7.97 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "mathjs",
3 "version": "5.10.3",
4 "description": "Math.js is an extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js. It features a flexible expression parser with support for symbolic computation, comes with a large set of built-in functions and constants, and offers an integrated solution to work with different data types like numbers, big numbers, complex numbers, fractions, units, and matrices.",
5 "author": "Jos de Jong <wjosdejong@gmail.com> (https://github.com/josdejong)",
6 "contributors": [
7 "Adam Kelly (https://github.com/adamisntdead)",
8 "Albert Emil (https://github.com/AlbertEmil)",
9 "Alexander Beyn (https://github.com/AlexanderBeyn)",
10 "Andy Pan (https://github.com/andy0130tw)",
11 "Bart Kiers (https://github.com/bkiers)",
12 "Ben Weinshel (https://github.com/weinshel)",
13 "Benjamin Lucas (https://github.com/bnlcas)",
14 "Brett Jurgens (https://github.com/brettjurgens)",
15 "Bryan Cuccioli (https://github.com/bcuccioli)",
16 "Chris Chudzicki (https://github.com/ChristopherChudzicki)",
17 "Chris Hadgis (https://github.com/SzechuanSage)",
18 "Dakota Blair (https://github.com/dakotablair)",
19 "Daniel Kostro (https://github.com/stropitek)",
20 "Daniel Levin (https://github.com/daniel-levin)",
21 "David Simons (https://github.com/SwamWithTurtles)",
22 "denisx (https://github.com/denisx)",
23 "dkenul (https://github.com/dkenul)",
24 "Devan Patel (https://github.com/devanp92)",
25 "devdevdata222 (https://github.com/devdevdata222)",
26 "Dzmitry Litskalau (https://github.com/litmit)",
27 "Ekin Koc (https://github.com/eknkc)",
28 "Elijah Insua (https://github.com/tmpvar)",
29 "Eric Mansfield (https://github.com/ericman314)",
30 "Fabrice Colas (https://github.com/fabricecolas)",
31 "Favian Contreras (https://github.com/BigFav)",
32 "Finn Pauls (https://github.com/finnp)",
33 "Ganga Christopher (https://github.com/gangachris)",
34 "Gary Passero (https://github.com/gap777)",
35 "Gold Holk (https://github.com/GHolk)",
36 "Harry Sarson (https://github.com/HarrySarson)",
37 "Holman Gao (https://github.com/golmansax)",
38 "Honybar (https://github.com/honeybar)",
39 "Guillermo Indalecio Fernández (https://github.com/guillermobox)",
40 "Gulfaraz (https://github.com/gulfaraz)",
41 "hamadu (https://github.com/hamadu)",
42 "Harsh Gupta (https://github.com/hgupta9)",
43 "Henrique Ferrolho (https://github.com/ferrolho)",
44 "Huseyn Guliyev (https://github.com/husayt)",
45 "Ivan Vergiliev (IvanVergiliev)",
46 "jean-emmanuel (https://github.com/jean-emmanuel)",
47 "Jack Schmidt (https://github.com/jackschmidt)",
48 "Jackie Han (https://github.com/hanguokai)",
49 "Jason Shin (https://github.com/JasonShin)",
50 "Jim Garrison (https://github.com/garrison)",
51 "Joel Hoover (https://github.com/joelhoover)",
52 "Karl Lew (https://github.com/firepick1)",
53 "Kenan Yildirim (https://github.com/KenanY)",
54 "Keunhong Park (https://github.com/void42)",
55 "Keunhong Park (https://github.com/kevjin)",
56 "Kevin J (https://github.com/kv-kunalvyas)",
57 "Marcus Andre (https://github.com/marcusandre)",
58 "Horatiu Lazu (https://github.com/MathBunny)",
59 "Mathias Polligkeit (https://github.com/woylie)",
60 "Mathias Rasmussen (https://github.com/mathiasvr)",
61 "Max Bruckner (https://github.com/FSMaxB)",
62 "Maxence Dalmais (https://github.com/maxired)",
63 "Michael M. (https://github.com/Schnark)",
64 "Mitchel Kelonye (https://github.com/kelonye)",
65 "mtraynham (https://github.com/mtraynham)",
66 "Niels Heisterkamp (https://github.com/nheisterkamp)",
67 "Oleg (https://github.com/ovk)",
68 "Owen Versteeg (https://github.com/owenversteeg)",
69 "Pavel Panchekha (https://github.com/pavpanchekha)",
70 "Pat Grasso (https://github.com/patgrasso)",
71 "Paulo Buchsbaum (https://github.com/paulobuchsbaum)",
72 "Pete Corey (https://github.com/pcorey)",
73 "PJ Hampton (https://github.com/pjhampton )",
74 "Retsam (https://github.com/Retsam)",
75 "Rian McGuire (https://github.com/rianmcguire)",
76 "Robert Eisele (https://github.com/infusion)",
77 "Rogelio J. Baucells (https://github.com/rjbaucells)",
78 "Ryan Seys (https://github.com/ryanseys)",
79 "Saket Saurabh (https://github.com/ssaket)",
80 "Sathish Kumar Subramani (https://github.com/Sathish-kumar-Subramani )",
81 "Sebastien Piquemal (https://github.com/sebpiq)",
82 "Sebastian Ruhleder (https://github.com/ruhleder)",
83 "Sergey Romanov (https://github.com/saromanov)",
84 "Slava Ganzin (https://github.com/slavaGanzin)",
85 "Stu Blair (https://github.com/stu-blair)",
86 "Thomas Brierley (https://github.com/ThomasBrierley)",
87 "Timothy Lee (https://github.com/tetslee)",
88 "Tóth Róbert (https://github.com/Nekomajin42)",
89 "Todd Morse (https://github.com/morsecodist)",
90 "Waldir Pimenta (https://github.com/waldyrious)",
91 "Zach Zibrat (https://github.com/palimpsests)"
92 ],
93 "homepage": "https://mathjs.org",
94 "repository": {
95 "type": "git",
96 "url": "https://github.com/josdejong/mathjs.git"
97 },
98 "license": "Apache-2.0",
99 "keywords": [
100 "math",
101 "mathematics",
102 "functions",
103 "numeric",
104 "algebra",
105 "parser",
106 "expression",
107 "number",
108 "bignumber",
109 "complex",
110 "fraction",
111 "matrix",
112 "unit"
113 ],
114 "dependencies": {
115 "complex.js": "2.0.11",
116 "decimal.js": "10.2.0",
117 "escape-latex": "1.2.0",
118 "fraction.js": "4.0.12",
119 "javascript-natural-sort": "0.7.1",
120 "seed-random": "2.2.0",
121 "tiny-emitter": "2.1.0",
122 "typed-function": "1.1.0"
123 },
124 "devDependencies": {
125 "@babel/core": "7.4.4",
126 "@babel/plugin-transform-object-assign": "7.2.0",
127 "@babel/preset-env": "7.4.4",
128 "@babel/register": "7.4.4",
129 "babel-loader": "8.0.6",
130 "benchmark": "2.1.4",
131 "codecov": "3.5.0",
132 "del": "4.1.1",
133 "expr-eval": "1.2.2",
134 "glob": "7.1.4",
135 "gulp": "4.0.2",
136 "gulp-babel": "8.0.0",
137 "gulp-util": "3.0.8",
138 "istanbul": "0.4.5",
139 "jsep": "0.3.4",
140 "karma": "4.1.0",
141 "karma-browserstack-launcher": "1.5.1",
142 "karma-firefox-launcher": "1.1.0",
143 "karma-mocha": "1.3.0",
144 "karma-mocha-reporter": "2.2.5",
145 "karma-webpack": "3.0.5",
146 "math-expression-evaluator": "1.2.17",
147 "mkdirp": "0.5.1",
148 "mocha": "6.1.4",
149 "ndarray": "1.0.18",
150 "ndarray-determinant": "1.0.0",
151 "ndarray-gemm": "1.0.0",
152 "ndarray-ops": "1.2.2",
153 "ndarray-pack": "1.2.1",
154 "numericjs": "1.2.6",
155 "nyc": "14.1.1",
156 "pad-right": "0.2.2",
157 "q": "1.5.1",
158 "standard": "12.0.1",
159 "sylvester": "0.0.21",
160 "tar": "4.4.8",
161 "uglify-js": "3.5.13",
162 "underscore": "1.9.1",
163 "webpack": "4.31.0",
164 "zeros": "1.0.0"
165 },
166 "main": "./index",
167 "files": [
168 "dist",
169 "lib",
170 "src",
171 "bin",
172 "core.js",
173 "index.js",
174 "docs",
175 "examples",
177 ],
178 "scripts": {
179 "build": "gulp",
180 "build-and-test": "npm run build && npm run test:src && npm run test:dist && npm run lint",
181 "watch": "gulp watch",
182 "lint": "standard --env=mocha --env=worker",
183 "validate:ascii": "gulp validate:ascii",
184 "test": "npm run test:src && npm run lint",
185 "test:src": "mocha test test-node --recursive --require @babel/register",
186 "test:dist": "mocha test-dist --recursive",
187 "test:browser": "karma start ./browser-test-config/local-karma.js",
188 "test:browserstack": "karma start ./browser-test-config/browserstack-karma.js",
189 "coverage": "nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text-summary mocha test test-node --recursive --require @babel/register && echo \"\nDetailed coverage report is available at ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html\"",
190 "prepublishOnly": "npm run build-and-test"
191 },
192 "bin": {
193 "mathjs": "./bin/cli.js"
194 },
195 "engines": {
196 "node": ">= 6"
197 },
198 "bugs": {
199 "url": "https://github.com/josdejong/mathjs/issues"
200 },
201 "directories": {
202 "doc": "./docs",
203 "example": "./examples",
204 "lib": "./lib",
205 "src": "./src",
206 "test": "./test"
207 }