1 | 
2 |
3 | [https://mathjs.org](https://mathjs.org)
4 |
5 | Math.js is an extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js. It features a flexible expression parser with support for symbolic computation, comes with a large set of built-in functions and constants, and offers an integrated solution to work with different data types like numbers, big numbers, complex numbers, fractions, units, and matrices. Powerful and easy to use.
6 |
7 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/mathjs)
8 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/mathjs)
9 | [](https://github.com/josdejong/mathjs/actions)
10 | [](https://github.com/josdejong/mathjs/graphs/commit-activity)
11 | [](https://github.com/josdejong/mathjs/blob/master/LICENSE)
12 | [](https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fjosdejong%2Fmathjs?ref=badge_shield)
13 | [](https://codecov.io/gh/josdejong/mathjs)
14 | [](https://github.com/sponsors/josdejong)
16 |
17 | ## Features
18 |
19 | - Supports numbers, bignumbers, bigints, complex numbers, fractions, units, strings, arrays, and matrices.
20 | - Is compatible with JavaScript's built-in Math library.
21 | - Contains a flexible expression parser.
22 | - Does symbolic computation.
23 | - Comes with a large set of built-in functions and constants.
24 | - Can be used as a command line application as well.
25 | - Runs on any JavaScript engine.
26 | - Is easily extensible.
27 | - Open source.
28 |
29 | ## Usage
30 |
31 | Math.js can be used in both node.js and in the browser.
32 |
33 | Install math.js using [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/mathjs):
34 |
35 | npm install mathjs
36 |
37 | Or download mathjs via one of the CDN's listed on the downloads page:
38 |
39 | [https://mathjs.org/download.html](https://mathjs.org/download.html#download)
40 |
41 | Math.js can be used similar to JavaScript's built-in Math library. Besides that,
42 | math.js can evaluate
43 | [expressions](https://mathjs.org/docs/expressions/index.html)
44 | and supports
45 | [chained operations](https://mathjs.org/docs/core/chaining.html).
46 |
47 | ```js
48 | import {
49 | atan2, chain, derivative, e, evaluate, log, pi, pow, round, sqrt
50 | } from 'mathjs'
51 |
52 | // functions and constants
53 | round(e, 3) // 2.718
54 | atan2(3, -3) / pi // 0.75
55 | log(10000, 10) // 4
56 | sqrt(-4) // 2i
57 | pow([[-1, 2], [3, 1]], 2) // [[7, 0], [0, 7]]
58 | derivative('x^2 + x', 'x') // 2 * x + 1
59 |
60 | // expressions
61 | evaluate('12 / (2.3 + 0.7)') // 4
62 | evaluate('12.7 cm to inch') // 5 inch
63 | evaluate('sin(45 deg) ^ 2') // 0.5
64 | evaluate('9 / 3 + 2i') // 3 + 2i
65 | evaluate('det([-1, 2; 3, 1])') // -7
66 |
67 | // chaining
68 | chain(3)
69 | .add(4)
70 | .multiply(2)
71 | .done() // 14
72 | ```
73 |
74 | See the [Getting Started](https://mathjs.org/docs/getting_started.html) for a more detailed tutorial.
75 |
76 |
77 | ## Browser support
78 |
79 | Math.js works on any [ES2020](https://262.ecma-international.org/11.0/) compatible JavaScript engine, including node.js, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
80 |
81 |
82 | ## Documentation
83 |
84 | - [Getting Started](https://mathjs.org/docs/getting_started.html)
85 | - [Examples](https://mathjs.org/examples/index.html)
86 | - [Overview](https://mathjs.org/docs/index.html)
87 | - [History](https://mathjs.org/history.html)
88 |
89 |
90 | ## Build
91 |
92 | First clone the project from github:
93 |
94 | git clone git@github.com:josdejong/mathjs.git
95 | cd mathjs
96 |
97 | Install the project dependencies:
98 |
99 | npm install
100 |
101 | Then, the project can be build by executing the build script via npm:
102 |
103 | npm run build
104 |
105 | This will build ESM output, CommonJS output, and the bundle math.js
106 | from the source files and put them in the folder lib.
107 |
108 |
109 | ## Develop
110 |
111 | When developing new features for mathjs, it is good to be aware of the following background information.
112 |
113 | ### Code
114 |
115 | The code of `mathjs` is written in ES modules, and requires all files to have a real, relative path, meaning the files must have a `*.js` extension. Please configure adding file extensions on auto import in your IDE.
116 |
117 | ### Architecture
118 |
119 | What mathjs tries to achieve is to offer an environment where you can do calculations with mixed data types,
120 | like multiplying a regular `number` with a `Complex` number or a `BigNumber`, and work with all of those in matrices.
121 | Mathjs also allows to add a new data type with little effort.
122 |
123 | The solution that mathjs uses has two main ingredients:
124 |
125 | - **Typed functions**. All functions are created using [`typed-function`](https://github.com/josdejong/typed-function/). This makes it easier to (dynamically) create and extend a single function with new data types, automatically do type conversions on function inputs, etc. So, if you create function multiply for two `number`s, you can extend it with support for multiplying your own data type, say `MyDecimal`. If you define a conversion from `MyDecimal` to `number`, the typed-function will automatically allow you to multiply a `MyDecimal` with a `number`.
126 |
127 | - **Dependency injection**. When we have a function `multiply` with support for `MyDecimal`, thanks to the dependency injection, other functions using `multiply` under the hood, like `prod`, will automatically support `MyDecimal` too. This also works the other way around: if you don't need the heavyweight `multiply` (which supports BigNumbers, matrices, etc), and you just need a plain and simple number support, you can use a lightweight implementation of `multiply` just for numbers, and inject that in `prod` and other functions.
128 |
129 | At the lowest level, mathjs has immutable factory functions which create immutable functions. The core function `math.create(...)` creates a new instance having functions created from all passed factory functions. A mathjs instance is a collection of created functions. It contains a function like `math.import` to allow extending the instance with new functions, which can then be used in the expression parser.
130 |
131 | ### Implementing a new function
132 |
133 | A common case is to implement a new function. This involves the following steps:
134 |
135 | - Implement the function in the right category, for example `./src/function/arithmetic/myNewFunction.js`, where you can replace `arithmetic` with the proper category, and `myNewFunction` with the name of the new function. Add the new function to the index files `./src/factoriesAny.js` and possibly `./src/factoriesNumber.js`.
136 | - Write documentation on the function in the source code comment of `myNewFunction.js`. This documentation is used to auto generate documentation on the website.
137 | - Write embedded documentation for the new function in `./src/expression/embeddedDocs/function/arithmetic/myNewFunction.js`. Add the new documentation to the index file `./src/expression/embeddedDocs/embeddedDocs.js`.
138 | - Write unit tests for the function in `./test/unit-tests/function/arithmetic/myNewFunction.test.js`.
139 | - Write the necessary TypeScript definitions for the new function in `./types/index.d.ts`, and write tests for it in `./test/typescript-tests/testTypes.ts`. This is described in [./types/EXPLANATION.md](./types/EXPLANATION.md).
140 | - Ensure the code style is ok by running `npm run lint` (run `npm run format` to fix the code style automatically).
141 |
142 |
143 | ### Build scripts
144 |
145 | The build script currently generates two types of output:
146 |
147 | - **any**, generate entry points to create full versions of all functions
148 | - **number**: generating and entry points to create lightweight functions just supporting `number`
149 |
150 | For each function, an object is generated containing the factory functions of all dependencies of the function. This allows to just load a specific set of functions, and not load or bundle any other functionality. So for example, to just create function `add` you can do `math.create(addDependencies)`.
151 |
152 |
153 | ## Test
154 |
155 | To execute tests for the library, install the project dependencies once:
156 |
157 | npm install
158 |
159 | Then, the tests can be executed:
160 |
161 | npm test
162 |
163 | To test the type definitions:
164 |
165 | npm run test:types
166 |
167 | Additionally, the tests can be run on FireFox using [headless mode](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox/Headless_mode):
168 |
169 | npm run test:browser
170 |
171 | To run the tests remotely on BrowserStack, first set the environment variables `BROWSER_STACK_USERNAME` and `BROWSER_STACK_ACCESS_KEY` with your username and access key and then execute:
172 |
173 | npm run test:browserstack
174 |
175 | You can separately run the code linter, though it is also executed with `npm test`:
176 |
177 | npm run lint
178 |
179 | To automatically fix linting issue, run:
180 |
181 | npm run format
182 |
183 | To test code coverage of the tests:
184 |
185 | npm run coverage
186 |
187 | To see the coverage results, open the generated report in your browser:
188 |
189 | ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html
190 |
191 |
192 | ### Continuous integration testing
193 |
194 | Continuous integration tests are run on [Github Actions](https://github.com/josdejong/mathjs/actions) and [BrowserStack](https://www.browserstack.com) every time a commit is pushed to github. Github Actions runs the tests for different versions of node.js, and BrowserStack runs the tests on all major browsers.
195 |
196 | [](https://www.browserstack.com)
197 |
198 | Thanks Github Actions and BrowserStack for the generous free hosting of this open source project!
199 |
200 | ## License
201 |
202 | mathjs is published under the Apache 2.0 license:
203 |
204 | ```
205 | Copyright (C) 2013-2024 Jos de Jong <wjosdejong@gmail.com>
206 |
207 | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
208 | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
209 | You may obtain a copy of the License at
210 |
211 | https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
212 |
213 | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
214 | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
215 | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
216 | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
217 | limitations under the License.
218 | ```
219 |
220 | mathjs contains a JavaScript port of the [CSparse](https://github.com/DrTimothyAldenDavis/SuiteSparse/tree/dev/CSparse/Source) library, published under the LGPL-2.1+ license:
221 |
222 | ```
223 | CSparse: a Concise Sparse matrix package.
224 | Copyright (c) 2006, Timothy A. Davis.
225 | http://www.suitesparse.com
226 |
227 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
228 |
229 | CSparse is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
230 | modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
231 | License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
232 | version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
233 |
234 | CSparse is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
235 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
237 | Lesser General Public License for more details.
238 |
239 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
240 | License along with this Module; if not, write to the Free Software
241 | Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
242 | ```