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116 <!-- Variables Section -->
117 <div id="variables" class="section scrollspy">
118 <h2 class="header">Variables</h2>
119 <p class="caption">
120 When using Sass, you can change the color scheme of your site extremely quickly. Below is a very small sample of what you can change through sass in <code class="language-scss">_variables.scss</code>.
121 </p>
122 <pre><code class="language-scss">
123 $primary-color: color("materialize-red", "lighten-2") !default;
124 $primary-color-light: false !default;
125 $primary-color-dark: false !default;
126 @if not $primary-color-light {
127 $primary-color-light: lighten($primary-color, 15%);
128 }
129 @if not $primary-color-dark {
130 $primary-color-dark: darken($primary-color, 15%);
131 }
132 $secondary-color: color("teal", "lighten-1") !default;
133 $success-color: color("green", "base") !default;
134 $error-color: color("red", "base") !default;
136 $link-color: color("light-blue", "darken-1") !default;
138 /*** More variables not shown here.. ***/
139 </code></pre>
140 </div>
142 <!-- Media Queries Section -->
143 <div id="media" class="section scrollspy">
144 <h2 class="header">Media Queries</h2>
145 <p class="caption">
146 We have 3 media queries for the 3 standard screen sizes you can use in your custom Sass files. This also includes media query variables that will define the range.
147 </p>
148 <p>
149 Small screens are defined as having a max-width of 600px
150 <br>
151 Medium screens are defined as having a max-width of 992px
152 <br>
153 Large screen are defined as having a min-width of 993px
154 </p>
156 <h4>CSS</h4>
157 <pre><code class="language-css col s12">
158 /* These classes can be added to HTML Elements
159 * to affect visibility on certain displays.
160 */
161 .hide-on-small-only
162 .hide-on-small-and-down
163 .hide-on-med-and-down
164 .hide-on-med-and-up
165 .hide-on-med-only
166 .hide-on-large-only
167 .show-on-large
168 .show-on-medium
169 .show-on-small
170 .show-on-medium-and-up
171 .show-on-medium-and-down
172 </code></pre>
174 <h4>Sass</h4>
175 <pre><code class="language-scss col s12">
176 @media #{$small-and-down} {
177 // styles for small screens and down
178 }
179 @media #{$medium-and-up} {
180 // styles for medium screens and larger
181 }
182 @media #{$medium-and-down} {
183 // styles for medium screens and down
184 }
185 @media #{$large-and-up} {
186 // styles for large screens and up
187 }
188 </code></pre>
189 </div>
191 <!-- Prefixer Section-->
192 <div id="mixins" class="section scrollspy">
193 <h2 class="header">Prefixer</h2>
194 <p class="caption">
195 One major goal of this framework is to be as adaptable as possible which includes cross browser compatibility. We have adapted a prefixer script to Sass which will automatically add all browser prefixes for certain CSS properties.
196 </p>
199 For Example: Using this Sass mixin
200 <pre><code class="language-scss">
201 @include transition(.3s);
202 </code></pre>
203 Will Output This
204 <pre><code class="language-css">
205 -webkit-transition: 0.3s;
206 -moz-transition: 0.3s;
207 -o-transition: 0.3s;
208 -ms-transition: 0.3s;
209 transition: 0.3s;
210 </code></pre>
211 Here is the full list of mixins
212 <pre><code class="language-css">
213 animation($args)
214 animation-delay($delay)
215 animation-direction($direction)
216 animation-duration($duration)
217 animation-fill-mode($mode)
218 animation-iteration-count($count)
219 animation-name($name)
220 animation-play-state($state)
221 animation-timing-function($function)
222 background-size($args)
223 box-sizing($args)
224 border-box()
225 content-box()
226 columns($args)
227 column-count($count)
228 column-gap($gap)
229 column-rule($args)
230 column-width($width)
231 gradient($default,$start,$stop)
232 linear-gradient-top($default,$color1,$stop1,$color2,$stop2,[$color3,$stop3,$color4,$stop4])
233 linear-gradient-left($default,$color1,$stop1,$color2,$stop2,[$color3,$stop3,$color4,$stop4])
234 transform($args)
235 transform-origin($args)
236 transform-style($style)
237 rotate($deg)
238 scale($factor)
239 translate($x,$y)
240 translate3d($x,$y,$z)
241 translateHardware($x,$y)
242 text-shadow($args)
243 transition($args)
244 transition-delay($delay)
245 transition-duration($duration)
246 transition-property($property)
247 transition-timing-function($function)
248 </code></pre>
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