1 | # memfs
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3 | [![][chat-badge]][chat] [![][npm-badge]][npm-url]
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5 | [chat]: https://onp4.com/@vadim/~memfs
6 | [chat-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Chat-%F0%9F%92%AC-green?style=flat&logo=chat&link=https://onp4.com/@vadim/~memfs
7 | [npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/memfs
8 | [npm-badge]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/memfs.svg
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10 | JavaScript file system utilities for Node.js and browser.
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13 | ## Install
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15 | ```shell
16 | npm i memfs
17 | ```
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20 | ## Docs
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22 | - [In-memory Node.js `fs` API](./docs/node/index.md)
23 | - `experimental` [`fs` to File System Access API adapter](./docs/fsa/fs-to-fsa.md)
24 | - `experimental` [File System Access API to `fs` adapter](./docs/fsa/fsa-to-fs.md)
25 | - `experimental` [`crudfs` a CRUD-like file system abstraction](./docs/crudfs/index.md)
26 | - `experimental` [`casfs` Content Addressable Storage file system abstraction](./docs/casfs/index.md)
27 | - [Directory `snapshot` utility](./docs/snapshot/index.md)
28 | - [`print` directory tree to terminal](./docs/print/index.md)
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31 | ## Demos
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33 | - [Git in browser, which writes to a real folder](demo/git-fsa/README.md)
34 | - [Git in browser, which writes to OPFS file system](demo/git-opfs/README.md)
35 | - [Git on in-memory file system](demo/git/README.md)
36 | - [`fs` in browser, creates a `.tar` file in real folder](demo/fsa-to-node-zipfile/README.md)
37 | - [`fs` in browser, synchronous API, writes to real folder](demo/fsa-to-node-sync-tests/README.md)
38 | - [`crudfs` and `casfs` in browser and Node.js interoperability](demo/crud-and-cas/README.md)
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41 | ## See also
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43 | - [`unionfs`][unionfs] - creates a union of multiple filesystem volumes
44 | - [`fs-monkey`][fs-monkey] - monkey-patches Node's `fs` module and `require` function
45 | - [`linkfs`][linkfs] - redirects filesystem paths
46 | - [`spyfs`][spyfs] - spies on filesystem actions
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48 | [unionfs]: https://github.com/streamich/unionfs
49 | [fs-monkey]: https://github.com/streamich/fs-monkey
50 | [linkfs]: https://github.com/streamich/linkfs
51 | [spyfs]: https://github.com/streamich/spyfs
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54 | ## License
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56 | Apache 2.0