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113 <main><div class="container">
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115 <div class="col s12 m9 l10">
117 <div id="introduction" class="scrollspy section">
118 <h4>Introduction</h4>
119 <p>Add a dropdown list to any button. Make sure that the <code class="language-markup">data-activates</code> attribute matches the id in the <code class="language-markup">&lt;ul></code> tag. </p>
120 <p>You can add a divider with the <code class="language-markup">&lt;li class="divider">&lt;/li></code> tag. </p>
121 <a class='dropdown-button btn' href='#' data-activates='dropdown1'>Drop Me!</a>
122 <ul id='dropdown1' class='dropdown-content'>
123 <li><a href="#!">one</a></li>
124 <li><a href="#!">two</a></li>
125 <li class="divider"></li>
126 <li><a href="#!">three</a></li>
127 </ul>
128 <pre><code class="language-markup">
129 &lt;!-- Dropdown Trigger -->
130 &lt;a class='dropdown-button btn' href='#' data-activates='dropdown1'>Drop Me!&lt;/a>
132 &lt;!-- Dropdown Structure -->
133 &lt;ul id='dropdown1' class='dropdown-content'>
134 &lt;li>&lt;a href="#!">one&lt;/a>&lt;/li>
135 &lt;li>&lt;a href="#!">two&lt;/a>&lt;/li>
136 &lt;li class="divider">&lt;/li>
137 &lt;li>&lt;a href="#!">three&lt;/a>&lt;/li>
138 &lt;/ul>
139 </code></pre>
140 </div>
142 <div id="options" class="section scrollspy">
143 <h4>Options</h4>
144 <table class="striped">
145 <thead>
146 <tr>
147 <th>Option Name</th>
148 <th>Description</th>
149 </tr>
150 </thead>
152 <tbody>
153 <tr>
154 <td>inDuration</td>
155 <td>The duration of the transition enter in milliseconds. Default: 300</td>
156 </tr>
157 <tr>
158 <td>outDuration</td>
159 <td>The duration of the transition out in milliseconds. Default: 225</td>
160 </tr>
161 <tr>
162 <td>constrainWidth</td>
163 <td>If true, constrainWidth to the size of the dropdown activator. Default: true</td>
164 </tr>
165 <tr>
166 <td>hover</td>
167 <td>If true, the dropdown will open on hover. Default: false</td>
168 </tr>
169 <tr>
170 <td>gutter</td>
171 <td>This defines the spacing from the aligned edge. Default: 0</td>
172 </tr>
173 <tr>
174 <td>belowOrigin</td>
175 <td>If true, the dropdown will show below the activator. Default: false</td>
176 </tr>
177 <tr>
178 <td>alignment</td>
179 <td>Defines the edge the menu is aligned to. Default: 'left'</td>
180 </tr>
181 <tr>
182 <td>stopPropagation</td>
183 <td>If true, stops the event propagating from the dropdown origin click handler. Default: false</td>
184 </tr>
185 </tbody>
186 </table>
187 <p>To use these inline you have to add them as data attributes. If you want more dynamic control, you can define them using the jQuery plugin below. </p>
188 <pre><code class="language-markup">
189 &lt;a class='dropdown-button btn' data-beloworigin="true" href='#' data-activates='dropdown1'>Drop Me!&lt;/a>
190 </code></pre>
191 </div>
195 <div id="initialization" class="section scrollspy">
196 <h4>jQuery Plugin Initialization</h4>
197 <p>Initialization for dropdowns is only necessary if you create them dynamically.</p>
198 <pre><code class="language-javascript">
199 $('.dropdown-button').dropdown({
200 inDuration: 300,
201 outDuration: 225,
202 constrainWidth: false, // Does not change width of dropdown to that of the activator
203 hover: true, // Activate on hover
204 gutter: 0, // Spacing from edge
205 belowOrigin: false, // Displays dropdown below the button
206 alignment: 'left' // Displays dropdown with edge aligned to the left of button
207 stopPropagation: false // Stops event propagation
208 }
209 );
210 </code></pre>
212 <p>
213 You can also open dropdowns programatically, the below code will make your modal open on document ready:
214 </p>
216 <pre><code class="language-javascript">
217 $('.dropdown-button').dropdown('open');
218 </code></pre>
220 <p>
221 You can also close dropdowns programatically:
222 </p>
224 <pre><code class="language-javascript">
225 $('.dropdown-button').dropdown('close');
226 </code></pre>
227 </div>
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241 <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
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243 <li><a href="#initialization">Initialization</a></li>
244 </ul>
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