1 |
2 |
3 | # Function sqrt
4 |
5 | Calculate the square root of a value.
6 |
7 | For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
8 |
9 |
10 | ## Syntax
11 |
12 | ```js
13 | math.sqrt(x)
14 | ```
15 |
16 | ### Parameters
17 |
18 | Parameter | Type | Description
19 | --------- | ---- | -----------
20 | `x` | number | BigNumber | Complex | Array | Matrix | Unit | Value for which to calculate the square root.
21 |
22 | ### Returns
23 |
24 | Type | Description
25 | ---- | -----------
26 | number | BigNumber | Complex | Array | Matrix | Unit | Returns the square root of `x`
27 |
28 |
29 | ## Examples
30 |
31 | ```js
32 | math.sqrt(25) // returns 5
33 | math.square(5) // returns 25
34 | math.sqrt(-4) // returns Complex 2i
35 | ```
36 |
37 |
38 | ## See also
39 |
40 | [square](square.md),
41 | [multiply](multiply.md),
42 | [cube](cube.md),
43 | [cbrt](cbrt.md),
44 | [sqrtm](sqrtm.md)