2.21 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as graphlib from 'dagre-d3-es/src/graphlib/index.js';
2import type { ClassRelation, ClassNote, ClassMap, NamespaceMap } from './classTypes.js';
4 * Function that adds the vertices found during parsing to the graph to be rendered.
5 *
6 * @param namespaces - Object containing the vertices.
7 * @param g - The graph that is to be drawn.
8 * @param _id - id of the graph
9 * @param diagObj - The diagram object
10 */
11export declare const addNamespaces: (namespaces: NamespaceMap, g: graphlib.Graph, _id: string, diagObj: any) => void;
13 * Function that adds the vertices found during parsing to the graph to be rendered.
14 *
15 * @param classes - Object containing the vertices.
16 * @param g - The graph that is to be drawn.
17 * @param _id - id of the graph
18 * @param diagObj - The diagram object
19 * @param parent - id of the parent namespace, if it exists
20 */
21export declare const addClasses: (classes: ClassMap, g: graphlib.Graph, _id: string, diagObj: any, parent?: string) => void;
23 * Function that adds the additional vertices (notes) found during parsing to the graph to be rendered.
24 *
25 * @param notes - Object containing the additional vertices (notes).
26 * @param g - The graph that is to be drawn.
27 * @param startEdgeId - starting index for note edge
28 * @param classes - Classes
29 */
30export declare const addNotes: (notes: ClassNote[], g: graphlib.Graph, startEdgeId: number, classes: ClassMap) => void;
32 * Add edges to graph based on parsed graph definition
33 *
34 * @param relations -
35 * @param g - The graph object
36 */
37export declare const addRelations: (relations: ClassRelation[], g: graphlib.Graph) => void;
39 * Merges the value of `conf` with the passed `cnf`
40 *
41 * @param cnf - Config to merge
42 */
43export declare const setConf: (cnf: any) => void;
45 * Draws a class diagram in the tag with id: id based on the definition in text.
46 *
47 * @param text -
48 * @param id -
49 * @param _version -
50 * @param diagObj -
51 */
52export declare const draw: (text: string, id: string, _version: string, diagObj: any) => Promise<void>;
53declare const _default: {
54 setConf: (cnf: any) => void;
55 draw: (text: string, id: string, _version: string, diagObj: any) => Promise<void>;
57export default _default;