Callback<Count>,
340 ): PromiseOrVoid<Count>;
342 static removeById(
343 id: any,
344 options?: Options,
345 callback?: Callback<Count>,
346 ): PromiseOrVoid<Count>;
348 static deleteById(
349 id: any,
350 options?: Options,
351 callback?: Callback<Count>,
352 ): PromiseOrVoid<Count>;
354 /**
355 * Replace attributes for a model instance whose id is the first input
356 * argument and persist it into the datasource.
357 * Performs validation before replacing.
358 *
359 * @param {*} id The ID value of model instance to replace.
360 * @param {Object} data Data to replace.
361 * @options {Object} [options] Options for replace
362 * @property {Boolean} validate Perform validation before saving. Default is true.
363 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `(err, instance)` arguments.
364 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
365 * @param {Object} instance Replaced instance.
366 */
367 static replaceById(
368 id: any,
369 data: PersistedData,
370 options?: Options,
371 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel>,
372 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel>;
374 /**
375 * Return the number of records that match the optional "where" filter.
376 * @param {Object} [where] Optional where filter, like
377 * ```
378 * { key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}, ...}
379 * ```
380 * <br/>See
381 * [Where filter](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Where-filter.html#where-clause-for-other-methods).
382 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `(err, count)` arguments. Required.
383 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
384 * @param {Number} count Number of instances.
385 */
386 static count(
387 where?: Where,
388 options?: Options,
389 callback?: Callback<number>,
390 ): PromiseOrVoid<number>;
392 /**
393 * Save model instance. If the instance doesn't have an ID, then calls [create](#persistedmodelcreatedata-cb) instead.
394 * Triggers: validate, save, update, or create.
395 * @options {Object} [options] See below.
396 * @property {Boolean} validate Perform validation before saving. Default is true.
397 * @property {Boolean} throws If true, throw a validation error; WARNING: This can crash Node.
398 * If false, report the error via callback. Default is false.
399 * @callback {Function} callback Optional callback function called with `(err, obj)` arguments.
400 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
401 * @param {Object} instance Model instance saved or created.
402 */
403 save(options?: Options, callback?: Callback<boolean>): PromiseOrVoid<boolean>;
405 /**
406 * Determine if the data model is new.
407 * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if the data model is new; false otherwise.
408 */
409 isNewRecord(): boolean;
411 /**
412 * Deletes the model from persistence.
413 * Triggers `destroy` hook (async) before and after destroying object.
414 * @param {Function} callback Callback function.
415 */
416 destroy(
417 options?: Options,
418 callback?: Callback<boolean>,
419 ): PromiseOrVoid<boolean>;
421 remove(
422 options?: Options,
423 callback?: Callback<boolean>,
424 ): PromiseOrVoid<boolean>;
426 delete(
427 options?: Options,
428 callback?: Callback<boolean>,
429 ): PromiseOrVoid<boolean>;
431 /**
432 * Update a single attribute.
433 * Equivalent to `updateAttributes({name: 'value'}, cb)`
434 *
435 * @param {String} name Name of property.
436 * @param {Mixed} value Value of property.
437 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `(err, instance)` arguments. Required.
438 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
439 * @param {Object} instance Updated instance.
440 */
441 updateAttribute(
442 name: string,
443 value: any,
444 options?: Options,
445 callback?: Callback<boolean>,
446 ): PromiseOrVoid<boolean>;
448 /**
449 * Update set of attributes. Performs validation before updating.
450 *
451 * Triggers: `validation`, `save` and `update` hooks
452 * @param {Object} data Data to update.
453 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `(err, instance)` arguments. Required.
454 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
455 * @param {Object} instance Updated instance.
456 */
457 updateAttributes(
458 data: PersistedData,
459 options?: Options,
460 callback?: Callback<boolean>,
461 ): PromiseOrVoid<boolean>;
463 /**
464 * Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the datasource.
465 * Performs validation before replacing.
466 *
467 * @param {Object} data Data to replace.
468 * @options {Object} [options] Options for replace
469 * @property {Boolean} validate Perform validation before saving. Default is true.
470 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `(err, instance)` arguments.
471 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
472 * @param {Object} instance Replaced instance.
473 */
474 replaceAttributes(
475 data: PersistedData,
476 options?: Options,
477 callback?: Callback<boolean>,
478 ): PromiseOrVoid<boolean>;
480 /**
481 * Reload object from persistence. Requires `id` member of `object` to be able to call `find`.
482 * @callback {Function} callback Callback function called with `(err, instance)` arguments. Required.
483 * @param {Error} err Error object; see [Error object](http://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/Error-object.html).
484 * @param {Object} instance Model instance.
485 */
486 reload(
487 options?: Options,
488 callback?: Callback<PersistedModel>,
489 ): PromiseOrVoid<PersistedModel>;
491 /**
492 * Set the correct `id` property for the `PersistedModel`. Uses the `setId` method if the model is attached to
493 * connector that defines it. Otherwise, uses the default lookup.
494 * Override this method to handle complex IDs.
495 *
496 * @param {*} val The `id` value. Will be converted to the export type that the `id` property specifies.
497 */
498 setId(val: any): void;
500 /**
501 * Get the `id` value for the `PersistedModel`.
502 *
503 * @returns {*} The `id` value
504 */
506 getId(): any;
508 /**
509 * Get the `id` property name of the constructor.
510 *
511 * @returns {String} The `id` property name
512 */
514 getIdName(): string;
516 /**
517 * Get the `id` property name of the constructor.
518 *
519 * @returns {String} The `id` property name
520 */
521 static getIdName(): string;
524export type PersistedModelClass = typeof PersistedModel;