1.41 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# HTML output
3The expression parser can output a HTML string, where every `Node` is
4transformed into a `<span>` element with semantic class names. Each class
5name begins with the `math-` prefix. These class names can be used in CSS to
6highlight the syntax or change the default layout (e.g. spaces around operators).
8## Available class names
10- `math-number`
11- `math-string`
12- `math-boolean` (`true` and `false`)
13- `math-undefined`
14- `math-function` (function names)
15- `math-parameter` (function parameters)
16- `math-property` (object members)
17- `math-symbol` (variables, units and built-in constants)
18 - `math-null-symbol` (`null`)
19 - `math-nan-symbol` (`NaN`)
20 - `math-infinity-symbol` (`Infinity`)
21 - `math-imaginary-symbol` (`i`)
22- `math-operator`
23 - `math-unary-operator`
24 - `math-lefthand-unary-operator`
25 - `math-righthand-unary-operator`
26 - `math-binary-operator`
27 - `math-explicit-binary-operator`
28 - `math-implicit-binary-operator` (empty element)
29 - `math-assignment-operator`
30 - `math-variable-assignment-operator` (`=`)
31 - `math-property-assignment-operator` (`:` in objects)
32 - `math-accessor-operator` (`.` in objects)
33 - `math-range-operator` (`:` in ranges)
34- `math-parenthesis`
35 -`math-round-parenthesis` (`(` and `)`)
36 -`math-square-parenthesis` (`[` and `]`)
37 -`math-curly-parenthesis` (`{` and `}`)
38- `math-separator` (�,`, `;` and <code>&lt;br /&gt;</code>)
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