1 | # marked
2 |
3 | > A full-featured markdown parser and compiler, written in JavaScript. Built
4 | > for speed.
5 |
6 | [![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/marked.svg)][badge]
7 |
8 | ## Install
9 |
10 | ``` bash
11 | npm install marked --save
12 | ```
13 |
14 | or if you want to use the `marked` CLI tool (not necessary when using npm run-scripts):
15 |
16 | ``` bash
17 | npm install -g marked
18 | ```
19 |
20 | ## Usage
21 |
22 | Minimal usage:
23 |
24 | ```js
25 | var marked = require('marked');
26 | console.log(marked('I am using __markdown__.'));
27 | // Outputs: <p>I am using <strong>markdown</strong>.</p>
28 | ```
29 |
30 | Example setting options:
31 |
32 | ```js
33 | var marked = require('marked');
34 | marked.setOptions({
35 | renderer: new marked.Renderer(),
36 | gfm: true,
37 | tables: true,
38 | breaks: false,
39 | pedantic: false,
40 | sanitize: false,
41 | smartLists: true,
42 | smartypants: false,
43 | xhtml: false
44 | });
45 |
46 | console.log(marked('I am using __markdown__.'));
47 | ```
48 |
49 | ### Browser
50 |
51 | ```html
52 | <!doctype html>
53 | <html>
54 | <head>
55 | <meta charset="utf-8"/>
56 | <title>Marked in the browser</title>
57 | <script src="lib/marked.js"></script>
58 | </head>
59 | <body>
60 | <div id="content"></div>
61 | <script>
62 | document.getElementById('content').innerHTML =
63 | marked('# Marked in browser\n\nRendered by **marked**.');
64 | </script>
65 | </body>
66 | </html>
67 | ```
68 |
69 | ## marked(markdownString [,options] [,callback])
70 |
71 | ### markdownString
72 |
73 | Type: `string`
74 |
75 | String of markdown source to be compiled.
76 |
77 | ### options
78 |
79 | Type: `object`
80 |
81 | Hash of options. Can also be set using the `marked.setOptions` method as seen
82 | above.
83 |
84 | ### callback
85 |
86 | Type: `function`
87 |
88 | Function called when the `markdownString` has been fully parsed when using
89 | async highlighting. If the `options` argument is omitted, this can be used as
90 | the second argument.
91 |
92 | ## Options
93 |
94 | ### highlight
95 |
96 | Type: `function`
97 |
98 | A function to highlight code blocks. The first example below uses async highlighting with
99 | [node-pygmentize-bundled][pygmentize], and the second is a synchronous example using
100 | [highlight.js][highlight]:
101 |
102 | ```js
103 | var marked = require('marked');
104 |
105 | var markdownString = '```js\n console.log("hello"); \n```';
106 |
107 | // Async highlighting with pygmentize-bundled
108 | marked.setOptions({
109 | highlight: function (code, lang, callback) {
110 | require('pygmentize-bundled')({ lang: lang, format: 'html' }, code, function (err, result) {
111 | callback(err, result.toString());
112 | });
113 | }
114 | });
115 |
116 | // Using async version of marked
117 | marked(markdownString, function (err, content) {
118 | if (err) throw err;
119 | console.log(content);
120 | });
121 |
122 | // Synchronous highlighting with highlight.js
123 | marked.setOptions({
124 | highlight: function (code) {
125 | return require('highlight.js').highlightAuto(code).value;
126 | }
127 | });
128 |
129 | console.log(marked(markdownString));
130 | ```
131 |
132 | #### highlight arguments
133 |
134 | `code`
135 |
136 | Type: `string`
137 |
138 | The section of code to pass to the highlighter.
139 |
140 | `lang`
141 |
142 | Type: `string`
143 |
144 | The programming language specified in the code block.
145 |
146 | `callback`
147 |
148 | Type: `function`
149 |
150 | The callback function to call when using an async highlighter.
151 |
152 | ### renderer
153 |
154 | Type: `object`
155 | Default: `new Renderer()`
156 |
157 | An object containing functions to render tokens to HTML.
158 |
159 | #### Overriding renderer methods
160 |
161 | The renderer option allows you to render tokens in a custom manner. Here is an
162 | example of overriding the default heading token rendering by adding an embedded anchor tag like on GitHub:
163 |
164 | ```javascript
165 | var marked = require('marked');
166 | var renderer = new marked.Renderer();
167 |
168 | renderer.heading = function (text, level) {
169 | var escapedText = text.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+/g, '-');
170 |
171 | return '<h' + level + '><a name="' +
172 | escapedText +
173 | '" class="anchor" href="#' +
174 | escapedText +
175 | '"><span class="header-link"></span></a>' +
176 | text + '</h' + level + '>';
177 | };
178 |
179 | console.log(marked('# heading+', { renderer: renderer }));
180 | ```
181 | This code will output the following HTML:
182 | ```html
183 | <h1>
184 | <a name="heading-" class="anchor" href="#heading-">
185 | <span class="header-link"></span>
186 | </a>
187 | heading+
188 | </h1>
189 | ```
190 |
191 | #### Block level renderer methods
192 |
193 | - code(*string* code, *string* language)
194 | - blockquote(*string* quote)
195 | - html(*string* html)
196 | - heading(*string* text, *number* level)
197 | - hr()
198 | - list(*string* body, *boolean* ordered)
199 | - listitem(*string* text)
200 | - paragraph(*string* text)
201 | - table(*string* header, *string* body)
202 | - tablerow(*string* content)
203 | - tablecell(*string* content, *object* flags)
204 |
205 | `flags` has the following properties:
206 |
207 | ```js
208 | {
209 | header: true || false,
210 | align: 'center' || 'left' || 'right'
211 | }
212 | ```
213 |
214 | #### Inline level renderer methods
215 |
216 | - strong(*string* text)
217 | - em(*string* text)
218 | - codespan(*string* code)
219 | - br()
220 | - del(*string* text)
221 | - link(*string* href, *string* title, *string* text)
222 | - image(*string* href, *string* title, *string* text)
223 | - text(*string* text)
224 |
225 | ### gfm
226 |
227 | Type: `boolean`
228 | Default: `true`
229 |
230 | Enable [GitHub flavored markdown][gfm].
231 |
232 | ### tables
233 |
234 | Type: `boolean`
235 | Default: `true`
236 |
237 | Enable GFM [tables][tables].
238 | This option requires the `gfm` option to be true.
239 |
240 | ### breaks
241 |
242 | Type: `boolean`
243 | Default: `false`
244 |
245 | Enable GFM [line breaks][breaks].
246 | This option requires the `gfm` option to be true.
247 |
248 | ### pedantic
249 |
250 | Type: `boolean`
251 | Default: `false`
252 |
253 | Conform to obscure parts of `markdown.pl` as much as possible. Don't fix any of
254 | the original markdown bugs or poor behavior.
255 |
256 | ### sanitize
257 |
258 | Type: `boolean`
259 | Default: `false`
260 |
261 | Sanitize the output. Ignore any HTML that has been input.
262 |
263 | ### smartLists
264 |
265 | Type: `boolean`
266 | Default: `true`
267 |
268 | Use smarter list behavior than the original markdown. May eventually be
269 | default with the old behavior moved into `pedantic`.
270 |
271 | ### smartypants
272 |
273 | Type: `boolean`
274 | Default: `false`
275 |
276 | Use "smart" typographic punctuation for things like quotes and dashes.
277 |
278 | ### xhtml
279 |
280 | Type: `boolean`
281 | Default: `false`
282 |
283 | Self-close the tags for void elements (<br/>, <img/>, etc.) with a "/" as required by XHTML.
284 |
285 | ## Access to lexer and parser
286 |
287 | You also have direct access to the lexer and parser if you so desire.
288 |
289 | ``` js
290 | var tokens = marked.lexer(text, options);
291 | console.log(marked.parser(tokens));
292 | ```
293 |
294 | ``` js
295 | var lexer = new marked.Lexer(options);
296 | var tokens = lexer.lex(text);
297 | console.log(tokens);
298 | console.log(lexer.rules);
299 | ```
300 |
301 | ## CLI
302 |
303 | ``` bash
304 | $ marked -o hello.html
305 | hello world
306 | ^D
307 | $ cat hello.html
308 | <p>hello world</p>
309 | ```
310 |
311 | ## Philosophy behind marked
312 |
313 | The point of marked was to create a markdown compiler where it was possible to
314 | frequently parse huge chunks of markdown without having to worry about
315 | caching the compiled output somehow...or blocking for an unnecessarily long time.
316 |
317 | marked is very concise and still implements all markdown features. It is also
318 | now fully compatible with the client-side.
319 |
320 | marked more or less passes the official markdown test suite in its
321 | entirety. This is important because a surprising number of markdown compilers
322 | cannot pass more than a few tests. It was very difficult to get marked as
323 | compliant as it is. It could have cut corners in several areas for the sake
324 | of performance, but did not in order to be exactly what you expect in terms
325 | of a markdown rendering. In fact, this is why marked could be considered at a
326 | disadvantage in the benchmarks.
327 |
328 | Along with implementing every markdown feature, marked also implements [GFM
329 | features][gfmf].
330 |
331 | ## Benchmarks
332 |
333 | node v8.9.4
334 |
335 | ``` bash
336 | $ npm run bench
337 | marked completed in 3408ms.
338 | marked (gfm) completed in 3465ms.
339 | marked (pedantic) completed in 3032ms.
340 | showdown (reuse converter) completed in 21444ms.
341 | showdown (new converter) completed in 23058ms.
342 | markdown-it completed in 3364ms.
343 | markdown.js completed in 12090ms.
344 | ```
345 |
346 | ### Pro level
347 |
348 | You also have direct access to the lexer and parser if you so desire.
349 |
350 | ``` js
351 | var tokens = marked.lexer(text, options);
352 | console.log(marked.parser(tokens));
353 | ```
354 |
355 | ``` js
356 | var lexer = new marked.Lexer(options);
357 | var tokens = lexer.lex(text);
358 | console.log(tokens);
359 | console.log(lexer.rules);
360 | ```
361 |
362 | ``` bash
363 | $ node
364 | > require('marked').lexer('> i am using marked.')
365 | [ { type: 'blockquote_start' },
366 | { type: 'paragraph',
367 | text: 'i am using marked.' },
368 | { type: 'blockquote_end' },
369 | links: {} ]
370 | ```
371 |
372 | ## Running Tests & Contributing
373 |
374 | If you want to submit a pull request, make sure your changes pass the test
375 | suite. If you're adding a new feature, be sure to add your own test.
376 |
377 | The marked test suite is set up slightly strangely: `test/new` is for all tests
378 | that are not part of the original markdown.pl test suite (this is where your
379 | test should go if you make one). `test/original` is only for the original
380 | markdown.pl tests.
381 |
382 | In other words, if you have a test to add, add it to `test/new/`. If your test
383 | uses a certain feature, for example, maybe it assumes GFM is *not* enabled, you
384 | can add [front-matter](https://www.npmjs.com/package/front-matter) to the top of
385 | your `.md` file
386 |
387 | ``` yml
388 | ---
389 | gfm: false
390 | ---
391 | ```
392 |
393 | To run the tests:
394 |
395 | ``` bash
396 | npm run test
397 | ```
398 |
399 | ### Contribution and License Agreement
400 |
401 | If you contribute code to this project, you are implicitly allowing your code
402 | to be distributed under the MIT license. You are also implicitly verifying that
403 | all code is your original work. `</legalese>`
404 |
405 | ## License
406 |
407 | Copyright (c) 2011-2018, Christopher Jeffrey. (MIT License)
408 |
409 | See LICENSE for more info.
410 |
411 | [gfm]: https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown
412 | [gfmf]: http://github.github.com/github-flavored-markdown/
413 | [pygmentize]: https://github.com/rvagg/node-pygmentize-bundled
414 | [highlight]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js
415 | [badge]: http://badge.fury.io/js/marked
416 | [tables]: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet#wiki-tables
417 | [breaks]: https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown#newlines