3.92 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
3const isInteger = require('../../utils/number').isInteger
5function factory (type, config, load, typed) {
6 const isNumeric = load(require('../utils/isNumeric'))
7 const isNaN = load(require('../utils/isNaN'))
8 const asc = load(require('../relational/compare'))
10 function desc (a, b) {
11 return -asc(a, b)
12 }
14 /**
15 * Partition-based selection of an array or 1D matrix.
16 * Will find the kth smallest value, and mutates the input array.
17 * Uses Quickselect.
18 *
19 * Syntax:
20 *
21 * math.partitionSelect(x, k)
22 * math.partitionSelect(x, k, compare)
23 *
24 * Examples:
25 *
26 * math.partitionSelect([5, 10, 1], 2) // returns 10
27 * math.partitionSelect(['C', 'B', 'A', 'D'], 1) // returns 'B'
28 *
29 * function sortByLength (a, b) {
30 * return a.length - b.length
31 * }
32 * math.partitionSelect(['Langdon', 'Tom', 'Sara'], 2, sortByLength) // returns 'Langdon'
33 *
34 * See also:
35 *
36 * sort
37 *
38 * @param {Matrix | Array} x A one dimensional matrix or array to sort
39 * @param {Number} k The kth smallest value to be retrieved zero-based index
40 * @param {Function | 'asc' | 'desc'} [compare='asc']
41 * An optional comparator function. The function is called as
42 * `compare(a, b)`, and must return 1 when a > b, -1 when a < b,
43 * and 0 when a == b.
44 * @return {*} Returns the kth lowest value.
45 */
46 return typed('partitionSelect', {
47 'Array | Matrix, number': function (x, k) {
48 return _partitionSelect(x, k, asc)
49 },
51 'Array | Matrix, number, string': function (x, k, compare) {
52 if (compare === 'asc') {
53 return _partitionSelect(x, k, asc)
54 } else if (compare === 'desc') {
55 return _partitionSelect(x, k, desc)
56 } else {
57 throw new Error('Compare string must be "asc" or "desc"')
58 }
59 },
61 'Array | Matrix, number, function': _partitionSelect
62 })
64 function _partitionSelect (x, k, compare) {
65 if (!isInteger(k) || k < 0) {
66 throw new Error('k must be a non-negative integer')
67 }
69 if (type.isMatrix(x)) {
70 const size = x.size()
71 if (size.length > 1) {
72 throw new Error('Only one dimensional matrices supported')
73 }
74 return quickSelect(x.valueOf(), k, compare)
75 }
77 if (Array.isArray(x)) {
78 return quickSelect(x, k, compare)
79 }
80 }
82 /**
83 * Quickselect algorithm.
84 * Code adapted from:
85 * http://blog.teamleadnet.com/2012/07/quick-select-algorithm-find-kth-element.html
86 *
87 * @param {Array} arr
88 * @param {Number} k
89 * @param {Function} compare
90 * @private
91 */
92 function quickSelect (arr, k, compare) {
93 if (k >= arr.length) {
94 throw new Error('k out of bounds')
95 }
97 // check for NaN values since these can cause an infinite while loop
98 for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
99 if (isNumeric(arr[i]) && isNaN(arr[i])) {
100 return arr[i] // return NaN
101 }
102 }
104 let from = 0
105 let to = arr.length - 1
107 // if from == to we reached the kth element
108 while (from < to) {
109 let r = from
110 let w = to
111 const pivot = arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1)) + from]
113 // stop if the reader and writer meets
114 while (r < w) {
115 // arr[r] >= pivot
116 if (compare(arr[r], pivot) >= 0) { // put the large values at the end
117 const tmp = arr[w]
118 arr[w] = arr[r]
119 arr[r] = tmp
120 --w
121 } else { // the value is smaller than the pivot, skip
122 ++r
123 }
124 }
126 // if we stepped up (r++) we need to step one down (arr[r] > pivot)
127 if (compare(arr[r], pivot) > 0) {
128 --r
129 }
131 // the r pointer is on the end of the first k elements
132 if (k <= r) {
133 to = r
134 } else {
135 from = r + 1
136 }
137 }
139 return arr[k]
140 }
143exports.name = 'partitionSelect'
144exports.factory = factory