1 | # markdownlint-cli
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3 | [![GitHub Actions Build Status][actions-badge]][actions-url]
4 |
5 | > Command Line Interface for [MarkdownLint][markdownlint]
6 |
7 | ## Installation
8 |
9 | ```bash
10 | npm install -g markdownlint-cli
11 | ```
12 |
13 | On macOS you can install via [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/):
14 |
15 | ```bash
16 | brew install markdownlint-cli
17 | ```
18 |
19 | ## Usage
20 |
21 | ```bash
22 | markdownlint --help
23 |
24 | Usage: markdownlint [options] <files|directories|globs>
25 |
26 | MarkdownLint Command Line Interface
27 |
28 | Options:
29 |
30 | -h, --help output usage information
31 | -V, --version output the version number
32 | -c, --config [configFile] configuration file (JSON, JSONC, JS, or YAML)
33 | -d, --dot include files/folders with a dot (for example `.github`)
34 | -f, --fix fix basic errors (does not work with STDIN)
35 | -i, --ignore [file|directory|glob] file(s) to ignore/exclude
36 | -o, --output [outputFile] write issues to file (no console)
37 | -p, --ignore-path [file] path to file with ignore pattern(s)
38 | -r, --rules [file|directory|glob|package] custom rule files
39 | -s, --stdin read from STDIN (does not work with files)
40 | ```
41 |
42 | ### Globbing
43 |
44 | `markdownlint-cli` supports advanced globbing patterns like `**/*.md` ([more information][globprimer]).
45 | With shells like Bash, it may be necessary to quote globs so they are not interpreted by the shell.
46 | For example, `--ignore *.md` would be expanded by Bash to `--ignore a.md b.md ...` before invoking `markdownlint-cli`, causing it to ignore only the first file because `--ignore` takes a single parameter (though it can be used multiple times).
47 | Quoting the glob like `--ignore '*.md'` passes it through unexpanded and ignores the set of files.
48 |
49 | #### Globbing examples
50 |
51 | To lint all Markdown files in a Node.js project (excluding dependencies), the following commands might be used:
52 |
53 | Windows CMD: `markdownlint **/*.md --ignore node_modules`
54 |
55 | Linux Bash: `markdownlint '**/*.md' --ignore node_modules`
56 |
57 | ### Ignoring files
58 |
59 | If present in the current folder, a `.markdownlintignore` file will be used to ignore files and/or directories according to the rules for [gitignore][gitignore].
60 | If the `-p`/`--ignore-path` option is present, the specified file will be used instead of `.markdownlintignore`.
61 |
62 | The order of operations is:
63 |
64 | - Enumerate files/directories/globs passed on the command line
65 | - Apply exclusions from `-p`/`--ignore-path` (if specified) or `.markdownlintignore` (if present)
66 | - Apply exclusions from any `-i`/`--ignore` option(s) that are specified
67 |
68 | ### Fixing errors
69 |
70 | When the `--fix` option is specified, `markdownlint-cli` tries to apply all fixes reported by the active rules and reports any errors that remain.
71 | Because this option makes changes to the input files, it is good to make a backup first or work with files under source control so any unwanted changes can be undone.
72 |
73 | > Because not all rules include fix information when reporting errors, fixes may overlap, and not all errors are fixable, `--fix` will not usually address all errors.
74 |
75 | ## Configuration
76 |
77 | `markdownlint-cli` reuses [the rules][rules] from `markdownlint` package.
78 |
79 | Configuration is stored in JSON, JSONC, YAML, or INI files in the same [config format][config].
80 |
81 | A sample configuration file:
82 |
83 | ```json
84 | {
85 | "default": true,
86 | "MD003": { "style": "atx_closed" },
87 | "MD007": { "indent": 4 },
88 | "no-hard-tabs": false,
89 | "whitespace": false
90 | }
91 | ```
92 |
93 | For more examples, see [.markdownlint.jsonc][markdownlint-jsonc], [.markdownlint.yaml][markdownlint-yaml], or the [style folder][style-folder].
94 |
95 | The CLI argument `--config` is not required.
96 | If it is not provided, `markdownlint-cli` looks for the file `.markdownlint.json`/`.markdownlint.yaml`/`.markdownlint.yml` in current folder, or for the file `.markdownlintrc` in the current or all parent folders.
97 | The algorithm is described in detail on the [`rc` package page][rc-standards].
98 | If the `--config` argument is provided, the file must be valid JSON, JSONC, JS, or YAML.
99 | JS configuration files contain JavaScript code, must have the `.js` extension, and must export (via `module.exports = ...`) a configuration object of the form shown above.
100 | A JS configuration file may internally `require` one or more npm packages as a way of reusing configuration across projects.
101 |
102 | > JS configuration files must be provided via the `--config` argument; they are not automatically loaded because running untrusted code is a security concern.
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104 | ## Exit codes
105 |
106 | `markdownlint-cli` returns one of the following exit codes:
107 |
108 | - `0`: Program ran successfully
109 | - `1`: Linting errors / bad parameter
110 | - `2`: Unable to write `-o`/`--output` output file
111 | - `3`: Unable to load `-r`/`--rules` custom rule
112 |
113 | ## Use with pre-commit
114 |
115 | To run `markdownlint-cli` as part of a [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/) workflow, add something like the below to the `repos` list in the project's `.pre-commit-config.yaml`:
116 |
117 | ```yaml
118 | - repo: https://github.com/igorshubovych/markdownlint-cli
119 | rev: v0.27.1
120 | hooks:
121 | - id: markdownlint
122 | ```
123 |
124 | ## Related
125 |
126 | - [markdownlint][markdownlint] - API for this module
127 | - [glob][glob] - Pattern matching implementation
128 | - [ignore][ignore] - `.markdownlintignore` implementation
129 |
130 | ## License
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132 | MIT © Igor Shubovych
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134 | [actions-badge]: https://github.com/igorshubovych/markdownlint-cli/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master
135 | [actions-url]: https://github.com/igorshubovych/markdownlint-cli/actions?query=workflow%3ACI
136 | [markdownlint]: https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint
137 | [markdownlint-jsonc]: https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint/blob/main/schema/.markdownlint.jsonc
138 | [markdownlint-yaml]: https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint/blob/main/schema/.markdownlint.yaml
139 | [rules]: https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint/blob/main/doc/Rules.md
140 | [config]: https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint#optionsconfig
141 | [style-folder]: https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint/tree/main/style
142 | [rc-standards]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/rc#standards
143 | [glob]: https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob
144 | [globprimer]: https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob/blob/master/README.md#glob-primer
145 | [ignore]: https://github.com/kaelzhang/node-ignore
146 | [gitignore]: https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore