4.99 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All Rights Reserved.
2// Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler
3// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
4// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
6import {Callback, PromiseOrVoid} from './common';
7import {ModelBase} from './model';
9export interface OperationHookContext<T extends typeof ModelBase> {
10 /**
11 * The constructor of the model that triggered the operation.
12 */
13 Model: T;
15 /**
16 * Additional context properties, not typed yet.
17 * See https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb3/Operation-hooks.html#hooks
18 */
19 [property: string]: any;
22export type Listener<Ctx = OperationHookContext<typeof ModelBase>> = (
23 ctx: Ctx, next: (err?: any) => void
24) => PromiseOrVoid<void>;
26export interface ObserverMixin {
27 /**
28 * Register an asynchronous observer for the given operation (event).
29 *
30 * Example:
31 *
32 * Registers a `before save` observer for a given model.
33 *
34 * ```javascript
35 * MyModel.observe('before save', function filterProperties(ctx, next) {
36 * if (ctx.options && ctx.options.skipPropertyFilter) return next();
37 * if (ctx.instance) {
38 * FILTERED_PROPERTIES.forEach(function(p) {
39 * ctx.instance.unsetAttribute(p);
40 * });
41 * } else {
42 * FILTERED_PROPERTIES.forEach(function(p) {
43 * delete ctx.data[p];
44 * });
45 * }
46 * next();
47 * });
48 * ```
49 *
50 * @param {String} operation The operation name.
51 * @callback {function} listener The listener function. It will be invoked with
52 * `this` set to the model constructor, e.g. `User`.
53 * @end
54 */
55 observe<T extends typeof ModelBase>(
56 this: T,
57 operation: string,
58 listener: Listener<OperationHookContext<T>>,
59 ): void;
61 /**
62 * Unregister an asynchronous observer for the given operation (event).
63 *
64 * Example:
65 *
66 * ```javascript
67 * MyModel.removeObserver('before save', function removedObserver(ctx, next) {
68 * // some logic user want to apply to the removed observer...
69 * next();
70 * });
71 * ```
72 *
73 * @param {String} operation The operation name.
74 * @callback {function} listener The listener function.
75 * @end
76 */
77 removeObserver<T extends typeof ModelBase>(
78 this: T,
79 operation: string,
80 listener: Listener<OperationHookContext<T>>,
81 ): Listener<OperationHookContext<T>> | undefined;
83 /**
84 * Unregister all asynchronous observers for the given operation (event).
85 *
86 * Example:
87 *
88 * Remove all observers connected to the `before save` operation.
89 *
90 * ```javascript
91 * MyModel.clearObservers('before save');
92 * ```
93 *
94 * @param {String} operation The operation name.
95 * @end
96 */
97 clearObservers(operation: string): void;
99 /**
100 * Invoke all async observers for the given operation(s).
101 *
102 * Example:
103 *
104 * Notify all async observers for the `before save` operation.
105 *
106 * ```javascript
107 * var context = {
108 * Model: Model,
109 * instance: obj,
110 * isNewInstance: true,
111 * hookState: hookState,
112 * options: options,
113 * };
114 * Model.notifyObserversOf('before save', context, function(err) {
115 * if (err) return cb(err);
116 * // user can specify the logic after the observers have been notified
117 * });
118 * ```
119 *
120 * @param {String|String[]} operation The operation name(s).
121 * @param {Object} context Operation-specific context.
122 * @callback {function(Error=)} callback The callback to call when all observers
123 * have finished.
124 */
125 notifyObserversOf(
126 operation: string,
127 context: object,
128 callback?: Callback,
129 ): PromiseOrVoid;
131 _notifyBaseObservers(
132 operation: string,
133 context: object,
134 callback?: Callback,
135 ): PromiseOrVoid;
137 /**
138 * Run the given function with before/after observers.
139 *
140 * It's done in three serial asynchronous steps:
141 *
142 * - Notify the registered observers under 'before ' + operation
143 * - Execute the function
144 * - Notify the registered observers under 'after ' + operation
145 *
146 * If an error happens, it fails first and calls the callback with err.
147 *
148 * Example:
149 *
150 * ```javascript
151 * var context = {
152 * Model: Model,
153 * instance: obj,
154 * isNewInstance: true,
155 * hookState: hookState,
156 * options: options,
157 * };
158 * function work(done) {
159 * process.nextTick(function() {
160 * done(null, 1);
161 * });
162 * }
163 * Model.notifyObserversAround('execute', context, work, function(err) {
164 * if (err) return cb(err);
165 * // user can specify the logic after the observers have been notified
166 * });
167 * ```
168 *
169 * @param {String} operation The operation name
170 * @param {Context} context The context object
171 * @param {Function} fn The task to be invoked as fn(done) or fn(context, done)
172 * @callback {Function} callback The callback function
173 * @returns {*}
174 */
175 notifyObserversAround(
176 operation: string,
177 context: object,
178 fn: Function,
179 callback?: Callback,
180 ): PromiseOrVoid;