1 | # Changelog
2 |
3 | # 4.x
4 |
5 | ## 4.18.x
6 |
7 | ### 4.18.6
8 |
9 | - Migration does not add `id:scoped` when migrating a repeated `w-id` [#1377](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1377)
10 | - Fixes an issue diffing the selected option within an optgroup [#1376](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1376)
11 | - Fixes component tracking for client-reorder [#1375](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1375)
12 | - Improve the migration for legacy `<for>` syntax [#1374](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1374)
13 | - Add migration for named classes in the template [#1372](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1372)
14 |
15 | ### 4.18.5
16 |
17 | - Fix issue with invoke tag migration when a inline control flow is used [#1366](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1366)
18 |
19 | ### 4.18.4
20 |
21 | - Lazily evaluate attributes for dynamic tags [#1365](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1365)
22 |
23 | ### 4.18.3
24 |
25 | - Fix `registerTaglib`: use correct function call [#1363](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1363)
26 | - Fix tryonline: correct paths and no `taglibImports` [#1360](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1360)
27 | - Migration fix: [#1364](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1364)
28 | - Migration improvement: deprecation warnings that are automatically migratable now have a `MIGRATION` heading [#1364](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1364) (also included test improvements)
29 | - Migration improvement: remove empty `<layout-put>` tags [#1355](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1355)
30 |
31 | ### 4.18.2
32 |
33 | - Fixes an issue where fragments could remove nodes from their siblings [#1359](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1359)
34 |
35 | ### 4.18.1
36 |
37 | - Fixes a regression with `body-only-if` and a legacy control flow attribute [#1356](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1356)
38 |
39 | ### 4.18.0
40 |
41 | - Added dynamic tags to act like body-only-if. If dynamic tags are null then the outer tag will not be rendered. However, the body will be rendered. Deprecated body-only-if [#1332](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1332)
42 |
43 | ### 4.17.5
44 |
45 | - Fix issue where setting the `value` attribute of a textarea to `false` caused the string `"false"` to be used in the vdom. [#1348](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1348)
46 |
47 | ### 4.17.4
48 |
49 | - Updates htmljs-parser to fix an issue with comments inside inline scriptlets.
50 | - Fix some issues with for loop auto keying. [#1346](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1346)
51 | - Fix error when using a non string as a key (now logs a deprecation). [#1344](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1344)
52 |
53 | ### 4.17.3
54 |
55 | - Fix issue were `getEls` would not work with repeated keys for split components. [#1343](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1343)
56 |
57 | ### 4.17.2
58 |
59 | - Fix regression with namespaces in nested fragments. [#1340](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1340)
60 |
61 | ### 4.17.1
62 |
63 | - Allow emitting events while the parent is mounting. [#1336](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1336)
64 | - Fix issue where `component.el` and `component.getEl` could return a marker node. [#1339](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1339)
65 |
66 | ### 4.17.0
67 |
68 | - Element namespaces are now calculated at runtime, fixes some edge cases with the dynamic tag. [#1333](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1333)
69 |
70 | ### 4.16.15
71 |
72 | - Fix an issue where nodes may be preserved if another node with the same key was rendered as preserved. [#1334](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1334)
73 | - Improve the `ignoreUnrecognizedTags` compiler option to ignored nested `@tags` on unrecognized tags (removes the need for the `escapeAtTags` option). [#1335](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1335)
74 |
75 | ### 4.16.14
76 |
77 | - Prevent treating macro usage with parameters as a component. [#1326](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1326)
78 |
79 | ### 4.16.13
80 |
81 | - Fixes a regression with printing nested unary expressions (eg typeof). [#1323](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1323)
82 |
83 | ### 4.16.12
84 |
85 | - fix destorying a component that has already removed some top-level nodes [#1321](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1321)
86 | - fix components runtime path after refactor released in 4.16.11 [#1322](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1322)
87 |
88 | ### 4.16.11
89 |
90 | - Fixes a regression (syntax) in IE 11 introduced in 4.16.10
91 |
92 | ### 4.16.10
93 |
94 | - Hydrating components now consistently render from the top down. [#1317](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1317)
95 |
96 | ### 4.16.9
97 |
98 | - Fixes an issue where legacy widgets could loose a reference to their parent components. [#1311](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1311)
99 |
100 | ### 4.16.8
101 |
102 | - Fixes an issue with hot-reload. [#1282](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1282)
103 | - If the require hook is enabled, all templates loaded by marko will now use the require hook, including hot-reloaded templates and tags loaded from compiled templates. [#1310](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1310)
104 |
105 | ### 4.16.7
106 |
107 | - Improve parsing of tag arguments (allows for `<${input.renderBody}(...spread)/>`). [#1308](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1308)
108 |
109 | ### 4.16.6
110 |
111 | - Fix issue with hydrating legacy Marko 3 widgets from the server. [#1306](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1306)
112 |
113 | ### 4.16.5
114 |
115 | - Fix regression with legacy dynamic attributes when a string without whitespace is used. [#1304](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1304)
116 | - The `disabled` property on buttons is now properly synced with the template. [#1303](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1303)
117 |
118 | ### 4.16.4
119 |
120 | - Fix regression with migrating legacy `<macro>` syntax with a magic `renderBody` variable. [#1300](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1300)
121 |
122 | ### 4.16.3
123 |
124 | - Fix issue with migrating `<var>` and `<assign>` with `widget` properties. [#1298](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1298)
125 |
126 | ### 4.16.2
127 |
128 | - Fix issue with nested fragments (often as dynamic tags) that were adjacent in the DOM not hydrating properly. [#1294](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1294)
129 | - Remove redundant portion of keys for `<macro>` tags within `<for>` loops. [#1295](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1295)
130 |
131 | ### 4.16.1
132 |
133 | - Fix regression for `:no-update` on dynamic tag html attributes. [#1292](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1292)
134 |
135 | ### 4.16.0
136 |
137 | - Add `<marko deprecated-no-create-or-input-for-top-level-hydrate />` option to revert to pre `4.9.0` hydrate behavior. [#1289](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1289)
138 |
139 | ## 4.15.x
140 |
141 | ### 4.15.6
142 |
143 | - Fix regression in older browsers caused by using `string.startsWith` in the runtime code.
144 |
145 | ### 4.15.5
146 |
147 | - Allow syntax that Marko does not understand (but esprima does) to pass through in the arguments syntax. [#1286](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1286)
148 | - Fix issue with `<title>` inside of an `<svg>` using the wrong namespace. [#1284](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1284)
149 |
150 | ### 4.15.4
151 |
152 | - Forward errors from `<await client-reorder>` to the parent out to prevent potential unhandled rejections. [#1275](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1275)
153 |
154 | ### 4.15.3
155 |
156 | - Fix false positive deprecation message for legacy nested tag syntax. [#1271](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1271)
157 |
158 | ### 4.15.2
159 |
160 | - Improve the webpack server-bundling experience by guarding a legacy (lasso-specific) api that uses a dynamic require and causes a warning to be emitted. [#1267](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1267)
161 |
162 | ### 4.15.1
163 |
164 | - Improve support for using raw functions as event handlers by not outputing `data-marko` content for components that will rerender in the browser. [#1262](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1262)
165 |
166 | ### 4.15.0
167 |
168 | The most notable change here is to the `<for>`, `<macro>` and `<await>` core tags. These tags previously each relied on custom syntax to implement an API that was not possible to do in userland when they were introduced. Generic solutions for these problems has arrived in the form of [attribute tags](https://markojs.com/docs/syntax#attribute-tag) and [tag parameters](https://markojs.com/docs/syntax#parameters).
169 |
170 | With these new features in place and currently available in userland we set out to normalize these existing tags, hopefully making the learning process for Marko a little easier, and also promoting the use of these new features. We've also spent time formalizing some best practices, and highlighting this new syntax in the documentation on the [markojs.com](https://markojs.com) website.
171 |
172 | The existing syntax will continue to be supported until Marko 5 and will currently log a deprecation warning. For these deprecations and most others you can automatically migrate existing code using the [marko migrate](https://github.com/marko-js/cli/blob/master/packages/migrate/README.md) cli tool.
173 |
174 | - Updated documentation with guides and changes to syntax/core tags. [#1260](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1260)
175 | - Modernize the [`<for>` tag](https://markojs.com/docs/core-tags#for). [#1238](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1238)
176 | - Modernize the [`<await>` tag](https://markojs.com/docs/core-tags#await). [#1244](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1244)
177 | - Modernize the [`<macro>` tag](https://markojs.com/docs/core-tags#macro). [#1227](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1227)
178 | - Deprecated legacy top level imports (jquery/ready) and compiler option tags (recommended to use marko.json instead). [#1258](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1258)
179 | - Modern arguments support for the dynamic tag. [#1259](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1259)
180 | - Improves parsing inside of the `<html-comment>` tag to support the same style of content as actual html comments. [#1261](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1261)
181 | - Ignore only whitespace content inside of concise mode tags (including `class` and `style`) which would previously error. [#1256](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1256)
182 | - Fixes a regression with passing a string literal as a `${dynamic}` attribute and add a deprecation warning. [#1257](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1257)
183 |
184 | ## 4.14.x
185 |
186 | ### 4.14.25
187 |
188 | - Fix regression with non standard template literals (`"stuff ${placeholder}"`) that have escaped content such as newlines [#1254](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1254)
189 |
190 | ### 4.14.24
191 |
192 | - Fix regression in `<await>` that caused flushing to not occur in all cases [#1252](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1252)
193 |
194 | ### 4.14.23
195 |
196 | - Fix warning that `"marko"` was using deprecated features. [#1250](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1250)
197 | - Improve code optimization for conditional `@nested` tags. [#1249](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1249)
198 |
199 | ### 4.14.22
200 |
201 | - Fix issue with `no-update` not moving preserved items [#1247](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1247).
202 | - Fix regression with include tag migration where `<include(data())>` has side effects. [#1246](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1246)
203 | - Treat importing tags the same as using them in the template (uses `load` api instead of `require` when configured). [#1245](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1245)
204 | - Gracefully handle async client-reorder when nodes are missing during hydrate. [#1243](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1243)
205 |
206 | ### 4.14.21
207 |
208 | - Update `htmljs-parser` to improve parsing regexes [htmljs-parser #61](https://github.com/marko-js/htmljs-parser/pull/61)
209 |
210 | ### 4.14.20
211 |
212 | - Add new `<tag|params|>` support and migrator for old syntax/flag [#1236](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1236)
213 | - Remove unneeded deprecation warning when using `component` within a template [#1235](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1235)
214 |
215 | ### 4.14.19
216 |
217 | - Fixes walking into some AST nodes which was causing some migrations to not be as effective [#1233](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1233)
218 |
219 | ### 4.14.18
220 |
221 | - Fixes [#1230](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1230) - regression with include tag migration outputing invalid identifiers [#1231](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1231)
222 | - Add migration for legacy nested tag syntax [#1129](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1129)
223 |
224 | ### 4.14.17
225 |
226 | - Fixes [#1219](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/1219) - transitive widget getEl and events [#1225](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1225)
227 | - Importing a marko template adds it to tags meta (fixes regression with `<include>` tag) [#1226](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1226)
228 |
229 | ### 4.14.16
230 |
231 | - Add migration for non-standard template literals. [#1224](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1224)
232 | - Fix regression with dynamic attribute migration. [#1223](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1223)
233 |
234 | ### 4.14.15
235 |
236 | - Improve migrating `widget` references to `component` in attributes. [#1220](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1220)
237 |
238 | ### 4.14.14
239 |
240 | - Fix regression with `eval`ing class names in debug mode. [#1218](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1218)
241 |
242 | ### 4.14.13
243 |
244 | - Support file name migrations with Marko migrate. [#1216](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1216)
245 | - Skip `id:scoped` when migrating w-id for custom tags. [#1217](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1217)
246 |
247 | ### 4.14.12
248 |
249 | - Add migrator for `w-config` attribute. [#1214](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1214)
250 | - Add migrator for and deprecate `unless` tag/directive. [#1210](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1210)
251 |
252 | ### 4.14.11
253 |
254 | - Fix regression with `w-body` tag. [#1213](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1213)
255 |
256 | ### 4.14.10
257 |
258 | - Add migrator for `ref` attribute. [#1207](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1207)
259 | - Fix regression with `var` tag and `w-body/include` tags. [#1212](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1212)
260 |
261 | ### 4.14.9
262 |
263 | - Add migrator for layout tags and include tag/directive. [#1206](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1206) & [#1204](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1204)
264 | - Add migrator for `<script template-helpers>` and `<script marko-init>`. [#1209](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1209)
265 |
266 | ### 4.14.8
267 |
268 | - Add migrator from w-body to dynamic tag. [#1199](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1199)
269 | - Add migrator from dynamic attributes to spread attributes. [#1202](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1202)
270 |
271 | ### 4.14.7
272 |
273 | - Fix regression for `widget.elId` migration. [#1198](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1198)
274 |
275 | ### 4.14.6
276 |
277 | - Add a whitelist of files to publish to NPM. [#1197](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1197)
278 |
279 | ### 4.14.5
280 |
281 | - Add `getTemplateData` migrator. [#1195](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1195)
282 | - Add migrators for most of the `w-*` attributes. [#1190](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1190)
283 | - Add basic legacy widget migration. [#1192](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1192)
284 |
285 | ### 4.14.4
286 |
287 | - Fix regression with `setProps` on legacy compatibility layer. [#1193](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1193)
288 |
289 | ### 4.14.3
290 |
291 | - Move `w-on` compatibility to the migrate stage. [#1186](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1186)
292 | - Legacy compatibility (v3) improvements. [#1189](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1189)
293 | - Specially handle template literals in templates. [#1188](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1188)
294 |
295 | ### 4.14.2
296 |
297 | - Convert the `<async-fragment>` transformer into a migrator. [#1185](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1185)
298 |
299 | ### 4.14.1
300 |
301 | - Fix regression causing some parsed javascript nodes to be omitted from output. [#1184](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1184)
302 |
303 | ### 4.14.0
304 |
305 | - Add migration stage, deprecate rendering with `out`, deprecate control-flow directive as attributes. [#1180](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1180)
306 | - parse = parseRaw + normalize [#1179](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1179)
307 | - parse nonstandard string with placeholder to TemplateLiteral node, transpile template literals. [#1179](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1179)
308 | - add new parse api
309 |
310 | ## 4.13.x
311 |
312 | ### 4.13.13
313 |
314 | - Fix regression: parsing of `if` statements without braces (in scriptlets & otherwise). [#1175](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1175)
315 | - Fix regression: `<var>` and `<assign>` tags with non-standard placeholders in normal string attributes. [#1176](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1176)
316 |
317 | ### 4.13.12
318 |
319 | - `<invoke>` tag translates to modern Marko scriptlet (or dynamic tag). [#1165](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1165)
320 | - `<assign>` tag translates to modern Marko scriptlet. [#1158](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1158)
321 | - Imperative rendering in scriptlets translates to modern Marko dynamic tag. [#1174](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1174)
322 |
323 | ### 4.13.11
324 |
325 | - Add spread attribute optimization, fix issue with spreading non objects. [#1171](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1171)
326 | - Move `#` to the start of `:scoped` attributes (allows for `href:scoped="#name"`). [#1172](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1172)
327 |
328 | ### 4.13.10
329 |
330 | - Adds a hidden api used to make [@marko-tags/context](https://github.com/marko-js/tags/tree/master/tags/context) possible. [#1168](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1168)
331 |
332 | ### 4.13.9
333 |
334 | - Improve support for [arc]() by normalizing file system names with square brackets. [#1166](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1166)
335 |
336 | ### 4.13.8
337 |
338 | - Quick patch for `4.13.7` that removes a `let` assignment. [#1153](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1153)
339 |
340 | ### 4.13.7
341 |
342 | - Prevent treating components with tag params being treated as implicit components. [#1149](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1149)
343 |
344 | ### 4.13.6
345 |
346 | - Prevent mutating component input when using a single spread attribute with repeated @tags. [#1142](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1142)
347 | - Fix for include tag hydration when transcluded. [#1143](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1143)
348 |
349 | ### 4.13.5
350 |
351 | - Add additional reference to fragment nodes which resolves an issue with IE. [#1130](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1130)
352 |
353 | ### 4.13.4
354 |
355 | - Remove Object.assign calls in the browser. [#1120](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1120)
356 |
357 | ### 4.13.3
358 |
359 | - Propagate errors to express automatically with the `res.marko` api. [#1119](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1119)
360 | - Support multi line import statments. [#1118](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1118)
361 |
362 | ### 4.13.2
363 |
364 | - Allow discovering tags where the template name matches the directory name [#1117](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1117):
365 |
366 | ```
367 | components/
368 | tag-name/
369 | tag-name.marko
370 | tag-name.style.css
371 | ```
372 |
373 | ### 4.13.1
374 |
375 | - Remove es2015 features from runtime. [#1115](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1115)
376 |
377 | ### 4.13.0
378 |
379 | #### PR #1094
380 |
381 | **Introducing HTMLFragment**
382 |
383 | - Updates the diffing algorithm to use an HTMLFragment node as an abstraction rather than keeping track of startNode and endNode all throughout the diffing algorithm.
384 | - Uses the HTMLFragment for the `<${dynamic}>` tag and `<include>` tags to preserve server-rendered content for which the `renderBody` is not available in the browser.
385 |
386 | **Changes to keys**
387 |
388 | - Component ids are based on the resulting parent tree (not the owner tree). This means we cannot rely on the ids in the global lookup, so component key/refs are now also stored on the component instance.
389 | - Autokeyed elements are now stored on the parent rather than the owner. User assigned key/refs are still stored on the owner component. Because of this, user assigned keys are now prefixed to differentiate them from autokeys. This also has the benefit that assigning numeric keys can no longer conflict with the autokeys.
390 | - Static node trees are now only auto assigned a key for the top-level node (instead of all nodes). This is because:
391 | - When updating, only the top-level node is considered.
392 | - When static nodes are hoisted out of the render method, they are not associated with the owner component
393 |
394 | **Changes to Hydration**
395 |
396 | - Server comment starting markers now have the component's key serialized so the component can be attached to its owner
397 | - Server comment markers no longer have the id on the closing marker, it is stack based.
398 | - Normalize differences between hydration and client-rendering, so post mount the DOM looks the same regardless of whether a component was server or client rendered.
399 |
400 | ## 4.12.x
401 |
402 | ### 4.12.4
403 |
404 | - Don't render invalid attribute names on the server [#1103](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1103)
405 |
406 | ### 4.12.3
407 |
408 | - Removes extra parentheses in output javascript for expressions that Marko does not understand.
409 |
410 | ### 4.12.2
411 |
412 | - Fixes automatic keying of elements/components in `for()` attribute loops
413 |
414 | ### 4.12.1
415 |
416 | - Fix #1022 - transcluded keys don't match, stateful component not preserved [#1086](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1086)
417 |
418 | ### 4.12.0
419 |
420 | - Tag params [#1076](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1076)
421 | - Style arrays [#1082](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1082)
422 | - Fix #1075 - cannot compile dynamic tag at root with user key [#1081](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1081)
423 | - Fix #1078 - mutating spread attributes [#1080](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1080)
424 |
425 | ## 4.11.x
426 |
427 | ### 4.11.5
428 |
429 | - Add fallback location for compile-time deprecation warnings
430 |
431 | ### 4.11.4
432 |
433 | - Fixes an issue with scoped attributes automatically setting keys in a problematic way [#1069](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1069)
434 | - Fixes #1059 and #1052 - `Cannot read property 'nextSibling' of null`
435 |
436 | ### 4.11.3
437 |
438 | - Fixes #952
439 | - Fixes automatic keying of elements/components in `<for>` loops
440 |
441 | ### 4.11.2
442 |
443 | - Fixes another regression in the `<${dynamic}>` tag where `dashed-case` attributes were being converted to `camelCase` when rendering html elements.
444 |
445 | ### 4.11.1
446 |
447 | - Fixes a regression in `<${dynamic}>` tags for object/array class/style attributes:
448 | ```marko
449 | $ const style = { color:'blue' };
450 | <${tagName} style=style/>
451 | ```
452 | - Allows dynamic attributes defined using `...spread` to include object/array class/style [#933](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/933):
453 | ```marko
454 | $ const attrs = { style:{ color:'blue' } };
455 | <tag ...attrs/>
456 | ```
457 | - Fixes issue where object/array class/style attributes could not be used with `...spread` [#1007](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1007):
458 | ```marko
459 | $ const attrs = {};
460 | <tag class=["oops"] ...attrs/>
461 | ```
462 |
463 | ### 4.11.0
464 |
465 | - Implement #880: `<${dynamic}>` tag
466 | - `<include>` should be considered deprecated. Formal deprecation warning to come.
467 |
468 | ## 4.10.x
469 |
470 | ### 4.10.1
471 |
472 | - Fix issue with calling `require('marko/components').init(components)` multiple times.
473 |
474 | ### 4.10.0
475 |
476 | - Fix #1049 Fix documentation urls on the website.
477 |
478 | ## 4.9.x
479 |
480 | ### 4.9.7
481 |
482 | - Fix #1038 Legacy compatibility dirty check returning false positives.
483 |
484 | ### 4.9.6
485 |
486 | - Fix #1008 Spread attribute now supports functions (`..attrs()`) [#1029](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1029)
487 |
488 | ### 4.9.5
489 |
490 | - Fix `onBeforeUpdate` timing for legacy component layer [#1027](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1027)
491 |
492 | ### 4.9.4
493 |
494 | - Fix breaking older browsers with es6 object shorthand notation [bc0e91d5](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/commit/bc0e91d517d7b8de484c745a5734f15347ed0d26)
495 |
496 | ### 4.9.3
497 |
498 | - Fix import-var compilation when there are no explicit attributes [#1002](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1002)
499 |
500 | ### 4.9.2
501 |
502 | - Fixes collisions with multiple Marko runtimes on the same page. [#1019](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1019)
503 | - Switch to using prettier and eslint. [#1016](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1016)
504 |
505 | ### 4.9.1
506 |
507 | - Fixes an issue with keyed elements not getting properly removed. [#1013](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1013)
508 |
509 | ### 4.9.0
510 |
511 | - Fixes related to hydration, split components, and the legacy compatibility layer [#1010](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1010)
512 |
513 | - Fix paths for vdom dependencies [#1011](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/1011)
514 |
515 | ## 4.8.x
516 |
517 | ### 4.8.0
518 |
519 | - Add `once-[event]` directive [#990](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/990)
520 |
521 | - Improve testing setup [#989](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/989)
522 |
523 | ## 4.7.x
524 |
525 | ### 4.7.5
526 |
527 | - Update docs for advanced attribute definition [#968](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/968)
528 |
529 | - Improve error message for async rendering [#958](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/958)
530 |
531 | ### 4.7.4
532 |
533 | - Make jQuery optional for legacy components [#951](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/951)
534 |
535 | ### 4.7.3
536 |
537 | - Prevent onRender running on the server for legacy widgets
538 |
539 | ### 4.7.2
540 |
541 | - Fixes [#946](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/946) - don't put legacy init code in a separate lasso bundle
542 |
543 | - Fixes allowing conditionally binding to different roots in a legacy widget [#944](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/944)
544 |
545 | ### 4.7.1
546 |
547 | - Fix issue with multiple top level elements being removed twice. [#940](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/940)
548 |
549 | ### 4.7.0
550 |
551 | - Add jQuery legacy compatibility layer support [#937](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/937)
552 |
553 | - Reorganize Marko tests [#934](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/934)
554 |
555 | - Switch to using jsdom in test suite [#935](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/935)
556 |
557 | - Decouple component hydration from Lasso [#929](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/929)
558 |
559 | ## 4.6.x
560 |
561 | ### 4.6.0
562 |
563 | - Fixes [#914](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/914) and [#920](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/920) -
564 | Resolves top-level component bugs
565 |
566 | - Setup `marko.load()` to prefer precompiled templates from [marko-cli](https://github.com/marko-js/marko-cli)
567 |
568 | - Various compiler changes to improve [marko-migrate](https://github.com/marko-js/marko-migrate)
569 |
570 | - Fixes [#916](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/916) - Add Marko debug mode.
571 | Adds babel plugin to remove and statically evaluate 'MARKO_DEBUG' literals for
572 | adding deprecation warnings and hints for the runtime without a performance
573 | penalty for production builds.
574 |
575 | ## 4.5.x
576 |
577 | ### 4.5.6
578 |
579 | - Fixes [#909](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/909) - Fix condition preventing bubbling DOM events from properly being attached to a component.
580 |
581 | ### 4.5.5
582 |
583 | - Add 10 Awesome Marko Features article to documentation
584 |
585 | ### 4.5.4
586 |
587 | - Fixes [#904](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/904) - The loop status variable is not compiling when the equal sign is padded in spacing
588 |
589 | ### 4.5.3
590 |
591 | - Fixes [#903](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/903) - Special unicode chars (\u2028 and \u2029) need to be escaped if within script tag
592 |
593 | ### 4.5.2
594 |
595 | - Fixes [#899](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/899) - Keyed element could be incorrectly removed after DOM diffing/patching in case of HTML element mismatch for elements with the same key. [PR #900](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/900)
596 |
597 | ### 4.5.1
598 |
599 | - Fixes [#893](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/893) - Keyed element could be incorrectly removed after DOM diffing/patching in case of HTML element mismatch for elements with the same key. [PR #894](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/894) by [@westtrade](https://github.com/westtrade)
600 |
601 | ### 4.5.0
602 |
603 | Summary of changes across all beta releases for the `4.5.0` release:
604 |
605 | - Fixes [#886](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/886) - Write component initialization code when async out and all of its nested async outs finish
606 | - Fixes [#854](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/854) - Make every .marko file a UI component ([PR #855](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/855))
607 | - Added support for the `:scoped` modifier on attributes and deprecated `:key`:
608 |
609 | ```marko
610 | <label for:scoped="name">Name</label>
611 | <input id:scoped="name" value="Frank"/>
612 | ```
613 |
614 | - Fixes [#817](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/817) - Support dynamic root elements
615 | - Marko no longer attaches `id` attributes to elements for purposes of keyed matching
616 | - Keyed elements are maintained in an internal, per-component lookup
617 | - Keys are now assigned to all custom tags and HTML elements at compile-time to improve reliability and performance of DOM diffing
618 | - Optimized internal bookkeeping required during rendering a UI component tree (no more UI component stack)
619 | - DOM diffing/patching changes:
620 | - Significant performance improvements
621 | - morphdom is now UI component-aware
622 |
623 | ### 4.5.0-beta.3
624 |
625 | - Fixes [#854](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/854) - Make every .marko file a UI component ([PR #855](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/855))
626 |
627 | ### 4.5.0-beta.2
628 |
629 | - Add ids for any key when component.elId/getElId is used as an attribute value
630 | - Use indexOf instead of includes to support Node 4
631 | - [docs] Fixes [#841](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/841) - `docs/components.md` refers to deprecated "data" variable [#842](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/842)
632 |
633 | ### 4.5.0-beta.1
634 |
635 | - Add back (legacy) support for component.elId + key in template
636 | - Fixes [#837](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/837) - Update esprima to the latest to support async/await and ES2017 inside of components. ([PR #839](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/839))
637 | - Fixes key/scope for attributes that have dashes in the name
638 |
639 | ### 4.5.0-beta.0
640 |
641 | - Fixes [#817](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/817) - Support dynamic root elements
642 | - Marko no longer attaches `id` attributes to elements for purposes of keyed matching
643 | - Keyed elements are maintained in an internal, per-component lookup
644 | - Keys are now assigned to all custom tags and HTML elements at compile-time to improve reliability and performance of DOM diffing
645 | - Optimized internal bookkeeping required during rendering a UI component tree (no more UI component stack)
646 | - DOM diffing/patching changes:
647 | - Significant performance improvements
648 | - morphdom is now UI component-aware
649 |
650 | ## 4.4.x
651 |
652 | ### 4.4.28
653 |
654 | - fix undefined reference error in Component.js
655 | - Increase mocha timeout to avoid CI build's failing [#821](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/821)
656 |
657 | ### 4.4.27
658 |
659 | - Add ability to update globals by setting new input.
660 | - [docs] Remove unneeded command from installation docs
661 | - [docs] Update installing.md
662 |
663 | ### 4.4.26
664 |
665 | - Add better interop for importing modules with default exports [#803](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/803)
666 |
667 | ### 4.4.25
668 |
669 | - Fixes #778 - Fix Marko compiler generating incorrect path for requires on Windows.
670 |
671 | ### 4.4.24
672 |
673 | - [docs] Update installing.md
674 |
675 | ### 4.4.23
676 |
677 | - Fixes #796 - Fix events for event targets that are SVGElementInstance types in IE11.
678 | - Used shortcut for escapeAtTags;
679 | - Added `escapeAtTags` options in order to render `<@tags>` as they are;
680 | - simplify a condition judgement in components-jquery
681 | - Fixes #790 - Class tag should not allow nested body content.
682 | - Update `compile/index.js` test description
683 | - Update handleRootNodes.js [#747](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/747)
684 | - [docs] Fix reference to lifecycle section in docs.
685 |
686 | ### 4.4.22
687 |
688 | - Fixes #784 - Fix compiled preserve-attrs path.
689 | - [testing] Fix express tests [#779](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/779)
690 | - [docs] Update webpack.md
691 |
692 | ### 4.4.21
693 |
694 | - Updated description in `package.json`
695 |
696 | ### 4.4.20
697 |
698 | - update bindComponentVar to use dynamic location
699 | - updating location of bindComponent helper
700 |
701 | ### 4.4.19
702 |
703 | - [testing] Fix key suffix test assertions.
704 | - Address key suffix feedback. Additional tests.
705 | - [morphdom] Removed bad and unhelpful optimization to avoid infinite loops
706 | - [morphdom] Ensure `onBeforeNodeDiscarded` is only called once by looking to see if the node is still attached.
707 | - [morphdom] Infinite loop fix in morphdom
708 | - Fixes #761 - component.elId() does not work on the server
709 | - Fixes #755 - Allow diffing of HTML, head, and body. [#756](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/756)
710 | - [docs] Updated component docs
711 | - [docs] Use relative link for image
712 | - [testing] User default npm version for each Node.js version
713 |
714 | ### 4.4.18
715 |
716 | - Fixes #749 #690 - Do not rely on root node having an ID on rerender and properly handle style root nodes.
717 |
718 | ### 4.4.17
719 |
720 | - Put package (`browser.json`) deps before others and parent deps before child deps [#750](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/750)
721 | - [docs] Fix typo in redux.md
722 | - [docs] Add redux document to structure.json
723 | - [docs] Add doc describing how to use Redux with Marko.
724 |
725 | ### 4.4.16
726 |
727 | - Fix duplicate body variable
728 |
729 | ### 4.4.15
730 |
731 | - Fixes #739 - Should not attempt to check instanceof of type Map if it does not exist in the browser.
732 | - Added build scripts
733 |
734 | ### 4.4.14
735 |
736 | - Fixes issue with renderToString not rendering text nodes
737 |
738 | ### 4.4.13
739 |
740 | - Fixes #721 - Add a Code of Conduct
741 | - Fixes #655 - Implement renderToString in the browser.
742 |
743 | ### 4.4.12
744 |
745 | - Fixes #695 - Always ignore unrecognized tags for XML files when using the compiler.
746 | - Fixes #705 - Throw error when the root HTML element is a component and has a dynamic id attribute.
747 | - [testing] Additional test for root node with dynamic id of a component with a component.js file.
748 |
749 | ### 4.4.11
750 |
751 | - Fixes #728 - Do not use module keyword because webpack compiles it to a custom object.
752 | - Fixes #719 - Support Express 4 and Express 5.
753 | - fixes #658 by removing empty style blocks [#715](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/715)
754 | - fixes #688 - add reference to browser.json in meta dependencies
755 | - [docs] Fix broken link
756 | - [docs] Fix Marko syntax in docs causing compilation errors on the website.
757 | - [docs] Change pixels to percent in doc images.
758 | - [testing] Purge express cache so that express tests both use correct module versions.
759 |
760 | ### 4.4.9
761 |
762 | - Revert "Fixes #705 - Throw error when the root HTML element has a dynamic id …"
763 | - [testing] Only run Node 4, 6, & 8 in travis
764 |
765 | ### 4.4.8
766 |
767 | - [docs] Clean up why-is-marko-fast.md
768 | - [docs] Clean up marko-vs-react.md
769 |
770 | ### 4.4.7
771 |
772 | - Add silent option to browser-refresh and hot-reload
773 | - Check id attribute for Literal. Update error message to include error page.
774 | - Fixes #705 - Throw error when the root HTML element has a dynamic id attribute.
775 | - [docs] Clean up components.md
776 | - [docs] Fix typo in webpack.md
777 | - [testing] give extra time for test timing out in travis
778 | - [testing] run tests on node 8
779 | - [testing] ignore test-dist from coverage
780 |
781 | ### 4.4.6
782 |
783 | - Fixes #693 - [SSR] Improved handling of top-level UI components with renderBody func
784 | - Switching to using `prepublish` with npm@5
785 |
786 | ### 4.4.3
787 |
788 | - Use parent module to require express patch [#701](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/701)
789 | - [docs] Reference app should point to "marko-lasso" because "ui-components-playground" does not contain lasso
790 | - [docs] Add articles section to docs.
791 |
792 | ### 4.4.2
793 |
794 | - Build fixes related to compiler
795 |
796 | ### 4.4.0
797 |
798 | - Improve no-update-if condition check
799 | - Compatibility improvements for Try Online
800 | - Code size reduction
801 | - Introduced src/ and dist/ folders for optimized production builds
802 | - Fixes #695 - Default to ignoring unrecognized tags for XML files.
803 |
804 | ## 4.3.x
805 |
806 | ### 4.3.1
807 |
808 | - Add basic test for ensuring that res.marko returns a promise.
809 | - enable res.marko can catch a error safe
810 |
811 | ### 4.3.0
812 |
813 | - [compiler] Added more control over how attributes are targeted to props
814 | - Don't add root markers to tags that don't produce output
815 | - [docs] Added docs for Marko + Huncwot integration
816 | - [AST] Added `node.removeChildren()`
817 | - Extend marko globals with defaults
818 |
819 | ### 4.3.0-beta.4
820 |
821 | - Fixes #673 - Circular dependency is causing problems with Webpack
822 |
823 | ### 4.3.0-beta.3
824 |
825 | - Changes related to #670 - Globals must be serialized earlier to allow early mount of UI components in
826 | - [docs] Improved docs for SSR
827 |
828 | ### 4.3.0-beta.2
829 |
830 | - Fixes for #670 - Add support for serialized globals and retain globals on re-render
831 |
832 | ## 4.2.x
833 |
834 | ### 4.2.8
835 |
836 | - Bug: Fixes [#661](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/661) - Component initialization code may end up in the wrong place
837 | - Bug: Fixes [#668](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/668) - Declarative event listeners are now allowed on the `<include>` tag
838 |
839 | ### 4.2.7
840 |
841 | - Bug: Fixes [#650](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/650) - The tag "await" does not support attribute "unless"
842 | - Improvements to legacy state
843 |
844 | ### 4.2.6
845 |
846 | - Bug: Fixes [#654](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/654) - Bug: components implementing a `key` attribute break in Marko v4
847 | - Improvements to legacy compatibility layer
848 |
849 | ### 4.2.5
850 |
851 | - Improved support for UI components implemented using native JavaScript class in a separate file
852 | - Improved how legacy layout tags are handled by Marko v4
853 |
854 | ### 4.2.4
855 |
856 | - Bug: Fixes [#653](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/653) - Event handlers are no longer bound in edge case
857 |
858 | ### 4.2.3
859 |
860 | - Bug: Fixes [#649](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/649) - New line always added to `textarea` and other elements for single line/delimited HTML blocks
861 |
862 | ### 4.2.2
863 |
864 | - Bug: Fixes [#648](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/648) - Style attribute object and lengths not handled properly
865 |
866 | ### 4.2.1
867 |
868 | - Bug: Fixed [#644](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/644) - Attribute not rendered by Marko is not preserved if component first rendered on the server
869 | - [Performance] Escaping is not needed for the `data-marko` attribute
870 |
871 | ### 4.2.0
872 |
873 | - Bug: Fixed [#629](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/629) - VDOM: Rendering unescaped HTML produces non-functioning HTML input controls
874 | - Bug: Fixed [#634](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/634) - writeInitComponentsCode is not a function
875 | - Enhancement: Added support to allow improved precompiling of templates
876 | - Enhancement: Fixed [#636](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/636) - Add error when macro with duplicate name is found
877 | - Performance: Optimized diffing/patching to avoid indexing entire tree to find keyed elements
878 | - Performance: Optimized how event handlers are attached to VDOM nodes (separated from attributes)
879 |
880 | ## 4.1.x
881 |
882 | ### 4.1.3
883 |
884 | - Bug: Fixed losing cursor position in Edge (see [morphdom PR #100](https://github.com/patrick-steele-idem/morphdom/pull/100) by [@zastavnitskiy](https://github.com/zastavnitskiy))
885 | - Bug: Ignore `xmlns` attributes when virtualizing real DOM nodes (needed when inserting an HTML string when rendering to a VDOM)
886 |
887 | ### 4.1.2
888 |
889 | - Bug: Fixed [#623](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/623) - Uncaught TypeError: `toEl.$__hasAttribute` is not a function
890 | - Bug: Fixed [#619](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/619) - Deprecated `constructor()` for UI component classes
891 |
892 | ### 4.1.1
893 |
894 | - Added `"use strict";` to restore Node.js compatibility for Node.js v4 and v5
895 |
896 | ### 4.1.0
897 |
898 | - Bug: Fixes [#611](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/611) - Component IDs are not being assigned correctly when intermediate non-component is rendered
899 | - Performance: SVG namespaced elements are now resolved determined at compile-time
900 | - Performance: Merged in `morphdom` and optimized for Marko
901 | - Performance: Optimized diffing/patching of elements with only simple attributes in the following set: `class`, `id` and `style`
902 |
903 | ## 4.0.x
904 |
905 | ### 4.0.1
906 |
907 | - Bug: Fixes [#612](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/612) - Compile error when class method has empty `return`
908 | - Bug: Fixes [#604](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/604) - `no-update` attributes error when first rendered on the server
909 | - Bug: Fixes [#608](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/608) - Component losing `renderBody` input on a particular redraw
910 | - Enhancement: Fixes [#606](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/606) - named single-file component doesn't work
911 |
912 | ### 4.0.0
913 |
914 | - Marko v4! [Release Announcement](https://medium.com/@mlrawlings/marko-4-0-is-here-837884c5f60d)
915 |
916 | # 3.x
917 |
918 | ## 3.13.x
919 |
920 | ### 3.13.2
921 |
922 | - Fixed [#478](TagLookup fails when merging taglibs) - TagLookup fails when merging taglibs
923 |
924 | ### 3.13.1
925 |
926 | - Fixes [#465](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/465)
927 |
928 | ### 3.13.0
929 |
930 | ## 3.12.x
931 |
932 | ### 3.12.0
933 |
934 | - Added warnings for using render methods when you want string output ([Pull Request #450](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/450) by [@mlrawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings))
935 |
936 | ## 3.11.x
937 |
938 | ### 3.11.8
939 |
940 | - Fixes [#382](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/382) - Local variable for tag should have prefix or suffix to avoid conflict
941 |
942 | ### 3.11.7
943 |
944 | - Fixes [#381](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/381) - `$global` broken when using `template.stream()`
945 |
946 | ### 3.11.6
947 |
948 | - Internal change: `AsyncWriter` → `AsyncStream`
949 |
950 | ### 3.11.5
951 |
952 | - (no changes)
953 |
954 | ### 3.11.4
955 |
956 | - Update to `async-writer@2`
957 |
958 | ### 3.11.3
959 |
960 | - Silently ignore errors when parsing tag definition code inlined in JavaScript
961 |
962 | ### 3.11.2
963 |
964 | - Fixed [#318](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/318) - Use compiler options passed to require hook to configure marko globally
965 |
966 | ```javascript
967 | require("marko/node-require").install({
968 | compilerOptions: {
969 | writeToDisk: false
970 | }
971 | });
972 | ```
973 |
974 | ### 3.11.1
975 |
976 | - Fixed [#370](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/370) - HTML characters in loop separator string should not be escaped
977 |
978 | ### 3.11.0
979 |
980 | - Introduced the `<include-html(path)>` tag for including static HTML:
981 |
982 | ```xml
983 | <include-html('./foo.html')>
984 | ```
985 |
986 | ## 3.10.x
987 |
988 | ### 3.10.1
989 |
990 | - Fixed [#44](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/44) - Webpack compatibility fixes. Also see [marko-loader](https://github.com/marko-js/marko-loader) (A marko loader for webpack)
991 |
992 | ### 3.10.0
993 |
994 | - Fixed [#357](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/357) - Deprecate `empty`/`notEmpty` in Marko v3
995 |
996 | ## 3.9.x
997 |
998 | ### 3.9.4
999 |
1000 | - Fixed [#355](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/355) - `status-var`/`separator` options not handled when looping over properties
1001 | - Fixed [#354](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/354) - regular expressions used in attribute values are not being handled correctly
1002 | - Fixed [#353](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/353) - `body-only-if` attribute does not work with custom tags (only HTML tags)
1003 |
1004 | ### 3.9.3
1005 |
1006 | - Upgraded to `raptor-util@^2`
1007 |
1008 | ### 3.9.2
1009 |
1010 | - Fixed [#327](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/327) - alt attribute with empty string should be allowed ([Pull Request #350](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/350) by [@mlrawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings))
1011 |
1012 | ### 3.9.1
1013 |
1014 | - Fixed [#348](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/348) - exclude all `*.orig` and other files from published npm package
1015 |
1016 | ### 3.9.0
1017 |
1018 | - Fixed [#231](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/231) - Allow <assign count++>
1019 | - Fixed [#345](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/345) - Whitespace preservation now applies to all deeply nested text nodes
1020 | - Fixed [#344](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/344) - Introduced [defineRenderer](./docs/javascript-api.md#requiremarkodefinerenderer) for Marko
1021 | - Docs: Added docs for excluding directories from taglib discovery ([@mlrawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings))
1022 | - Docs: Added docs for component autodiscovery ([@mlrawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings))
1023 | - Docs: Added docs for passing a data object to a custom tag
1024 |
1025 | ## 3.8.x
1026 |
1027 | ### 3.8.1
1028 |
1029 | - Fixed [#342](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/342) - `await:finish` event not emitted for async fragments with client reorder and that complete synchronously
1030 |
1031 | ### 3.8.0
1032 |
1033 | - Fixed [#329](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/329) - Add autodiscover of components/ directory ([Pull Request #338](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/338) by [@mlrawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings))
1034 |
1035 | ## 3.7.x
1036 |
1037 | ### 3.7.4
1038 |
1039 | - Fixed [#339](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/339) - Tag transformers are not being applied to tags with a dynamic tag name (fixes [#146](https://github.com/marko-js/marko-components/issues/146) for Marko Components)
1040 |
1041 | ### 3.7.3
1042 |
1043 | - Fixed [#332](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/332) and [#333](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/333) - Correct values for `literalUndefined` and `literalFalse` in the Builder API [@bkuri](https://github.com/bkuri)
1044 | - Fixed [#336](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/336) - Upgraded to latest version of `minimatch`
1045 |
1046 | ### 3.7.2
1047 |
1048 | - Fixed [#328](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/328) - Improve error reporting when taglib/tag definition fails to load
1049 | - Additional change to disable escaping for dynamic `Text` nodes added to body of `<script>` tag to fix [issue #326](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/326)
1050 |
1051 | ### 3.7.1
1052 |
1053 | - Improved escaping within the `<script>` tag to fix [issue #322](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/322). Special HTML characters will no longer be escaped within the context of the `<script>` tag since browsers do not decode HTML entities within the `<script>` tag. Instead, only the ending `</script>` tag sequence is escaped using JavaScript string escaping sequences.
1054 |
1055 | ### 3.7.0
1056 |
1057 | - Made change to make configuration a true singleton shared across all instances of `marko` loaded at runtime ([commit](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/commit/cd797322adf80f2890015de7b8f62301c2921a0a))
1058 |
1059 | ## 3.6.x
1060 |
1061 | ### 3.6.2
1062 |
1063 | - Improved support for hot reloading by automatically disabling `assumeUpToDate` if hot reload is enabled. ([Pull Request #320](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/320) by [@ianvonholt](https://github.com/ianvonholt))
1064 |
1065 | ### 3.6.1
1066 |
1067 | - Fixed a bug that was causing transforms to be run on detached nodes. This was manifesting itself in the `<async-fragment>` to `<await>` transform if an `if()` attribute was present (or other core attributes that end up wrapping the tag it is defined on).
1068 |
1069 | ### 3.6.0
1070 |
1071 | - Introduced a new and simpler `<await>` tag that should be used instead of the now deprecated `<async-fragment>` tag (see deprecation details below) ([Pull Request #312](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/312) by [@mlrawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings))
1072 |
1073 | #### Deprecations
1074 |
1075 | - Deprecated the `<async-fragment var="<var>" data-provider=<data-provider>>` tag in favor of the `<await(<var> from <data-provider>)>` tag:
1076 |
1077 | OLD:
1078 |
1079 | ```xml
1080 | <async-fragment var="userInfo" data-provider=data.userInfoPromise>
1081 | Hello ${userInfo.name}!
1082 | </async-fragment>
1083 | ```
1084 |
1085 | NEW:
1086 |
1087 | ```xml
1088 | <await(userInfo from data.userInfoPromise)>
1089 | Hello ${userInfo.name}!
1090 | </await>
1091 | ```
1092 |
1093 | The `<await>` tag supports all of the attributes of the previous `<async-fragment>` tag except for `var` and `data-provider`:
1094 |
1095 | ```xml
1096 | <await(userInfo from data.userInfoPromise) name="userInfo" timeout=10000 client-reorder>
1097 | Hello ${userInfo.name}!
1098 | </await>
1099 | ```
1100 |
1101 | Finally, the nested tags for providing content for the placeholder, error and timeout messages have been renamed accordingly:
1102 |
1103 | ```xml
1104 | <await(userInfo from data.userInfoPromise) client-reorder>
1105 | <await-placeholder>
1106 | This is alternate content while the async fragment is loading.
1107 | </await-placeholder>
1108 | <await-timeout>
1109 | A timeout has occurred!
1110 | </await-timeout>
1111 | <await-error>
1112 | A error has occurred!
1113 | </await-error>
1114 |
1115 | Hello ${userInfo.name}!
1116 | </await>
1117 | ```
1118 |
1119 | ## 3.5.x
1120 |
1121 | ### 3.5.1
1122 |
1123 | - Fixes #316 - Autocomplete for tags is not updated when tag files updated despite clearing cache. This improves the [autocomplete-marko](https://github.com/marko-js/atom-autocomplete-marko) plugin for Atom.
1124 | - Fixes #314 - Remove hyphens from include props
1125 | - Deprecated:
1126 | - Properties passed in using the `<include>` tag should not be access using hyphens.
1127 |
1128 | For example, given the following template:
1129 |
1130 | ```xml
1131 | <include("./include-target.marko") first-name='Jane'/>
1132 | ```
1133 |
1134 | The `first-name` data should be accessed using the `firstName` property:
1135 |
1136 | ```javascript
1137 | var firstName = input.firstName;
1138 | // NOT: var firstName = input['first-name'];
1139 | ```
1140 |
1141 | ### 3.5.0
1142 |
1143 | - Added functionality to exclude specific directory or package from taglib finder ([Pull Request #309](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/309) by [@oxala](https://github.com/oxala))
1144 |
1145 | ## 3.4.x
1146 |
1147 | ### 3.4.9
1148 |
1149 | - Fixed [https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/307] - Marko concise syntax, with multiple class names ([Pull Request #308](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/308) by [@mlrawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings))
1150 |
1151 | ### 3.4.8
1152 |
1153 | - Added support for an "enum" attribute value
1154 |
1155 | ### 3.4.7
1156 |
1157 | - Async fragment improvements ([Pull Request #305](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/305) by [@mlrawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings))
1158 | - Adds additional event info (finished/timedout) to the data emitted from <async-fragment> tags.
1159 | - Ensures that renderBody() is not called again if the fragment has already finished (timed out).
1160 | - Fixes `npm run test-async`
1161 | - Removes a redundant `async-fragment` timeout related test
1162 |
1163 | ### 3.4.6
1164 |
1165 | - Updated autocomplete information
1166 |
1167 | ### 3.4.5
1168 |
1169 | - Fixes #304 - async-fragment-tag-transformer.js being loaded by PhantomJS
1170 | - Updated taglibs with additional information to support tooling
1171 | - Added [Michael Rawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings) as a maintainer
1172 |
1173 | ### 3.4.4
1174 |
1175 | - Fixes #303 - `addStaticVar` is not generating unique variable names correctly
1176 |
1177 | ### 3.4.3
1178 |
1179 | - Improved validation for macros ([@mlrawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings), [PR #300](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/300))
1180 | - Added code coverage reporting ([@mlrawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings), [PR #301](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/301))
1181 |
1182 | ### 3.4.2
1183 |
1184 | - Improved error reporting in cases when code generation fails ([@mlrawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings))
1185 |
1186 | ### 3.4.1
1187 |
1188 | - Additional tweaks for #298 - Always emit correct events for async fragments
1189 |
1190 | ### 3.4.0
1191 |
1192 | - Fixes #298 - Always emit correct events for async fragments
1193 | - Updated docs
1194 |
1195 | ## 3.3.x
1196 |
1197 | ### 3.3.0
1198 |
1199 | - Include async fragment name in the `asyncFragmentFinish` events ([@kprakasam](https://github.com/kprakasam))
1200 |
1201 | ## 3.2.x
1202 |
1203 | ### 3.2.0
1204 |
1205 | - Fixes #286 - Add res.marko(templateData) for use with Express ([@mlrawlings](https://github.com/mlrawlings))
1206 |
1207 | ## 3.1.x
1208 |
1209 | ### 3.1.9
1210 |
1211 | - Fixes #288 - Provide API for discovering custom tags and attributes for autocomplete/tooling purposes
1212 | - Documentation improvements
1213 |
1214 | ### 3.1.8
1215 |
1216 | - Fixes #280 - Switch from jsonminify to strip-json-comments
1217 | - Updated docs for Koa and Hapi
1218 | - Additional tests for Node.js v6
1219 |
1220 | ### 3.1.7
1221 |
1222 | - Fixes #274 - marko-compiler-options tag is not properly ended when using raw parsing (for prettyprint)
1223 |
1224 | ### 3.1.6
1225 |
1226 | - Fixes #268 - this.write is not a function for empty ArrayExpression
1227 |
1228 | ### 3.1.5
1229 |
1230 | - Fixes #262 - node-require module removes `.marko` extension from filenames in compiled code
1231 |
1232 | ### 3.1.4
1233 |
1234 | - Fixes #267 - Shorthand CSS class name cannot be combined with object/array class names
1235 |
1236 | ### 3.1.3
1237 |
1238 | - Fixed #266 - Hot reloading fails if original template is deleted
1239 |
1240 | ### 3.1.2
1241 |
1242 | - Fixed error reporting when using `compiler.parseRaw()`
1243 | - Added test for #262
1244 |
1245 | ### 3.1.1
1246 |
1247 | - Improved whitespace removal for text nodes directly below the root
1248 |
1249 | ### 3.1.0
1250 |
1251 | - Fixes #254 - Allow preserve whitespace to be enabled at the global level
1252 |
1253 | ## 3.0.x
1254 |
1255 | ### 3.0.7
1256 |
1257 | - Fixes #240 - Always trim start and end of template (even if preserveWhitespace is true)
1258 | - Fixes #260 - Circular custom tags causes infinite recursion when writeToDisk is set to false
1259 | - Minor internal cleanup
1260 |
1261 | ### 3.0.6
1262 |
1263 | - Don't wrap exception in `parseJavaScript` if error object was not created by Esprima
1264 |
1265 | ### 3.0.5
1266 |
1267 | - Fixes #257 - Placeholders don't render for out-of-order async fragments
1268 |
1269 | ### 3.0.4
1270 |
1271 | - Fixes #256 - Convert attributes to title case if no attributes are declared for a custom tag
1272 | - Use `<noscript>` for out-of-order async fragment placeholders
1273 |
1274 | ### 3.0.3
1275 |
1276 | - Make renderSync behave if no context was supplied ([PR #250](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/250) by [@jsumners](https://github.com/jsumners))
1277 |
1278 | ### 3.0.2
1279 |
1280 | - Store `tagDef` with `HtmlElement` node (needed for pretty printing)
1281 |
1282 | ### 3.0.1
1283 |
1284 | - Docs: Fixed minor issues in docs
1285 | - Reintroduced support for the `MARKO_CLEAN` environment variable: `MARK_CLEAN=true node server.js`
1286 |
1287 | ### 3.0.0
1288 |
1289 | - See: [What's New in Marko v3](http://markojs.com/docs/marko/what-is-new-marko-v3/)
1290 |
1291 | # 2.x
1292 |
1293 | ## 2.8.x
1294 |
1295 | ### 2.8.4
1296 |
1297 | - Fixes circular dependency issue between runtime/index.js and hot-reload/index.js
1298 |
1299 | ### 2.8.3
1300 |
1301 | - Fixes circular dependency issue between runtime/index.js and hot-reload/index.js
1302 |
1303 | ### 2.8.2
1304 |
1305 | - Fixes #203 - Incorrect behavior when attrs is used on a standard HTML tag with a tag def
1306 |
1307 | ### 2.8.1
1308 |
1309 | - Fixes #202 - Pass along options to compiler when loading a template
1310 |
1311 | ### 2.8.0
1312 |
1313 | - Added support for automatically discovering taglibs from installed packages that are scoped. ([PR #183](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/183) by [@tropperstyle](https://github.com/tropperstyle))
1314 |
1315 | ### 2.8.3
1316 |
1317 | - Fixes circular dependency issue between `hot-reload/index.js` and `runtime/index.js`
1318 |
1319 | ## 2.7.x
1320 |
1321 | ### 2.7.31
1322 |
1323 | - Fixes #167 - Nested tags only work one level deep
1324 |
1325 | ### 2.7.30
1326 |
1327 | - docs: don't exclude docs in .npmignore
1328 |
1329 | ### 2.7.29
1330 |
1331 | - Fixes #161 - Nested tags with no body content are not handled correctly
1332 |
1333 | ### 2.7.28
1334 |
1335 | - Fixes #140 - Also de-dupe cached taglibs in finder
1336 |
1337 | ### 2.7.27
1338 |
1339 | - Make loading template from String template source easier:
1340 |
1341 | ```javascript
1342 | var template = marko.load(templatePath, "Hello $!{data.name}!");
1343 | ```
1344 |
1345 | _NOTE: Loading directly from source only works on the server_
1346 |
1347 | See [Pull Request #153](https://github.com/marko-js/marko/pull/153)
1348 |
1349 | ### 2.7.26
1350 |
1351 | - Use shorter relative paths in error messages
1352 |
1353 | ### 2.7.25
1354 |
1355 | - Fixes #150 - Provide option to prevent writing compiled templates to disk. Example usage:
1356 |
1357 | ```javascript
1358 | require("marko/compiler").defaultOptions.writeToDisk = false;
1359 | ```
1360 |
1361 | NOTE: If you disable writing compiled templates to disk then it will be a little harder to debug errors in templates on the server since the stack trace will refer to a file that has not been written to disk.
1362 |
1363 | For a more complete list of compiler options please see: http://markojs.com/docs/marko/javascript-api/#defaultoptions
1364 |
1365 | ### 2.7.24
1366 |
1367 | - Fixes #140 - De-dupe taglibs by module name
1368 | - Documentation: Miscellaneous changes
1369 |
1370 | ### 2.7.23
1371 |
1372 | - Fixed a typo for `rendererFunc` `in helpers.js` (commit: 0205a47f04911f34ca4d458970d710f81a143987)
1373 |
1374 | ### 2.7.22
1375 |
1376 | - New language feature: [`unless` support added](http://markojs.com/docs/marko/language-guide/#unlesselse-ifelse)
1377 |
1378 | ### 2.7.21
1379 |
1380 | - Automatically enable hot-reload and browser-refresh if launched using [browser-refresh](https://github.com/patrick-steele-idem/browser-refresh)
1381 |
1382 | ### 2.7.20
1383 |
1384 | - Documentation: Miscellaneous changes
1385 |
1386 | ### 2.7.19
1387 |
1388 | - Fixes #137 - adds support for dynamic HTML tag names
1389 |
1390 | ### 2.7.18
1391 |
1392 | - Improvement: Better resolving of tag renderer
1393 | - Compiler: Fix to make compiler work in the browser
1394 |
1395 | ### 2.7.17
1396 |
1397 | - Fixes #135 Allow "attrs" attribute on custom tags
1398 |
1399 | ### 2.7.16
1400 |
1401 | - Improved handling of imports
1402 | - Better handling of loading taglibs with circular dependencies
1403 |
1404 | ### 2.7.15
1405 |
1406 | - Handle circular taglib imports
1407 |
1408 | ### 2.7.14
1409 |
1410 | - Fixes #131 - Recursively handle taglib imports
1411 |
1412 | ### 2.7.13
1413 |
1414 | - Added a `.npmignore` file
1415 | - Fixed licensing header in source
1416 | - Documentation: improved docs for input.renderBody()
1417 | - Documentation: Miscellaneous changes
1418 |
1419 | ### 2.7.12
1420 |
1421 | - Fixes #122 Don't allow invalid attributes when using shorthand
1422 | - Fixes #122 Typo in hasAttributes
1423 | - Fixes #127 - Make sure all possible input files are accounted for when checking if a compiled template is up-to-date
1424 | - Use `browser.json` files instead of `optimizer.json` files
1425 | - Documentation: Improved docs for async taglib
1426 | - Documentation: Added empty() and notEmpty() helpers to the readme
1427 | - Added Martin Aberer as a maintainer
1428 | - Documentation: Miscellaneous changes
1429 |
1430 | ### 2.7.11
1431 |
1432 | - New logo!
1433 |
1434 | ### 2.7.10
1435 |
1436 | - Fixes #118 Better error when parsing JSON file for tag
1437 | - Testing: More test cases related to empty attributes
1438 | - Documentation: Clarification for the Node.js require extension
1439 | - Documentation: doc reference for `getLength()` of loop `status-var`
1440 | - Documentation: Added reference to [sublime-marko](https://github.com/merwan7/sublime-marko) under the tools section.
1441 |
1442 | ### 2.7.9
1443 |
1444 | - Fixes #109 - Allow `compiler.createNode('div')`
1445 | - Fixes #108 - Improve how the `MARKO_CLEAN` env variable is handled
1446 |
1447 | ### 2.7.8
1448 |
1449 | - Minor documentation changes
1450 |
1451 | ### 2.7.7
1452 |
1453 | - Allow `.html` extension for layouts (Fix for https://github.com/raptorjs/marko-layout/issues/2)
1454 |
1455 | ### 2.7.6
1456 |
1457 | - Make require('marko/node-require').install() a noop in the browser
1458 |
1459 | ### 2.7.5
1460 |
1461 | - Improvement: Allow `template-data` to be combined with other attributes on the `<include>` tag
1462 | - Documentation: Fixes #98 - docs for `<include template-data="...">`
1463 |
1464 | ### 2.7.4
1465 |
1466 | - Fixes #96 - Allow relative, dynamic include paths
1467 |
1468 | ### 2.7.3
1469 |
1470 | - Internal change: Additional test cases added for using promises with async fragments
1471 |
1472 | ### 2.7.2
1473 |
1474 | - Fixes #73 - Prevent same taglib from being loaded multiple times
1475 |
1476 | ### 2.7.1
1477 |
1478 | - Fixes #88 - Assign global data to the correct out
1479 |
1480 | ### 2.7.0
1481 |
1482 | - Fixes [#27](https://github.com/raptorjs/marko/issues/27) - IE conditional comments (e.g., `<!--[if lt IE 9]><div><![endif]-->`) are automatically preserved. Previously, all HTML comments were stripped out when loading a template. For example:
1483 | - Added support for `<compiler-options comments="preserve"/>` to enable comments to preserved in a template. For example:
1484 |
1485 | ```xml
1486 | <compiler-options comments="preserve"/>
1487 | Hello
1488 | <!--This comment should be preserved-->
1489 | World
1490 | ```
1491 |
1492 | Output:
1493 |
1494 | ```xml
1495 | Hello
1496 | <!--This comment should be preserved-->
1497 | World
1498 | ```
1499 |
1500 | ## 2.6.x
1501 |
1502 | ### 2.6.0
1503 |
1504 | - Performance improvements
1505 | - `'use strict';`
1506 | - Optimized render code paths
1507 | - Code cleanup
1508 | - Compatibility fixes for Node.js 0.12
1509 | - Bad: `fs.readFile(path, 'utf8')`
1510 | - Good: `fs.readFile(path, {encoding: 'utf8'})`
1511 |
1512 | ## 2.5.x
1513 |
1514 | ### 2.5.0
1515 |
1516 | - Fixes #78 - Custom Node.js require extension for Marko template files. Example usage:
1517 |
1518 | ```javascript
1519 | // Install the Node.js require extension in your application's main script (server-side only)
1520 | require("marko/node-require").install();
1521 |
1522 | // Now you can require `*.marko` files just like any other JavaScript module
1523 | var template = require("./hello.marko");
1524 | var html = template.renderSync({ name: "Frank" });
1525 | ```
1526 |
1527 | - Compiled templates now export a loaded Template instance. In the previous version of marko, compiled templates exported a function that could be used to create a loaded Template instance.
1528 |
1529 | ## 2.4.x
1530 |
1531 | ### 2.4.3
1532 |
1533 | - Fixes edge case: More precise regular expression for decoding HTML entities
1534 |
1535 | ### 2.4.2
1536 |
1537 | - Internal: Fixes #75 Always assign the tag property to custom tag nodes
1538 |
1539 | ### 2.4.1
1540 |
1541 | - Improvement to allow taglibs to be imported from other taglibs ([commit](https://github.com/raptorjs/marko/commit/73e9a3420a1bac3e2c201d4dcadf21c0701b5222))
1542 |
1543 | ### 2.4.0
1544 |
1545 | - Added support for short-hand tags and attributes
1546 |
1547 | Old `marko-taglib.json`:
1548 |
1549 | ```json
1550 | {
1551 | "tags": {
1552 | "my-hello": {
1553 | "renderer": "./hello-renderer",
1554 | "attributes": {
1555 | "name": "string"
1556 | }
1557 | }
1558 | }
1559 | }
1560 | ```
1561 |
1562 | Short-hand `marko-taglib.json`:
1563 |
1564 | ```json
1565 | {
1566 | "<my-hello>": {
1567 | "renderer": "./hello-renderer",
1568 | "@name": "string"
1569 | }
1570 | }
1571 | ```
1572 |
1573 | - Fixes #61 Simplify parent/child relationships
1574 |
1575 | Marko now supports custom tags in the following format: `<parent_tag.nested_tag>`
1576 |
1577 | Example usage:
1578 |
1579 | ```html
1580 | <ui-tabs orientation="horizontal">
1581 | <ui-tabs.tab title="Home"> Content for Home </ui-tabs.tab>
1582 | <ui-tabs.tab title="Profile"> Content for Profile </ui-tabs.tab>
1583 | <ui-tabs.tab title="Messages"> Content for Messages </ui-tabs.tab>
1584 | </ui-tabs>
1585 | ```
1586 |
1587 | **_ui-tabs/marko-tag.json_**
1588 |
1589 | ```json
1590 | {
1591 | "@orientation": "string",
1592 | "@tabs <tab>[]": {
1593 | "@title": "string"
1594 | }
1595 | }
1596 | ```
1597 |
1598 | **_ui-tabs/renderer.js_**
1599 |
1600 | ```javascript
1601 | var template = require("marko").load(require.resolve("./template.marko"));
1602 |
1603 | exports.renderer = function(input, out) {
1604 | var tabs = input.tabs;
1605 |
1606 | // Tabs will be in the following form:
1607 | // [
1608 | // {
1609 | // title: 'Home',
1610 | // renderBody: function(out) { ... }
1611 | // },
1612 | // {
1613 | // title: 'Profile',
1614 | // renderBody: function(out) { ... }
1615 | // },
1616 | // {
1617 | // title: 'Messages',
1618 | // renderBody: function(out) { ... }
1619 | // }
1620 | // ]
1621 | console.log(tabs.length); // Output: 3
1622 |
1623 | template.render(
1624 | {
1625 | tabs: tabs
1626 | },
1627 | out
1628 | );
1629 | };
1630 | ```
1631 |
1632 | **_ui-tabs/template.marko_**
1633 |
1634 | ```html
1635 | <div class="tabs">
1636 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
1637 | <li class="tab" for="tab in data.tabs">
1638 | <a href="#${tab.title}"> ${tab.title} </a>
1639 | </li>
1640 | </ul>
1641 | <div class="tab-content">
1642 | <div class="tab-pane" for="tab in data.tabs">
1643 | <invoke function="tab.renderBody(out)" />
1644 | </div>
1645 | </div>
1646 | </div>
1647 | ```
1648 |
1649 | ## 2.3.x
1650 |
1651 | ### 2.3.2
1652 |
1653 | Fixes #66 - Allow circular dependencies when loading templates
1654 |
1655 | ### 2.3.1
1656 |
1657 | - Testing framework changes
1658 | - Fixes #65 - Generated variable name is an empty string in some cases
1659 |
1660 | ### 2.3.0
1661 |
1662 | - Fixes #53 Merge c-input with attr props
1663 |
1664 | ## 2.2.x
1665 |
1666 | ### 2.2.2
1667 |
1668 | Fixes #60 Don't replace special operators for body functions
1669 |
1670 | ### 2.2.1
1671 |
1672 | - Fixes #58 Added support for MARKO_CLEAN env variable (force recompile of all loaded templates). Example usage:
1673 |
1674 | ```bash
1675 | MARKO_CLEAN=true node run.js
1676 | ```
1677 |
1678 | - Code formatting: add spaces in var code
1679 |
1680 | ### 2.2.0
1681 |
1682 | - Fixes #51 Allow body content to be mapped to a String input property
1683 | - Fixes #52 Remove JavaScript comments from JSON taglib files before parsing
1684 |
1685 | ## 2.1.x
1686 |
1687 | ### 2.1.6
1688 |
1689 | - Fixes #50 Initialize the loader after the runtime is fully initialized
1690 |
1691 | ### 2.1.5
1692 |
1693 | - Fixes #50 Ensure that all instances of marko have hot-reload and browser-refresh enabled
1694 |
1695 | ### 2.1.4
1696 |
1697 | - Allowing complex var names (i.e. LHS) for the `<assign>` tag.
1698 |
1699 | ### 2.1.3
1700 |
1701 | - Minor change: Slight improvement to code to resolve tag handler
1702 |
1703 | ### 2.1.2
1704 |
1705 | - Minor change: Improve how renderer is resolved
1706 |
1707 | ### 2.1.1
1708 |
1709 | - Fixes #48 name in marko-tag.json should override default name given during discovery
1710 |
1711 | ### 2.1.0
1712 |
1713 | - Fixes #47 - Added support for "taglib-imports"
1714 |
1715 | ## 2.0.x
1716 |
1717 | ### 2.0.12
1718 |
1719 | - Fixes #31 - Add support for providing prefix when scanning for tags
1720 | - Allow "code" to be a function that lazily evaluates to a code string during code generation
1721 |
1722 | ### 2.0.11
1723 |
1724 | - Added method for custom node compilers to get access to the `escapeXml` function at runtime
1725 |
1726 | ### 2.0.10
1727 |
1728 | - Fixes #39 - Added missing return when using hot-reload
1729 |
1730 | ### 2.0.9
1731 |
1732 | - Fixed bad publish
1733 |
1734 | ### 2.0.8
1735 |
1736 | - Better merging of tags when loading and merging taglibs
1737 |
1738 | ### 2.0.7
1739 |
1740 | - Changes to avoid problems associated with the same taglib being found multiple times in the search path
1741 |
1742 | ### 2.0.6
1743 |
1744 | - `renderBody` function is only added if tag has children
1745 |
1746 | ### 2.0.5
1747 |
1748 | - Fixed #36 - Don't use `invokeBody()` in the cache taglib
1749 |
1750 | ### 2.0.4
1751 |
1752 | - :exclamation: Fixed #36 - Deprecated - When using `<include>` with body content, nested body content is now passed in as `String` property named `body`. Old behavior: nested content would be passed in as a `Function` property named `invokeBody` that would return the `String` value of the nested content. `invokeBody()` has been deprecated.
1753 |
1754 | ### 2.0.3
1755 |
1756 | - Fixed #36 - Don't use `invokeBody()` in test code and the HTML comments tag
1757 |
1758 | ### 2.0.2
1759 |
1760 | - :exclamation: Fixed #36 - Deprecated `input.invokeBody()` in favor of `input.renderBody(out)`
1761 | - Fixed #37 - Duplicate input property for custom tag renderers
1762 |
1763 | ### 2.0.1
1764 |
1765 | - Fixed #35 - Added support for `<compiler-options>`. Example:
1766 |
1767 | ```html
1768 | <compiler-options whitespace="preserve" /> A B C
1769 | ```
1770 |
1771 | ### 2.0.0
1772 |
1773 | - Dynamic attributes for scanned tags without a tag will have dashes removed by default.
1774 | - :exclamation: When using `tags-dir` to discover tags that do not have a `marko-tag.json`, the previous behavior was to allow all attributes and to use the actual attribute name as the input property name. For example, when using `<hello first-name="John">`, first name would need to be read in as `input['first-name']`. This was changed such that the first name property should now be read in as `input.firstName` (dashes removed and converted to camel case)
1775 | - Changes to allow UI component to be put into a single JS file:
1776 | - Updated taglib directory scanner to use `index.js` if found. New search order:
1777 | 1. `renderer.js` (use `renderer.js` if it exists)
1778 | 2. `index.js` (use `index.js` if it exists and assume it exports a `renderer` or `render` property)
1779 | 3. `template.marko` (use the template as the renderer if no `renderer.js` or `index.js`)
1780 | - :exclamation: Changes to the taglib directory scanner could break existing code. Specifically, if a UI component directory had an `index.js` file and a `template.marko` file then in in `marko@<2` the `template.marko` file would have been selected as the renderer. In `marko@2.x`, the `index.js` will be selected as the tag renderer.
1781 | - :exclamation: Removed support for mapping a tag renderer to a module with a `process` method
1782 | - Removed sub-module `marko/renderer` that exports [raptor-renderer](https://github.com/raptorjs/raptor-renderer)
1783 |
1784 | # 1.x
1785 |
1786 | ## 1.6.x
1787 |
1788 | ### 1.6.1
1789 |
1790 | - Added back code to allow the new marko runtime to load templates compiled by an earlier compiler that used `module.exports`
1791 |
1792 | ### 1.6.0
1793 |
1794 | - Fixed #32. Switched from `module.exports = function create(__helpers) { ... }` to `exports.create = function(__helpers) { ... }` to avoid circular dependency problems
1795 |
1796 | ## 1.5.x
1797 |
1798 | ### 1.5.8
1799 |
1800 | - Added support for adding "static" code to the top of a compiled template (helpful for initializing variables or running code once).
1801 |
1802 | ### 1.5.7
1803 |
1804 | - Added sub-module `marko/renderer` that exports [raptor-renderer](https://github.com/raptorjs/raptor-renderer)
1805 |
1806 | ### 1.5.6
1807 |
1808 | - Changes to avoid unoptimized code in V8
1809 |
1810 | ### 1.5.5
1811 |
1812 | - Handle case where template was loaded before hot-reload was enabled
1813 |
1814 | ## 1.5.4
1815 |
1816 | - Added support for `$global` in `renderSync`