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1export var compareNaturalDocs = {
2 name: 'compareNatural',
3 category: 'Relational',
4 syntax: ['compareNatural(x, y)'],
5 description: 'Compare two values of any type in a deterministic, natural way. ' + 'Returns 1 when x > y, -1 when x < y, and 0 when x == y.',
6 examples: ['compareNatural(2, 3)', 'compareNatural(3, 2)', 'compareNatural(2, 2)', 'compareNatural(5cm, 40mm)', 'compareNatural("2", "10")', 'compareNatural(2 + 3i, 2 + 4i)', 'compareNatural([1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 3])', 'compareNatural([1, 5], [1, 2, 3])', 'compareNatural([1, 2], [1, 2])', 'compareNatural({a: 2}, {a: 4})'],
7 seealso: ['equal', 'unequal', 'smaller', 'smallerEq', 'largerEq', 'compare', 'compareText']
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