1 | [](http://badge.fury.io/js/markdown-doctest)
2 | [](https://travis-ci.org/Widdershin/markdown-doctest)
3 | [](https://greenkeeper.io/)
4 |
5 | * * *
6 |
7 | # markdown-doctest
8 |
9 | Test all the code in your markdown docs!
10 |
11 | Why on earth?
12 | ---
13 |
14 | As an open source developer, there are few things more embarassing than a user opening an issue to inform you that your README example is broken! With `markdown-doctest`, you can rest easy knowing that your example code is *actually runnable*.
15 |
16 | Installation
17 | ---
18 | Just `npm install markdown-doctest` and run `markdown-doctest`. It will run all of the Javascript code examples tucked away in your markdown, and let you know if any blow up.
19 |
20 | Okay, how do I use it?
21 | ---
22 |
23 | Let's try it on this repo!
24 |
25 | ```js
26 | var a = 5;
27 |
28 | var b = 10;
29 |
30 | console.log(a + c);
31 | ```
32 |
33 | There's a problem with that example. `markdown-doctest` finds it for us:
34 |
35 | ```bash
36 | $ markdown-doctest
37 | x..
38 |
39 | Failed - README.md:32:17
40 | evalmachine.<anonymous>:7
41 | console.log(a + c);
42 | ^
43 |
44 | ReferenceError: c is not defined
45 | ```
46 |
47 | Awesome! No excuse for broken documentation ever again, right? :wink:
48 |
49 | We can also run specific files or folders by running `markdown-doctest` with a glob, like `markdown-doctest docs/**/*.md`. By default `markdown-doctest` will recursively run all the `.md` or `.markdown` files starting with the current directory, with the exception of the `node_modules` directory.
50 |
51 | Note: `markdown-doctest` doesn't actually attempt to provide any guarantee that your code worked, only that it didn't explode in a horrible fashion. If you would like to use `markdown-doctest` for actually testing the correctness of your code, you can add some `assert`s to your examples.
52 |
53 | `markdown-doctest` is not a replacement for your test suite. It's designed to run with your CI build and give you peace of mind that all of your examples are at least vaguely runnable.
54 |
55 | So how do I write those examples?
56 | ---
57 |
58 | In your markdown files, anything inside of code blocks with 'js' or 'es6' will be run. E.g:
59 |
60 | ```js
61 | console.log("Yay, tests in my docs");
62 | ```
63 |
64 | ```es6
65 | const a = 5;
66 | console.log({a, foo: 'test'});
67 | ```
68 |
69 | I have a code example I don't want tested!
70 | ---
71 | You can tell `markdown-doctest` to skip examples by adding `<!-- skip-example -->` before the example. E.g:
72 |
73 | <!-- skip-example -->
74 | ```js
75 | // not a runnable example
76 |
77 | var foo = download(...);
78 | ```
79 |
80 | How do requires work? And other setup logic?
81 | ---
82 |
83 | You can `require` any needed modules or example helpers in `.markdown-doctest-setup.js`. E.g:
84 |
85 |
86 | ```js
87 | // .markdown-doctest-setup.js
88 | module.exports = {
89 | require: {
90 | Rx: require('rx')
91 | },
92 |
93 | globals: {
94 | $: require('jquery')
95 | }
96 | }
97 | ```
98 |
99 | Anything exported under `require` will then be used by any examples that `require` that key.
100 | You must explicitly configure all of the dependencies used in your examples.
101 |
102 | Anything exported under `globals` will be available globally across all examples.
103 |
104 | You can also specify a regexRequire section to handle anything more complex than an exact string match!
105 |
106 |
107 | ```js
108 | // .markdown-doctest-setup.js
109 | module.exports = {
110 | require: {
111 | Rx: require('rx')
112 | },
113 |
114 | regexRequire: {
115 | 'rx/(.*)': function (fullPath, matchedModuleName) {
116 | return require('./dist/' + matchedModuleName);
117 | }
118 | }
119 | }
120 | ```
121 |
122 | Do I have to enable es6 support?
123 | ---
124 |
125 | Nope, ES6 support is on by default. You can disable `babel` support
126 | in your `.markdown-doctest-setup.js` file.
127 | This will speed things up drastically:
128 |
129 |
130 | ```js
131 | //.markdown-doctest-setup.js
132 | module.exports = {
133 | babel: false
134 | }
135 | ```
136 |
137 | What if I have global state that needs to be reset after my examples run?
138 | ---
139 |
140 | ```js
141 | //.markdown-doctest-setup.js
142 | module.exports = {
143 | beforeEach: function () {
144 | // reset your awesome global state
145 | }
146 | }
147 | ```
148 |
149 | You can specify a function to be run before each example in your `.markdown-doctest-setup.js`.
150 |
151 | What if I want to remove custom syntax from examples before processing?
152 | ---
153 |
154 |
155 | ```js
156 | //.markdown-doctest-setup.js
157 | module.exports = {
158 | transformCode(code) {
159 | // Remove ... from code syntax
160 | return code.replace(/\.\.\./g, "");
161 | }
162 | }
163 | ```
164 |
165 | Who uses markdown-doctest?
166 | ---
167 |
168 | All of these projects either run `markdown-doctest` with `npm test` or as part of their CI process:
169 |
170 | * [lodash](https://github.com/lodash/lodash)
171 | * [Moment](https://github.com/moment/momentjs.com)
172 | * [RxJS](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJS)
173 | * [most](https://github.com/cujojs/most)
174 | * [xstream](https://github.com/staltz/xstream)
175 | * [cyclejs/time](https://github.com/cyclejs/time)
176 | * [rx.schedulers](https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/rx.schedulers)
177 | * [rx.priorityqueue](https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/rx.priorityqueue)
178 | * [rx.disposables](https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/rx.disposables)
179 | * [rx-undoable](https://github.com/Widdershin/rx-undoable)