1 |
2 |
3 | # Function derivative
4 |
5 | Takes the derivative of an expression expressed in parser Nodes.
6 | The derivative will be taken over the supplied variable in the
7 | second parameter. If there are multiple variables in the expression,
8 | it will return a partial derivative.
9 |
10 | This uses rules of differentiation which can be found here:
11 |
12 | - [Differentiation rules (Wikipedia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differentiation_rules)
13 |
14 |
15 | ## Syntax
16 |
17 | ```js
18 | derivative(expr, variable)
19 | derivative(expr, variable, options)
20 | ```
21 |
22 | ### Parameters
23 |
24 | Parameter | Type | Description
25 | --------- | ---- | -----------
26 | `expr` | Node | string | The expression to differentiate
27 | `variable` | SymbolNode | string | The variable over which to differentiate
28 | `options` | {simplify: boolean} | There is one option available, `simplify`, which is true by default. When false, output will not be simplified.
29 |
30 | ### Returns
31 |
32 | Type | Description
33 | ---- | -----------
34 | ConstantNode | SymbolNode | ParenthesisNode | FunctionNode | OperatorNode | The derivative of `expr`
35 |
36 |
37 | ## Examples
38 |
39 | ```js
40 | math.derivative('x^2', 'x') // Node {2 * x}
41 | math.derivative('x^2', 'x', {simplify: false}) // Node {2 * 1 * x ^ (2 - 1)
42 | math.derivative('sin(2x)', 'x')) // Node {2 * cos(2 * x)}
43 | math.derivative('2*x', 'x').evaluate() // number 2
44 | math.derivative('x^2', 'x').evaluate({x: 4}) // number 8
45 | const f = math.parse('x^2')
46 | const x = math.parse('x')
47 | math.derivative(f, x) // Node {2 * x}
48 | ```
49 |
50 |
51 | ## See also
52 |
53 | [simplify](simplify.md),
54 | [parse](parse.md),
55 | [evaluate](evaluate.md)