1 | [](https://travis-ci.org/maxogden/menubar)
2 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/menubar)
3 | [](https://david-dm.org/maxogden/menubar)
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9 | <h1 align="center">➖ Menubar</h1>
10 | <h4 align="center">High level way to create menubar desktop applications with Electron.</h4>
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12 | <br /><br /><br />
13 |
14 | This module provides boilerplate for setting up a menubar application using Electron. All you have to do is point it at your `index.html` and `menubar` will handle the rest.
15 |
16 | ✅ Only one dependency, and one peer-dependency.
17 |
18 | ✅ Works on macOS, Windows and most Linuxes. See [details](./WORKING_PLATFORMS.md).
19 |
20 | ✅ 💥 [**3.6kB minified + gzipped**](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=menubar) 💥
21 |
22 | | <img src="assets/screenshot-macos-dark.png" height="250px" /> | <img src="assets/screenshot-windows.png" height="250px" /> | <img src="assets/screenshot-linux.png" height="250px" /> |
23 | | :-----------------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------: |
24 | | macOS Mojave 10.14 | Windows 10 | Ubuntu 18.04 |
25 |
26 | ## Installation
27 |
28 | ```bash
29 | yarn add menubar
30 | ```
31 |
32 | ## Usage
33 |
34 | Starting with your own new project, run these commands:
35 |
36 | ```bash
37 | $ yarn add menubar
38 | $ touch myApp.js
39 | $ touch index.html
40 | ```
41 |
42 | Fill `index.html` with some HTML, and `myApp.js` like this:
43 |
44 | ```javascript
45 | const { menubar } = require('menubar');
46 |
47 | const mb = menubar();
48 |
49 | mb.on('ready', () => {
50 | console.log('app is ready');
51 | // your app code here
52 | });
53 | ```
54 |
55 | Then use `electron` to run the app:
56 |
57 | ```bash
58 | $ electron myApp.js
59 | ```
60 |
61 | Alternatively, see [`examples/hello-world`](/examples/hello-world) folder for a simple working example.
62 |
63 | ## `Menubar` Class
64 |
65 | The return value of `menubar()` is a `Menubar` class instance, which has these properties:
66 |
67 | - `app`: the [Electron App](https://electronjs.org/docs/api/app) instance,
68 | - `window`: the [Electron Browser Window](https://electronjs.org/docs/api/browser-window) instance,
69 | - `tray`: the [Electron Tray](https://electronjs.org/docs/api/tray) instance,
70 | - `positioner`: the [Electron Positioner](https://github.com/jenslind/electron-positioner) instance,
71 | - `setOption(option, value)`: change an option after menubar is created,
72 | - `getOption(option)`: get an menubar option,
73 | - `showWindow()`: show the menubar window,
74 | - `hideWindow()`: hide the menubar window
75 |
76 | See the reference [API docs](./docs/classes/_menubar_.menubar.md).
77 |
78 | ## `menubar()` Options
79 |
80 | You can pass an optional options object into the `menubar({ ... })` function:
81 |
82 | - `dir` (default `process.cwd()`) - the app source directory
83 | - `index` (default `file:// + opts.dir + index.html`) - The URL to load the menubar's browserWindow with. The url can be a remote address (e.g. `http://`) or a path to a local HTML file using the `file://` protocol.
84 | - `browserWindow` - BrowserWindow options to be passed to the BrowserWindow constructor, see [Electron docs](https://electronjs.org/docs/api/browser-window#new-browserwindowoptions). Some interesting fields to passed down are:
85 | - `x` (default `undefined`) - the x position of the window
86 | - `y` (default `undefined`) - the y position of the window
87 | - `width` (default 400) - window width
88 | - `height` (default 400) - window height
89 | - `alwaysOnTop` (default false) - if true, the window will not hide on blur
90 | - `icon` (default `opts.dir + IconTemplate.png`) - the png icon to use for the menubar. A good size to start with is 20x20. To support retina, supply a 2x sized image (e.g. 40x40) with `@2x` added to the end of the name, so `icon.png` and `icon@2x.png` and Electron will automatically use your `@2x` version on retina screens.
91 | - `tooltip` (default empty) - menubar tray icon tooltip text
92 | - `tray` (default created on-the-fly) - an electron `Tray` instance. if provided `opts.icon` will be ignored
93 | - `preloadWindow` (default false) - Create [BrowserWindow](https://electronjs.org/docs/api/browser-window#new-browserwindowoptions) instance before it is used -- increasing resource usage, but making the click on the menubar load faster.
94 | - `loadUrlOptions` - (default undefined) The options passed when loading the index URL in the menubar's browserWindow. Everything browserWindow.loadURL supports is supported; this object is simply passed onto [browserWindow.loadURL](https://electronjs.org/docs/api/browser-window#winloadurlurl-options)
95 | - `showOnAllWorkspaces` (default true) - Makes the window available on all OS X workspaces.
96 | - `windowPosition` (default trayCenter and trayBottomCenter on Windows) - Sets the window position (x and y will still override this), check [positioner docs](https://github.com/jenslind/electron-positioner#docs) for valid values.
97 | - `showDockIcon` (default false) - Configure the visibility of the application dock icon.
98 | - `showOnRightClick` (default false) - Show the window on 'right-click' event instead of regular 'click'
99 |
100 | See the reference [API docs](./docs/interfaces/_types_.options.md).
101 |
102 | ## Events
103 |
104 | The `Menubar` class is an event emitter:
105 |
106 | - `ready` - when `menubar`'s tray icon has been created and initialized, i.e. when `menubar` is ready to be used. Note: this is different than Electron app's `ready` event, which happens much earlier in the process
107 | - `create-window` - the line before `new BrowserWindow()` is called
108 | - `before-load` - after create window, before loadUrl (can be used for `require("@electron/remote/main").enable(webContents)`)
109 | - `after-create-window` - the line after all window init code is done and url was loaded
110 | - `show` - the line before `window.show()` is called
111 | - `after-show` - the line after `window.show()` is called
112 | - `hide` - the line before `window.hide()` is called (on window blur)
113 | - `after-hide` - the line after `window.hide()` is called
114 | - `after-close` - after the `.window` (BrowserWindow) property has been deleted
115 | - `focus-lost` - emitted if always-on-top option is set and the user clicks away
116 |
117 | ## Compatibility with Electron
118 |
119 | | menubar | Electron | Notes |
120 | | -------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
121 | | 9.x.x | 9.x.x \| 10.x.x \| 11.x.x \| 12.x.x \| 13.x.x \| 14.x.x \| 15.x.x \| 16.x.x \| 17.x.x \| 18.x.x \| 19.x. \| 20.x. \| 21.x.x \| 22.x.x \| 23.x.x. \| 24.x.x. \| 25.x.x. \| 26.x.x. \| 27.x.x. | |
122 | | 8.x.x | 8.x.x | |
123 | | 7.x.x | 7.x.x | |
124 | | 6.x.x | 4.x.x \| 5.x.x \| 6.x.x | Not recommended for [security reasons](https://electronjs.org/docs/tutorial/security#17-use-a-current-version-of-electron) |
125 | | <= 5.x.x | <= 3.x.x | Please, _please_ don't use these old versions |
126 |
127 | ## API Docs
128 |
129 | See the reference [API docs](./docs/globals.md).
130 |
131 | ## Tips
132 |
133 | - Use `mb.on('after-create-window', callback)` to run things after your app has loaded. For example you could run `mb.window.openDevTools()` to open the developer tools for debugging, or load a different URL with `mb.window.loadURL()`
134 | - Use `mb.on('focus-lost')` if you would like to perform some operation when using the option `browserWindow.alwaysOnTop: true`
135 | - To restore focus of previous window after menubar hide, use `mb.on('after-hide', () => { mb.app.hide() } )` or similar
136 | - To create a native menu, you can use `tray.setContextMenu(contextMenu)`, and pass this custom tray to menubar: `const mb = menubar({ tray });`. See [this example](https://github.com/maxogden/menubar/tree/master/examples/native-menu) for more information.
137 | - To avoid a flash when opening your menubar app, you can disable backgrounding the app using the following: `mb.app.commandLine.appendSwitch('disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows', 'true');`