4.39 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Moment } from 'moment';
2/******************************** EXPORT ALL FROM REACT SRC FILES *********************************/
3export * from './src/react/types-react';
4export * from './src/react/hocs';
5export * from './src/react/components';
6declare type FuncW2OrMoreArgs = (arg1: any, ...args: any[]) => any | void;
8 * Log the value of a React Synthetic event's target component/element
9 * @param {string} callerName Name of function/method calling logSyntheticEvent
10 * @param {Function} logFn Function to use to perform the logging. Must accept at least 2 params
11 * @param {SyntheticEvent|any} event Event to log
12 */
13export declare const logSyntheticEventValue: (callerName: string, logFn?: FuncW2OrMoreArgs) => (event: any) => void;
14/********************************* EXPORT ALL FROM BROWSER UTILS **********************************/
15export * from './browser';
16import * as browserUtils from './browser';
17export { Int1To10, Int1To20, Int1To30, Int1To40, Int1To50, Int1To60, Integer } from './src/number';
18export { StrOrNever, StrOrNum, RealAny, Injection, MandatoryInjection, OptionalInjection, } from './src/types-iso';
19export { browserUtils };
20export declare const first: typeof browserUtils.first, last: typeof browserUtils.last, first2: typeof browserUtils.first2, last2: typeof browserUtils.last2, without: {
21 last: typeof browserUtils.withoutLast;
22 last2: typeof browserUtils.withoutLast2;
23 last3: typeof browserUtils.withoutLast3;
24 lastN: typeof browserUtils.withoutLastN;
25 first: typeof browserUtils.withoutFirst;
26 first2: typeof browserUtils.withoutFirst2;
27 first3: typeof browserUtils.withoutFirst3;
28 firstN: typeof browserUtils.withoutFirstN;
29}, withoutFirst: typeof browserUtils.withoutFirst, withoutLast: typeof browserUtils.withoutLast, withoutFirst2: typeof browserUtils.withoutFirst2, withoutLast2: typeof browserUtils.withoutLast2, rmAllFalsy: <T = any>(arr: T[], falsyType?: browserUtils._FalsyType) => T[], centerPad: (strToPad?: string, outWidth?: number, padChar?: string) => string, leftPad: (strToPad?: string, outWidth?: number, padChar?: string) => string, rightPad: (strToPad?: string, outWidth?: number, padChar?: string) => string, removeWhitespace: (str: string) => string, chomp: (str: string, charsToChomp?: string) => string, getLangFromUrlPathname: (urlPath?: string, supportedLangs?: string[], defaultLang?: string) => string, parseQueryParams: <T>(queryParamsStr?: string) => T, deepFreeze: <T>(obj: T) => Readonly<T>, assignFrozenClone: <T>(...args: {}[]) => Readonly<T>, isArray: <T = any>(val: any) => val is T[], isBoolean: <T extends boolean | Boolean = boolean>(val: any) => val is T, isTrue: <T extends string | true | String = true>(val: any, include1CharVal?: boolean) => val is T, isFalse: <T extends string | false | String = false>(val: any, include1CharVal?: boolean) => val is T, isInteger: <T extends string | number | String | Number = number>(val: any) => val is T, isIntegerLike: <T extends string | number | String | Number = number>(val: any) => val is T, isNumberLike: <T extends string | number | String | Number = number>(val: any) => val is T, isStringOrNumber: (val: any) => val is string | number | String | Number, isDateLike: <T extends string | boolean | Object | Moment>(val: any) => val is T, isVoidOrString: (val: any) => val is string, isDataEnumItem: (val: any, Enum: any) => boolean, isIndexEnumItem: (val: any, Enum: any) => boolean, isNumericEnumItem: (val: any, Enum: any) => boolean, uuid: browserUtils.UUIDNamespace, eachPair: <T extends Object>(func: (val: T[Extract<keyof T, string>], key?: Extract<keyof T, string>) => any) => (obj: T) => T, replaceAll: (text: string, find: string | RegExp, replace: string) => string, toSnakeCase: (str: string) => string, toCamelCase: (str: string) => string, capitalize: (str: string) => string, cap1LowerRest: (str: string) => string, repeatChars: (repStr: string, len: number) => string, switchExpr: typeof browserUtils.switchExpr, singleton: <T extends browserUtils.ClassConstructor>(constructor: T) => browserUtils.SingletonInterface<any> & T, isLeapYear: typeof browserUtils.isLeapYear, now: (timeFormat?: string) => string, hasKey: <T extends Object>(obj: T, matchKey: string) => boolean;
30export declare const genLen6UUID: () => string;
31export declare const genLen8UUID: () => string;
32export { RequiredInjection } from './browser';