9.87 kBPlain TextView Raw
1import { EDGE_MAX_VALUE, IOption } from "./maxrects-packer";
2import { Rectangle, IRectangle } from "./geom/Rectangle";
3import { Bin } from "./abstract-bin";
5export class MaxRectsBin<T extends IRectangle = Rectangle> extends Bin {
6 public width: number;
7 public height: number;
8 public freeRects: Rectangle[] = [];
9 public rects: IRectangle[] = [];
10 private verticalExpand: boolean = false;
11 private stage: Rectangle;
13 constructor (
14 public maxWidth: number = EDGE_MAX_VALUE,
15 public maxHeight: number = EDGE_MAX_VALUE,
16 public padding: number = 0,
17 public options: IOption = { smart: true, pot: true, square: true, allowRotation: false, tag: false }
18 ) {
19 super();
20 this.width = this.options.smart ? 0 : maxWidth;
21 this.height = this.options.smart ? 0 : maxHeight;
22 this.freeRects.push(new Rectangle(this.maxWidth + this.padding, this.maxHeight + this.padding));
23 this.stage = new Rectangle(this.width, this.height);
24 }
26 public add (rect: T): T | undefined;
27 public add (width: number, height: number, data: any): Rectangle | undefined;
28 public add (...args: any[]): any {
29 let width: number;
30 let height: number;
31 let data: any;
32 let rect: IRectangle | undefined;
33 if (args.length === 1) {
34 if (typeof args[0] !== 'object') throw new Error("MacrectsBin.add(): Wrong parameters");
35 rect = args[0] as T;
36 width = rect.width;
37 height = rect.height;
38 // Check if rect.tag match bin.tag, if bin.tag not defined, it will accept any rect
39 if (this.options.tag && this.tag !== rect.tag) return undefined;
40 } else {
41 width = args[0];
42 height = args[1];
43 data = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : null;
44 // Check if data.tag match bin.tag, if bin.tag not defined, it will accept any rect
45 if (this.options.tag) {
46 if (data && this.tag !== data.tag) return undefined;
47 if (!data && this.tag) return undefined;
48 }
49 }
51 let node: Rectangle | undefined = this.findNode(width + this.padding, height + this.padding);
52 if (node) {
53 this.updateBinSize(node);
54 let numRectToProcess = this.freeRects.length;
55 let i: number = 0;
56 while (i < numRectToProcess) {
57 if (this.splitNode(this.freeRects[i], node)) {
58 this.freeRects.splice(i, 1);
59 numRectToProcess--;
60 i--;
61 }
62 i++;
63 }
64 this.pruneFreeList();
65 this.verticalExpand = this.width > this.height ? true : false;
66 if (!rect) {
67 rect = new Rectangle(width, height, node.x, node.y, node.rot);
68 rect.data = data;
69 } else {
70 rect.x = node.x;
71 rect.y = node.y;
72 rect.rot = node.rot;
73 }
74 this.rects.push(rect);
75 return rect;
76 } else if (!this.verticalExpand) {
77 if (this.updateBinSize(new Rectangle(width + this.padding, height + this.padding, this.width + this.padding, 0))
78 || this.updateBinSize(new Rectangle(width + this.padding, height + this.padding, 0, this.height + this.padding))) {
79 return rect ? this.add(rect as T) : this.add(width, height, data);
80 }
81 } else {
82 if (this.updateBinSize(new Rectangle(
83 width + this.padding, height + this.padding,
84 0, this.height + this.padding
85 )) || this.updateBinSize(new Rectangle(
86 width + this.padding, height + this.padding,
87 this.width + this.padding, 0
88 ))) {
89 return rect ? this.add(rect as T) : this.add(width, height, data);
90 }
91 }
92 return undefined;
93 }
95 private findNode (width: number, height: number): Rectangle | undefined {
96 let score: number = Number.MAX_VALUE;
97 let areaFit: number;
98 let r: Rectangle;
99 let bestNode: Rectangle | undefined;
100 for (let i in this.freeRects) {
101 r = this.freeRects[i];
102 if (r.width >= width && r.height >= height) {
103 areaFit = r.width * r.height - width * height;
104 if (areaFit < score) {
105 bestNode = new Rectangle(width, height, r.x, r.y);
106 score = areaFit;
107 }
108 }
109 if (!this.options.allowRotation) continue;
110 // Continue to test 90-degree rotated rectangle
111 if (r.width >= height && r.height >= width) {
112 areaFit = r.width * r.height - height * width;
113 if (areaFit < score) {
114 bestNode = new Rectangle(width, height, r.x, r.y, true); // Rotated node
115 score = areaFit;
116 }
117 }
118 }
119 return bestNode;
120 }
122 private splitNode (freeRect: Rectangle, usedNode: Rectangle): boolean {
123 // Test if usedNode intersect with freeRect
124 if (!freeRect.collide(usedNode)) return false;
126 // Do vertical split
127 if (usedNode.x < freeRect.x + freeRect.width && usedNode.x + usedNode.width > freeRect.x) {
128 // New node at the top side of the used node
129 if (usedNode.y > freeRect.y && usedNode.y < freeRect.y + freeRect.height) {
130 let newNode: Rectangle = new Rectangle(freeRect.width, usedNode.y - freeRect.y, freeRect.x, freeRect.y);
131 this.freeRects.push(newNode);
132 }
133 // New node at the bottom side of the used node
134 if (usedNode.y + usedNode.height < freeRect.y + freeRect.height) {
135 let newNode = new Rectangle(
136 freeRect.width,
137 freeRect.y + freeRect.height - (usedNode.y + usedNode.height),
138 freeRect.x,
139 usedNode.y + usedNode.height
140 );
141 this.freeRects.push(newNode);
142 }
143 }
145 // Do Horizontal split
146 if (usedNode.y < freeRect.y + freeRect.height &&
147 usedNode.y + usedNode.height > freeRect.y) {
148 // New node at the left side of the used node.
149 if (usedNode.x > freeRect.x && usedNode.x < freeRect.x + freeRect.width) {
150 let newNode = new Rectangle(usedNode.x - freeRect.x, freeRect.height, freeRect.x, freeRect.y);
151 this.freeRects.push(newNode);
152 }
153 // New node at the right side of the used node.
154 if (usedNode.x + usedNode.width < freeRect.x + freeRect.width) {
155 let newNode = new Rectangle(
156 freeRect.x + freeRect.width - (usedNode.x + usedNode.width),
157 freeRect.height,
158 usedNode.x + usedNode.width,
159 freeRect.y
160 );
161 this.freeRects.push(newNode);
162 }
163 }
164 return true;
165 }
167 private pruneFreeList () {
168 // Go through each pair of freeRects and remove any rects that is redundant
169 let i: number = 0;
170 let j: number = 0;
171 let len: number = this.freeRects.length;
172 while (i < len) {
173 j = i + 1;
174 let tmpRect1 = this.freeRects[i];
175 while (j < len) {
176 let tmpRect2 = this.freeRects[j];
177 if (tmpRect2.contain(tmpRect1)) {
178 this.freeRects.splice(i, 1);
179 i--;
180 len--;
181 break;
182 }
183 if (tmpRect1.contain(tmpRect2)) {
184 this.freeRects.splice(j, 1);
185 j--;
186 len--;
187 }
188 j++;
189 }
190 i++;
191 }
192 }
194 private updateBinSize (node: Rectangle): boolean {
195 if (!this.options.smart) return false;
196 if (this.stage.contain(node)) return false;
197 let tmpWidth: number = Math.max(this.width, node.x + node.width - this.padding);
198 let tmpHeight: number = Math.max(this.height, node.y + node.height - this.padding);
199 if (this.options.pot) {
200 tmpWidth = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(tmpWidth) * Math.LOG2E));
201 tmpHeight = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(tmpHeight) * Math.LOG2E));
202 }
203 if (this.options.square) {
204 tmpWidth = tmpHeight = Math.max(tmpWidth, tmpHeight);
205 }
206 if (tmpWidth > this.maxWidth + this.padding || tmpHeight > this.maxHeight + this.padding) {
207 return false;
208 }
209 this.expandFreeRects(tmpWidth + this.padding, tmpHeight + this.padding);
210 this.width = this.stage.width = tmpWidth;
211 this.height = this.stage.height = tmpHeight;
212 return true;
213 }
215 private expandFreeRects (width: number, height: number) {
216 this.freeRects.forEach((freeRect, index) => {
217 if (freeRect.x + freeRect.width >= Math.min(this.width + this.padding, width)) {
218 freeRect.width = width - freeRect.x;
219 }
220 if (freeRect.y + freeRect.height >= Math.min(this.height + this.padding, height)) {
221 freeRect.height = height - freeRect.y;
222 }
223 }, this);
224 this.freeRects.push(new Rectangle(width - this.width - this.padding, height, this.width + this.padding, 0));
225 this.freeRects.push(new Rectangle(width, height - this.height - this.padding, 0, this.height + this.padding));
226 this.freeRects.forEach((freeRect, index) => {
227 if (freeRect.width <= 0 || freeRect.height <= 0) {
228 this.freeRects.splice(index, 1);
229 }
230 }, this);
231 this.pruneFreeList();
232 }