4.38 kBPlain TextView Raw
1import {RGBAImage} from '../util/image';
3import type Map from '../ui/map';
5export type StyleImageData = {
6 data: RGBAImage;
7 version: number;
8 hasRenderCallback?: boolean;
9 userImage?: StyleImageInterface;
12export type StyleImageMetadata = {
13 pixelRatio: number;
14 sdf: boolean;
15 stretchX?: Array<[number, number]>;
16 stretchY?: Array<[number, number]>;
17 content?: [number, number, number, number];
20export type StyleImage = StyleImageData & StyleImageMetadata;
23 * Interface for dynamically generated style images. This is a specification for
24 * implementers to model: it is not an exported method or class.
25 *
26 * Images implementing this interface can be redrawn for every frame. They can be used to animate
27 * icons and patterns or make them respond to user input. Style images can implement a
28 * {@link StyleImageInterface#render} method. The method is called every frame and
29 * can be used to update the image.
30 *
31 * @interface StyleImageInterface
32 * @see [Add an animated icon to the map.](https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js-docs/example/add-image-animated/)
33 *
34 * @example
35 * var flashingSquare = {
36 * width: 64,
37 * height: 64,
38 * data: new Uint8Array(64 * 64 * 4),
39 *
40 * onAdd: function(map) {
41 * this.map = map;
42 * },
43 *
44 * render: function() {
45 * // keep repainting while the icon is on the map
46 * this.map.triggerRepaint();
47 *
48 * // alternate between black and white based on the time
49 * var value = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000) % 2 === 0 ? 255 : 0;
50 *
51 * // check if image needs to be changed
52 * if (value !== this.previousValue) {
53 * this.previousValue = value;
54 *
55 * var bytesPerPixel = 4;
56 * for (var x = 0; x < this.width; x++) {
57 * for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y++) {
58 * var offset = (y * this.width + x) * bytesPerPixel;
59 * this.data[offset + 0] = value;
60 * this.data[offset + 1] = value;
61 * this.data[offset + 2] = value;
62 * this.data[offset + 3] = 255;
63 * }
64 * }
65 *
66 * // return true to indicate that the image changed
67 * return true;
68 * }
69 * }
70 * }
71 *
72 * map.addImage('flashing_square', flashingSquare);
73 */
75export interface StyleImageInterface {
76 /**
77 * @property {number} width
78 */
79 width: number;
80 /**
81 * @property {number} height
82 */
83 height: number;
84 /**
85 * @property {Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray} data
86 */
87 data: Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray;
88 /**
89 * This method is called once before every frame where the icon will be used.
90 * The method can optionally update the image's `data` member with a new image.
91 *
92 * If the method updates the image it must return `true` to commit the change.
93 * If the method returns `false` or nothing the image is assumed to not have changed.
94 *
95 * If updates are infrequent it maybe easier to use {@link Map#updateImage} to update
96 * the image instead of implementing this method.
97 *
98 * @function
99 * @memberof StyleImageInterface
100 * @instance
101 * @name render
102 * @return {boolean} `true` if this method updated the image. `false` if the image was not changed.
103 */
104 render?: () => boolean;
105 /**
106 * Optional method called when the layer has been added to the Map with {@link Map#addImage}.
107 *
108 * @function
109 * @memberof StyleImageInterface
110 * @instance
111 * @name onAdd
112 * @param {Map} map The Map this custom layer was just added to.
113 */
114 onAdd?: (map: Map, id: string) => void;
115 /**
116 * Optional method called when the icon is removed from the map with {@link Map#removeImage}.
117 * This gives the image a chance to clean up resources and event listeners.
118 *
119 * @function
120 * @memberof StyleImageInterface
121 * @instance
122 * @name onRemove
123 */
124 onRemove?: () => void;
127export function renderStyleImage(image: StyleImage) {
128 const {userImage} = image;
129 if (userImage && userImage.render) {
130 const updated = userImage.render();
131 if (updated) {
132 image.data.replace(new Uint8Array(userImage.data.buffer));
133 return true;
134 }
135 }
136 return false;