1.46 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { DetailedError } from './utils.js';
2import type { DiagramDefinition, DiagramMetadata } from './diagram-api/types.js';
3export type ParseErrorFunction = (err: string | DetailedError | unknown, hash?: any) => void;
5 * An object representing a parsed mermaid diagram definition.
6 * @privateRemarks This is exported as part of the public mermaidAPI.
7 */
8export declare class Diagram {
9 text: string;
10 metadata: Pick<DiagramMetadata, 'title'>;
11 type: string;
12 parser: DiagramDefinition['parser'];
13 renderer: DiagramDefinition['renderer'];
14 db: DiagramDefinition['db'];
15 private init?;
16 private detectError?;
17 constructor(text: string, metadata?: Pick<DiagramMetadata, 'title'>);
18 parse(): void;
19 render(id: string, version: string): Promise<void>;
20 getParser(): import("./diagram-api/types.js").ParserDefinition;
21 getType(): string;
24 * Parse the text asynchronously and generate a Diagram object asynchronously.
25 * **Warning:** This function may be changed in the future.
26 * @alpha
27 * @param text - The mermaid diagram definition.
28 * @param metadata - Diagram metadata, defined in YAML.
29 * @returns A the Promise of a Diagram object.
30 * @throws {@link UnknownDiagramError} if the diagram type can not be found.
31 * @privateRemarks This is exported as part of the public mermaidAPI.
32 */
33export declare const getDiagramFromText: (text: string, metadata?: Pick<DiagramMetadata, 'title'>) => Promise<Diagram>;