186 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Decimal } from 'decimal.js';
3declare const math: math.MathJsStatic;
4export as namespace math;
5export = math;
7type NoLiteralType<T> =
8 T extends number ? number :
9 T extends string ? string :
10 T extends boolean ? boolean :
11 T;
13declare namespace math {
14 type MathArray = number[] | number[][];
15 type MathType = number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex | Unit | MathArray | Matrix;
16 type MathExpression = string | string[] | MathArray | Matrix;
18 type FactoryFunction<T> = (scope: any) => T;
20 // FactoryFunctionMap can be nested; all nested objects will be flattened
21 interface FactoryFunctionMap {
22 [key: string]: FactoryFunction<any> | FactoryFunctionMap;
23 }
26 /** Available options for parse */
27 interface ParseOptions {
28 /** a set of custom nodes */
29 nodes?: Record<string, MathNode>;
30 }
31 /**
32 * Parse an expression. Returns a node tree, which can be evaluated by
33 * invoking node.evaluate().
34 *
35 * Note the evaluating arbitrary expressions may involve security risks,
36 * see [https://mathjs.org/docs/expressions/security.html](https://mathjs.org/docs/expressions/security.html) for more information.
37 *
38 * Syntax:
39 *
40 * math.parse(expr)
41 * math.parse(expr, options)
42 * math.parse([expr1, expr2, expr3, ...])
43 * math.parse([expr1, expr2, expr3, ...], options)
44 *
45 * Example:
46 *
47 * const node1 = math.parse('sqrt(3^2 + 4^2)')
48 * node1.compile().evaluate() // 5
49 *
50 * let scope = {a:3, b:4}
51 * const node2 = math.parse('a * b') // 12
52 * const code2 = node2.compile()
53 * code2.evaluate(scope) // 12
54 * scope.a = 5
55 * code2.evaluate(scope) // 20
56 *
57 * const nodes = math.parse(['a = 3', 'b = 4', 'a * b'])
58 * nodes[2].compile().evaluate() // 12
59 *
60 * See also:
61 *
62 * evaluate, compile
63 */
64 interface ParseFunction {
65 /**
66 * Parse an expression. Returns a node tree, which can be evaluated by
67 * invoking node.evaluate();
68 *
69 * @param expr Expression to be parsed
70 * @param options Available options
71 * @returns A node
72 */
73 (expr: MathExpression, options?: ParseOptions): MathNode;
75 /**
76 * Parse an expression. Returns a node tree, which can be evaluated by
77 * invoking node.evaluate();
78 *
79 * @param exprs Expressions to be parsed
80 * @param options Available options
81 * @returns An array of nodes
82 */
83 (exprs: MathExpression[], options?: ParseOptions): MathNode[];
85 /**
86 * Checks whether the current character `c` is a valid alpha character:
87 *
88 * - A latin letter (upper or lower case) Ascii: a-z, A-Z
89 * - An underscore Ascii: _
90 * - A dollar sign Ascii: $
91 * - A latin letter with accents Unicode: \u00C0 - \u02AF
92 * - A greek letter Unicode: \u0370 - \u03FF
93 * - A mathematical alphanumeric symbol Unicode: \u{1D400} - \u{1D7FF} excluding invalid code points
94 *
95 * The previous and next characters are needed to determine whether
96 * this character is part of a unicode surrogate pair.
97 *
98 * @param c Current character in the expression
99 * @param cPrev Previous character
100 * @param cNext Next character
101 */
102 isAlpha(c: string, cPrev: string, cNext: string): boolean;
103 /**
104 * Test whether a character is a valid latin, greek, or letter-like character
105 *
106 * @param c
107 */
108 isValidLatinOrGreek(c: string): boolean;
109 /**
110 * Test whether two given 16 bit characters form a surrogate pair of a
111 * unicode math symbol.
112 *
113 * https://unicode-table.com/en/
114 * https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Mathematical_operators_and_symbols_in_Unicode
115 *
116 * Note: In ES6 will be unicode aware:
117 * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/280712/javascript-unicode-regexes
118 * https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/es6-unicode-regex
119 *
120 * @param high
121 * @param low
122 */
123 isValidMathSymbol(high: string, low: string): boolean;
124 /**
125 * Check whether given character c is a white space character: space, tab, or enter
126 *
127 * @param c
128 * @param nestingLevel
129 */
130 isWhitespace(c: string, nestingLevel: number): boolean;
131 /**
132 * Test whether the character c is a decimal mark (dot).
133 * This is the case when it's not the start of a delimiter '.*', './', or '.^'
134 *
135 * @param c
136 * @param cNext
137 */
138 isDecimalMark(c: string, cNext: string): boolean;
139 /**
140 * checks if the given char c is a digit or dot
141 *
142 * @param c a string with one character
143 */
144 isDigitDot(c: string): boolean;
145 /**
146 * checks if the given char c is a digit
147 *
148 * @param c a string with one character
149 */
150 isDigit(c: string): boolean;
151 /**
152 * checks if the given char c is a hex digit
153 *
154 * @param c a string with one character
155 */
156 isHexDigit(c: string): boolean;
157 }
159 type MathJsFunctionName = keyof MathJsStatic;
161 interface MathJsStatic extends FactoryDependencies {
162 e: number;
163 pi: number;
164 i: number;
165 Infinity: number;
166 LN2: number;
167 LN10: number;
168 LOG2E: number;
169 LOG10E: number;
170 NaN: number;
171 phi: number;
172 SQRT1_2: number;
173 SQRT2: number;
174 tau: number;
176 /**
177 * If null were to be included in this interface, it would be
178 * auto-suggested as an import in VSCode. This causes issues because
179 * `null` is not a valid label.
180 *
181 * @see https://github.com/josdejong/mathjs/issues/2019
182 */
183 // null: number;
185 uninitialized: any;
186 version: string;
188 expression: MathNode;
189 json: MathJsJson;
191 /*************************************************************************
192 * Core functions
193 ************************************************************************/
195 /**
196 * Set configuration options for math.js, and get current options. Will
197 * emit a ‘config’ event, with arguments (curr, prev, changes).
198 * @param options Available options: {number} epsilon Minimum relative
199 * difference between two compared values, used by all comparison
200 * functions. {string} matrix A string ‘Matrix’ (default) or ‘Array’.
201 * {string} number A string ‘number’ (default), ‘BigNumber’, or
202 * ‘Fraction’ {number} precision The number of significant digits for
203 * BigNumbers. Not applicable for Numbers. {string} parenthesis How to
204 * display parentheses in LaTeX and string output. {string} randomSeed
205 * Random seed for seeded pseudo random number generator. Set to null to
206 * randomly seed.
207 * @returns Returns the current configuration
208 */
209 config: (options: ConfigOptions) => ConfigOptions;
210 /**
211 * Create a typed-function which checks the types of the arguments and
212 * can match them against multiple provided signatures. The
213 * typed-function automatically converts inputs in order to find a
214 * matching signature. Typed functions throw informative errors in case
215 * of wrong input arguments.
216 * @param name Optional name for the typed-function
217 * @param signatures Object with one or multiple function signatures
218 * @returns The created typed-function.
219 */
220 typed: (name: string, signatures: Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any>) => (...args: any[]) => any;
222 /*************************************************************************
223 * Construction functions
224 ************************************************************************/
226 /**
227 * Create a BigNumber, which can store numbers with arbitrary precision.
228 * When a matrix is provided, all elements will be converted to
229 * BigNumber.
230 * @param x Value for the big number, 0 by default.
231 * @returns The created bignumber
232 */
233 bignumber(x?: number | string | Fraction | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix | boolean | Fraction | null): BigNumber;
235 /**
236 * Create a boolean or convert a string or number to a boolean. In case
237 * of a number, true is returned for non-zero numbers, and false in case
238 * of zero. Strings can be 'true' or 'false', or can contain a number.
239 * When value is a matrix, all elements will be converted to boolean.
240 * @param x A value of any type
241 * @returns The boolean value
242 */
243 boolean(x: string | number | boolean | MathArray | Matrix | null): boolean | MathArray | Matrix;
245 /**
246 * Wrap any value in a chain, allowing to perform chained operations on
247 * the value. All methods available in the math.js library can be called
248 * upon the chain, and then will be evaluated with the value itself as
249 * first argument. The chain can be closed by executing chain.done(),
250 * which returns the final value. The chain has a number of special
251 * functions: done() Finalize the chain and return the chain's value.
252 * valueOf() The same as done() toString() Executes math.format() onto
253 * the chain's value, returning a string representation of the value.
254 * @param value A value of any type on which to start a chained
255 * operation.
256 * @returns The created chain
257 */
258 chain(value?: any): MathJsChain;
260 /**
261 * Create a complex value or convert a value to a complex value.
262 * @param args Arguments specifying the real and imaginary part of the
263 * complex number
264 * @returns Returns a complex value
265 */
266 complex(arg?: Complex | string | PolarCoordinates): Complex;
267 complex(arg?: MathArray | Matrix): MathArray | Matrix;
268 /**
269 * @param re Argument specifying the real part of the complex number
270 * @param im Argument specifying the imaginary part of the complex
271 * number
272 * @returns Returns a complex value
273 */
274 complex(re: number, im: number): Complex;
276 /**
277 * Create a user-defined unit and register it with the Unit type.
278 * @param name The name of the new unit. Must be unique. Example: ‘knot’
279 * @param definition Definition of the unit in terms of existing units.
280 * For example, ‘0.514444444 m / s’.
281 * @param options (optional) An object containing any of the following
282 * properties:</br>- prefixes {string} “none”, “short”, “long”,
283 * “binary_short”, or “binary_long”. The default is “none”.</br>-
284 * aliases {Array} Array of strings. Example: [‘knots’, ‘kt’,
285 * ‘kts’]</br>- offset {Numeric} An offset to apply when converting from
286 * the unit. For example, the offset for celsius is 273.15. Default is
287 * 0.
288 * @returns The new unit
289 */
290 createUnit(name: string, definition?: string | UnitDefinition, options?: CreateUnitOptions): Unit;
291 /**
292 * Create a user-defined unit and register it with the Unit type.
293 * @param units Definition of the unit
294 * @param options
295 * @returns The new unit
296 */
297 createUnit(units: Record<string, string | UnitDefinition>, options?: CreateUnitOptions): Unit;
299 /**
300 * Create a fraction convert a value to a fraction.
301 * @param args Arguments specifying the numerator and denominator of the
302 * fraction
303 * @returns Returns a fraction
304 */
305 fraction(args: Fraction | MathArray | Matrix): Fraction | MathArray | Matrix;
306 /**
307 * @param numerator Argument specifying the numerator of the fraction
308 * @param denominator Argument specifying the denominator of the
309 * fraction
310 * @returns Returns a fraction
311 */
312 fraction(
313 numerator: number | string | MathArray | Matrix,
314 denominator?: number | string | MathArray | Matrix
315 ): Fraction | MathArray | Matrix;
317 /**
318 * Create an index. An Index can store ranges having start, step, and
319 * end for multiple dimensions. Matrix.get, Matrix.set, and math.subset
320 * accept an Index as input.
321 * @param ranges Zero or more ranges or numbers.
322 * @returns Returns the created index
323 */
324 index(...ranges: any[]): Index;
326 /**
327 * Create a Matrix. The function creates a new math.type.Matrix object
328 * from an Array. A Matrix has utility functions to manipulate the data
329 * in the matrix, like getting the size and getting or setting values in
330 * the matrix. Supported storage formats are 'dense' and 'sparse'.
331 * @param format The Matrix storage format
332 * @returns The created Matrix
333 */
334 matrix(format?: 'sparse' | 'dense'): Matrix;
335 /**
336 * @param data A multi dimensional array
337 * @param format The Matrix storage format
338 * @param dataType The Matrix data type
339 * @returns The created Matrix
340 */
341 matrix(data: MathArray | Matrix, format?: 'sparse' | 'dense', dataType?: string): Matrix;
343 /**
344 * Create a number or convert a string, boolean, or unit to a number.
345 * When value is a matrix, all elements will be converted to number.
346 * @param value Value to be converted
347 * @returns The created number
348 */
349 number(value?: string | number | BigNumber | Fraction | boolean | MathArray | Matrix | Unit | null): number | MathArray | Matrix;
350 /**
351 * @param value Value to be converted
352 * @param valuelessUnit A valueless unit, used to convert a unit to a
353 * number
354 * @returns The created number
355 */
356 number(unit: Unit, valuelessUnit: Unit | string): number;
358 /**
359 * Create a Sparse Matrix. The function creates a new math.type.Matrix
360 * object from an Array. A Matrix has utility functions to manipulate
361 * the data in the matrix, like getting the size and getting or setting
362 * values in the matrix.
363 * @param data A two dimensional array
364 * @param dataType Sparse Matrix data type
365 * @returns The created matrix
366 */
367 sparse(data?: MathArray | Matrix, dataType?: string): Matrix;
369 /**
370 * Split a unit in an array of units whose sum is equal to the original
371 * unit.
372 * @param unit A unit to be split
373 * @param parts An array of strings or valueless units
374 * @returns An array of units
375 */
376 splitUnit(unit: Unit, parts: Unit[]): Unit[];
378 /**
379 * Create a string or convert any object into a string. Elements of
380 * Arrays and Matrices are processed element wise.
381 * @param value A value to convert to a string
382 * @returns The created string
383 */
384 string(value: MathType | null): string | MathArray | Matrix;
386 /**
387 * Create a unit. Depending on the passed arguments, the function will
388 * create and return a new math.type.Unit object. When a matrix is
389 * provided, all elements will be converted to units.
390 * @param unit The unit to be created
391 * @returns The created unit
392 */
393 unit(unit: string): Unit;
394 /**
395 * @param value The value of the unit to be created
396 * @param unit The unit to be created
397 * @returns The created unit
398 */
399 unit(value: number | MathArray | Matrix, unit: string): Unit;
401 /*************************************************************************
402 * Expression functions
403 ************************************************************************/
405 /**
406 * Parse and compile an expression. Returns a an object with a function
407 * evaluate([scope]) to evaluate the compiled expression.
408 * @param expr The expression to be compiled
409 * @returns An object with the compiled expression
410 */
411 compile(expr: MathExpression): EvalFunction;
412 /**
413 * @param exprs The expressions to be compiled
414 * @returns An array of objects with the compiled expressions
415 */
416 compile(exprs: MathExpression[]): EvalFunction[];
418 /**
419 * Evaluate an expression.
420 * @param expr The expression to be evaluated
421 * @param scope Scope to read/write variables
422 * @returns The result of the expression
423 */
424 evaluate(expr: MathExpression | MathExpression[] | Matrix, scope?: object): any;
426 /**
427 * Retrieve help on a function or data type. Help files are retrieved
428 * from the documentation in math.expression.docs.
429 * @param search A function or function name for which to get help
430 * @returns A help object
431 */
432 help(search: () => any): Help;
434 /**
435 * Parse an expression. Returns a node tree, which can be evaluated by
436 * invoking node.evaluate();
437 */
438 parse: ParseFunction;
440 /**
441 * Create a parser. The function creates a new math.expression.Parser
442 * object.
443 * @returns A Parser object
444 */
445 parser(): Parser;
447 /*************************************************************************
448 * Algebra functions
449 ************************************************************************/
450 /**
451 * @param expr The expression to differentiate
452 * @param variable The variable over which to differentiate
453 * @param options There is one option available, simplify, which is true
454 * by default. When false, output will not be simplified.
455 * @returns The derivative of expr
456 */
457 derivative(expr: MathNode | string, variable: MathNode | string, options?: { simplify: boolean }): MathNode;
459 /**
460 * Solves the linear equation system by forwards substitution. Matrix
461 * must be a lower triangular matrix.
462 * @param L A N x N matrix or array (L)
463 * @param b A column vector with the b values
464 * @returns A column vector with the linear system solution (x)
465 */
466 lsolve(L: Matrix | MathArray, b: Matrix | MathArray): Matrix | MathArray;
468 /**
469 * Calculate the Matrix LU decomposition with partial pivoting. Matrix A
470 * is decomposed in two matrices (L, U) and a row permutation vector p
471 * where A[p,:] = L * U
472 * @param A A two dimensional matrix or array for which to get the LUP
473 * decomposition.
474 * @returns The lower triangular matrix, the upper triangular matrix and
475 * the permutation matrix.
476 */
477 lup(A?: Matrix | MathArray): { L: MathArray | Matrix; U: MathArray | Matrix; P: number[] };
479 /**
480 * Solves the linear system A * x = b where A is an [n x n] matrix and b
481 * is a [n] column vector.
482 * @param A Invertible Matrix or the Matrix LU decomposition
483 * @param b Column Vector
484 * @param order The Symbolic Ordering and Analysis order, see slu for
485 * details. Matrix must be a SparseMatrix
486 * @param threshold Partial pivoting threshold (1 for partial pivoting),
487 * see slu for details. Matrix must be a SparseMatrix.
488 * @returns Column vector with the solution to the linear system A * x =
489 * b
490 */
491 lusolve(A: Matrix | MathArray | number, b: Matrix | MathArray, order?: number, threshold?: number): Matrix | MathArray;
493 /**
494 * Calculate the Matrix QR decomposition. Matrix A is decomposed in two
495 * matrices (Q, R) where Q is an orthogonal matrix and R is an upper
496 * triangular matrix.
497 * @param A A two dimensional matrix or array for which to get the QR
498 * decomposition.
499 * @returns Q: the orthogonal matrix and R: the upper triangular matrix
500 */
501 qr(A: Matrix | MathArray): { Q: MathArray | Matrix; R: MathArray | Matrix };
503 /**
504 * Transform a rationalizable expression in a rational fraction. If
505 * rational fraction is one variable polynomial then converts the
506 * numerator and denominator in canonical form, with decreasing
507 * exponents, returning the coefficients of numerator.
508 * @param expr The expression to check if is a polynomial expression
509 * @param optional scope of expression or true for already evaluated
510 * rational expression at input
511 * @param detailed optional True if return an object, false if return
512 * expression node (default)
513 * @returns The rational polynomial of expr
514 */
515 rationalize(
516 expr: MathNode | string,
517 optional?: object | boolean,
518 detailed?: true
519 ): { expression: MathNode | string; variables: string[]; coefficients: MathType[] };
520 rationalize(expr: MathNode | string, optional?: object | boolean, detailed?: false): MathNode;
522 /**
523 * Simplify an expression tree.
524 * @param expr The expression to be simplified
525 * @param [rules] (optional) A list of rules are applied to an expression, repeating
526 * over the list until no further changes are made. It’s possible to
527 * pass a custom set of rules to the function as second argument. A rule
528 * can be specified as an object, string, or function.
529 * @param [scope] (optional) Scope to variables
530 * @param [options] (optional) An object with simplify options
531 * @returns Returns the simplified form of expr
532 */
533 simplify(
534 expr: MathNode | string,
535 rules?: Array<{ l: string; r: string } | string | ((node: MathNode) => MathNode)>,
536 scope?: object,
537 options?: SimplifyOptions,
538 ): MathNode;
539 simplify(expr: MathNode | string, scope?: object, options?: SimplifyOptions): MathNode;
541 /**
542 * Calculate the Sparse Matrix LU decomposition with full pivoting.
543 * Sparse Matrix A is decomposed in two matrices (L, U) and two
544 * permutation vectors (pinv, q) where P * A * Q = L * U
545 * @param A A two dimensional sparse matrix for which to get the LU
546 * decomposition.
547 * @param order The Symbolic Ordering and Analysis order: 0 - Natural
548 * ordering, no permutation vector q is returned 1 - Matrix must be
549 * square, symbolic ordering and analisis is performed on M = A + A' 2 -
550 * Symbolic ordering and analysis is performed on M = A' * A. Dense
551 * columns from A' are dropped, A recreated from A'. This is appropriate
552 * for LU factorization of non-symmetric matrices. 3 - Symbolic ordering
553 * and analysis is performed on M = A' * A. This is best used for LU
554 * factorization is matrix M has no dense rows. A dense row is a row
555 * with more than 10*sqr(columns) entries.
556 * @param threshold Partial pivoting threshold (1 for partial pivoting)
557 * @returns The lower triangular matrix, the upper triangular matrix and
558 * the permutation vectors.
559 */
560 slu(A: Matrix, order: number, threshold: number): object;
562 /**
563 * Solves the linear equation system by backward substitution. Matrix
564 * must be an upper triangular matrix. U * x = b
565 * @param U A N x N matrix or array (U)
566 * @param b A column vector with the b values
567 * @returns A column vector with the linear system solution (x)
568 */
569 usolve(U: Matrix | MathArray, b: Matrix | MathArray): Matrix | MathArray;
571 /*************************************************************************
572 * Arithmetic functions
573 ************************************************************************/
575 /**
576 * Calculate the absolute value of a number. For matrices, the function
577 * is evaluated element wise.
578 * @param x A number or matrix for which to get the absolute value
579 * @returns Absolute value of x
580 */
581 abs(x: number): number;
582 abs(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
583 abs(x: Fraction): Fraction;
584 abs(x: Complex): Complex;
585 abs(x: MathArray): MathArray;
586 abs(x: Matrix): Matrix;
587 abs(x: Unit): Unit;
589 /**
590 * Add two values, x + y. For matrices, the function is evaluated
591 * element wise.
592 * @param x First value to add
593 * @param y Second value to add
594 * @returns Sum of x and y
595 */
596 add(x: MathType, y: MathType): MathType;
598 /**
599 * Calculate the cubic root of a value. For matrices, the function is
600 * evaluated element wise.
601 * @param x Value for which to calculate the cubic root.
602 * @param allRoots Optional, false by default. Only applicable when x is
603 * a number or complex number. If true, all complex roots are returned,
604 * if false (default) the principal root is returned.
605 * @returns Returns the cubic root of x
606 */
607 cbrt(x: number, allRoots?: boolean): number;
608 cbrt(x: BigNumber, allRoots?: boolean): BigNumber;
609 cbrt(x: Fraction, allRoots?: boolean): Fraction;
610 cbrt(x: Complex, allRoots?: boolean): Complex;
611 cbrt(x: MathArray, allRoots?: boolean): MathArray;
612 cbrt(x: Matrix, allRoots?: boolean): Matrix;
613 cbrt(x: Unit, allRoots?: boolean): Unit;
615 /**
616 * Round a value towards plus infinity If x is complex, both real and
617 * imaginary part are rounded towards plus infinity. For matrices, the
618 * function is evaluated element wise.
619 * @param x Number to be rounded
620 * @returns Rounded value
621 */
622 ceil(x: number): number;
623 ceil(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
624 ceil(x: Fraction): Fraction;
625 ceil(x: Complex): Complex;
626 ceil(x: MathArray): MathArray;
627 ceil(x: Matrix): Matrix;
628 ceil(x: Unit): Unit;
630 /**
631 * Compute the cube of a value, x * x * x. For matrices, the function is
632 * evaluated element wise.
633 * @param x Number for which to calculate the cube
634 * @returns Cube of x
635 */
636 cube(x: number): number;
637 cube(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
638 cube(x: Fraction): Fraction;
639 cube(x: Complex): Complex;
640 cube(x: MathArray): MathArray;
641 cube(x: Matrix): Matrix;
642 cube(x: Unit): Unit;
644 /**
645 * Divide two values, x / y. To divide matrices, x is multiplied with
646 * the inverse of y: x * inv(y).
647 * @param x Numerator
648 * @param y Denominator
649 * @returns Quotient, x / y
650 */
651 divide(x: Unit, y: Unit): Unit | number;
652 divide(x: number, y: number): number;
653 divide(x: MathType, y: MathType): MathType;
655 /**
656 * Divide two matrices element wise. The function accepts both matrices
657 * and scalar values.
658 * @param x Numerator
659 * @param y Denominator
660 * @returns Quotient, x ./ y
661 */
662 dotDivide(x: MathType, y: MathType): MathType;
664 /**
665 * Multiply two matrices element wise. The function accepts both
666 * matrices and scalar values.
667 * @param x Left hand value
668 * @param y Right hand value
669 * @returns Multiplication of x and y
670 */
671 dotMultiply(x: MathType, y: MathType): MathType;
673 /**
674 * Calculates the power of x to y element wise.
675 * @param x The base
676 * @param y The exponent
677 * @returns The value of x to the power y
678 */
679 dotPow(x: MathType, y: MathType): MathType;
681 /**
682 * Calculate the exponent of a value. For matrices, the function is
683 * evaluated element wise.
684 * @param x A number or matrix to exponentiate
685 * @returns Exponent of x
686 */
687 exp(x: number): number;
688 exp(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
689 exp(x: Complex): Complex;
690 exp(x: MathArray): MathArray;
691 exp(x: Matrix): Matrix;
693 /**
694 * Calculate the value of subtracting 1 from the exponential value. For
695 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
696 * @param x A number or matrix to apply expm1
697 * @returns Exponent of x
698 */
699 expm1(x: number): number;
700 expm1(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
701 expm1(x: Complex): Complex;
702 expm1(x: MathArray): MathArray;
703 expm1(x: Matrix): Matrix;
705 /**
706 * Round a value towards zero. For matrices, the function is evaluated
707 * element wise.
708 * @param x Number to be rounded
709 * @returns Rounded value
710 */
711 fix(x: number): number;
712 fix(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
713 fix(x: Fraction): Fraction;
714 fix(x: Complex): Complex;
715 fix(x: MathArray): MathArray;
716 fix(x: Matrix): Matrix;
718 /**
719 * Round a value towards minus infinity. For matrices, the function is
720 * evaluated element wise.
721 * @param Number to be rounded
722 * @returns Rounded value
723 */
724 floor(x: number): number;
725 floor(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
726 floor(x: Fraction): Fraction;
727 floor(x: Complex): Complex;
728 floor(x: MathArray): MathArray;
729 floor(x: Matrix): Matrix;
731 /**
732 * Round a value towards minus infinity. For matrices, the function is
733 * evaluated element wise.
734 * @param x Number to be rounded
735 * @param n Number of decimals Default value: 0.
736 * @returns Rounded value
737 */
738 floor(
739 x: number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex | MathArray | Matrix,
740 n: number | BigNumber | MathArray
741 ): number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex | MathArray | Matrix;
743 /**
744 * Calculate the greatest common divisor for two or more values or
745 * arrays. For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
746 * @param args Two or more integer numbers
747 * @returns The greatest common divisor
748 */
749 gcd(...args: number[]): number;
750 gcd(...args: BigNumber[]): BigNumber;
751 gcd(...args: Fraction[]): Fraction;
752 gcd(...args: MathArray[]): MathArray;
753 gcd(...args: Matrix[]): Matrix;
755 /**
756 * Calculate the hypotenusa of a list with values. The hypotenusa is
757 * defined as: hypot(a, b, c, ...) = sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + ...) For
758 * matrix input, the hypotenusa is calculated for all values in the
759 * matrix.
760 * @param args A list with numeric values or an Array or Matrix. Matrix
761 * and Array input is flattened and returns a single number for the
762 * whole matrix.
763 * @returns Returns the hypothenuse of the input values.
764 */
765 hypot(...args: number[]): number;
766 hypot(...args: BigNumber[]): BigNumber;
768 /**
769 * Calculate the least common multiple for two or more values or arrays.
770 * lcm is defined as: lcm(a, b) = abs(a * b) / gcd(a, b) For matrices,
771 * the function is evaluated element wise.
772 * @param a An integer number
773 * @param b An integer number
774 * @returns The least common multiple
775 */
776 lcm(a: number, b: number): number;
777 lcm(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber;
778 lcm(a: MathArray, b: MathArray): MathArray;
779 lcm(a: Matrix, b: Matrix): Matrix;
781 /**
782 * Calculate the logarithm of a value. For matrices, the function is
783 * evaluated element wise.
784 * @param x Value for which to calculate the logarithm.
785 * @param base Optional base for the logarithm. If not provided, the
786 * natural logarithm of x is calculated. Default value: e.
787 * @returns Returns the logarithm of x
788 */
789 log<T extends number | BigNumber | Complex | MathArray | Matrix>(x: T, base?: number | BigNumber | Complex): NoLiteralType<T>;
791 /**
792 * Calculate the 10-base of a value. This is the same as calculating
793 * log(x, 10). For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
794 * @param x Value for which to calculate the logarithm.
795 * @returns Returns the 10-base logarithm of x
796 */
797 log10(x: number): number;
798 log10(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
799 log10(x: Complex): Complex;
800 log10(x: MathArray): MathArray;
801 log10(x: Matrix): Matrix;
803 /**
804 * Calculate the logarithm of a value+1. For matrices, the function is
805 * evaluated element wise.
806 * @param x Value for which to calculate the logarithm.
807 * @returns Returns the logarithm of x+1
808 */
809 log1p(x: number, base?: number | BigNumber | Complex): number;
810 log1p(x: BigNumber, base?: number | BigNumber | Complex): BigNumber;
811 log1p(x: Complex, base?: number | BigNumber | Complex): Complex;
812 log1p(x: MathArray, base?: number | BigNumber | Complex): MathArray;
813 log1p(x: Matrix, base?: number | BigNumber | Complex): Matrix;
815 /**
816 * Calculate the 2-base of a value. This is the same as calculating
817 * log(x, 2). For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
818 * @param x Value for which to calculate the logarithm.
819 * @returns Returns the 2-base logarithm of x
820 */
821 log2(x: number): number;
822 log2(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
823 log2(x: Complex): Complex;
824 log2(x: MathArray): MathArray;
825 log2(x: Matrix): Matrix;
827 /**
828 * Calculates the modulus, the remainder of an integer division. For
829 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. The modulus is
830 * defined as: x - y * floor(x / y)
831 * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation.
832 * @param x Dividend
833 * @param y Divisor
834 * @returns Returns the remainder of x divided by y
835 */
836 mod<T extends number | BigNumber | Fraction | MathArray | Matrix>(
837 x: T,
838 y: number | BigNumber | Fraction | MathArray | Matrix
839 ): NoLiteralType<T>;
841 /**
842 * Multiply two values, x * y. The result is squeezed. For matrices, the
843 * matrix product is calculated.
844 * @param x The first value to multiply
845 * @param y The second value to multiply
846 * @returns Multiplication of x and y
847 */
848 multiply<T extends Matrix | MathArray>(x: T, y: MathType): T;
849 multiply(x: Unit, y: Unit): Unit;
850 multiply(x: number, y: number): number;
851 multiply(x: MathType, y: MathType): MathType;
853 /**
854 * Calculate the norm of a number, vector or matrix. The second
855 * parameter p is optional. If not provided, it defaults to 2.
856 * @param x Value for which to calculate the norm
857 * @param p Vector space. Supported numbers include Infinity and
858 * -Infinity. Supported strings are: 'inf', '-inf', and 'fro' (The
859 * Frobenius norm) Default value: 2.
860 * @returns the p-norm
861 */
862 norm(x: number | BigNumber | Complex | MathArray | Matrix, p?: number | BigNumber | string): number | BigNumber;
864 /**
865 * Calculate the nth root of a value. The principal nth root of a
866 * positive real number A, is the positive real solution of the equation
867 * x^root = A For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
868 * @param a Value for which to calculate the nth root
869 * @param root The root. Default value: 2.
870 * @return The nth root of a
871 */
872 nthRoot(a: number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix | Complex, root?: number | BigNumber): number | Complex | MathArray | Matrix;
874 /**
875 * Calculates the power of x to y, x ^ y. Matrix exponentiation is
876 * supported for square matrices x, and positive integer exponents y.
877 * @param x The base
878 * @param y The exponent
879 * @returns x to the power y
880 */
881 pow(x: MathType, y: number | BigNumber | Complex): MathType;
883 /**
884 * Round a value towards the nearest integer. For matrices, the function
885 * is evaluated element wise.
886 * @param x Number to be rounded
887 * @param n Number of decimals Default value: 0.
888 * @returns Rounded value of x
889 */
890 round<T extends number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex | MathArray | Matrix>(
891 x: T,
892 n?: number | BigNumber | MathArray
893 ): NoLiteralType<T>;
895 /**
896 * Compute the sign of a value. The sign of a value x is: 1 when x > 1
897 * -1 when x < 0 0 when x == 0 For matrices, the function is evaluated
898 * element wise.
899 * @param x The number for which to determine the sign
900 * @returns The sign of x
901 */
902 sign(x: number): number;
903 sign(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
904 sign(x: Fraction): Fraction;
905 sign(x: Complex): Complex;
906 sign(x: MathArray): MathArray;
907 sign(x: Matrix): Matrix;
908 sign(x: Unit): Unit;
910 /**
911 * Calculate the square root of a value. For matrices, the function is
912 * evaluated element wise.
913 * @param x Value for which to calculate the square root
914 * @returns Returns the square root of x
915 */
916 sqrt(x: number): number;
917 sqrt(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
918 sqrt(x: Complex): Complex;
919 sqrt(x: MathArray): MathArray;
920 sqrt(x: Matrix): Matrix;
921 sqrt(x: Unit): Unit;
923 /**
924 * Compute the square of a value, x * x. For matrices, the function is
925 * evaluated element wise.
926 * @param x Number for which to calculate the square
927 * @returns Squared value
928 */
929 square(x: number): number;
930 square(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
931 square(x: Fraction): Fraction;
932 square(x: Complex): Complex;
933 square(x: MathArray): MathArray;
934 square(x: Matrix): Matrix;
935 square(x: Unit): Unit;
937 /**
938 * Subtract two values, x - y. For matrices, the function is evaluated
939 * element wise.
940 * @param x Initial value
941 * @param y Value to subtract from x
942 * @returns Subtraction of x and y
943 */
944 subtract(x: MathType, y: MathType): MathType;
946 /**
947 * Inverse the sign of a value, apply a unary minus operation. For
948 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. Boolean values and
949 * strings will be converted to a number. For complex numbers, both real
950 * and complex value are inverted.
951 * @param x Number to be inverted
952 * @returns Retursn the value with inverted sign
953 */
954 unaryMinus(x: number): number;
955 unaryMinus(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
956 unaryMinus(x: Fraction): Fraction;
957 unaryMinus(x: Complex): Complex;
958 unaryMinus(x: MathArray): MathArray;
959 unaryMinus(x: Matrix): Matrix;
960 unaryMinus(x: Unit): Unit;
962 /**
963 * Unary plus operation. Boolean values and strings will be converted to
964 * a number, numeric values will be returned as is. For matrices, the
965 * function is evaluated element wise.
966 * @param x Input value
967 * @returns Returns the input value when numeric, converts to a number
968 * when input is non-numeric.
969 */
970 unaryPlus(x: number): number;
971 unaryPlus(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
972 unaryPlus(x: Fraction): Fraction;
973 unaryPlus(x: string): string;
974 unaryPlus(x: Complex): Complex;
975 unaryPlus(x: MathArray): MathArray;
976 unaryPlus(x: Matrix): Matrix;
977 unaryPlus(x: Unit): Unit;
979 /**
980 * Calculate the extended greatest common divisor for two values. See
981 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Euclidean_algorithm.
982 * @param a An integer number
983 * @param b An integer number
984 * @returns Returns an array containing 3 integers [div, m, n] where div
985 * = gcd(a, b) and a*m + b*n = div
986 */
987 xgcd(a: number | BigNumber, b: number | BigNumber): MathArray;
989 /*************************************************************************
990 * Bitwise functions
991 ************************************************************************/
993 /**
994 * Bitwise AND two values, x & y. For matrices, the function is
995 * evaluated element wise.
996 * @param x First value to and
997 * @param y Second value to and
998 * @returns AND of x and y
999 */
1000 bitAnd<T extends number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix>(x: T, y: number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix): NoLiteralType<T>;
1002 /**
1003 * Bitwise NOT value, ~x. For matrices, the function is evaluated
1004 * element wise. For units, the function is evaluated on the best prefix
1005 * base.
1006 * @param x Value to not
1007 * @returns NOT of x
1008 */
1009 bitNot(x: number): number;
1010 bitNot(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
1011 bitNot(x: MathArray): MathArray;
1012 bitNot(x: Matrix): Matrix;
1014 /**
1015 * Bitwise OR two values, x | y. For matrices, the function is evaluated
1016 * element wise. For units, the function is evaluated on the lowest
1017 * print base.
1018 * @param x First value to or
1019 * @param y Second value to or
1020 * @returns OR of x and y
1021 */
1022 bitOr(x: number, y: number): number;
1023 bitOr(x: BigNumber, y: BigNumber): BigNumber;
1024 bitOr(x: MathArray, y: MathArray): MathArray;
1025 bitOr(x: Matrix, y: Matrix): Matrix;
1027 /**
1028 * Bitwise XOR two values, x ^ y. For matrices, the function is
1029 * evaluated element wise.
1030 * @param x First value to xor
1031 * @param y Second value to xor
1032 * @returns XOR of x and y
1033 */
1034 bitXor<T extends number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix>(x: T, y: number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix): NoLiteralType<T>;
1036 /**
1037 * Bitwise left logical shift of a value x by y number of bits, x << y.
1038 * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. For units, the
1039 * function is evaluated on the best prefix base.
1040 * @param x Value to be shifted
1041 * @param y Amount of shifts
1042 * @returns x shifted left y times
1043 */
1044 leftShift<T extends number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix>(x: T, y: number | BigNumber): NoLiteralType<T>;
1046 /**
1047 * Bitwise right arithmetic shift of a value x by y number of bits, x >>
1048 * y. For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. For units,
1049 * the function is evaluated on the best prefix base.
1050 * @param x Value to be shifted
1051 * @param y Amount of shifts
1052 * @returns x sign-filled shifted right y times
1053 */
1054 rightArithShift<T extends number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix>(x: T, y: number | BigNumber): NoLiteralType<T>;
1056 /**
1057 * Bitwise right logical shift of value x by y number of bits, x >>> y.
1058 * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. For units, the
1059 * function is evaluated on the best prefix base.
1060 * @param x Value to be shifted
1061 * @param y Amount of shifts
1062 * @returns x zero-filled shifted right y times
1063 */
1064 rightLogShift<T extends number | MathArray | Matrix>(x: T, y: number): NoLiteralType<T>;
1066 /*************************************************************************
1067 * Combinatorics functions
1068 ************************************************************************/
1070 /**
1071 * The Bell Numbers count the number of partitions of a set. A partition
1072 * is a pairwise disjoint subset of S whose union is S. bellNumbers only
1073 * takes integer arguments. The following condition must be enforced: n
1074 * >= 0
1075 * @param n Total number of objects in the set
1076 * @returns B(n)
1077 */
1078 bellNumbers(n: number): number;
1079 bellNumbers(n: BigNumber): BigNumber;
1081 /**
1082 * The Catalan Numbers enumerate combinatorial structures of many
1083 * different types. catalan only takes integer arguments. The following
1084 * condition must be enforced: n >= 0
1085 * @param n nth Catalan number
1086 * @returns Cn(n)
1087 */
1088 catalan(n: number): number;
1089 catalan(n: BigNumber): BigNumber;
1091 /**
1092 * The composition counts of n into k parts. Composition only takes
1093 * integer arguments. The following condition must be enforced: k <= n.
1094 * @param n Total number of objects in the set
1095 * @param k Number of objects in the subset
1096 * @returns Returns the composition counts of n into k parts.
1097 */
1098 composition<T extends number | BigNumber>(n: T, k: number | BigNumber): NoLiteralType<T>;
1100 /**
1101 * The Stirling numbers of the second kind, counts the number of ways to
1102 * partition a set of n labelled objects into k nonempty unlabelled
1103 * subsets. stirlingS2 only takes integer arguments. The following
1104 * condition must be enforced: k <= n. If n = k or k = 1, then s(n,k) =
1105 * 1
1106 * @param n Total number of objects in the set
1107 * @param k Number of objects in the subset
1108 * @returns S(n,k)
1109 */
1110 stirlingS2<T extends number | BigNumber>(n: T, k: number | BigNumber): NoLiteralType<T>;
1112 /*************************************************************************
1113 * Complex functions
1114 ************************************************************************/
1116 /**
1117 * Compute the argument of a complex value. For a complex number a + bi,
1118 * the argument is computed as atan2(b, a). For matrices, the function
1119 * is evaluated element wise.
1120 * @param x A complex number or array with complex numbers
1121 * @returns The argument of x
1122 */
1123 arg(x: number | Complex): number;
1124 arg(x: BigNumber | Complex): BigNumber;
1125 arg(x: MathArray): MathArray;
1126 arg(x: Matrix): Matrix;
1128 /**
1129 * Compute the complex conjugate of a complex value. If x = a+bi, the
1130 * complex conjugate of x is a - bi. For matrices, the function is
1131 * evaluated element wise.
1132 * @param x A complex number or array with complex numbers
1133 * @returns The complex conjugate of x
1134 */
1135 conj<T extends number | BigNumber | Complex | MathArray | Matrix>(x: T): NoLiteralType<T>;
1137 /**
1138 * Get the imaginary part of a complex number. For a complex number a +
1139 * bi, the function returns b. For matrices, the function is evaluated
1140 * element wise.
1141 * @param x A complex number or array with complex numbers
1142 * @returns The imaginary part of x
1143 */
1144 im(x: number | BigNumber | Complex | MathArray | Matrix): number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix;
1146 /**
1147 * Get the real part of a complex number. For a complex number a + bi,
1148 * the function returns a. For matrices, the function is evaluated
1149 * element wise.
1150 * @param x A complex number or array of complex numbers
1151 * @returns The real part of x
1152 */
1153 re(x: number | BigNumber | Complex | MathArray | Matrix): number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix;
1155 /*************************************************************************
1156 * Geometry functions
1157 ************************************************************************/
1159 /**
1160 * Calculates: The eucledian distance between two points in 2 and 3
1161 * dimensional spaces. Distance between point and a line in 2 and 3
1162 * dimensional spaces. Pairwise distance between a set of 2D or 3D
1163 * points NOTE: When substituting coefficients of a line(a, b and c),
1164 * use ax + by + c = 0 instead of ax + by = c For parametric equation of
1165 * a 3D line, x0, y0, z0, a, b, c are from: (x−x0, y−y0, z−z0) = t(a, b,
1166 * c)
1167 * @param x Coordinates of the first point
1168 * @param y Coordinates of the second point
1169 * @returns Returns the distance from two/three points
1170 */
1171 distance(x: MathArray | Matrix | object, y: MathArray | Matrix | object): number | BigNumber;
1173 /**
1174 * Calculates the point of intersection of two lines in two or three
1175 * dimensions and of a line and a plane in three dimensions. The inputs
1176 * are in the form of arrays or 1 dimensional matrices. The line
1177 * intersection functions return null if the lines do not meet. Note:
1178 * Fill the plane coefficients as x + y + z = c and not as x + y + z + c
1179 * = 0.
1180 * @param w Co-ordinates of first end-point of first line
1181 * @param x Co-ordinates of second end-point of first line
1182 * @param y Co-ordinates of first end-point of second line OR
1183 * Coefficients of the plane's equation
1184 * @param z Co-ordinates of second end-point of second line OR null if
1185 * the calculation is for line and plane
1186 * @returns Returns the point of intersection of lines/lines-planes
1187 */
1188 intersect(w: MathArray | Matrix, x: MathArray | Matrix, y: MathArray | Matrix, z: MathArray | Matrix): MathArray;
1190 /*************************************************************************
1191 * Logical functions
1192 ************************************************************************/
1194 /**
1195 * Logical and. Test whether two values are both defined with a
1196 * nonzero/nonempty value. For matrices, the function is evaluated
1197 * element wise.
1198 * @param x First value to and
1199 * @param y Second value to and
1200 * @returns Returns true when both inputs are defined with a
1201 * nonzero/nonempty value.
1202 */
1203 and(
1204 x: number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | MathArray | Matrix,
1205 y: number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | MathArray | Matrix
1206 ): boolean | MathArray | Matrix;
1208 /**
1209 * Logical not. Flips boolean value of a given parameter. For matrices,
1210 * the function is evaluated element wise.
1211 * @param x First value to not
1212 * @returns Returns true when input is a zero or empty value.
1213 */
1214 not(x: number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | MathArray | Matrix): boolean | MathArray | Matrix;
1216 /**
1217 * Logical or. Test if at least one value is defined with a
1218 * nonzero/nonempty value. For matrices, the function is evaluated
1219 * element wise.
1220 * @param x First value to or
1221 * @param y Second value to or
1222 * @returns Returns true when one of the inputs is defined with a
1223 * nonzero/nonempty value.
1224 */
1225 or(
1226 x: number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | MathArray | Matrix,
1227 y: number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | MathArray | Matrix
1228 ): boolean | MathArray | Matrix;
1230 /**
1231 * Logical xor. Test whether one and only one value is defined with a
1232 * nonzero/nonempty value. For matrices, the function is evaluated
1233 * element wise.
1234 * @param x First value to xor
1235 * @param y Second value to xor
1236 * @returns Returns true when one and only one input is defined with a
1237 * nonzero/nonempty value.
1238 */
1239 xor(
1240 x: number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | MathArray | Matrix,
1241 y: number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | MathArray | Matrix
1242 ): boolean | MathArray | Matrix;
1244 /*************************************************************************
1245 * Matrix functions
1246 ************************************************************************/
1248 /**
1249 * Concatenate two or more matrices. dim: number is a zero-based
1250 * dimension over which to concatenate the matrices. By default the last
1251 * dimension of the matrices.
1252 * @param args Two or more matrices
1253 * @returns Concatenated matrix
1254 */
1255 concat(...args: Array<MathArray | Matrix | number | BigNumber>): MathArray | Matrix;
1257 /**
1258 * Calculate the cross product for two vectors in three dimensional
1259 * space. The cross product of A = [a1, a2, a3] and B =[b1, b2, b3] is
1260 * defined as: cross(A, B) = [ a2 * b3 - a3 * b2, a3 * b1 - a1 * b3, a1
1261 * * b2 - a2 * b1 ]
1262 * @param x First vector
1263 * @param y Second vector
1264 * @returns Returns the cross product of x and y
1265 */
1266 cross(x: MathArray | Matrix, y: MathArray | Matrix): Matrix | MathArray;
1268 /**
1269 * Calculate the determinant of a matrix.
1270 * @param x A Matrix
1271 * @returns the determinant of x
1272 */
1273 det(x: MathArray | Matrix): number;
1275 /**
1276 * Create a diagonal matrix or retrieve the diagonal of a matrix. When x
1277 * is a vector, a matrix with vector x on the diagonal will be returned.
1278 * When x is a two dimensional matrix, the matrixes kth diagonal will be
1279 * returned as vector. When k is positive, the values are placed on the
1280 * super diagonal. When k is negative, the values are placed on the sub
1281 * diagonal.
1282 * @param X A two dimensional matrix or a vector
1283 * @param k The diagonal where the vector will be filled in or
1284 * retrieved. Default value: 0.
1285 * @param format The matrix storage format. Default value: 'dense'.
1286 * @returns Diagonal matrix from input vector, or diagonal from input
1287 * matrix
1288 */
1289 diag(X: MathArray | Matrix, format?: string): Matrix;
1290 diag(X: MathArray | Matrix, k: number | BigNumber, format?: string): Matrix | MathArray;
1292 /**
1293 * Calculate the dot product of two vectors. The dot product of A = [a1,
1294 * a2, a3, ..., an] and B = [b1, b2, b3, ..., bn] is defined as: dot(A,
1295 * B) = a1 * b1 + a2 * b2 + a3 * b3 + ... + an * bn
1296 * @param x First vector
1297 * @param y Second vector
1298 * @returns Returns the dot product of x and y
1299 */
1300 dot(x: MathArray | Matrix, y: MathArray | Matrix): number;
1302 /**
1303 * Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.
1304 * The eigenvalues are sorted by their absolute value, ascending.
1305 * An eigenvalue with multiplicity k will be listed k times.
1306 * The eigenvectors are returned as columns of a matrixthe eigenvector
1307 * that belongs to the j-th eigenvalue in the list (eg. values[j]) is the
1308 * j-th column (eg. column(vectors, j)). If the algorithm fails to converge,
1309 * it will throw an errorin that case, however, you may still find useful
1310 * information in err.values and err.vectors
1311 * @param x Matrix to be diagonalized
1312 * @param prec Precision, default value: 1e-15
1313 * @returns Object containing an array of eigenvalues and a matrix with eigenvectors as columns.
1314 */
1315 eigs(x: MathArray | Matrix, prec?:number|BigNumber): {values: MathArray | Matrix, vectors: MathArray | Matrix}
1317 /**
1318 * Compute the matrix exponential, expm(A) = e^A. The matrix must be
1319 * square. Not to be confused with exp(a), which performs element-wise
1320 * exponentiation. The exponential is calculated using the Padé
1321 * approximant with scaling and squaring; seeNineteen Dubious Ways to
1322 * Compute the Exponential of a Matrix,” by Moler and Van Loan.
1323 * @param x A square matrix
1324 * @returns The exponential of x
1325 */
1326 expm(x: Matrix): Matrix;
1328 /**
1329 * Create a 2-dimensional identity matrix with size m x n or n x n. The
1330 * matrix has ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
1331 * @param size The size for the matrix
1332 * @param format The Matrix storage format
1333 * @returns A matrix with ones on the diagonal
1334 */
1335 identity(size: number | number[] | Matrix | MathArray, format?: string): Matrix | MathArray | number;
1336 /**
1337 * @param m The x dimension for the matrix
1338 * @param n The y dimension for the matrix
1339 * @param format The Matrix storage format
1340 * @returns A matrix with ones on the diagonal
1341 */
1342 identity(m: number, n: number, format?: string): Matrix | MathArray | number;
1344 /**
1345 * Filter the items in an array or one dimensional matrix.
1346 * @param x A one dimensional matrix or array to filter
1347 * @param test A function or regular expression to test items. All
1348 * entries for which test returns true are returned. When test is a
1349 * function, it is invoked with three parameters: the value of the
1350 * element, the index of the element, and the matrix/array being
1351 * traversed. The function must return a boolean.
1352 */
1353 filter(
1354 x: Matrix | MathArray | string[],
1355 test: ((value: any, index: any, matrix: Matrix | MathArray | string[]) => boolean) | RegExp
1356 ): Matrix | MathArray;
1358 /**
1359 * Flatten a multi dimensional matrix into a single dimensional matrix.
1360 * @param x Matrix to be flattened
1361 * @returns Returns the flattened matrix
1362 */
1363 flatten<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(x: T): T;
1365 /**
1366 * Iterate over all elements of a matrix/array, and executes the given
1367 * callback function.
1368 * @param x The matrix to iterate on.
1369 * @param callback The callback function is invoked with three
1370 * parameters: the value of the element, the index of the element, and
1371 * the Matrix/array being traversed.
1372 */
1373 forEach<T extends Matrix | MathArray>(x: T, callback: (value: any, index: any, matrix: T) => void): void;
1375 /**
1376 * Calculate the inverse of a square matrix.
1377 * @param x Matrix to be inversed
1378 * @returns The inverse of x
1379 */
1380 inv<T extends number | Complex | MathArray | Matrix>(x: T): NoLiteralType<T>;
1382 /**
1383 * Calculate the kronecker product of two matrices or vectors
1384 * @param x First vector
1385 * @param y Second vector
1386 * @returns Returns the kronecker product of x and y
1387 */
1388 kron(x: Matrix | MathArray, y: Matrix | MathArray): Matrix;
1390 /**
1391 * Iterate over all elements of a matrix/array, and executes the given
1392 * callback function.
1393 * @param x The matrix to iterate on.
1394 * @param callback The callback function is invoked with three
1395 * parameters: the value of the element, the index of the element, and
1396 * the Matrix/array being traversed.
1397 * @returns Transformed map of x
1398 */
1399 map<T extends Matrix | MathArray>(x: T, callback: (value: any, index: any, matrix: T) => MathType | string): T;
1401 /**
1402 * Create a matrix filled with ones. The created matrix can have one or
1403 * multiple dimensions.
1404 * @param size The size of each dimension of the matrix
1405 * @param format The matrix storage format
1406 * @returns A matrix filled with ones
1407 */
1408 ones(size: number | number[], format?: string): MathArray | Matrix;
1409 /**
1410 * @param m The x dimension of the matrix
1411 * @param n The y dimension of the amtrix
1412 * @param format The matrix storage format
1413 * @returns A matrix filled with ones
1414 */
1415 ones(m: number, n: number, format?: string): MathArray | Matrix;
1417 /**
1418 * Partition-based selection of an array or 1D matrix. Will find the kth
1419 * smallest value, and mutates the input array. Uses Quickselect.
1420 * @param x A one dimensional matrix or array to sort
1421 * @param k The kth smallest value to be retrieved; zero-based index
1422 * @param compare An optional comparator function. The function is
1423 * called as compare(a, b), and must return 1 when a > b, -1 when a < b,
1424 * and 0 when a == b. Default value: 'asc'.
1425 * @returns Returns the kth lowest value.
1426 */
1427 partitionSelect(x: MathArray | Matrix, k: number, compare?: 'asc' | 'desc' | ((a: any, b: any) => number)): any;
1429 /**
1430 * Create an array from a range. By default, the range end is excluded.
1431 * This can be customized by providing an extra parameter includeEnd.
1432 * @param str A string 'start:end' or 'start:step:end'
1433 * @param start Start of the range
1434 * @param end End of the range, excluded by default, included when
1435 * parameter includeEnd=true
1436 * @param step Step size. Default value is 1.
1437 * @param includeEnd: Option to specify whether to include the end or
1438 * not. False by default
1439 * @returns Parameters describing the ranges start, end, and optional
1440 * step.
1441 */
1442 range(str: string, includeEnd?: boolean): Matrix;
1443 range(start: number | BigNumber, end: number | BigNumber, includeEnd?: boolean): Matrix;
1444 range(start: number | BigNumber, end: number | BigNumber, step: number | BigNumber, includeEnd?: boolean): Matrix;
1446 /**
1447 * Reshape a multi dimensional array to fit the specified dimensions
1448 * @param x Matrix to be reshaped
1449 * @param sizes One dimensional array with integral sizes for each
1450 * dimension
1451 * @returns A reshaped clone of matrix x
1452 */
1453 reshape<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(x: T, sizes: number[]): T;
1455 /**
1456 * Resize a matrix
1457 * @param x Matrix to be resized
1458 * @param size One dimensional array with numbers
1459 * @param defaultValue Zero by default, except in case of a string, in
1460 * that case defaultValue = ' ' Default value: 0.
1461 * @returns A resized clone of matrix x
1462 */
1463 resize<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(x: T, size: MathArray | Matrix, defaultValue?: number | string): T;
1465 /**
1466 * Return a row from a Matrix.
1467 * @param value An array or matrix
1468 * @param row The index of the row
1469 * @returns The retrieved row
1470 */
1471 row<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(
1472 value: T,
1473 row: number
1474 ): T;
1476 /**
1477 * Return a column from a Matrix.
1478 * @param value An array or matrix
1479 * @param column The index of the column
1480 * @returns The retrieved column
1481 */
1482 column<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(
1483 value: T,
1484 column: number
1485 ): T;
1487 /**
1488 * Calculate the size of a matrix or scalar.
1489 * @param A matrix
1490 * @returns A vector with the size of x
1491 */
1492 size(x: boolean | number | Complex | Unit | string | MathArray | Matrix): MathArray | Matrix;
1494 /**
1495 * Sort the items in a matrix
1496 * @param x A one dimensional matrix or array to sort
1497 * @param compare An optional _comparator function or name. The function
1498 * is called as compare(a, b), and must return 1 when a > b, -1 when a <
1499 * b, and 0 when a == b. Default value: ‘asc
1500 * @returns Returns the sorted matrix
1501 */
1502 sort<T extends Matrix | MathArray>(x: T, compare: ((a: any, b: any) => number) | 'asc' | 'desc' | 'natural'): T;
1504 /**
1505 * Calculate the principal square root of a square matrix. The principal
1506 * square root matrix X of another matrix A is such that X * X = A.
1507 * @param A The square matrix A
1508 * @returns The principal square root of matrix A
1509 */
1510 sqrtm<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(A: T): T;
1512 /**
1513 * Squeeze a matrix, remove inner and outer singleton dimensions from a
1514 * matrix.
1515 * @param x Matrix to be squeezed
1516 * @returns Squeezed matrix
1517 */
1518 squeeze<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(x: T): T;
1520 /**
1521 * Get or set a subset of a matrix or string.
1522 * @param value An array, matrix, or string
1523 * @param index An index containing ranges for each dimension
1524 * @param replacement An array, matrix, or scalar. If provided, the
1525 * subset is replaced with replacement. If not provided, the subset is
1526 * returned
1527 * @param defaultValue Default value, filled in on new entries when the
1528 * matrix is resized. If not provided, math.matrix elements will be left
1529 * undefined. Default value: undefined.
1530 * @returns Either the retrieved subset or the updated matrix
1531 */
1532 subset<T extends MathArray | Matrix | string>(value: T, index: Index, replacement?: any, defaultValue?: any): T;
1534 /**
1535 * Calculate the trace of a matrix: the sum of the elements on the main
1536 * diagonal of a square matrix.
1537 * @param x A matrix
1538 * @returns The trace of x
1539 */
1540 trace(x: MathArray | Matrix): number;
1542 /**
1543 * Transpose a matrix. All values of the matrix are reflected over its
1544 * main diagonal. Only two dimensional matrices are supported.
1545 * @param x Matrix to be transposed
1546 * @returns The transposed matrix
1547 */
1548 transpose<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(x: T): T;
1550 /**
1551 * Create a matrix filled with zeros. The created matrix can have one or
1552 * multiple dimensions.
1553 * @param size The size of each dimension of the matrix
1554 * @param format The matrix storage format
1555 * @returns A matrix filled with zeros
1556 */
1557 zeros(size: number | number[], format?: string): MathArray | Matrix;
1558 /**
1559 * @param m The x dimension of the matrix
1560 * @param n The y dimension of the matrix
1561 * @param format The matrix storage format
1562 * @returns A matrix filled with zeros
1563 */
1564 zeros(m: number, n: number, format?: string): MathArray | Matrix;
1566 /*************************************************************************
1567 * Probability functions
1568 ************************************************************************/
1570 /**
1571 * Compute the number of ways of picking k unordered outcomes from n
1572 * possibilities. Combinations only takes integer arguments. The
1573 * following condition must be enforced: k <= n.
1574 * @param n Total number of objects in the set
1575 * @param k Number of objects in the subset
1576 * @returns Number of possible combinations
1577 */
1578 combinations<T extends number | BigNumber>(n: T, k: number | BigNumber): NoLiteralType<T>;
1580 /**
1581 * Compute the factorial of a value Factorial only supports an integer
1582 * value as argument. For matrices, the function is evaluated element
1583 * wise.
1584 * @param n An integer number
1585 * @returns The factorial of n
1586 */
1587 factorial<T extends number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix>(n: T): NoLiteralType<T>;
1589 /**
1590 * Compute the gamma function of a value using Lanczos approximation for
1591 * small values, and an extended Stirling approximation for large
1592 * values. For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
1593 * @param n A real or complex number
1594 * @returns The gamma of n
1595 */
1596 gamma(n: number | MathArray | Matrix): number | MathArray | Matrix;
1598 /**
1599 * Calculate the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between two
1600 * distributions
1601 * @param q First vector
1602 * @param p Second vector
1603 * @returns Returns disance between q and p
1604 */
1605 kldivergence(q: MathArray | Matrix, p: MathArray | Matrix): number;
1607 /**
1608 * Multinomial Coefficients compute the number of ways of picking a1,
1609 * a2, ..., ai unordered outcomes from n possibilities. multinomial
1610 * takes one array of integers as an argument. The following condition
1611 * must be enforced: every ai <= 0
1612 * @param a Integer number of objects in the subset
1613 * @returns multinomial coefficent
1614 */
1615 multinomial<T extends number | BigNumber>(a: T[]): NoLiteralType<T>;
1617 /**
1618 * Compute the number of ways of obtaining an ordered subset of k
1619 * elements from a set of n elements. Permutations only takes integer
1620 * arguments. The following condition must be enforced: k <= n.
1621 * @param n The number of objects in total
1622 * @param k The number of objects in the subset
1623 * @returns The number of permutations
1624 */
1625 permutations<T extends number | BigNumber>(n: T, k?: number | BigNumber): NoLiteralType<T>;
1627 /**
1628 * Random pick a value from a one dimensional array. Array element is
1629 * picked using a random function with uniform distribution.
1630 * @param array A one dimensional array
1631 * @param number An int or float
1632 * @param weights An array of ints or floats
1633 * @returns Returns a single random value from array when number is 1 or
1634 * undefined. Returns an array with the configured number of elements
1635 * when number is > 1.
1636 */
1637 pickRandom(array: number[], number?: number, weights?: number[]): number | number[];
1639 /**
1640 * Return a random number larger or equal to min and smaller than max
1641 * using a uniform distribution.
1642 * @param size If provided, an array or matrix with given size and
1643 * filled with random values is returned
1644 * @param min Minimum boundary for the random value, included
1645 * @param max Maximum boundary for the random value, excluded
1646 * @returns A random number
1647 */
1648 random(min?: number, max?: number): number;
1649 random<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(size: T, min?: number, max?: number): T;
1651 /**
1652 * Return a random integer number larger or equal to min and smaller
1653 * than max using a uniform distribution.
1654 * @param size If provided, an array or matrix with given size and
1655 * filled with random values is returned
1656 * @param min Minimum boundary for the random value, included
1657 * @param max Maximum boundary for the random value, excluded
1658 * @returns A random number
1659 */
1660 randomInt(min: number, max?: number): number;
1661 randomInt<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(size: T, min?: number, max?: number): T;
1663 /*************************************************************************
1664 * Relational functions
1665 ************************************************************************/
1667 /**
1668 * Compare two values. Returns 1 when x > y, -1 when x < y, and 0 when x
1669 * == y. x and y are considered equal when the relative difference
1670 * between x and y is smaller than the configured epsilon. The function
1671 * cannot be used to compare values smaller than approximately 2.22e-16.
1672 * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
1673 * @param x First value to compare
1674 * @param y Second value to compare
1675 * @returns Returns the result of the comparison: 1 when x > y, -1 when
1676 * x < y, and 0 when x == y.
1677 */
1678 compare(x: MathType | string, y: MathType | string): number | BigNumber | Fraction | MathArray | Matrix;
1680 /**
1681 * Compare two values of any type in a deterministic, natural way. For
1682 * numeric values, the function works the same as math.compare. For
1683 * types of values that cant be compared mathematically, the function
1684 * compares in a natural way.
1685 * @param x First value to compare
1686 * @param y Second value to compare
1687 * @returns Returns the result of the comparison: 1 when x > y, -1 when
1688 * x < y, and 0 when x == y.
1689 */
1690 compareNatural(x: any, y: any): number;
1692 /**
1693 * Compare two strings lexically. Comparison is case sensitive. Returns
1694 * 1 when x > y, -1 when x < y, and 0 when x == y. For matrices, the
1695 * function is evaluated element wise.
1696 * @param x First string to compare
1697 * @param y Second string to compare
1698 * @returns Returns the result of the comparison: 1 when x > y, -1 when
1699 * x < y, and 0 when x == y.
1700 */
1701 compareText(x: string | MathArray | Matrix, y: string | MathArray | Matrix): number | MathArray | Matrix;
1703 /**
1704 * Test element wise whether two matrices are equal. The function
1705 * accepts both matrices and scalar values.
1706 * @param x First matrix to compare
1707 * @param y Second amtrix to compare
1708 * @returns Returns true when the input matrices have the same size and
1709 * each of their elements is equal.
1710 */
1711 deepEqual(x: MathType, y: MathType): number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex | Unit | MathArray | Matrix;
1713 /**
1714 * Test whether two values are equal.
1715 *
1716 * The function tests whether the relative difference between x and y is
1717 * smaller than the configured epsilon. The function cannot be used to
1718 * compare values smaller than approximately 2.22e-16. For matrices, the
1719 * function is evaluated element wise. In case of complex numbers, x.re
1720 * must equal y.re, and x.im must equal y.im. Values null and undefined
1721 * are compared strictly, thus null is only equal to null and nothing
1722 * else, and undefined is only equal to undefined and nothing else.
1723 * @param x First value to compare
1724 * @param y Second value to compare
1725 * @returns Returns true when the compared values are equal, else
1726 * returns false
1727 */
1728 equal(x: MathType | string, y: MathType | string): boolean | MathArray | Matrix;
1730 /**
1731 * Check equality of two strings. Comparison is case sensitive. For
1732 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
1733 * @param x First string to compare
1734 * @param y Second string to compare
1735 * @returns Returns true if the values are equal, and false if not.
1736 */
1737 equalText(x: string | MathArray | Matrix, y: string | MathArray | Matrix): number | MathArray | Matrix;
1739 /**
1740 * Test whether value x is larger than y. The function returns true when
1741 * x is larger than y and the relative difference between x and y is
1742 * larger than the configured epsilon. The function cannot be used to
1743 * compare values smaller than approximately 2.22e-16. For matrices, the
1744 * function is evaluated element wise.
1745 * @param x First value to compare
1746 * @param y Second value to vcompare
1747 * @returns Returns true when x is larger than y, else returns false
1748 */
1749 larger(x: MathType | string, y: MathType | string): boolean | MathArray | Matrix;
1751 /**
1752 * Test whether value x is larger or equal to y. The function returns
1753 * true when x is larger than y or the relative difference between x and
1754 * y is smaller than the configured epsilon. The function cannot be used
1755 * to compare values smaller than approximately 2.22e-16. For matrices,
1756 * the function is evaluated element wise.
1757 * @param x First value to compare
1758 * @param y Second value to vcompare
1759 * @returns Returns true when x is larger than or equal to y, else
1760 * returns false
1761 */
1762 largerEq(x: MathType | string, y: MathType | string): boolean | MathArray | Matrix;
1764 /**
1765 * Test whether value x is smaller than y. The function returns true
1766 * when x is smaller than y and the relative difference between x and y
1767 * is smaller than the configured epsilon. The function cannot be used
1768 * to compare values smaller than approximately 2.22e-16. For matrices,
1769 * the function is evaluated element wise.
1770 * @param x First value to compare
1771 * @param y Second value to vcompare
1772 * @returns Returns true when x is smaller than y, else returns false
1773 */
1774 smaller(x: MathType | string, y: MathType | string): boolean | MathArray | Matrix;
1776 /**
1777 * Test whether value x is smaller or equal to y. The function returns
1778 * true when x is smaller than y or the relative difference between x
1779 * and y is smaller than the configured epsilon. The function cannot be
1780 * used to compare values smaller than approximately 2.22e-16. For
1781 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
1782 * @param x First value to compare
1783 * @param y Second value to vcompare
1784 * @returns Returns true when x is smaller than or equal to y, else
1785 * returns false
1786 */
1787 smallerEq(x: MathType | string, y: MathType | string): boolean | MathArray | Matrix;
1789 /**
1790 * Test whether two values are unequal. The function tests whether the
1791 * relative difference between x and y is larger than the configured
1792 * epsilon. The function cannot be used to compare values smaller than
1793 * approximately 2.22e-16. For matrices, the function is evaluated
1794 * element wise. In case of complex numbers, x.re must unequal y.re, or
1795 * x.im must unequal y.im. Values null and undefined are compared
1796 * strictly, thus null is unequal with everything except null, and
1797 * undefined is unequal with everything except undefined.
1798 * @param x First value to compare
1799 * @param y Second value to vcompare
1800 * @returns Returns true when the compared values are unequal, else
1801 * returns false
1802 */
1803 unequal(x: MathType | string, y: MathType | string): boolean | MathArray | Matrix;
1805 /*************************************************************************
1806 * Set functions
1807 ************************************************************************/
1809 /**
1810 * Create the cartesian product of two (multi)sets. Multi-dimension
1811 * arrays will be converted to single-dimension arrays before the
1812 * operation.
1813 * @param a1 A (multi)set
1814 * @param a2 A (multi)set
1815 * @returns The cartesian product of two (multi)sets
1816 */
1817 setCartesian<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(a1: T, a2: MathArray | Matrix): T;
1819 /**
1820 * Create the difference of two (multi)sets: every element of set1, that
1821 * is not the element of set2. Multi-dimension arrays will be converted
1822 * to single-dimension arrays before the operation
1823 * @param a1 A (multi)set
1824 * @param a2 A (multi)set
1825 * @returns The difference of two (multi)sets
1826 */
1827 setDifference<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(a1: T, a2: MathArray | Matrix): T;
1829 /**
1830 * Collect the distinct elements of a multiset. A multi-dimension array
1831 * will be converted to a single-dimension array before the operation.
1832 * @param a A multiset
1833 * @returns A set containing the distinct elements of the multiset
1834 */
1835 setDistinct<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(a: T): T;
1837 /**
1838 * Create the intersection of two (multi)sets. Multi-dimension arrays
1839 * will be converted to single-dimension arrays before the operation.
1840 * @param a1 A (multi)set
1841 * @param a2 A (multi)set
1842 * @returns The intersection of two (multi)sets
1843 */
1844 setIntersect<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(a1: T, a2: MathArray | Matrix): T;
1846 /**
1847 * Check whether a (multi)set is a subset of another (multi)set. (Every
1848 * element of set1 is the element of set2.) Multi-dimension arrays will
1849 * be converted to single-dimension arrays before the operation.
1850 * @param a1 A (multi)set
1851 * @param a2 A (multi)set
1852 * @returns True if a1 is subset of a2, else false
1853 */
1854 setIsSubset(a1: MathArray | Matrix, a2: MathArray | Matrix): boolean;
1856 /**
1857 * Count the multiplicity of an element in a multiset. A multi-dimension
1858 * array will be converted to a single-dimension array before the
1859 * operation.
1860 * @param e An element in the multiset
1861 * @param a A multiset
1862 * @returns The number of how many times the multiset contains the
1863 * element
1864 */
1865 setMultiplicity(e: number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex, a: MathArray | Matrix): number;
1867 /**
1868 * Create the powerset of a (multi)set. (The powerset contains very
1869 * possible subsets of a (multi)set.) A multi-dimension array will be
1870 * converted to a single-dimension array before the operation.
1871 * @param a A multiset
1872 * @returns The powerset of the (multi)set
1873 */
1874 setPowerset<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(a: T): T;
1876 /**
1877 * Count the number of elements of a (multi)set. When a second parameter
1878 * istrue’, count only the unique values. A multi-dimension array will
1879 * be converted to a single-dimension array before the operation.
1880 * @param a A multiset
1881 * @returns The number of elements of the (multi)set
1882 */
1883 setSize(a: MathArray | Matrix): number;
1885 /**
1886 * Create the symmetric difference of two (multi)sets. Multi-dimension
1887 * arrays will be converted to single-dimension arrays before the
1888 * operation.
1889 * @param a1 A (multi)set
1890 * @param a2 A (multi)set
1891 * @returns The symmetric difference of two (multi)sets
1892 */
1893 setSymDifference<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(a1: T, a2: MathArray | Matrix): T;
1895 /**
1896 * Create the union of two (multi)sets. Multi-dimension arrays will be
1897 * converted to single-dimension arrays before the operation.
1898 * @param a1 A (multi)set
1899 * @param a2 A (multi)set
1900 * @returns The union of two (multi)sets
1901 */
1902 setUnion<T extends MathArray | Matrix>(a1: T, a2: MathArray | Matrix): T;
1904 /*************************************************************************
1905 * Special functions
1906 ************************************************************************/
1908 /**
1909 * Compute the erf function of a value using a rational Chebyshev
1910 * approximations for different intervals of x.
1911 * @param x A real number
1912 * @returns The erf of x
1913 */
1914 erf<T extends number | MathArray | Matrix>(x: T): NoLiteralType<T>;
1916 /*************************************************************************
1917 * Statistics functions
1918 ************************************************************************/
1920 /**
1921 * Compute the median absolute deviation of a matrix or a list with
1922 * values. The median absolute deviation is defined as the median of the
1923 * absolute deviations from the median.
1924 * @param array A single matrix or multiple scalar values.
1925 * @returns The median absolute deviation
1926 */
1927 mad(array: MathArray | Matrix): any;
1929 /**
1930 * Compute the maximum value of a matrix or a list with values. In case
1931 * of a multi dimensional array, the maximum of the flattened array will
1932 * be calculated. When dim is provided, the maximum over the selected
1933 * dimension will be calculated. Parameter dim is zero-based.
1934 * @param args A single matrix or multiple scalar values
1935 * @returns The maximum value
1936 */
1937 max(...args: MathType[]): any;
1938 /**
1939 * @param A A single matrix
1940 * @param dim The maximum over the selected dimension
1941 * @returns The maximum value
1942 */
1943 max(A: MathArray | Matrix, dim?: number): any;
1945 /**
1946 * Compute the mean value of matrix or a list with values. In case of a
1947 * multi dimensional array, the mean of the flattened array will be
1948 * calculated. When dim is provided, the maximum over the selected
1949 * dimension will be calculated. Parameter dim is zero-based.
1950 * @param args A single matrix or multiple scalar values
1951 * @returns The mean of all values
1952 */
1953 mean(...args: MathType[]): any;
1954 /**
1955 * @param A A single matrix
1956 * @param dim The mean over the selected dimension
1957 * @returns The mean of all values
1958 */
1959 mean(A: MathArray | Matrix, dim?: number): any;
1961 /**
1962 * Compute the median of a matrix or a list with values. The values are
1963 * sorted and the middle value is returned. In case of an even number of
1964 * values, the average of the two middle values is returned. Supported
1965 * types of values are: Number, BigNumber, Unit In case of a (multi
1966 * dimensional) array or matrix, the median of all elements will be
1967 * calculated.
1968 * @param args A single matrix or or multiple scalar values
1969 * @returns The median
1970 */
1971 median(...args: MathType[]): any;
1973 /**
1974 * Compute the maximum value of a matrix or a list of values. In case of
1975 * a multi dimensional array, the maximum of the flattened array will be
1976 * calculated. When dim is provided, the maximum over the selected
1977 * dimension will be calculated. Parameter dim is zero-based.
1978 * @param args A single matrix or or multiple scalar values
1979 * @returns The minimum value
1980 */
1981 min(...args: MathType[]): any;
1982 /**
1983 * @param A A single matrix
1984 * @param dim The minimum over the selected dimension
1985 * @returns The minimum value
1986 */
1987 min(A: MathArray | Matrix, dim?: number): any;
1989 /**
1990 * Computes the mode of a set of numbers or a list with values(numbers
1991 * or characters). If there are more than one modes, it returns a list
1992 * of those values.
1993 * @param args A single matrix
1994 * @returns The mode of all values
1995 */
1996 mode(...args: MathType[]): any;
1998 /**
1999 * Compute the product of a matrix or a list with values. In case of a
2000 * (multi dimensional) array or matrix, the sum of all elements will be
2001 * calculated.
2002 * @param args A single matrix or multiple scalar values
2003 * @returns The product of all values
2004 */
2005 prod(...args: MathType[]): any;
2007 /**
2008 * Compute the prob order quantile of a matrix or a list with values.
2009 * The sequence is sorted and the middle value is returned. Supported
2010 * types of sequence values are: Number, BigNumber, Unit Supported types
2011 * of probability are: Number, BigNumber In case of a (multi
2012 * dimensional) array or matrix, the prob order quantile of all elements
2013 * will be calculated.
2014 * @param A A single matrix or array
2015 * @param probOrN prob is the order of the quantile, while N is the
2016 * amount of evenly distributed steps of probabilities; only one of
2017 * these options can be provided
2018 * @param sorted =false is data sorted in ascending order
2019 * @returns Quantile(s)
2020 */
2021 quantileSeq(A: MathArray | Matrix, prob: number | BigNumber | MathArray, sorted?: boolean): number | BigNumber | Unit | MathArray;
2023 /**
2024 * Compute the standard deviation of a matrix or a list with values. The
2025 * standard deviations is defined as the square root of the variance:
2026 * std(A) = sqrt(variance(A)). In case of a (multi dimensional) array or
2027 * matrix, the standard deviation over all elements will be calculated.
2028 * Optionally, the type of normalization can be specified as second
2029 * parameter. The parameter normalization can be one of the following
2030 * values: 'unbiased' (default) The sum of squared errors is divided by
2031 * (n - 1) 'uncorrected' The sum of squared errors is divided by n
2032 * 'biased' The sum of squared errors is divided by (n + 1)
2033 * @param array A single matrix or multiple scalar values
2034 * @param normalization Determines how to normalize the variance. Choose
2035 * ‘unbiased’ (default), ‘uncorrected’, orbiased’. Default value:
2036 * ‘unbiased’.
2037 * @returns The standard deviation
2038 */
2039 std(array: MathArray | Matrix, normalization?: 'unbiased' | 'uncorrected' | 'biased' | 'unbiased'): number;
2041 /**
2042 * Compute the sum of a matrix or a list with values. In case of a
2043 * (multi dimensional) array or matrix, the sum of all elements will be
2044 * calculated.
2045 * @param args A single matrix or multiple scalar values
2046 * @returns The sum of all values
2047 */
2048 sum(...args: Array<number | BigNumber | Fraction>): any;
2049 /**
2050 * @param array A single matrix
2051 * @returns The sum of all values
2052 */
2053 sum(array: MathArray | Matrix): any;
2055 /**
2056 * Compute the variance of a matrix or a list with values. In case of a
2057 * (multi dimensional) array or matrix, the variance over all elements
2058 * will be calculated. Optionally, the type of normalization can be
2059 * specified as second parameter. The parameter normalization can be one
2060 * of the following values: 'unbiased' (default) The sum of squared
2061 * errors is divided by (n - 1) 'uncorrected' The sum of squared errors
2062 * is divided by n 'biased' The sum of squared errors is divided by (n +
2063 * 1) Note that older browser may not like the variable name var. In
2064 * that case, the function can be called as math['var'](...) instead of
2065 * math.variance(...).
2066 * @param args A single matrix or multiple scalar values
2067 * @returns The variance
2068 */
2069 variance(...args: Array<number | BigNumber | Fraction>): any;
2070 /**
2071 * @param array A single matrix
2072 * @param normalization normalization Determines how to normalize the
2073 * variance. Chooseunbiased’ (default), ‘uncorrected’, orbiased’.
2074 * Default value: ‘unbiased’.
2075 * @returns The variance
2076 */
2077 variance(array: MathArray | Matrix, normalization?: 'unbiased' | 'uncorrected' | 'biased' | 'unbiased'): any;
2079 /*************************************************************************
2080 * String functions
2081 ************************************************************************/
2083 /**
2084 * Format a value of any type into a string.
2085 * @param value The value to be formatted
2086 * @param options An object with formatting options.
2087 * @param callback A custom formatting function, invoked for all numeric
2088 * elements in value, for example all elements of a matrix, or the real
2089 * and imaginary parts of a complex number. This callback can be used to
2090 * override the built-in numeric notation with any type of formatting.
2091 * Function callback is called with value as parameter and must return a
2092 * string.
2093 * @see http://mathjs.org/docs/reference/functions/format.html
2094 * @returns The formatted value
2095 */
2096 format(value: any, options?: FormatOptions | number | ((item: any) => string), callback?: (value: any) => string): string;
2098 /**
2099 * Interpolate values into a string template.
2100 * @param template A string containing variable placeholders.
2101 * @param values An object containing variables which will be filled in
2102 * in the template.
2103 * @param precision Number of digits to format numbers. If not provided,
2104 * the value will not be rounded.
2105 * @param options Formatting options, or the number of digits to format
2106 * numbers. See function math.format for a description of all options.
2107 * @returns Interpolated string
2108 */
2109 print(template: string, values: any, precision?: number, options?: number | object): void;
2111 /*************************************************************************
2112 * Trigonometry functions
2113 ************************************************************************/
2115 /**
2116 * Calculate the inverse cosine of a value. For matrices, the function
2117 * is evaluated element wise.
2118 * @param x Function input
2119 * @returns The arc cosine of x
2120 */
2121 acos(x: number): number;
2122 acos(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2123 acos(x: Complex): Complex;
2124 acos(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2125 acos(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2127 /**
2128 * Calculate the hyperbolic arccos of a value, defined as acosh(x) =
2129 * ln(sqrt(x^2 - 1) + x). For matrices, the function is evaluated
2130 * element wise.
2131 * @param x Function input
2132 * @returns The hyperbolic arccosine of x
2133 */
2134 acosh(x: number): number;
2135 acosh(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2136 acosh(x: Complex): Complex;
2137 acosh(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2138 acosh(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2140 /**
2141 * Calculate the inverse cotangent of a value. For matrices, the
2142 * function is evaluated element wise.
2143 * @param x Function input
2144 * @returns The arc cotangent of x
2145 */
2146 acot(x: number): number;
2147 acot(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2148 acot(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2149 acot(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2151 /**
2152 * Calculate the hyperbolic arccotangent of a value, defined as acoth(x)
2153 * = (ln((x+1)/x) + ln(x/(x-1))) / 2. For matrices, the function is
2154 * evaluated element wise.
2155 * @param x Function input
2156 * @returns The hyperbolic arccotangent of x
2157 */
2158 acoth(x: number): number;
2159 acoth(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2160 acoth(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2161 acoth(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2163 /**
2164 * Calculate the inverse cosecant of a value. For matrices, the function
2165 * is evaluated element wise.
2166 * @param x Function input
2167 * @returns The arc cosecant of x
2168 */
2169 acsc(x: number): number;
2170 acsc(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2171 acsc(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2172 acsc(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2174 /**
2175 * Calculate the hyperbolic arccosecant of a value, defined as acsch(x)
2176 * = ln(1/x + sqrt(1/x^2 + 1)). For matrices, the function is evaluated
2177 * element wise.
2178 * @param x Function input
2179 * @returns The hyperbolic arccosecant of x
2180 */
2181 acsch(x: number): number;
2182 acsch(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2183 acsch(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2184 acsch(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2186 /**
2187 * Calculate the inverse secant of a value. For matrices, the function
2188 * is evaluated element wise.
2189 * @param x Function input
2190 * @returns The arc secant of x
2191 */
2192 asec(x: number): number;
2193 asec(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2194 asec(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2195 asec(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2197 /**
2198 * Calculate the hyperbolic arcsecant of a value, defined as asech(x) =
2199 * ln(sqrt(1/x^2 - 1) + 1/x). For matrices, the function is evaluated
2200 * element wise.
2201 * @param x Function input
2202 * @returns The hyperbolic arcsecant of x
2203 */
2204 asech(x: number): number;
2205 asech(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2206 asech(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2207 asech(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2209 /**
2210 * Calculate the inverse sine of a value. For matrices, the function is
2211 * evaluated element wise.
2212 * @param x Function input
2213 * @returns The arc sine of x
2214 */
2215 asin(x: number): number;
2216 asin(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2217 asin(x: Complex): Complex;
2218 asin(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2219 asin(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2221 /**
2222 * Calculate the hyperbolic arcsine of a value, defined as asinh(x) =
2223 * ln(x + sqrt(x^2 + 1)). For matrices, the function is evaluated
2224 * element wise.
2225 * @param x Function input
2226 * @returns The hyperbolic arcsine of x
2227 */
2228 asinh(x: number): number;
2229 asinh(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2230 asinh(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2231 asinh(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2233 /**
2234 * Calculate the inverse tangent of a value. For matrices, the function
2235 * is evaluated element wise.
2236 * @param x Function input
2237 * @returns The arc tangent of x
2238 */
2239 atan(x: number): number;
2240 atan(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2241 atan(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2242 atan(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2244 /**
2245 * Calculate the inverse tangent function with two arguments, y/x. By
2246 * providing two arguments, the right quadrant of the computed angle can
2247 * be determined. For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
2248 * @param x Function input
2249 * @returns Four quadrant inverse tangent
2250 */
2251 atan2(y: number, x: number): number;
2252 atan2(y: MathArray | Matrix, x: MathArray | Matrix): MathArray | Matrix;
2254 /**
2255 * Calculate the hyperbolic arctangent of a value, defined as atanh(x) =
2256 * ln((1 + x)/(1 - x)) / 2. For matrices, the function is evaluated
2257 * element wise.
2258 * @param x Function input
2259 * @returns The hyperbolic arctangent of x
2260 */
2261 atanh(x: number): number;
2262 atanh(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2263 atanh(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2264 atanh(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2266 /**
2267 * Calculate the cosine of a value. For matrices, the function is
2268 * evaluated element wise.
2269 * @param x Function input
2270 * @returns The cosine of x
2271 */
2272 cos(x: number | Unit): number;
2273 cos(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2274 cos(x: Complex): Complex;
2275 cos(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2276 cos(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2278 /**
2279 * Calculate the hyperbolic cosine of a value, defined as cosh(x) = 1/2
2280 * * (exp(x) + exp(-x)). For matrices, the function is evaluated element
2281 * wise.
2282 * @param x Function input
2283 * @returns The hyperbolic cosine of x
2284 */
2285 cosh(x: number | Unit): number;
2286 cosh(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2287 cosh(x: Complex): Complex;
2288 cosh(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2289 cosh(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2291 /**
2292 * Calculate the cotangent of a value. cot(x) is defined as 1 / tan(x).
2293 * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
2294 * @param x Function input
2295 * @returns The cotangent of x
2296 */
2297 cot(x: number | Unit): number;
2298 cot(x: Complex): Complex;
2299 cot(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2300 cot(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2302 /**
2303 * Calculate the hyperbolic cotangent of a value, defined as coth(x) = 1
2304 * / tanh(x). For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
2305 * @param x Function input
2306 * @returns The hyperbolic cotangent of x
2307 */
2308 coth(x: number | Unit): number;
2309 coth(x: Complex): Complex;
2310 coth(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2311 coth(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2313 /**
2314 * Calculate the cosecant of a value, defined as csc(x) = 1/sin(x). For
2315 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
2316 * @param x Function input
2317 * @returns The cosecant hof x
2318 */
2319 csc(x: number | Unit): number;
2320 csc(x: Complex): Complex;
2321 csc(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2322 csc(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2324 /**
2325 * Calculate the hyperbolic cosecant of a value, defined as csch(x) = 1
2326 * / sinh(x). For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
2327 * @param x Function input
2328 * @returns The hyperbolic cosecant of x
2329 */
2330 csch(x: number | Unit): number;
2331 csch(x: Complex): Complex;
2332 csch(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2333 csch(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2335 /**
2336 * Calculate the secant of a value, defined as sec(x) = 1/cos(x). For
2337 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
2338 * @param x Function input
2339 * @returns The secant of x
2340 */
2341 sec(x: number | Unit): number;
2342 sec(x: Complex): Complex;
2343 sec(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2344 sec(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2346 /**
2347 * Calculate the hyperbolic secant of a value, defined as sech(x) = 1 /
2348 * cosh(x). For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
2349 * @param x Function input
2350 * @returns The hyperbolic secant of x
2351 */
2352 sech(x: number | Unit): number;
2353 sech(x: Complex): Complex;
2354 sech(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2355 sech(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2357 /**
2358 * Calculate the sine of a value. For matrices, the function is
2359 * evaluated element wise.
2360 * @param x Function input
2361 * @returns The sine of x
2362 */
2363 sin(x: number | Unit): number;
2364 sin(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2365 sin(x: Complex): Complex;
2366 sin(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2367 sin(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2369 /**
2370 * Calculate the hyperbolic sine of a value, defined as sinh(x) = 1/2 *
2371 * (exp(x) - exp(-x)). For matrices, the function is evaluated element
2372 * wise.
2373 * @param x Function input
2374 * @returns The hyperbolic sine of x
2375 */
2376 sinh(x: number | Unit): number;
2377 sinh(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2378 sinh(x: Complex): Complex;
2379 sinh(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2380 sinh(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2382 /**
2383 * Calculate the tangent of a value. tan(x) is equal to sin(x) / cos(x).
2384 * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
2385 * @param x Function input
2386 * @returns The tangent of x
2387 */
2388 tan(x: number | Unit): number;
2389 tan(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2390 tan(x: Complex): Complex;
2391 tan(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2392 tan(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2394 /**
2395 * Calculate the hyperbolic tangent of a value, defined as tanh(x) =
2396 * (exp(2 * x) - 1) / (exp(2 * x) + 1). For matrices, the function is
2397 * evaluated element wise.
2398 * @param x Function input
2399 * @returns The hyperbolic tangent of x
2400 */
2401 tanh(x: number | Unit): number;
2402 tanh(x: BigNumber): BigNumber;
2403 tanh(x: Complex): Complex;
2404 tanh(x: MathArray): MathArray;
2405 tanh(x: Matrix): Matrix;
2407 /*************************************************************************
2408 * Unit functions
2409 ************************************************************************/
2411 /**
2412 * Change the unit of a value. For matrices, the function is evaluated
2413 * element wise.
2414 * @param x The unit to be converted.
2415 * @param unit New unit. Can be a string like "cm" or a unit without
2416 * value.
2417 * @returns Value with changed, fixed unit
2418 */
2419 to(x: Unit | MathArray | Matrix, unit: Unit | string): Unit | MathArray | Matrix;
2421 /*************************************************************************
2422 * Utils functions
2423 ************************************************************************/
2425 /**
2426 * Clone an object.
2427 * @param x Object to be cloned
2428 * @returns A clone of object x
2429 */
2430 clone(x: any): any;
2432 /**
2433 * Test whether a value is an integer number. The function supports
2434 * number, BigNumber, and Fraction. The function is evaluated
2435 * element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
2436 * @param x Value to be tested
2437 * @returns Returns true when x contains a numeric, integer value.
2438 * Throws an error in case of an unknown data type.
2439 */
2440 isInteger(x: number | BigNumber | Fraction | MathArray | Matrix): boolean;
2442 /**
2443 * Test whether a value is NaN (not a number). The function supports
2444 * types number, BigNumber, Fraction, Unit and Complex. The function is
2445 * evaluated element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
2446 * @param x Value to be tested
2447 * @returns Returns true when x is NaN. Throws an error in case of an
2448 * unknown data type.
2449 */
2450 isNaN(x: number | BigNumber | Fraction | MathArray | Matrix | Unit): boolean;
2452 /**
2453 * Test whether a value is negative: smaller than zero. The function
2454 * supports types number, BigNumber, Fraction, and Unit. The function is
2455 * evaluated element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
2456 * @param x Value to be tested
2457 * @returns Returns true when x is larger than zero. Throws an error in
2458 * case of an unknown data type.
2459 */
2460 isNegative(x: number | BigNumber | Fraction | MathArray | Matrix | Unit): boolean;
2462 /**
2463 * Test whether a value is an numeric value. The function is evaluated
2464 * element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
2465 * @param x Value to be tested
2466 * @returns Returns true when x is a number, BigNumber, Fraction, or
2467 * boolean. Returns false for other types. Throws an error in case of
2468 * unknown types.
2469 */
2470 isNumeric(x: any): x is number | BigNumber | Fraction | boolean;
2472 /**
2473 * Test whether a value is positive: larger than zero. The function
2474 * supports types number, BigNumber, Fraction, and Unit. The function is
2475 * evaluated element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
2476 * @param x Value to be tested
2477 * @returns Returns true when x is larger than zero. Throws an error in
2478 * case of an unknown data type.
2479 */
2480 isPositive(x: number | BigNumber | Fraction | MathArray | Matrix | Unit): boolean;
2482 /**
2483 * Test whether a value is prime: has no divisors other than itself and
2484 * one. The function supports type number, bignumber. The function is
2485 * evaluated element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
2486 * @param x Value to be tested
2487 * @returns Returns true when x is larger than zero. Throws an error in
2488 * case of an unknown data type.
2489 */
2490 isPrime(x: number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix): boolean;
2492 /**
2493 * Test whether a value is zero. The function can check for zero for
2494 * types number, BigNumber, Fraction, Complex, and Unit. The function is
2495 * evaluated element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
2496 * @param x Value to be tested
2497 * @returns Returns true when x is zero. Throws an error in case of an
2498 * unknown data type.
2499 */
2500 isZero(x: number | BigNumber | Fraction | MathArray | Matrix | Unit | Complex): boolean;
2502 /**
2503 * Determine the type of a variable.
2504 * @param x The variable for which to test the type
2505 * @returns Returns the name of the type. Primitive types are lower
2506 * case, non-primitive types are upper-camel-case. For examplenumber’,
2507 * ‘string’, ‘Array’, ‘Date’.
2508 */
2509 typeOf(x: any): string;
2511 /**
2512 * Import functions from an object or a module
2513 * To avoid errors when using one of the imported functions extend module like this:
2514 *
2515 * @example
2516 * // imported_math_functions.ts
2517 * declare module 'mathjs' {
2518 * interface MathJsStatic {
2519 * hello(a: number): number;
2520 * }
2521 * }
2522 *
2523 * @param object An object with functions to be imported.
2524 * @param options An object with import options.
2525 */
2526 import(object: ImportObject | ImportObject[], options: ImportOptions): void;
2527 }
2529 /*************************************************************************
2530 * Factory and Dependencies
2531 ************************************************************************/
2532 interface FactoryDependencies {
2533 create: (factories: FactoryFunctionMap, config?: ConfigOptions) => Partial<MathJsStatic>;
2534 factory: <T>(
2535 name: string,
2536 dependencies: MathJsFunctionName[],
2537 create: (injected: Partial<MathJsStatic>) => T,
2538 meta?: any
2539 ) => FactoryFunction<T>;
2540 all: FactoryFunctionMap;
2542 typedDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2543 ResultSetDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2544 BigNumberDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2545 ComplexDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2546 FractionDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2547 RangeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2548 MatrixDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2549 DenseMatrixDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2550 cloneDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2551 isIntegerDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2552 isNegativeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2553 isNumericDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2554 hasNumericValueDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2555 isPositiveDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2556 isZeroDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2557 isNaNDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2558 typeOfDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2559 typeofDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2560 equalScalarDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2561 SparseMatrixDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2562 numberDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2563 stringDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2564 booleanDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2565 bignumberDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2566 complexDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2567 fractionDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2568 matrixDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2569 splitUnitDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2570 unaryMinusDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2571 unaryPlusDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2572 absDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2573 applyDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2574 addScalarDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2575 cbrtDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2576 ceilDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2577 cubeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2578 expDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2579 expm1Dependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2580 fixDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2581 floorDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2582 gcdDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2583 lcmDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2584 log10Dependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2585 log2Dependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2586 modDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2587 multiplyScalarDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2588 multiplyDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2589 nthRootDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2590 signDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2591 sqrtDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2592 squareDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2593 subtractDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2594 xgcdDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2595 dotMultiplyDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2596 bitAndDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2597 bitNotDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2598 bitOrDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2599 bitXorDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2600 argDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2601 conjDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2602 imDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2603 reDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2604 notDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2605 orDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2606 xorDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2607 concatDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2608 columnDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2609 crossDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2610 diagDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2611 eyeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2612 filterDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2613 flattenDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2614 forEachDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2615 getMatrixDataTypeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2616 identityDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2617 kronDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2618 mapDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2619 onesDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2620 rangeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2621 reshapeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2622 resizeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2623 rowDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2624 sizeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2625 squeezeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2626 subsetDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2627 transposeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2628 ctransposeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2629 zerosDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2630 erfDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2631 modeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2632 prodDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2633 formatDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2634 printDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2635 toDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2636 isPrimeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2637 numericDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2638 divideScalarDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2639 powDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2640 roundDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2641 logDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2642 log1pDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2643 nthRootsDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2644 dotPowDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2645 dotDivideDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2646 lsolveDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2647 usolveDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2648 leftShiftDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2649 rightArithShiftDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2650 rightLogShiftDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2651 andDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2652 compareDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2653 compareNaturalDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2654 compareTextDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2655 equalDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2656 equalTextDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2657 smallerDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2658 smallerEqDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2659 largerDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2660 largerEqDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2661 deepEqualDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2662 unequalDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2663 partitionSelectDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2664 sortDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2665 maxDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2666 minDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2667 ImmutableDenseMatrixDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2668 IndexDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2669 FibonacciHeapDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2670 SpaDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2671 UnitDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2672 unitDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2673 sparseDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2674 createUnitDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2675 acosDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2676 acoshDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2677 acotDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2678 acothDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2679 acscDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2680 acschDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2681 asecDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2682 asechDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2683 asinDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2684 asinhDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2685 atanDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2686 atan2Dependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2687 atanhDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2688 cosDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2689 coshDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2690 cotDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2691 cothDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2692 cscDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2693 cschDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2694 secDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2695 sechDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2696 sinDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2697 sinhDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2698 tanDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2699 tanhDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2700 setCartesianDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2701 setDifferenceDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2702 setDistinctDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2703 setIntersectDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2704 setIsSubsetDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2705 setMultiplicityDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2706 setPowersetDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2707 setSizeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2708 setSymDifferenceDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2709 setUnionDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2710 addDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2711 hypotDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2712 normDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2713 dotDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2714 traceDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2715 indexDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2716 NodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2717 AccessorNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2718 ArrayNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2719 AssignmentNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2720 BlockNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2721 ConditionalNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2722 ConstantNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2723 FunctionAssignmentNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2724 IndexNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2725 ObjectNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2726 OperatorNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2727 ParenthesisNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2728 RangeNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2729 RelationalNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2730 SymbolNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2731 FunctionNodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2732 parseDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2733 compileDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2734 evaluateDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2735 evalDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2736 ParserDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2737 parserDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2738 lupDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2739 qrDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2740 sluDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2741 lusolveDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2742 HelpDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2743 ChainDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2744 helpDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2745 chainDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2746 detDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2747 invDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2748 expmDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2749 sqrtmDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2750 divideDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2751 distanceDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2752 intersectDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2753 sumDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2754 meanDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2755 medianDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2756 madDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2757 varianceDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2758 varDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2759 quantileSeqDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2760 stdDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2761 combinationsDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2762 gammaDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2763 factorialDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2764 kldivergenceDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2765 multinomialDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2766 permutationsDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2767 pickRandomDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2768 randomDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2769 randomIntDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2770 stirlingS2Dependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2771 bellNumbersDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2772 catalanDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2773 compositionDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2774 simplifyDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2775 derivativeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2776 rationalizeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2777 reviverDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2778 eDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2779 EDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2780 falseDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2781 iDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2782 InfinityDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2783 LN10Dependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2784 LN2Dependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2785 LOG10EDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2786 LOG2EDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2787 NaNDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2788 nullDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2789 phiDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2790 piDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2791 PIDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2792 SQRT1_2Dependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2793 SQRT2Dependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2794 tauDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2795 trueDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2796 versionDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2797 atomicMassDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2798 avogadroDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2799 bohrMagnetonDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2800 bohrRadiusDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2801 boltzmannDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2802 classicalElectronRadiusDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2803 conductanceQuantumDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2804 coulombDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2805 deuteronMassDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2806 efimovFactorDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2807 electricConstantDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2808 electronMassDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2809 elementaryChargeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2810 faradayDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2811 fermiCouplingDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2812 fineStructureDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2813 firstRadiationDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2814 gasConstantDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2815 gravitationConstantDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2816 gravityDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2817 hartreeEnergyDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2818 inverseConductanceQuantumDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2819 klitzingDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2820 loschmidtDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2821 magneticConstantDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2822 magneticFluxQuantumDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2823 molarMassDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2824 molarMassC12Dependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2825 molarPlanckConstantDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2826 molarVolumeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2827 neutronMassDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2828 nuclearMagnetonDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2829 planckChargeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2830 planckConstantDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2831 planckLengthDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2832 planckMassDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2833 planckTemperatureDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2834 planckTimeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2835 protonMassDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2836 quantumOfCirculationDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2837 reducedPlanckConstantDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2838 rydbergDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2839 sackurTetrodeDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2840 secondRadiationDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2841 speedOfLightDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2842 stefanBoltzmannDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2843 thomsonCrossSectionDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2844 vacuumImpedanceDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2845 weakMixingAngleDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2846 wienDisplacementDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2847 applyTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2848 columnTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2849 filterTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2850 forEachTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2851 indexTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2852 mapTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2853 maxTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2854 meanTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2855 minTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2856 rangeTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2857 rowTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2858 subsetTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2859 concatTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2860 stdTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2861 sumTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2862 varianceTransformDependencies: FactoryFunctionMap;
2863 }
2865 interface Matrix {
2866 type: string;
2867 storage(): string;
2868 datatype(): string;
2869 create(data: MathArray, datatype?: string): void;
2870 density(): number;
2871 subset(index: Index, replacement?: any, defaultValue?: any): Matrix;
2872 get(index: number[]): any;
2873 set(index: number[], value: any, defaultValue?: number | string): Matrix;
2874 resize(size: MathArray | Matrix, defaultValue?: number | string): Matrix;
2875 clone(): Matrix;
2876 size(): number[];
2877 map(callback: (a: any, b: number, c: Matrix) => any, skipZeros?: boolean): Matrix;
2878 forEach(callback: (a: any, b: number, c: Matrix) => void, skipZeros?: boolean): void;
2879 toArray(): MathArray;
2880 valueOf(): MathArray;
2881 format(options?: FormatOptions | number | ((value: any) => string)): string;
2882 toString(): string;
2883 toJSON(): any;
2884 diagonal(k?: number | BigNumber): any[];
2885 swapRows(i: number, j: number): Matrix;
2886 }
2888 interface BigNumber extends Decimal {} // tslint:disable-line no-empty-interface
2890 interface Fraction {
2891 s: number;
2892 n: number;
2893 d: number;
2894 }
2896 interface Complex {
2897 re: number;
2898 im: number;
2899 clone(): Complex;
2900 equals(other: Complex): boolean;
2901 format(precision?: number): string;
2902 fromJSON(json: object): Complex;
2903 fromPolar(polar: object): Complex;
2904 fromPolar(r: number, phi: number): Complex;
2905 toJSON(): object;
2906 toPolar(): PolarCoordinates;
2907 toString(): string;
2908 compare(a: Complex, b: Complex): number;
2909 }
2911 interface PolarCoordinates {
2912 r: number;
2913 phi: number;
2914 }
2916 interface MathJSON {
2917 mathjs?: string;
2918 value: number;
2919 unit: string;
2920 fixPrefix?: boolean;
2921 }
2923 interface Unit {
2924 valueOf(): string;
2925 clone(): Unit;
2926 hasBase(base: any): boolean;
2927 equalBase(unit: Unit): boolean;
2928 equals(unit: Unit): boolean;
2929 multiply(unit: Unit): Unit;
2930 divide(unit: Unit): Unit;
2931 pow(unit: Unit): Unit;
2932 abs(unit: Unit): Unit;
2933 to(unit: string): Unit;
2934 toNumber(unit: string): number;
2935 toNumeric(unit: string): number | Fraction | BigNumber;
2936 toSI(): Unit;
2937 toString(): string;
2938 toJSON(): MathJSON;
2939 formatUnits(): string;
2940 format(options: FormatOptions): string;
2941 splitUnit(parts: ReadonlyArray<string | Unit>): Unit[];
2942 }
2944 interface CreateUnitOptions {
2945 prefixes?: 'none' | 'short' | 'long' | 'binary_short' | 'binary_long';
2946 aliases?: string[];
2947 offset?: number;
2948 override?: boolean;
2949 }
2951 interface SimplifyOptions {
2952 /** A boolean which is `true` by default. */
2953 exactFractions?: boolean;
2954 /**
2955 * When `exactFractions` is true, a fraction will be returned only
2956 * when both numerator and denominator are smaller than `fractionsLimit`.
2957 * Default value is 10000.
2958 */
2959 fractionsLimit?: number;
2960 }
2962 interface UnitDefinition {
2963 definition?: string | Unit;
2964 prefixes?: string;
2965 offset?: number;
2966 aliases?: string[];
2967 }
2969 interface Index {} // tslint:disable-line no-empty-interface
2971 interface EvalFunction {
2972 evaluate(scope?: any): any;
2973 }
2975 interface MathNode {
2976 isNode: boolean;
2977 isAccessorNode?: boolean;
2978 isArrayNode?: boolean;
2979 isAssignmentNode?: boolean;
2980 isBlockNode?: boolean;
2981 isConditionalnode?: boolean;
2982 isConstantNode?: boolean;
2983 isFunctionAssignmentNode?: boolean;
2984 isFunctionNode?: boolean;
2985 isIndexNode?: boolean;
2986 isObjectNode?: boolean;
2987 isOperatorNode?: boolean;
2988 isParenthesisNode?: boolean;
2989 isRangeNode?: boolean;
2990 isSymbolNode?: boolean;
2991 isUpdateNode?: boolean;
2992 comment?: string;
2993 content?: MathNode;
2994 op?: string;
2995 fn?: string;
2996 args?: MathNode[];
2997 type: string;
2998 name?: string;
2999 value?: any;
3001 /**
3002 * Create a shallow clone of the node. The node itself is cloned, its
3003 * childs are not cloned.
3004 */
3005 clone(): MathNode;
3006 /**
3007 * Create a deep clone of the node. Both the node as well as all its
3008 * childs are cloned recursively.
3009 */
3010 cloneDeep(): MathNode;
3011 /**
3012 * Compile an expression into optimized JavaScript code. compile returns
3013 * an object with a function evaluate([scope]) to evaluate. Example:
3014 */
3015 compile(): EvalFunction;
3016 /**
3017 * Compile and eval an expression, this is the equivalent of doing
3018 * node.compile().evaluate(scope). Example:
3019 */
3020 evaluate(expr?: any): any;
3021 /**
3022 * Test whether this node equals an other node. Does a deep comparison
3023 * of the values of both nodes.
3024 */
3025 equals(other: MathNode): boolean;
3026 /**
3027 *
3028 * Filter nodes in an expression tree. The callback function is called
3029 * as callback(node: MathNode, path: string, parent: MathNode) : boolean
3030 * for every node in the tree, and must return a boolean. The function
3031 * filter returns an array with nodes for which the test returned true.
3032 * Parameter path is a string containing a relative JSON Path.
3033 *
3034 * Example:
3035 *
3036 * ```
3037 * var node = math.parse('x^2 + x/4 + 3*y');
3038 * var filtered = node.filter(function (node) {
3039 * return node.isSymbolMathNode && node.name == 'x';
3040 * });
3041 * // returns an array with two entries: two SymbolMathNodes 'x'
3042 * ```
3043 *
3044 * The callback function is called as callback(node: MathNode, path:
3045 * string, parent: MathNode) : boolean for every node in the tree, and
3046 * must return a boolean. The function filter returns an array with
3047 * nodes for which the test returned true. Parameter path is a string
3048 * containing a relative JSON Path.
3049 * @return Returns an array with nodes for which test returned true
3050 */
3051 filter(callback: (node: MathNode, path: string, parent: MathNode) => any): MathNode[];
3053 /**
3054 * [forEach description]
3055 */
3056 forEach(callback: (node: MathNode, path: string, parent: MathNode) => any): MathNode[];
3058 /**
3059 * Transform a node. Creates a new MathNode having its child's be the
3060 * results of calling the provided callback function for each of the
3061 * child's of the original node. The callback function is called as
3062 * `callback(child: MathNode, path: string, parent: MathNode)` and must
3063 * return a MathNode. Parameter path is a string containing a relative
3064 * JSON Path.
3065 *
3066 *
3067 * See also transform, which is a recursive version of map.
3068 */
3069 map(callback: (node: MathNode, path: string, parent: MathNode) => MathNode): MathNode;
3071 /**
3072 * Get a HTML representation of the parsed expression.
3073 */
3074 toHtml(options?: object): string;
3076 /**
3077 * Get a string representation of the parsed expression. This is not
3078 * exactly the same as the original input.
3079 */
3080 toString(options?: object): string;
3082 /**
3083 * Get a LaTeX representation of the expression.
3084 */
3085 toTex(options?: object): string;
3087 /**
3088 * Recursively transform an expression tree via a transform function.
3089 * Similar to Array.map, but recursively executed on all nodes in the
3090 * expression tree. The callback function is a mapping function
3091 * accepting a node, and returning a replacement for the node or the
3092 * original node. Function callback is called as callback(node:
3093 * MathNode, path: string, parent: MathNode) for every node in the tree,
3094 * and must return a MathNode. Parameter path is a string containing a
3095 * relative JSON Path.
3096 *
3097 * For example, to replace all nodes of type SymbolMathNode having name
3098 * ‘xwith a ConstantMathNode with value 3:
3099 * ```js
3100 * var node = math.parse('x^2 + 5*x');
3101 * var transformed = node.transform(function (node, path, parent) {
3102 * if (node.SymbolMathNode && node.name == 'x') {
3103 * return new math.expression.node.ConstantMathNode(3);
3104 * }
3105 * else {
3106 * return node;
3107 * }
3108 * });
3109 * transformed.toString(); // returns '(3 ^ 2) + (5 * 3)'
3110 * ```
3111 */
3112 transform(callback: (node: MathNode, path: string, parent: MathNode) => MathNode): MathNode;
3114 /**
3115 * `traverse(callback)`
3116 *
3117 * Recursively traverse all nodes in a node tree. Executes given
3118 * callback for this node and each of its child nodes. Similar to
3119 * Array.forEach, except recursive. The callback function is a mapping
3120 * function accepting a node, and returning a replacement for the node
3121 * or the original node. Function callback is called as callback(node:
3122 * MathNode, path: string, parent: MathNode) for every node in the tree.
3123 * Parameter path is a string containing a relative JSON Path. Example:
3124 *
3125 * ```
3126 * var node = math.parse('3 * x + 2');
3127 * node.traverse(function (node, path, parent) {
3128 * switch (node.type) {
3129 * case 'OperatorMathNode': console.log(node.type, node.op); break;
3130 * case 'ConstantMathNode': console.log(node.type, node.value); break;
3131 * case 'SymbolMathNode': console.log(node.type, node.name); break;
3132 * default: console.log(node.type);
3133 * }
3134 * });
3135 * // outputs:
3136 * // OperatorMathNode +
3137 * // OperatorMathNode *
3138 * // ConstantMathNode 3
3139 * // SymbolMathNode x
3140 * // ConstantMathNode 2
3141 * ```
3142 */
3143 traverse(callback: (node: MathNode, path: string, parent: MathNode) => void): any;
3144 }
3146 interface Parser {
3147 evaluate(expr: string): any;
3148 get(variable: string): any;
3149 getAll(): { [key: string]: any };
3150 set: (variable: string, value: any) => void;
3151 clear: () => void;
3152 }
3154 interface Distribution {
3155 random(size: any, min?: any, max?: any): any;
3156 randomInt(min: any, max?: any): any;
3157 pickRandom(array: any): any;
3158 }
3160 interface FormatOptions {
3161 /**
3162 * Number notation. Choose from: 'fixed' Always use regular number
3163 * notation. For example '123.40' and '14000000' 'exponential' Always
3164 * use exponential notation. For example '1.234e+2' and '1.4e+7' 'auto'
3165 * (default) Regular number notation for numbers having an absolute
3166 * value between lower and upper bounds, and uses exponential notation
3167 * elsewhere. Lower bound is included, upper bound is excluded. For
3168 * example '123.4' and '1.4e7'.
3169 */
3170 notation?: 'fixed' | 'exponential' | 'engineering' | 'auto';
3172 /**
3173 * A number between 0 and 16 to round the digits of the number. In case
3174 * of notations 'exponential' and 'auto', precision defines the total
3175 * number of significant digits returned and is undefined by default. In
3176 * case of notation 'fixed', precision defines the number of significant
3177 * digits after the decimal point, and is 0 by default.
3178 */
3179 precision?: number;
3181 /**
3182 * Exponent determining the lower boundary for formatting a value with
3183 * an exponent when notation='auto. Default value is -3.
3184 */
3185 lowerExp?: number;
3187 /**
3188 * Exponent determining the upper boundary for formatting a value with
3189 * an exponent when notation='auto. Default value is 5.
3190 */
3191 upperExp?: number;
3193 /**
3194 * Available values: 'ratio' (default) or 'decimal'. For example
3195 * format(fraction(1, 3)) will output '1/3' when 'ratio' is configured,
3196 * and will output 0.(3) when 'decimal' is configured.
3197 */
3198 fraction?: string;
3199 }
3201 interface Help {
3202 toString(): string;
3203 toJSON(): string;
3204 }
3206 interface ConfigOptions {
3207 epsilon?: number;
3208 matrix?: string;
3209 number?: string;
3210 precision?: number;
3211 parenthesis?: string;
3212 randomSeed?: string;
3213 }
3215 interface MathJsJson {
3216 /**
3217 * Returns reviver function that can be used as reviver in JSON.parse function.
3218 */
3219 reviver(): (key: any, value: any) => any;
3220 }
3222 interface MathJsChain {
3223 done(): any;
3225 /*************************************************************************
3226 * Construction functions
3227 ************************************************************************/
3229 /**
3230 * Create a BigNumber, which can store numbers with arbitrary precision.
3231 * When a matrix is provided, all elements will be converted to
3232 * BigNumber.
3233 */
3234 bignumber(): MathJsChain;
3236 /**
3237 * Create a boolean or convert a string or number to a boolean. In case
3238 * of a number, true is returned for non-zero numbers, and false in case
3239 * of zero. Strings can be 'true' or 'false', or can contain a number.
3240 * When value is a matrix, all elements will be converted to boolean.
3241 */
3242 boolean(): MathJsChain;
3244 /**
3245 * Create a complex value or convert a value to a complex value.
3246 * @param im Argument specifying the imaginary part of the complex
3247 * number
3248 */
3249 complex(im?: number): MathJsChain;
3251 /**
3252 * Create a user-defined unit and register it with the Unit type.
3253 * @param definition Definition of the unit in terms of existing units.
3254 * For example, ‘0.514444444 m / s’.
3255 * @param options (optional) An object containing any of the following
3256 * properties:</br>- prefixes {string} “none”, “short”, “long”,
3257 * “binary_short”, or “binary_long”. The default is “none”.</br>-
3258 * aliases {Array} Array of strings. Example: [‘knots’, ‘kt’,
3259 * ‘kts’]</br>- offset {Numeric} An offset to apply when converting from
3260 * the unit. For example, the offset for celsius is 273.15. Default is
3261 * 0.
3262 */
3263 createUnit(definition?: string | UnitDefinition, options?: CreateUnitOptions): MathJsChain;
3264 /**
3265 * Create a user-defined unit and register it with the Unit type.
3266 * @param options (optional) An object containing any of the following
3267 * properties:</br>- prefixes {string} “none”, “short”, “long”,
3268 * “binary_short”, or “binary_long”. The default is “none”.</br>-
3269 * aliases {Array} Array of strings. Example: [‘knots’, ‘kt’,
3270 * ‘kts’]</br>- offset {Numeric} An offset to apply when converting from
3271 * the unit. For example, the offset for celsius is 273.15. Default is
3272 * 0.
3273 */
3274 createUnit(options?: CreateUnitOptions): MathJsChain;
3276 /**
3277 * Create a fraction convert a value to a fraction.
3278 * @param denominator Argument specifying the denominator of the
3279 * fraction
3280 */
3281 fraction(denominator?: number | string | MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
3283 /**
3284 * Create an index. An Index can store ranges having start, step, and
3285 * end for multiple dimensions. Matrix.get, Matrix.set, and math.subset
3286 * accept an Index as input.
3287 */
3288 index(): MathJsChain;
3290 /**
3291 * Create a Matrix. The function creates a new math.type.Matrix object
3292 * from an Array. A Matrix has utility functions to manipulate the data
3293 * in the matrix, like getting the size and getting or setting values in
3294 * the matrix. Supported storage formats are 'dense' and 'sparse'.
3295 */
3296 matrix(format?: 'sparse' | 'dense', dataType?: string): MathJsChain;
3298 /**
3299 * Create a number or convert a string, boolean, or unit to a number.
3300 * When value is a matrix, all elements will be converted to number.
3301 * @param valuelessUnit A valueless unit, used to convert a unit to a
3302 * number
3303 */
3304 number(valuelessUnit?: Unit | string): MathJsChain;
3306 /**
3307 * Create a Sparse Matrix. The function creates a new math.type.Matrix
3308 * object from an Array. A Matrix has utility functions to manipulate
3309 * the data in the matrix, like getting the size and getting or setting
3310 * values in the matrix.
3311 * @param dataType Sparse Matrix data type
3312 */
3313 sparse(dataType?: string): MathJsChain;
3315 /**
3316 * Split a unit in an array of units whose sum is equal to the original
3317 * unit.
3318 * @param parts An array of strings or valueless units
3319 */
3320 splitUnit(parts: Unit[]): MathJsChain;
3322 /**
3323 * Create a string or convert any object into a string. Elements of
3324 * Arrays and Matrices are processed element wise.
3325 */
3326 string(): MathJsChain;
3328 /**
3329 * Create a unit. Depending on the passed arguments, the function will
3330 * create and return a new math.type.Unit object. When a matrix is
3331 * provided, all elements will be converted to units.
3332 * @param unit The unit to be created
3333 */
3334 unit(unit?: string): MathJsChain;
3336 /*************************************************************************
3337 * Expression functions
3338 ************************************************************************/
3340 /**
3341 * Parse and compile an expression. Returns a an object with a function
3342 * evaluate([scope]) to evaluate the compiled expression.
3343 */
3344 compile(): MathJsChain;
3346 /**
3347 * Evaluate an expression.
3348 * @param scope Scope to read/write variables
3349 */
3350 evaluate(scope?: object): MathJsChain;
3352 /**
3353 * Retrieve help on a function or data type. Help files are retrieved
3354 * from the documentation in math.expression.docs.
3355 */
3356 help(): MathJsChain;
3358 /**
3359 * Parse an expression. Returns a node tree, which can be evaluated by
3360 * invoking node.evaluate();
3361 * @param options Available options: nodes - a set of custome nodes
3362 */
3363 parse(options?: any): MathJsChain;
3364 /**
3365 * @param options Available options: nodes - a set of custome nodes
3366 */
3367 parse(options?: any): MathJsChain;
3369 /**
3370 * Create a parser. The function creates a new math.expression.Parser
3371 * object.
3372 */
3373 parser(): MathJsChain;
3375 /*************************************************************************
3376 * Algebra functions
3377 ************************************************************************/
3378 /**
3379 * @param variable The variable over which to differentiate
3380 * @param options There is one option available, simplify, which is true
3381 * by default. When false, output will not be simplified.
3382 */
3383 derivative(variable: MathNode | string, options?: { simplify: boolean }): MathJsChain;
3385 /**
3386 * Solves the linear equation system by forwards substitution. Matrix
3387 * must be a lower triangular matrix.
3388 * @param b A column vector with the b values
3389 */
3390 lsolve(b: Matrix | MathArray): MathJsChain;
3392 /**
3393 * Calculate the Matrix LU decomposition with partial pivoting. Matrix A
3394 * is decomposed in two matrices (L, U) and a row permutation vector p
3395 * where A[p,:] = L * U
3396 */
3397 lup(): MathJsChain;
3399 /**
3400 * Solves the linear system A * x = b where A is an [n x n] matrix and b
3401 * is a [n] column vector.
3402 * @param b Column Vector
3403 * @param order The Symbolic Ordering and Analysis order, see slu for
3404 * details. Matrix must be a SparseMatrix
3405 * @param threshold Partial pivoting threshold (1 for partial pivoting),
3406 * see slu for details. Matrix must be a SparseMatrix.
3407 */
3408 lusolve(b: Matrix | MathArray, order?: number, threshold?: number): MathJsChain;
3410 /**
3411 * Calculate the Matrix QR decomposition. Matrix A is decomposed in two
3412 * matrices (Q, R) where Q is an orthogonal matrix and R is an upper
3413 * triangular matrix.
3414 */
3415 qr(): MathJsChain;
3417 /**
3418 * Transform a rationalizable expression in a rational fraction. If
3419 * rational fraction is one variable polynomial then converts the
3420 * numerator and denominator in canonical form, with decreasing
3421 * exponents, returning the coefficients of numerator.
3422 * @param optional scope of expression or true for already evaluated
3423 * rational expression at input
3424 * @param detailed optional True if return an object, false if return
3425 * expression node (default)
3426 */
3427 rationalize(optional?: object | boolean, detailed?: boolean): MathJsChain;
3429 /**
3430 * Simplify an expression tree.
3431 * @param rules A list of rules are applied to an expression, repeating
3432 * over the list until no further changes are made. It’s possible to
3433 * pass a custom set of rules to the function as second argument. A rule
3434 * can be specified as an object, string, or function.
3435 * @param scope Scope to variables
3436 */
3437 simplify(rules?: Array<{ l: string; r: string } | string | ((node: MathNode) => MathNode)>, scope?: object): MathJsChain;
3439 /**
3440 * Calculate the Sparse Matrix LU decomposition with full pivoting.
3441 * Sparse Matrix A is decomposed in two matrices (L, U) and two
3442 * permutation vectors (pinv, q) where P * A * Q = L * U
3443 * @param order The Symbolic Ordering and Analysis order: 0 - Natural
3444 * ordering, no permutation vector q is returned 1 - Matrix must be
3445 * square, symbolic ordering and analisis is performed on M = A + A' 2 -
3446 * Symbolic ordering and analysis is performed on M = A' * A. Dense
3447 * columns from A' are dropped, A recreated from A'. This is appropriate
3448 * for LU factorization of non-symmetric matrices. 3 - Symbolic ordering
3449 * and analysis is performed on M = A' * A. This is best used for LU
3450 * factorization is matrix M has no dense rows. A dense row is a row
3451 * with more than 10*sqr(columns) entries.
3452 * @param threshold Partial pivoting threshold (1 for partial pivoting)
3453 */
3454 slu(order: number, threshold: number): MathJsChain;
3456 /**
3457 * Solves the linear equation system by backward substitution. Matrix
3458 * must be an upper triangular matrix. U * x = b
3459 * @param b A column vector with the b values
3460 */
3461 usolve(b: Matrix | MathArray): MathJsChain;
3463 /*************************************************************************
3464 * Arithmetic functions
3465 ************************************************************************/
3467 /**
3468 * Calculate the absolute value of a number. For matrices, the function
3469 * is evaluated element wise.
3470 */
3471 abs(): MathJsChain;
3473 /**
3474 * Add two values, x + y. For matrices, the function is evaluated
3475 * element wise.
3476 * @param y Second value to add
3477 */
3478 add(y: MathType): MathJsChain;
3480 /**
3481 * Calculate the cubic root of a value. For matrices, the function is
3482 * evaluated element wise.
3483 * @param allRoots Optional, false by default. Only applicable when x is
3484 * a number or complex number. If true, all complex roots are returned,
3485 * if false (default) the principal root is returned.
3486 */
3487 cbrt(allRoots?: boolean): MathJsChain;
3489 /**
3490 * Round a value towards plus infinity If x is complex, both real and
3491 * imaginary part are rounded towards plus infinity. For matrices, the
3492 * function is evaluated element wise.
3493 */
3494 ceil(): MathJsChain;
3496 /**
3497 * Compute the cube of a value, x * x * x. For matrices, the function is
3498 * evaluated element wise.
3499 */
3500 cube(): MathJsChain;
3502 /**
3503 * Divide two values, x / y. To divide matrices, x is multiplied with
3504 * the inverse of y: x * inv(y).
3505 * @param y Denominator
3506 */
3507 divide(y: MathType): MathJsChain;
3509 /**
3510 * Divide two matrices element wise. The function accepts both matrices
3511 * and scalar values.
3512 * @param y Denominator
3513 */
3514 dotDivide(y: MathType): MathJsChain;
3516 /**
3517 * Multiply two matrices element wise. The function accepts both
3518 * matrices and scalar values.
3519 * @param y Right hand value
3520 */
3521 dotMultiply(y: MathType): MathJsChain;
3523 /**
3524 * Calculates the power of x to y element wise.
3525 * @param y The exponent
3526 */
3527 dotPow(y: MathType): MathJsChain;
3529 /**
3530 * Calculate the exponent of a value. For matrices, the function is
3531 * evaluated element wise.
3532 */
3533 exp(): MathJsChain;
3535 /**
3536 * Calculate the value of subtracting 1 from the exponential value. For
3537 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
3538 */
3539 expm1(): MathJsChain;
3541 /**
3542 * Round a value towards zero. For matrices, the function is evaluated
3543 * element wise.
3544 */
3545 fix(): MathJsChain;
3547 /**
3548 * Round a value towards minus infinity. For matrices, the function is
3549 * evaluated element wise.
3550 */
3551 floor(): MathJsChain;
3553 /**
3554 * Calculate the greatest common divisor for two or more values or
3555 * arrays. For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
3556 */
3557 gcd(): MathJsChain;
3559 /**
3560 * Calculate the hypotenusa of a list with values. The hypotenusa is
3561 * defined as: hypot(a, b, c, ...) = sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + ...) For
3562 * matrix input, the hypotenusa is calculated for all values in the
3563 * matrix.
3564 */
3565 hypot(): MathJsChain;
3567 /**
3568 * Calculate the least common multiple for two or more values or arrays.
3569 * lcm is defined as: lcm(a, b) = abs(a * b) / gcd(a, b) For matrices,
3570 * the function is evaluated element wise.
3571 * @param b An integer number
3572 */
3573 lcm(b: number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
3575 /**
3576 * Calculate the logarithm of a value. For matrices, the function is
3577 * evaluated element wise.
3578 * @param base Optional base for the logarithm. If not provided, the
3579 * natural logarithm of x is calculated. Default value: e.
3580 */
3581 log(base?: number | BigNumber | Complex): MathJsChain;
3583 /**
3584 * Calculate the 10-base of a value. This is the same as calculating
3585 * log(x, 10). For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
3586 */
3587 log10(): MathJsChain;
3589 /**
3590 * Calculate the logarithm of a value+1. For matrices, the function is
3591 * evaluated element wise.
3592 */
3593 log1p(base?: number | BigNumber | Complex): MathJsChain;
3594 /**
3595 * Calculate the 2-base of a value. This is the same as calculating
3596 * log(x, 2). For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
3597 */
3598 log2(): MathJsChain;
3599 /**
3600 * Calculates the modulus, the remainder of an integer division. For
3601 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. The modulus is
3602 * defined as: x - y * floor(x / y)
3603 * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation.
3604 * @param y Divisor
3605 */
3606 mod(y: number | BigNumber | Fraction | MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
3608 /**
3609 * Multiply two values, x * y. The result is squeezed. For matrices, the
3610 * matrix product is calculated.
3611 * @param y The second value to multiply
3612 */
3613 multiply(y: MathType): MathJsChain;
3615 /**
3616 * Calculate the norm of a number, vector or matrix. The second
3617 * parameter p is optional. If not provided, it defaults to 2.
3618 * @param p Vector space. Supported numbers include Infinity and
3619 * -Infinity. Supported strings are: 'inf', '-inf', and 'fro' (The
3620 * Frobenius norm) Default value: 2.
3621 */
3622 norm(p?: number | BigNumber | string): MathJsChain;
3624 /**
3625 * Calculate the nth root of a value. The principal nth root of a
3626 * positive real number A, is the positive real solution of the equation
3627 * x^root = A For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
3628 * @param root The root. Default value: 2.
3629 */
3630 nthRoot(root?: number | BigNumber): MathJsChain;
3632 /**
3633 * Calculates the power of x to y, x ^ y. Matrix exponentiation is
3634 * supported for square matrices x, and positive integer exponents y.
3635 * @param y The exponent
3636 */
3637 pow(y: number | BigNumber): MathJsChain;
3639 /**
3640 * Round a value towards the nearest integer. For matrices, the function
3641 * is evaluated element wise.
3642 * @param n Number of decimals Default value: 0.
3643 */
3644 round(n?: number | BigNumber | MathArray): MathJsChain;
3646 /**
3647 * Compute the sign of a value. The sign of a value x is: 1 when x > 1
3648 * -1 when x < 0 0 when x == 0 For matrices, the function is evaluated
3649 * element wise.
3650 * @param x The number for which to determine the sign
3651 * @returns The sign of x
3652 */
3653 sign(x: number | BigNumber): MathJsChain;
3655 /**
3656 * Calculate the square root of a value. For matrices, the function is
3657 * evaluated element wise.
3658 */
3659 sqrt(): MathJsChain;
3661 /**
3662 * Compute the square of a value, x * x. For matrices, the function is
3663 * evaluated element wise.
3664 */
3665 square(): MathJsChain;
3667 /**
3668 * Subtract two values, x - y. For matrices, the function is evaluated
3669 * element wise.
3670 * @param y Value to subtract from x
3671 */
3672 subtract(y: MathType): MathJsChain;
3674 /**
3675 * Inverse the sign of a value, apply a unary minus operation. For
3676 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. Boolean values and
3677 * strings will be converted to a number. For complex numbers, both real
3678 * and complex value are inverted.
3679 */
3680 unaryMinus(): MathJsChain;
3682 /**
3683 * Unary plus operation. Boolean values and strings will be converted to
3684 * a number, numeric values will be returned as is. For matrices, the
3685 * function is evaluated element wise.
3686 */
3687 unaryPlus(): MathJsChain;
3689 /**
3690 * Calculate the extended greatest common divisor for two values. See
3691 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Euclidean_algorithm.
3692 * @param b An integer number
3693 */
3694 xgcd(b: number | BigNumber): MathJsChain;
3696 /*************************************************************************
3697 * Bitwise functions
3698 ************************************************************************/
3700 /**
3701 * Bitwise AND two values, x & y. For matrices, the function is
3702 * evaluated element wise.
3703 * @param y Second value to and
3704 */
3705 bitAnd(y: number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
3707 /**
3708 * Bitwise NOT value, ~x. For matrices, the function is evaluated
3709 * element wise. For units, the function is evaluated on the best prefix
3710 * base.
3711 */
3712 bitNot(): MathJsChain;
3714 /**
3715 * Bitwise OR two values, x | y. For matrices, the function is evaluated
3716 * element wise. For units, the function is evaluated on the lowest
3717 * print base.
3718 * @param y Second value to or
3719 */
3720 bitOr(y: number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
3722 /**
3723 * Bitwise XOR two values, x ^ y. For matrices, the function is
3724 * evaluated element wise.
3725 * @param y Second value to xor
3726 */
3727 bitXor(y: number | BigNumber | MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
3729 /**
3730 * Bitwise left logical shift of a value x by y number of bits, x << y.
3731 * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. For units, the
3732 * function is evaluated on the best prefix base.
3733 * @param y Amount of shifts
3734 */
3735 leftShift(y: number | BigNumber): MathJsChain;
3737 /**
3738 * Bitwise right arithmetic shift of a value x by y number of bits, x >>
3739 * y. For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. For units,
3740 * the function is evaluated on the best prefix base.
3741 * @param y Amount of shifts
3742 */
3743 rightArithShift(y: number | BigNumber): MathJsChain;
3745 /**
3746 * Bitwise right logical shift of value x by y number of bits, x >>> y.
3747 * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. For units, the
3748 * function is evaluated on the best prefix base.
3749 * @param y Amount of shifts
3750 */
3751 rightLogShift(y: number): MathJsChain;
3753 /*************************************************************************
3754 * Combinatorics functions
3755 ************************************************************************/
3757 /**
3758 * The Bell Numbers count the number of partitions of a set. A partition
3759 * is a pairwise disjoint subset of S whose union is S. bellNumbers only
3760 * takes integer arguments. The following condition must be enforced: n
3761 * >= 0
3762 */
3763 bellNumbers(): MathJsChain;
3765 /**
3766 * The Catalan Numbers enumerate combinatorial structures of many
3767 * different types. catalan only takes integer arguments. The following
3768 * condition must be enforced: n >= 0
3769 */
3770 catalan(): MathJsChain;
3772 /**
3773 * The composition counts of n into k parts. Composition only takes
3774 * integer arguments. The following condition must be enforced: k <= n.
3775 * @param k Number of objects in the subset
3776 */
3777 composition(k: number | BigNumber): MathJsChain;
3779 /**
3780 * The Stirling numbers of the second kind, counts the number of ways to
3781 * partition a set of n labelled objects into k nonempty unlabelled
3782 * subsets. stirlingS2 only takes integer arguments. The following
3783 * condition must be enforced: k <= n. If n = k or k = 1, then s(n,k) =
3784 * 1
3785 * @param k Number of objects in the subset
3786 */
3787 stirlingS2(k: number | BigNumber): MathJsChain;
3789 /*************************************************************************
3790 * Complex functions
3791 ************************************************************************/
3793 /**
3794 * Compute the argument of a complex value. For a complex number a + bi,
3795 * the argument is computed as atan2(b, a). For matrices, the function
3796 * is evaluated element wise.
3797 */
3798 arg(): MathJsChain;
3800 /**
3801 * Compute the complex conjugate of a complex value. If x = a+bi, the
3802 * complex conjugate of x is a - bi. For matrices, the function is
3803 * evaluated element wise.
3804 */
3805 conj(): MathJsChain;
3807 /**
3808 * Get the imaginary part of a complex number. For a complex number a +
3809 * bi, the function returns b. For matrices, the function is evaluated
3810 * element wise.
3811 */
3812 im(): MathJsChain;
3814 /**
3815 * Get the real part of a complex number. For a complex number a + bi,
3816 * the function returns a. For matrices, the function is evaluated
3817 * element wise.
3818 */
3819 re(): MathJsChain;
3821 /*************************************************************************
3822 * Geometry functions
3823 ************************************************************************/
3825 /**
3826 * Calculates: The eucledian distance between two points in 2 and 3
3827 * dimensional spaces. Distance between point and a line in 2 and 3
3828 * dimensional spaces. Pairwise distance between a set of 2D or 3D
3829 * points NOTE: When substituting coefficients of a line(a, b and c),
3830 * use ax + by + c = 0 instead of ax + by = c For parametric equation of
3831 * a 3D line, x0, y0, z0, a, b, c are from: (x−x0, y−y0, z−z0) = t(a, b,
3832 * c)
3833 * @param y Coordinates of the second point
3834 */
3835 distance(y: MathArray | Matrix | object): MathJsChain;
3837 /**
3838 * Calculates the point of intersection of two lines in two or three
3839 * dimensions and of a line and a plane in three dimensions. The inputs
3840 * are in the form of arrays or 1 dimensional matrices. The line
3841 * intersection functions return null if the lines do not meet. Note:
3842 * Fill the plane coefficients as x + y + z = c and not as x + y + z + c
3843 * = 0.
3844 * @param x Co-ordinates of second end-point of first line
3845 * @param y Co-ordinates of first end-point of second line OR
3846 * Coefficients of the plane's equation
3847 * @param z Co-ordinates of second end-point of second line OR null if
3848 * the calculation is for line and plane
3849 */
3850 intersect(x: MathArray | Matrix, y: MathArray | Matrix, z: MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
3852 /*************************************************************************
3853 * Logical functions
3854 ************************************************************************/
3856 /**
3857 * Logical and. Test whether two values are both defined with a
3858 * nonzero/nonempty value. For matrices, the function is evaluated
3859 * element wise.
3860 * @param y Second value to and
3861 */
3862 and(y: number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
3864 /**
3865 * Logical not. Flips boolean value of a given parameter. For matrices,
3866 * the function is evaluated element wise.
3867 */
3868 not(): MathJsChain;
3870 /**
3871 * Logical or. Test if at least one value is defined with a
3872 * nonzero/nonempty value. For matrices, the function is evaluated
3873 * element wise.
3874 * @param y Second value to or
3875 */
3876 or(y: number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
3878 /**
3879 * Logical xor. Test whether one and only one value is defined with a
3880 * nonzero/nonempty value. For matrices, the function is evaluated
3881 * element wise.
3882 * @param y Second value to xor
3883 */
3884 xor(y: number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
3886 /*************************************************************************
3887 * Matrix functions
3888 ************************************************************************/
3890 /**
3891 * Concatenate two or more matrices. dim: number is a zero-based
3892 * dimension over which to concatenate the matrices. By default the last
3893 * dimension of the matrices.
3894 */
3895 concat(): MathJsChain;
3897 /**
3898 * Calculate the cross product for two vectors in three dimensional
3899 * space. The cross product of A = [a1, a2, a3] and B =[b1, b2, b3] is
3900 * defined as: cross(A, B) = [ a2 * b3 - a3 * b2, a3 * b1 - a1 * b3, a1
3901 * * b2 - a2 * b1 ]
3902 * @param y Second vector
3903 */
3904 cross(y: MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
3906 /**
3907 * Calculate the determinant of a matrix.
3908 */
3909 det(): MathJsChain;
3911 /**
3912 * Create a diagonal matrix or retrieve the diagonal of a matrix. When x
3913 * is a vector, a matrix with vector x on the diagonal will be returned.
3914 * When x is a two dimensional matrix, the matrixes kth diagonal will be
3915 * returned as vector. When k is positive, the values are placed on the
3916 * super diagonal. When k is negative, the values are placed on the sub
3917 * diagonal.
3918 * @param k The diagonal where the vector will be filled in or
3919 * retrieved. Default value: 0.
3920 * @param format The matrix storage format. Default value: 'dense'.
3921 */
3922 diag(format?: string): MathJsChain;
3923 diag(k: number | BigNumber, format?: string): MathJsChain;
3925 /**
3926 * Calculate the dot product of two vectors. The dot product of A = [a1,
3927 * a2, a3, ..., an] and B = [b1, b2, b3, ..., bn] is defined as: dot(A,
3928 * B) = a1 * b1 + a2 * b2 + a3 * b3 + ... + an * bn
3929 * @param y Second vector
3930 */
3931 dot(y: MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
3933 /**
3934 * Compute the matrix exponential, expm(A) = e^A. The matrix must be
3935 * square. Not to be confused with exp(a), which performs element-wise
3936 * exponentiation. The exponential is calculated using the Padé
3937 * approximant with scaling and squaring; seeNineteen Dubious Ways to
3938 * Compute the Exponential of a Matrix,” by Moler and Van Loan.
3939 */
3940 expm(): MathJsChain;
3942 /**
3943 * Create a 2-dimensional identity matrix with size m x n or n x n. The
3944 * matrix has ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
3945 * @param format The Matrix storage format
3946 */
3947 identity(format?: string): MathJsChain;
3948 /**
3949 * @param n The y dimension for the matrix
3950 * @param format The Matrix storage format
3951 */
3952 identity(n: number, format?: string): MathJsChain;
3954 /**
3955 * Filter the items in an array or one dimensional matrix.
3956 */
3957 filter(test: ((value: any, index: any, matrix: Matrix | MathArray) => boolean) | RegExp): MathJsChain;
3959 /**
3960 * Flatten a multi dimensional matrix into a single dimensional matrix.
3961 */
3962 flatten(): MathJsChain;
3964 /**
3965 * Iterate over all elements of a matrix/array, and executes the given
3966 * callback function.
3967 */
3968 forEach(callback: (value: any, index: any, matrix: Matrix | MathArray) => void): MathJsChain;
3970 /**
3971 * Calculate the inverse of a square matrix.
3972 */
3973 inv(): MathJsChain;
3975 /**
3976 * Calculate the kronecker product of two matrices or vectors
3977 * @param y Second vector
3978 */
3979 kron(y: Matrix | MathArray): MathJsChain;
3981 /**
3982 * Iterate over all elements of a matrix/array, and executes the given
3983 * callback function.
3984 * @param callback The callback function is invoked with three
3985 * parameters: the value of the element, the index of the element, and
3986 * the Matrix/array being traversed.
3987 */
3988 map(callback: (value: any, index: any, matrix: Matrix | MathArray) => Matrix | MathArray): MathJsChain;
3990 /**
3991 * Create a matrix filled with ones. The created matrix can have one or
3992 * multiple dimensions.
3993 * @param format The matrix storage format
3994 */
3995 ones(format?: string): MathJsChain;
3996 /**
3997 * @param format The matrix storage format
3998 */
3999 ones(n: number, format?: string): MathJsChain;
4000 /**
4001 * Partition-based selection of an array or 1D matrix. Will find the kth
4002 * smallest value, and mutates the input array. Uses Quickselect.
4003 * @param k The kth smallest value to be retrieved; zero-based index
4004 * @param compare An optional comparator function. The function is
4005 * called as compare(a, b), and must return 1 when a > b, -1 when a < b,
4006 * and 0 when a == b. Default value: 'asc'.
4007 */
4008 partitionSelect(k: number, compare?: 'asc' | 'desc' | ((a: any, b: any) => number)): MathJsChain;
4010 /**
4011 * Create an array from a range. By default, the range end is excluded.
4012 * This can be customized by providing an extra parameter includeEnd.
4013 * @param end End of the range, excluded by default, included when
4014 * parameter includeEnd=true
4015 * @param step Step size. Default value is 1.
4016 * @param includeEnd: Option to specify whether to include the end or
4017 * not. False by default
4018 */
4019 range(includeEnd?: boolean): Matrix;
4020 range(end: number | BigNumber, includeEnd?: boolean): MathJsChain;
4021 range(end: number | BigNumber, step: number | BigNumber, includeEnd?: boolean): MathJsChain;
4023 /**
4024 * Reshape a multi dimensional array to fit the specified dimensions
4025 * @param sizes One dimensional array with integral sizes for each
4026 * dimension
4027 */
4028 reshape(sizes: number[]): MathJsChain;
4030 /**
4031 * Resize a matrix
4032 * @param size One dimensional array with numbers
4033 * @param defaultValue Zero by default, except in case of a string, in
4034 * that case defaultValue = ' ' Default value: 0.
4035 */
4036 resize(size: MathArray | Matrix, defaultValue?: number | string): MathJsChain;
4038 /**
4039 * Calculate the size of a matrix or scalar.
4040 */
4041 size(): MathJsChain;
4043 /**
4044 * Sort the items in a matrix
4045 * @param compare An optional _comparator function or name. The function
4046 * is called as compare(a, b), and must return 1 when a > b, -1 when a <
4047 * b, and 0 when a == b. Default value: ‘asc
4048 */
4049 sort(compare: ((a: any, b: any) => number) | 'asc' | 'desc' | 'natural'): MathJsChain;
4051 /**
4052 * Calculate the principal square root of a square matrix. The principal
4053 * square root matrix X of another matrix A is such that X * X = A.
4054 */
4055 sqrtm(): MathJsChain;
4057 /**
4058 * Squeeze a matrix, remove inner and outer singleton dimensions from a
4059 * matrix.
4060 */
4061 squeeze(): MathJsChain;
4063 /**
4064 * Get or set a subset of a matrix or string.
4065 * @param index An index containing ranges for each dimension
4066 * @param replacement An array, matrix, or scalar. If provided, the
4067 * subset is replaced with replacement. If not provided, the subset is
4068 * returned
4069 * @param defaultValue Default value, filled in on new entries when the
4070 * matrix is resized. If not provided, math.matrix elements will be left
4071 * undefined. Default value: undefined.
4072 */
4073 subset(index: Index, replacement?: any, defaultValue?: any): MathJsChain;
4075 /**
4076 * Calculate the trace of a matrix: the sum of the elements on the main
4077 * diagonal of a square matrix.
4078 */
4079 trace(): MathJsChain;
4081 /**
4082 * Transpose a matrix. All values of the matrix are reflected over its
4083 * main diagonal. Only two dimensional matrices are supported.
4084 */
4085 transpose(): MathJsChain;
4087 /**
4088 * Create a matrix filled with zeros. The created matrix can have one or
4089 * multiple dimensions.
4090 * @param format The matrix storage format
4091 * @returns A matrix filled with zeros
4092 */
4093 zeros(format?: string): MathJsChain;
4094 /**
4095 * @param n The y dimension of the matrix
4096 * @param format The matrix storage format
4097 */
4098 zeros(n: number, format?: string): MathJsChain;
4100 /*************************************************************************
4101 * Probability functions
4102 ************************************************************************/
4104 /**
4105 * Compute the number of ways of picking k unordered outcomes from n
4106 * possibilities. Combinations only takes integer arguments. The
4107 * following condition must be enforced: k <= n.
4108 * @param k Number of objects in the subset
4109 */
4110 combinations(k: number | BigNumber): MathJsChain;
4112 /**
4113 * Compute the factorial of a value Factorial only supports an integer
4114 * value as argument. For matrices, the function is evaluated element
4115 * wise.
4116 */
4117 factorial(): MathJsChain;
4119 /**
4120 * Compute the gamma function of a value using Lanczos approximation for
4121 * small values, and an extended Stirling approximation for large
4122 * values. For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
4123 */
4124 gamma(): MathJsChain;
4126 /**
4127 * Calculate the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between two
4128 * distributions
4129 * @param p Second vector
4130 */
4131 kldivergence(p: MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
4133 /**
4134 * Multinomial Coefficients compute the number of ways of picking a1,
4135 * a2, ..., ai unordered outcomes from n possibilities. multinomial
4136 * takes one array of integers as an argument. The following condition
4137 * must be enforced: every ai <= 0
4138 */
4139 multinomial(): MathJsChain;
4141 /**
4142 * Compute the number of ways of obtaining an ordered subset of k
4143 * elements from a set of n elements. Permutations only takes integer
4144 * arguments. The following condition must be enforced: k <= n.
4145 * @param k The number of objects in the subset
4146 */
4147 permutations(k?: number | BigNumber): MathJsChain;
4149 /**
4150 * Random pick a value from a one dimensional array. Array element is
4151 * picked using a random function with uniform distribution.
4152 * @param number An int or float
4153 * @param weights An array of ints or floats
4154 */
4155 pickRandom(number?: number, weights?: number[]): MathJsChain;
4157 /**
4158 * Return a random number larger or equal to min and smaller than max
4159 * using a uniform distribution.
4160 * @param min Minimum boundary for the random value, included
4161 * @param max Maximum boundary for the random value, excluded
4162 */
4163 random(max?: number): MathJsChain;
4164 // tslint:disable-next-line unified-signatures
4165 random(min: number, max: number): MathJsChain;
4167 /**
4168 * Return a random integer number larger or equal to min and smaller
4169 * than max using a uniform distribution.
4170 * @param min Minimum boundary for the random value, included
4171 * @param max Maximum boundary for the random value, excluded
4172 */
4173 randomInt(max?: number): MathJsChain;
4174 // tslint:disable-next-line unified-signatures
4175 randomInt(min: number, max: number): MathJsChain;
4177 /*************************************************************************
4178 * Relational functions
4179 ************************************************************************/
4181 /**
4182 * Compare two values. Returns 1 when x > y, -1 when x < y, and 0 when x
4183 * == y. x and y are considered equal when the relative difference
4184 * between x and y is smaller than the configured epsilon. The function
4185 * cannot be used to compare values smaller than approximately 2.22e-16.
4186 * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
4187 * @param y Second value to compare
4188 */
4189 compare(y: MathType | string): MathJsChain;
4191 /**
4192 * Compare two values of any type in a deterministic, natural way. For
4193 * numeric values, the function works the same as math.compare. For
4194 * types of values that cant be compared mathematically, the function
4195 * compares in a natural way.
4196 * @param y Second value to compare
4197 */
4198 compareNatural(y: any): MathJsChain;
4200 /**
4201 * Compare two strings lexically. Comparison is case sensitive. Returns
4202 * 1 when x > y, -1 when x < y, and 0 when x == y. For matrices, the
4203 * function is evaluated element wise.
4204 * @param y Second string to compare
4205 */
4206 compareText(y: string | MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
4208 /**
4209 * Test element wise whether two matrices are equal. The function
4210 * accepts both matrices and scalar values.
4211 * @param y Second amtrix to compare
4212 */
4213 deepEqual(y: MathType): MathJsChain;
4215 /**
4216 * Test whether two values are equal.
4217 *
4218 * The function tests whether the relative difference between x and y is
4219 * smaller than the configured epsilon. The function cannot be used to
4220 * compare values smaller than approximately 2.22e-16. For matrices, the
4221 * function is evaluated element wise. In case of complex numbers, x.re
4222 * must equal y.re, and x.im must equal y.im. Values null and undefined
4223 * are compared strictly, thus null is only equal to null and nothing
4224 * else, and undefined is only equal to undefined and nothing else.
4225 * @param y Second value to compare
4226 */
4227 equal(y: MathType | string): MathJsChain;
4229 /**
4230 * Check equality of two strings. Comparison is case sensitive. For
4231 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
4232 * @param y Second string to compare
4233 */
4234 equalText(y: string | MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
4236 /**
4237 * Test whether value x is larger than y. The function returns true when
4238 * x is larger than y and the relative difference between x and y is
4239 * larger than the configured epsilon. The function cannot be used to
4240 * compare values smaller than approximately 2.22e-16. For matrices, the
4241 * function is evaluated element wise.
4242 * @param y Second value to compare
4243 */
4244 larger(y: MathType | string): MathJsChain;
4246 /**
4247 * Test whether value x is larger or equal to y. The function returns
4248 * true when x is larger than y or the relative difference between x and
4249 * y is smaller than the configured epsilon. The function cannot be used
4250 * to compare values smaller than approximately 2.22e-16. For matrices,
4251 * the function is evaluated element wise.
4252 * @param y Second value to vcompare
4253 */
4254 largerEq(y: MathType | string): MathJsChain;
4256 /**
4257 * Test whether value x is smaller than y. The function returns true
4258 * when x is smaller than y and the relative difference between x and y
4259 * is smaller than the configured epsilon. The function cannot be used
4260 * to compare values smaller than approximately 2.22e-16. For matrices,
4261 * the function is evaluated element wise.
4262 * @param y Second value to vcompare
4263 */
4264 smaller(y: MathType | string): MathJsChain;
4266 /**
4267 * Test whether value x is smaller or equal to y. The function returns
4268 * true when x is smaller than y or the relative difference between x
4269 * and y is smaller than the configured epsilon. The function cannot be
4270 * used to compare values smaller than approximately 2.22e-16. For
4271 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
4272 * @param y Second value to compare
4273 */
4274 smallerEq(y: MathType | string): MathJsChain;
4276 /**
4277 * Test whether two values are unequal. The function tests whether the
4278 * relative difference between x and y is larger than the configured
4279 * epsilon. The function cannot be used to compare values smaller than
4280 * approximately 2.22e-16. For matrices, the function is evaluated
4281 * element wise. In case of complex numbers, x.re must unequal y.re, or
4282 * x.im must unequal y.im. Values null and undefined are compared
4283 * strictly, thus null is unequal with everything except null, and
4284 * undefined is unequal with everything except undefined.
4285 * @param y Second value to vcompare
4286 */
4287 unequal(y: MathType | string): MathJsChain;
4289 /*************************************************************************
4290 * Set functions
4291 ************************************************************************/
4293 /**
4294 * Create the cartesian product of two (multi)sets. Multi-dimension
4295 * arrays will be converted to single-dimension arrays before the
4296 * operation.
4297 * @param a2 A (multi)set
4298 */
4299 setCartesian(a2: MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
4301 /**
4302 * Create the difference of two (multi)sets: every element of set1, that
4303 * is not the element of set2. Multi-dimension arrays will be converted
4304 * to single-dimension arrays before the operation
4305 * @param a2 A (multi)set
4306 */
4307 setDifference(a2: MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
4309 /**
4310 * Collect the distinct elements of a multiset. A multi-dimension array
4311 * will be converted to a single-dimension array before the operation.
4312 */
4313 setDistinct(): MathJsChain;
4315 /**
4316 * Create the intersection of two (multi)sets. Multi-dimension arrays
4317 * will be converted to single-dimension arrays before the operation.
4318 * @param a2 A (multi)set
4319 */
4320 setIntersect(a2: MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
4322 /**
4323 * Check whether a (multi)set is a subset of another (multi)set. (Every
4324 * element of set1 is the element of set2.) Multi-dimension arrays will
4325 * be converted to single-dimension arrays before the operation.
4326 * @param a2 A (multi)set
4327 */
4328 setIsSubset(a2: MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
4330 /**
4331 * Count the multiplicity of an element in a multiset. A multi-dimension
4332 * array will be converted to a single-dimension array before the
4333 * operation.
4334 * @param a A multiset
4335 */
4336 setMultiplicity(a: MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
4338 /**
4339 * Create the powerset of a (multi)set. (The powerset contains very
4340 * possible subsets of a (multi)set.) A multi-dimension array will be
4341 * converted to a single-dimension array before the operation.
4342 */
4343 setPowerset(): MathJsChain;
4345 /**
4346 * Count the number of elements of a (multi)set. When a second parameter
4347 * istrue’, count only the unique values. A multi-dimension array will
4348 * be converted to a single-dimension array before the operation.
4349 */
4350 setSize(): MathJsChain;
4352 /**
4353 * Create the symmetric difference of two (multi)sets. Multi-dimension
4354 * arrays will be converted to single-dimension arrays before the
4355 * operation.
4356 * @param a2 A (multi)set
4357 */
4358 setSymDifference(a2: MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
4360 /**
4361 * Create the union of two (multi)sets. Multi-dimension arrays will be
4362 * converted to single-dimension arrays before the operation.
4363 * @param a2 A (multi)set
4364 */
4365 setUnion(a2: MathArray | Matrix): MathJsChain;
4367 /*************************************************************************
4368 * Special functions
4369 ************************************************************************/
4371 /**
4372 * Compute the erf function of a value using a rational Chebyshev
4373 * approximations for different intervals of x.
4374 */
4375 erf(): MathJsChain;
4377 /*************************************************************************
4378 * Statistics functions
4379 ************************************************************************/
4381 /**
4382 * Compute the median absolute deviation of a matrix or a list with
4383 * values. The median absolute deviation is defined as the median of the
4384 * absolute deviations from the median.
4385 */
4386 mad(): MathJsChain;
4388 /**
4389 * Compute the maximum value of a matrix or a list with values. In case
4390 * of a multi dimensional array, the maximum of the flattened array will
4391 * be calculated. When dim is provided, the maximum over the selected
4392 * dimension will be calculated. Parameter dim is zero-based.
4393 * @param dim The maximum over the selected dimension
4394 */
4395 max(dim?: number): MathJsChain;
4397 /**
4398 * Compute the mean value of matrix or a list with values. In case of a
4399 * multi dimensional array, the mean of the flattened array will be
4400 * calculated. When dim is provided, the maximum over the selected
4401 * dimension will be calculated. Parameter dim is zero-based.
4402 * @param dim The mean over the selected dimension
4403 */
4404 mean(dim?: number): MathJsChain;
4406 /**
4407 * Compute the median of a matrix or a list with values. The values are
4408 * sorted and the middle value is returned. In case of an even number of
4409 * values, the average of the two middle values is returned. Supported
4410 * types of values are: Number, BigNumber, Unit In case of a (multi
4411 * dimensional) array or matrix, the median of all elements will be
4412 * calculated.
4413 */
4414 median(): MathJsChain;
4416 /**
4417 * Compute the maximum value of a matrix or a list of values. In case of
4418 * a multi dimensional array, the maximum of the flattened array will be
4419 * calculated. When dim is provided, the maximum over the selected
4420 * dimension will be calculated. Parameter dim is zero-based.
4421 * @param dim The minimum over the selected dimension
4422 */
4423 min(dim?: number): MathJsChain;
4425 /**
4426 * Computes the mode of a set of numbers or a list with values(numbers
4427 * or characters). If there are more than one modes, it returns a list
4428 * of those values.
4429 */
4430 mode(): MathJsChain;
4432 /**
4433 * Compute the product of a matrix or a list with values. In case of a
4434 * (multi dimensional) array or matrix, the sum of all elements will be
4435 * calculated.
4436 */
4437 prod(): MathJsChain;
4439 /**
4440 * Compute the prob order quantile of a matrix or a list with values.
4441 * The sequence is sorted and the middle value is returned. Supported
4442 * types of sequence values are: Number, BigNumber, Unit Supported types
4443 * of probability are: Number, BigNumber In case of a (multi
4444 * dimensional) array or matrix, the prob order quantile of all elements
4445 * will be calculated.
4446 * @param probOrN prob is the order of the quantile, while N is the
4447 * amount of evenly distributed steps of probabilities; only one of
4448 * these options can be provided
4449 * @param sorted =false is data sorted in ascending order
4450 */
4451 quantileSeq(prob: number | BigNumber | MathArray, sorted?: boolean): MathJsChain;
4453 /**
4454 * Compute the standard deviation of a matrix or a list with values. The
4455 * standard deviations is defined as the square root of the variance:
4456 * std(A) = sqrt(variance(A)). In case of a (multi dimensional) array or
4457 * matrix, the standard deviation over all elements will be calculated.
4458 * Optionally, the type of normalization can be specified as second
4459 * parameter. The parameter normalization can be one of the following
4460 * values: 'unbiased' (default) The sum of squared errors is divided by
4461 * (n - 1) 'uncorrected' The sum of squared errors is divided by n
4462 * 'biased' The sum of squared errors is divided by (n + 1)
4463 * @param array A single matrix or multiple scalar values
4464 * @param normalization Determines how to normalize the variance. Choose
4465 * ‘unbiased’ (default), ‘uncorrected’, orbiased’. Default value:
4466 * ‘unbiased’.
4467 * @returns The standard deviation
4468 */
4469 std(normalization?: 'unbiased' | 'uncorrected' | 'biased' | 'unbiased'): MathJsChain;
4471 /**
4472 * Compute the sum of a matrix or a list with values. In case of a
4473 * (multi dimensional) array or matrix, the sum of all elements will be
4474 * calculated.
4475 */
4476 sum(): MathJsChain;
4478 /**
4479 * Compute the variance of a matrix or a list with values. In case of a
4480 * (multi dimensional) array or matrix, the variance over all elements
4481 * will be calculated. Optionally, the type of normalization can be
4482 * specified as second parameter. The parameter normalization can be one
4483 * of the following values: 'unbiased' (default) The sum of squared
4484 * errors is divided by (n - 1) 'uncorrected' The sum of squared errors
4485 * is divided by n 'biased' The sum of squared errors is divided by (n +
4486 * 1) Note that older browser may not like the variable name var. In
4487 * that case, the function can be called as math['var'](...) instead of
4488 * math.variance(...).
4489 * @param normalization normalization Determines how to normalize the
4490 * variance. Chooseunbiased’ (default), ‘uncorrected’, orbiased’.
4491 * Default value: ‘unbiased’.
4492 * @returns The variance
4493 */
4494 variance(normalization?: 'unbiased' | 'uncorrected' | 'biased' | 'unbiased'): MathJsChain;
4496 /*************************************************************************
4497 * String functions
4498 ************************************************************************/
4500 /**
4501 * Format a value of any type into a string.
4502 * @param options An object with formatting options.
4503 * @param callback A custom formatting function, invoked for all numeric
4504 * elements in value, for example all elements of a matrix, or the real
4505 * and imaginary parts of a complex number. This callback can be used to
4506 * override the built-in numeric notation with any type of formatting.
4507 * Function callback is called with value as parameter and must return a
4508 * string.
4509 * @see http://mathjs.org/docs/reference/functions/format.html
4510 */
4511 format(value: any, options?: FormatOptions | number | ((item: any) => string), callback?: (value: any) => string): MathJsChain;
4513 /**
4514 * Interpolate values into a string template.
4515 * @param values An object containing variables which will be filled in
4516 * in the template.
4517 * @param precision Number of digits to format numbers. If not provided,
4518 * the value will not be rounded.
4519 * @param options Formatting options, or the number of digits to format
4520 * numbers. See function math.format for a description of all options.
4521 */
4522 print(values: any, precision?: number, options?: number | object): MathJsChain;
4524 /*************************************************************************
4525 * Trigonometry functions
4526 ************************************************************************/
4528 /**
4529 * Calculate the inverse cosine of a value. For matrices, the function
4530 * is evaluated element wise.
4531 */
4532 acos(): MathJsChain;
4534 /**
4535 * Calculate the hyperbolic arccos of a value, defined as acosh(x) =
4536 * ln(sqrt(x^2 - 1) + x). For matrices, the function is evaluated
4537 * element wise.
4538 */
4539 acosh(): MathJsChain;
4541 /**
4542 * Calculate the inverse cotangent of a value. For matrices, the
4543 * function is evaluated element wise.
4544 */
4545 acot(): MathJsChain;
4547 /**
4548 * Calculate the hyperbolic arccotangent of a value, defined as acoth(x)
4549 * = (ln((x+1)/x) + ln(x/(x-1))) / 2. For matrices, the function is
4550 * evaluated element wise.
4551 */
4552 acoth(): MathJsChain;
4554 /**
4555 * Calculate the inverse cosecant of a value. For matrices, the function
4556 * is evaluated element wise.
4557 */
4558 acsc(): MathJsChain;
4560 /**
4561 * Calculate the hyperbolic arccosecant of a value, defined as acsch(x)
4562 * = ln(1/x + sqrt(1/x^2 + 1)). For matrices, the function is evaluated
4563 * element wise.
4564 */
4565 acsch(): MathJsChain;
4567 /**
4568 * Calculate the inverse secant of a value. For matrices, the function
4569 * is evaluated element wise.
4570 */
4571 asec(): MathJsChain;
4573 /**
4574 * Calculate the hyperbolic arcsecant of a value, defined as asech(x) =
4575 * ln(sqrt(1/x^2 - 1) + 1/x). For matrices, the function is evaluated
4576 * element wise.
4577 */
4578 asech(): MathJsChain;
4580 /**
4581 * Calculate the inverse sine of a value. For matrices, the function is
4582 * evaluated element wise.
4583 */
4584 asin(): MathJsChain;
4586 /**
4587 * Calculate the hyperbolic arcsine of a value, defined as asinh(x) =
4588 * ln(x + sqrt(x^2 + 1)). For matrices, the function is evaluated
4589 * element wise.
4590 */
4591 asinh(): MathJsChain;
4593 /**
4594 * Calculate the inverse tangent of a value. For matrices, the function
4595 * is evaluated element wise.
4596 */
4597 atan(): MathJsChain;
4599 /**
4600 * Calculate the inverse tangent function with two arguments, y/x. By
4601 * providing two arguments, the right quadrant of the computed angle can
4602 * be determined. For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
4603 */
4604 atan2(): MathJsChain;
4606 /**
4607 * Calculate the hyperbolic arctangent of a value, defined as atanh(x) =
4608 * ln((1 + x)/(1 - x)) / 2. For matrices, the function is evaluated
4609 * element wise.
4610 */
4611 atanh(): MathJsChain;
4613 /**
4614 * Calculate the cosine of a value. For matrices, the function is
4615 * evaluated element wise.
4616 */
4617 cos(): MathJsChain;
4619 /**
4620 * Calculate the hyperbolic cosine of a value, defined as cosh(x) = 1/2
4621 * * (exp(x) + exp(-x)). For matrices, the function is evaluated element
4622 * wise.
4623 */
4624 cosh(): MathJsChain;
4626 /**
4627 * Calculate the cotangent of a value. cot(x) is defined as 1 / tan(x).
4628 * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
4629 */
4630 cot(): MathJsChain;
4632 /**
4633 * Calculate the hyperbolic cotangent of a value, defined as coth(x) = 1
4634 * / tanh(x). For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
4635 */
4636 coth(): MathJsChain;
4638 /**
4639 * Calculate the cosecant of a value, defined as csc(x) = 1/sin(x). For
4640 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
4641 */
4642 csc(): MathJsChain;
4644 /**
4645 * Calculate the hyperbolic cosecant of a value, defined as csch(x) = 1
4646 * / sinh(x). For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
4647 */
4648 csch(): MathJsChain;
4650 /**
4651 * Calculate the secant of a value, defined as sec(x) = 1/cos(x). For
4652 * matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
4653 */
4654 sec(): MathJsChain;
4656 /**
4657 * Calculate the hyperbolic secant of a value, defined as sech(x) = 1 /
4658 * cosh(x). For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
4659 */
4660 sech(): MathJsChain;
4662 /**
4663 * Calculate the sine of a value. For matrices, the function is
4664 * evaluated element wise.
4665 */
4666 sin(): MathJsChain;
4668 /**
4669 * Calculate the hyperbolic sine of a value, defined as sinh(x) = 1/2 *
4670 * (exp(x) - exp(-x)). For matrices, the function is evaluated element
4671 * wise.
4672 */
4673 sinh(): MathJsChain;
4675 /**
4676 * Calculate the tangent of a value. tan(x) is equal to sin(x) / cos(x).
4677 * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
4678 */
4679 tan(): MathJsChain;
4681 /**
4682 * Calculate the hyperbolic tangent of a value, defined as tanh(x) =
4683 * (exp(2 * x) - 1) / (exp(2 * x) + 1). For matrices, the function is
4684 * evaluated element wise.
4685 */
4686 tanh(): MathJsChain;
4688 /*************************************************************************
4689 * Unit functions
4690 ************************************************************************/
4692 /**
4693 * Change the unit of a value. For matrices, the function is evaluated
4694 * element wise.
4695 * @param unit New unit. Can be a string like "cm" or a unit without
4696 * value.
4697 */
4698 to(unit: Unit | string): MathJsChain;
4700 /*************************************************************************
4701 * Utils functions
4702 ************************************************************************/
4704 /**
4705 * Clone an object.
4706 */
4707 clone(): MathJsChain;
4709 /**
4710 * Test whether a value is an integer number. The function supports
4711 * number, BigNumber, and Fraction. The function is evaluated
4712 * element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
4713 */
4714 isInteger(): MathJsChain;
4716 /**
4717 * Test whether a value is NaN (not a number). The function supports
4718 * types number, BigNumber, Fraction, Unit and Complex. The function is
4719 * evaluated element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
4720 */
4721 isNaN(): MathJsChain;
4723 /**
4724 * Test whether a value is negative: smaller than zero. The function
4725 * supports types number, BigNumber, Fraction, and Unit. The function is
4726 * evaluated element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
4727 */
4728 isNegative(): MathJsChain;
4730 /**
4731 * Test whether a value is an numeric value. The function is evaluated
4732 * element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
4733 */
4734 isNumeric(): MathJsChain;
4736 /**
4737 * Test whether a value is positive: larger than zero. The function
4738 * supports types number, BigNumber, Fraction, and Unit. The function is
4739 * evaluated element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
4740 */
4741 isPositive(): MathJsChain;
4743 /**
4744 * Test whether a value is prime: has no divisors other than itself and
4745 * one. The function supports type number, bignumber. The function is
4746 * evaluated element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
4747 */
4748 isPrime(): MathJsChain;
4750 /**
4751 * Test whether a value is zero. The function can check for zero for
4752 * types number, BigNumber, Fraction, Complex, and Unit. The function is
4753 * evaluated element-wise in case of Array or Matrix input.
4754 */
4755 isZero(): MathJsChain;
4757 /**
4758 * Determine the type of a variable.
4759 */
4760 typeOf(): MathJsChain;
4761 }
4763 interface ImportOptions {
4764 override?: boolean;
4765 silent?: boolean;
4766 wrap?: boolean;
4767 }
4769 interface ImportObject {
4770 [key: string]: any;
4771 }
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