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1import { factory } from '../../../utils/factory'
2import { createSolveValidation } from './utils/solveValidation'
4const name = 'lsolve'
5const dependencies = [
6 'typed',
7 'matrix',
8 'divideScalar',
9 'multiplyScalar',
10 'subtract',
11 'equalScalar',
12 'DenseMatrix'
15export const createLsolve = /* #__PURE__ */ factory(name, dependencies, ({ typed, matrix, divideScalar, multiplyScalar, subtract, equalScalar, DenseMatrix }) => {
16 const solveValidation = createSolveValidation({ DenseMatrix })
18 /**
19 * Solves the linear equation system by forwards substitution. Matrix must be a lower triangular matrix.
20 *
21 * `L * x = b`
22 *
23 * Syntax:
24 *
25 * math.lsolve(L, b)
26 *
27 * Examples:
28 *
29 * const a = [[-2, 3], [2, 1]]
30 * const b = [11, 9]
31 * const x = lsolve(a, b) // [[-5.5], [20]]
32 *
33 * See also:
34 *
35 * lup, slu, usolve, lusolve
36 *
37 * @param {Matrix, Array} L A N x N matrix or array (L)
38 * @param {Matrix, Array} b A column vector with the b values
39 *
40 * @return {DenseMatrix | Array} A column vector with the linear system solution (x)
41 */
42 return typed(name, {
44 'SparseMatrix, Array | Matrix': function (m, b) {
45 // process matrix
46 return _sparseForwardSubstitution(m, b)
47 },
49 'DenseMatrix, Array | Matrix': function (m, b) {
50 // process matrix
51 return _denseForwardSubstitution(m, b)
52 },
54 'Array, Array | Matrix': function (a, b) {
55 // create dense matrix from array
56 const m = matrix(a)
57 // use matrix implementation
58 const r = _denseForwardSubstitution(m, b)
59 // result
60 return r.valueOf()
61 }
62 })
64 function _denseForwardSubstitution (m, b) {
65 // validate matrix and vector, return copy of column vector b
66 b = solveValidation(m, b, true)
67 // column vector data
68 const bdata = b._data
69 // rows & columns
70 const rows = m._size[0]
71 const columns = m._size[1]
72 // result
73 const x = []
74 // data
75 const data = m._data
76 // forward solve m * x = b, loop columns
77 for (let j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
78 // b[j]
79 const bj = bdata[j][0] || 0
80 // x[j]
81 let xj
82 // forward substitution (outer product) avoids inner looping when bj === 0
83 if (!equalScalar(bj, 0)) {
84 // value @ [j, j]
85 const vjj = data[j][j]
86 // check vjj
87 if (equalScalar(vjj, 0)) {
88 // system cannot be solved
89 throw new Error('Linear system cannot be solved since matrix is singular')
90 }
91 // calculate xj
92 xj = divideScalar(bj, vjj)
93 // loop rows
94 for (let i = j + 1; i < rows; i++) {
95 // update copy of b
96 bdata[i] = [subtract(bdata[i][0] || 0, multiplyScalar(xj, data[i][j]))]
97 }
98 } else {
99 // zero @ j
100 xj = 0
101 }
102 // update x
103 x[j] = [xj]
104 }
105 // return vector
106 return new DenseMatrix({
107 data: x,
108 size: [rows, 1]
109 })
110 }
112 function _sparseForwardSubstitution (m, b) {
113 // validate matrix and vector, return copy of column vector b
114 b = solveValidation(m, b, true)
115 // column vector data
116 const bdata = b._data
117 // rows & columns
118 const rows = m._size[0]
119 const columns = m._size[1]
120 // matrix arrays
121 const values = m._values
122 const index = m._index
123 const ptr = m._ptr
124 // vars
125 let i, k
126 // result
127 const x = []
128 // forward solve m * x = b, loop columns
129 for (let j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
130 // b[j]
131 const bj = bdata[j][0] || 0
132 // forward substitution (outer product) avoids inner looping when bj === 0
133 if (!equalScalar(bj, 0)) {
134 // value @ [j, j]
135 let vjj = 0
136 // lower triangular matrix values & index (column j)
137 const jvalues = []
138 const jindex = []
139 // last index in column
140 let l = ptr[j + 1]
141 // values in column, find value @ [j, j]
142 for (k = ptr[j]; k < l; k++) {
143 // row
144 i = index[k]
145 // check row (rows are not sorted!)
146 if (i === j) {
147 // update vjj
148 vjj = values[k]
149 } else if (i > j) {
150 // store lower triangular
151 jvalues.push(values[k])
152 jindex.push(i)
153 }
154 }
155 // at this point we must have a value @ [j, j]
156 if (equalScalar(vjj, 0)) {
157 // system cannot be solved, there is no value @ [j, j]
158 throw new Error('Linear system cannot be solved since matrix is singular')
159 }
160 // calculate xj
161 const xj = divideScalar(bj, vjj)
162 // loop lower triangular
163 for (k = 0, l = jindex.length; k < l; k++) {
164 // row
165 i = jindex[k]
166 // update copy of b
167 bdata[i] = [subtract(bdata[i][0] || 0, multiplyScalar(xj, jvalues[k]))]
168 }
169 // update x
170 x[j] = [xj]
171 } else {
172 // update x
173 x[j] = [0]
174 }
175 }
176 // return vector
177 return new DenseMatrix({
178 data: x,
179 size: [rows, 1]
180 })
181 }