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1import { deepMap } from '../../utils/collection';
2import { factory } from '../../utils/factory';
3import { notNumber } from '../../plain/number';
4var name = 'not';
5var dependencies = ['typed'];
6export var createNot =
7/* #__PURE__ */
8factory(name, dependencies, function (_ref) {
9 var typed = _ref.typed;
11 /**
12 * Logical `not`. Flips boolean value of a given parameter.
13 * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
14 *
15 * Syntax:
16 *
17 * math.not(x)
18 *
19 * Examples:
20 *
21 * math.not(2) // returns false
22 * math.not(0) // returns true
23 * math.not(true) // returns false
24 *
25 * a = [2, -7, 0]
26 * math.not(a) // returns [false, false, true]
27 *
28 * See also:
29 *
30 * and, or, xor
31 *
32 * @param {number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | Array | Matrix} x First value to check
33 * @return {boolean | Array | Matrix}
34 * Returns true when input is a zero or empty value.
35 */
36 var not = typed(name, {
37 number: notNumber,
38 Complex: function Complex(x) {
39 return x.re === 0 && x.im === 0;
40 },
41 BigNumber: function BigNumber(x) {
42 return x.isZero() || x.isNaN();
43 },
44 Unit: function Unit(x) {
45 return x.value !== null ? not(x.value) : true;
46 },
47 'Array | Matrix': function ArrayMatrix(x) {
48 return deepMap(x, not);
49 }
50 });
51 return not;
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