6.54 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All Rights Reserved.
2// Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler
3// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
4// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
6import {Callback, Options, PromiseOrVoid} from './common';
7import {ModelBase, ModelData} from './model';
10 * Data object for KV models
11 */
12export type KVData<T extends ModelBase = ModelBase> = ModelData<T>;
15 * Key/Value model. Strictly speaking, KeyValueModel is not a class
16 * but a mixin into existing model classes
17 */
18export declare class KeyValueModel extends ModelBase {
19 /**
20 * Return the value associated with a given key.
21 *
22 * @param {string} key Key to use when searching the database.
23 * @options {Object} options
24 * @callback {Function} callback
25 * @param {Error} err Error object.
26 * @param {any} result Value associated with the given key.
27 * @promise
28 *
29 * @header KeyValueModel.get(key, cb)
30 */
31 static get(
32 key: string,
33 options?: Options,
34 callback?: Callback<KVData>,
35 ): PromiseOrVoid<KVData>;
37 /**
38 * Persist a value and associate it with the given key.
39 *
40 * @param {string} key Key to associate with the given value.
41 * @param {any} value Value to persist.
42 * @options {Number|Object} options Optional settings for the key-value
43 * pair. If a Number is provided, it is set as the TTL (time to live) in ms
44 * (milliseconds) for the key-value pair.
45 * @property {Number} ttl TTL for the key-value pair in ms.
46 * @callback {Function} callback
47 * @param {Error} err Error object.
48 * @promise
49 *
50 * @header KeyValueModel.set(key, value, cb)
51 */
52 static set(
53 key: string,
54 value: KVData,
55 options?: Options,
56 callback?: Callback<void>,
57 ): PromiseOrVoid<void>;
59 /**
60 * Delete the key-value pair associated to the given key.
61 *
62 * @param {string} key Key to use when searching the database.
63 * @options {Object} options
64 * @callback {Function} callback
65 * @param {Error} err Error object.
66 * @param {*} result Value associated with the given key.
67 * @promise
68 */
69 static delete(
70 key: string,
71 options?: Options,
72 callback?: Callback<void>,
73 ): PromiseOrVoid<void>;
75 /**
76 * Delete all keys (and values) associated to the current model.
77 *
78 * @options {Object} options Unused ATM, placeholder for future options.
79 * @callback {Function} callback
80 * @param {Error} err Error object.
81 * @promise
82 */
83 static deleteAll(
84 options?: Options,
85 callback?: Callback<void>,
86 ): PromiseOrVoid<void>;
88 /**
89 * Set the TTL (time to live) in ms (milliseconds) for a given key. TTL is the
90 * remaining time before a key-value pair is discarded from the database.
91 *
92 * @param {string} key Key to use when searching the database.
93 * @param {Number} ttl TTL in ms to set for the key.
94 * @options {Object} options
95 * @callback {Function} callback
96 * @param {Error} err Error object.
97 * @promise
98 *
99 * @header KeyValueModel.expire(key, ttl, cb)
100 */
101 static expire(
102 key: string,
103 ttl: number,
104 options?: Options,
105 callback?: Callback<void>,
106 ): PromiseOrVoid<void>;
108 /**
109 * Return the TTL (time to live) for a given key. TTL is the remaining time
110 * before a key-value pair is discarded from the database.
111 *
112 * @param {string} key Key to use when searching the database.
113 * @options {Object} options
114 * @callback {Function} callback
115 * @param {Error} error
116 * @param {Number} ttl Expiration time for the key-value pair. `undefined` if
117 * TTL was not initially set.
118 * @promise
119 *
120 * @header KeyValueModel.ttl(key, cb)
121 */
122 static ttl(
123 key: string,
124 options?: Options,
125 callback?: Callback<number>,
126 ): PromiseOrVoid<number>;
128 /**
129 * Return all keys in the database.
130 *
131 * **WARNING**: This method is not suitable for large data sets as all
132 * key-values pairs are loaded into memory at once. For large data sets,
133 * use `iterateKeys()` instead.
134 *
135 * @param {Object} filter An optional filter object with the following
136 * @param {string} filter.match Glob string used to filter returned
137 * keys (i.e. `userid.*`). All connectors are required to support `*` and
138 * `?`, but may also support additional special characters specific to the
139 * database.
140 * @param {Object} options
141 * @callback {Function} callback
142 * @promise
143 *
144 * @header KeyValueModel.keys(filter, cb)
145 */
146 static keys(
147 filter?: KVFilter,
148 options?: Options,
149 callback?: Callback<string[]>,
150 ): PromiseOrVoid<string[]>;
152 /**
153 * Asynchronously iterate all keys in the database. Similar to `.keys()` but
154 * instead allows for iteration over large data sets without having to load
155 * everything into memory at once.
156 *
157 * Callback example:
158 * ```js
159 * // Given a model named `Color` with two keys `red` and `blue`
160 * var iterator = Color.iterateKeys();
161 * it.next(function(err, key) {
162 * // key contains `red`
163 * it.next(function(err, key) {
164 * // key contains `blue`
165 * });
166 * });
167 * ```
168 *
169 * Promise example:
170 * ```js
171 * // Given a model named `Color` with two keys `red` and `blue`
172 * var iterator = Color.iterateKeys();
173 * Promise.resolve().then(function() {
174 * return it.next();
175 * })
176 * .then(function(key) {
177 * // key contains `red`
178 * return it.next();
179 * });
180 * .then(function(key) {
181 * // key contains `blue`
182 * });
183 * ```
184 *
185 * @param {Object} filter An optional filter object with the following
186 * @param {string} filter.match
187 * @param {Object} options
188 * @returns {AsyncKeyIterator} An Object implementing `next(cb) -> Promise`
189 * function that can be used to iterate all keys.
190 *
191 * @header KeyValueModel.iterateKeys(filter)
192 */
193 static iterateKeys(filter?: KVFilter, options?: Options): AsyncKeyIterator;
196export type KVFilter = {
197 /**
198 * Glob string to use to filter returned keys (i.e. `userid.*`). All connectors
199 * are required to support `*` and `?`. They may also support additional special
200 * characters that are specific to the backing database.
201 */
202 match: string;
206 * Async iterator to return keys one by one. The value will be undefined if there is
207 * no more keys
208 */
209export interface AsyncKeyIterator {
210 /**
211 * Try to fetch the next key
212 * @param callback Callback function. If not provided, the return value will be
213 * a promise
214 */
215 next(
216 callback?: Callback<string | undefined>,
217 ): PromiseOrVoid<string | undefined>;