4.13 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { factory } from '../../utils/factory.js';
2import { typeOf as _typeOf } from '../../utils/is.js';
3var name = 'typeOf';
4var dependencies = ['typed'];
5export var createTypeOf = /* #__PURE__ */factory(name, dependencies, (_ref) => {
6 var {
7 typed
8 } = _ref;
10 /**
11 * Determine the type of a variable.
12 *
13 * Function `typeOf` recognizes the following types of objects:
14 *
15 * Object | Returns | Example
16 * ---------------------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------
17 * null | `'null'` | `math.typeOf(null)`
18 * number | `'number'` | `math.typeOf(3.5)`
19 * boolean | `'boolean'` | `math.typeOf(true)`
20 * string | `'string'` | `math.typeOf('hello world')`
21 * Array | `'Array'` | `math.typeOf([1, 2, 3])`
22 * Date | `'Date'` | `math.typeOf(new Date())`
23 * Function | `'Function'` | `math.typeOf(function () {})`
24 * Object | `'Object'` | `math.typeOf({a: 2, b: 3})`
25 * RegExp | `'RegExp'` | `math.typeOf(/a regexp/)`
26 * undefined | `'undefined'` | `math.typeOf(undefined)`
27 * math.BigNumber | `'BigNumber'` | `math.typeOf(math.bignumber('2.3e500'))`
28 * math.Chain | `'Chain'` | `math.typeOf(math.chain(2))`
29 * math.Complex | `'Complex'` | `math.typeOf(math.complex(2, 3))`
30 * math.Fraction | `'Fraction'` | `math.typeOf(math.fraction(1, 3))`
31 * math.Help | `'Help'` | `math.typeOf(math.help('sqrt'))`
32 * math.Help | `'Help'` | `math.typeOf(math.help('sqrt'))`
33 * math.Index | `'Index'` | `math.typeOf(math.index(1, 3))`
34 * math.Matrix | `'Matrix'` | `math.typeOf(math.matrix([[1,2], [3, 4]]))`
35 * math.Range | `'Range'` | `math.typeOf(math.range(0, 10))`
36 * math.ResultSet | `'ResultSet'` | `math.typeOf(math.evaluate('a=2\nb=3'))`
37 * math.Unit | `'Unit'` | `math.typeOf(math.unit('45 deg'))`
38 * math.AccessorNode | `'AccessorNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('A[2]'))`
39 * math.ArrayNode | `'ArrayNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('[1,2,3]'))`
40 * math.AssignmentNode | `'AssignmentNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('x=2'))`
41 * math.BlockNode | `'BlockNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('a=2; b=3'))`
42 * math.ConditionalNode | `'ConditionalNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('x<0 ? -x : x'))`
43 * math.ConstantNode | `'ConstantNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('2.3'))`
44 * math.FunctionAssignmentNode | `'FunctionAssignmentNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('f(x)=x^2'))`
45 * math.FunctionNode | `'FunctionNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('sqrt(4)'))`
46 * math.IndexNode | `'IndexNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('A[2]').index)`
47 * math.ObjectNode | `'ObjectNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('{a:2}'))`
48 * math.ParenthesisNode | `'ParenthesisNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('(2+3)'))`
49 * math.RangeNode | `'RangeNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('1:10'))`
50 * math.SymbolNode | `'SymbolNode'` | `math.typeOf(math.parse('x'))`
51 *
52 * Syntax:
53 *
54 * math.typeOf(x)
55 *
56 * Examples:
57 *
58 * math.typeOf(3.5) // returns 'number'
59 * math.typeOf(math.complex('2-4i')) // returns 'Complex'
60 * math.typeOf(math.unit('45 deg')) // returns 'Unit'
61 * math.typeOf('hello world') // returns 'string'
62 *
63 * @param {*} x The variable for which to test the type.
64 * @return {string} Returns the name of the type. Primitive types are lower case,
65 * non-primitive types are upper-camel-case.
66 * For example 'number', 'string', 'Array', 'Date'.
67 */
68 return typed(name, {
69 any: _typeOf
70 });
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