8.18 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "lume",
3 "version": "0.3.0-alpha.27",
4 "description": "A CSS3D/WebGL UI toolkit.",
5 "license": "MIT",
6 "homepage": "http://lume.io",
7 "main": "dist/index.js",
8 "types": "dist/index.d.ts",
9 "type": "module",
10 "exports": {
11 ".": "./dist/index.js",
12 "./*": "./*"
13 },
14 "engines": {
15 "node": ">=14"
16 },
17 "// NOTE": "Any field starting with `//` is intended as a comment.",
18 "scripts": {
20 "// LUME SCRIPTS ---------------------------------------": "",
21 "clean": "lume clean",
22 "build": "lume build",
23 "dev": "lume dev",
24 "typecheck": "lume typecheck",
25 "typecheck:watch": "lume typecheckWatch",
26 "test": "lume test",
27 "test:debug": "lume testDebug",
28 "prettier": "lume prettier",
29 "prettier:check": "lume prettierCheck",
30 "release:patch": "lume releasePatch",
31 "release:minor": "lume releaseMinor",
32 "release:major": "lume releaseMajor",
33 "release:alpha:patch": "lume releaseAlphaPatch",
34 "release:alpha:minor": "lume releaseAlphaMinor",
35 "release:alpha:major": "lume releaseAlphaMajor",
36 "release:beta:patch": "lume releaseBetaPatch",
37 "release:beta:minor": "lume releaseBetaMinor",
38 "release:beta:major": "lume releaseBetaMajor",
39 "release:alpha": "lume releaseAlpha",
40 "release:beta": "lume releaseBeta",
41 "version": "lume versionHook",
42 "postversion": "lume postVersionHook",
43 "// OTHER SCRIPTS --------------------------------------": "",
44 "prepare": "npm run build -- --noFail",
45 "examples": "live-server . --watch=dist/global.js,examples --open=./examples",
46 "lint-format": "npm run lint-all && npm run prettier:check && npm run build && echo 'implement tests'",
47 "lint": "esw --format codeframe --config ./.eslintrc.js",
48 "lint-fix": "npm run lint -- --fix",
49 "lint-all": "npm run lint-js && npm run lint-ts",
50 "lint-fix-all": "npm run lint-js -- --fix && npm run lint-ts -- --fix",
51 "lint-watch": "npm run lint-js -- --watch & p5=$!; npm run lint-ts -- --watch & p6=$!; wait $p5 $p6",
52 "lint-js": "npm run lint -- 'src/**/{.,}*.{js,json,html}'",
53 "lint-ts": "npm run lint -- 'src/**/*.{ts,tsx}'",
54 "// ^ TODO": "Move eslint stuff into lume cli.",
56 "build:all": "npm run clean:all && lerna run build",
57 "build:all:noFail": "npm run clean:all && lerna run build -- -- --noFail",
58 "dev:all": "echo TODO run everything in dev mode with rebuild on changed files",
59 "clean:all": "(lerna run clean) || true",
60 "clean:packages": "(lerna run clean && npm run unbootstrap -- --ignore lume) || true",
61 "test:all": "lerna run test --scope '{lume,@lume/element,element-behaviors,@lume/variable,@lume/eventful,@lume/autolayout,@lume/kiwi,@lume/three-projected-material,custom-attributes,james-bond,lowclass,glas}'",
62 "test:all:ci": "npm run test:all -- --concurrency 1",
63 "// ^ test:all:ci": "Concurrency needs to be 1 in CI for some reason, but I forgot to comment why.",
64 "submodules:sync": "git submodule update --init --recursive",
65 "fresh": "npm run submodules:sync && npm install --ignore-scripts && npm run bootstrap && npm run build:all:noFail",
66 "refresh": "npm run purge && npm install --ignore-scripts && npm run bootstrap && npm run build:all:noFail",
67 "purge": "(npm run clean:packages && npm run unbootstrap -- --scope lume) || true",
68 "bootstrap": "lerna bootstrap --ignore '{,readem,glas}' --no-ci --ignore-scripts && lerna bootstrap --scope '{,readem}' --no-ci --ignore-scripts && lerna bootstrap --scope '{,glas}' --no-ci && npm run hoist && npm rebuild electron",
69 "// ^ bootstrap": "Bootstrap everything except readem, and then readem by itself, to avoid a circular link. (lume->readem->lume).",
70 "// ^ bootstrap 2": "TODO bootstrap readem along with cli (somehow?), so that cli is linked into it. Maybe the scope would be {,readem,cli}?",
71 "// ^ bootstrap 3": "We use --ignore-scripts so that the bootstrap doesn't run prepare scripts (except with the glas package which requires a postinstall step for webgl-raub). We want it to only put dependencies in place. A subsequent lerna build step builds everything in correct order. Otherwise some packages will try to build themselves before dependencies are in place.",
72 "// ^ bootstrap 4": "Apparently --ignore-scripts isn't working, and prepare scripts still run unexpectedly. https://github.com/lerna/lerna/issues/3050",
73 "// ^ bootstrap 5": "We remove electron from all packages so that build/test will use the electron at the root (i.e. a manually-hoisted electron), otherwise build/test fails.",
74 "unbootstrap": "lerna clean --yes",
75 "// ^ unbootstrap": "'lerna clean --yes' removes all node_modules while 'lerna run clean' runs each project's particular 'clean' script.",
76 "hoist": "rimraf './{apps,packages}/*/node_modules/{electron,solid-js}/'",
78 "website": "(npm run docs:serve & p1=$!; npm run website:serve & p2=$!; wait $p1 $p2)",
79 "website:serve": "cd apps/website && meteor",
80 "website:publish": "cd apps/website && git push git@github.com:lumechef/website.git main",
82 "// TODO copy global.js in watch mode into the apps/docs so it will refresh upon changes": "",
83 "docs:serve": "cd apps/docs && npm start",
84 "docs:publish": "cd apps/docs && git push"
85 },
86 "dependencies": {
87 "@lume/autolayout": "^0.9.0",
88 "@lume/element": "^0.7.1",
89 "@lume/eventful": "^0.2.2",
90 "@lume/three-projected-material": "^0.2.2",
91 "@lume/variable": "^0.8.0",
92 "element-behaviors": "^3.0.0",
93 "james-bond": "^0.5.0",
94 "lowclass": "^5.0.0",
95 "regexr": "^1.5.1",
96 "solid-js": ">=1.0.0 <1.5.0"
97 },
98 "peerDependencies": {
99 "three": ">=0.139.0"
100 },
101 "devDependencies": {
102 "@lume/cli": "^0.9.2",
103 "@types/mkdirp": "^0.5.2",
104 "@types/rimraf": "^2.0.3",
105 "@types/three": "^0.139.0",
106 "at-at": "^1.1.0",
107 "babel-eslint": "8.2.6",
108 "docsify-cli": "trusktr/docsify-cli#add-cors",
109 "electron": "14.0.1",
110 "eslint": "5.2.0",
111 "eslint-config-prettier": "^3.1.0",
112 "eslint-friendly-formatter": "4.0.1",
113 "eslint-plugin-html": "4.0.5",
114 "eslint-plugin-json": "1.2.0",
115 "eslint-plugin-promise": "4.0.1",
116 "eslint-plugin-typescript": "0.12.0",
117 "eslint-watch": "4.0.2",
118 "jsdoctypeparser": "^5.0.1",
119 "lerna": "4.0.0",
120 "live-server": "^1.2.1",
121 "mkdirp": "^0.5.1",
122 "prettier": "^2.3.2",
123 "readem": "^0.2.7",
124 "rimraf": "^3.0.0",
125 "surge": "^0.23.0",
126 "three": ">=0.139.0",
127 "typescript": "4.6.3",
128 "typescript-eslint-parser": "20.1.1"
129 },
130 "repository": {
131 "type": "git",
132 "url": "git@github.com:lume/lume.git"
133 },
134 "bugs": {
135 "url": "https://github.com/lume/lume/issues"
136 },
137 "keywords": [
138 "lume",
139 "gui",
140 "graphical user interface",
141 "graphical-user-interface",
142 "interface",
143 "interface library",
144 "interface-library",
145 "ui",
146 "user interface",
147 "user-interface",
148 "widgets",
149 "ui widgets",
150 "ui-widgets",
151 "components",
152 "interface components",
153 "interface-components",
154 "ui components",
155 "ui-components",
156 "app components",
157 "app-components",
158 "layout",
159 "rendertree",
160 "render tree",
161 "render-tree",
162 "scenegraph",
163 "scene graph",
164 "scene-graph",
165 "browser interface",
166 "browser-interface",
167 "interactive",
168 "interaction",
169 "3D",
170 "3d",
171 "graphics",
172 "3D graphics",
173 "3D-graphics",
174 "3d graphics",
175 "3d-graphics",
176 "animation",
177 "3D animation",
178 "3D-animation",
179 "3d animation",
180 "3d-animation",
181 "browser",
182 "clientside",
183 "client side",
184 "client-side",
185 "html5",
186 "touch",
187 "touch interface",
188 "touch-interface",
189 "responsive",
190 "mobile",
191 "web",
192 "web-development",
193 "webdev",
194 "three.js",
195 "threejs",
196 "three-js",
197 "custom-elements",
198 "CustomElements",
199 "custom-element",
200 "CustomElement",
201 "CSS3D",
202 "css3d",
203 "WebGL",
204 "webgl",
205 "WebVR",
206 "webvr",
207 "WebXR",
208 "webxr",
209 "WebComponents",
210 "web-components",
211 "webcomponents",
212 "WebComponent",
213 "web-component",
214 "webcomponent"
215 ]