3.05 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
2module.exports =
3 ###
4 `isPortOpen(port, host, callback)`: Check if a port is already open
6 ###
7 isPortOpen: (port, host, callback) ->
8 if arguments.length is 2
9 callback = host
10 host = ''
11 exec "nc #{host} #{port} < /dev/null", (err, stdout, stderr) ->
12 return callback null, true unless err
13 return callback null, false if err.code is 1
14 callback err
15 ###
16 `merge([inverse], obj1, obj2, ...]`: Recursively merge objects
17 --------------------------------------------------------------
18 On matching keys, the last object take precedence over previous ones
19 unless the inverse arguments is provided as true. Only objects are
20 merge, arrays are overwritten.
22 Enrich an existing object with a second one:
23 obj1 = { a_key: 'a value', b_key: 'b value'}
24 obj2 = { b_key: 'new b value'}
25 result = misc.merge obj1, obj2
26 assert.eql result, obj1
27 assert.eql obj1.b_key, 'new b value'
29 Create a new object from two objects:
30 obj1 = { a_key: 'a value', b_key: 'b value'}
31 obj2 = { b_key: 'new b value'}
32 result = misc.merge {}, obj1, obj2
33 assert.eql result.b_key, 'new b value'
35 Using inverse:
36 obj1 = { b_key: 'b value'}
37 obj2 = { a_key: 'a value', b_key: 'new b value'}
38 misc.merge true, obj1, obj2
39 assert.eql obj1.a_key, 'a value'
40 assert.eql obj1.b_key, 'b value'
42 ###
43 merge: () ->
44 target = arguments[0]
45 from = 1
46 to = arguments.length
47 if typeof target is 'boolean'
48 inverse = !! target
49 target = arguments[1]
50 from = 2
51 # Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
52 if typeof target isnt "object" and typeof target isnt 'function'
53 target = {}
54 for i in [from ... to]
55 # Only deal with non-null/undefined values
56 if (options = arguments[ i ]) isnt null
57 # Extend the base object
58 for name of options
59 src = target[ name ]
60 copy = options[ name ]
61 # Prevent never-ending loop
62 continue if target is copy
63 # Recurse if we're merging plain objects
64 if copy? and typeof copy is 'object' and not Array.isArray(copy)
65 clone = src and ( if src and typeof src is 'object' then src else {} )
66 # Never move original objects, clone them
67 target[ name ] = @merge false, clone, copy
68 # Don't bring in undefined values
69 else if copy isnt undefined
70 target[ name ] = copy unless inverse and typeof target[ name ] isnt 'undefined'
71 # Return the modified object
72 target
73 ###
74 `options(options)` Normalize options
75 ###
76 options: (options) ->
77 options = [options] unless Array.isArray options
78 for option in options
79 option.if = [option.if] if option.if? and not Array.isArray option.if
80 option.if_exists = [option.if_exists] if option.if_exists? and not Array.isArray option.if_exists
81 option.not_if_exists = [option.not_if_exists] if option.not_if_exists? and not Array.isArray option.not_if_exists
82 options