1.75 kBMarkdownView Raw
1IMPORTANT: Need to document ALL the things!
6* Add more query operators. See [MongoDB Query and Projection Operators] for reference.
7 * Improve the current ones as well.
8 * ~~Split the (complicated?) query selectors into their own files?~~
9* Add support for custom query operators.
10* While the "[is-equal]" lib does what I want, it's a bit big. Find a smaller solution!?
11* Document the chainable features.
12* ~~Document 'Cursor' and 'Document'.~~
13 * Improve documentation of 'Cursor' and 'Document'.
14* ~~Document dot notation queries for object queries.~~
15* ~~Document `findPromise()`.~~
16 * Improve documentation of `findPromise()`, possible change this to async/await.
17* Improve the ID generator; need to have a more (unique) uniform ID.
18* Improve `MapQL.update(<Query>, <Update Operators>)` which require [Update Operators].
19 * Improve the `Field` and `Array` update modifiers.
20* Document the `update()` method.
21* ~~Add `MapQL.remove(<Query>[, <multi>])` to remove entries via query.~~
22 * Improve type checking of queries passed. Must be Array, String or Object.
23* ~~Implement babel with grunt; add polyfills to work with ES5 browsers.~~
24* ~~Add browser tests.~~
25* Document import/export feature.
26 * Add more support for extended data types.
27 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Typed_arrays
28* Add examples to the examples folder!
29* Everything else.
30 * Work on the TODO!
33[MongoDB Query and Projection Operators]: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/query/
34[Projection Operators]: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/query/#projection-operators
35[is-equal]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/is-equal
36[Update Operators]: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/update/