328 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1function mh(t) {
2 for (var e = [], i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
3 e[i - 1] = arguments[i];
4 var r = Array.from(typeof t == "string" ? [t] : t);
5 r[r.length - 1] = r[r.length - 1].replace(/\r?\n([\t ]*)$/, "");
6 var n = r.reduce(function(a, l) {
7 var h = l.match(/\n([\t ]+|(?!\s).)/g);
8 return h ? a.concat(h.map(function(u) {
9 var f, c;
10 return (c = (f = u.match(/[\t ]/g)) === null || f === void 0 ? void 0 : f.length) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : 0;
11 })) : a;
12 }, []);
13 if (n.length) {
14 var o = new RegExp(`
15[ ]{` + Math.min.apply(Math, n) + "}", "g");
16 r = r.map(function(a) {
17 return a.replace(o, `
19 });
20 }
21 r[0] = r[0].replace(/^\r?\n/, "");
22 var s = r[0];
23 return e.forEach(function(a, l) {
24 var h = s.match(/(?:^|\n)( *)$/), u = h ? h[1] : "", f = a;
25 typeof a == "string" && a.includes(`
26`) && (f = String(a).split(`
27`).map(function(c, d) {
28 return d === 0 ? c : "" + u + c;
29 }).join(`
30`)), s += f + r[l + 1];
31 }), s;
33var yh = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {};
34function _h(t) {
35 return t && t.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, "default") ? t.default : t;
37var Ns = { exports: {} };
38(function(t, e) {
39 (function(i, r) {
40 t.exports = r();
41 })(yh, function() {
42 var i = 1e3, r = 6e4, n = 36e5, o = "millisecond", s = "second", a = "minute", l = "hour", h = "day", u = "week", f = "month", c = "quarter", d = "year", m = "date", S = "Invalid Date", O = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, z = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, T = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), ordinal: function(M) {
43 var k = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"], C = M % 100;
44 return "[" + M + (k[(C - 20) % 10] || k[C] || k[0]) + "]";
45 } }, R = function(M, k, C) {
46 var w = String(M);
47 return !w || w.length >= k ? M : "" + Array(k + 1 - w.length).join(C) + M;
48 }, X = { s: R, z: function(M) {
49 var k = -M.utcOffset(), C = Math.abs(k), w = Math.floor(C / 60), x = C % 60;
50 return (k <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + R(w, 2, "0") + ":" + R(x, 2, "0");
51 }, m: function M(k, C) {
52 if (k.date() < C.date())
53 return -M(C, k);
54 var w = 12 * (C.year() - k.year()) + (C.month() - k.month()), x = k.clone().add(w, f), b = C - x < 0, D = k.clone().add(w + (b ? -1 : 1), f);
55 return +(-(w + (C - x) / (b ? x - D : D - x)) || 0);
56 }, a: function(M) {
57 return M < 0 ? Math.ceil(M) || 0 : Math.floor(M);
58 }, p: function(M) {
59 return { M: f, y: d, w: u, d: h, D: m, h: l, m: a, s, ms: o, Q: c }[M] || String(M || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "");
60 }, u: function(M) {
61 return M === void 0;
62 } }, G = "en", V = {};
63 V[G] = T;
64 var H = "$isDayjsObject", oe = function(M) {
65 return M instanceof Ct || !(!M || !M[H]);
66 }, Kt = function M(k, C, w) {
67 var x;
68 if (!k)
69 return G;
70 if (typeof k == "string") {
71 var b = k.toLowerCase();
72 V[b] && (x = b), C && (V[b] = C, x = b);
73 var D = k.split("-");
74 if (!x && D.length > 1)
75 return M(D[0]);
76 } else {
77 var I = k.name;
78 V[I] = k, x = I;
79 }
80 return !w && x && (G = x), x || !w && G;
81 }, P = function(M, k) {
82 if (oe(M))
83 return M.clone();
84 var C = typeof k == "object" ? k : {};
85 return C.date = M, C.args = arguments, new Ct(C);
86 }, W = X;
87 W.l = Kt, W.i = oe, W.w = function(M, k) {
88 return P(M, { locale: k.$L, utc: k.$u, x: k.$x, $offset: k.$offset });
89 };
90 var Ct = function() {
91 function M(C) {
92 this.$L = Kt(C.locale, null, !0), this.parse(C), this.$x = this.$x || C.x || {}, this[H] = !0;
93 }
94 var k = M.prototype;
95 return k.parse = function(C) {
96 this.$d = function(w) {
97 var x = w.date, b = w.utc;
98 if (x === null)
99 return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN);
100 if (W.u(x))
101 return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
102 if (x instanceof Date)
103 return new Date(x);
104 if (typeof x == "string" && !/Z$/i.test(x)) {
105 var D = x.match(O);
106 if (D) {
107 var I = D[2] - 1 || 0, Y = (D[7] || "0").substring(0, 3);
108 return b ? new Date(Date.UTC(D[1], I, D[3] || 1, D[4] || 0, D[5] || 0, D[6] || 0, Y)) : new Date(D[1], I, D[3] || 1, D[4] || 0, D[5] || 0, D[6] || 0, Y);
109 }
110 }
111 return new Date(x);
112 }(C), this.init();
113 }, k.init = function() {
114 var C = this.$d;
115 this.$y = C.getFullYear(), this.$M = C.getMonth(), this.$D = C.getDate(), this.$W = C.getDay(), this.$H = C.getHours(), this.$m = C.getMinutes(), this.$s = C.getSeconds(), this.$ms = C.getMilliseconds();
116 }, k.$utils = function() {
117 return W;
118 }, k.isValid = function() {
119 return this.$d.toString() !== S;
120 }, k.isSame = function(C, w) {
121 var x = P(C);
122 return this.startOf(w) <= x && x <= this.endOf(w);
123 }, k.isAfter = function(C, w) {
124 return P(C) < this.startOf(w);
125 }, k.isBefore = function(C, w) {
126 return this.endOf(w) < P(C);
127 }, k.$g = function(C, w, x) {
128 return W.u(C) ? this[w] : this.set(x, C);
129 }, k.unix = function() {
130 return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3);
131 }, k.valueOf = function() {
132 return this.$d.getTime();
133 }, k.startOf = function(C, w) {
134 var x = this, b = !!W.u(w) || w, D = W.p(C), I = function(Lt, Z) {
135 var it = W.w(x.$u ? Date.UTC(x.$y, Z, Lt) : new Date(x.$y, Z, Lt), x);
136 return b ? it : it.endOf(h);
137 }, Y = function(Lt, Z) {
138 return W.w(x.toDate()[Lt].apply(x.toDate("s"), (b ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(Z)), x);
139 }, N = this.$W, K = this.$M, et = this.$D, Rt = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : "");
140 switch (D) {
141 case d:
142 return b ? I(1, 0) : I(31, 11);
143 case f:
144 return b ? I(1, K) : I(0, K + 1);
145 case u:
146 var St = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, Zt = (N < St ? N + 7 : N) - St;
147 return I(b ? et - Zt : et + (6 - Zt), K);
148 case h:
149 case m:
150 return Y(Rt + "Hours", 0);
151 case l:
152 return Y(Rt + "Minutes", 1);
153 case a:
154 return Y(Rt + "Seconds", 2);
155 case s:
156 return Y(Rt + "Milliseconds", 3);
157 default:
158 return this.clone();
159 }
160 }, k.endOf = function(C) {
161 return this.startOf(C, !1);
162 }, k.$set = function(C, w) {
163 var x, b = W.p(C), D = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), I = (x = {}, x[h] = D + "Date", x[m] = D + "Date", x[f] = D + "Month", x[d] = D + "FullYear", x[l] = D + "Hours", x[a] = D + "Minutes", x[s] = D + "Seconds", x[o] = D + "Milliseconds", x)[b], Y = b === h ? this.$D + (w - this.$W) : w;
164 if (b === f || b === d) {
165 var N = this.clone().set(m, 1);
166 N.$d[I](Y), N.init(), this.$d = N.set(m, Math.min(this.$D, N.daysInMonth())).$d;
167 } else
168 I && this.$d[I](Y);
169 return this.init(), this;
170 }, k.set = function(C, w) {
171 return this.clone().$set(C, w);
172 }, k.get = function(C) {
173 return this[W.p(C)]();
174 }, k.add = function(C, w) {
175 var x, b = this;
176 C = Number(C);
177 var D = W.p(w), I = function(K) {
178 var et = P(b);
179 return W.w(et.date(et.date() + Math.round(K * C)), b);
180 };
181 if (D === f)
182 return this.set(f, this.$M + C);
183 if (D === d)
184 return this.set(d, this.$y + C);
185 if (D === h)
186 return I(1);
187 if (D === u)
188 return I(7);
189 var Y = (x = {}, x[a] = r, x[l] = n, x[s] = i, x)[D] || 1, N = this.$d.getTime() + C * Y;
190 return W.w(N, this);
191 }, k.subtract = function(C, w) {
192 return this.add(-1 * C, w);
193 }, k.format = function(C) {
194 var w = this, x = this.$locale();
195 if (!this.isValid())
196 return x.invalidDate || S;
197 var b = C || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", D = W.z(this), I = this.$H, Y = this.$m, N = this.$M, K = x.weekdays, et = x.months, Rt = x.meridiem, St = function(Z, it, Pt, Jt) {
198 return Z && (Z[it] || Z(w, b)) || Pt[it].slice(0, Jt);
199 }, Zt = function(Z) {
200 return W.s(I % 12 || 12, Z, "0");
201 }, Lt = Rt || function(Z, it, Pt) {
202 var Jt = Z < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
203 return Pt ? Jt.toLowerCase() : Jt;
204 };
205 return b.replace(z, function(Z, it) {
206 return it || function(Pt) {
207 switch (Pt) {
208 case "YY":
209 return String(w.$y).slice(-2);
210 case "YYYY":
211 return W.s(w.$y, 4, "0");
212 case "M":
213 return N + 1;
214 case "MM":
215 return W.s(N + 1, 2, "0");
216 case "MMM":
217 return St(x.monthsShort, N, et, 3);
218 case "MMMM":
219 return St(et, N);
220 case "D":
221 return w.$D;
222 case "DD":
223 return W.s(w.$D, 2, "0");
224 case "d":
225 return String(w.$W);
226 case "dd":
227 return St(x.weekdaysMin, w.$W, K, 2);
228 case "ddd":
229 return St(x.weekdaysShort, w.$W, K, 3);
230 case "dddd":
231 return K[w.$W];
232 case "H":
233 return String(I);
234 case "HH":
235 return W.s(I, 2, "0");
236 case "h":
237 return Zt(1);
238 case "hh":
239 return Zt(2);
240 case "a":
241 return Lt(I, Y, !0);
242 case "A":
243 return Lt(I, Y, !1);
244 case "m":
245 return String(Y);
246 case "mm":
247 return W.s(Y, 2, "0");
248 case "s":
249 return String(w.$s);
250 case "ss":
251 return W.s(w.$s, 2, "0");
252 case "SSS":
253 return W.s(w.$ms, 3, "0");
254 case "Z":
255 return D;
256 }
257 return null;
258 }(Z) || D.replace(":", "");
259 });
260 }, k.utcOffset = function() {
261 return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15);
262 }, k.diff = function(C, w, x) {
263 var b, D = this, I = W.p(w), Y = P(C), N = (Y.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * r, K = this - Y, et = function() {
264 return W.m(D, Y);
265 };
266 switch (I) {
267 case d:
268 b = et() / 12;
269 break;
270 case f:
271 b = et();
272 break;
273 case c:
274 b = et() / 3;
275 break;
276 case u:
277 b = (K - N) / 6048e5;
278 break;
279 case h:
280 b = (K - N) / 864e5;
281 break;
282 case l:
283 b = K / n;
284 break;
285 case a:
286 b = K / r;
287 break;
288 case s:
289 b = K / i;
290 break;
291 default:
292 b = K;
293 }
294 return x ? b : W.a(b);
295 }, k.daysInMonth = function() {
296 return this.endOf(f).$D;
297 }, k.$locale = function() {
298 return V[this.$L];
299 }, k.locale = function(C, w) {
300 if (!C)
301 return this.$L;
302 var x = this.clone(), b = Kt(C, w, !0);
303 return b && (x.$L = b), x;
304 }, k.clone = function() {
305 return W.w(this.$d, this);
306 }, k.toDate = function() {
307 return new Date(this.valueOf());
308 }, k.toJSON = function() {
309 return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
310 }, k.toISOString = function() {
311 return this.$d.toISOString();
312 }, k.toString = function() {
313 return this.$d.toUTCString();
314 }, M;
315 }(), Nt = Ct.prototype;
316 return P.prototype = Nt, [["$ms", o], ["$s", s], ["$m", a], ["$H", l], ["$W", h], ["$M", f], ["$y", d], ["$D", m]].forEach(function(M) {
317 Nt[M[1]] = function(k) {
318 return this.$g(k, M[0], M[1]);
319 };
320 }), P.extend = function(M, k) {
321 return M.$i || (M(k, Ct, P), M.$i = !0), P;
322 }, P.locale = Kt, P.isDayjs = oe, P.unix = function(M) {
323 return P(1e3 * M);
324 }, P.en = V[G], P.Ls = V, P.p = {}, P;
325 });
327var Ch = Ns.exports;
328const xh = /* @__PURE__ */ _h(Ch), Wt = {
329 trace: 0,
330 debug: 1,
331 info: 2,
332 warn: 3,
333 error: 4,
334 fatal: 5
335}, L = {
336 trace: (...t) => {
337 },
338 debug: (...t) => {
339 },
340 info: (...t) => {
341 },
342 warn: (...t) => {
343 },
344 error: (...t) => {
345 },
346 fatal: (...t) => {
347 }
348}, bn = function(t = "fatal") {
349 let e = Wt.fatal;
350 typeof t == "string" ? (t = t.toLowerCase(), t in Wt && (e = Wt[t])) : typeof t == "number" && (e = t), L.trace = () => {
351 }, L.debug = () => {
352 }, L.info = () => {
353 }, L.warn = () => {
354 }, L.error = () => {
355 }, L.fatal = () => {
356 }, e <= Wt.fatal && (L.fatal = console.error ? console.error.bind(console, xt("FATAL"), "color: orange") : console.log.bind(console, "\x1B[35m", xt("FATAL"))), e <= Wt.error && (L.error = console.error ? console.error.bind(console, xt("ERROR"), "color: orange") : console.log.bind(console, "\x1B[31m", xt("ERROR"))), e <= Wt.warn && (L.warn = console.warn ? console.warn.bind(console, xt("WARN"), "color: orange") : console.log.bind(console, "\x1B[33m", xt("WARN"))), e <= Wt.info && (L.info = console.info ? console.info.bind(console, xt("INFO"), "color: lightblue") : console.log.bind(console, "\x1B[34m", xt("INFO"))), e <= Wt.debug && (L.debug = console.debug ? console.debug.bind(console, xt("DEBUG"), "color: lightgreen") : console.log.bind(console, "\x1B[32m", xt("DEBUG"))), e <= Wt.trace && (L.trace = console.debug ? console.debug.bind(console, xt("TRACE"), "color: lightgreen") : console.log.bind(console, "\x1B[32m", xt("TRACE")));
357}, xt = (t) => `%c${xh().format("ss.SSS")} : ${t} : `;
358var Rs = {};
359(function(t) {
360 Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.sanitizeUrl = t.BLANK_URL = void 0;
361 var e = /^([^\w]*)(javascript|data|vbscript)/im, i = /&#(\w+)(^\w|;)?/g, r = /&(newline|tab);/gi, n = /[\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\u009F\u2000-\u200D\uFEFF]/gim, o = /^.+(:|&colon;)/gim, s = [".", "/"];
362 t.BLANK_URL = "about:blank";
363 function a(u) {
364 return s.indexOf(u[0]) > -1;
365 }
366 function l(u) {
367 var f = u.replace(n, "");
368 return f.replace(i, function(c, d) {
369 return String.fromCharCode(d);
370 });
371 }
372 function h(u) {
373 if (!u)
374 return t.BLANK_URL;
375 var f = l(u).replace(r, "").replace(n, "").trim();
376 if (!f)
377 return t.BLANK_URL;
378 if (a(f))
379 return f;
380 var c = f.match(o);
381 if (!c)
382 return f;
383 var d = c[0];
384 return e.test(d) ? t.BLANK_URL : f;
385 }
386 t.sanitizeUrl = h;
388var bh = { value: () => {
389} };
390function Ps() {
391 for (var t = 0, e = arguments.length, i = {}, r; t < e; ++t) {
392 if (!(r = arguments[t] + "") || r in i || /[\s.]/.test(r))
393 throw new Error("illegal type: " + r);
394 i[r] = [];
395 }
396 return new Oi(i);
398function Oi(t) {
399 this._ = t;
401function Th(t, e) {
402 return t.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(i) {
403 var r = "", n = i.indexOf(".");
404 if (n >= 0 && (r = i.slice(n + 1), i = i.slice(0, n)), i && !e.hasOwnProperty(i))
405 throw new Error("unknown type: " + i);
406 return { type: i, name: r };
407 });
409Oi.prototype = Ps.prototype = {
410 constructor: Oi,
411 on: function(t, e) {
412 var i = this._, r = Th(t + "", i), n, o = -1, s = r.length;
413 if (arguments.length < 2) {
414 for (; ++o < s; )
415 if ((n = (t = r[o]).type) && (n = kh(i[n], t.name)))
416 return n;
417 return;
418 }
419 if (e != null && typeof e != "function")
420 throw new Error("invalid callback: " + e);
421 for (; ++o < s; )
422 if (n = (t = r[o]).type)
423 i[n] = To(i[n], t.name, e);
424 else if (e == null)
425 for (n in i)
426 i[n] = To(i[n], t.name, null);
427 return this;
428 },
429 copy: function() {
430 var t = {}, e = this._;
431 for (var i in e)
432 t[i] = e[i].slice();
433 return new Oi(t);
434 },
435 call: function(t, e) {
436 if ((n = arguments.length - 2) > 0)
437 for (var i = new Array(n), r = 0, n, o; r < n; ++r)
438 i[r] = arguments[r + 2];
439 if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(t))
440 throw new Error("unknown type: " + t);
441 for (o = this._[t], r = 0, n = o.length; r < n; ++r)
442 o[r].value.apply(e, i);
443 },
444 apply: function(t, e, i) {
445 if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(t))
446 throw new Error("unknown type: " + t);
447 for (var r = this._[t], n = 0, o = r.length; n < o; ++n)
448 r[n].value.apply(e, i);
449 }
451function kh(t, e) {
452 for (var i = 0, r = t.length, n; i < r; ++i)
453 if ((n = t[i]).name === e)
454 return n.value;
456function To(t, e, i) {
457 for (var r = 0, n = t.length; r < n; ++r)
458 if (t[r].name === e) {
459 t[r] = bh, t = t.slice(0, r).concat(t.slice(r + 1));
460 break;
461 }
462 return i != null && t.push({ name: e, value: i }), t;
464var Jr = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
465const ko = {
466 svg: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
467 xhtml: Jr,
468 xlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
469 xml: "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace",
470 xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"
472function fr(t) {
473 var e = t += "", i = e.indexOf(":");
474 return i >= 0 && (e = t.slice(0, i)) !== "xmlns" && (t = t.slice(i + 1)), ko.hasOwnProperty(e) ? { space: ko[e], local: t } : t;
476function Sh(t) {
477 return function() {
478 var e = this.ownerDocument, i = this.namespaceURI;
479 return i === Jr && e.documentElement.namespaceURI === Jr ? e.createElement(t) : e.createElementNS(i, t);
480 };
482function vh(t) {
483 return function() {
484 return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(t.space, t.local);
485 };
487function qs(t) {
488 var e = fr(t);
489 return (e.local ? vh : Sh)(e);
491function wh() {
493function Tn(t) {
494 return t == null ? wh : function() {
495 return this.querySelector(t);
496 };
498function Bh(t) {
499 typeof t != "function" && (t = Tn(t));
500 for (var e = this._groups, i = e.length, r = new Array(i), n = 0; n < i; ++n)
501 for (var o = e[n], s = o.length, a = r[n] = new Array(s), l, h, u = 0; u < s; ++u)
502 (l = o[u]) && (h = t.call(l, l.__data__, u, o)) && ("__data__" in l && (h.__data__ = l.__data__), a[u] = h);
503 return new yt(r, this._parents);
505function Fh(t) {
506 return t == null ? [] : Array.isArray(t) ? t : Array.from(t);
508function Ah() {
509 return [];
511function zs(t) {
512 return t == null ? Ah : function() {
513 return this.querySelectorAll(t);
514 };
516function Lh(t) {
517 return function() {
518 return Fh(t.apply(this, arguments));
519 };
521function Eh(t) {
522 typeof t == "function" ? t = Lh(t) : t = zs(t);
523 for (var e = this._groups, i = e.length, r = [], n = [], o = 0; o < i; ++o)
524 for (var s = e[o], a = s.length, l, h = 0; h < a; ++h)
525 (l = s[h]) && (r.push(t.call(l, l.__data__, h, s)), n.push(l));
526 return new yt(r, n);
528function Ws(t) {
529 return function() {
530 return this.matches(t);
531 };
533function Hs(t) {
534 return function(e) {
535 return e.matches(t);
536 };
538var Mh = Array.prototype.find;
539function Oh(t) {
540 return function() {
541 return Mh.call(this.children, t);
542 };
544function $h() {
545 return this.firstElementChild;
547function Ih(t) {
548 return this.select(t == null ? $h : Oh(typeof t == "function" ? t : Hs(t)));
550var Dh = Array.prototype.filter;
551function Nh() {
552 return Array.from(this.children);
554function Rh(t) {
555 return function() {
556 return Dh.call(this.children, t);
557 };
559function Ph(t) {
560 return this.selectAll(t == null ? Nh : Rh(typeof t == "function" ? t : Hs(t)));
562function qh(t) {
563 typeof t != "function" && (t = Ws(t));
564 for (var e = this._groups, i = e.length, r = new Array(i), n = 0; n < i; ++n)
565 for (var o = e[n], s = o.length, a = r[n] = [], l, h = 0; h < s; ++h)
566 (l = o[h]) && t.call(l, l.__data__, h, o) && a.push(l);
567 return new yt(r, this._parents);
569function js(t) {
570 return new Array(t.length);
572function zh() {
573 return new yt(this._enter || this._groups.map(js), this._parents);
575function ji(t, e) {
576 this.ownerDocument = t.ownerDocument, this.namespaceURI = t.namespaceURI, this._next = null, this._parent = t, this.__data__ = e;
578ji.prototype = {
579 constructor: ji,
580 appendChild: function(t) {
581 return this._parent.insertBefore(t, this._next);
582 },
583 insertBefore: function(t, e) {
584 return this._parent.insertBefore(t, e);
585 },
586 querySelector: function(t) {
587 return this._parent.querySelector(t);
588 },
589 querySelectorAll: function(t) {
590 return this._parent.querySelectorAll(t);
591 }
593function Wh(t) {
594 return function() {
595 return t;
596 };
598function Hh(t, e, i, r, n, o) {
599 for (var s = 0, a, l = e.length, h = o.length; s < h; ++s)
600 (a = e[s]) ? (a.__data__ = o[s], r[s] = a) : i[s] = new ji(t, o[s]);
601 for (; s < l; ++s)
602 (a = e[s]) && (n[s] = a);
604function jh(t, e, i, r, n, o, s) {
605 var a, l, h = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), u = e.length, f = o.length, c = new Array(u), d;
606 for (a = 0; a < u; ++a)
607 (l = e[a]) && (c[a] = d = s.call(l, l.__data__, a, e) + "", h.has(d) ? n[a] = l : h.set(d, l));
608 for (a = 0; a < f; ++a)
609 d = s.call(t, o[a], a, o) + "", (l = h.get(d)) ? (r[a] = l, l.__data__ = o[a], h.delete(d)) : i[a] = new ji(t, o[a]);
610 for (a = 0; a < u; ++a)
611 (l = e[a]) && h.get(c[a]) === l && (n[a] = l);
613function Uh(t) {
614 return t.__data__;
616function Yh(t, e) {
617 if (!arguments.length)
618 return Array.from(this, Uh);
619 var i = e ? jh : Hh, r = this._parents, n = this._groups;
620 typeof t != "function" && (t = Wh(t));
621 for (var o = n.length, s = new Array(o), a = new Array(o), l = new Array(o), h = 0; h < o; ++h) {
622 var u = r[h], f = n[h], c = f.length, d = Gh(t.call(u, u && u.__data__, h, r)), m = d.length, S = a[h] = new Array(m), O = s[h] = new Array(m), z = l[h] = new Array(c);
623 i(u, f, S, O, z, d, e);
624 for (var T = 0, R = 0, X, G; T < m; ++T)
625 if (X = S[T]) {
626 for (T >= R && (R = T + 1); !(G = O[R]) && ++R < m; )
627 ;
628 X._next = G || null;
629 }
630 }
631 return s = new yt(s, r), s._enter = a, s._exit = l, s;
633function Gh(t) {
634 return typeof t == "object" && "length" in t ? t : Array.from(t);
636function Vh() {
637 return new yt(this._exit || this._groups.map(js), this._parents);
639function Xh(t, e, i) {
640 var r = this.enter(), n = this, o = this.exit();
641 return typeof t == "function" ? (r = t(r), r && (r = r.selection())) : r = r.append(t + ""), e != null && (n = e(n), n && (n = n.selection())), i == null ? o.remove() : i(o), r && n ? r.merge(n).order() : n;
643function Kh(t) {
644 for (var e = t.selection ? t.selection() : t, i = this._groups, r = e._groups, n = i.length, o = r.length, s = Math.min(n, o), a = new Array(n), l = 0; l < s; ++l)
645 for (var h = i[l], u = r[l], f = h.length, c = a[l] = new Array(f), d, m = 0; m < f; ++m)
646 (d = h[m] || u[m]) && (c[m] = d);
647 for (; l < n; ++l)
648 a[l] = i[l];
649 return new yt(a, this._parents);
651function Zh() {
652 for (var t = this._groups, e = -1, i = t.length; ++e < i; )
653 for (var r = t[e], n = r.length - 1, o = r[n], s; --n >= 0; )
654 (s = r[n]) && (o && s.compareDocumentPosition(o) ^ 4 && o.parentNode.insertBefore(s, o), o = s);
655 return this;
657function Jh(t) {
658 t || (t = Qh);
659 function e(f, c) {
660 return f && c ? t(f.__data__, c.__data__) : !f - !c;
661 }
662 for (var i = this._groups, r = i.length, n = new Array(r), o = 0; o < r; ++o) {
663 for (var s = i[o], a = s.length, l = n[o] = new Array(a), h, u = 0; u < a; ++u)
664 (h = s[u]) && (l[u] = h);
665 l.sort(e);
666 }
667 return new yt(n, this._parents).order();
669function Qh(t, e) {
670 return t < e ? -1 : t > e ? 1 : t >= e ? 0 : NaN;
672function tc() {
673 var t = arguments[0];
674 return arguments[0] = this, t.apply(null, arguments), this;
676function ec() {
677 return Array.from(this);
679function ic() {
680 for (var t = this._groups, e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; ++e)
681 for (var r = t[e], n = 0, o = r.length; n < o; ++n) {
682 var s = r[n];
683 if (s)
684 return s;
685 }
686 return null;
688function rc() {
689 let t = 0;
690 for (const e of this)
691 ++t;
692 return t;
694function nc() {
695 return !this.node();
697function oc(t) {
698 for (var e = this._groups, i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; ++i)
699 for (var n = e[i], o = 0, s = n.length, a; o < s; ++o)
700 (a = n[o]) && t.call(a, a.__data__, o, n);
701 return this;
703function sc(t) {
704 return function() {
705 this.removeAttribute(t);
706 };
708function ac(t) {
709 return function() {
710 this.removeAttributeNS(t.space, t.local);
711 };
713function lc(t, e) {
714 return function() {
715 this.setAttribute(t, e);
716 };
718function hc(t, e) {
719 return function() {
720 this.setAttributeNS(t.space, t.local, e);
721 };
723function cc(t, e) {
724 return function() {
725 var i = e.apply(this, arguments);
726 i == null ? this.removeAttribute(t) : this.setAttribute(t, i);
727 };
729function uc(t, e) {
730 return function() {
731 var i = e.apply(this, arguments);
732 i == null ? this.removeAttributeNS(t.space, t.local) : this.setAttributeNS(t.space, t.local, i);
733 };
735function fc(t, e) {
736 var i = fr(t);
737 if (arguments.length < 2) {
738 var r = this.node();
739 return i.local ? r.getAttributeNS(i.space, i.local) : r.getAttribute(i);
740 }
741 return this.each((e == null ? i.local ? ac : sc : typeof e == "function" ? i.local ? uc : cc : i.local ? hc : lc)(i, e));
743function Us(t) {
744 return t.ownerDocument && t.ownerDocument.defaultView || t.document && t || t.defaultView;
746function dc(t) {
747 return function() {
748 this.style.removeProperty(t);
749 };
751function pc(t, e, i) {
752 return function() {
753 this.style.setProperty(t, e, i);
754 };
756function gc(t, e, i) {
757 return function() {
758 var r = e.apply(this, arguments);
759 r == null ? this.style.removeProperty(t) : this.style.setProperty(t, r, i);
760 };
762function mc(t, e, i) {
763 return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each((e == null ? dc : typeof e == "function" ? gc : pc)(t, e, i ?? "")) : Ae(this.node(), t);
765function Ae(t, e) {
766 return t.style.getPropertyValue(e) || Us(t).getComputedStyle(t, null).getPropertyValue(e);
768function yc(t) {
769 return function() {
770 delete this[t];
771 };
773function _c(t, e) {
774 return function() {
775 this[t] = e;
776 };
778function Cc(t, e) {
779 return function() {
780 var i = e.apply(this, arguments);
781 i == null ? delete this[t] : this[t] = i;
782 };
784function xc(t, e) {
785 return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each((e == null ? yc : typeof e == "function" ? Cc : _c)(t, e)) : this.node()[t];
787function Ys(t) {
788 return t.trim().split(/^|\s+/);
790function kn(t) {
791 return t.classList || new Gs(t);
793function Gs(t) {
794 this._node = t, this._names = Ys(t.getAttribute("class") || "");
796Gs.prototype = {
797 add: function(t) {
798 var e = this._names.indexOf(t);
799 e < 0 && (this._names.push(t), this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" ")));
800 },
801 remove: function(t) {
802 var e = this._names.indexOf(t);
803 e >= 0 && (this._names.splice(e, 1), this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" ")));
804 },
805 contains: function(t) {
806 return this._names.indexOf(t) >= 0;
807 }
809function Vs(t, e) {
810 for (var i = kn(t), r = -1, n = e.length; ++r < n; )
811 i.add(e[r]);
813function Xs(t, e) {
814 for (var i = kn(t), r = -1, n = e.length; ++r < n; )
815 i.remove(e[r]);
817function bc(t) {
818 return function() {
819 Vs(this, t);
820 };
822function Tc(t) {
823 return function() {
824 Xs(this, t);
825 };
827function kc(t, e) {
828 return function() {
829 (e.apply(this, arguments) ? Vs : Xs)(this, t);
830 };
832function Sc(t, e) {
833 var i = Ys(t + "");
834 if (arguments.length < 2) {
835 for (var r = kn(this.node()), n = -1, o = i.length; ++n < o; )
836 if (!r.contains(i[n]))
837 return !1;
838 return !0;
839 }
840 return this.each((typeof e == "function" ? kc : e ? bc : Tc)(i, e));
842function vc() {
843 this.textContent = "";
845function wc(t) {
846 return function() {
847 this.textContent = t;
848 };
850function Bc(t) {
851 return function() {
852 var e = t.apply(this, arguments);
853 this.textContent = e ?? "";
854 };
856function Fc(t) {
857 return arguments.length ? this.each(t == null ? vc : (typeof t == "function" ? Bc : wc)(t)) : this.node().textContent;
859function Ac() {
860 this.innerHTML = "";
862function Lc(t) {
863 return function() {
864 this.innerHTML = t;
865 };
867function Ec(t) {
868 return function() {
869 var e = t.apply(this, arguments);
870 this.innerHTML = e ?? "";
871 };
873function Mc(t) {
874 return arguments.length ? this.each(t == null ? Ac : (typeof t == "function" ? Ec : Lc)(t)) : this.node().innerHTML;
876function Oc() {
877 this.nextSibling && this.parentNode.appendChild(this);
879function $c() {
880 return this.each(Oc);
882function Ic() {
883 this.previousSibling && this.parentNode.insertBefore(this, this.parentNode.firstChild);
885function Dc() {
886 return this.each(Ic);
888function Nc(t) {
889 var e = typeof t == "function" ? t : qs(t);
890 return this.select(function() {
891 return this.appendChild(e.apply(this, arguments));
892 });
894function Rc() {
895 return null;
897function Pc(t, e) {
898 var i = typeof t == "function" ? t : qs(t), r = e == null ? Rc : typeof e == "function" ? e : Tn(e);
899 return this.select(function() {
900 return this.insertBefore(i.apply(this, arguments), r.apply(this, arguments) || null);
901 });
903function qc() {
904 var t = this.parentNode;
905 t && t.removeChild(this);
907function zc() {
908 return this.each(qc);
910function Wc() {
911 var t = this.cloneNode(!1), e = this.parentNode;
912 return e ? e.insertBefore(t, this.nextSibling) : t;
914function Hc() {
915 var t = this.cloneNode(!0), e = this.parentNode;
916 return e ? e.insertBefore(t, this.nextSibling) : t;
918function jc(t) {
919 return this.select(t ? Hc : Wc);
921function Uc(t) {
922 return arguments.length ? this.property("__data__", t) : this.node().__data__;
924function Yc(t) {
925 return function(e) {
926 t.call(this, e, this.__data__);
927 };
929function Gc(t) {
930 return t.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(e) {
931 var i = "", r = e.indexOf(".");
932 return r >= 0 && (i = e.slice(r + 1), e = e.slice(0, r)), { type: e, name: i };
933 });
935function Vc(t) {
936 return function() {
937 var e = this.__on;
938 if (e) {
939 for (var i = 0, r = -1, n = e.length, o; i < n; ++i)
940 o = e[i], (!t.type || o.type === t.type) && o.name === t.name ? this.removeEventListener(o.type, o.listener, o.options) : e[++r] = o;
941 ++r ? e.length = r : delete this.__on;
942 }
943 };
945function Xc(t, e, i) {
946 return function() {
947 var r = this.__on, n, o = Yc(e);
948 if (r) {
949 for (var s = 0, a = r.length; s < a; ++s)
950 if ((n = r[s]).type === t.type && n.name === t.name) {
951 this.removeEventListener(n.type, n.listener, n.options), this.addEventListener(n.type, n.listener = o, n.options = i), n.value = e;
952 return;
953 }
954 }
955 this.addEventListener(t.type, o, i), n = { type: t.type, name: t.name, value: e, listener: o, options: i }, r ? r.push(n) : this.__on = [n];
956 };
958function Kc(t, e, i) {
959 var r = Gc(t + ""), n, o = r.length, s;
960 if (arguments.length < 2) {
961 var a = this.node().__on;
962 if (a) {
963 for (var l = 0, h = a.length, u; l < h; ++l)
964 for (n = 0, u = a[l]; n < o; ++n)
965 if ((s = r[n]).type === u.type && s.name === u.name)
966 return u.value;
967 }
968 return;
969 }
970 for (a = e ? Xc : Vc, n = 0; n < o; ++n)
971 this.each(a(r[n], e, i));
972 return this;
974function Ks(t, e, i) {
975 var r = Us(t), n = r.CustomEvent;
976 typeof n == "function" ? n = new n(e, i) : (n = r.document.createEvent("Event"), i ? (n.initEvent(e, i.bubbles, i.cancelable), n.detail = i.detail) : n.initEvent(e, !1, !1)), t.dispatchEvent(n);
978function Zc(t, e) {
979 return function() {
980 return Ks(this, t, e);
981 };
983function Jc(t, e) {
984 return function() {
985 return Ks(this, t, e.apply(this, arguments));
986 };
988function Qc(t, e) {
989 return this.each((typeof e == "function" ? Jc : Zc)(t, e));
991function* tu() {
992 for (var t = this._groups, e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; ++e)
993 for (var r = t[e], n = 0, o = r.length, s; n < o; ++n)
994 (s = r[n]) && (yield s);
996var Zs = [null];
997function yt(t, e) {
998 this._groups = t, this._parents = e;
1000function di() {
1001 return new yt([[document.documentElement]], Zs);
1003function eu() {
1004 return this;
1006yt.prototype = di.prototype = {
1007 constructor: yt,
1008 select: Bh,
1009 selectAll: Eh,
1010 selectChild: Ih,
1011 selectChildren: Ph,
1012 filter: qh,
1013 data: Yh,
1014 enter: zh,
1015 exit: Vh,
1016 join: Xh,
1017 merge: Kh,
1018 selection: eu,
1019 order: Zh,
1020 sort: Jh,
1021 call: tc,
1022 nodes: ec,
1023 node: ic,
1024 size: rc,
1025 empty: nc,
1026 each: oc,
1027 attr: fc,
1028 style: mc,
1029 property: xc,
1030 classed: Sc,
1031 text: Fc,
1032 html: Mc,
1033 raise: $c,
1034 lower: Dc,
1035 append: Nc,
1036 insert: Pc,
1037 remove: zc,
1038 clone: jc,
1039 datum: Uc,
1040 on: Kc,
1041 dispatch: Qc,
1042 [Symbol.iterator]: tu
1044function bt(t) {
1045 return typeof t == "string" ? new yt([[document.querySelector(t)]], [document.documentElement]) : new yt([[t]], Zs);
1047function Sn(t, e, i) {
1048 t.prototype = e.prototype = i, i.constructor = t;
1050function Js(t, e) {
1051 var i = Object.create(t.prototype);
1052 for (var r in e)
1053 i[r] = e[r];
1054 return i;
1056function pi() {
1058var ri = 0.7, Ui = 1 / ri, Fe = "\\s*([+-]?\\d+)\\s*", ni = "\\s*([+-]?(?:\\d*\\.)?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)\\s*", Et = "\\s*([+-]?(?:\\d*\\.)?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)%\\s*", iu = /^#([0-9a-f]{3,8})$/, ru = new RegExp(`^rgb\\(${Fe},${Fe},${Fe}\\)$`), nu = new RegExp(`^rgb\\(${Et},${Et},${Et}\\)$`), ou = new RegExp(`^rgba\\(${Fe},${Fe},${Fe},${ni}\\)$`), su = new RegExp(`^rgba\\(${Et},${Et},${Et},${ni}\\)$`), au = new RegExp(`^hsl\\(${ni},${Et},${Et}\\)$`), lu = new RegExp(`^hsla\\(${ni},${Et},${Et},${ni}\\)$`), So = {
1059 aliceblue: 15792383,
1060 antiquewhite: 16444375,
1061 aqua: 65535,
1062 aquamarine: 8388564,
1063 azure: 15794175,
1064 beige: 16119260,
1065 bisque: 16770244,
1066 black: 0,
1067 blanchedalmond: 16772045,
1068 blue: 255,
1069 blueviolet: 9055202,
1070 brown: 10824234,
1071 burlywood: 14596231,
1072 cadetblue: 6266528,
1073 chartreuse: 8388352,
1074 chocolate: 13789470,
1075 coral: 16744272,
1076 cornflowerblue: 6591981,
1077 cornsilk: 16775388,
1078 crimson: 14423100,
1079 cyan: 65535,
1080 darkblue: 139,
1081 darkcyan: 35723,
1082 darkgoldenrod: 12092939,
1083 darkgray: 11119017,
1084 darkgreen: 25600,
1085 darkgrey: 11119017,
1086 darkkhaki: 12433259,
1087 darkmagenta: 9109643,
1088 darkolivegreen: 5597999,
1089 darkorange: 16747520,
1090 darkorchid: 10040012,
1091 darkred: 9109504,
1092 darksalmon: 15308410,
1093 darkseagreen: 9419919,
1094 darkslateblue: 4734347,
1095 darkslategray: 3100495,
1096 darkslategrey: 3100495,
1097 darkturquoise: 52945,
1098 darkviolet: 9699539,
1099 deeppink: 16716947,
1100 deepskyblue: 49151,
1101 dimgray: 6908265,
1102 dimgrey: 6908265,
1103 dodgerblue: 2003199,
1104 firebrick: 11674146,
1105 floralwhite: 16775920,
1106 forestgreen: 2263842,
1107 fuchsia: 16711935,
1108 gainsboro: 14474460,
1109 ghostwhite: 16316671,
1110 gold: 16766720,
1111 goldenrod: 14329120,
1112 gray: 8421504,
1113 green: 32768,
1114 greenyellow: 11403055,
1115 grey: 8421504,
1116 honeydew: 15794160,
1117 hotpink: 16738740,
1118 indianred: 13458524,
1119 indigo: 4915330,
1120 ivory: 16777200,
1121 khaki: 15787660,
1122 lavender: 15132410,
1123 lavenderblush: 16773365,
1124 lawngreen: 8190976,
1125 lemonchiffon: 16775885,
1126 lightblue: 11393254,
1127 lightcoral: 15761536,
1128 lightcyan: 14745599,
1129 lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210,
1130 lightgray: 13882323,
1131 lightgreen: 9498256,
1132 lightgrey: 13882323,
1133 lightpink: 16758465,
1134 lightsalmon: 16752762,
1135 lightseagreen: 2142890,
1136 lightskyblue: 8900346,
1137 lightslategray: 7833753,
1138 lightslategrey: 7833753,
1139 lightsteelblue: 11584734,
1140 lightyellow: 16777184,
1141 lime: 65280,
1142 limegreen: 3329330,
1143 linen: 16445670,
1144 magenta: 16711935,
1145 maroon: 8388608,
1146 mediumaquamarine: 6737322,
1147 mediumblue: 205,
1148 mediumorchid: 12211667,
1149 mediumpurple: 9662683,
1150 mediumseagreen: 3978097,
1151 mediumslateblue: 8087790,
1152 mediumspringgreen: 64154,
1153 mediumturquoise: 4772300,
1154 mediumvioletred: 13047173,
1155 midnightblue: 1644912,
1156 mintcream: 16121850,
1157 mistyrose: 16770273,
1158 moccasin: 16770229,
1159 navajowhite: 16768685,
1160 navy: 128,
1161 oldlace: 16643558,
1162 olive: 8421376,
1163 olivedrab: 7048739,
1164 orange: 16753920,
1165 orangered: 16729344,
1166 orchid: 14315734,
1167 palegoldenrod: 15657130,
1168 palegreen: 10025880,
1169 paleturquoise: 11529966,
1170 palevioletred: 14381203,
1171 papayawhip: 16773077,
1172 peachpuff: 16767673,
1173 peru: 13468991,
1174 pink: 16761035,
1175 plum: 14524637,
1176 powderblue: 11591910,
1177 purple: 8388736,
1178 rebeccapurple: 6697881,
1179 red: 16711680,
1180 rosybrown: 12357519,
1181 royalblue: 4286945,
1182 saddlebrown: 9127187,
1183 salmon: 16416882,
1184 sandybrown: 16032864,
1185 seagreen: 3050327,
1186 seashell: 16774638,
1187 sienna: 10506797,
1188 silver: 12632256,
1189 skyblue: 8900331,
1190 slateblue: 6970061,
1191 slategray: 7372944,
1192 slategrey: 7372944,
1193 snow: 16775930,
1194 springgreen: 65407,
1195 steelblue: 4620980,
1196 tan: 13808780,
1197 teal: 32896,
1198 thistle: 14204888,
1199 tomato: 16737095,
1200 turquoise: 4251856,
1201 violet: 15631086,
1202 wheat: 16113331,
1203 white: 16777215,
1204 whitesmoke: 16119285,
1205 yellow: 16776960,
1206 yellowgreen: 10145074
1208Sn(pi, oi, {
1209 copy(t) {
1210 return Object.assign(new this.constructor(), this, t);
1211 },
1212 displayable() {
1213 return this.rgb().displayable();
1214 },
1215 hex: vo,
1216 // Deprecated! Use color.formatHex.
1217 formatHex: vo,
1218 formatHex8: hu,
1219 formatHsl: cu,
1220 formatRgb: wo,
1221 toString: wo
1223function vo() {
1224 return this.rgb().formatHex();
1226function hu() {
1227 return this.rgb().formatHex8();
1229function cu() {
1230 return Qs(this).formatHsl();
1232function wo() {
1233 return this.rgb().formatRgb();
1235function oi(t) {
1236 var e, i;
1237 return t = (t + "").trim().toLowerCase(), (e = iu.exec(t)) ? (i = e[1].length, e = parseInt(e[1], 16), i === 6 ? Bo(e) : i === 3 ? new pt(e >> 8 & 15 | e >> 4 & 240, e >> 4 & 15 | e & 240, (e & 15) << 4 | e & 15, 1) : i === 8 ? ki(e >> 24 & 255, e >> 16 & 255, e >> 8 & 255, (e & 255) / 255) : i === 4 ? ki(e >> 12 & 15 | e >> 8 & 240, e >> 8 & 15 | e >> 4 & 240, e >> 4 & 15 | e & 240, ((e & 15) << 4 | e & 15) / 255) : null) : (e = ru.exec(t)) ? new pt(e[1], e[2], e[3], 1) : (e = nu.exec(t)) ? new pt(e[1] * 255 / 100, e[2] * 255 / 100, e[3] * 255 / 100, 1) : (e = ou.exec(t)) ? ki(e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]) : (e = su.exec(t)) ? ki(e[1] * 255 / 100, e[2] * 255 / 100, e[3] * 255 / 100, e[4]) : (e = au.exec(t)) ? Lo(e[1], e[2] / 100, e[3] / 100, 1) : (e = lu.exec(t)) ? Lo(e[1], e[2] / 100, e[3] / 100, e[4]) : So.hasOwnProperty(t) ? Bo(So[t]) : t === "transparent" ? new pt(NaN, NaN, NaN, 0) : null;
1239function Bo(t) {
1240 return new pt(t >> 16 & 255, t >> 8 & 255, t & 255, 1);
1242function ki(t, e, i, r) {
1243 return r <= 0 && (t = e = i = NaN), new pt(t, e, i, r);
1245function uu(t) {
1246 return t instanceof pi || (t = oi(t)), t ? (t = t.rgb(), new pt(t.r, t.g, t.b, t.opacity)) : new pt();
1248function Qr(t, e, i, r) {
1249 return arguments.length === 1 ? uu(t) : new pt(t, e, i, r ?? 1);
1251function pt(t, e, i, r) {
1252 this.r = +t, this.g = +e, this.b = +i, this.opacity = +r;
1254Sn(pt, Qr, Js(pi, {
1255 brighter(t) {
1256 return t = t == null ? Ui : Math.pow(Ui, t), new pt(this.r * t, this.g * t, this.b * t, this.opacity);
1257 },
1258 darker(t) {
1259 return t = t == null ? ri : Math.pow(ri, t), new pt(this.r * t, this.g * t, this.b * t, this.opacity);
1260 },
1261 rgb() {
1262 return this;
1263 },
1264 clamp() {
1265 return new pt(ue(this.r), ue(this.g), ue(this.b), Yi(this.opacity));
1266 },
1267 displayable() {
1268 return -0.5 <= this.r && this.r < 255.5 && -0.5 <= this.g && this.g < 255.5 && -0.5 <= this.b && this.b < 255.5 && 0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1;
1269 },
1270 hex: Fo,
1271 // Deprecated! Use color.formatHex.
1272 formatHex: Fo,
1273 formatHex8: fu,
1274 formatRgb: Ao,
1275 toString: Ao
1277function Fo() {
1278 return `#${ce(this.r)}${ce(this.g)}${ce(this.b)}`;
1280function fu() {
1281 return `#${ce(this.r)}${ce(this.g)}${ce(this.b)}${ce((isNaN(this.opacity) ? 1 : this.opacity) * 255)}`;
1283function Ao() {
1284 const t = Yi(this.opacity);
1285 return `${t === 1 ? "rgb(" : "rgba("}${ue(this.r)}, ${ue(this.g)}, ${ue(this.b)}${t === 1 ? ")" : `, ${t})`}`;
1287function Yi(t) {
1288 return isNaN(t) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t));
1290function ue(t) {
1291 return Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(t) || 0));
1293function ce(t) {
1294 return t = ue(t), (t < 16 ? "0" : "") + t.toString(16);
1296function Lo(t, e, i, r) {
1297 return r <= 0 ? t = e = i = NaN : i <= 0 || i >= 1 ? t = e = NaN : e <= 0 && (t = NaN), new wt(t, e, i, r);
1299function Qs(t) {
1300 if (t instanceof wt)
1301 return new wt(t.h, t.s, t.l, t.opacity);
1302 if (t instanceof pi || (t = oi(t)), !t)
1303 return new wt();
1304 if (t instanceof wt)
1305 return t;
1306 t = t.rgb();
1307 var e = t.r / 255, i = t.g / 255, r = t.b / 255, n = Math.min(e, i, r), o = Math.max(e, i, r), s = NaN, a = o - n, l = (o + n) / 2;
1308 return a ? (e === o ? s = (i - r) / a + (i < r) * 6 : i === o ? s = (r - e) / a + 2 : s = (e - i) / a + 4, a /= l < 0.5 ? o + n : 2 - o - n, s *= 60) : a = l > 0 && l < 1 ? 0 : s, new wt(s, a, l, t.opacity);
1310function du(t, e, i, r) {
1311 return arguments.length === 1 ? Qs(t) : new wt(t, e, i, r ?? 1);
1313function wt(t, e, i, r) {
1314 this.h = +t, this.s = +e, this.l = +i, this.opacity = +r;
1316Sn(wt, du, Js(pi, {
1317 brighter(t) {
1318 return t = t == null ? Ui : Math.pow(Ui, t), new wt(this.h, this.s, this.l * t, this.opacity);
1319 },
1320 darker(t) {
1321 return t = t == null ? ri : Math.pow(ri, t), new wt(this.h, this.s, this.l * t, this.opacity);
1322 },
1323 rgb() {
1324 var t = this.h % 360 + (this.h < 0) * 360, e = isNaN(t) || isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s, i = this.l, r = i + (i < 0.5 ? i : 1 - i) * e, n = 2 * i - r;
1325 return new pt(
1326 Dr(t >= 240 ? t - 240 : t + 120, n, r),
1327 Dr(t, n, r),
1328 Dr(t < 120 ? t + 240 : t - 120, n, r),
1329 this.opacity
1330 );
1331 },
1332 clamp() {
1333 return new wt(Eo(this.h), Si(this.s), Si(this.l), Yi(this.opacity));
1334 },
1335 displayable() {
1336 return (0 <= this.s && this.s <= 1 || isNaN(this.s)) && 0 <= this.l && this.l <= 1 && 0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1;
1337 },
1338 formatHsl() {
1339 const t = Yi(this.opacity);
1340 return `${t === 1 ? "hsl(" : "hsla("}${Eo(this.h)}, ${Si(this.s) * 100}%, ${Si(this.l) * 100}%${t === 1 ? ")" : `, ${t})`}`;
1341 }
1343function Eo(t) {
1344 return t = (t || 0) % 360, t < 0 ? t + 360 : t;
1346function Si(t) {
1347 return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t || 0));
1349function Dr(t, e, i) {
1350 return (t < 60 ? e + (i - e) * t / 60 : t < 180 ? i : t < 240 ? e + (i - e) * (240 - t) / 60 : e) * 255;
1352const vn = (t) => () => t;
1353function ta(t, e) {
1354 return function(i) {
1355 return t + i * e;
1356 };
1358function pu(t, e, i) {
1359 return t = Math.pow(t, i), e = Math.pow(e, i) - t, i = 1 / i, function(r) {
1360 return Math.pow(t + r * e, i);
1361 };
1363function l1(t, e) {
1364 var i = e - t;
1365 return i ? ta(t, i > 180 || i < -180 ? i - 360 * Math.round(i / 360) : i) : vn(isNaN(t) ? e : t);
1367function gu(t) {
1368 return (t = +t) == 1 ? ea : function(e, i) {
1369 return i - e ? pu(e, i, t) : vn(isNaN(e) ? i : e);
1370 };
1372function ea(t, e) {
1373 var i = e - t;
1374 return i ? ta(t, i) : vn(isNaN(t) ? e : t);
1376const Mo = function t(e) {
1377 var i = gu(e);
1378 function r(n, o) {
1379 var s = i((n = Qr(n)).r, (o = Qr(o)).r), a = i(n.g, o.g), l = i(n.b, o.b), h = ea(n.opacity, o.opacity);
1380 return function(u) {
1381 return n.r = s(u), n.g = a(u), n.b = l(u), n.opacity = h(u), n + "";
1382 };
1383 }
1384 return r.gamma = t, r;
1386function te(t, e) {
1387 return t = +t, e = +e, function(i) {
1388 return t * (1 - i) + e * i;
1389 };
1391var tn = /[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g, Nr = new RegExp(tn.source, "g");
1392function mu(t) {
1393 return function() {
1394 return t;
1395 };
1397function yu(t) {
1398 return function(e) {
1399 return t(e) + "";
1400 };
1402function _u(t, e) {
1403 var i = tn.lastIndex = Nr.lastIndex = 0, r, n, o, s = -1, a = [], l = [];
1404 for (t = t + "", e = e + ""; (r = tn.exec(t)) && (n = Nr.exec(e)); )
1405 (o = n.index) > i && (o = e.slice(i, o), a[s] ? a[s] += o : a[++s] = o), (r = r[0]) === (n = n[0]) ? a[s] ? a[s] += n : a[++s] = n : (a[++s] = null, l.push({ i: s, x: te(r, n) })), i = Nr.lastIndex;
1406 return i < e.length && (o = e.slice(i), a[s] ? a[s] += o : a[++s] = o), a.length < 2 ? l[0] ? yu(l[0].x) : mu(e) : (e = l.length, function(h) {
1407 for (var u = 0, f; u < e; ++u)
1408 a[(f = l[u]).i] = f.x(h);
1409 return a.join("");
1410 });
1412var Oo = 180 / Math.PI, en = {
1413 translateX: 0,
1414 translateY: 0,
1415 rotate: 0,
1416 skewX: 0,
1417 scaleX: 1,
1418 scaleY: 1
1420function ia(t, e, i, r, n, o) {
1421 var s, a, l;
1422 return (s = Math.sqrt(t * t + e * e)) && (t /= s, e /= s), (l = t * i + e * r) && (i -= t * l, r -= e * l), (a = Math.sqrt(i * i + r * r)) && (i /= a, r /= a, l /= a), t * r < e * i && (t = -t, e = -e, l = -l, s = -s), {
1423 translateX: n,
1424 translateY: o,
1425 rotate: Math.atan2(e, t) * Oo,
1426 skewX: Math.atan(l) * Oo,
1427 scaleX: s,
1428 scaleY: a
1429 };
1431var vi;
1432function Cu(t) {
1433 const e = new (typeof DOMMatrix == "function" ? DOMMatrix : WebKitCSSMatrix)(t + "");
1434 return e.isIdentity ? en : ia(e.a, e.b, e.c, e.d, e.e, e.f);
1436function xu(t) {
1437 return t == null || (vi || (vi = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g")), vi.setAttribute("transform", t), !(t = vi.transform.baseVal.consolidate())) ? en : (t = t.matrix, ia(t.a, t.b, t.c, t.d, t.e, t.f));
1439function ra(t, e, i, r) {
1440 function n(h) {
1441 return h.length ? h.pop() + " " : "";
1442 }
1443 function o(h, u, f, c, d, m) {
1444 if (h !== f || u !== c) {
1445 var S = d.push("translate(", null, e, null, i);
1446 m.push({ i: S - 4, x: te(h, f) }, { i: S - 2, x: te(u, c) });
1447 } else
1448 (f || c) && d.push("translate(" + f + e + c + i);
1449 }
1450 function s(h, u, f, c) {
1451 h !== u ? (h - u > 180 ? u += 360 : u - h > 180 && (h += 360), c.push({ i: f.push(n(f) + "rotate(", null, r) - 2, x: te(h, u) })) : u && f.push(n(f) + "rotate(" + u + r);
1452 }
1453 function a(h, u, f, c) {
1454 h !== u ? c.push({ i: f.push(n(f) + "skewX(", null, r) - 2, x: te(h, u) }) : u && f.push(n(f) + "skewX(" + u + r);
1455 }
1456 function l(h, u, f, c, d, m) {
1457 if (h !== f || u !== c) {
1458 var S = d.push(n(d) + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")");
1459 m.push({ i: S - 4, x: te(h, f) }, { i: S - 2, x: te(u, c) });
1460 } else
1461 (f !== 1 || c !== 1) && d.push(n(d) + "scale(" + f + "," + c + ")");
1462 }
1463 return function(h, u) {
1464 var f = [], c = [];
1465 return h = t(h), u = t(u), o(h.translateX, h.translateY, u.translateX, u.translateY, f, c), s(h.rotate, u.rotate, f, c), a(h.skewX, u.skewX, f, c), l(h.scaleX, h.scaleY, u.scaleX, u.scaleY, f, c), h = u = null, function(d) {
1466 for (var m = -1, S = c.length, O; ++m < S; )
1467 f[(O = c[m]).i] = O.x(d);
1468 return f.join("");
1469 };
1470 };
1472var bu = ra(Cu, "px, ", "px)", "deg)"), Tu = ra(xu, ", ", ")", ")"), Le = 0, Ve = 0, He = 0, na = 1e3, Gi, Xe, Vi = 0, pe = 0, dr = 0, si = typeof performance == "object" && performance.now ? performance : Date, oa = typeof window == "object" && window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window) : function(t) {
1473 setTimeout(t, 17);
1475function wn() {
1476 return pe || (oa(ku), pe = si.now() + dr);
1478function ku() {
1479 pe = 0;
1481function Xi() {
1482 this._call = this._time = this._next = null;
1484Xi.prototype = sa.prototype = {
1485 constructor: Xi,
1486 restart: function(t, e, i) {
1487 if (typeof t != "function")
1488 throw new TypeError("callback is not a function");
1489 i = (i == null ? wn() : +i) + (e == null ? 0 : +e), !this._next && Xe !== this && (Xe ? Xe._next = this : Gi = this, Xe = this), this._call = t, this._time = i, rn();
1490 },
1491 stop: function() {
1492 this._call && (this._call = null, this._time = 1 / 0, rn());
1493 }
1495function sa(t, e, i) {
1496 var r = new Xi();
1497 return r.restart(t, e, i), r;
1499function Su() {
1500 wn(), ++Le;
1501 for (var t = Gi, e; t; )
1502 (e = pe - t._time) >= 0 && t._call.call(void 0, e), t = t._next;
1503 --Le;
1505function $o() {
1506 pe = (Vi = si.now()) + dr, Le = Ve = 0;
1507 try {
1508 Su();
1509 } finally {
1510 Le = 0, wu(), pe = 0;
1511 }
1513function vu() {
1514 var t = si.now(), e = t - Vi;
1515 e > na && (dr -= e, Vi = t);
1517function wu() {
1518 for (var t, e = Gi, i, r = 1 / 0; e; )
1519 e._call ? (r > e._time && (r = e._time), t = e, e = e._next) : (i = e._next, e._next = null, e = t ? t._next = i : Gi = i);
1520 Xe = t, rn(r);
1522function rn(t) {
1523 if (!Le) {
1524 Ve && (Ve = clearTimeout(Ve));
1525 var e = t - pe;
1526 e > 24 ? (t < 1 / 0 && (Ve = setTimeout($o, t - si.now() - dr)), He && (He = clearInterval(He))) : (He || (Vi = si.now(), He = setInterval(vu, na)), Le = 1, oa($o));
1527 }
1529function Io(t, e, i) {
1530 var r = new Xi();
1531 return e = e == null ? 0 : +e, r.restart((n) => {
1532 r.stop(), t(n + e);
1533 }, e, i), r;
1535var Bu = Ps("start", "end", "cancel", "interrupt"), Fu = [], aa = 0, Do = 1, nn = 2, $i = 3, No = 4, on = 5, Ii = 6;
1536function pr(t, e, i, r, n, o) {
1537 var s = t.__transition;
1538 if (!s)
1539 t.__transition = {};
1540 else if (i in s)
1541 return;
1542 Au(t, i, {
1543 name: e,
1544 index: r,
1545 // For context during callback.
1546 group: n,
1547 // For context during callback.
1548 on: Bu,
1549 tween: Fu,
1550 time: o.time,
1551 delay: o.delay,
1552 duration: o.duration,
1553 ease: o.ease,
1554 timer: null,
1555 state: aa
1556 });
1558function Bn(t, e) {
1559 var i = At(t, e);
1560 if (i.state > aa)
1561 throw new Error("too late; already scheduled");
1562 return i;
1564function It(t, e) {
1565 var i = At(t, e);
1566 if (i.state > $i)
1567 throw new Error("too late; already running");
1568 return i;
1570function At(t, e) {
1571 var i = t.__transition;
1572 if (!i || !(i = i[e]))
1573 throw new Error("transition not found");
1574 return i;
1576function Au(t, e, i) {
1577 var r = t.__transition, n;
1578 r[e] = i, i.timer = sa(o, 0, i.time);
1579 function o(h) {
1580 i.state = Do, i.timer.restart(s, i.delay, i.time), i.delay <= h && s(h - i.delay);
1581 }
1582 function s(h) {
1583 var u, f, c, d;
1584 if (i.state !== Do)
1585 return l();
1586 for (u in r)
1587 if (d = r[u], d.name === i.name) {
1588 if (d.state === $i)
1589 return Io(s);
1590 d.state === No ? (d.state = Ii, d.timer.stop(), d.on.call("interrupt", t, t.__data__, d.index, d.group), delete r[u]) : +u < e && (d.state = Ii, d.timer.stop(), d.on.call("cancel", t, t.__data__, d.index, d.group), delete r[u]);
1591 }
1592 if (Io(function() {
1593 i.state === $i && (i.state = No, i.timer.restart(a, i.delay, i.time), a(h));
1594 }), i.state = nn, i.on.call("start", t, t.__data__, i.index, i.group), i.state === nn) {
1595 for (i.state = $i, n = new Array(c = i.tween.length), u = 0, f = -1; u < c; ++u)
1596 (d = i.tween[u].value.call(t, t.__data__, i.index, i.group)) && (n[++f] = d);
1597 n.length = f + 1;
1598 }
1599 }
1600 function a(h) {
1601 for (var u = h < i.duration ? i.ease.call(null, h / i.duration) : (i.timer.restart(l), i.state = on, 1), f = -1, c = n.length; ++f < c; )
1602 n[f].call(t, u);
1603 i.state === on && (i.on.call("end", t, t.__data__, i.index, i.group), l());
1604 }
1605 function l() {
1606 i.state = Ii, i.timer.stop(), delete r[e];
1607 for (var h in r)
1608 return;
1609 delete t.__transition;
1610 }
1612function Lu(t, e) {
1613 var i = t.__transition, r, n, o = !0, s;
1614 if (i) {
1615 e = e == null ? null : e + "";
1616 for (s in i) {
1617 if ((r = i[s]).name !== e) {
1618 o = !1;
1619 continue;
1620 }
1621 n = r.state > nn && r.state < on, r.state = Ii, r.timer.stop(), r.on.call(n ? "interrupt" : "cancel", t, t.__data__, r.index, r.group), delete i[s];
1622 }
1623 o && delete t.__transition;
1624 }
1626function Eu(t) {
1627 return this.each(function() {
1628 Lu(this, t);
1629 });
1631function Mu(t, e) {
1632 var i, r;
1633 return function() {
1634 var n = It(this, t), o = n.tween;
1635 if (o !== i) {
1636 r = i = o;
1637 for (var s = 0, a = r.length; s < a; ++s)
1638 if (r[s].name === e) {
1639 r = r.slice(), r.splice(s, 1);
1640 break;
1641 }
1642 }
1643 n.tween = r;
1644 };
1646function Ou(t, e, i) {
1647 var r, n;
1648 if (typeof i != "function")
1649 throw new Error();
1650 return function() {
1651 var o = It(this, t), s = o.tween;
1652 if (s !== r) {
1653 n = (r = s).slice();
1654 for (var a = { name: e, value: i }, l = 0, h = n.length; l < h; ++l)
1655 if (n[l].name === e) {
1656 n[l] = a;
1657 break;
1658 }
1659 l === h && n.push(a);
1660 }
1661 o.tween = n;
1662 };
1664function $u(t, e) {
1665 var i = this._id;
1666 if (t += "", arguments.length < 2) {
1667 for (var r = At(this.node(), i).tween, n = 0, o = r.length, s; n < o; ++n)
1668 if ((s = r[n]).name === t)
1669 return s.value;
1670 return null;
1671 }
1672 return this.each((e == null ? Mu : Ou)(i, t, e));
1674function Fn(t, e, i) {
1675 var r = t._id;
1676 return t.each(function() {
1677 var n = It(this, r);
1678 (n.value || (n.value = {}))[e] = i.apply(this, arguments);
1679 }), function(n) {
1680 return At(n, r).value[e];
1681 };
1683function la(t, e) {
1684 var i;
1685 return (typeof e == "number" ? te : e instanceof oi ? Mo : (i = oi(e)) ? (e = i, Mo) : _u)(t, e);
1687function Iu(t) {
1688 return function() {
1689 this.removeAttribute(t);
1690 };
1692function Du(t) {
1693 return function() {
1694 this.removeAttributeNS(t.space, t.local);
1695 };
1697function Nu(t, e, i) {
1698 var r, n = i + "", o;
1699 return function() {
1700 var s = this.getAttribute(t);
1701 return s === n ? null : s === r ? o : o = e(r = s, i);
1702 };
1704function Ru(t, e, i) {
1705 var r, n = i + "", o;
1706 return function() {
1707 var s = this.getAttributeNS(t.space, t.local);
1708 return s === n ? null : s === r ? o : o = e(r = s, i);
1709 };
1711function Pu(t, e, i) {
1712 var r, n, o;
1713 return function() {
1714 var s, a = i(this), l;
1715 return a == null ? void this.removeAttribute(t) : (s = this.getAttribute(t), l = a + "", s === l ? null : s === r && l === n ? o : (n = l, o = e(r = s, a)));
1716 };
1718function qu(t, e, i) {
1719 var r, n, o;
1720 return function() {
1721 var s, a = i(this), l;
1722 return a == null ? void this.removeAttributeNS(t.space, t.local) : (s = this.getAttributeNS(t.space, t.local), l = a + "", s === l ? null : s === r && l === n ? o : (n = l, o = e(r = s, a)));
1723 };
1725function zu(t, e) {
1726 var i = fr(t), r = i === "transform" ? Tu : la;
1727 return this.attrTween(t, typeof e == "function" ? (i.local ? qu : Pu)(i, r, Fn(this, "attr." + t, e)) : e == null ? (i.local ? Du : Iu)(i) : (i.local ? Ru : Nu)(i, r, e));
1729function Wu(t, e) {
1730 return function(i) {
1731 this.setAttribute(t, e.call(this, i));
1732 };
1734function Hu(t, e) {
1735 return function(i) {
1736 this.setAttributeNS(t.space, t.local, e.call(this, i));
1737 };
1739function ju(t, e) {
1740 var i, r;
1741 function n() {
1742 var o = e.apply(this, arguments);
1743 return o !== r && (i = (r = o) && Hu(t, o)), i;
1744 }
1745 return n._value = e, n;
1747function Uu(t, e) {
1748 var i, r;
1749 function n() {
1750 var o = e.apply(this, arguments);
1751 return o !== r && (i = (r = o) && Wu(t, o)), i;
1752 }
1753 return n._value = e, n;
1755function Yu(t, e) {
1756 var i = "attr." + t;
1757 if (arguments.length < 2)
1758 return (i = this.tween(i)) && i._value;
1759 if (e == null)
1760 return this.tween(i, null);
1761 if (typeof e != "function")
1762 throw new Error();
1763 var r = fr(t);
1764 return this.tween(i, (r.local ? ju : Uu)(r, e));
1766function Gu(t, e) {
1767 return function() {
1768 Bn(this, t).delay = +e.apply(this, arguments);
1769 };
1771function Vu(t, e) {
1772 return e = +e, function() {
1773 Bn(this, t).delay = e;
1774 };
1776function Xu(t) {
1777 var e = this._id;
1778 return arguments.length ? this.each((typeof t == "function" ? Gu : Vu)(e, t)) : At(this.node(), e).delay;
1780function Ku(t, e) {
1781 return function() {
1782 It(this, t).duration = +e.apply(this, arguments);
1783 };
1785function Zu(t, e) {
1786 return e = +e, function() {
1787 It(this, t).duration = e;
1788 };
1790function Ju(t) {
1791 var e = this._id;
1792 return arguments.length ? this.each((typeof t == "function" ? Ku : Zu)(e, t)) : At(this.node(), e).duration;
1794function Qu(t, e) {
1795 if (typeof e != "function")
1796 throw new Error();
1797 return function() {
1798 It(this, t).ease = e;
1799 };
1801function tf(t) {
1802 var e = this._id;
1803 return arguments.length ? this.each(Qu(e, t)) : At(this.node(), e).ease;
1805function ef(t, e) {
1806 return function() {
1807 var i = e.apply(this, arguments);
1808 if (typeof i != "function")
1809 throw new Error();
1810 It(this, t).ease = i;
1811 };
1813function rf(t) {
1814 if (typeof t != "function")
1815 throw new Error();
1816 return this.each(ef(this._id, t));
1818function nf(t) {
1819 typeof t != "function" && (t = Ws(t));
1820 for (var e = this._groups, i = e.length, r = new Array(i), n = 0; n < i; ++n)
1821 for (var o = e[n], s = o.length, a = r[n] = [], l, h = 0; h < s; ++h)
1822 (l = o[h]) && t.call(l, l.__data__, h, o) && a.push(l);
1823 return new Vt(r, this._parents, this._name, this._id);
1825function of(t) {
1826 if (t._id !== this._id)
1827 throw new Error();
1828 for (var e = this._groups, i = t._groups, r = e.length, n = i.length, o = Math.min(r, n), s = new Array(r), a = 0; a < o; ++a)
1829 for (var l = e[a], h = i[a], u = l.length, f = s[a] = new Array(u), c, d = 0; d < u; ++d)
1830 (c = l[d] || h[d]) && (f[d] = c);
1831 for (; a < r; ++a)
1832 s[a] = e[a];
1833 return new Vt(s, this._parents, this._name, this._id);
1835function sf(t) {
1836 return (t + "").trim().split(/^|\s+/).every(function(e) {
1837 var i = e.indexOf(".");
1838 return i >= 0 && (e = e.slice(0, i)), !e || e === "start";
1839 });
1841function af(t, e, i) {
1842 var r, n, o = sf(e) ? Bn : It;
1843 return function() {
1844 var s = o(this, t), a = s.on;
1845 a !== r && (n = (r = a).copy()).on(e, i), s.on = n;
1846 };
1848function lf(t, e) {
1849 var i = this._id;
1850 return arguments.length < 2 ? At(this.node(), i).on.on(t) : this.each(af(i, t, e));
1852function hf(t) {
1853 return function() {
1854 var e = this.parentNode;
1855 for (var i in this.__transition)
1856 if (+i !== t)
1857 return;
1858 e && e.removeChild(this);
1859 };
1861function cf() {
1862 return this.on("end.remove", hf(this._id));
1864function uf(t) {
1865 var e = this._name, i = this._id;
1866 typeof t != "function" && (t = Tn(t));
1867 for (var r = this._groups, n = r.length, o = new Array(n), s = 0; s < n; ++s)
1868 for (var a = r[s], l = a.length, h = o[s] = new Array(l), u, f, c = 0; c < l; ++c)
1869 (u = a[c]) && (f = t.call(u, u.__data__, c, a)) && ("__data__" in u && (f.__data__ = u.__data__), h[c] = f, pr(h[c], e, i, c, h, At(u, i)));
1870 return new Vt(o, this._parents, e, i);
1872function ff(t) {
1873 var e = this._name, i = this._id;
1874 typeof t != "function" && (t = zs(t));
1875 for (var r = this._groups, n = r.length, o = [], s = [], a = 0; a < n; ++a)
1876 for (var l = r[a], h = l.length, u, f = 0; f < h; ++f)
1877 if (u = l[f]) {
1878 for (var c = t.call(u, u.__data__, f, l), d, m = At(u, i), S = 0, O = c.length; S < O; ++S)
1879 (d = c[S]) && pr(d, e, i, S, c, m);
1880 o.push(c), s.push(u);
1881 }
1882 return new Vt(o, s, e, i);
1884var df = di.prototype.constructor;
1885function pf() {
1886 return new df(this._groups, this._parents);
1888function gf(t, e) {
1889 var i, r, n;
1890 return function() {
1891 var o = Ae(this, t), s = (this.style.removeProperty(t), Ae(this, t));
1892 return o === s ? null : o === i && s === r ? n : n = e(i = o, r = s);
1893 };
1895function ha(t) {
1896 return function() {
1897 this.style.removeProperty(t);
1898 };
1900function mf(t, e, i) {
1901 var r, n = i + "", o;
1902 return function() {
1903 var s = Ae(this, t);
1904 return s === n ? null : s === r ? o : o = e(r = s, i);
1905 };
1907function yf(t, e, i) {
1908 var r, n, o;
1909 return function() {
1910 var s = Ae(this, t), a = i(this), l = a + "";
1911 return a == null && (l = a = (this.style.removeProperty(t), Ae(this, t))), s === l ? null : s === r && l === n ? o : (n = l, o = e(r = s, a));
1912 };
1914function _f(t, e) {
1915 var i, r, n, o = "style." + e, s = "end." + o, a;
1916 return function() {
1917 var l = It(this, t), h = l.on, u = l.value[o] == null ? a || (a = ha(e)) : void 0;
1918 (h !== i || n !== u) && (r = (i = h).copy()).on(s, n = u), l.on = r;
1919 };
1921function Cf(t, e, i) {
1922 var r = (t += "") == "transform" ? bu : la;
1923 return e == null ? this.styleTween(t, gf(t, r)).on("end.style." + t, ha(t)) : typeof e == "function" ? this.styleTween(t, yf(t, r, Fn(this, "style." + t, e))).each(_f(this._id, t)) : this.styleTween(t, mf(t, r, e), i).on("end.style." + t, null);
1925function xf(t, e, i) {
1926 return function(r) {
1927 this.style.setProperty(t, e.call(this, r), i);
1928 };
1930function bf(t, e, i) {
1931 var r, n;
1932 function o() {
1933 var s = e.apply(this, arguments);
1934 return s !== n && (r = (n = s) && xf(t, s, i)), r;
1935 }
1936 return o._value = e, o;
1938function Tf(t, e, i) {
1939 var r = "style." + (t += "");
1940 if (arguments.length < 2)
1941 return (r = this.tween(r)) && r._value;
1942 if (e == null)
1943 return this.tween(r, null);
1944 if (typeof e != "function")
1945 throw new Error();
1946 return this.tween(r, bf(t, e, i ?? ""));
1948function kf(t) {
1949 return function() {
1950 this.textContent = t;
1951 };
1953function Sf(t) {
1954 return function() {
1955 var e = t(this);
1956 this.textContent = e ?? "";
1957 };
1959function vf(t) {
1960 return this.tween("text", typeof t == "function" ? Sf(Fn(this, "text", t)) : kf(t == null ? "" : t + ""));
1962function wf(t) {
1963 return function(e) {
1964 this.textContent = t.call(this, e);
1965 };
1967function Bf(t) {
1968 var e, i;
1969 function r() {
1970 var n = t.apply(this, arguments);
1971 return n !== i && (e = (i = n) && wf(n)), e;
1972 }
1973 return r._value = t, r;
1975function Ff(t) {
1976 var e = "text";
1977 if (arguments.length < 1)
1978 return (e = this.tween(e)) && e._value;
1979 if (t == null)
1980 return this.tween(e, null);
1981 if (typeof t != "function")
1982 throw new Error();
1983 return this.tween(e, Bf(t));
1985function Af() {
1986 for (var t = this._name, e = this._id, i = ca(), r = this._groups, n = r.length, o = 0; o < n; ++o)
1987 for (var s = r[o], a = s.length, l, h = 0; h < a; ++h)
1988 if (l = s[h]) {
1989 var u = At(l, e);
1990 pr(l, t, i, h, s, {
1991 time: u.time + u.delay + u.duration,
1992 delay: 0,
1993 duration: u.duration,
1994 ease: u.ease
1995 });
1996 }
1997 return new Vt(r, this._parents, t, i);
1999function Lf() {
2000 var t, e, i = this, r = i._id, n = i.size();
2001 return new Promise(function(o, s) {
2002 var a = { value: s }, l = { value: function() {
2003 --n === 0 && o();
2004 } };
2005 i.each(function() {
2006 var h = It(this, r), u = h.on;
2007 u !== t && (e = (t = u).copy(), e._.cancel.push(a), e._.interrupt.push(a), e._.end.push(l)), h.on = e;
2008 }), n === 0 && o();
2009 });
2011var Ef = 0;
2012function Vt(t, e, i, r) {
2013 this._groups = t, this._parents = e, this._name = i, this._id = r;
2015function ca() {
2016 return ++Ef;
2018var Ht = di.prototype;
2019Vt.prototype = {
2020 constructor: Vt,
2021 select: uf,
2022 selectAll: ff,
2023 selectChild: Ht.selectChild,
2024 selectChildren: Ht.selectChildren,
2025 filter: nf,
2026 merge: of,
2027 selection: pf,
2028 transition: Af,
2029 call: Ht.call,
2030 nodes: Ht.nodes,
2031 node: Ht.node,
2032 size: Ht.size,
2033 empty: Ht.empty,
2034 each: Ht.each,
2035 on: lf,
2036 attr: zu,
2037 attrTween: Yu,
2038 style: Cf,
2039 styleTween: Tf,
2040 text: vf,
2041 textTween: Ff,
2042 remove: cf,
2043 tween: $u,
2044 delay: Xu,
2045 duration: Ju,
2046 ease: tf,
2047 easeVarying: rf,
2048 end: Lf,
2049 [Symbol.iterator]: Ht[Symbol.iterator]
2051function Mf(t) {
2052 return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? t * t * t : (t -= 2) * t * t + 2) / 2;
2054var Of = {
2055 time: null,
2056 // Set on use.
2057 delay: 0,
2058 duration: 250,
2059 ease: Mf
2061function $f(t, e) {
2062 for (var i; !(i = t.__transition) || !(i = i[e]); )
2063 if (!(t = t.parentNode))
2064 throw new Error(`transition ${e} not found`);
2065 return i;
2067function If(t) {
2068 var e, i;
2069 t instanceof Vt ? (e = t._id, t = t._name) : (e = ca(), (i = Of).time = wn(), t = t == null ? null : t + "");
2070 for (var r = this._groups, n = r.length, o = 0; o < n; ++o)
2071 for (var s = r[o], a = s.length, l, h = 0; h < a; ++h)
2072 (l = s[h]) && pr(l, t, e, h, s, i || $f(l, e));
2073 return new Vt(r, this._parents, t, e);
2075di.prototype.interrupt = Eu;
2076di.prototype.transition = If;
2077const h1 = Math.abs, c1 = Math.atan2, u1 = Math.cos, f1 = Math.max, d1 = Math.min, p1 = Math.sin, g1 = Math.sqrt, Ro = 1e-12, An = Math.PI, Po = An / 2, m1 = 2 * An;
2078function y1(t) {
2079 return t > 1 ? 0 : t < -1 ? An : Math.acos(t);
2081function _1(t) {
2082 return t >= 1 ? Po : t <= -1 ? -Po : Math.asin(t);
2084function ua(t) {
2085 this._context = t;
2087ua.prototype = {
2088 areaStart: function() {
2089 this._line = 0;
2090 },
2091 areaEnd: function() {
2092 this._line = NaN;
2093 },
2094 lineStart: function() {
2095 this._point = 0;
2096 },
2097 lineEnd: function() {
2098 (this._line || this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1) && this._context.closePath(), this._line = 1 - this._line;
2099 },
2100 point: function(t, e) {
2101 switch (t = +t, e = +e, this._point) {
2102 case 0:
2103 this._point = 1, this._line ? this._context.lineTo(t, e) : this._context.moveTo(t, e);
2104 break;
2105 case 1:
2106 this._point = 2;
2107 default:
2108 this._context.lineTo(t, e);
2109 break;
2110 }
2111 }
2113function Df(t) {
2114 return new ua(t);
2116class fa {
2117 constructor(e, i) {
2118 this._context = e, this._x = i;
2119 }
2120 areaStart() {
2121 this._line = 0;
2122 }
2123 areaEnd() {
2124 this._line = NaN;
2125 }
2126 lineStart() {
2127 this._point = 0;
2128 }
2129 lineEnd() {
2130 (this._line || this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1) && this._context.closePath(), this._line = 1 - this._line;
2131 }
2132 point(e, i) {
2133 switch (e = +e, i = +i, this._point) {
2134 case 0: {
2135 this._point = 1, this._line ? this._context.lineTo(e, i) : this._context.moveTo(e, i);
2136 break;
2137 }
2138 case 1:
2139 this._point = 2;
2140 default: {
2141 this._x ? this._context.bezierCurveTo(this._x0 = (this._x0 + e) / 2, this._y0, this._x0, i, e, i) : this._context.bezierCurveTo(this._x0, this._y0 = (this._y0 + i) / 2, e, this._y0, e, i);
2142 break;
2143 }
2144 }
2145 this._x0 = e, this._y0 = i;
2146 }
2148function Nf(t) {
2149 return new fa(t, !0);
2151function Rf(t) {
2152 return new fa(t, !1);
2154function ie() {
2156function Ki(t, e, i) {
2157 t._context.bezierCurveTo(
2158 (2 * t._x0 + t._x1) / 3,
2159 (2 * t._y0 + t._y1) / 3,
2160 (t._x0 + 2 * t._x1) / 3,
2161 (t._y0 + 2 * t._y1) / 3,
2162 (t._x0 + 4 * t._x1 + e) / 6,
2163 (t._y0 + 4 * t._y1 + i) / 6
2164 );
2166function gr(t) {
2167 this._context = t;
2169gr.prototype = {
2170 areaStart: function() {
2171 this._line = 0;
2172 },
2173 areaEnd: function() {
2174 this._line = NaN;
2175 },
2176 lineStart: function() {
2177 this._x0 = this._x1 = this._y0 = this._y1 = NaN, this._point = 0;
2178 },
2179 lineEnd: function() {
2180 switch (this._point) {
2181 case 3:
2182 Ki(this, this._x1, this._y1);
2183 case 2:
2184 this._context.lineTo(this._x1, this._y1);
2185 break;
2186 }
2187 (this._line || this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1) && this._context.closePath(), this._line = 1 - this._line;
2188 },
2189 point: function(t, e) {
2190 switch (t = +t, e = +e, this._point) {
2191 case 0:
2192 this._point = 1, this._line ? this._context.lineTo(t, e) : this._context.moveTo(t, e);
2193 break;
2194 case 1:
2195 this._point = 2;
2196 break;
2197 case 2:
2198 this._point = 3, this._context.lineTo((5 * this._x0 + this._x1) / 6, (5 * this._y0 + this._y1) / 6);
2199 default:
2200 Ki(this, t, e);
2201 break;
2202 }
2203 this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = t, this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = e;
2204 }
2206function Pf(t) {
2207 return new gr(t);
2209function da(t) {
2210 this._context = t;
2212da.prototype = {
2213 areaStart: ie,
2214 areaEnd: ie,
2215 lineStart: function() {
2216 this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._x3 = this._x4 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = this._y3 = this._y4 = NaN, this._point = 0;
2217 },
2218 lineEnd: function() {
2219 switch (this._point) {
2220 case 1: {
2221 this._context.moveTo(this._x2, this._y2), this._context.closePath();
2222 break;
2223 }
2224 case 2: {
2225 this._context.moveTo((this._x2 + 2 * this._x3) / 3, (this._y2 + 2 * this._y3) / 3), this._context.lineTo((this._x3 + 2 * this._x2) / 3, (this._y3 + 2 * this._y2) / 3), this._context.closePath();
2226 break;
2227 }
2228 case 3: {
2229 this.point(this._x2, this._y2), this.point(this._x3, this._y3), this.point(this._x4, this._y4);
2230 break;
2231 }
2232 }
2233 },
2234 point: function(t, e) {
2235 switch (t = +t, e = +e, this._point) {
2236 case 0:
2237 this._point = 1, this._x2 = t, this._y2 = e;
2238 break;
2239 case 1:
2240 this._point = 2, this._x3 = t, this._y3 = e;
2241 break;
2242 case 2:
2243 this._point = 3, this._x4 = t, this._y4 = e, this._context.moveTo((this._x0 + 4 * this._x1 + t) / 6, (this._y0 + 4 * this._y1 + e) / 6);
2244 break;
2245 default:
2246 Ki(this, t, e);
2247 break;
2248 }
2249 this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = t, this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = e;
2250 }
2252function qf(t) {
2253 return new da(t);
2255function pa(t) {
2256 this._context = t;
2258pa.prototype = {
2259 areaStart: function() {
2260 this._line = 0;
2261 },
2262 areaEnd: function() {
2263 this._line = NaN;
2264 },
2265 lineStart: function() {
2266 this._x0 = this._x1 = this._y0 = this._y1 = NaN, this._point = 0;
2267 },
2268 lineEnd: function() {
2269 (this._line || this._line !== 0 && this._point === 3) && this._context.closePath(), this._line = 1 - this._line;
2270 },
2271 point: function(t, e) {
2272 switch (t = +t, e = +e, this._point) {
2273 case 0:
2274 this._point = 1;
2275 break;
2276 case 1:
2277 this._point = 2;
2278 break;
2279 case 2:
2280 this._point = 3;
2281 var i = (this._x0 + 4 * this._x1 + t) / 6, r = (this._y0 + 4 * this._y1 + e) / 6;
2282 this._line ? this._context.lineTo(i, r) : this._context.moveTo(i, r);
2283 break;
2284 case 3:
2285 this._point = 4;
2286 default:
2287 Ki(this, t, e);
2288 break;
2289 }
2290 this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = t, this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = e;
2291 }
2293function zf(t) {
2294 return new pa(t);
2296function ga(t, e) {
2297 this._basis = new gr(t), this._beta = e;
2299ga.prototype = {
2300 lineStart: function() {
2301 this._x = [], this._y = [], this._basis.lineStart();
2302 },
2303 lineEnd: function() {
2304 var t = this._x, e = this._y, i = t.length - 1;
2305 if (i > 0)
2306 for (var r = t[0], n = e[0], o = t[i] - r, s = e[i] - n, a = -1, l; ++a <= i; )
2307 l = a / i, this._basis.point(
2308 this._beta * t[a] + (1 - this._beta) * (r + l * o),
2309 this._beta * e[a] + (1 - this._beta) * (n + l * s)
2310 );
2311 this._x = this._y = null, this._basis.lineEnd();
2312 },
2313 point: function(t, e) {
2314 this._x.push(+t), this._y.push(+e);
2315 }
2317const Wf = function t(e) {
2318 function i(r) {
2319 return e === 1 ? new gr(r) : new ga(r, e);
2320 }
2321 return i.beta = function(r) {
2322 return t(+r);
2323 }, i;
2325function Zi(t, e, i) {
2326 t._context.bezierCurveTo(
2327 t._x1 + t._k * (t._x2 - t._x0),
2328 t._y1 + t._k * (t._y2 - t._y0),
2329 t._x2 + t._k * (t._x1 - e),
2330 t._y2 + t._k * (t._y1 - i),
2331 t._x2,
2332 t._y2
2333 );
2335function Ln(t, e) {
2336 this._context = t, this._k = (1 - e) / 6;
2338Ln.prototype = {
2339 areaStart: function() {
2340 this._line = 0;
2341 },
2342 areaEnd: function() {
2343 this._line = NaN;
2344 },
2345 lineStart: function() {
2346 this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = NaN, this._point = 0;
2347 },
2348 lineEnd: function() {
2349 switch (this._point) {
2350 case 2:
2351 this._context.lineTo(this._x2, this._y2);
2352 break;
2353 case 3:
2354 Zi(this, this._x1, this._y1);
2355 break;
2356 }
2357 (this._line || this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1) && this._context.closePath(), this._line = 1 - this._line;
2358 },
2359 point: function(t, e) {
2360 switch (t = +t, e = +e, this._point) {
2361 case 0:
2362 this._point = 1, this._line ? this._context.lineTo(t, e) : this._context.moveTo(t, e);
2363 break;
2364 case 1:
2365 this._point = 2, this._x1 = t, this._y1 = e;
2366 break;
2367 case 2:
2368 this._point = 3;
2369 default:
2370 Zi(this, t, e);
2371 break;
2372 }
2373 this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = this._x2, this._x2 = t, this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = this._y2, this._y2 = e;
2374 }
2376const Hf = function t(e) {
2377 function i(r) {
2378 return new Ln(r, e);
2379 }
2380 return i.tension = function(r) {
2381 return t(+r);
2382 }, i;
2384function En(t, e) {
2385 this._context = t, this._k = (1 - e) / 6;
2387En.prototype = {
2388 areaStart: ie,
2389 areaEnd: ie,
2390 lineStart: function() {
2391 this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._x3 = this._x4 = this._x5 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = this._y3 = this._y4 = this._y5 = NaN, this._point = 0;
2392 },
2393 lineEnd: function() {
2394 switch (this._point) {
2395 case 1: {
2396 this._context.moveTo(this._x3, this._y3), this._context.closePath();
2397 break;
2398 }
2399 case 2: {
2400 this._context.lineTo(this._x3, this._y3), this._context.closePath();
2401 break;
2402 }
2403 case 3: {
2404 this.point(this._x3, this._y3), this.point(this._x4, this._y4), this.point(this._x5, this._y5);
2405 break;
2406 }
2407 }
2408 },
2409 point: function(t, e) {
2410 switch (t = +t, e = +e, this._point) {
2411 case 0:
2412 this._point = 1, this._x3 = t, this._y3 = e;
2413 break;
2414 case 1:
2415 this._point = 2, this._context.moveTo(this._x4 = t, this._y4 = e);
2416 break;
2417 case 2:
2418 this._point = 3, this._x5 = t, this._y5 = e;
2419 break;
2420 default:
2421 Zi(this, t, e);
2422 break;
2423 }
2424 this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = this._x2, this._x2 = t, this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = this._y2, this._y2 = e;
2425 }
2427const jf = function t(e) {
2428 function i(r) {
2429 return new En(r, e);
2430 }
2431 return i.tension = function(r) {
2432 return t(+r);
2433 }, i;
2435function Mn(t, e) {
2436 this._context = t, this._k = (1 - e) / 6;
2438Mn.prototype = {
2439 areaStart: function() {
2440 this._line = 0;
2441 },
2442 areaEnd: function() {
2443 this._line = NaN;
2444 },
2445 lineStart: function() {
2446 this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = NaN, this._point = 0;
2447 },
2448 lineEnd: function() {
2449 (this._line || this._line !== 0 && this._point === 3) && this._context.closePath(), this._line = 1 - this._line;
2450 },
2451 point: function(t, e) {
2452 switch (t = +t, e = +e, this._point) {
2453 case 0:
2454 this._point = 1;
2455 break;
2456 case 1:
2457 this._point = 2;
2458 break;
2459 case 2:
2460 this._point = 3, this._line ? this._context.lineTo(this._x2, this._y2) : this._context.moveTo(this._x2, this._y2);
2461 break;
2462 case 3:
2463 this._point = 4;
2464 default:
2465 Zi(this, t, e);
2466 break;
2467 }
2468 this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = this._x2, this._x2 = t, this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = this._y2, this._y2 = e;
2469 }
2471const Uf = function t(e) {
2472 function i(r) {
2473 return new Mn(r, e);
2474 }
2475 return i.tension = function(r) {
2476 return t(+r);
2477 }, i;
2479function On(t, e, i) {
2480 var r = t._x1, n = t._y1, o = t._x2, s = t._y2;
2481 if (t._l01_a > Ro) {
2482 var a = 2 * t._l01_2a + 3 * t._l01_a * t._l12_a + t._l12_2a, l = 3 * t._l01_a * (t._l01_a + t._l12_a);
2483 r = (r * a - t._x0 * t._l12_2a + t._x2 * t._l01_2a) / l, n = (n * a - t._y0 * t._l12_2a + t._y2 * t._l01_2a) / l;
2484 }
2485 if (t._l23_a > Ro) {
2486 var h = 2 * t._l23_2a + 3 * t._l23_a * t._l12_a + t._l12_2a, u = 3 * t._l23_a * (t._l23_a + t._l12_a);
2487 o = (o * h + t._x1 * t._l23_2a - e * t._l12_2a) / u, s = (s * h + t._y1 * t._l23_2a - i * t._l12_2a) / u;
2488 }
2489 t._context.bezierCurveTo(r, n, o, s, t._x2, t._y2);
2491function ma(t, e) {
2492 this._context = t, this._alpha = e;
2494ma.prototype = {
2495 areaStart: function() {
2496 this._line = 0;
2497 },
2498 areaEnd: function() {
2499 this._line = NaN;
2500 },
2501 lineStart: function() {
2502 this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = NaN, this._l01_a = this._l12_a = this._l23_a = this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a = this._point = 0;
2503 },
2504 lineEnd: function() {
2505 switch (this._point) {
2506 case 2:
2507 this._context.lineTo(this._x2, this._y2);
2508 break;
2509 case 3:
2510 this.point(this._x2, this._y2);
2511 break;
2512 }
2513 (this._line || this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1) && this._context.closePath(), this._line = 1 - this._line;
2514 },
2515 point: function(t, e) {
2516 if (t = +t, e = +e, this._point) {
2517 var i = this._x2 - t, r = this._y2 - e;
2518 this._l23_a = Math.sqrt(this._l23_2a = Math.pow(i * i + r * r, this._alpha));
2519 }
2520 switch (this._point) {
2521 case 0:
2522 this._point = 1, this._line ? this._context.lineTo(t, e) : this._context.moveTo(t, e);
2523 break;
2524 case 1:
2525 this._point = 2;
2526 break;
2527 case 2:
2528 this._point = 3;
2529 default:
2530 On(this, t, e);
2531 break;
2532 }
2533 this._l01_a = this._l12_a, this._l12_a = this._l23_a, this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a, this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a, this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = this._x2, this._x2 = t, this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = this._y2, this._y2 = e;
2534 }
2536const Yf = function t(e) {
2537 function i(r) {
2538 return e ? new ma(r, e) : new Ln(r, 0);
2539 }
2540 return i.alpha = function(r) {
2541 return t(+r);
2542 }, i;
2544function ya(t, e) {
2545 this._context = t, this._alpha = e;
2547ya.prototype = {
2548 areaStart: ie,
2549 areaEnd: ie,
2550 lineStart: function() {
2551 this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._x3 = this._x4 = this._x5 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = this._y3 = this._y4 = this._y5 = NaN, this._l01_a = this._l12_a = this._l23_a = this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a = this._point = 0;
2552 },
2553 lineEnd: function() {
2554 switch (this._point) {
2555 case 1: {
2556 this._context.moveTo(this._x3, this._y3), this._context.closePath();
2557 break;
2558 }
2559 case 2: {
2560 this._context.lineTo(this._x3, this._y3), this._context.closePath();
2561 break;
2562 }
2563 case 3: {
2564 this.point(this._x3, this._y3), this.point(this._x4, this._y4), this.point(this._x5, this._y5);
2565 break;
2566 }
2567 }
2568 },
2569 point: function(t, e) {
2570 if (t = +t, e = +e, this._point) {
2571 var i = this._x2 - t, r = this._y2 - e;
2572 this._l23_a = Math.sqrt(this._l23_2a = Math.pow(i * i + r * r, this._alpha));
2573 }
2574 switch (this._point) {
2575 case 0:
2576 this._point = 1, this._x3 = t, this._y3 = e;
2577 break;
2578 case 1:
2579 this._point = 2, this._context.moveTo(this._x4 = t, this._y4 = e);
2580 break;
2581 case 2:
2582 this._point = 3, this._x5 = t, this._y5 = e;
2583 break;
2584 default:
2585 On(this, t, e);
2586 break;
2587 }
2588 this._l01_a = this._l12_a, this._l12_a = this._l23_a, this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a, this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a, this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = this._x2, this._x2 = t, this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = this._y2, this._y2 = e;
2589 }
2591const Gf = function t(e) {
2592 function i(r) {
2593 return e ? new ya(r, e) : new En(r, 0);
2594 }
2595 return i.alpha = function(r) {
2596 return t(+r);
2597 }, i;
2599function _a(t, e) {
2600 this._context = t, this._alpha = e;
2602_a.prototype = {
2603 areaStart: function() {
2604 this._line = 0;
2605 },
2606 areaEnd: function() {
2607 this._line = NaN;
2608 },
2609 lineStart: function() {
2610 this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = NaN, this._l01_a = this._l12_a = this._l23_a = this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a = this._point = 0;
2611 },
2612 lineEnd: function() {
2613 (this._line || this._line !== 0 && this._point === 3) && this._context.closePath(), this._line = 1 - this._line;
2614 },
2615 point: function(t, e) {
2616 if (t = +t, e = +e, this._point) {
2617 var i = this._x2 - t, r = this._y2 - e;
2618 this._l23_a = Math.sqrt(this._l23_2a = Math.pow(i * i + r * r, this._alpha));
2619 }
2620 switch (this._point) {
2621 case 0:
2622 this._point = 1;
2623 break;
2624 case 1:
2625 this._point = 2;
2626 break;
2627 case 2:
2628 this._point = 3, this._line ? this._context.lineTo(this._x2, this._y2) : this._context.moveTo(this._x2, this._y2);
2629 break;
2630 case 3:
2631 this._point = 4;
2632 default:
2633 On(this, t, e);
2634 break;
2635 }
2636 this._l01_a = this._l12_a, this._l12_a = this._l23_a, this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a, this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a, this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = this._x2, this._x2 = t, this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = this._y2, this._y2 = e;
2637 }
2639const Vf = function t(e) {
2640 function i(r) {
2641 return e ? new _a(r, e) : new Mn(r, 0);
2642 }
2643 return i.alpha = function(r) {
2644 return t(+r);
2645 }, i;
2647function Ca(t) {
2648 this._context = t;
2650Ca.prototype = {
2651 areaStart: ie,
2652 areaEnd: ie,
2653 lineStart: function() {
2654 this._point = 0;
2655 },
2656 lineEnd: function() {
2657 this._point && this._context.closePath();
2658 },
2659 point: function(t, e) {
2660 t = +t, e = +e, this._point ? this._context.lineTo(t, e) : (this._point = 1, this._context.moveTo(t, e));
2661 }
2663function Xf(t) {
2664 return new Ca(t);
2666function qo(t) {
2667 return t < 0 ? -1 : 1;
2669function zo(t, e, i) {
2670 var r = t._x1 - t._x0, n = e - t._x1, o = (t._y1 - t._y0) / (r || n < 0 && -0), s = (i - t._y1) / (n || r < 0 && -0), a = (o * n + s * r) / (r + n);
2671 return (qo(o) + qo(s)) * Math.min(Math.abs(o), Math.abs(s), 0.5 * Math.abs(a)) || 0;
2673function Wo(t, e) {
2674 var i = t._x1 - t._x0;
2675 return i ? (3 * (t._y1 - t._y0) / i - e) / 2 : e;
2677function Rr(t, e, i) {
2678 var r = t._x0, n = t._y0, o = t._x1, s = t._y1, a = (o - r) / 3;
2679 t._context.bezierCurveTo(r + a, n + a * e, o - a, s - a * i, o, s);
2681function Ji(t) {
2682 this._context = t;
2684Ji.prototype = {
2685 areaStart: function() {
2686 this._line = 0;
2687 },
2688 areaEnd: function() {
2689 this._line = NaN;
2690 },
2691 lineStart: function() {
2692 this._x0 = this._x1 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._t0 = NaN, this._point = 0;
2693 },
2694 lineEnd: function() {
2695 switch (this._point) {
2696 case 2:
2697 this._context.lineTo(this._x1, this._y1);
2698 break;
2699 case 3:
2700 Rr(this, this._t0, Wo(this, this._t0));
2701 break;
2702 }
2703 (this._line || this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1) && this._context.closePath(), this._line = 1 - this._line;
2704 },
2705 point: function(t, e) {
2706 var i = NaN;
2707 if (t = +t, e = +e, !(t === this._x1 && e === this._y1)) {
2708 switch (this._point) {
2709 case 0:
2710 this._point = 1, this._line ? this._context.lineTo(t, e) : this._context.moveTo(t, e);
2711 break;
2712 case 1:
2713 this._point = 2;
2714 break;
2715 case 2:
2716 this._point = 3, Rr(this, Wo(this, i = zo(this, t, e)), i);
2717 break;
2718 default:
2719 Rr(this, this._t0, i = zo(this, t, e));
2720 break;
2721 }
2722 this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = t, this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = e, this._t0 = i;
2723 }
2724 }
2726function xa(t) {
2727 this._context = new ba(t);
2729(xa.prototype = Object.create(Ji.prototype)).point = function(t, e) {
2730 Ji.prototype.point.call(this, e, t);
2732function ba(t) {
2733 this._context = t;
2735ba.prototype = {
2736 moveTo: function(t, e) {
2737 this._context.moveTo(e, t);
2738 },
2739 closePath: function() {
2740 this._context.closePath();
2741 },
2742 lineTo: function(t, e) {
2743 this._context.lineTo(e, t);
2744 },
2745 bezierCurveTo: function(t, e, i, r, n, o) {
2746 this._context.bezierCurveTo(e, t, r, i, o, n);
2747 }
2749function Kf(t) {
2750 return new Ji(t);
2752function Zf(t) {
2753 return new xa(t);
2755function Ta(t) {
2756 this._context = t;
2758Ta.prototype = {
2759 areaStart: function() {
2760 this._line = 0;
2761 },
2762 areaEnd: function() {
2763 this._line = NaN;
2764 },
2765 lineStart: function() {
2766 this._x = [], this._y = [];
2767 },
2768 lineEnd: function() {
2769 var t = this._x, e = this._y, i = t.length;
2770 if (i)
2771 if (this._line ? this._context.lineTo(t[0], e[0]) : this._context.moveTo(t[0], e[0]), i === 2)
2772 this._context.lineTo(t[1], e[1]);
2773 else
2774 for (var r = Ho(t), n = Ho(e), o = 0, s = 1; s < i; ++o, ++s)
2775 this._context.bezierCurveTo(r[0][o], n[0][o], r[1][o], n[1][o], t[s], e[s]);
2776 (this._line || this._line !== 0 && i === 1) && this._context.closePath(), this._line = 1 - this._line, this._x = this._y = null;
2777 },
2778 point: function(t, e) {
2779 this._x.push(+t), this._y.push(+e);
2780 }
2782function Ho(t) {
2783 var e, i = t.length - 1, r, n = new Array(i), o = new Array(i), s = new Array(i);
2784 for (n[0] = 0, o[0] = 2, s[0] = t[0] + 2 * t[1], e = 1; e < i - 1; ++e)
2785 n[e] = 1, o[e] = 4, s[e] = 4 * t[e] + 2 * t[e + 1];
2786 for (n[i - 1] = 2, o[i - 1] = 7, s[i - 1] = 8 * t[i - 1] + t[i], e = 1; e < i; ++e)
2787 r = n[e] / o[e - 1], o[e] -= r, s[e] -= r * s[e - 1];
2788 for (n[i - 1] = s[i - 1] / o[i - 1], e = i - 2; e >= 0; --e)
2789 n[e] = (s[e] - n[e + 1]) / o[e];
2790 for (o[i - 1] = (t[i] + n[i - 1]) / 2, e = 0; e < i - 1; ++e)
2791 o[e] = 2 * t[e + 1] - n[e + 1];
2792 return [n, o];
2794function Jf(t) {
2795 return new Ta(t);
2797function mr(t, e) {
2798 this._context = t, this._t = e;
2800mr.prototype = {
2801 areaStart: function() {
2802 this._line = 0;
2803 },
2804 areaEnd: function() {
2805 this._line = NaN;
2806 },
2807 lineStart: function() {
2808 this._x = this._y = NaN, this._point = 0;
2809 },
2810 lineEnd: function() {
2811 0 < this._t && this._t < 1 && this._point === 2 && this._context.lineTo(this._x, this._y), (this._line || this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1) && this._context.closePath(), this._line >= 0 && (this._t = 1 - this._t, this._line = 1 - this._line);
2812 },
2813 point: function(t, e) {
2814 switch (t = +t, e = +e, this._point) {
2815 case 0:
2816 this._point = 1, this._line ? this._context.lineTo(t, e) : this._context.moveTo(t, e);
2817 break;
2818 case 1:
2819 this._point = 2;
2820 default: {
2821 if (this._t <= 0)
2822 this._context.lineTo(this._x, e), this._context.lineTo(t, e);
2823 else {
2824 var i = this._x * (1 - this._t) + t * this._t;
2825 this._context.lineTo(i, this._y), this._context.lineTo(i, e);
2826 }
2827 break;
2828 }
2829 }
2830 this._x = t, this._y = e;
2831 }
2833function Qf(t) {
2834 return new mr(t, 0.5);
2836function td(t) {
2837 return new mr(t, 0);
2839function ed(t) {
2840 return new mr(t, 1);
2842function Ke(t, e, i) {
2843 this.k = t, this.x = e, this.y = i;
2845Ke.prototype = {
2846 constructor: Ke,
2847 scale: function(t) {
2848 return t === 1 ? this : new Ke(this.k * t, this.x, this.y);
2849 },
2850 translate: function(t, e) {
2851 return t === 0 & e === 0 ? this : new Ke(this.k, this.x + this.k * t, this.y + this.k * e);
2852 },
2853 apply: function(t) {
2854 return [t[0] * this.k + this.x, t[1] * this.k + this.y];
2855 },
2856 applyX: function(t) {
2857 return t * this.k + this.x;
2858 },
2859 applyY: function(t) {
2860 return t * this.k + this.y;
2861 },
2862 invert: function(t) {
2863 return [(t[0] - this.x) / this.k, (t[1] - this.y) / this.k];
2864 },
2865 invertX: function(t) {
2866 return (t - this.x) / this.k;
2867 },
2868 invertY: function(t) {
2869 return (t - this.y) / this.k;
2870 },
2871 rescaleX: function(t) {
2872 return t.copy().domain(t.range().map(this.invertX, this).map(t.invert, t));
2873 },
2874 rescaleY: function(t) {
2875 return t.copy().domain(t.range().map(this.invertY, this).map(t.invert, t));
2876 },
2877 toString: function() {
2878 return "translate(" + this.x + "," + this.y + ") scale(" + this.k + ")";
2879 }
2882/*! @license DOMPurify 3.0.9 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public License 2.0 | github.com/cure53/DOMPurify/blob/3.0.9/LICENSE */
2883const {
2884 entries: ka,
2885 setPrototypeOf: jo,
2886 isFrozen: id,
2887 getPrototypeOf: rd,
2888 getOwnPropertyDescriptor: nd
2889} = Object;
2890let {
2891 freeze: ct,
2892 seal: Ft,
2893 create: Sa
2894} = Object, {
2895 apply: sn,
2896 construct: an
2897} = typeof Reflect < "u" && Reflect;
2898ct || (ct = function(e) {
2899 return e;
2901Ft || (Ft = function(e) {
2902 return e;
2904sn || (sn = function(e, i, r) {
2905 return e.apply(i, r);
2907an || (an = function(e, i) {
2908 return new e(...i);
2910const wi = _t(Array.prototype.forEach), Uo = _t(Array.prototype.pop), je = _t(Array.prototype.push), Di = _t(String.prototype.toLowerCase), Pr = _t(String.prototype.toString), od = _t(String.prototype.match), Ue = _t(String.prototype.replace), sd = _t(String.prototype.indexOf), ad = _t(String.prototype.trim), vt = _t(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty), mt = _t(RegExp.prototype.test), Ye = ld(TypeError);
2911function _t(t) {
2912 return function(e) {
2913 for (var i = arguments.length, r = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), n = 1; n < i; n++)
2914 r[n - 1] = arguments[n];
2915 return sn(t, e, r);
2916 };
2918function ld(t) {
2919 return function() {
2920 for (var e = arguments.length, i = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++)
2921 i[r] = arguments[r];
2922 return an(t, i);
2923 };
2925function q(t, e) {
2926 let i = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : Di;
2927 jo && jo(t, null);
2928 let r = e.length;
2929 for (; r--; ) {
2930 let n = e[r];
2931 if (typeof n == "string") {
2932 const o = i(n);
2933 o !== n && (id(e) || (e[r] = o), n = o);
2934 }
2935 t[n] = !0;
2936 }
2937 return t;
2939function hd(t) {
2940 for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
2941 vt(t, e) || (t[e] = null);
2942 return t;
2944function le(t) {
2945 const e = Sa(null);
2946 for (const [i, r] of ka(t))
2947 vt(t, i) && (Array.isArray(r) ? e[i] = hd(r) : r && typeof r == "object" && r.constructor === Object ? e[i] = le(r) : e[i] = r);
2948 return e;
2950function Bi(t, e) {
2951 for (; t !== null; ) {
2952 const r = nd(t, e);
2953 if (r) {
2954 if (r.get)
2955 return _t(r.get);
2956 if (typeof r.value == "function")
2957 return _t(r.value);
2958 }
2959 t = rd(t);
2960 }
2961 function i() {
2962 return null;
2963 }
2964 return i;
2966const Yo = ct(["a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "bdi", "bdo", "big", "blink", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "center", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "content", "data", "datalist", "dd", "decorator", "del", "details", "dfn", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "element", "em", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "font", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "label", "legend", "li", "main", "map", "mark", "marquee", "menu", "menuitem", "meter", "nav", "nobr", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "picture", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "section", "select", "shadow", "small", "source", "spacer", "span", "strike", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "template", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "tr", "track", "tt", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr"]), qr = ct(["svg", "a", "altglyph", "altglyphdef", "altglyphitem", "animatecolor", "animatemotion", "animatetransform", "circle", "clippath", "defs", "desc", "ellipse", "filter", "font", "g", "glyph", "glyphref", "hkern", "image", "line", "lineargradient", "marker", "mask", "metadata", "mpath", "path", "pattern", "polygon", "polyline", "radialgradient", "rect", "stop", "style", "switch", "symbol", "text", "textpath", "title", "tref", "tspan", "view", "vkern"]), zr = ct(["feBlend", "feColorMatrix", "feComponentTransfer", "feComposite", "feConvolveMatrix", "feDiffuseLighting", "feDisplacementMap", "feDistantLight", "feDropShadow", "feFlood", "feFuncA", "feFuncB", "feFuncG", "feFuncR", "feGaussianBlur", "feImage", "feMerge", "feMergeNode", "feMorphology", "feOffset", "fePointLight", "feSpecularLighting", "feSpotLight", "feTile", "feTurbulence"]), cd = ct(["animate", "color-profile", "cursor", "discard", "font-face", "font-face-format", "font-face-name", "font-face-src", "font-face-uri", "foreignobject", "hatch", "hatchpath", "mesh", "meshgradient", "meshpatch", "meshrow", "missing-glyph", "script", "set", "solidcolor", "unknown", "use"]), Wr = ct(["math", "menclose", "merror", "mfenced", "mfrac", "mglyph", "mi", "mlabeledtr", "mmultiscripts", "mn", "mo", "mover", "mpadded", "mphantom", "mroot", "mrow", "ms", "mspace", "msqrt", "mstyle", "msub", "msup", "msubsup", "mtable", "mtd", "mtext", "mtr", "munder", "munderover", "mprescripts"]), ud = ct(["maction", "maligngroup", "malignmark", "mlongdiv", "mscarries", "mscarry", "msgroup", "mstack", "msline", "msrow", "semantics", "annotation", "annotation-xml", "mprescripts", "none"]), Go = ct(["#text"]), Vo = ct(["accept", "action", "align", "alt", "autocapitalize", "autocomplete", "autopictureinpicture", "autoplay", "background", "bgcolor", "border", "capture", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "checked", "cite", "class", "clear", "color", "cols", "colspan", "controls", "controlslist", "coords", "crossorigin", "datetime", "decoding", "default", "dir", "disabled", "disablepictureinpicture", "disableremoteplayback", "download", "draggable", "enctype", "enterkeyhint", "face", "for", "headers", "height", "hidden", "high", "href", "hreflang", "id", "inputmode", "integrity", "ismap", "kind", "label", "lang", "list", "loading", "loop", "low", "max", "maxlength", "media", "method", "min", "minlength", "multiple", "muted", "name", "nonce", "noshade", "novalidate", "nowrap", "open", "optimum", "pattern", "placeholder", "playsinline", "poster", "preload", "pubdate", "radiogroup", "readonly", "rel", "required", "rev", "reversed", "role", "rows", "rowspan", "spellcheck", "scope", "selected", "shape", "size", "sizes", "span", "srclang", "start", "src", "srcset", "step", "style", "summary", "tabindex", "title", "translate", "type", "usemap", "valign", "value", "width", "xmlns", "slot"]), Hr = ct(["accent-height", "accumulate", "additive", "alignment-baseline", "ascent", "attributename", "attributetype", "azimuth", "basefrequency", "baseline-shift", "begin", "bias", "by", "class", "clip", "clippathunits", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "color", "color-interpolation", "color-interpolation-filters", "color-profile", "color-rendering", "cx", "cy", "d", "dx", "dy", "diffuseconstant", "direction", "display", "divisor", "dur", "edgemode", "elevation", "end", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "filterunits", "flood-color", "flood-opacity", "font-family", "font-size", "font-size-adjust", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "fx", "fy", "g1", "g2", "glyph-name", "glyphref", "gradientunits", "gradienttransform", "height", "href", "id", "image-rendering", "in", "in2", "k", "k1", "k2", "k3", "k4", "kerning", "keypoints", "keysplines", "keytimes", "lang", "lengthadjust", "letter-spacing", "kernelmatrix", "kernelunitlength", "lighting-color", "local", "marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start", "markerheight", "markerunits", "markerwidth", "maskcontentunits", "maskunits", "max", "mask", "media", "method", "mode", "min", "name", "numoctaves", "offset", "operator", "opacity", "order", "orient", "orientation", "origin", "overflow", "paint-order", "path", "pathlength", "patterncontentunits", "patterntransform", "patternunits", "points", "preservealpha", "preserveaspectratio", "primitiveunits", "r", "rx", "ry", "radius", "refx", "refy", "repeatcount", "repeatdur", "restart", "result", "rotate", "scale", "seed", "shape-rendering", "specularconstant", "specularexponent", "spreadmethod", "startoffset", "stddeviation", "stitchtiles", "stop-color", "stop-opacity", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke", "stroke-width", "style", "surfacescale", "systemlanguage", "tabindex", "targetx", "targety", "transform", "transform-origin", "text-anchor", "text-decoration", "text-rendering", "textlength", "type", "u1", "u2", "unicode", "values", "viewbox", "visibility", "version", "vert-adv-y", "vert-origin-x", "vert-origin-y", "width", "word-spacing", "wrap", "writing-mode", "xchannelselector", "ychannelselector", "x", "x1", "x2", "xmlns", "y", "y1", "y2", "z", "zoomandpan"]), Xo = ct(["accent", "accentunder", "align", "bevelled", "close", "columnsalign", "columnlines", "columnspan", "denomalign", "depth", "dir", "display", "displaystyle", "encoding", "fence", "frame", "height", "href", "id", "largeop", "length", "linethickness", "lspace", "lquote", "mathbackground", "mathcolor", "mathsize", "mathvariant", "maxsize", "minsize", "movablelimits", "notation", "numalign", "open", "rowalign", "rowlines", "rowspacing", "rowspan", "rspace", "rquote", "scriptlevel", "scriptminsize", "scriptsizemultiplier", "selection", "separator", "separators", "stretchy", "subscriptshift", "supscriptshift", "symmetric", "voffset", "width", "xmlns"]), Fi = ct(["xlink:href", "xml:id", "xlink:title", "xml:space", "xmlns:xlink"]), fd = Ft(/\{\{[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*\}\}/gm), dd = Ft(/<%[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*%>/gm), pd = Ft(/\${[\w\W]*}/gm), gd = Ft(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/), md = Ft(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/), va = Ft(
2967 /^(?:(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|sms|cid|xmpp):|[^a-z]|[a-z+.\-]+(?:[^a-z+.\-:]|$))/i
2968 // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
2969), yd = Ft(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i), _d = Ft(
2970 /[\u0000-\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u2029\u205F\u3000]/g
2971 // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
2972), wa = Ft(/^html$/i);
2973var Ko = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
2974 __proto__: null,
2976 ERB_EXPR: dd,
2977 TMPLIT_EXPR: pd,
2978 DATA_ATTR: gd,
2979 ARIA_ATTR: md,
2980 IS_ALLOWED_URI: va,
2985const Cd = function() {
2986 return typeof window > "u" ? null : window;
2987}, xd = function(e, i) {
2988 if (typeof e != "object" || typeof e.createPolicy != "function")
2989 return null;
2990 let r = null;
2991 const n = "data-tt-policy-suffix";
2992 i && i.hasAttribute(n) && (r = i.getAttribute(n));
2993 const o = "dompurify" + (r ? "#" + r : "");
2994 try {
2995 return e.createPolicy(o, {
2996 createHTML(s) {
2997 return s;
2998 },
2999 createScriptURL(s) {
3000 return s;
3001 }
3002 });
3003 } catch {
3004 return console.warn("TrustedTypes policy " + o + " could not be created."), null;
3005 }
3007function Ba() {
3008 let t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : Cd();
3009 const e = (B) => Ba(B);
3010 if (e.version = "3.0.9", e.removed = [], !t || !t.document || t.document.nodeType !== 9)
3011 return e.isSupported = !1, e;
3012 let {
3013 document: i
3014 } = t;
3015 const r = i, n = r.currentScript, {
3016 DocumentFragment: o,
3017 HTMLTemplateElement: s,
3018 Node: a,
3019 Element: l,
3020 NodeFilter: h,
3021 NamedNodeMap: u = t.NamedNodeMap || t.MozNamedAttrMap,
3022 HTMLFormElement: f,
3023 DOMParser: c,
3024 trustedTypes: d
3025 } = t, m = l.prototype, S = Bi(m, "cloneNode"), O = Bi(m, "nextSibling"), z = Bi(m, "childNodes"), T = Bi(m, "parentNode");
3026 if (typeof s == "function") {
3027 const B = i.createElement("template");
3028 B.content && B.content.ownerDocument && (i = B.content.ownerDocument);
3029 }
3030 let R, X = "";
3031 const {
3032 implementation: G,
3033 createNodeIterator: V,
3034 createDocumentFragment: H,
3035 getElementsByTagName: oe
3036 } = i, {
3037 importNode: Kt
3038 } = r;
3039 let P = {};
3040 e.isSupported = typeof ka == "function" && typeof T == "function" && G && G.createHTMLDocument !== void 0;
3041 const {
3043 ERB_EXPR: Ct,
3045 DATA_ATTR: M,
3046 ARIA_ATTR: k,
3049 } = Ko;
3050 let {
3052 } = Ko, b = null;
3053 const D = q({}, [...Yo, ...qr, ...zr, ...Wr, ...Go]);
3054 let I = null;
3055 const Y = q({}, [...Vo, ...Hr, ...Xo, ...Fi]);
3056 let N = Object.seal(Sa(null, {
3057 tagNameCheck: {
3058 writable: !0,
3059 configurable: !1,
3060 enumerable: !0,
3061 value: null
3062 },
3063 attributeNameCheck: {
3064 writable: !0,
3065 configurable: !1,
3066 enumerable: !0,
3067 value: null
3068 },
3069 allowCustomizedBuiltInElements: {
3070 writable: !0,
3071 configurable: !1,
3072 enumerable: !0,
3073 value: !1
3074 }
3075 })), K = null, et = null, Rt = !0, St = !0, Zt = !1, Lt = !0, Z = !1, it = !1, Pt = !1, Jt = !1, xe = !1, Ci = !1, xi = !1, eo = !0, io = !1;
3076 const ah = "user-content-";
3077 let Lr = !0, qe = !1, be = {}, Te = null;
3078 const ro = q({}, ["annotation-xml", "audio", "colgroup", "desc", "foreignobject", "head", "iframe", "math", "mi", "mn", "mo", "ms", "mtext", "noembed", "noframes", "noscript", "plaintext", "script", "style", "svg", "template", "thead", "title", "video", "xmp"]);
3079 let no = null;
3080 const oo = q({}, ["audio", "video", "img", "source", "image", "track"]);
3081 let Er = null;
3082 const so = q({}, ["alt", "class", "for", "id", "label", "name", "pattern", "placeholder", "role", "summary", "title", "value", "style", "xmlns"]), bi = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", Ti = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qt = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
3083 let ke = qt, Mr = !1, Or = null;
3084 const lh = q({}, [bi, Ti, qt], Pr);
3085 let ze = null;
3086 const hh = ["application/xhtml+xml", "text/html"], ch = "text/html";
3087 let tt = null, Se = null;
3088 const uh = i.createElement("form"), ao = function(p) {
3089 return p instanceof RegExp || p instanceof Function;
3090 }, $r = function() {
3091 let p = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
3092 if (!(Se && Se === p)) {
3093 if ((!p || typeof p != "object") && (p = {}), p = le(p), ze = // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
3094 hh.indexOf(p.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE) === -1 ? ch : p.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE, tt = ze === "application/xhtml+xml" ? Pr : Di, b = vt(p, "ALLOWED_TAGS") ? q({}, p.ALLOWED_TAGS, tt) : D, I = vt(p, "ALLOWED_ATTR") ? q({}, p.ALLOWED_ATTR, tt) : Y, Or = vt(p, "ALLOWED_NAMESPACES") ? q({}, p.ALLOWED_NAMESPACES, Pr) : lh, Er = vt(p, "ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR") ? q(
3095 le(so),
3096 // eslint-disable-line indent
3098 // eslint-disable-line indent
3099 tt
3100 // eslint-disable-line indent
3101 ) : so, no = vt(p, "ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS") ? q(
3102 le(oo),
3103 // eslint-disable-line indent
3105 // eslint-disable-line indent
3106 tt
3107 // eslint-disable-line indent
3108 ) : oo, Te = vt(p, "FORBID_CONTENTS") ? q({}, p.FORBID_CONTENTS, tt) : ro, K = vt(p, "FORBID_TAGS") ? q({}, p.FORBID_TAGS, tt) : {}, et = vt(p, "FORBID_ATTR") ? q({}, p.FORBID_ATTR, tt) : {}, be = vt(p, "USE_PROFILES") ? p.USE_PROFILES : !1, Rt = p.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR !== !1, St = p.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR !== !1, Zt = p.ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS || !1, Lt = p.ALLOW_SELF_CLOSE_IN_ATTR !== !1, Z = p.SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES || !1, it = p.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || !1, xe = p.RETURN_DOM || !1, Ci = p.RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT || !1, xi = p.RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE || !1, Jt = p.FORCE_BODY || !1, eo = p.SANITIZE_DOM !== !1, io = p.SANITIZE_NAMED_PROPS || !1, Lr = p.KEEP_CONTENT !== !1, qe = p.IN_PLACE || !1, x = p.ALLOWED_URI_REGEXP || va, ke = p.NAMESPACE || qt, N = p.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING || {}, p.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && ao(p.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck) && (N.tagNameCheck = p.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck), p.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && ao(p.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck) && (N.attributeNameCheck = p.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck), p.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && typeof p.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements == "boolean" && (N.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements = p.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements), Z && (St = !1), Ci && (xe = !0), be && (b = q({}, Go), I = [], be.html === !0 && (q(b, Yo), q(I, Vo)), be.svg === !0 && (q(b, qr), q(I, Hr), q(I, Fi)), be.svgFilters === !0 && (q(b, zr), q(I, Hr), q(I, Fi)), be.mathMl === !0 && (q(b, Wr), q(I, Xo), q(I, Fi))), p.ADD_TAGS && (b === D && (b = le(b)), q(b, p.ADD_TAGS, tt)), p.ADD_ATTR && (I === Y && (I = le(I)), q(I, p.ADD_ATTR, tt)), p.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR && q(Er, p.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR, tt), p.FORBID_CONTENTS && (Te === ro && (Te = le(Te)), q(Te, p.FORBID_CONTENTS, tt)), Lr && (b["#text"] = !0), it && q(b, ["html", "head", "body"]), b.table && (q(b, ["tbody"]), delete K.tbody), p.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY) {
3109 if (typeof p.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY.createHTML != "function")
3110 throw Ye('TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY configuration option must provide a "createHTML" hook.');
3111 if (typeof p.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY.createScriptURL != "function")
3112 throw Ye('TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY configuration option must provide a "createScriptURL" hook.');
3113 R = p.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY, X = R.createHTML("");
3114 } else
3115 R === void 0 && (R = xd(d, n)), R !== null && typeof X == "string" && (X = R.createHTML(""));
3116 ct && ct(p), Se = p;
3117 }
3118 }, lo = q({}, ["mi", "mo", "mn", "ms", "mtext"]), ho = q({}, ["foreignobject", "desc", "title", "annotation-xml"]), fh = q({}, ["title", "style", "font", "a", "script"]), co = q({}, [...qr, ...zr, ...cd]), uo = q({}, [...Wr, ...ud]), dh = function(p) {
3119 let y = T(p);
3120 (!y || !y.tagName) && (y = {
3121 namespaceURI: ke,
3122 tagName: "template"
3123 });
3124 const v = Di(p.tagName), j = Di(y.tagName);
3125 return Or[p.namespaceURI] ? p.namespaceURI === Ti ? y.namespaceURI === qt ? v === "svg" : y.namespaceURI === bi ? v === "svg" && (j === "annotation-xml" || lo[j]) : !!co[v] : p.namespaceURI === bi ? y.namespaceURI === qt ? v === "math" : y.namespaceURI === Ti ? v === "math" && ho[j] : !!uo[v] : p.namespaceURI === qt ? y.namespaceURI === Ti && !ho[j] || y.namespaceURI === bi && !lo[j] ? !1 : !uo[v] && (fh[v] || !co[v]) : !!(ze === "application/xhtml+xml" && Or[p.namespaceURI]) : !1;
3126 }, se = function(p) {
3127 je(e.removed, {
3128 element: p
3129 });
3130 try {
3131 p.parentNode.removeChild(p);
3132 } catch {
3133 p.remove();
3134 }
3135 }, Ir = function(p, y) {
3136 try {
3137 je(e.removed, {
3138 attribute: y.getAttributeNode(p),
3139 from: y
3140 });
3141 } catch {
3142 je(e.removed, {
3143 attribute: null,
3144 from: y
3145 });
3146 }
3147 if (y.removeAttribute(p), p === "is" && !I[p])
3148 if (xe || Ci)
3149 try {
3150 se(y);
3151 } catch {
3152 }
3153 else
3154 try {
3155 y.setAttribute(p, "");
3156 } catch {
3157 }
3158 }, fo = function(p) {
3159 let y = null, v = null;
3160 if (Jt)
3161 p = "<remove></remove>" + p;
3162 else {
3163 const nt = od(p, /^[\r\n\t ]+/);
3164 v = nt && nt[0];
3165 }
3166 ze === "application/xhtml+xml" && ke === qt && (p = '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head></head><body>' + p + "</body></html>");
3167 const j = R ? R.createHTML(p) : p;
3168 if (ke === qt)
3169 try {
3170 y = new c().parseFromString(j, ze);
3171 } catch {
3172 }
3173 if (!y || !y.documentElement) {
3174 y = G.createDocument(ke, "template", null);
3175 try {
3176 y.documentElement.innerHTML = Mr ? X : j;
3177 } catch {
3178 }
3179 }
3180 const rt = y.body || y.documentElement;
3181 return p && v && rt.insertBefore(i.createTextNode(v), rt.childNodes[0] || null), ke === qt ? oe.call(y, it ? "html" : "body")[0] : it ? y.documentElement : rt;
3182 }, po = function(p) {
3183 return V.call(
3184 p.ownerDocument || p,
3185 p,
3186 // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
3188 null
3189 );
3190 }, ph = function(p) {
3191 return p instanceof f && (typeof p.nodeName != "string" || typeof p.textContent != "string" || typeof p.removeChild != "function" || !(p.attributes instanceof u) || typeof p.removeAttribute != "function" || typeof p.setAttribute != "function" || typeof p.namespaceURI != "string" || typeof p.insertBefore != "function" || typeof p.hasChildNodes != "function");
3192 }, go = function(p) {
3193 return typeof a == "function" && p instanceof a;
3194 }, zt = function(p, y, v) {
3195 P[p] && wi(P[p], (j) => {
3196 j.call(e, y, v, Se);
3197 });
3198 }, mo = function(p) {
3199 let y = null;
3200 if (zt("beforeSanitizeElements", p, null), ph(p))
3201 return se(p), !0;
3202 const v = tt(p.nodeName);
3203 if (zt("uponSanitizeElement", p, {
3204 tagName: v,
3205 allowedTags: b
3206 }), p.hasChildNodes() && !go(p.firstElementChild) && mt(/<[/\w]/g, p.innerHTML) && mt(/<[/\w]/g, p.textContent))
3207 return se(p), !0;
3208 if (!b[v] || K[v]) {
3209 if (!K[v] && _o(v) && (N.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && mt(N.tagNameCheck, v) || N.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && N.tagNameCheck(v)))
3210 return !1;
3211 if (Lr && !Te[v]) {
3212 const j = T(p) || p.parentNode, rt = z(p) || p.childNodes;
3213 if (rt && j) {
3214 const nt = rt.length;
3215 for (let ut = nt - 1; ut >= 0; --ut)
3216 j.insertBefore(S(rt[ut], !0), O(p));
3217 }
3218 }
3219 return se(p), !0;
3220 }
3221 return p instanceof l && !dh(p) || (v === "noscript" || v === "noembed" || v === "noframes") && mt(/<\/no(script|embed|frames)/i, p.innerHTML) ? (se(p), !0) : (Z && p.nodeType === 3 && (y = p.textContent, wi([W, Ct, Nt], (j) => {
3222 y = Ue(y, j, " ");
3223 }), p.textContent !== y && (je(e.removed, {
3224 element: p.cloneNode()
3225 }), p.textContent = y)), zt("afterSanitizeElements", p, null), !1);
3226 }, yo = function(p, y, v) {
3227 if (eo && (y === "id" || y === "name") && (v in i || v in uh))
3228 return !1;
3229 if (!(St && !et[y] && mt(M, y))) {
3230 if (!(Rt && mt(k, y))) {
3231 if (!I[y] || et[y]) {
3232 if (
3233 // First condition does a very basic check if a) it's basically a valid custom element tagname AND
3234 // b) if the tagName passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck
3235 // and c) if the attribute name passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck
3236 !(_o(p) && (N.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && mt(N.tagNameCheck, p) || N.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && N.tagNameCheck(p)) && (N.attributeNameCheck instanceof RegExp && mt(N.attributeNameCheck, y) || N.attributeNameCheck instanceof Function && N.attributeNameCheck(y)) || // Alternative, second condition checks if it's an `is`-attribute, AND
3237 // the value passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck
3238 y === "is" && N.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements && (N.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && mt(N.tagNameCheck, v) || N.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && N.tagNameCheck(v)))
3239 )
3240 return !1;
3241 } else if (!Er[y]) {
3242 if (!mt(x, Ue(v, w, ""))) {
3243 if (!((y === "src" || y === "xlink:href" || y === "href") && p !== "script" && sd(v, "data:") === 0 && no[p])) {
3244 if (!(Zt && !mt(C, Ue(v, w, "")))) {
3245 if (v)
3246 return !1;
3247 }
3248 }
3249 }
3250 }
3251 }
3252 }
3253 return !0;
3254 }, _o = function(p) {
3255 return p !== "annotation-xml" && p.indexOf("-") > 0;
3256 }, Co = function(p) {
3257 zt("beforeSanitizeAttributes", p, null);
3258 const {
3259 attributes: y
3260 } = p;
3261 if (!y)
3262 return;
3263 const v = {
3264 attrName: "",
3265 attrValue: "",
3266 keepAttr: !0,
3267 allowedAttributes: I
3268 };
3269 let j = y.length;
3270 for (; j--; ) {
3271 const rt = y[j], {
3272 name: nt,
3273 namespaceURI: ut,
3274 value: ae
3275 } = rt, We = tt(nt);
3276 let ft = nt === "value" ? ae : ad(ae);
3277 if (v.attrName = We, v.attrValue = ft, v.keepAttr = !0, v.forceKeepAttr = void 0, zt("uponSanitizeAttribute", p, v), ft = v.attrValue, v.forceKeepAttr || (Ir(nt, p), !v.keepAttr))
3278 continue;
3279 if (!Lt && mt(/\/>/i, ft)) {
3280 Ir(nt, p);
3281 continue;
3282 }
3283 Z && wi([W, Ct, Nt], (bo) => {
3284 ft = Ue(ft, bo, " ");
3285 });
3286 const xo = tt(p.nodeName);
3287 if (yo(xo, We, ft)) {
3288 if (io && (We === "id" || We === "name") && (Ir(nt, p), ft = ah + ft), R && typeof d == "object" && typeof d.getAttributeType == "function" && !ut)
3289 switch (d.getAttributeType(xo, We)) {
3290 case "TrustedHTML": {
3291 ft = R.createHTML(ft);
3292 break;
3293 }
3294 case "TrustedScriptURL": {
3295 ft = R.createScriptURL(ft);
3296 break;
3297 }
3298 }
3299 try {
3300 ut ? p.setAttributeNS(ut, nt, ft) : p.setAttribute(nt, ft), Uo(e.removed);
3301 } catch {
3302 }
3303 }
3304 }
3305 zt("afterSanitizeAttributes", p, null);
3306 }, gh = function B(p) {
3307 let y = null;
3308 const v = po(p);
3309 for (zt("beforeSanitizeShadowDOM", p, null); y = v.nextNode(); )
3310 zt("uponSanitizeShadowNode", y, null), !mo(y) && (y.content instanceof o && B(y.content), Co(y));
3311 zt("afterSanitizeShadowDOM", p, null);
3312 };
3313 return e.sanitize = function(B) {
3314 let p = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, y = null, v = null, j = null, rt = null;
3315 if (Mr = !B, Mr && (B = "<!-->"), typeof B != "string" && !go(B))
3316 if (typeof B.toString == "function") {
3317 if (B = B.toString(), typeof B != "string")
3318 throw Ye("dirty is not a string, aborting");
3319 } else
3320 throw Ye("toString is not a function");
3321 if (!e.isSupported)
3322 return B;
3323 if (Pt || $r(p), e.removed = [], typeof B == "string" && (qe = !1), qe) {
3324 if (B.nodeName) {
3325 const ae = tt(B.nodeName);
3326 if (!b[ae] || K[ae])
3327 throw Ye("root node is forbidden and cannot be sanitized in-place");
3328 }
3329 } else if (B instanceof a)
3330 y = fo("<!---->"), v = y.ownerDocument.importNode(B, !0), v.nodeType === 1 && v.nodeName === "BODY" || v.nodeName === "HTML" ? y = v : y.appendChild(v);
3331 else {
3332 if (!xe && !Z && !it && // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
3333 B.indexOf("<") === -1)
3334 return R && xi ? R.createHTML(B) : B;
3335 if (y = fo(B), !y)
3336 return xe ? null : xi ? X : "";
3337 }
3338 y && Jt && se(y.firstChild);
3339 const nt = po(qe ? B : y);
3340 for (; j = nt.nextNode(); )
3341 mo(j) || (j.content instanceof o && gh(j.content), Co(j));
3342 if (qe)
3343 return B;
3344 if (xe) {
3345 if (Ci)
3346 for (rt = H.call(y.ownerDocument); y.firstChild; )
3347 rt.appendChild(y.firstChild);
3348 else
3349 rt = y;
3350 return (I.shadowroot || I.shadowrootmode) && (rt = Kt.call(r, rt, !0)), rt;
3351 }
3352 let ut = it ? y.outerHTML : y.innerHTML;
3353 return it && b["!doctype"] && y.ownerDocument && y.ownerDocument.doctype && y.ownerDocument.doctype.name && mt(wa, y.ownerDocument.doctype.name) && (ut = "<!DOCTYPE " + y.ownerDocument.doctype.name + `>
3354` + ut), Z && wi([W, Ct, Nt], (ae) => {
3355 ut = Ue(ut, ae, " ");
3356 }), R && xi ? R.createHTML(ut) : ut;
3357 }, e.setConfig = function() {
3358 let B = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
3359 $r(B), Pt = !0;
3360 }, e.clearConfig = function() {
3361 Se = null, Pt = !1;
3362 }, e.isValidAttribute = function(B, p, y) {
3363 Se || $r({});
3364 const v = tt(B), j = tt(p);
3365 return yo(v, j, y);
3366 }, e.addHook = function(B, p) {
3367 typeof p == "function" && (P[B] = P[B] || [], je(P[B], p));
3368 }, e.removeHook = function(B) {
3369 if (P[B])
3370 return Uo(P[B]);
3371 }, e.removeHooks = function(B) {
3372 P[B] && (P[B] = []);
3373 }, e.removeAllHooks = function() {
3374 P = {};
3375 }, e;
3377var Ee = Ba();
3378const gi = /<br\s*\/?>/gi, bd = (t) => t ? Aa(t).replace(/\\n/g, "#br#").split("#br#") : [""], Td = (() => {
3379 let t = !1;
3380 return () => {
3381 t || (kd(), t = !0);
3382 };
3384function kd() {
3385 const t = "data-temp-href-target";
3386 Ee.addHook("beforeSanitizeAttributes", (e) => {
3387 e.tagName === "A" && e.hasAttribute("target") && e.setAttribute(t, e.getAttribute("target") || "");
3388 }), Ee.addHook("afterSanitizeAttributes", (e) => {
3389 e.tagName === "A" && e.hasAttribute(t) && (e.setAttribute("target", e.getAttribute(t) || ""), e.removeAttribute(t), e.getAttribute("target") === "_blank" && e.setAttribute("rel", "noopener"));
3390 });
3392const Fa = (t) => (Td(), Ee.sanitize(t)), Zo = (t, e) => {
3393 var i;
3394 if (((i = e.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : i.htmlLabels) !== !1) {
3395 const r = e.securityLevel;
3396 r === "antiscript" || r === "strict" ? t = Fa(t) : r !== "loose" && (t = Aa(t), t = t.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;"), t = t.replace(/=/g, "&equals;"), t = Bd(t));
3397 }
3398 return t;
3399}, ai = (t, e) => t && (e.dompurifyConfig ? t = Ee.sanitize(Zo(t, e), e.dompurifyConfig).toString() : t = Ee.sanitize(Zo(t, e), {
3400 FORBID_TAGS: ["style"]
3401}).toString(), t), Sd = (t, e) => typeof t == "string" ? ai(t, e) : t.flat().map((i) => ai(i, e)), vd = (t) => gi.test(t), wd = (t) => t.split(gi), Bd = (t) => t.replace(/#br#/g, "<br/>"), Aa = (t) => t.replace(gi, "#br#"), Fd = (t) => {
3402 let e = "";
3403 return t && (e = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + window.location.search, e = e.replaceAll(/\(/g, "\\("), e = e.replaceAll(/\)/g, "\\)")), e;
3404}, La = (t) => !(t === !1 || ["false", "null", "0"].includes(String(t).trim().toLowerCase())), Ad = function(...t) {
3405 const e = t.filter((i) => !isNaN(i));
3406 return Math.max(...e);
3407}, Ld = function(...t) {
3408 const e = t.filter((i) => !isNaN(i));
3409 return Math.min(...e);
3410}, C1 = function(t) {
3411 const e = t.split(/(,)/), i = [];
3412 for (let r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
3413 let n = e[r];
3414 if (n === "," && r > 0 && r + 1 < e.length) {
3415 const o = e[r - 1], s = e[r + 1];
3416 Ed(o, s) && (n = o + "," + s, r++, i.pop());
3417 }
3418 i.push(Md(n));
3419 }
3420 return i.join("");
3421}, ln = (t, e) => Math.max(0, t.split(e).length - 1), Ed = (t, e) => {
3422 const i = ln(t, "~"), r = ln(e, "~");
3423 return i === 1 && r === 1;
3424}, Md = (t) => {
3425 const e = ln(t, "~");
3426 let i = !1;
3427 if (e <= 1)
3428 return t;
3429 e % 2 !== 0 && t.startsWith("~") && (t = t.substring(1), i = !0);
3430 const r = [...t];
3431 let n = r.indexOf("~"), o = r.lastIndexOf("~");
3432 for (; n !== -1 && o !== -1 && n !== o; )
3433 r[n] = "<", r[o] = ">", n = r.indexOf("~"), o = r.lastIndexOf("~");
3434 return i && r.unshift("~"), r.join("");
3435}, Jo = () => window.MathMLElement !== void 0, hn = /\$\$(.*)\$\$/g, Qo = (t) => {
3436 var e;
3437 return (((e = t.match(hn)) == null ? void 0 : e.length) ?? 0) > 0;
3438}, x1 = async (t, e) => {
3439 t = await Od(t, e);
3440 const i = document.createElement("div");
3441 i.innerHTML = t, i.id = "katex-temp", i.style.visibility = "hidden", i.style.position = "absolute", i.style.top = "0";
3442 const r = document.querySelector("body");
3443 r == null || r.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", i);
3444 const n = { width: i.clientWidth, height: i.clientHeight };
3445 return i.remove(), n;
3446}, Od = async (t, e) => {
3447 if (!Qo(t))
3448 return t;
3449 if (!Jo() && !e.legacyMathML)
3450 return t.replace(hn, "MathML is unsupported in this environment.");
3451 const { default: i } = await import("./katex-d90b6d29.js");
3452 return t.split(gi).map(
3453 (r) => Qo(r) ? `
3454 <div style="display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; white-space: nowrap;">
3455 ${r}
3456 </div>
3457 ` : `<div>${r}</div>`
3458 ).join("").replace(
3459 hn,
3460 (r, n) => i.renderToString(n, {
3461 throwOnError: !0,
3462 displayMode: !0,
3463 output: Jo() ? "mathml" : "htmlAndMathml"
3464 }).replace(/\n/g, " ").replace(/<annotation.*<\/annotation>/g, "")
3465 );
3466}, $n = {
3467 getRows: bd,
3468 sanitizeText: ai,
3469 sanitizeTextOrArray: Sd,
3470 hasBreaks: vd,
3471 splitBreaks: wd,
3472 lineBreakRegex: gi,
3473 removeScript: Fa,
3474 getUrl: Fd,
3475 evaluate: La,
3476 getMax: Ad,
3477 getMin: Ld
3478}, Ni = {
3479 /* CLAMP */
3480 min: {
3481 r: 0,
3482 g: 0,
3483 b: 0,
3484 s: 0,
3485 l: 0,
3486 a: 0
3487 },
3488 max: {
3489 r: 255,
3490 g: 255,
3491 b: 255,
3492 h: 360,
3493 s: 100,
3494 l: 100,
3495 a: 1
3496 },
3497 clamp: {
3498 r: (t) => t >= 255 ? 255 : t < 0 ? 0 : t,
3499 g: (t) => t >= 255 ? 255 : t < 0 ? 0 : t,
3500 b: (t) => t >= 255 ? 255 : t < 0 ? 0 : t,
3501 h: (t) => t % 360,
3502 s: (t) => t >= 100 ? 100 : t < 0 ? 0 : t,
3503 l: (t) => t >= 100 ? 100 : t < 0 ? 0 : t,
3504 a: (t) => t >= 1 ? 1 : t < 0 ? 0 : t
3505 },
3506 /* CONVERSION */
3507 //SOURCE: https://planetcalc.com/7779
3508 toLinear: (t) => {
3509 const e = t / 255;
3510 return t > 0.03928 ? Math.pow((e + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : e / 12.92;
3511 },
3512 //SOURCE: https://gist.github.com/mjackson/5311256
3513 hue2rgb: (t, e, i) => (i < 0 && (i += 1), i > 1 && (i -= 1), i < 1 / 6 ? t + (e - t) * 6 * i : i < 1 / 2 ? e : i < 2 / 3 ? t + (e - t) * (2 / 3 - i) * 6 : t),
3514 hsl2rgb: ({ h: t, s: e, l: i }, r) => {
3515 if (!e)
3516 return i * 2.55;
3517 t /= 360, e /= 100, i /= 100;
3518 const n = i < 0.5 ? i * (1 + e) : i + e - i * e, o = 2 * i - n;
3519 switch (r) {
3520 case "r":
3521 return Ni.hue2rgb(o, n, t + 1 / 3) * 255;
3522 case "g":
3523 return Ni.hue2rgb(o, n, t) * 255;
3524 case "b":
3525 return Ni.hue2rgb(o, n, t - 1 / 3) * 255;
3526 }
3527 },
3528 rgb2hsl: ({ r: t, g: e, b: i }, r) => {
3529 t /= 255, e /= 255, i /= 255;
3530 const n = Math.max(t, e, i), o = Math.min(t, e, i), s = (n + o) / 2;
3531 if (r === "l")
3532 return s * 100;
3533 if (n === o)
3534 return 0;
3535 const a = n - o, l = s > 0.5 ? a / (2 - n - o) : a / (n + o);
3536 if (r === "s")
3537 return l * 100;
3538 switch (n) {
3539 case t:
3540 return ((e - i) / a + (e < i ? 6 : 0)) * 60;
3541 case e:
3542 return ((i - t) / a + 2) * 60;
3543 case i:
3544 return ((t - e) / a + 4) * 60;
3545 default:
3546 return -1;
3547 }
3548 }
3549}, $d = Ni, Id = {
3550 /* API */
3551 clamp: (t, e, i) => e > i ? Math.min(e, Math.max(i, t)) : Math.min(i, Math.max(e, t)),
3552 round: (t) => Math.round(t * 1e10) / 1e10
3553}, Dd = Id, Nd = {
3554 /* API */
3555 dec2hex: (t) => {
3556 const e = Math.round(t).toString(16);
3557 return e.length > 1 ? e : `0${e}`;
3558 }
3559}, Rd = Nd, Pd = {
3560 channel: $d,
3561 lang: Dd,
3562 unit: Rd
3563}, $ = Pd, Qt = {};
3564for (let t = 0; t <= 255; t++)
3565 Qt[t] = $.unit.dec2hex(t);
3566const ot = {
3567 ALL: 0,
3568 RGB: 1,
3569 HSL: 2
3571class qd {
3572 constructor() {
3573 this.type = ot.ALL;
3574 }
3575 /* API */
3576 get() {
3577 return this.type;
3578 }
3579 set(e) {
3580 if (this.type && this.type !== e)
3581 throw new Error("Cannot change both RGB and HSL channels at the same time");
3582 this.type = e;
3583 }
3584 reset() {
3585 this.type = ot.ALL;
3586 }
3587 is(e) {
3588 return this.type === e;
3589 }
3591const zd = qd;
3592class Wd {
3593 /* CONSTRUCTOR */
3594 constructor(e, i) {
3595 this.color = i, this.changed = !1, this.data = e, this.type = new zd();
3596 }
3597 /* API */
3598 set(e, i) {
3599 return this.color = i, this.changed = !1, this.data = e, this.type.type = ot.ALL, this;
3600 }
3601 /* HELPERS */
3602 _ensureHSL() {
3603 const e = this.data, { h: i, s: r, l: n } = e;
3604 i === void 0 && (e.h = $.channel.rgb2hsl(e, "h")), r === void 0 && (e.s = $.channel.rgb2hsl(e, "s")), n === void 0 && (e.l = $.channel.rgb2hsl(e, "l"));
3605 }
3606 _ensureRGB() {
3607 const e = this.data, { r: i, g: r, b: n } = e;
3608 i === void 0 && (e.r = $.channel.hsl2rgb(e, "r")), r === void 0 && (e.g = $.channel.hsl2rgb(e, "g")), n === void 0 && (e.b = $.channel.hsl2rgb(e, "b"));
3609 }
3610 /* GETTERS */
3611 get r() {
3612 const e = this.data, i = e.r;
3613 return !this.type.is(ot.HSL) && i !== void 0 ? i : (this._ensureHSL(), $.channel.hsl2rgb(e, "r"));
3614 }
3615 get g() {
3616 const e = this.data, i = e.g;
3617 return !this.type.is(ot.HSL) && i !== void 0 ? i : (this._ensureHSL(), $.channel.hsl2rgb(e, "g"));
3618 }
3619 get b() {
3620 const e = this.data, i = e.b;
3621 return !this.type.is(ot.HSL) && i !== void 0 ? i : (this._ensureHSL(), $.channel.hsl2rgb(e, "b"));
3622 }
3623 get h() {
3624 const e = this.data, i = e.h;
3625 return !this.type.is(ot.RGB) && i !== void 0 ? i : (this._ensureRGB(), $.channel.rgb2hsl(e, "h"));
3626 }
3627 get s() {
3628 const e = this.data, i = e.s;
3629 return !this.type.is(ot.RGB) && i !== void 0 ? i : (this._ensureRGB(), $.channel.rgb2hsl(e, "s"));
3630 }
3631 get l() {
3632 const e = this.data, i = e.l;
3633 return !this.type.is(ot.RGB) && i !== void 0 ? i : (this._ensureRGB(), $.channel.rgb2hsl(e, "l"));
3634 }
3635 get a() {
3636 return this.data.a;
3637 }
3638 /* SETTERS */
3639 set r(e) {
3640 this.type.set(ot.RGB), this.changed = !0, this.data.r = e;
3641 }
3642 set g(e) {
3643 this.type.set(ot.RGB), this.changed = !0, this.data.g = e;
3644 }
3645 set b(e) {
3646 this.type.set(ot.RGB), this.changed = !0, this.data.b = e;
3647 }
3648 set h(e) {
3649 this.type.set(ot.HSL), this.changed = !0, this.data.h = e;
3650 }
3651 set s(e) {
3652 this.type.set(ot.HSL), this.changed = !0, this.data.s = e;
3653 }
3654 set l(e) {
3655 this.type.set(ot.HSL), this.changed = !0, this.data.l = e;
3656 }
3657 set a(e) {
3658 this.changed = !0, this.data.a = e;
3659 }
3661const Hd = Wd, jd = new Hd({ r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0 }, "transparent"), yr = jd, Ea = {
3662 /* VARIABLES */
3663 re: /^#((?:[a-f0-9]{2}){2,4}|[a-f0-9]{3})$/i,
3664 /* API */
3665 parse: (t) => {
3666 if (t.charCodeAt(0) !== 35)
3667 return;
3668 const e = t.match(Ea.re);
3669 if (!e)
3670 return;
3671 const i = e[1], r = parseInt(i, 16), n = i.length, o = n % 4 === 0, s = n > 4, a = s ? 1 : 17, l = s ? 8 : 4, h = o ? 0 : -1, u = s ? 255 : 15;
3672 return yr.set({
3673 r: (r >> l * (h + 3) & u) * a,
3674 g: (r >> l * (h + 2) & u) * a,
3675 b: (r >> l * (h + 1) & u) * a,
3676 a: o ? (r & u) * a / 255 : 1
3677 }, t);
3678 },
3679 stringify: (t) => {
3680 const { r: e, g: i, b: r, a: n } = t;
3681 return n < 1 ? `#${Qt[Math.round(e)]}${Qt[Math.round(i)]}${Qt[Math.round(r)]}${Qt[Math.round(n * 255)]}` : `#${Qt[Math.round(e)]}${Qt[Math.round(i)]}${Qt[Math.round(r)]}`;
3682 }
3683}, Ze = Ea, Ri = {
3684 /* VARIABLES */
3685 re: /^hsla?\(\s*?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e-?\d+)?(?:deg|grad|rad|turn)?)\s*?(?:,|\s)\s*?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e-?\d+)?%)\s*?(?:,|\s)\s*?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e-?\d+)?%)(?:\s*?(?:,|\/)\s*?\+?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e-?\d+)?(%)?))?\s*?\)$/i,
3686 hueRe: /^(.+?)(deg|grad|rad|turn)$/i,
3687 /* HELPERS */
3688 _hue2deg: (t) => {
3689 const e = t.match(Ri.hueRe);
3690 if (e) {
3691 const [, i, r] = e;
3692 switch (r) {
3693 case "grad":
3694 return $.channel.clamp.h(parseFloat(i) * 0.9);
3695 case "rad":
3696 return $.channel.clamp.h(parseFloat(i) * 180 / Math.PI);
3697 case "turn":
3698 return $.channel.clamp.h(parseFloat(i) * 360);
3699 }
3700 }
3701 return $.channel.clamp.h(parseFloat(t));
3702 },
3703 /* API */
3704 parse: (t) => {
3705 const e = t.charCodeAt(0);
3706 if (e !== 104 && e !== 72)
3707 return;
3708 const i = t.match(Ri.re);
3709 if (!i)
3710 return;
3711 const [, r, n, o, s, a] = i;
3712 return yr.set({
3713 h: Ri._hue2deg(r),
3714 s: $.channel.clamp.s(parseFloat(n)),
3715 l: $.channel.clamp.l(parseFloat(o)),
3716 a: s ? $.channel.clamp.a(a ? parseFloat(s) / 100 : parseFloat(s)) : 1
3717 }, t);
3718 },
3719 stringify: (t) => {
3720 const { h: e, s: i, l: r, a: n } = t;
3721 return n < 1 ? `hsla(${$.lang.round(e)}, ${$.lang.round(i)}%, ${$.lang.round(r)}%, ${n})` : `hsl(${$.lang.round(e)}, ${$.lang.round(i)}%, ${$.lang.round(r)}%)`;
3722 }
3723}, Ai = Ri, Pi = {
3724 /* VARIABLES */
3725 colors: {
3726 aliceblue: "#f0f8ff",
3727 antiquewhite: "#faebd7",
3728 aqua: "#00ffff",
3729 aquamarine: "#7fffd4",
3730 azure: "#f0ffff",
3731 beige: "#f5f5dc",
3732 bisque: "#ffe4c4",
3733 black: "#000000",
3734 blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd",
3735 blue: "#0000ff",
3736 blueviolet: "#8a2be2",
3737 brown: "#a52a2a",
3738 burlywood: "#deb887",
3739 cadetblue: "#5f9ea0",
3740 chartreuse: "#7fff00",
3741 chocolate: "#d2691e",
3742 coral: "#ff7f50",
3743 cornflowerblue: "#6495ed",
3744 cornsilk: "#fff8dc",
3745 crimson: "#dc143c",
3746 cyanaqua: "#00ffff",
3747 darkblue: "#00008b",
3748 darkcyan: "#008b8b",
3749 darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b",
3750 darkgray: "#a9a9a9",
3751 darkgreen: "#006400",
3752 darkgrey: "#a9a9a9",
3753 darkkhaki: "#bdb76b",
3754 darkmagenta: "#8b008b",
3755 darkolivegreen: "#556b2f",
3756 darkorange: "#ff8c00",
3757 darkorchid: "#9932cc",
3758 darkred: "#8b0000",
3759 darksalmon: "#e9967a",
3760 darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f",
3761 darkslateblue: "#483d8b",
3762 darkslategray: "#2f4f4f",
3763 darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f",
3764 darkturquoise: "#00ced1",
3765 darkviolet: "#9400d3",
3766 deeppink: "#ff1493",
3767 deepskyblue: "#00bfff",
3768 dimgray: "#696969",
3769 dimgrey: "#696969",
3770 dodgerblue: "#1e90ff",
3771 firebrick: "#b22222",
3772 floralwhite: "#fffaf0",
3773 forestgreen: "#228b22",
3774 fuchsia: "#ff00ff",
3775 gainsboro: "#dcdcdc",
3776 ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff",
3777 gold: "#ffd700",
3778 goldenrod: "#daa520",
3779 gray: "#808080",
3780 green: "#008000",
3781 greenyellow: "#adff2f",
3782 grey: "#808080",
3783 honeydew: "#f0fff0",
3784 hotpink: "#ff69b4",
3785 indianred: "#cd5c5c",
3786 indigo: "#4b0082",
3787 ivory: "#fffff0",
3788 khaki: "#f0e68c",
3789 lavender: "#e6e6fa",
3790 lavenderblush: "#fff0f5",
3791 lawngreen: "#7cfc00",
3792 lemonchiffon: "#fffacd",
3793 lightblue: "#add8e6",
3794 lightcoral: "#f08080",
3795 lightcyan: "#e0ffff",
3796 lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2",
3797 lightgray: "#d3d3d3",
3798 lightgreen: "#90ee90",
3799 lightgrey: "#d3d3d3",
3800 lightpink: "#ffb6c1",
3801 lightsalmon: "#ffa07a",
3802 lightseagreen: "#20b2aa",
3803 lightskyblue: "#87cefa",
3804 lightslategray: "#778899",
3805 lightslategrey: "#778899",
3806 lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de",
3807 lightyellow: "#ffffe0",
3808 lime: "#00ff00",
3809 limegreen: "#32cd32",
3810 linen: "#faf0e6",
3811 magenta: "#ff00ff",
3812 maroon: "#800000",
3813 mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa",
3814 mediumblue: "#0000cd",
3815 mediumorchid: "#ba55d3",
3816 mediumpurple: "#9370db",
3817 mediumseagreen: "#3cb371",
3818 mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee",
3819 mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a",
3820 mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc",
3821 mediumvioletred: "#c71585",
3822 midnightblue: "#191970",
3823 mintcream: "#f5fffa",
3824 mistyrose: "#ffe4e1",
3825 moccasin: "#ffe4b5",
3826 navajowhite: "#ffdead",
3827 navy: "#000080",
3828 oldlace: "#fdf5e6",
3829 olive: "#808000",
3830 olivedrab: "#6b8e23",
3831 orange: "#ffa500",
3832 orangered: "#ff4500",
3833 orchid: "#da70d6",
3834 palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa",
3835 palegreen: "#98fb98",
3836 paleturquoise: "#afeeee",
3837 palevioletred: "#db7093",
3838 papayawhip: "#ffefd5",
3839 peachpuff: "#ffdab9",
3840 peru: "#cd853f",
3841 pink: "#ffc0cb",
3842 plum: "#dda0dd",
3843 powderblue: "#b0e0e6",
3844 purple: "#800080",
3845 rebeccapurple: "#663399",
3846 red: "#ff0000",
3847 rosybrown: "#bc8f8f",
3848 royalblue: "#4169e1",
3849 saddlebrown: "#8b4513",
3850 salmon: "#fa8072",
3851 sandybrown: "#f4a460",
3852 seagreen: "#2e8b57",
3853 seashell: "#fff5ee",
3854 sienna: "#a0522d",
3855 silver: "#c0c0c0",
3856 skyblue: "#87ceeb",
3857 slateblue: "#6a5acd",
3858 slategray: "#708090",
3859 slategrey: "#708090",
3860 snow: "#fffafa",
3861 springgreen: "#00ff7f",
3862 tan: "#d2b48c",
3863 teal: "#008080",
3864 thistle: "#d8bfd8",
3865 transparent: "#00000000",
3866 turquoise: "#40e0d0",
3867 violet: "#ee82ee",
3868 wheat: "#f5deb3",
3869 white: "#ffffff",
3870 whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5",
3871 yellow: "#ffff00",
3872 yellowgreen: "#9acd32"
3873 },
3874 /* API */
3875 parse: (t) => {
3876 t = t.toLowerCase();
3877 const e = Pi.colors[t];
3878 if (e)
3879 return Ze.parse(e);
3880 },
3881 stringify: (t) => {
3882 const e = Ze.stringify(t);
3883 for (const i in Pi.colors)
3884 if (Pi.colors[i] === e)
3885 return i;
3886 }
3887}, ts = Pi, Ma = {
3888 /* VARIABLES */
3889 re: /^rgba?\(\s*?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e\d+)?(%?))\s*?(?:,|\s)\s*?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e\d+)?(%?))\s*?(?:,|\s)\s*?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e\d+)?(%?))(?:\s*?(?:,|\/)\s*?\+?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e\d+)?(%?)))?\s*?\)$/i,
3890 /* API */
3891 parse: (t) => {
3892 const e = t.charCodeAt(0);
3893 if (e !== 114 && e !== 82)
3894 return;
3895 const i = t.match(Ma.re);
3896 if (!i)
3897 return;
3898 const [, r, n, o, s, a, l, h, u] = i;
3899 return yr.set({
3900 r: $.channel.clamp.r(n ? parseFloat(r) * 2.55 : parseFloat(r)),
3901 g: $.channel.clamp.g(s ? parseFloat(o) * 2.55 : parseFloat(o)),
3902 b: $.channel.clamp.b(l ? parseFloat(a) * 2.55 : parseFloat(a)),
3903 a: h ? $.channel.clamp.a(u ? parseFloat(h) / 100 : parseFloat(h)) : 1
3904 }, t);
3905 },
3906 stringify: (t) => {
3907 const { r: e, g: i, b: r, a: n } = t;
3908 return n < 1 ? `rgba(${$.lang.round(e)}, ${$.lang.round(i)}, ${$.lang.round(r)}, ${$.lang.round(n)})` : `rgb(${$.lang.round(e)}, ${$.lang.round(i)}, ${$.lang.round(r)})`;
3909 }
3910}, Li = Ma, Ud = {
3911 /* VARIABLES */
3912 format: {
3913 keyword: ts,
3914 hex: Ze,
3915 rgb: Li,
3916 rgba: Li,
3917 hsl: Ai,
3918 hsla: Ai
3919 },
3920 /* API */
3921 parse: (t) => {
3922 if (typeof t != "string")
3923 return t;
3924 const e = Ze.parse(t) || Li.parse(t) || Ai.parse(t) || ts.parse(t);
3925 if (e)
3926 return e;
3927 throw new Error(`Unsupported color format: "${t}"`);
3928 },
3929 stringify: (t) => !t.changed && t.color ? t.color : t.type.is(ot.HSL) || t.data.r === void 0 ? Ai.stringify(t) : t.a < 1 || !Number.isInteger(t.r) || !Number.isInteger(t.g) || !Number.isInteger(t.b) ? Li.stringify(t) : Ze.stringify(t)
3930}, Ot = Ud, Yd = (t, e) => {
3931 const i = Ot.parse(t);
3932 for (const r in e)
3933 i[r] = $.channel.clamp[r](e[r]);
3934 return Ot.stringify(i);
3935}, Oa = Yd, Gd = (t, e, i = 0, r = 1) => {
3936 if (typeof t != "number")
3937 return Oa(t, { a: e });
3938 const n = yr.set({
3939 r: $.channel.clamp.r(t),
3940 g: $.channel.clamp.g(e),
3941 b: $.channel.clamp.b(i),
3942 a: $.channel.clamp.a(r)
3943 });
3944 return Ot.stringify(n);
3945}, Je = Gd, Vd = (t) => {
3946 const { r: e, g: i, b: r } = Ot.parse(t), n = 0.2126 * $.channel.toLinear(e) + 0.7152 * $.channel.toLinear(i) + 0.0722 * $.channel.toLinear(r);
3947 return $.lang.round(n);
3948}, Xd = Vd, Kd = (t) => Xd(t) >= 0.5, Zd = Kd, Jd = (t) => !Zd(t), mi = Jd, Qd = (t, e, i) => {
3949 const r = Ot.parse(t), n = r[e], o = $.channel.clamp[e](n + i);
3950 return n !== o && (r[e] = o), Ot.stringify(r);
3951}, $a = Qd, tp = (t, e) => $a(t, "l", e), F = tp, ep = (t, e) => $a(t, "l", -e), E = ep, ip = (t, e) => {
3952 const i = Ot.parse(t), r = {};
3953 for (const n in e)
3954 e[n] && (r[n] = i[n] + e[n]);
3955 return Oa(t, r);
3956}, g = ip, rp = (t, e, i = 50) => {
3957 const { r, g: n, b: o, a: s } = Ot.parse(t), { r: a, g: l, b: h, a: u } = Ot.parse(e), f = i / 100, c = f * 2 - 1, d = s - u, S = ((c * d === -1 ? c : (c + d) / (1 + c * d)) + 1) / 2, O = 1 - S, z = r * S + a * O, T = n * S + l * O, R = o * S + h * O, X = s * f + u * (1 - f);
3958 return Je(z, T, R, X);
3959}, np = rp, op = (t, e = 100) => {
3960 const i = Ot.parse(t);
3961 return i.r = 255 - i.r, i.g = 255 - i.g, i.b = 255 - i.b, np(i, t, e);
3962}, _ = op, ht = (t, e) => e ? g(t, { s: -40, l: 10 }) : g(t, { s: -40, l: -10 }), _r = "#ffffff", Cr = "#f2f2f2";
3963let sp = class {
3964 constructor() {
3965 this.background = "#f4f4f4", this.primaryColor = "#fff4dd", this.noteBkgColor = "#fff5ad", this.noteTextColor = "#333", this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT = 12, this.fontFamily = '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif', this.fontSize = "16px";
3966 }
3967 updateColors() {
3968 var i, r, n, o, s, a, l, h, u, f, c;
3969 if (this.primaryTextColor = this.primaryTextColor || (this.darkMode ? "#eee" : "#333"), this.secondaryColor = this.secondaryColor || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -120 }), this.tertiaryColor = this.tertiaryColor || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 180, l: 5 }), this.primaryBorderColor = this.primaryBorderColor || ht(this.primaryColor, this.darkMode), this.secondaryBorderColor = this.secondaryBorderColor || ht(this.secondaryColor, this.darkMode), this.tertiaryBorderColor = this.tertiaryBorderColor || ht(this.tertiaryColor, this.darkMode), this.noteBorderColor = this.noteBorderColor || ht(this.noteBkgColor, this.darkMode), this.noteBkgColor = this.noteBkgColor || "#fff5ad", this.noteTextColor = this.noteTextColor || "#333", this.secondaryTextColor = this.secondaryTextColor || _(this.secondaryColor), this.tertiaryTextColor = this.tertiaryTextColor || _(this.tertiaryColor), this.lineColor = this.lineColor || _(this.background), this.arrowheadColor = this.arrowheadColor || _(this.background), this.textColor = this.textColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.border2 = this.border2 || this.tertiaryBorderColor, this.nodeBkg = this.nodeBkg || this.primaryColor, this.mainBkg = this.mainBkg || this.primaryColor, this.nodeBorder = this.nodeBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.clusterBkg = this.clusterBkg || this.tertiaryColor, this.clusterBorder = this.clusterBorder || this.tertiaryBorderColor, this.defaultLinkColor = this.defaultLinkColor || this.lineColor, this.titleColor = this.titleColor || this.tertiaryTextColor, this.edgeLabelBackground = this.edgeLabelBackground || (this.darkMode ? E(this.secondaryColor, 30) : this.secondaryColor), this.nodeTextColor = this.nodeTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.actorBorder = this.actorBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.actorBkg = this.actorBkg || this.mainBkg, this.actorTextColor = this.actorTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.actorLineColor = this.actorLineColor || "grey", this.labelBoxBkgColor = this.labelBoxBkgColor || this.actorBkg, this.signalColor = this.signalColor || this.textColor, this.signalTextColor = this.signalTextColor || this.textColor, this.labelBoxBorderColor = this.labelBoxBorderColor || this.actorBorder, this.labelTextColor = this.labelTextColor || this.actorTextColor, this.loopTextColor = this.loopTextColor || this.actorTextColor, this.activationBorderColor = this.activationBorderColor || E(this.secondaryColor, 10), this.activationBkgColor = this.activationBkgColor || this.secondaryColor, this.sequenceNumberColor = this.sequenceNumberColor || _(this.lineColor), this.sectionBkgColor = this.sectionBkgColor || this.tertiaryColor, this.altSectionBkgColor = this.altSectionBkgColor || "white", this.sectionBkgColor = this.sectionBkgColor || this.secondaryColor, this.sectionBkgColor2 = this.sectionBkgColor2 || this.primaryColor, this.excludeBkgColor = this.excludeBkgColor || "#eeeeee", this.taskBorderColor = this.taskBorderColor || this.primaryBorderColor, this.taskBkgColor = this.taskBkgColor || this.primaryColor, this.activeTaskBorderColor = this.activeTaskBorderColor || this.primaryColor, this.activeTaskBkgColor = this.activeTaskBkgColor || F(this.primaryColor, 23), this.gridColor = this.gridColor || "lightgrey", this.doneTaskBkgColor = this.doneTaskBkgColor || "lightgrey", this.doneTaskBorderColor = this.doneTaskBorderColor || "grey", this.critBorderColor = this.critBorderColor || "#ff8888", this.critBkgColor = this.critBkgColor || "red", this.todayLineColor = this.todayLineColor || "red", this.taskTextColor = this.taskTextColor || this.textColor, this.taskTextOutsideColor = this.taskTextOutsideColor || this.textColor, this.taskTextLightColor = this.taskTextLightColor || this.textColor, this.taskTextColor = this.taskTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.taskTextDarkColor = this.taskTextDarkColor || this.textColor, this.taskTextClickableColor = this.taskTextClickableColor || "#003163", this.personBorder = this.personBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.personBkg = this.personBkg || this.mainBkg, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.transitionLabelColor = this.transitionLabelColor || this.textColor, this.stateLabelColor = this.stateLabelColor || this.stateBkg || this.primaryTextColor, this.stateBkg = this.stateBkg || this.mainBkg, this.labelBackgroundColor = this.labelBackgroundColor || this.stateBkg, this.compositeBackground = this.compositeBackground || this.background || this.tertiaryColor, this.altBackground = this.altBackground || this.tertiaryColor, this.compositeTitleBackground = this.compositeTitleBackground || this.mainBkg, this.compositeBorder = this.compositeBorder || this.nodeBorder, this.innerEndBackground = this.nodeBorder, this.errorBkgColor = this.errorBkgColor || this.tertiaryColor, this.errorTextColor = this.errorTextColor || this.tertiaryTextColor, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.specialStateColor = this.lineColor, this.cScale0 = this.cScale0 || this.primaryColor, this.cScale1 = this.cScale1 || this.secondaryColor, this.cScale2 = this.cScale2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.cScale3 = this.cScale3 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 30 }), this.cScale4 = this.cScale4 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.cScale5 = this.cScale5 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 90 }), this.cScale6 = this.cScale6 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.cScale7 = this.cScale7 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 150 }), this.cScale8 = this.cScale8 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 210, l: 150 }), this.cScale9 = this.cScale9 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 270 }), this.cScale10 = this.cScale10 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 300 }), this.cScale11 = this.cScale11 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 330 }), this.darkMode)
3970 for (let d = 0; d < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; d++)
3971 this["cScale" + d] = E(this["cScale" + d], 75);
3972 else
3973 for (let d = 0; d < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; d++)
3974 this["cScale" + d] = E(this["cScale" + d], 25);
3975 for (let d = 0; d < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; d++)
3976 this["cScaleInv" + d] = this["cScaleInv" + d] || _(this["cScale" + d]);
3977 for (let d = 0; d < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; d++)
3978 this.darkMode ? this["cScalePeer" + d] = this["cScalePeer" + d] || F(this["cScale" + d], 10) : this["cScalePeer" + d] = this["cScalePeer" + d] || E(this["cScale" + d], 10);
3979 this.scaleLabelColor = this.scaleLabelColor || this.labelTextColor;
3980 for (let d = 0; d < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; d++)
3981 this["cScaleLabel" + d] = this["cScaleLabel" + d] || this.scaleLabelColor;
3982 const e = this.darkMode ? -4 : -1;
3983 for (let d = 0; d < 5; d++)
3984 this["surface" + d] = this["surface" + d] || g(this.mainBkg, { h: 180, s: -15, l: e * (5 + d * 3) }), this["surfacePeer" + d] = this["surfacePeer" + d] || g(this.mainBkg, { h: 180, s: -15, l: e * (8 + d * 3) });
3985 this.classText = this.classText || this.textColor, this.fillType0 = this.fillType0 || this.primaryColor, this.fillType1 = this.fillType1 || this.secondaryColor, this.fillType2 = this.fillType2 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType3 = this.fillType3 || g(this.secondaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType4 = this.fillType4 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType5 = this.fillType5 || g(this.secondaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType6 = this.fillType6 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.fillType7 = this.fillType7 || g(this.secondaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.pie1 = this.pie1 || this.primaryColor, this.pie2 = this.pie2 || this.secondaryColor, this.pie3 = this.pie3 || this.tertiaryColor, this.pie4 = this.pie4 || g(this.primaryColor, { l: -10 }), this.pie5 = this.pie5 || g(this.secondaryColor, { l: -10 }), this.pie6 = this.pie6 || g(this.tertiaryColor, { l: -10 }), this.pie7 = this.pie7 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60, l: -10 }), this.pie8 = this.pie8 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -60, l: -10 }), this.pie9 = this.pie9 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120, l: 0 }), this.pie10 = this.pie10 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60, l: -20 }), this.pie11 = this.pie11 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -60, l: -20 }), this.pie12 = this.pie12 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120, l: -10 }), this.pieTitleTextSize = this.pieTitleTextSize || "25px", this.pieTitleTextColor = this.pieTitleTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieSectionTextSize = this.pieSectionTextSize || "17px", this.pieSectionTextColor = this.pieSectionTextColor || this.textColor, this.pieLegendTextSize = this.pieLegendTextSize || "17px", this.pieLegendTextColor = this.pieLegendTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieStrokeColor = this.pieStrokeColor || "black", this.pieStrokeWidth = this.pieStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOuterStrokeWidth = this.pieOuterStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOuterStrokeColor = this.pieOuterStrokeColor || "black", this.pieOpacity = this.pieOpacity || "0.7", this.quadrant1Fill = this.quadrant1Fill || this.primaryColor, this.quadrant2Fill = this.quadrant2Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 5, g: 5, b: 5 }), this.quadrant3Fill = this.quadrant3Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 10, g: 10, b: 10 }), this.quadrant4Fill = this.quadrant4Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 15, g: 15, b: 15 }), this.quadrant1TextFill = this.quadrant1TextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrant2TextFill = this.quadrant2TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -5, g: -5, b: -5 }), this.quadrant3TextFill = this.quadrant3TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -10, g: -10, b: -10 }), this.quadrant4TextFill = this.quadrant4TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -15, g: -15, b: -15 }), this.quadrantPointFill = this.quadrantPointFill || mi(this.quadrant1Fill) ? F(this.quadrant1Fill) : E(this.quadrant1Fill), this.quadrantPointTextFill = this.quadrantPointTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantXAxisTextFill = this.quadrantXAxisTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantYAxisTextFill = this.quadrantYAxisTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantInternalBorderStrokeFill = this.quadrantInternalBorderStrokeFill || this.primaryBorderColor, this.quadrantExternalBorderStrokeFill = this.quadrantExternalBorderStrokeFill || this.primaryBorderColor, this.quadrantTitleFill = this.quadrantTitleFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.xyChart = {
3986 backgroundColor: ((i = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : i.backgroundColor) || this.background,
3987 titleColor: ((r = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : r.titleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
3988 xAxisTitleColor: ((n = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : n.xAxisTitleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
3989 xAxisLabelColor: ((o = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : o.xAxisLabelColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
3990 xAxisTickColor: ((s = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : s.xAxisTickColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
3991 xAxisLineColor: ((a = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : a.xAxisLineColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
3992 yAxisTitleColor: ((l = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : l.yAxisTitleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
3993 yAxisLabelColor: ((h = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : h.yAxisLabelColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
3994 yAxisTickColor: ((u = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : u.yAxisTickColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
3995 yAxisLineColor: ((f = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : f.yAxisLineColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
3996 plotColorPalette: ((c = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : c.plotColorPalette) || "#FFF4DD,#FFD8B1,#FFA07A,#ECEFF1,#D6DBDF,#C3E0A8,#FFB6A4,#FFD74D,#738FA7,#FFFFF0"
3997 }, this.requirementBackground = this.requirementBackground || this.primaryColor, this.requirementBorderColor = this.requirementBorderColor || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementBorderSize = this.requirementBorderSize || "1", this.requirementTextColor = this.requirementTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.relationColor = this.relationColor || this.lineColor, this.relationLabelBackground = this.relationLabelBackground || (this.darkMode ? E(this.secondaryColor, 30) : this.secondaryColor), this.relationLabelColor = this.relationLabelColor || this.actorTextColor, this.git0 = this.git0 || this.primaryColor, this.git1 = this.git1 || this.secondaryColor, this.git2 = this.git2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.git3 = this.git3 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -30 }), this.git4 = this.git4 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -60 }), this.git5 = this.git5 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -90 }), this.git6 = this.git6 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.git7 = this.git7 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.darkMode ? (this.git0 = F(this.git0, 25), this.git1 = F(this.git1, 25), this.git2 = F(this.git2, 25), this.git3 = F(this.git3, 25), this.git4 = F(this.git4, 25), this.git5 = F(this.git5, 25), this.git6 = F(this.git6, 25), this.git7 = F(this.git7, 25)) : (this.git0 = E(this.git0, 25), this.git1 = E(this.git1, 25), this.git2 = E(this.git2, 25), this.git3 = E(this.git3, 25), this.git4 = E(this.git4, 25), this.git5 = E(this.git5, 25), this.git6 = E(this.git6, 25), this.git7 = E(this.git7, 25)), this.gitInv0 = this.gitInv0 || _(this.git0), this.gitInv1 = this.gitInv1 || _(this.git1), this.gitInv2 = this.gitInv2 || _(this.git2), this.gitInv3 = this.gitInv3 || _(this.git3), this.gitInv4 = this.gitInv4 || _(this.git4), this.gitInv5 = this.gitInv5 || _(this.git5), this.gitInv6 = this.gitInv6 || _(this.git6), this.gitInv7 = this.gitInv7 || _(this.git7), this.branchLabelColor = this.branchLabelColor || (this.darkMode ? "black" : this.labelTextColor), this.gitBranchLabel0 = this.gitBranchLabel0 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel1 = this.gitBranchLabel1 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel2 = this.gitBranchLabel2 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel3 = this.gitBranchLabel3 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel4 = this.gitBranchLabel4 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel5 = this.gitBranchLabel5 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel6 = this.gitBranchLabel6 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel7 = this.gitBranchLabel7 || this.branchLabelColor, this.tagLabelColor = this.tagLabelColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.tagLabelBackground = this.tagLabelBackground || this.primaryColor, this.tagLabelBorder = this.tagBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.tagLabelFontSize = this.tagLabelFontSize || "10px", this.commitLabelColor = this.commitLabelColor || this.secondaryTextColor, this.commitLabelBackground = this.commitLabelBackground || this.secondaryColor, this.commitLabelFontSize = this.commitLabelFontSize || "10px", this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd = this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd || _r, this.attributeBackgroundColorEven = this.attributeBackgroundColorEven || Cr;
3998 }
3999 calculate(e) {
4000 if (typeof e != "object") {
4001 this.updateColors();
4002 return;
4003 }
4004 const i = Object.keys(e);
4005 i.forEach((r) => {
4006 this[r] = e[r];
4007 }), this.updateColors(), i.forEach((r) => {
4008 this[r] = e[r];
4009 });
4010 }
4012const ap = (t) => {
4013 const e = new sp();
4014 return e.calculate(t), e;
4016let lp = class {
4017 constructor() {
4018 this.background = "#333", this.primaryColor = "#1f2020", this.secondaryColor = F(this.primaryColor, 16), this.tertiaryColor = g(this.primaryColor, { h: -160 }), this.primaryBorderColor = _(this.background), this.secondaryBorderColor = ht(this.secondaryColor, this.darkMode), this.tertiaryBorderColor = ht(this.tertiaryColor, this.darkMode), this.primaryTextColor = _(this.primaryColor), this.secondaryTextColor = _(this.secondaryColor), this.tertiaryTextColor = _(this.tertiaryColor), this.lineColor = _(this.background), this.textColor = _(this.background), this.mainBkg = "#1f2020", this.secondBkg = "calculated", this.mainContrastColor = "lightgrey", this.darkTextColor = F(_("#323D47"), 10), this.lineColor = "calculated", this.border1 = "#81B1DB", this.border2 = Je(255, 255, 255, 0.25), this.arrowheadColor = "calculated", this.fontFamily = '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif', this.fontSize = "16px", this.labelBackground = "#181818", this.textColor = "#ccc", this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT = 12, this.nodeBkg = "calculated", this.nodeBorder = "calculated", this.clusterBkg = "calculated", this.clusterBorder = "calculated", this.defaultLinkColor = "calculated", this.titleColor = "#F9FFFE", this.edgeLabelBackground = "calculated", this.actorBorder = "calculated", this.actorBkg = "calculated", this.actorTextColor = "calculated", this.actorLineColor = "calculated", this.signalColor = "calculated", this.signalTextColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBkgColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBorderColor = "calculated", this.labelTextColor = "calculated", this.loopTextColor = "calculated", this.noteBorderColor = "calculated", this.noteBkgColor = "#fff5ad", this.noteTextColor = "calculated", this.activationBorderColor = "calculated", this.activationBkgColor = "calculated", this.sequenceNumberColor = "black", this.sectionBkgColor = E("#EAE8D9", 30), this.altSectionBkgColor = "calculated", this.sectionBkgColor2 = "#EAE8D9", this.excludeBkgColor = E(this.sectionBkgColor, 10), this.taskBorderColor = Je(255, 255, 255, 70), this.taskBkgColor = "calculated", this.taskTextColor = "calculated", this.taskTextLightColor = "calculated", this.taskTextOutsideColor = "calculated", this.taskTextClickableColor = "#003163", this.activeTaskBorderColor = Je(255, 255, 255, 50), this.activeTaskBkgColor = "#81B1DB", this.gridColor = "calculated", this.doneTaskBkgColor = "calculated", this.doneTaskBorderColor = "grey", this.critBorderColor = "#E83737", this.critBkgColor = "#E83737", this.taskTextDarkColor = "calculated", this.todayLineColor = "#DB5757", this.personBorder = this.primaryBorderColor, this.personBkg = this.mainBkg, this.labelColor = "calculated", this.errorBkgColor = "#a44141", this.errorTextColor = "#ddd";
4019 }
4020 updateColors() {
4021 var e, i, r, n, o, s, a, l, h, u, f;
4022 this.secondBkg = F(this.mainBkg, 16), this.lineColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.arrowheadColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.nodeBkg = this.mainBkg, this.nodeBorder = this.border1, this.clusterBkg = this.secondBkg, this.clusterBorder = this.border2, this.defaultLinkColor = this.lineColor, this.edgeLabelBackground = F(this.labelBackground, 25), this.actorBorder = this.border1, this.actorBkg = this.mainBkg, this.actorTextColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.actorLineColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.signalColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.signalTextColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.labelBoxBkgColor = this.actorBkg, this.labelBoxBorderColor = this.actorBorder, this.labelTextColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.loopTextColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.noteBorderColor = this.secondaryBorderColor, this.noteBkgColor = this.secondBkg, this.noteTextColor = this.secondaryTextColor, this.activationBorderColor = this.border1, this.activationBkgColor = this.secondBkg, this.altSectionBkgColor = this.background, this.taskBkgColor = F(this.mainBkg, 23), this.taskTextColor = this.darkTextColor, this.taskTextLightColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.taskTextOutsideColor = this.taskTextLightColor, this.gridColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.doneTaskBkgColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.taskTextDarkColor = this.darkTextColor, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.transitionLabelColor = this.transitionLabelColor || this.textColor, this.stateLabelColor = this.stateLabelColor || this.stateBkg || this.primaryTextColor, this.stateBkg = this.stateBkg || this.mainBkg, this.labelBackgroundColor = this.labelBackgroundColor || this.stateBkg, this.compositeBackground = this.compositeBackground || this.background || this.tertiaryColor, this.altBackground = this.altBackground || "#555", this.compositeTitleBackground = this.compositeTitleBackground || this.mainBkg, this.compositeBorder = this.compositeBorder || this.nodeBorder, this.innerEndBackground = this.primaryBorderColor, this.specialStateColor = "#f4f4f4", this.errorBkgColor = this.errorBkgColor || this.tertiaryColor, this.errorTextColor = this.errorTextColor || this.tertiaryTextColor, this.fillType0 = this.primaryColor, this.fillType1 = this.secondaryColor, this.fillType2 = g(this.primaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType3 = g(this.secondaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType4 = g(this.primaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType5 = g(this.secondaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType6 = g(this.primaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.fillType7 = g(this.secondaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.cScale1 = this.cScale1 || "#0b0000", this.cScale2 = this.cScale2 || "#4d1037", this.cScale3 = this.cScale3 || "#3f5258", this.cScale4 = this.cScale4 || "#4f2f1b", this.cScale5 = this.cScale5 || "#6e0a0a", this.cScale6 = this.cScale6 || "#3b0048", this.cScale7 = this.cScale7 || "#995a01", this.cScale8 = this.cScale8 || "#154706", this.cScale9 = this.cScale9 || "#161722", this.cScale10 = this.cScale10 || "#00296f", this.cScale11 = this.cScale11 || "#01629c", this.cScale12 = this.cScale12 || "#010029", this.cScale0 = this.cScale0 || this.primaryColor, this.cScale1 = this.cScale1 || this.secondaryColor, this.cScale2 = this.cScale2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.cScale3 = this.cScale3 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 30 }), this.cScale4 = this.cScale4 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.cScale5 = this.cScale5 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 90 }), this.cScale6 = this.cScale6 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.cScale7 = this.cScale7 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 150 }), this.cScale8 = this.cScale8 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 210 }), this.cScale9 = this.cScale9 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 270 }), this.cScale10 = this.cScale10 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 300 }), this.cScale11 = this.cScale11 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 330 });
4023 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4024 this["cScaleInv" + c] = this["cScaleInv" + c] || _(this["cScale" + c]);
4025 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4026 this["cScalePeer" + c] = this["cScalePeer" + c] || F(this["cScale" + c], 10);
4027 for (let c = 0; c < 5; c++)
4028 this["surface" + c] = this["surface" + c] || g(this.mainBkg, { h: 30, s: -30, l: -(-10 + c * 4) }), this["surfacePeer" + c] = this["surfacePeer" + c] || g(this.mainBkg, { h: 30, s: -30, l: -(-7 + c * 4) });
4029 this.scaleLabelColor = this.scaleLabelColor || (this.darkMode ? "black" : this.labelTextColor);
4030 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4031 this["cScaleLabel" + c] = this["cScaleLabel" + c] || this.scaleLabelColor;
4032 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4033 this["pie" + c] = this["cScale" + c];
4034 this.pieTitleTextSize = this.pieTitleTextSize || "25px", this.pieTitleTextColor = this.pieTitleTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieSectionTextSize = this.pieSectionTextSize || "17px", this.pieSectionTextColor = this.pieSectionTextColor || this.textColor, this.pieLegendTextSize = this.pieLegendTextSize || "17px", this.pieLegendTextColor = this.pieLegendTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieStrokeColor = this.pieStrokeColor || "black", this.pieStrokeWidth = this.pieStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOuterStrokeWidth = this.pieOuterStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOuterStrokeColor = this.pieOuterStrokeColor || "black", this.pieOpacity = this.pieOpacity || "0.7", this.quadrant1Fill = this.quadrant1Fill || this.primaryColor, this.quadrant2Fill = this.quadrant2Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 5, g: 5, b: 5 }), this.quadrant3Fill = this.quadrant3Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 10, g: 10, b: 10 }), this.quadrant4Fill = this.quadrant4Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 15, g: 15, b: 15 }), this.quadrant1TextFill = this.quadrant1TextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrant2TextFill = this.quadrant2TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -5, g: -5, b: -5 }), this.quadrant3TextFill = this.quadrant3TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -10, g: -10, b: -10 }), this.quadrant4TextFill = this.quadrant4TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -15, g: -15, b: -15 }), this.quadrantPointFill = this.quadrantPointFill || mi(this.quadrant1Fill) ? F(this.quadrant1Fill) : E(this.quadrant1Fill), this.quadrantPointTextFill = this.quadrantPointTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantXAxisTextFill = this.quadrantXAxisTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantYAxisTextFill = this.quadrantYAxisTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantInternalBorderStrokeFill = this.quadrantInternalBorderStrokeFill || this.primaryBorderColor, this.quadrantExternalBorderStrokeFill = this.quadrantExternalBorderStrokeFill || this.primaryBorderColor, this.quadrantTitleFill = this.quadrantTitleFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.xyChart = {
4035 backgroundColor: ((e = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : e.backgroundColor) || this.background,
4036 titleColor: ((i = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : i.titleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4037 xAxisTitleColor: ((r = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : r.xAxisTitleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4038 xAxisLabelColor: ((n = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : n.xAxisLabelColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4039 xAxisTickColor: ((o = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : o.xAxisTickColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4040 xAxisLineColor: ((s = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : s.xAxisLineColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4041 yAxisTitleColor: ((a = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : a.yAxisTitleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4042 yAxisLabelColor: ((l = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : l.yAxisLabelColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4043 yAxisTickColor: ((h = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : h.yAxisTickColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4044 yAxisLineColor: ((u = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : u.yAxisLineColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4045 plotColorPalette: ((f = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : f.plotColorPalette) || "#3498db,#2ecc71,#e74c3c,#f1c40f,#bdc3c7,#ffffff,#34495e,#9b59b6,#1abc9c,#e67e22"
4046 }, this.classText = this.primaryTextColor, this.requirementBackground = this.requirementBackground || this.primaryColor, this.requirementBorderColor = this.requirementBorderColor || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementBorderSize = this.requirementBorderSize || "1", this.requirementTextColor = this.requirementTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.relationColor = this.relationColor || this.lineColor, this.relationLabelBackground = this.relationLabelBackground || (this.darkMode ? E(this.secondaryColor, 30) : this.secondaryColor), this.relationLabelColor = this.relationLabelColor || this.actorTextColor, this.git0 = F(this.secondaryColor, 20), this.git1 = F(this.pie2 || this.secondaryColor, 20), this.git2 = F(this.pie3 || this.tertiaryColor, 20), this.git3 = F(this.pie4 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -30 }), 20), this.git4 = F(this.pie5 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -60 }), 20), this.git5 = F(this.pie6 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -90 }), 10), this.git6 = F(this.pie7 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), 10), this.git7 = F(this.pie8 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), 20), this.gitInv0 = this.gitInv0 || _(this.git0), this.gitInv1 = this.gitInv1 || _(this.git1), this.gitInv2 = this.gitInv2 || _(this.git2), this.gitInv3 = this.gitInv3 || _(this.git3), this.gitInv4 = this.gitInv4 || _(this.git4), this.gitInv5 = this.gitInv5 || _(this.git5), this.gitInv6 = this.gitInv6 || _(this.git6), this.gitInv7 = this.gitInv7 || _(this.git7), this.gitBranchLabel0 = this.gitBranchLabel0 || _(this.labelTextColor), this.gitBranchLabel1 = this.gitBranchLabel1 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel2 = this.gitBranchLabel2 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel3 = this.gitBranchLabel3 || _(this.labelTextColor), this.gitBranchLabel4 = this.gitBranchLabel4 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel5 = this.gitBranchLabel5 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel6 = this.gitBranchLabel6 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel7 = this.gitBranchLabel7 || this.labelTextColor, this.tagLabelColor = this.tagLabelColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.tagLabelBackground = this.tagLabelBackground || this.primaryColor, this.tagLabelBorder = this.tagBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.tagLabelFontSize = this.tagLabelFontSize || "10px", this.commitLabelColor = this.commitLabelColor || this.secondaryTextColor, this.commitLabelBackground = this.commitLabelBackground || this.secondaryColor, this.commitLabelFontSize = this.commitLabelFontSize || "10px", this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd = this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd || F(this.background, 12), this.attributeBackgroundColorEven = this.attributeBackgroundColorEven || F(this.background, 2);
4047 }
4048 calculate(e) {
4049 if (typeof e != "object") {
4050 this.updateColors();
4051 return;
4052 }
4053 const i = Object.keys(e);
4054 i.forEach((r) => {
4055 this[r] = e[r];
4056 }), this.updateColors(), i.forEach((r) => {
4057 this[r] = e[r];
4058 });
4059 }
4061const hp = (t) => {
4062 const e = new lp();
4063 return e.calculate(t), e;
4065let cp = class {
4066 constructor() {
4067 this.background = "#f4f4f4", this.primaryColor = "#ECECFF", this.secondaryColor = g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.secondaryColor = "#ffffde", this.tertiaryColor = g(this.primaryColor, { h: -160 }), this.primaryBorderColor = ht(this.primaryColor, this.darkMode), this.secondaryBorderColor = ht(this.secondaryColor, this.darkMode), this.tertiaryBorderColor = ht(this.tertiaryColor, this.darkMode), this.primaryTextColor = _(this.primaryColor), this.secondaryTextColor = _(this.secondaryColor), this.tertiaryTextColor = _(this.tertiaryColor), this.lineColor = _(this.background), this.textColor = _(this.background), this.background = "white", this.mainBkg = "#ECECFF", this.secondBkg = "#ffffde", this.lineColor = "#333333", this.border1 = "#9370DB", this.border2 = "#aaaa33", this.arrowheadColor = "#333333", this.fontFamily = '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif', this.fontSize = "16px", this.labelBackground = "#e8e8e8", this.textColor = "#333", this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT = 12, this.nodeBkg = "calculated", this.nodeBorder = "calculated", this.clusterBkg = "calculated", this.clusterBorder = "calculated", this.defaultLinkColor = "calculated", this.titleColor = "calculated", this.edgeLabelBackground = "calculated", this.actorBorder = "calculated", this.actorBkg = "calculated", this.actorTextColor = "black", this.actorLineColor = "grey", this.signalColor = "calculated", this.signalTextColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBkgColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBorderColor = "calculated", this.labelTextColor = "calculated", this.loopTextColor = "calculated", this.noteBorderColor = "calculated", this.noteBkgColor = "#fff5ad", this.noteTextColor = "calculated", this.activationBorderColor = "#666", this.activationBkgColor = "#f4f4f4", this.sequenceNumberColor = "white", this.sectionBkgColor = "calculated", this.altSectionBkgColor = "calculated", this.sectionBkgColor2 = "calculated", this.excludeBkgColor = "#eeeeee", this.taskBorderColor = "calculated", this.taskBkgColor = "calculated", this.taskTextLightColor = "calculated", this.taskTextColor = this.taskTextLightColor, this.taskTextDarkColor = "calculated", this.taskTextOutsideColor = this.taskTextDarkColor, this.taskTextClickableColor = "calculated", this.activeTaskBorderColor = "calculated", this.activeTaskBkgColor = "calculated", this.gridColor = "calculated", this.doneTaskBkgColor = "calculated", this.doneTaskBorderColor = "calculated", this.critBorderColor = "calculated", this.critBkgColor = "calculated", this.todayLineColor = "calculated", this.sectionBkgColor = Je(102, 102, 255, 0.49), this.altSectionBkgColor = "white", this.sectionBkgColor2 = "#fff400", this.taskBorderColor = "#534fbc", this.taskBkgColor = "#8a90dd", this.taskTextLightColor = "white", this.taskTextColor = "calculated", this.taskTextDarkColor = "black", this.taskTextOutsideColor = "calculated", this.taskTextClickableColor = "#003163", this.activeTaskBorderColor = "#534fbc", this.activeTaskBkgColor = "#bfc7ff", this.gridColor = "lightgrey", this.doneTaskBkgColor = "lightgrey", this.doneTaskBorderColor = "grey", this.critBorderColor = "#ff8888", this.critBkgColor = "red", this.todayLineColor = "red", this.personBorder = this.primaryBorderColor, this.personBkg = this.mainBkg, this.labelColor = "black", this.errorBkgColor = "#552222", this.errorTextColor = "#552222", this.updateColors();
4068 }
4069 updateColors() {
4070 var e, i, r, n, o, s, a, l, h, u, f;
4071 this.cScale0 = this.cScale0 || this.primaryColor, this.cScale1 = this.cScale1 || this.secondaryColor, this.cScale2 = this.cScale2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.cScale3 = this.cScale3 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 30 }), this.cScale4 = this.cScale4 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.cScale5 = this.cScale5 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 90 }), this.cScale6 = this.cScale6 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.cScale7 = this.cScale7 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 150 }), this.cScale8 = this.cScale8 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 210 }), this.cScale9 = this.cScale9 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 270 }), this.cScale10 = this.cScale10 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 300 }), this.cScale11 = this.cScale11 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 330 }), this["cScalePeer1"] = this["cScalePeer1"] || E(this.secondaryColor, 45), this["cScalePeer2"] = this["cScalePeer2"] || E(this.tertiaryColor, 40);
4072 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4073 this["cScale" + c] = E(this["cScale" + c], 10), this["cScalePeer" + c] = this["cScalePeer" + c] || E(this["cScale" + c], 25);
4074 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4075 this["cScaleInv" + c] = this["cScaleInv" + c] || g(this["cScale" + c], { h: 180 });
4076 for (let c = 0; c < 5; c++)
4077 this["surface" + c] = this["surface" + c] || g(this.mainBkg, { h: 30, l: -(5 + c * 5) }), this["surfacePeer" + c] = this["surfacePeer" + c] || g(this.mainBkg, { h: 30, l: -(7 + c * 5) });
4078 if (this.scaleLabelColor = this.scaleLabelColor !== "calculated" && this.scaleLabelColor ? this.scaleLabelColor : this.labelTextColor, this.labelTextColor !== "calculated") {
4079 this.cScaleLabel0 = this.cScaleLabel0 || _(this.labelTextColor), this.cScaleLabel3 = this.cScaleLabel3 || _(this.labelTextColor);
4080 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4081 this["cScaleLabel" + c] = this["cScaleLabel" + c] || this.labelTextColor;
4082 }
4083 this.nodeBkg = this.mainBkg, this.nodeBorder = this.border1, this.clusterBkg = this.secondBkg, this.clusterBorder = this.border2, this.defaultLinkColor = this.lineColor, this.titleColor = this.textColor, this.edgeLabelBackground = this.labelBackground, this.actorBorder = F(this.border1, 23), this.actorBkg = this.mainBkg, this.labelBoxBkgColor = this.actorBkg, this.signalColor = this.textColor, this.signalTextColor = this.textColor, this.labelBoxBorderColor = this.actorBorder, this.labelTextColor = this.actorTextColor, this.loopTextColor = this.actorTextColor, this.noteBorderColor = this.border2, this.noteTextColor = this.actorTextColor, this.taskTextColor = this.taskTextLightColor, this.taskTextOutsideColor = this.taskTextDarkColor, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.transitionLabelColor = this.transitionLabelColor || this.textColor, this.stateLabelColor = this.stateLabelColor || this.stateBkg || this.primaryTextColor, this.stateBkg = this.stateBkg || this.mainBkg, this.labelBackgroundColor = this.labelBackgroundColor || this.stateBkg, this.compositeBackground = this.compositeBackground || this.background || this.tertiaryColor, this.altBackground = this.altBackground || "#f0f0f0", this.compositeTitleBackground = this.compositeTitleBackground || this.mainBkg, this.compositeBorder = this.compositeBorder || this.nodeBorder, this.innerEndBackground = this.nodeBorder, this.specialStateColor = this.lineColor, this.errorBkgColor = this.errorBkgColor || this.tertiaryColor, this.errorTextColor = this.errorTextColor || this.tertiaryTextColor, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.classText = this.primaryTextColor, this.fillType0 = this.primaryColor, this.fillType1 = this.secondaryColor, this.fillType2 = g(this.primaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType3 = g(this.secondaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType4 = g(this.primaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType5 = g(this.secondaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType6 = g(this.primaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.fillType7 = g(this.secondaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.pie1 = this.pie1 || this.primaryColor, this.pie2 = this.pie2 || this.secondaryColor, this.pie3 = this.pie3 || g(this.tertiaryColor, { l: -40 }), this.pie4 = this.pie4 || g(this.primaryColor, { l: -10 }), this.pie5 = this.pie5 || g(this.secondaryColor, { l: -30 }), this.pie6 = this.pie6 || g(this.tertiaryColor, { l: -20 }), this.pie7 = this.pie7 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60, l: -20 }), this.pie8 = this.pie8 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -60, l: -40 }), this.pie9 = this.pie9 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120, l: -40 }), this.pie10 = this.pie10 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60, l: -40 }), this.pie11 = this.pie11 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -90, l: -40 }), this.pie12 = this.pie12 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120, l: -30 }), this.pieTitleTextSize = this.pieTitleTextSize || "25px", this.pieTitleTextColor = this.pieTitleTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieSectionTextSize = this.pieSectionTextSize || "17px", this.pieSectionTextColor = this.pieSectionTextColor || this.textColor, this.pieLegendTextSize = this.pieLegendTextSize || "17px", this.pieLegendTextColor = this.pieLegendTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieStrokeColor = this.pieStrokeColor || "black", this.pieStrokeWidth = this.pieStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOuterStrokeWidth = this.pieOuterStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOuterStrokeColor = this.pieOuterStrokeColor || "black", this.pieOpacity = this.pieOpacity || "0.7", this.quadrant1Fill = this.quadrant1Fill || this.primaryColor, this.quadrant2Fill = this.quadrant2Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 5, g: 5, b: 5 }), this.quadrant3Fill = this.quadrant3Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 10, g: 10, b: 10 }), this.quadrant4Fill = this.quadrant4Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 15, g: 15, b: 15 }), this.quadrant1TextFill = this.quadrant1TextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrant2TextFill = this.quadrant2TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -5, g: -5, b: -5 }), this.quadrant3TextFill = this.quadrant3TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -10, g: -10, b: -10 }), this.quadrant4TextFill = this.quadrant4TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -15, g: -15, b: -15 }), this.quadrantPointFill = this.quadrantPointFill || mi(this.quadrant1Fill) ? F(this.quadrant1Fill) : E(this.quadrant1Fill), this.quadrantPointTextFill = this.quadrantPointTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantXAxisTextFill = this.quadrantXAxisTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantYAxisTextFill = this.quadrantYAxisTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantInternalBorderStrokeFill = this.quadrantInternalBorderStrokeFill || this.primaryBorderColor, this.quadrantExternalBorderStrokeFill = this.quadrantExternalBorderStrokeFill || this.primaryBorderColor, this.quadrantTitleFill = this.quadrantTitleFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.xyChart = {
4084 backgroundColor: ((e = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : e.backgroundColor) || this.background,
4085 titleColor: ((i = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : i.titleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4086 xAxisTitleColor: ((r = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : r.xAxisTitleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4087 xAxisLabelColor: ((n = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : n.xAxisLabelColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4088 xAxisTickColor: ((o = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : o.xAxisTickColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4089 xAxisLineColor: ((s = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : s.xAxisLineColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4090 yAxisTitleColor: ((a = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : a.yAxisTitleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4091 yAxisLabelColor: ((l = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : l.yAxisLabelColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4092 yAxisTickColor: ((h = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : h.yAxisTickColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4093 yAxisLineColor: ((u = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : u.yAxisLineColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4094 plotColorPalette: ((f = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : f.plotColorPalette) || "#ECECFF,#8493A6,#FFC3A0,#DCDDE1,#B8E994,#D1A36F,#C3CDE6,#FFB6C1,#496078,#F8F3E3"
4095 }, this.requirementBackground = this.requirementBackground || this.primaryColor, this.requirementBorderColor = this.requirementBorderColor || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementBorderSize = this.requirementBorderSize || "1", this.requirementTextColor = this.requirementTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.relationColor = this.relationColor || this.lineColor, this.relationLabelBackground = this.relationLabelBackground || this.labelBackground, this.relationLabelColor = this.relationLabelColor || this.actorTextColor, this.git0 = this.git0 || this.primaryColor, this.git1 = this.git1 || this.secondaryColor, this.git2 = this.git2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.git3 = this.git3 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -30 }), this.git4 = this.git4 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -60 }), this.git5 = this.git5 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -90 }), this.git6 = this.git6 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.git7 = this.git7 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.darkMode ? (this.git0 = F(this.git0, 25), this.git1 = F(this.git1, 25), this.git2 = F(this.git2, 25), this.git3 = F(this.git3, 25), this.git4 = F(this.git4, 25), this.git5 = F(this.git5, 25), this.git6 = F(this.git6, 25), this.git7 = F(this.git7, 25)) : (this.git0 = E(this.git0, 25), this.git1 = E(this.git1, 25), this.git2 = E(this.git2, 25), this.git3 = E(this.git3, 25), this.git4 = E(this.git4, 25), this.git5 = E(this.git5, 25), this.git6 = E(this.git6, 25), this.git7 = E(this.git7, 25)), this.gitInv0 = this.gitInv0 || E(_(this.git0), 25), this.gitInv1 = this.gitInv1 || _(this.git1), this.gitInv2 = this.gitInv2 || _(this.git2), this.gitInv3 = this.gitInv3 || _(this.git3), this.gitInv4 = this.gitInv4 || _(this.git4), this.gitInv5 = this.gitInv5 || _(this.git5), this.gitInv6 = this.gitInv6 || _(this.git6), this.gitInv7 = this.gitInv7 || _(this.git7), this.gitBranchLabel0 = this.gitBranchLabel0 || _(this.labelTextColor), this.gitBranchLabel1 = this.gitBranchLabel1 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel2 = this.gitBranchLabel2 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel3 = this.gitBranchLabel3 || _(this.labelTextColor), this.gitBranchLabel4 = this.gitBranchLabel4 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel5 = this.gitBranchLabel5 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel6 = this.gitBranchLabel6 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel7 = this.gitBranchLabel7 || this.labelTextColor, this.tagLabelColor = this.tagLabelColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.tagLabelBackground = this.tagLabelBackground || this.primaryColor, this.tagLabelBorder = this.tagBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.tagLabelFontSize = this.tagLabelFontSize || "10px", this.commitLabelColor = this.commitLabelColor || this.secondaryTextColor, this.commitLabelBackground = this.commitLabelBackground || this.secondaryColor, this.commitLabelFontSize = this.commitLabelFontSize || "10px", this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd = this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd || _r, this.attributeBackgroundColorEven = this.attributeBackgroundColorEven || Cr;
4096 }
4097 calculate(e) {
4098 if (typeof e != "object") {
4099 this.updateColors();
4100 return;
4101 }
4102 const i = Object.keys(e);
4103 i.forEach((r) => {
4104 this[r] = e[r];
4105 }), this.updateColors(), i.forEach((r) => {
4106 this[r] = e[r];
4107 });
4108 }
4110const up = (t) => {
4111 const e = new cp();
4112 return e.calculate(t), e;
4114let fp = class {
4115 constructor() {
4116 this.background = "#f4f4f4", this.primaryColor = "#cde498", this.secondaryColor = "#cdffb2", this.background = "white", this.mainBkg = "#cde498", this.secondBkg = "#cdffb2", this.lineColor = "green", this.border1 = "#13540c", this.border2 = "#6eaa49", this.arrowheadColor = "green", this.fontFamily = '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif', this.fontSize = "16px", this.tertiaryColor = F("#cde498", 10), this.primaryBorderColor = ht(this.primaryColor, this.darkMode), this.secondaryBorderColor = ht(this.secondaryColor, this.darkMode), this.tertiaryBorderColor = ht(this.tertiaryColor, this.darkMode), this.primaryTextColor = _(this.primaryColor), this.secondaryTextColor = _(this.secondaryColor), this.tertiaryTextColor = _(this.primaryColor), this.lineColor = _(this.background), this.textColor = _(this.background), this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT = 12, this.nodeBkg = "calculated", this.nodeBorder = "calculated", this.clusterBkg = "calculated", this.clusterBorder = "calculated", this.defaultLinkColor = "calculated", this.titleColor = "#333", this.edgeLabelBackground = "#e8e8e8", this.actorBorder = "calculated", this.actorBkg = "calculated", this.actorTextColor = "black", this.actorLineColor = "grey", this.signalColor = "#333", this.signalTextColor = "#333", this.labelBoxBkgColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBorderColor = "#326932", this.labelTextColor = "calculated", this.loopTextColor = "calculated", this.noteBorderColor = "calculated", this.noteBkgColor = "#fff5ad", this.noteTextColor = "calculated", this.activationBorderColor = "#666", this.activationBkgColor = "#f4f4f4", this.sequenceNumberColor = "white", this.sectionBkgColor = "#6eaa49", this.altSectionBkgColor = "white", this.sectionBkgColor2 = "#6eaa49", this.excludeBkgColor = "#eeeeee", this.taskBorderColor = "calculated", this.taskBkgColor = "#487e3a", this.taskTextLightColor = "white", this.taskTextColor = "calculated", this.taskTextDarkColor = "black", this.taskTextOutsideColor = "calculated", this.taskTextClickableColor = "#003163", this.activeTaskBorderColor = "calculated", this.activeTaskBkgColor = "calculated", this.gridColor = "lightgrey", this.doneTaskBkgColor = "lightgrey", this.doneTaskBorderColor = "grey", this.critBorderColor = "#ff8888", this.critBkgColor = "red", this.todayLineColor = "red", this.personBorder = this.primaryBorderColor, this.personBkg = this.mainBkg, this.labelColor = "black", this.errorBkgColor = "#552222", this.errorTextColor = "#552222";
4117 }
4118 updateColors() {
4119 var e, i, r, n, o, s, a, l, h, u, f;
4120 this.actorBorder = E(this.mainBkg, 20), this.actorBkg = this.mainBkg, this.labelBoxBkgColor = this.actorBkg, this.labelTextColor = this.actorTextColor, this.loopTextColor = this.actorTextColor, this.noteBorderColor = this.border2, this.noteTextColor = this.actorTextColor, this.cScale0 = this.cScale0 || this.primaryColor, this.cScale1 = this.cScale1 || this.secondaryColor, this.cScale2 = this.cScale2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.cScale3 = this.cScale3 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 30 }), this.cScale4 = this.cScale4 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.cScale5 = this.cScale5 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 90 }), this.cScale6 = this.cScale6 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.cScale7 = this.cScale7 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 150 }), this.cScale8 = this.cScale8 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 210 }), this.cScale9 = this.cScale9 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 270 }), this.cScale10 = this.cScale10 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 300 }), this.cScale11 = this.cScale11 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 330 }), this["cScalePeer1"] = this["cScalePeer1"] || E(this.secondaryColor, 45), this["cScalePeer2"] = this["cScalePeer2"] || E(this.tertiaryColor, 40);
4121 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4122 this["cScale" + c] = E(this["cScale" + c], 10), this["cScalePeer" + c] = this["cScalePeer" + c] || E(this["cScale" + c], 25);
4123 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4124 this["cScaleInv" + c] = this["cScaleInv" + c] || g(this["cScale" + c], { h: 180 });
4125 this.scaleLabelColor = this.scaleLabelColor !== "calculated" && this.scaleLabelColor ? this.scaleLabelColor : this.labelTextColor;
4126 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4127 this["cScaleLabel" + c] = this["cScaleLabel" + c] || this.scaleLabelColor;
4128 for (let c = 0; c < 5; c++)
4129 this["surface" + c] = this["surface" + c] || g(this.mainBkg, { h: 30, s: -30, l: -(5 + c * 5) }), this["surfacePeer" + c] = this["surfacePeer" + c] || g(this.mainBkg, { h: 30, s: -30, l: -(8 + c * 5) });
4130 this.nodeBkg = this.mainBkg, this.nodeBorder = this.border1, this.clusterBkg = this.secondBkg, this.clusterBorder = this.border2, this.defaultLinkColor = this.lineColor, this.taskBorderColor = this.border1, this.taskTextColor = this.taskTextLightColor, this.taskTextOutsideColor = this.taskTextDarkColor, this.activeTaskBorderColor = this.taskBorderColor, this.activeTaskBkgColor = this.mainBkg, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.transitionLabelColor = this.transitionLabelColor || this.textColor, this.stateLabelColor = this.stateLabelColor || this.stateBkg || this.primaryTextColor, this.stateBkg = this.stateBkg || this.mainBkg, this.labelBackgroundColor = this.labelBackgroundColor || this.stateBkg, this.compositeBackground = this.compositeBackground || this.background || this.tertiaryColor, this.altBackground = this.altBackground || "#f0f0f0", this.compositeTitleBackground = this.compositeTitleBackground || this.mainBkg, this.compositeBorder = this.compositeBorder || this.nodeBorder, this.innerEndBackground = this.primaryBorderColor, this.specialStateColor = this.lineColor, this.errorBkgColor = this.errorBkgColor || this.tertiaryColor, this.errorTextColor = this.errorTextColor || this.tertiaryTextColor, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.classText = this.primaryTextColor, this.fillType0 = this.primaryColor, this.fillType1 = this.secondaryColor, this.fillType2 = g(this.primaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType3 = g(this.secondaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType4 = g(this.primaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType5 = g(this.secondaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType6 = g(this.primaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.fillType7 = g(this.secondaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.pie1 = this.pie1 || this.primaryColor, this.pie2 = this.pie2 || this.secondaryColor, this.pie3 = this.pie3 || this.tertiaryColor, this.pie4 = this.pie4 || g(this.primaryColor, { l: -30 }), this.pie5 = this.pie5 || g(this.secondaryColor, { l: -30 }), this.pie6 = this.pie6 || g(this.tertiaryColor, { h: 40, l: -40 }), this.pie7 = this.pie7 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60, l: -10 }), this.pie8 = this.pie8 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -60, l: -10 }), this.pie9 = this.pie9 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120, l: 0 }), this.pie10 = this.pie10 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60, l: -50 }), this.pie11 = this.pie11 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -60, l: -50 }), this.pie12 = this.pie12 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120, l: -50 }), this.pieTitleTextSize = this.pieTitleTextSize || "25px", this.pieTitleTextColor = this.pieTitleTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieSectionTextSize = this.pieSectionTextSize || "17px", this.pieSectionTextColor = this.pieSectionTextColor || this.textColor, this.pieLegendTextSize = this.pieLegendTextSize || "17px", this.pieLegendTextColor = this.pieLegendTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieStrokeColor = this.pieStrokeColor || "black", this.pieStrokeWidth = this.pieStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOuterStrokeWidth = this.pieOuterStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOuterStrokeColor = this.pieOuterStrokeColor || "black", this.pieOpacity = this.pieOpacity || "0.7", this.quadrant1Fill = this.quadrant1Fill || this.primaryColor, this.quadrant2Fill = this.quadrant2Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 5, g: 5, b: 5 }), this.quadrant3Fill = this.quadrant3Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 10, g: 10, b: 10 }), this.quadrant4Fill = this.quadrant4Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 15, g: 15, b: 15 }), this.quadrant1TextFill = this.quadrant1TextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrant2TextFill = this.quadrant2TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -5, g: -5, b: -5 }), this.quadrant3TextFill = this.quadrant3TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -10, g: -10, b: -10 }), this.quadrant4TextFill = this.quadrant4TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -15, g: -15, b: -15 }), this.quadrantPointFill = this.quadrantPointFill || mi(this.quadrant1Fill) ? F(this.quadrant1Fill) : E(this.quadrant1Fill), this.quadrantPointTextFill = this.quadrantPointTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantXAxisTextFill = this.quadrantXAxisTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantYAxisTextFill = this.quadrantYAxisTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantInternalBorderStrokeFill = this.quadrantInternalBorderStrokeFill || this.primaryBorderColor, this.quadrantExternalBorderStrokeFill = this.quadrantExternalBorderStrokeFill || this.primaryBorderColor, this.quadrantTitleFill = this.quadrantTitleFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.xyChart = {
4131 backgroundColor: ((e = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : e.backgroundColor) || this.background,
4132 titleColor: ((i = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : i.titleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4133 xAxisTitleColor: ((r = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : r.xAxisTitleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4134 xAxisLabelColor: ((n = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : n.xAxisLabelColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4135 xAxisTickColor: ((o = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : o.xAxisTickColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4136 xAxisLineColor: ((s = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : s.xAxisLineColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4137 yAxisTitleColor: ((a = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : a.yAxisTitleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4138 yAxisLabelColor: ((l = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : l.yAxisLabelColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4139 yAxisTickColor: ((h = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : h.yAxisTickColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4140 yAxisLineColor: ((u = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : u.yAxisLineColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4141 plotColorPalette: ((f = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : f.plotColorPalette) || "#CDE498,#FF6B6B,#A0D2DB,#D7BDE2,#F0F0F0,#FFC3A0,#7FD8BE,#FF9A8B,#FAF3E0,#FFF176"
4142 }, this.requirementBackground = this.requirementBackground || this.primaryColor, this.requirementBorderColor = this.requirementBorderColor || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementBorderSize = this.requirementBorderSize || "1", this.requirementTextColor = this.requirementTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.relationColor = this.relationColor || this.lineColor, this.relationLabelBackground = this.relationLabelBackground || this.edgeLabelBackground, this.relationLabelColor = this.relationLabelColor || this.actorTextColor, this.git0 = this.git0 || this.primaryColor, this.git1 = this.git1 || this.secondaryColor, this.git2 = this.git2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.git3 = this.git3 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -30 }), this.git4 = this.git4 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -60 }), this.git5 = this.git5 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -90 }), this.git6 = this.git6 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.git7 = this.git7 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.darkMode ? (this.git0 = F(this.git0, 25), this.git1 = F(this.git1, 25), this.git2 = F(this.git2, 25), this.git3 = F(this.git3, 25), this.git4 = F(this.git4, 25), this.git5 = F(this.git5, 25), this.git6 = F(this.git6, 25), this.git7 = F(this.git7, 25)) : (this.git0 = E(this.git0, 25), this.git1 = E(this.git1, 25), this.git2 = E(this.git2, 25), this.git3 = E(this.git3, 25), this.git4 = E(this.git4, 25), this.git5 = E(this.git5, 25), this.git6 = E(this.git6, 25), this.git7 = E(this.git7, 25)), this.gitInv0 = this.gitInv0 || _(this.git0), this.gitInv1 = this.gitInv1 || _(this.git1), this.gitInv2 = this.gitInv2 || _(this.git2), this.gitInv3 = this.gitInv3 || _(this.git3), this.gitInv4 = this.gitInv4 || _(this.git4), this.gitInv5 = this.gitInv5 || _(this.git5), this.gitInv6 = this.gitInv6 || _(this.git6), this.gitInv7 = this.gitInv7 || _(this.git7), this.gitBranchLabel0 = this.gitBranchLabel0 || _(this.labelTextColor), this.gitBranchLabel1 = this.gitBranchLabel1 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel2 = this.gitBranchLabel2 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel3 = this.gitBranchLabel3 || _(this.labelTextColor), this.gitBranchLabel4 = this.gitBranchLabel4 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel5 = this.gitBranchLabel5 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel6 = this.gitBranchLabel6 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel7 = this.gitBranchLabel7 || this.labelTextColor, this.tagLabelColor = this.tagLabelColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.tagLabelBackground = this.tagLabelBackground || this.primaryColor, this.tagLabelBorder = this.tagBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.tagLabelFontSize = this.tagLabelFontSize || "10px", this.commitLabelColor = this.commitLabelColor || this.secondaryTextColor, this.commitLabelBackground = this.commitLabelBackground || this.secondaryColor, this.commitLabelFontSize = this.commitLabelFontSize || "10px", this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd = this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd || _r, this.attributeBackgroundColorEven = this.attributeBackgroundColorEven || Cr;
4143 }
4144 calculate(e) {
4145 if (typeof e != "object") {
4146 this.updateColors();
4147 return;
4148 }
4149 const i = Object.keys(e);
4150 i.forEach((r) => {
4151 this[r] = e[r];
4152 }), this.updateColors(), i.forEach((r) => {
4153 this[r] = e[r];
4154 });
4155 }
4157const dp = (t) => {
4158 const e = new fp();
4159 return e.calculate(t), e;
4161class pp {
4162 constructor() {
4163 this.primaryColor = "#eee", this.contrast = "#707070", this.secondaryColor = F(this.contrast, 55), this.background = "#ffffff", this.tertiaryColor = g(this.primaryColor, { h: -160 }), this.primaryBorderColor = ht(this.primaryColor, this.darkMode), this.secondaryBorderColor = ht(this.secondaryColor, this.darkMode), this.tertiaryBorderColor = ht(this.tertiaryColor, this.darkMode), this.primaryTextColor = _(this.primaryColor), this.secondaryTextColor = _(this.secondaryColor), this.tertiaryTextColor = _(this.tertiaryColor), this.lineColor = _(this.background), this.textColor = _(this.background), this.mainBkg = "#eee", this.secondBkg = "calculated", this.lineColor = "#666", this.border1 = "#999", this.border2 = "calculated", this.note = "#ffa", this.text = "#333", this.critical = "#d42", this.done = "#bbb", this.arrowheadColor = "#333333", this.fontFamily = '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif', this.fontSize = "16px", this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT = 12, this.nodeBkg = "calculated", this.nodeBorder = "calculated", this.clusterBkg = "calculated", this.clusterBorder = "calculated", this.defaultLinkColor = "calculated", this.titleColor = "calculated", this.edgeLabelBackground = "white", this.actorBorder = "calculated", this.actorBkg = "calculated", this.actorTextColor = "calculated", this.actorLineColor = "calculated", this.signalColor = "calculated", this.signalTextColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBkgColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBorderColor = "calculated", this.labelTextColor = "calculated", this.loopTextColor = "calculated", this.noteBorderColor = "calculated", this.noteBkgColor = "calculated", this.noteTextColor = "calculated", this.activationBorderColor = "#666", this.activationBkgColor = "#f4f4f4", this.sequenceNumberColor = "white", this.sectionBkgColor = "calculated", this.altSectionBkgColor = "white", this.sectionBkgColor2 = "calculated", this.excludeBkgColor = "#eeeeee", this.taskBorderColor = "calculated", this.taskBkgColor = "calculated", this.taskTextLightColor = "white", this.taskTextColor = "calculated", this.taskTextDarkColor = "calculated", this.taskTextOutsideColor = "calculated", this.taskTextClickableColor = "#003163", this.activeTaskBorderColor = "calculated", this.activeTaskBkgColor = "calculated", this.gridColor = "calculated", this.doneTaskBkgColor = "calculated", this.doneTaskBorderColor = "calculated", this.critBkgColor = "calculated", this.critBorderColor = "calculated", this.todayLineColor = "calculated", this.personBorder = this.primaryBorderColor, this.personBkg = this.mainBkg, this.labelColor = "black", this.errorBkgColor = "#552222", this.errorTextColor = "#552222";
4164 }
4165 updateColors() {
4166 var e, i, r, n, o, s, a, l, h, u, f;
4167 this.secondBkg = F(this.contrast, 55), this.border2 = this.contrast, this.actorBorder = F(this.border1, 23), this.actorBkg = this.mainBkg, this.actorTextColor = this.text, this.actorLineColor = this.lineColor, this.signalColor = this.text, this.signalTextColor = this.text, this.labelBoxBkgColor = this.actorBkg, this.labelBoxBorderColor = this.actorBorder, this.labelTextColor = this.text, this.loopTextColor = this.text, this.noteBorderColor = "#999", this.noteBkgColor = "#666", this.noteTextColor = "#fff", this.cScale0 = this.cScale0 || "#555", this.cScale1 = this.cScale1 || "#F4F4F4", this.cScale2 = this.cScale2 || "#555", this.cScale3 = this.cScale3 || "#BBB", this.cScale4 = this.cScale4 || "#777", this.cScale5 = this.cScale5 || "#999", this.cScale6 = this.cScale6 || "#DDD", this.cScale7 = this.cScale7 || "#FFF", this.cScale8 = this.cScale8 || "#DDD", this.cScale9 = this.cScale9 || "#BBB", this.cScale10 = this.cScale10 || "#999", this.cScale11 = this.cScale11 || "#777";
4168 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4169 this["cScaleInv" + c] = this["cScaleInv" + c] || _(this["cScale" + c]);
4170 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4171 this.darkMode ? this["cScalePeer" + c] = this["cScalePeer" + c] || F(this["cScale" + c], 10) : this["cScalePeer" + c] = this["cScalePeer" + c] || E(this["cScale" + c], 10);
4172 this.scaleLabelColor = this.scaleLabelColor || (this.darkMode ? "black" : this.labelTextColor), this.cScaleLabel0 = this.cScaleLabel0 || this.cScale1, this.cScaleLabel2 = this.cScaleLabel2 || this.cScale1;
4173 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4174 this["cScaleLabel" + c] = this["cScaleLabel" + c] || this.scaleLabelColor;
4175 for (let c = 0; c < 5; c++)
4176 this["surface" + c] = this["surface" + c] || g(this.mainBkg, { l: -(5 + c * 5) }), this["surfacePeer" + c] = this["surfacePeer" + c] || g(this.mainBkg, { l: -(8 + c * 5) });
4177 this.nodeBkg = this.mainBkg, this.nodeBorder = this.border1, this.clusterBkg = this.secondBkg, this.clusterBorder = this.border2, this.defaultLinkColor = this.lineColor, this.titleColor = this.text, this.sectionBkgColor = F(this.contrast, 30), this.sectionBkgColor2 = F(this.contrast, 30), this.taskBorderColor = E(this.contrast, 10), this.taskBkgColor = this.contrast, this.taskTextColor = this.taskTextLightColor, this.taskTextDarkColor = this.text, this.taskTextOutsideColor = this.taskTextDarkColor, this.activeTaskBorderColor = this.taskBorderColor, this.activeTaskBkgColor = this.mainBkg, this.gridColor = F(this.border1, 30), this.doneTaskBkgColor = this.done, this.doneTaskBorderColor = this.lineColor, this.critBkgColor = this.critical, this.critBorderColor = E(this.critBkgColor, 10), this.todayLineColor = this.critBkgColor, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || "#000", this.transitionLabelColor = this.transitionLabelColor || this.textColor, this.stateLabelColor = this.stateLabelColor || this.stateBkg || this.primaryTextColor, this.stateBkg = this.stateBkg || this.mainBkg, this.labelBackgroundColor = this.labelBackgroundColor || this.stateBkg, this.compositeBackground = this.compositeBackground || this.background || this.tertiaryColor, this.altBackground = this.altBackground || "#f4f4f4", this.compositeTitleBackground = this.compositeTitleBackground || this.mainBkg, this.stateBorder = this.stateBorder || "#000", this.innerEndBackground = this.primaryBorderColor, this.specialStateColor = "#222", this.errorBkgColor = this.errorBkgColor || this.tertiaryColor, this.errorTextColor = this.errorTextColor || this.tertiaryTextColor, this.classText = this.primaryTextColor, this.fillType0 = this.primaryColor, this.fillType1 = this.secondaryColor, this.fillType2 = g(this.primaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType3 = g(this.secondaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType4 = g(this.primaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType5 = g(this.secondaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType6 = g(this.primaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.fillType7 = g(this.secondaryColor, { h: 128 });
4178 for (let c = 0; c < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; c++)
4179 this["pie" + c] = this["cScale" + c];
4180 this.pie12 = this.pie0, this.pieTitleTextSize = this.pieTitleTextSize || "25px", this.pieTitleTextColor = this.pieTitleTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieSectionTextSize = this.pieSectionTextSize || "17px", this.pieSectionTextColor = this.pieSectionTextColor || this.textColor, this.pieLegendTextSize = this.pieLegendTextSize || "17px", this.pieLegendTextColor = this.pieLegendTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieStrokeColor = this.pieStrokeColor || "black", this.pieStrokeWidth = this.pieStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOuterStrokeWidth = this.pieOuterStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOuterStrokeColor = this.pieOuterStrokeColor || "black", this.pieOpacity = this.pieOpacity || "0.7", this.quadrant1Fill = this.quadrant1Fill || this.primaryColor, this.quadrant2Fill = this.quadrant2Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 5, g: 5, b: 5 }), this.quadrant3Fill = this.quadrant3Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 10, g: 10, b: 10 }), this.quadrant4Fill = this.quadrant4Fill || g(this.primaryColor, { r: 15, g: 15, b: 15 }), this.quadrant1TextFill = this.quadrant1TextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrant2TextFill = this.quadrant2TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -5, g: -5, b: -5 }), this.quadrant3TextFill = this.quadrant3TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -10, g: -10, b: -10 }), this.quadrant4TextFill = this.quadrant4TextFill || g(this.primaryTextColor, { r: -15, g: -15, b: -15 }), this.quadrantPointFill = this.quadrantPointFill || mi(this.quadrant1Fill) ? F(this.quadrant1Fill) : E(this.quadrant1Fill), this.quadrantPointTextFill = this.quadrantPointTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantXAxisTextFill = this.quadrantXAxisTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantYAxisTextFill = this.quadrantYAxisTextFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.quadrantInternalBorderStrokeFill = this.quadrantInternalBorderStrokeFill || this.primaryBorderColor, this.quadrantExternalBorderStrokeFill = this.quadrantExternalBorderStrokeFill || this.primaryBorderColor, this.quadrantTitleFill = this.quadrantTitleFill || this.primaryTextColor, this.xyChart = {
4181 backgroundColor: ((e = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : e.backgroundColor) || this.background,
4182 titleColor: ((i = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : i.titleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4183 xAxisTitleColor: ((r = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : r.xAxisTitleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4184 xAxisLabelColor: ((n = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : n.xAxisLabelColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4185 xAxisTickColor: ((o = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : o.xAxisTickColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4186 xAxisLineColor: ((s = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : s.xAxisLineColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4187 yAxisTitleColor: ((a = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : a.yAxisTitleColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4188 yAxisLabelColor: ((l = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : l.yAxisLabelColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4189 yAxisTickColor: ((h = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : h.yAxisTickColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4190 yAxisLineColor: ((u = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : u.yAxisLineColor) || this.primaryTextColor,
4191 plotColorPalette: ((f = this.xyChart) == null ? void 0 : f.plotColorPalette) || "#EEE,#6BB8E4,#8ACB88,#C7ACD6,#E8DCC2,#FFB2A8,#FFF380,#7E8D91,#FFD8B1,#FAF3E0"
4192 }, this.requirementBackground = this.requirementBackground || this.primaryColor, this.requirementBorderColor = this.requirementBorderColor || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementBorderSize = this.requirementBorderSize || "1", this.requirementTextColor = this.requirementTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.relationColor = this.relationColor || this.lineColor, this.relationLabelBackground = this.relationLabelBackground || this.edgeLabelBackground, this.relationLabelColor = this.relationLabelColor || this.actorTextColor, this.git0 = E(this.pie1, 25) || this.primaryColor, this.git1 = this.pie2 || this.secondaryColor, this.git2 = this.pie3 || this.tertiaryColor, this.git3 = this.pie4 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -30 }), this.git4 = this.pie5 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -60 }), this.git5 = this.pie6 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: -90 }), this.git6 = this.pie7 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.git7 = this.pie8 || g(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.gitInv0 = this.gitInv0 || _(this.git0), this.gitInv1 = this.gitInv1 || _(this.git1), this.gitInv2 = this.gitInv2 || _(this.git2), this.gitInv3 = this.gitInv3 || _(this.git3), this.gitInv4 = this.gitInv4 || _(this.git4), this.gitInv5 = this.gitInv5 || _(this.git5), this.gitInv6 = this.gitInv6 || _(this.git6), this.gitInv7 = this.gitInv7 || _(this.git7), this.branchLabelColor = this.branchLabelColor || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel0 = this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel1 = "white", this.gitBranchLabel2 = this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel3 = "white", this.gitBranchLabel4 = this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel5 = this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel6 = this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel7 = this.branchLabelColor, this.tagLabelColor = this.tagLabelColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.tagLabelBackground = this.tagLabelBackground || this.primaryColor, this.tagLabelBorder = this.tagBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.tagLabelFontSize = this.tagLabelFontSize || "10px", this.commitLabelColor = this.commitLabelColor || this.secondaryTextColor, this.commitLabelBackground = this.commitLabelBackground || this.secondaryColor, this.commitLabelFontSize = this.commitLabelFontSize || "10px", this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd = this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd || _r, this.attributeBackgroundColorEven = this.attributeBackgroundColorEven || Cr;
4193 }
4194 calculate(e) {
4195 if (typeof e != "object") {
4196 this.updateColors();
4197 return;
4198 }
4199 const i = Object.keys(e);
4200 i.forEach((r) => {
4201 this[r] = e[r];
4202 }), this.updateColors(), i.forEach((r) => {
4203 this[r] = e[r];
4204 });
4205 }
4207const gp = (t) => {
4208 const e = new pp();
4209 return e.calculate(t), e;
4210}, Gt = {
4211 base: {
4212 getThemeVariables: ap
4213 },
4214 dark: {
4215 getThemeVariables: hp
4216 },
4217 default: {
4218 getThemeVariables: up
4219 },
4220 forest: {
4221 getThemeVariables: dp
4222 },
4223 neutral: {
4224 getThemeVariables: gp
4225 }
4226}, jt = {
4227 flowchart: {
4228 useMaxWidth: !0,
4229 titleTopMargin: 25,
4230 subGraphTitleMargin: {
4231 top: 0,
4232 bottom: 0
4233 },
4234 diagramPadding: 8,
4235 htmlLabels: !0,
4236 nodeSpacing: 50,
4237 rankSpacing: 50,
4238 curve: "basis",
4239 padding: 15,
4240 defaultRenderer: "dagre-wrapper",
4241 wrappingWidth: 200
4242 },
4243 sequence: {
4244 useMaxWidth: !0,
4245 hideUnusedParticipants: !1,
4246 activationWidth: 10,
4247 diagramMarginX: 50,
4248 diagramMarginY: 10,
4249 actorMargin: 50,
4250 width: 150,
4251 height: 65,
4252 boxMargin: 10,
4253 boxTextMargin: 5,
4254 noteMargin: 10,
4255 messageMargin: 35,
4256 messageAlign: "center",
4257 mirrorActors: !0,
4258 forceMenus: !1,
4259 bottomMarginAdj: 1,
4260 rightAngles: !1,
4261 showSequenceNumbers: !1,
4262 actorFontSize: 14,
4263 actorFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4264 actorFontWeight: 400,
4265 noteFontSize: 14,
4266 noteFontFamily: '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif',
4267 noteFontWeight: 400,
4268 noteAlign: "center",
4269 messageFontSize: 16,
4270 messageFontFamily: '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif',
4271 messageFontWeight: 400,
4272 wrap: !1,
4273 wrapPadding: 10,
4274 labelBoxWidth: 50,
4275 labelBoxHeight: 20
4276 },
4277 gantt: {
4278 useMaxWidth: !0,
4279 titleTopMargin: 25,
4280 barHeight: 20,
4281 barGap: 4,
4282 topPadding: 50,
4283 rightPadding: 75,
4284 leftPadding: 75,
4285 gridLineStartPadding: 35,
4286 fontSize: 11,
4287 sectionFontSize: 11,
4288 numberSectionStyles: 4,
4289 axisFormat: "%Y-%m-%d",
4290 topAxis: !1,
4291 displayMode: "",
4292 weekday: "sunday"
4293 },
4294 journey: {
4295 useMaxWidth: !0,
4296 diagramMarginX: 50,
4297 diagramMarginY: 10,
4298 leftMargin: 150,
4299 width: 150,
4300 height: 50,
4301 boxMargin: 10,
4302 boxTextMargin: 5,
4303 noteMargin: 10,
4304 messageMargin: 35,
4305 messageAlign: "center",
4306 bottomMarginAdj: 1,
4307 rightAngles: !1,
4308 taskFontSize: 14,
4309 taskFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4310 taskMargin: 50,
4311 activationWidth: 10,
4312 textPlacement: "fo",
4313 actorColours: [
4314 "#8FBC8F",
4315 "#7CFC00",
4316 "#00FFFF",
4317 "#20B2AA",
4318 "#B0E0E6",
4319 "#FFFFE0"
4320 ],
4321 sectionFills: [
4322 "#191970",
4323 "#8B008B",
4324 "#4B0082",
4325 "#2F4F4F",
4326 "#800000",
4327 "#8B4513",
4328 "#00008B"
4329 ],
4330 sectionColours: [
4331 "#fff"
4332 ]
4333 },
4334 class: {
4335 useMaxWidth: !0,
4336 titleTopMargin: 25,
4337 arrowMarkerAbsolute: !1,
4338 dividerMargin: 10,
4339 padding: 5,
4340 textHeight: 10,
4341 defaultRenderer: "dagre-wrapper",
4342 htmlLabels: !1
4343 },
4344 state: {
4345 useMaxWidth: !0,
4346 titleTopMargin: 25,
4347 dividerMargin: 10,
4348 sizeUnit: 5,
4349 padding: 8,
4350 textHeight: 10,
4351 titleShift: -15,
4352 noteMargin: 10,
4353 forkWidth: 70,
4354 forkHeight: 7,
4355 miniPadding: 2,
4356 fontSizeFactor: 5.02,
4357 fontSize: 24,
4358 labelHeight: 16,
4359 edgeLengthFactor: "20",
4360 compositTitleSize: 35,
4361 radius: 5,
4362 defaultRenderer: "dagre-wrapper"
4363 },
4364 er: {
4365 useMaxWidth: !0,
4366 titleTopMargin: 25,
4367 diagramPadding: 20,
4368 layoutDirection: "TB",
4369 minEntityWidth: 100,
4370 minEntityHeight: 75,
4371 entityPadding: 15,
4372 stroke: "gray",
4373 fill: "honeydew",
4374 fontSize: 12
4375 },
4376 pie: {
4377 useMaxWidth: !0,
4378 textPosition: 0.75
4379 },
4380 quadrantChart: {
4381 useMaxWidth: !0,
4382 chartWidth: 500,
4383 chartHeight: 500,
4384 titleFontSize: 20,
4385 titlePadding: 10,
4386 quadrantPadding: 5,
4387 xAxisLabelPadding: 5,
4388 yAxisLabelPadding: 5,
4389 xAxisLabelFontSize: 16,
4390 yAxisLabelFontSize: 16,
4391 quadrantLabelFontSize: 16,
4392 quadrantTextTopPadding: 5,
4393 pointTextPadding: 5,
4394 pointLabelFontSize: 12,
4395 pointRadius: 5,
4396 xAxisPosition: "top",
4397 yAxisPosition: "left",
4398 quadrantInternalBorderStrokeWidth: 1,
4399 quadrantExternalBorderStrokeWidth: 2
4400 },
4401 xyChart: {
4402 useMaxWidth: !0,
4403 width: 700,
4404 height: 500,
4405 titleFontSize: 20,
4406 titlePadding: 10,
4407 showTitle: !0,
4408 xAxis: {
4409 $ref: "#/$defs/XYChartAxisConfig",
4410 showLabel: !0,
4411 labelFontSize: 14,
4412 labelPadding: 5,
4413 showTitle: !0,
4414 titleFontSize: 16,
4415 titlePadding: 5,
4416 showTick: !0,
4417 tickLength: 5,
4418 tickWidth: 2,
4419 showAxisLine: !0,
4420 axisLineWidth: 2
4421 },
4422 yAxis: {
4423 $ref: "#/$defs/XYChartAxisConfig",
4424 showLabel: !0,
4425 labelFontSize: 14,
4426 labelPadding: 5,
4427 showTitle: !0,
4428 titleFontSize: 16,
4429 titlePadding: 5,
4430 showTick: !0,
4431 tickLength: 5,
4432 tickWidth: 2,
4433 showAxisLine: !0,
4434 axisLineWidth: 2
4435 },
4436 chartOrientation: "vertical",
4437 plotReservedSpacePercent: 50
4438 },
4439 requirement: {
4440 useMaxWidth: !0,
4441 rect_fill: "#f9f9f9",
4442 text_color: "#333",
4443 rect_border_size: "0.5px",
4444 rect_border_color: "#bbb",
4445 rect_min_width: 200,
4446 rect_min_height: 200,
4447 fontSize: 14,
4448 rect_padding: 10,
4449 line_height: 20
4450 },
4451 mindmap: {
4452 useMaxWidth: !0,
4453 padding: 10,
4454 maxNodeWidth: 200
4455 },
4456 timeline: {
4457 useMaxWidth: !0,
4458 diagramMarginX: 50,
4459 diagramMarginY: 10,
4460 leftMargin: 150,
4461 width: 150,
4462 height: 50,
4463 boxMargin: 10,
4464 boxTextMargin: 5,
4465 noteMargin: 10,
4466 messageMargin: 35,
4467 messageAlign: "center",
4468 bottomMarginAdj: 1,
4469 rightAngles: !1,
4470 taskFontSize: 14,
4471 taskFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4472 taskMargin: 50,
4473 activationWidth: 10,
4474 textPlacement: "fo",
4475 actorColours: [
4476 "#8FBC8F",
4477 "#7CFC00",
4478 "#00FFFF",
4479 "#20B2AA",
4480 "#B0E0E6",
4481 "#FFFFE0"
4482 ],
4483 sectionFills: [
4484 "#191970",
4485 "#8B008B",
4486 "#4B0082",
4487 "#2F4F4F",
4488 "#800000",
4489 "#8B4513",
4490 "#00008B"
4491 ],
4492 sectionColours: [
4493 "#fff"
4494 ],
4495 disableMulticolor: !1
4496 },
4497 gitGraph: {
4498 useMaxWidth: !0,
4499 titleTopMargin: 25,
4500 diagramPadding: 8,
4501 nodeLabel: {
4502 width: 75,
4503 height: 100,
4504 x: -25,
4505 y: 0
4506 },
4507 mainBranchName: "main",
4508 mainBranchOrder: 0,
4509 showCommitLabel: !0,
4510 showBranches: !0,
4511 rotateCommitLabel: !0,
4512 parallelCommits: !1,
4513 arrowMarkerAbsolute: !1
4514 },
4515 c4: {
4516 useMaxWidth: !0,
4517 diagramMarginX: 50,
4518 diagramMarginY: 10,
4519 c4ShapeMargin: 50,
4520 c4ShapePadding: 20,
4521 width: 216,
4522 height: 60,
4523 boxMargin: 10,
4524 c4ShapeInRow: 4,
4525 nextLinePaddingX: 0,
4526 c4BoundaryInRow: 2,
4527 personFontSize: 14,
4528 personFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4529 personFontWeight: "normal",
4530 external_personFontSize: 14,
4531 external_personFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4532 external_personFontWeight: "normal",
4533 systemFontSize: 14,
4534 systemFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4535 systemFontWeight: "normal",
4536 external_systemFontSize: 14,
4537 external_systemFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4538 external_systemFontWeight: "normal",
4539 system_dbFontSize: 14,
4540 system_dbFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4541 system_dbFontWeight: "normal",
4542 external_system_dbFontSize: 14,
4543 external_system_dbFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4544 external_system_dbFontWeight: "normal",
4545 system_queueFontSize: 14,
4546 system_queueFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4547 system_queueFontWeight: "normal",
4548 external_system_queueFontSize: 14,
4549 external_system_queueFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4550 external_system_queueFontWeight: "normal",
4551 boundaryFontSize: 14,
4552 boundaryFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4553 boundaryFontWeight: "normal",
4554 messageFontSize: 12,
4555 messageFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4556 messageFontWeight: "normal",
4557 containerFontSize: 14,
4558 containerFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4559 containerFontWeight: "normal",
4560 external_containerFontSize: 14,
4561 external_containerFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4562 external_containerFontWeight: "normal",
4563 container_dbFontSize: 14,
4564 container_dbFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4565 container_dbFontWeight: "normal",
4566 external_container_dbFontSize: 14,
4567 external_container_dbFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4568 external_container_dbFontWeight: "normal",
4569 container_queueFontSize: 14,
4570 container_queueFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4571 container_queueFontWeight: "normal",
4572 external_container_queueFontSize: 14,
4573 external_container_queueFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4574 external_container_queueFontWeight: "normal",
4575 componentFontSize: 14,
4576 componentFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4577 componentFontWeight: "normal",
4578 external_componentFontSize: 14,
4579 external_componentFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4580 external_componentFontWeight: "normal",
4581 component_dbFontSize: 14,
4582 component_dbFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4583 component_dbFontWeight: "normal",
4584 external_component_dbFontSize: 14,
4585 external_component_dbFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4586 external_component_dbFontWeight: "normal",
4587 component_queueFontSize: 14,
4588 component_queueFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4589 component_queueFontWeight: "normal",
4590 external_component_queueFontSize: 14,
4591 external_component_queueFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
4592 external_component_queueFontWeight: "normal",
4593 wrap: !0,
4594 wrapPadding: 10,
4595 person_bg_color: "#08427B",
4596 person_border_color: "#073B6F",
4597 external_person_bg_color: "#686868",
4598 external_person_border_color: "#8A8A8A",
4599 system_bg_color: "#1168BD",
4600 system_border_color: "#3C7FC0",
4601 system_db_bg_color: "#1168BD",
4602 system_db_border_color: "#3C7FC0",
4603 system_queue_bg_color: "#1168BD",
4604 system_queue_border_color: "#3C7FC0",
4605 external_system_bg_color: "#999999",
4606 external_system_border_color: "#8A8A8A",
4607 external_system_db_bg_color: "#999999",
4608 external_system_db_border_color: "#8A8A8A",
4609 external_system_queue_bg_color: "#999999",
4610 external_system_queue_border_color: "#8A8A8A",
4611 container_bg_color: "#438DD5",
4612 container_border_color: "#3C7FC0",
4613 container_db_bg_color: "#438DD5",
4614 container_db_border_color: "#3C7FC0",
4615 container_queue_bg_color: "#438DD5",
4616 container_queue_border_color: "#3C7FC0",
4617 external_container_bg_color: "#B3B3B3",
4618 external_container_border_color: "#A6A6A6",
4619 external_container_db_bg_color: "#B3B3B3",
4620 external_container_db_border_color: "#A6A6A6",
4621 external_container_queue_bg_color: "#B3B3B3",
4622 external_container_queue_border_color: "#A6A6A6",
4623 component_bg_color: "#85BBF0",
4624 component_border_color: "#78A8D8",
4625 component_db_bg_color: "#85BBF0",
4626 component_db_border_color: "#78A8D8",
4627 component_queue_bg_color: "#85BBF0",
4628 component_queue_border_color: "#78A8D8",
4629 external_component_bg_color: "#CCCCCC",
4630 external_component_border_color: "#BFBFBF",
4631 external_component_db_bg_color: "#CCCCCC",
4632 external_component_db_border_color: "#BFBFBF",
4633 external_component_queue_bg_color: "#CCCCCC",
4634 external_component_queue_border_color: "#BFBFBF"
4635 },
4636 sankey: {
4637 useMaxWidth: !0,
4638 width: 600,
4639 height: 400,
4640 linkColor: "gradient",
4641 nodeAlignment: "justify",
4642 showValues: !0,
4643 prefix: "",
4644 suffix: ""
4645 },
4646 block: {
4647 useMaxWidth: !0,
4648 padding: 8
4649 },
4650 theme: "default",
4651 maxTextSize: 5e4,
4652 maxEdges: 500,
4653 darkMode: !1,
4654 fontFamily: '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif;',
4655 logLevel: 5,
4656 securityLevel: "strict",
4657 startOnLoad: !0,
4658 arrowMarkerAbsolute: !1,
4659 secure: [
4660 "secure",
4661 "securityLevel",
4662 "startOnLoad",
4663 "maxTextSize",
4664 "maxEdges"
4665 ],
4666 legacyMathML: !1,
4667 deterministicIds: !1,
4668 fontSize: 16
4669}, Ia = {
4670 ...jt,
4671 // Set, even though they're `undefined` so that `configKeys` finds these keys
4672 // TODO: Should we replace these with `null` so that they can go in the JSON Schema?
4673 deterministicIDSeed: void 0,
4674 themeCSS: void 0,
4675 // add non-JSON default config values
4676 themeVariables: Gt.default.getThemeVariables(),
4677 sequence: {
4678 ...jt.sequence,
4679 messageFont: function() {
4680 return {
4681 fontFamily: this.messageFontFamily,
4682 fontSize: this.messageFontSize,
4683 fontWeight: this.messageFontWeight
4684 };
4685 },
4686 noteFont: function() {
4687 return {
4688 fontFamily: this.noteFontFamily,
4689 fontSize: this.noteFontSize,
4690 fontWeight: this.noteFontWeight
4691 };
4692 },
4693 actorFont: function() {
4694 return {
4695 fontFamily: this.actorFontFamily,
4696 fontSize: this.actorFontSize,
4697 fontWeight: this.actorFontWeight
4698 };
4699 }
4700 },
4701 gantt: {
4702 ...jt.gantt,
4703 tickInterval: void 0,
4704 useWidth: void 0
4705 // can probably be removed since `configKeys` already includes this
4706 },
4707 c4: {
4708 ...jt.c4,
4709 useWidth: void 0,
4710 personFont: function() {
4711 return {
4712 fontFamily: this.personFontFamily,
4713 fontSize: this.personFontSize,
4714 fontWeight: this.personFontWeight
4715 };
4716 },
4717 external_personFont: function() {
4718 return {
4719 fontFamily: this.external_personFontFamily,
4720 fontSize: this.external_personFontSize,
4721 fontWeight: this.external_personFontWeight
4722 };
4723 },
4724 systemFont: function() {
4725 return {
4726 fontFamily: this.systemFontFamily,
4727 fontSize: this.systemFontSize,
4728 fontWeight: this.systemFontWeight
4729 };
4730 },
4731 external_systemFont: function() {
4732 return {
4733 fontFamily: this.external_systemFontFamily,
4734 fontSize: this.external_systemFontSize,
4735 fontWeight: this.external_systemFontWeight
4736 };
4737 },
4738 system_dbFont: function() {
4739 return {
4740 fontFamily: this.system_dbFontFamily,
4741 fontSize: this.system_dbFontSize,
4742 fontWeight: this.system_dbFontWeight
4743 };
4744 },
4745 external_system_dbFont: function() {
4746 return {
4747 fontFamily: this.external_system_dbFontFamily,
4748 fontSize: this.external_system_dbFontSize,
4749 fontWeight: this.external_system_dbFontWeight
4750 };
4751 },
4752 system_queueFont: function() {
4753 return {
4754 fontFamily: this.system_queueFontFamily,
4755 fontSize: this.system_queueFontSize,
4756 fontWeight: this.system_queueFontWeight
4757 };
4758 },
4759 external_system_queueFont: function() {
4760 return {
4761 fontFamily: this.external_system_queueFontFamily,
4762 fontSize: this.external_system_queueFontSize,
4763 fontWeight: this.external_system_queueFontWeight
4764 };
4765 },
4766 containerFont: function() {
4767 return {
4768 fontFamily: this.containerFontFamily,
4769 fontSize: this.containerFontSize,
4770 fontWeight: this.containerFontWeight
4771 };
4772 },
4773 external_containerFont: function() {
4774 return {
4775 fontFamily: this.external_containerFontFamily,
4776 fontSize: this.external_containerFontSize,
4777 fontWeight: this.external_containerFontWeight
4778 };
4779 },
4780 container_dbFont: function() {
4781 return {
4782 fontFamily: this.container_dbFontFamily,
4783 fontSize: this.container_dbFontSize,
4784 fontWeight: this.container_dbFontWeight
4785 };
4786 },
4787 external_container_dbFont: function() {
4788 return {
4789 fontFamily: this.external_container_dbFontFamily,
4790 fontSize: this.external_container_dbFontSize,
4791 fontWeight: this.external_container_dbFontWeight
4792 };
4793 },
4794 container_queueFont: function() {
4795 return {
4796 fontFamily: this.container_queueFontFamily,
4797 fontSize: this.container_queueFontSize,
4798 fontWeight: this.container_queueFontWeight
4799 };
4800 },
4801 external_container_queueFont: function() {
4802 return {
4803 fontFamily: this.external_container_queueFontFamily,
4804 fontSize: this.external_container_queueFontSize,
4805 fontWeight: this.external_container_queueFontWeight
4806 };
4807 },
4808 componentFont: function() {
4809 return {
4810 fontFamily: this.componentFontFamily,
4811 fontSize: this.componentFontSize,
4812 fontWeight: this.componentFontWeight
4813 };
4814 },
4815 external_componentFont: function() {
4816 return {
4817 fontFamily: this.external_componentFontFamily,
4818 fontSize: this.external_componentFontSize,
4819 fontWeight: this.external_componentFontWeight
4820 };
4821 },
4822 component_dbFont: function() {
4823 return {
4824 fontFamily: this.component_dbFontFamily,
4825 fontSize: this.component_dbFontSize,
4826 fontWeight: this.component_dbFontWeight
4827 };
4828 },
4829 external_component_dbFont: function() {
4830 return {
4831 fontFamily: this.external_component_dbFontFamily,
4832 fontSize: this.external_component_dbFontSize,
4833 fontWeight: this.external_component_dbFontWeight
4834 };
4835 },
4836 component_queueFont: function() {
4837 return {
4838 fontFamily: this.component_queueFontFamily,
4839 fontSize: this.component_queueFontSize,
4840 fontWeight: this.component_queueFontWeight
4841 };
4842 },
4843 external_component_queueFont: function() {
4844 return {
4845 fontFamily: this.external_component_queueFontFamily,
4846 fontSize: this.external_component_queueFontSize,
4847 fontWeight: this.external_component_queueFontWeight
4848 };
4849 },
4850 boundaryFont: function() {
4851 return {
4852 fontFamily: this.boundaryFontFamily,
4853 fontSize: this.boundaryFontSize,
4854 fontWeight: this.boundaryFontWeight
4855 };
4856 },
4857 messageFont: function() {
4858 return {
4859 fontFamily: this.messageFontFamily,
4860 fontSize: this.messageFontSize,
4861 fontWeight: this.messageFontWeight
4862 };
4863 }
4864 },
4865 pie: {
4866 ...jt.pie,
4867 useWidth: 984
4868 },
4869 xyChart: {
4870 ...jt.xyChart,
4871 useWidth: void 0
4872 },
4873 requirement: {
4874 ...jt.requirement,
4875 useWidth: void 0
4876 },
4877 gitGraph: {
4878 ...jt.gitGraph,
4879 // TODO: This is a temporary override for `gitGraph`, since every other
4880 // diagram does have `useMaxWidth`, but instead sets it to `true`.
4881 // Should we set this to `true` instead?
4882 useMaxWidth: !1
4883 },
4884 sankey: {
4885 ...jt.sankey,
4886 // this is false, unlike every other diagram (other than gitGraph)
4887 // TODO: can we make this default to `true` instead?
4888 useMaxWidth: !1
4889 }
4890}, Da = (t, e = "") => Object.keys(t).reduce((i, r) => Array.isArray(t[r]) ? i : typeof t[r] == "object" && t[r] !== null ? [...i, e + r, ...Da(t[r], "")] : [...i, e + r], []), mp = new Set(Da(Ia, "")), yp = Ia, Qi = (t) => {
4891 if (L.debug("sanitizeDirective called with", t), !(typeof t != "object" || t == null)) {
4892 if (Array.isArray(t)) {
4893 t.forEach((e) => Qi(e));
4894 return;
4895 }
4896 for (const e of Object.keys(t)) {
4897 if (L.debug("Checking key", e), e.startsWith("__") || e.includes("proto") || e.includes("constr") || !mp.has(e) || t[e] == null) {
4898 L.debug("sanitize deleting key: ", e), delete t[e];
4899 continue;
4900 }
4901 if (typeof t[e] == "object") {
4902 L.debug("sanitizing object", e), Qi(t[e]);
4903 continue;
4904 }
4905 const i = ["themeCSS", "fontFamily", "altFontFamily"];
4906 for (const r of i)
4907 e.includes(r) && (L.debug("sanitizing css option", e), t[e] = _p(t[e]));
4908 }
4909 if (t.themeVariables)
4910 for (const e of Object.keys(t.themeVariables)) {
4911 const i = t.themeVariables[e];
4912 i != null && i.match && !i.match(/^[\d "#%(),.;A-Za-z]+$/) && (t.themeVariables[e] = "");
4913 }
4914 L.debug("After sanitization", t);
4915 }
4916}, _p = (t) => {
4917 let e = 0, i = 0;
4918 for (const r of t) {
4919 if (e < i)
4920 return "{ /* ERROR: Unbalanced CSS */ }";
4921 r === "{" ? e++ : r === "}" && i++;
4922 }
4923 return e !== i ? "{ /* ERROR: Unbalanced CSS */ }" : t;
4924}, Na = /^-{3}\s*[\n\r](.*?)[\n\r]-{3}\s*[\n\r]+/s, Qe = /%{2}{\s*(?:(\w+)\s*:|(\w+))\s*(?:(\w+)|((?:(?!}%{2}).|\r?\n)*))?\s*(?:}%{2})?/gi, Cp = /\s*%%.*\n/gm;
4925class Ra extends Error {
4926 constructor(e) {
4927 super(e), this.name = "UnknownDiagramError";
4928 }
4930const Me = {}, xr = function(t, e) {
4931 t = t.replace(Na, "").replace(Qe, "").replace(Cp, `
4933 for (const [i, { detector: r }] of Object.entries(Me))
4934 if (r(t, e))
4935 return i;
4936 throw new Ra(
4937 `No diagram type detected matching given configuration for text: ${t}`
4938 );
4939}, Pa = (...t) => {
4940 for (const { id: e, detector: i, loader: r } of t)
4941 qa(e, i, r);
4942}, qa = (t, e, i) => {
4943 Me[t] ? L.error(`Detector with key ${t} already exists`) : Me[t] = { detector: e, loader: i }, L.debug(`Detector with key ${t} added${i ? " with loader" : ""}`);
4944}, xp = (t) => Me[t].loader, cn = (t, e, { depth: i = 2, clobber: r = !1 } = {}) => {
4945 const n = { depth: i, clobber: r };
4946 return Array.isArray(e) && !Array.isArray(t) ? (e.forEach((o) => cn(t, o, n)), t) : Array.isArray(e) && Array.isArray(t) ? (e.forEach((o) => {
4947 t.includes(o) || t.push(o);
4948 }), t) : t === void 0 || i <= 0 ? t != null && typeof t == "object" && typeof e == "object" ? Object.assign(t, e) : e : (e !== void 0 && typeof t == "object" && typeof e == "object" && Object.keys(e).forEach((o) => {
4949 typeof e[o] == "object" && (t[o] === void 0 || typeof t[o] == "object") ? (t[o] === void 0 && (t[o] = Array.isArray(e[o]) ? [] : {}), t[o] = cn(t[o], e[o], { depth: i - 1, clobber: r })) : (r || typeof t[o] != "object" && typeof e[o] != "object") && (t[o] = e[o]);
4950 }), t);
4951}, st = cn;
4952var bp = typeof global == "object" && global && global.Object === Object && global;
4953const za = bp;
4954var Tp = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, kp = za || Tp || Function("return this")();
4955const Dt = kp;
4956var Sp = Dt.Symbol;
4957const tr = Sp;
4958var Wa = Object.prototype, vp = Wa.hasOwnProperty, wp = Wa.toString, Ge = tr ? tr.toStringTag : void 0;
4959function Bp(t) {
4960 var e = vp.call(t, Ge), i = t[Ge];
4961 try {
4962 t[Ge] = void 0;
4963 var r = !0;
4964 } catch {
4965 }
4966 var n = wp.call(t);
4967 return r && (e ? t[Ge] = i : delete t[Ge]), n;
4969var Fp = Object.prototype, Ap = Fp.toString;
4970function Lp(t) {
4971 return Ap.call(t);
4973var Ep = "[object Null]", Mp = "[object Undefined]", es = tr ? tr.toStringTag : void 0;
4974function Ne(t) {
4975 return t == null ? t === void 0 ? Mp : Ep : es && es in Object(t) ? Bp(t) : Lp(t);
4977function ye(t) {
4978 var e = typeof t;
4979 return t != null && (e == "object" || e == "function");
4981var Op = "[object AsyncFunction]", $p = "[object Function]", Ip = "[object GeneratorFunction]", Dp = "[object Proxy]";
4982function In(t) {
4983 if (!ye(t))
4984 return !1;
4985 var e = Ne(t);
4986 return e == $p || e == Ip || e == Op || e == Dp;
4988var Np = Dt["__core-js_shared__"];
4989const jr = Np;
4990var is = function() {
4991 var t = /[^.]+$/.exec(jr && jr.keys && jr.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
4992 return t ? "Symbol(src)_1." + t : "";
4994function Rp(t) {
4995 return !!is && is in t;
4997var Pp = Function.prototype, qp = Pp.toString;
4998function _e(t) {
4999 if (t != null) {
5000 try {
5001 return qp.call(t);
5002 } catch {
5003 }
5004 try {
5005 return t + "";
5006 } catch {
5007 }
5008 }
5009 return "";
5011var zp = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, Wp = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, Hp = Function.prototype, jp = Object.prototype, Up = Hp.toString, Yp = jp.hasOwnProperty, Gp = RegExp(
5012 "^" + Up.call(Yp).replace(zp, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"
5014function Vp(t) {
5015 if (!ye(t) || Rp(t))
5016 return !1;
5017 var e = In(t) ? Gp : Wp;
5018 return e.test(_e(t));
5020function Xp(t, e) {
5021 return t == null ? void 0 : t[e];
5023function Ce(t, e) {
5024 var i = Xp(t, e);
5025 return Vp(i) ? i : void 0;
5027var Kp = Ce(Object, "create");
5028const li = Kp;
5029function Zp() {
5030 this.__data__ = li ? li(null) : {}, this.size = 0;
5032function Jp(t) {
5033 var e = this.has(t) && delete this.__data__[t];
5034 return this.size -= e ? 1 : 0, e;
5036var Qp = "__lodash_hash_undefined__", tg = Object.prototype, eg = tg.hasOwnProperty;
5037function ig(t) {
5038 var e = this.__data__;
5039 if (li) {
5040 var i = e[t];
5041 return i === Qp ? void 0 : i;
5042 }
5043 return eg.call(e, t) ? e[t] : void 0;
5045var rg = Object.prototype, ng = rg.hasOwnProperty;
5046function og(t) {
5047 var e = this.__data__;
5048 return li ? e[t] !== void 0 : ng.call(e, t);
5050var sg = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
5051function ag(t, e) {
5052 var i = this.__data__;
5053 return this.size += this.has(t) ? 0 : 1, i[t] = li && e === void 0 ? sg : e, this;
5055function ge(t) {
5056 var e = -1, i = t == null ? 0 : t.length;
5057 for (this.clear(); ++e < i; ) {
5058 var r = t[e];
5059 this.set(r[0], r[1]);
5060 }
5062ge.prototype.clear = Zp;
5063ge.prototype.delete = Jp;
5064ge.prototype.get = ig;
5065ge.prototype.has = og;
5066ge.prototype.set = ag;
5067function lg() {
5068 this.__data__ = [], this.size = 0;
5070function br(t, e) {
5071 return t === e || t !== t && e !== e;
5073function Tr(t, e) {
5074 for (var i = t.length; i--; )
5075 if (br(t[i][0], e))
5076 return i;
5077 return -1;
5079var hg = Array.prototype, cg = hg.splice;
5080function ug(t) {
5081 var e = this.__data__, i = Tr(e, t);
5082 if (i < 0)
5083 return !1;
5084 var r = e.length - 1;
5085 return i == r ? e.pop() : cg.call(e, i, 1), --this.size, !0;
5087function fg(t) {
5088 var e = this.__data__, i = Tr(e, t);
5089 return i < 0 ? void 0 : e[i][1];
5091function dg(t) {
5092 return Tr(this.__data__, t) > -1;
5094function pg(t, e) {
5095 var i = this.__data__, r = Tr(i, t);
5096 return r < 0 ? (++this.size, i.push([t, e])) : i[r][1] = e, this;
5098function Xt(t) {
5099 var e = -1, i = t == null ? 0 : t.length;
5100 for (this.clear(); ++e < i; ) {
5101 var r = t[e];
5102 this.set(r[0], r[1]);
5103 }
5105Xt.prototype.clear = lg;
5106Xt.prototype.delete = ug;
5107Xt.prototype.get = fg;
5108Xt.prototype.has = dg;
5109Xt.prototype.set = pg;
5110var gg = Ce(Dt, "Map");
5111const hi = gg;
5112function mg() {
5113 this.size = 0, this.__data__ = {
5114 hash: new ge(),
5115 map: new (hi || Xt)(),
5116 string: new ge()
5117 };
5119function yg(t) {
5120 var e = typeof t;
5121 return e == "string" || e == "number" || e == "symbol" || e == "boolean" ? t !== "__proto__" : t === null;
5123function kr(t, e) {
5124 var i = t.__data__;
5125 return yg(e) ? i[typeof e == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] : i.map;
5127function _g(t) {
5128 var e = kr(this, t).delete(t);
5129 return this.size -= e ? 1 : 0, e;
5131function Cg(t) {
5132 return kr(this, t).get(t);
5134function xg(t) {
5135 return kr(this, t).has(t);
5137function bg(t, e) {
5138 var i = kr(this, t), r = i.size;
5139 return i.set(t, e), this.size += i.size == r ? 0 : 1, this;
5141function ne(t) {
5142 var e = -1, i = t == null ? 0 : t.length;
5143 for (this.clear(); ++e < i; ) {
5144 var r = t[e];
5145 this.set(r[0], r[1]);
5146 }
5148ne.prototype.clear = mg;
5149ne.prototype.delete = _g;
5150ne.prototype.get = Cg;
5151ne.prototype.has = xg;
5152ne.prototype.set = bg;
5153var Tg = "Expected a function";
5154function yi(t, e) {
5155 if (typeof t != "function" || e != null && typeof e != "function")
5156 throw new TypeError(Tg);
5157 var i = function() {
5158 var r = arguments, n = e ? e.apply(this, r) : r[0], o = i.cache;
5159 if (o.has(n))
5160 return o.get(n);
5161 var s = t.apply(this, r);
5162 return i.cache = o.set(n, s) || o, s;
5163 };
5164 return i.cache = new (yi.Cache || ne)(), i;
5166yi.Cache = ne;
5167function kg() {
5168 this.__data__ = new Xt(), this.size = 0;
5170function Sg(t) {
5171 var e = this.__data__, i = e.delete(t);
5172 return this.size = e.size, i;
5174function vg(t) {
5175 return this.__data__.get(t);
5177function wg(t) {
5178 return this.__data__.has(t);
5180var Bg = 200;
5181function Fg(t, e) {
5182 var i = this.__data__;
5183 if (i instanceof Xt) {
5184 var r = i.__data__;
5185 if (!hi || r.length < Bg - 1)
5186 return r.push([t, e]), this.size = ++i.size, this;
5187 i = this.__data__ = new ne(r);
5188 }
5189 return i.set(t, e), this.size = i.size, this;
5191function Re(t) {
5192 var e = this.__data__ = new Xt(t);
5193 this.size = e.size;
5195Re.prototype.clear = kg;
5196Re.prototype.delete = Sg;
5197Re.prototype.get = vg;
5198Re.prototype.has = wg;
5199Re.prototype.set = Fg;
5200var Ag = function() {
5201 try {
5202 var t = Ce(Object, "defineProperty");
5203 return t({}, "", {}), t;
5204 } catch {
5205 }
5207const er = Ag;
5208function Dn(t, e, i) {
5209 e == "__proto__" && er ? er(t, e, {
5210 configurable: !0,
5211 enumerable: !0,
5212 value: i,
5213 writable: !0
5214 }) : t[e] = i;
5216function un(t, e, i) {
5217 (i !== void 0 && !br(t[e], i) || i === void 0 && !(e in t)) && Dn(t, e, i);
5219function Lg(t) {
5220 return function(e, i, r) {
5221 for (var n = -1, o = Object(e), s = r(e), a = s.length; a--; ) {
5222 var l = s[t ? a : ++n];
5223 if (i(o[l], l, o) === !1)
5224 break;
5225 }
5226 return e;
5227 };
5229var Eg = Lg();
5230const Mg = Eg;
5231var Ha = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, rs = Ha && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module, Og = rs && rs.exports === Ha, ns = Og ? Dt.Buffer : void 0, os = ns ? ns.allocUnsafe : void 0;
5232function $g(t, e) {
5233 if (e)
5234 return t.slice();
5235 var i = t.length, r = os ? os(i) : new t.constructor(i);
5236 return t.copy(r), r;
5238var Ig = Dt.Uint8Array;
5239const ss = Ig;
5240function Dg(t) {
5241 var e = new t.constructor(t.byteLength);
5242 return new ss(e).set(new ss(t)), e;
5244function Ng(t, e) {
5245 var i = e ? Dg(t.buffer) : t.buffer;
5246 return new t.constructor(i, t.byteOffset, t.length);
5248function Rg(t, e) {
5249 var i = -1, r = t.length;
5250 for (e || (e = Array(r)); ++i < r; )
5251 e[i] = t[i];
5252 return e;
5254var as = Object.create, Pg = function() {
5255 function t() {
5256 }
5257 return function(e) {
5258 if (!ye(e))
5259 return {};
5260 if (as)
5261 return as(e);
5262 t.prototype = e;
5263 var i = new t();
5264 return t.prototype = void 0, i;
5265 };
5267const qg = Pg;
5268function ja(t, e) {
5269 return function(i) {
5270 return t(e(i));
5271 };
5273var zg = ja(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object);
5274const Ua = zg;
5275var Wg = Object.prototype;
5276function Sr(t) {
5277 var e = t && t.constructor, i = typeof e == "function" && e.prototype || Wg;
5278 return t === i;
5280function Hg(t) {
5281 return typeof t.constructor == "function" && !Sr(t) ? qg(Ua(t)) : {};
5283function _i(t) {
5284 return t != null && typeof t == "object";
5286var jg = "[object Arguments]";
5287function ls(t) {
5288 return _i(t) && Ne(t) == jg;
5290var Ya = Object.prototype, Ug = Ya.hasOwnProperty, Yg = Ya.propertyIsEnumerable, Gg = ls(function() {
5291 return arguments;
5292}()) ? ls : function(t) {
5293 return _i(t) && Ug.call(t, "callee") && !Yg.call(t, "callee");
5295const ir = Gg;
5296var Vg = Array.isArray;
5297const rr = Vg;
5298var Xg = 9007199254740991;
5299function Ga(t) {
5300 return typeof t == "number" && t > -1 && t % 1 == 0 && t <= Xg;
5302function vr(t) {
5303 return t != null && Ga(t.length) && !In(t);
5305function Kg(t) {
5306 return _i(t) && vr(t);
5308function Zg() {
5309 return !1;
5311var Va = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, hs = Va && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module, Jg = hs && hs.exports === Va, cs = Jg ? Dt.Buffer : void 0, Qg = cs ? cs.isBuffer : void 0, tm = Qg || Zg;
5312const Nn = tm;
5313var em = "[object Object]", im = Function.prototype, rm = Object.prototype, Xa = im.toString, nm = rm.hasOwnProperty, om = Xa.call(Object);
5314function sm(t) {
5315 if (!_i(t) || Ne(t) != em)
5316 return !1;
5317 var e = Ua(t);
5318 if (e === null)
5319 return !0;
5320 var i = nm.call(e, "constructor") && e.constructor;
5321 return typeof i == "function" && i instanceof i && Xa.call(i) == om;
5323var am = "[object Arguments]", lm = "[object Array]", hm = "[object Boolean]", cm = "[object Date]", um = "[object Error]", fm = "[object Function]", dm = "[object Map]", pm = "[object Number]", gm = "[object Object]", mm = "[object RegExp]", ym = "[object Set]", _m = "[object String]", Cm = "[object WeakMap]", xm = "[object ArrayBuffer]", bm = "[object DataView]", Tm = "[object Float32Array]", km = "[object Float64Array]", Sm = "[object Int8Array]", vm = "[object Int16Array]", wm = "[object Int32Array]", Bm = "[object Uint8Array]", Fm = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", Am = "[object Uint16Array]", Lm = "[object Uint32Array]", U = {};
5324U[Tm] = U[km] = U[Sm] = U[vm] = U[wm] = U[Bm] = U[Fm] = U[Am] = U[Lm] = !0;
5325U[am] = U[lm] = U[xm] = U[hm] = U[bm] = U[cm] = U[um] = U[fm] = U[dm] = U[pm] = U[gm] = U[mm] = U[ym] = U[_m] = U[Cm] = !1;
5326function Em(t) {
5327 return _i(t) && Ga(t.length) && !!U[Ne(t)];
5329function Mm(t) {
5330 return function(e) {
5331 return t(e);
5332 };
5334var Ka = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, ti = Ka && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module, Om = ti && ti.exports === Ka, Ur = Om && za.process, $m = function() {
5335 try {
5336 var t = ti && ti.require && ti.require("util").types;
5337 return t || Ur && Ur.binding && Ur.binding("util");
5338 } catch {
5339 }
5341const us = $m;
5342var fs = us && us.isTypedArray, Im = fs ? Mm(fs) : Em;
5343const Rn = Im;
5344function fn(t, e) {
5345 if (!(e === "constructor" && typeof t[e] == "function") && e != "__proto__")
5346 return t[e];
5348var Dm = Object.prototype, Nm = Dm.hasOwnProperty;
5349function Rm(t, e, i) {
5350 var r = t[e];
5351 (!(Nm.call(t, e) && br(r, i)) || i === void 0 && !(e in t)) && Dn(t, e, i);
5353function Pm(t, e, i, r) {
5354 var n = !i;
5355 i || (i = {});
5356 for (var o = -1, s = e.length; ++o < s; ) {
5357 var a = e[o], l = r ? r(i[a], t[a], a, i, t) : void 0;
5358 l === void 0 && (l = t[a]), n ? Dn(i, a, l) : Rm(i, a, l);
5359 }
5360 return i;
5362function qm(t, e) {
5363 for (var i = -1, r = Array(t); ++i < t; )
5364 r[i] = e(i);
5365 return r;
5367var zm = 9007199254740991, Wm = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/;
5368function Za(t, e) {
5369 var i = typeof t;
5370 return e = e ?? zm, !!e && (i == "number" || i != "symbol" && Wm.test(t)) && t > -1 && t % 1 == 0 && t < e;
5372var Hm = Object.prototype, jm = Hm.hasOwnProperty;
5373function Um(t, e) {
5374 var i = rr(t), r = !i && ir(t), n = !i && !r && Nn(t), o = !i && !r && !n && Rn(t), s = i || r || n || o, a = s ? qm(t.length, String) : [], l = a.length;
5375 for (var h in t)
5376 (e || jm.call(t, h)) && !(s && // Safari 9 has enumerable `arguments.length` in strict mode.
5377 (h == "length" || // Node.js 0.10 has enumerable non-index properties on buffers.
5378 n && (h == "offset" || h == "parent") || // PhantomJS 2 has enumerable non-index properties on typed arrays.
5379 o && (h == "buffer" || h == "byteLength" || h == "byteOffset") || // Skip index properties.
5380 Za(h, l))) && a.push(h);
5381 return a;
5383function Ym(t) {
5384 var e = [];
5385 if (t != null)
5386 for (var i in Object(t))
5387 e.push(i);
5388 return e;
5390var Gm = Object.prototype, Vm = Gm.hasOwnProperty;
5391function Xm(t) {
5392 if (!ye(t))
5393 return Ym(t);
5394 var e = Sr(t), i = [];
5395 for (var r in t)
5396 r == "constructor" && (e || !Vm.call(t, r)) || i.push(r);
5397 return i;
5399function Ja(t) {
5400 return vr(t) ? Um(t, !0) : Xm(t);
5402function Km(t) {
5403 return Pm(t, Ja(t));
5405function Zm(t, e, i, r, n, o, s) {
5406 var a = fn(t, i), l = fn(e, i), h = s.get(l);
5407 if (h) {
5408 un(t, i, h);
5409 return;
5410 }
5411 var u = o ? o(a, l, i + "", t, e, s) : void 0, f = u === void 0;
5412 if (f) {
5413 var c = rr(l), d = !c && Nn(l), m = !c && !d && Rn(l);
5414 u = l, c || d || m ? rr(a) ? u = a : Kg(a) ? u = Rg(a) : d ? (f = !1, u = $g(l, !0)) : m ? (f = !1, u = Ng(l, !0)) : u = [] : sm(l) || ir(l) ? (u = a, ir(a) ? u = Km(a) : (!ye(a) || In(a)) && (u = Hg(l))) : f = !1;
5415 }
5416 f && (s.set(l, u), n(u, l, r, o, s), s.delete(l)), un(t, i, u);
5418function Qa(t, e, i, r, n) {
5419 t !== e && Mg(e, function(o, s) {
5420 if (n || (n = new Re()), ye(o))
5421 Zm(t, e, s, i, Qa, r, n);
5422 else {
5423 var a = r ? r(fn(t, s), o, s + "", t, e, n) : void 0;
5424 a === void 0 && (a = o), un(t, s, a);
5425 }
5426 }, Ja);
5428function tl(t) {
5429 return t;
5431function Jm(t, e, i) {
5432 switch (i.length) {
5433 case 0:
5434 return t.call(e);
5435 case 1:
5436 return t.call(e, i[0]);
5437 case 2:
5438 return t.call(e, i[0], i[1]);
5439 case 3:
5440 return t.call(e, i[0], i[1], i[2]);
5441 }
5442 return t.apply(e, i);
5444var ds = Math.max;
5445function Qm(t, e, i) {
5446 return e = ds(e === void 0 ? t.length - 1 : e, 0), function() {
5447 for (var r = arguments, n = -1, o = ds(r.length - e, 0), s = Array(o); ++n < o; )
5448 s[n] = r[e + n];
5449 n = -1;
5450 for (var a = Array(e + 1); ++n < e; )
5451 a[n] = r[n];
5452 return a[e] = i(s), Jm(t, this, a);
5453 };
5455function t0(t) {
5456 return function() {
5457 return t;
5458 };
5460var e0 = er ? function(t, e) {
5461 return er(t, "toString", {
5462 configurable: !0,
5463 enumerable: !1,
5464 value: t0(e),
5465 writable: !0
5466 });
5467} : tl;
5468const i0 = e0;
5469var r0 = 800, n0 = 16, o0 = Date.now;
5470function s0(t) {
5471 var e = 0, i = 0;
5472 return function() {
5473 var r = o0(), n = n0 - (r - i);
5474 if (i = r, n > 0) {
5475 if (++e >= r0)
5476 return arguments[0];
5477 } else
5478 e = 0;
5479 return t.apply(void 0, arguments);
5480 };
5482var a0 = s0(i0);
5483const l0 = a0;
5484function h0(t, e) {
5485 return l0(Qm(t, e, tl), t + "");
5487function c0(t, e, i) {
5488 if (!ye(i))
5489 return !1;
5490 var r = typeof e;
5491 return (r == "number" ? vr(i) && Za(e, i.length) : r == "string" && e in i) ? br(i[e], t) : !1;
5493function u0(t) {
5494 return h0(function(e, i) {
5495 var r = -1, n = i.length, o = n > 1 ? i[n - 1] : void 0, s = n > 2 ? i[2] : void 0;
5496 for (o = t.length > 3 && typeof o == "function" ? (n--, o) : void 0, s && c0(i[0], i[1], s) && (o = n < 3 ? void 0 : o, n = 1), e = Object(e); ++r < n; ) {
5497 var a = i[r];
5498 a && t(e, a, r, o);
5499 }
5500 return e;
5501 });
5503var f0 = u0(function(t, e, i) {
5504 Qa(t, e, i);
5506const d0 = f0, p0 = "​", g0 = {
5507 curveBasis: Pf,
5508 curveBasisClosed: qf,
5509 curveBasisOpen: zf,
5510 curveBumpX: Nf,
5511 curveBumpY: Rf,
5512 curveBundle: Wf,
5513 curveCardinalClosed: jf,
5514 curveCardinalOpen: Uf,
5515 curveCardinal: Hf,
5516 curveCatmullRomClosed: Gf,
5517 curveCatmullRomOpen: Vf,
5518 curveCatmullRom: Yf,
5519 curveLinear: Df,
5520 curveLinearClosed: Xf,
5521 curveMonotoneX: Kf,
5522 curveMonotoneY: Zf,
5523 curveNatural: Jf,
5524 curveStep: Qf,
5525 curveStepAfter: ed,
5526 curveStepBefore: td
5527}, m0 = /\s*(?:(\w+)(?=:):|(\w+))\s*(?:(\w+)|((?:(?!}%{2}).|\r?\n)*))?\s*(?:}%{2})?/gi, y0 = function(t, e) {
5528 const i = el(t, /(?:init\b)|(?:initialize\b)/);
5529 let r = {};
5530 if (Array.isArray(i)) {
5531 const s = i.map((a) => a.args);
5532 Qi(s), r = st(r, [...s]);
5533 } else
5534 r = i.args;
5535 if (!r)
5536 return;
5537 let n = xr(t, e);
5538 const o = "config";
5539 return r[o] !== void 0 && (n === "flowchart-v2" && (n = "flowchart"), r[n] = r[o], delete r[o]), r;
5540}, el = function(t, e = null) {
5541 try {
5542 const i = new RegExp(
5543 `[%]{2}(?![{]${m0.source})(?=[}][%]{2}).*
5545 "ig"
5546 );
5547 t = t.trim().replace(i, "").replace(/'/gm, '"'), L.debug(
5548 `Detecting diagram directive${e !== null ? " type:" + e : ""} based on the text:${t}`
5549 );
5550 let r;
5551 const n = [];
5552 for (; (r = Qe.exec(t)) !== null; )
5553 if (r.index === Qe.lastIndex && Qe.lastIndex++, r && !e || e && r[1] && r[1].match(e) || e && r[2] && r[2].match(e)) {
5554 const o = r[1] ? r[1] : r[2], s = r[3] ? r[3].trim() : r[4] ? JSON.parse(r[4].trim()) : null;
5555 n.push({ type: o, args: s });
5556 }
5557 return n.length === 0 ? { type: t, args: null } : n.length === 1 ? n[0] : n;
5558 } catch (i) {
5559 return L.error(
5560 `ERROR: ${i.message} - Unable to parse directive type: '${e}' based on the text: '${t}'`
5561 ), { type: void 0, args: null };
5562 }
5563}, _0 = function(t) {
5564 return t.replace(Qe, "");
5565}, C0 = function(t, e) {
5566 for (const [i, r] of e.entries())
5567 if (r.match(t))
5568 return i;
5569 return -1;
5571function x0(t, e) {
5572 if (!t)
5573 return e;
5574 const i = `curve${t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1)}`;
5575 return g0[i] ?? e;
5577function b0(t, e) {
5578 const i = t.trim();
5579 if (i)
5580 return e.securityLevel !== "loose" ? Rs.sanitizeUrl(i) : i;
5582const T0 = (t, ...e) => {
5583 const i = t.split("."), r = i.length - 1, n = i[r];
5584 let o = window;
5585 for (let s = 0; s < r; s++)
5586 if (o = o[i[s]], !o) {
5587 L.error(`Function name: ${t} not found in window`);
5588 return;
5589 }
5590 o[n](...e);
5592function il(t, e) {
5593 return !t || !e ? 0 : Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e.x - t.x, 2) + Math.pow(e.y - t.y, 2));
5595function k0(t) {
5596 let e, i = 0;
5597 t.forEach((n) => {
5598 i += il(n, e), e = n;
5599 });
5600 const r = i / 2;
5601 return Pn(t, r);
5603function S0(t) {
5604 return t.length === 1 ? t[0] : k0(t);
5606const ps = (t, e = 2) => {
5607 const i = Math.pow(10, e);
5608 return Math.round(t * i) / i;
5609}, Pn = (t, e) => {
5610 let i, r = e;
5611 for (const n of t) {
5612 if (i) {
5613 const o = il(n, i);
5614 if (o < r)
5615 r -= o;
5616 else {
5617 const s = r / o;
5618 if (s <= 0)
5619 return i;
5620 if (s >= 1)
5621 return { x: n.x, y: n.y };
5622 if (s > 0 && s < 1)
5623 return {
5624 x: ps((1 - s) * i.x + s * n.x, 5),
5625 y: ps((1 - s) * i.y + s * n.y, 5)
5626 };
5627 }
5628 }
5629 i = n;
5630 }
5631 throw new Error("Could not find a suitable point for the given distance");
5632}, v0 = (t, e, i) => {
5633 L.info(`our points ${JSON.stringify(e)}`), e[0] !== i && (e = e.reverse());
5634 const n = Pn(e, 25), o = t ? 10 : 5, s = Math.atan2(e[0].y - n.y, e[0].x - n.x), a = { x: 0, y: 0 };
5635 return a.x = Math.sin(s) * o + (e[0].x + n.x) / 2, a.y = -Math.cos(s) * o + (e[0].y + n.y) / 2, a;
5637function w0(t, e, i) {
5638 const r = structuredClone(i);
5639 L.info("our points", r), e !== "start_left" && e !== "start_right" && r.reverse();
5640 const n = 25 + t, o = Pn(r, n), s = 10 + t * 0.5, a = Math.atan2(r[0].y - o.y, r[0].x - o.x), l = { x: 0, y: 0 };
5641 return e === "start_left" ? (l.x = Math.sin(a + Math.PI) * s + (r[0].x + o.x) / 2, l.y = -Math.cos(a + Math.PI) * s + (r[0].y + o.y) / 2) : e === "end_right" ? (l.x = Math.sin(a - Math.PI) * s + (r[0].x + o.x) / 2 - 5, l.y = -Math.cos(a - Math.PI) * s + (r[0].y + o.y) / 2 - 5) : e === "end_left" ? (l.x = Math.sin(a) * s + (r[0].x + o.x) / 2 - 5, l.y = -Math.cos(a) * s + (r[0].y + o.y) / 2 - 5) : (l.x = Math.sin(a) * s + (r[0].x + o.x) / 2, l.y = -Math.cos(a) * s + (r[0].y + o.y) / 2), l;
5643function B0(t) {
5644 let e = "", i = "";
5645 for (const r of t)
5646 r !== void 0 && (r.startsWith("color:") || r.startsWith("text-align:") ? i = i + r + ";" : e = e + r + ";");
5647 return { style: e, labelStyle: i };
5649let gs = 0;
5650const F0 = () => (gs++, "id-" + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 12) + "-" + gs);
5651function A0(t) {
5652 let e = "";
5653 const i = "0123456789abcdef", r = i.length;
5654 for (let n = 0; n < t; n++)
5655 e += i.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * r));
5656 return e;
5658const L0 = (t) => A0(t.length), E0 = function() {
5659 return {
5660 x: 0,
5661 y: 0,
5662 fill: void 0,
5663 anchor: "start",
5664 style: "#666",
5665 width: 100,
5666 height: 100,
5667 textMargin: 0,
5668 rx: 0,
5669 ry: 0,
5670 valign: void 0,
5671 text: ""
5672 };
5673}, M0 = function(t, e) {
5674 const i = e.text.replace($n.lineBreakRegex, " "), [, r] = zn(e.fontSize), n = t.append("text");
5675 n.attr("x", e.x), n.attr("y", e.y), n.style("text-anchor", e.anchor), n.style("font-family", e.fontFamily), n.style("font-size", r), n.style("font-weight", e.fontWeight), n.attr("fill", e.fill), e.class !== void 0 && n.attr("class", e.class);
5676 const o = n.append("tspan");
5677 return o.attr("x", e.x + e.textMargin * 2), o.attr("fill", e.fill), o.text(i), n;
5678}, O0 = yi(
5679 (t, e, i) => {
5680 if (!t || (i = Object.assign(
5681 { fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 400, fontFamily: "Arial", joinWith: "<br/>" },
5682 i
5683 ), $n.lineBreakRegex.test(t)))
5684 return t;
5685 const r = t.split(" "), n = [];
5686 let o = "";
5687 return r.forEach((s, a) => {
5688 const l = nr(`${s} `, i), h = nr(o, i);
5689 if (l > e) {
5690 const { hyphenatedStrings: c, remainingWord: d } = $0(s, e, "-", i);
5691 n.push(o, ...c), o = d;
5692 } else
5693 h + l >= e ? (n.push(o), o = s) : o = [o, s].filter(Boolean).join(" ");
5694 a + 1 === r.length && n.push(o);
5695 }), n.filter((s) => s !== "").join(i.joinWith);
5696 },
5697 (t, e, i) => `${t}${e}${i.fontSize}${i.fontWeight}${i.fontFamily}${i.joinWith}`
5698), $0 = yi(
5699 (t, e, i = "-", r) => {
5700 r = Object.assign(
5701 { fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 400, fontFamily: "Arial", margin: 0 },
5702 r
5703 );
5704 const n = [...t], o = [];
5705 let s = "";
5706 return n.forEach((a, l) => {
5707 const h = `${s}${a}`;
5708 if (nr(h, r) >= e) {
5709 const f = l + 1, c = n.length === f, d = `${h}${i}`;
5710 o.push(c ? h : d), s = "";
5711 } else
5712 s = h;
5713 }), { hyphenatedStrings: o, remainingWord: s };
5714 },
5715 (t, e, i = "-", r) => `${t}${e}${i}${r.fontSize}${r.fontWeight}${r.fontFamily}`
5717function I0(t, e) {
5718 return qn(t, e).height;
5720function nr(t, e) {
5721 return qn(t, e).width;
5723const qn = yi(
5724 (t, e) => {
5725 const { fontSize: i = 12, fontFamily: r = "Arial", fontWeight: n = 400 } = e;
5726 if (!t)
5727 return { width: 0, height: 0 };
5728 const [, o] = zn(i), s = ["sans-serif", r], a = t.split($n.lineBreakRegex), l = [], h = bt("body");
5729 if (!h.remove)
5730 return { width: 0, height: 0, lineHeight: 0 };
5731 const u = h.append("svg");
5732 for (const c of s) {
5733 let d = 0;
5734 const m = { width: 0, height: 0, lineHeight: 0 };
5735 for (const S of a) {
5736 const O = E0();
5737 O.text = S || p0;
5738 const z = M0(u, O).style("font-size", o).style("font-weight", n).style("font-family", c), T = (z._groups || z)[0][0].getBBox();
5739 if (T.width === 0 && T.height === 0)
5740 throw new Error("svg element not in render tree");
5741 m.width = Math.round(Math.max(m.width, T.width)), d = Math.round(T.height), m.height += d, m.lineHeight = Math.round(Math.max(m.lineHeight, d));
5742 }
5743 l.push(m);
5744 }
5745 u.remove();
5746 const f = isNaN(l[1].height) || isNaN(l[1].width) || isNaN(l[1].lineHeight) || l[0].height > l[1].height && l[0].width > l[1].width && l[0].lineHeight > l[1].lineHeight ? 0 : 1;
5747 return l[f];
5748 },
5749 (t, e) => `${t}${e.fontSize}${e.fontWeight}${e.fontFamily}`
5751class D0 {
5752 constructor(e = !1, i) {
5753 this.count = 0, this.count = i ? i.length : 0, this.next = e ? () => this.count++ : () => Date.now();
5754 }
5756let Ei;
5757const N0 = function(t) {
5758 return Ei = Ei || document.createElement("div"), t = escape(t).replace(/%26/g, "&").replace(/%23/g, "#").replace(/%3B/g, ";"), Ei.innerHTML = t, unescape(Ei.textContent);
5760function rl(t) {
5761 return "str" in t;
5763const R0 = (t, e, i, r) => {
5764 var o;
5765 if (!r)
5766 return;
5767 const n = (o = t.node()) == null ? void 0 : o.getBBox();
5768 n && t.append("text").text(r).attr("x", n.x + n.width / 2).attr("y", -i).attr("class", e);
5769}, zn = (t) => {
5770 if (typeof t == "number")
5771 return [t, t + "px"];
5772 const e = parseInt(t ?? "", 10);
5773 return Number.isNaN(e) ? [void 0, void 0] : t === String(e) ? [e, t + "px"] : [e, t];
5775function nl(t, e) {
5776 return d0({}, t, e);
5778const ei = {
5779 assignWithDepth: st,
5780 wrapLabel: O0,
5781 calculateTextHeight: I0,
5782 calculateTextWidth: nr,
5783 calculateTextDimensions: qn,
5784 cleanAndMerge: nl,
5785 detectInit: y0,
5786 detectDirective: el,
5787 isSubstringInArray: C0,
5788 interpolateToCurve: x0,
5789 calcLabelPosition: S0,
5790 calcCardinalityPosition: v0,
5791 calcTerminalLabelPosition: w0,
5792 formatUrl: b0,
5793 getStylesFromArray: B0,
5794 generateId: F0,
5795 random: L0,
5796 runFunc: T0,
5797 entityDecode: N0,
5798 insertTitle: R0,
5799 parseFontSize: zn,
5800 InitIDGenerator: D0
5801}, P0 = function(t) {
5802 let e = t;
5803 return e = e.replace(/style.*:\S*#.*;/g, function(i) {
5804 return i.substring(0, i.length - 1);
5805 }), e = e.replace(/classDef.*:\S*#.*;/g, function(i) {
5806 return i.substring(0, i.length - 1);
5807 }), e = e.replace(/#\w+;/g, function(i) {
5808 const r = i.substring(1, i.length - 1);
5809 return /^\+?\d+$/.test(r) ? "fl°°" + r + "¶ß" : "fl°" + r + "¶ß";
5810 }), e;
5811}, q0 = function(t) {
5812 return t.replace(/fl°°/g, "&#").replace(/fl°/g, "&").replace(/¶ß/g, ";");
5814var ol = "comm", sl = "rule", al = "decl", z0 = "@import", W0 = "@keyframes", H0 = "@layer", ll = Math.abs, Wn = String.fromCharCode;
5815function hl(t) {
5816 return t.trim();
5818function qi(t, e, i) {
5819 return t.replace(e, i);
5821function j0(t, e, i) {
5822 return t.indexOf(e, i);
5824function ci(t, e) {
5825 return t.charCodeAt(e) | 0;
5827function ui(t, e, i) {
5828 return t.slice(e, i);
5830function Ut(t) {
5831 return t.length;
5833function U0(t) {
5834 return t.length;
5836function Mi(t, e) {
5837 return e.push(t), t;
5839var wr = 1, Oe = 1, cl = 0, kt = 0, J = 0, Pe = "";
5840function Hn(t, e, i, r, n, o, s, a) {
5841 return { value: t, root: e, parent: i, type: r, props: n, children: o, line: wr, column: Oe, length: s, return: "", siblings: a };
5843function Y0() {
5844 return J;
5846function G0() {
5847 return J = kt > 0 ? ci(Pe, --kt) : 0, Oe--, J === 10 && (Oe = 1, wr--), J;
5849function Bt() {
5850 return J = kt < cl ? ci(Pe, kt++) : 0, Oe++, J === 10 && (Oe = 1, wr++), J;
5852function fe() {
5853 return ci(Pe, kt);
5855function zi() {
5856 return kt;
5858function Br(t, e) {
5859 return ui(Pe, t, e);
5861function dn(t) {
5862 switch (t) {
5863 case 0:
5864 case 9:
5865 case 10:
5866 case 13:
5867 case 32:
5868 return 5;
5869 case 33:
5870 case 43:
5871 case 44:
5872 case 47:
5873 case 62:
5874 case 64:
5875 case 126:
5876 case 59:
5877 case 123:
5878 case 125:
5879 return 4;
5880 case 58:
5881 return 3;
5882 case 34:
5883 case 39:
5884 case 40:
5885 case 91:
5886 return 2;
5887 case 41:
5888 case 93:
5889 return 1;
5890 }
5891 return 0;
5893function V0(t) {
5894 return wr = Oe = 1, cl = Ut(Pe = t), kt = 0, [];
5896function X0(t) {
5897 return Pe = "", t;
5899function Yr(t) {
5900 return hl(Br(kt - 1, pn(t === 91 ? t + 2 : t === 40 ? t + 1 : t)));
5902function K0(t) {
5903 for (; (J = fe()) && J < 33; )
5904 Bt();
5905 return dn(t) > 2 || dn(J) > 3 ? "" : " ";
5907function Z0(t, e) {
5908 for (; --e && Bt() && !(J < 48 || J > 102 || J > 57 && J < 65 || J > 70 && J < 97); )
5909 ;
5910 return Br(t, zi() + (e < 6 && fe() == 32 && Bt() == 32));
5912function pn(t) {
5913 for (; Bt(); )
5914 switch (J) {
5915 case t:
5916 return kt;
5917 case 34:
5918 case 39:
5919 t !== 34 && t !== 39 && pn(J);
5920 break;
5921 case 40:
5922 t === 41 && pn(t);
5923 break;
5924 case 92:
5925 Bt();
5926 break;
5927 }
5928 return kt;
5930function J0(t, e) {
5931 for (; Bt() && t + J !== 47 + 10; )
5932 if (t + J === 42 + 42 && fe() === 47)
5933 break;
5934 return "/*" + Br(e, kt - 1) + "*" + Wn(t === 47 ? t : Bt());
5936function Q0(t) {
5937 for (; !dn(fe()); )
5938 Bt();
5939 return Br(t, kt);
5941function ty(t) {
5942 return X0(Wi("", null, null, null, [""], t = V0(t), 0, [0], t));
5944function Wi(t, e, i, r, n, o, s, a, l) {
5945 for (var h = 0, u = 0, f = s, c = 0, d = 0, m = 0, S = 1, O = 1, z = 1, T = 0, R = "", X = n, G = o, V = r, H = R; O; )
5946 switch (m = T, T = Bt()) {
5947 case 40:
5948 if (m != 108 && ci(H, f - 1) == 58) {
5949 j0(H += qi(Yr(T), "&", "&\f"), "&\f", ll(h ? a[h - 1] : 0)) != -1 && (z = -1);
5950 break;
5951 }
5952 case 34:
5953 case 39:
5954 case 91:
5955 H += Yr(T);
5956 break;
5957 case 9:
5958 case 10:
5959 case 13:
5960 case 32:
5961 H += K0(m);
5962 break;
5963 case 92:
5964 H += Z0(zi() - 1, 7);
5965 continue;
5966 case 47:
5967 switch (fe()) {
5968 case 42:
5969 case 47:
5970 Mi(ey(J0(Bt(), zi()), e, i, l), l);
5971 break;
5972 default:
5973 H += "/";
5974 }
5975 break;
5976 case 123 * S:
5977 a[h++] = Ut(H) * z;
5978 case 125 * S:
5979 case 59:
5980 case 0:
5981 switch (T) {
5982 case 0:
5983 case 125:
5984 O = 0;
5985 case 59 + u:
5986 z == -1 && (H = qi(H, /\f/g, "")), d > 0 && Ut(H) - f && Mi(d > 32 ? ys(H + ";", r, i, f - 1, l) : ys(qi(H, " ", "") + ";", r, i, f - 2, l), l);
5987 break;
5988 case 59:
5989 H += ";";
5990 default:
5991 if (Mi(V = ms(H, e, i, h, u, n, a, R, X = [], G = [], f, o), o), T === 123)
5992 if (u === 0)
5993 Wi(H, e, V, V, X, o, f, a, G);
5994 else
5995 switch (c === 99 && ci(H, 3) === 110 ? 100 : c) {
5996 case 100:
5997 case 108:
5998 case 109:
5999 case 115:
6000 Wi(t, V, V, r && Mi(ms(t, V, V, 0, 0, n, a, R, n, X = [], f, G), G), n, G, f, a, r ? X : G);
6001 break;
6002 default:
6003 Wi(H, V, V, V, [""], G, 0, a, G);
6004 }
6005 }
6006 h = u = d = 0, S = z = 1, R = H = "", f = s;
6007 break;
6008 case 58:
6009 f = 1 + Ut(H), d = m;
6010 default:
6011 if (S < 1) {
6012 if (T == 123)
6013 --S;
6014 else if (T == 125 && S++ == 0 && G0() == 125)
6015 continue;
6016 }
6017 switch (H += Wn(T), T * S) {
6018 case 38:
6019 z = u > 0 ? 1 : (H += "\f", -1);
6020 break;
6021 case 44:
6022 a[h++] = (Ut(H) - 1) * z, z = 1;
6023 break;
6024 case 64:
6025 fe() === 45 && (H += Yr(Bt())), c = fe(), u = f = Ut(R = H += Q0(zi())), T++;
6026 break;
6027 case 45:
6028 m === 45 && Ut(H) == 2 && (S = 0);
6029 }
6030 }
6031 return o;
6033function ms(t, e, i, r, n, o, s, a, l, h, u, f) {
6034 for (var c = n - 1, d = n === 0 ? o : [""], m = U0(d), S = 0, O = 0, z = 0; S < r; ++S)
6035 for (var T = 0, R = ui(t, c + 1, c = ll(O = s[S])), X = t; T < m; ++T)
6036 (X = hl(O > 0 ? d[T] + " " + R : qi(R, /&\f/g, d[T]))) && (l[z++] = X);
6037 return Hn(t, e, i, n === 0 ? sl : a, l, h, u, f);
6039function ey(t, e, i, r) {
6040 return Hn(t, e, i, ol, Wn(Y0()), ui(t, 2, -2), 0, r);
6042function ys(t, e, i, r, n) {
6043 return Hn(t, e, i, al, ui(t, 0, r), ui(t, r + 1, -1), r, n);
6045function gn(t, e) {
6046 for (var i = "", r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
6047 i += e(t[r], r, t, e) || "";
6048 return i;
6050function iy(t, e, i, r) {
6051 switch (t.type) {
6052 case H0:
6053 if (t.children.length)
6054 break;
6055 case z0:
6056 case al:
6057 return t.return = t.return || t.value;
6058 case ol:
6059 return "";
6060 case W0:
6061 return t.return = t.value + "{" + gn(t.children, r) + "}";
6062 case sl:
6063 if (!Ut(t.value = t.props.join(",")))
6064 return "";
6065 }
6066 return Ut(i = gn(t.children, r)) ? t.return = t.value + "{" + i + "}" : "";
6068const _s = "10.9.1", $e = Object.freeze(yp);
6069let dt = st({}, $e), ul, Ie = [], ii = st({}, $e);
6070const Fr = (t, e) => {
6071 let i = st({}, t), r = {};
6072 for (const n of e)
6073 pl(n), r = st(r, n);
6074 if (i = st(i, r), r.theme && r.theme in Gt) {
6075 const n = st({}, ul), o = st(
6076 n.themeVariables || {},
6077 r.themeVariables
6078 );
6079 i.theme && i.theme in Gt && (i.themeVariables = Gt[i.theme].getThemeVariables(o));
6080 }
6081 return ii = i, gl(ii), ii;
6082}, ry = (t) => (dt = st({}, $e), dt = st(dt, t), t.theme && Gt[t.theme] && (dt.themeVariables = Gt[t.theme].getThemeVariables(t.themeVariables)), Fr(dt, Ie), dt), ny = (t) => {
6083 ul = st({}, t);
6084}, oy = (t) => (dt = st(dt, t), Fr(dt, Ie), dt), fl = () => st({}, dt), dl = (t) => (gl(t), st(ii, t), $t()), $t = () => st({}, ii), pl = (t) => {
6085 t && (["secure", ...dt.secure ?? []].forEach((e) => {
6086 Object.hasOwn(t, e) && (L.debug(`Denied attempt to modify a secure key ${e}`, t[e]), delete t[e]);
6087 }), Object.keys(t).forEach((e) => {
6088 e.startsWith("__") && delete t[e];
6089 }), Object.keys(t).forEach((e) => {
6090 typeof t[e] == "string" && (t[e].includes("<") || t[e].includes(">") || t[e].includes("url(data:")) && delete t[e], typeof t[e] == "object" && pl(t[e]);
6091 }));
6092}, sy = (t) => {
6093 Qi(t), t.fontFamily && (!t.themeVariables || !t.themeVariables.fontFamily) && (t.themeVariables = { fontFamily: t.fontFamily }), Ie.push(t), Fr(dt, Ie);
6094}, or = (t = dt) => {
6095 Ie = [], Fr(t, Ie);
6096}, ay = {
6097 LAZY_LOAD_DEPRECATED: "The configuration options lazyLoadedDiagrams and loadExternalDiagramsAtStartup are deprecated. Please use registerExternalDiagrams instead."
6098}, Cs = {}, ly = (t) => {
6099 Cs[t] || (L.warn(ay[t]), Cs[t] = !0);
6100}, gl = (t) => {
6101 t && (t.lazyLoadedDiagrams || t.loadExternalDiagramsAtStartup) && ly("LAZY_LOAD_DEPRECATED");
6102}, ml = "c4", hy = (t) => /^\s*C4Context|C4Container|C4Component|C4Dynamic|C4Deployment/.test(t), cy = async () => {
6103 const { diagram: t } = await import("./c4Diagram-1e775db3.js");
6104 return { id: ml, diagram: t };
6105}, uy = {
6106 id: ml,
6107 detector: hy,
6108 loader: cy
6109}, fy = uy, yl = "flowchart", dy = (t, e) => {
6110 var i, r;
6111 return ((i = e == null ? void 0 : e.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : i.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper" || ((r = e == null ? void 0 : e.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : r.defaultRenderer) === "elk" ? !1 : /^\s*graph/.test(t);
6112}, py = async () => {
6113 const { diagram: t } = await import("./flowDiagram-aadb13b0.js");
6114 return { id: yl, diagram: t };
6115}, gy = {
6116 id: yl,
6117 detector: dy,
6118 loader: py
6119}, my = gy, _l = "flowchart-v2", yy = (t, e) => {
6120 var i, r, n;
6121 return ((i = e == null ? void 0 : e.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : i.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-d3" || ((r = e == null ? void 0 : e.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : r.defaultRenderer) === "elk" ? !1 : /^\s*graph/.test(t) && ((n = e == null ? void 0 : e.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : n.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper" ? !0 : /^\s*flowchart/.test(t);
6122}, _y = async () => {
6123 const { diagram: t } = await import("./flowDiagram-v2-f2119625.js");
6124 return { id: _l, diagram: t };
6125}, Cy = {
6126 id: _l,
6127 detector: yy,
6128 loader: _y
6129}, xy = Cy, Cl = "er", by = (t) => /^\s*erDiagram/.test(t), Ty = async () => {
6130 const { diagram: t } = await import("./erDiagram-c7ff1bec.js");
6131 return { id: Cl, diagram: t };
6132}, ky = {
6133 id: Cl,
6134 detector: by,
6135 loader: Ty
6136}, Sy = ky, xl = "gitGraph", vy = (t) => /^\s*gitGraph/.test(t), wy = async () => {
6137 const { diagram: t } = await import("./gitGraphDiagram-c3a0619c.js");
6138 return { id: xl, diagram: t };
6139}, By = {
6140 id: xl,
6141 detector: vy,
6142 loader: wy
6143}, Fy = By, bl = "gantt", Ay = (t) => /^\s*gantt/.test(t), Ly = async () => {
6144 const { diagram: t } = await import("./ganttDiagram-3c2fde2b.js");
6145 return { id: bl, diagram: t };
6146}, Ey = {
6147 id: bl,
6148 detector: Ay,
6149 loader: Ly
6150}, My = Ey, Tl = "info", Oy = (t) => /^\s*info/.test(t), $y = async () => {
6151 const { diagram: t } = await import("./infoDiagram-2f5c50c0.js");
6152 return { id: Tl, diagram: t };
6153}, Iy = {
6154 id: Tl,
6155 detector: Oy,
6156 loader: $y
6157}, kl = "pie", Dy = (t) => /^\s*pie/.test(t), Ny = async () => {
6158 const { diagram: t } = await import("./pieDiagram-828dae43.js");
6159 return { id: kl, diagram: t };
6160}, Ry = {
6161 id: kl,
6162 detector: Dy,
6163 loader: Ny
6164}, Sl = "quadrantChart", Py = (t) => /^\s*quadrantChart/.test(t), qy = async () => {
6165 const { diagram: t } = await import("./quadrantDiagram-5fa00455.js");
6166 return { id: Sl, diagram: t };
6167}, zy = {
6168 id: Sl,
6169 detector: Py,
6170 loader: qy
6171}, Wy = zy, vl = "xychart", Hy = (t) => /^\s*xychart-beta/.test(t), jy = async () => {
6172 const { diagram: t } = await import("./xychartDiagram-e5e6b652.js");
6173 return { id: vl, diagram: t };
6174}, Uy = {
6175 id: vl,
6176 detector: Hy,
6177 loader: jy
6178}, Yy = Uy, wl = "requirement", Gy = (t) => /^\s*requirement(Diagram)?/.test(t), Vy = async () => {
6179 const { diagram: t } = await import("./requirementDiagram-03163dc4.js");
6180 return { id: wl, diagram: t };
6181}, Xy = {
6182 id: wl,
6183 detector: Gy,
6184 loader: Vy
6185}, Ky = Xy, Bl = "sequence", Zy = (t) => /^\s*sequenceDiagram/.test(t), Jy = async () => {
6186 const { diagram: t } = await import("./sequenceDiagram-b517d154.js");
6187 return { id: Bl, diagram: t };
6188}, Qy = {
6189 id: Bl,
6190 detector: Zy,
6191 loader: Jy
6192}, t_ = Qy, Fl = "class", e_ = (t, e) => {
6193 var i;
6194 return ((i = e == null ? void 0 : e.class) == null ? void 0 : i.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper" ? !1 : /^\s*classDiagram/.test(t);
6195}, i_ = async () => {
6196 const { diagram: t } = await import("./classDiagram-f52caa06.js");
6197 return { id: Fl, diagram: t };
6198}, r_ = {
6199 id: Fl,
6200 detector: e_,
6201 loader: i_
6202}, n_ = r_, Al = "classDiagram", o_ = (t, e) => {
6203 var i;
6204 return /^\s*classDiagram/.test(t) && ((i = e == null ? void 0 : e.class) == null ? void 0 : i.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper" ? !0 : /^\s*classDiagram-v2/.test(t);
6205}, s_ = async () => {
6206 const { diagram: t } = await import("./classDiagram-v2-640c694e.js");
6207 return { id: Al, diagram: t };
6208}, a_ = {
6209 id: Al,
6210 detector: o_,
6211 loader: s_
6212}, l_ = a_, Ll = "state", h_ = (t, e) => {
6213 var i;
6214 return ((i = e == null ? void 0 : e.state) == null ? void 0 : i.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper" ? !1 : /^\s*stateDiagram/.test(t);
6215}, c_ = async () => {
6216 const { diagram: t } = await import("./stateDiagram-fca82b5b.js");
6217 return { id: Ll, diagram: t };
6218}, u_ = {
6219 id: Ll,
6220 detector: h_,
6221 loader: c_
6222}, f_ = u_, El = "stateDiagram", d_ = (t, e) => {
6223 var i;
6224 return !!(/^\s*stateDiagram-v2/.test(t) || /^\s*stateDiagram/.test(t) && ((i = e == null ? void 0 : e.state) == null ? void 0 : i.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper");
6225}, p_ = async () => {
6226 const { diagram: t } = await import("./stateDiagram-v2-ed04200a.js");
6227 return { id: El, diagram: t };
6228}, g_ = {
6229 id: El,
6230 detector: d_,
6231 loader: p_
6232}, m_ = g_, Ml = "journey", y_ = (t) => /^\s*journey/.test(t), __ = async () => {
6233 const { diagram: t } = await import("./journeyDiagram-14fe341a.js");
6234 return { id: Ml, diagram: t };
6235}, C_ = {
6236 id: Ml,
6237 detector: y_,
6238 loader: __
6239}, x_ = C_, b_ = function(t, e) {
6240 for (let i of e)
6241 t.attr(i[0], i[1]);
6242}, T_ = function(t, e, i) {
6243 let r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
6244 return i ? (r.set("width", "100%"), r.set("style", `max-width: ${e}px;`)) : (r.set("height", t), r.set("width", e)), r;
6245}, Ol = function(t, e, i, r) {
6246 const n = T_(e, i, r);
6247 b_(t, n);
6248}, k_ = function(t, e, i, r) {
6249 const n = e.node().getBBox(), o = n.width, s = n.height;
6250 L.info(`SVG bounds: ${o}x${s}`, n);
6251 let a = 0, l = 0;
6252 L.info(`Graph bounds: ${a}x${l}`, t), a = o + i * 2, l = s + i * 2, L.info(`Calculated bounds: ${a}x${l}`), Ol(e, l, a, r);
6253 const h = `${n.x - i} ${n.y - i} ${n.width + 2 * i} ${n.height + 2 * i}`;
6254 e.attr("viewBox", h);
6255}, Hi = {}, S_ = (t, e, i) => {
6256 let r = "";
6257 return t in Hi && Hi[t] ? r = Hi[t](i) : L.warn(`No theme found for ${t}`), ` & {
6258 font-family: ${i.fontFamily};
6259 font-size: ${i.fontSize};
6260 fill: ${i.textColor}
6261 }
6263 /* Classes common for multiple diagrams */
6265 & .error-icon {
6266 fill: ${i.errorBkgColor};
6267 }
6268 & .error-text {
6269 fill: ${i.errorTextColor};
6270 stroke: ${i.errorTextColor};
6271 }
6273 & .edge-thickness-normal {
6274 stroke-width: 2px;
6275 }
6276 & .edge-thickness-thick {
6277 stroke-width: 3.5px
6278 }
6279 & .edge-pattern-solid {
6280 stroke-dasharray: 0;
6281 }
6283 & .edge-pattern-dashed{
6284 stroke-dasharray: 3;
6285 }
6286 .edge-pattern-dotted {
6287 stroke-dasharray: 2;
6288 }
6290 & .marker {
6291 fill: ${i.lineColor};
6292 stroke: ${i.lineColor};
6293 }
6294 & .marker.cross {
6295 stroke: ${i.lineColor};
6296 }
6298 & svg {
6299 font-family: ${i.fontFamily};
6300 font-size: ${i.fontSize};
6301 }
6303 ${r}
6305 ${e}
6307}, v_ = (t, e) => {
6308 e !== void 0 && (Hi[t] = e);
6309}, w_ = S_;
6310let jn = "", Un = "", Yn = "";
6311const Gn = (t) => ai(t, $t()), B_ = () => {
6312 jn = "", Yn = "", Un = "";
6313}, F_ = (t) => {
6314 jn = Gn(t).replace(/^\s+/g, "");
6315}, A_ = () => jn, L_ = (t) => {
6316 Yn = Gn(t).replace(/\n\s+/g, `
6318}, E_ = () => Yn, M_ = (t) => {
6319 Un = Gn(t);
6320}, O_ = () => Un, $_ = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
6321 __proto__: null,
6322 clear: B_,
6323 getAccDescription: E_,
6324 getAccTitle: A_,
6325 getDiagramTitle: O_,
6326 setAccDescription: L_,
6327 setAccTitle: F_,
6328 setDiagramTitle: M_
6329}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), I_ = L, D_ = bn, Vn = $t, v1 = dl, w1 = $e, N_ = (t) => ai(t, Vn()), R_ = k_, P_ = () => $_, sr = {}, ar = (t, e, i) => {
6330 var r;
6331 if (sr[t])
6332 throw new Error(`Diagram ${t} already registered.`);
6333 sr[t] = e, i && qa(t, i), v_(t, e.styles), (r = e.injectUtils) == null || r.call(
6334 e,
6335 I_,
6336 D_,
6337 Vn,
6338 N_,
6339 R_,
6340 P_(),
6341 () => {
6342 }
6343 );
6344}, Xn = (t) => {
6345 if (t in sr)
6346 return sr[t];
6347 throw new q_(t);
6349class q_ extends Error {
6350 constructor(e) {
6351 super(`Diagram ${e} not found.`);
6352 }
6354const z_ = (t) => {
6355 var n;
6356 const { securityLevel: e } = Vn();
6357 let i = bt("body");
6358 if (e === "sandbox") {
6359 const s = ((n = bt(`#i${t}`).node()) == null ? void 0 : n.contentDocument) ?? document;
6360 i = bt(s.body);
6361 }
6362 return i.select(`#${t}`);
6363}, W_ = (t, e, i) => {
6364 L.debug(`rendering svg for syntax error
6366 const r = z_(e), n = r.append("g");
6367 r.attr("viewBox", "0 0 2412 512"), Ol(r, 100, 512, !0), n.append("path").attr("class", "error-icon").attr(
6368 "d",
6369 "m411.313,123.313c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.375 0-22.625s-16.375-6.25-22.625,0l-32,32-9.375,9.375-20.688-20.688c-12.484-12.5-32.766-12.5-45.25,0l-16,16c-1.261,1.261-2.304,2.648-3.31,4.051-21.739-8.561-45.324-13.426-70.065-13.426-105.867,0-192,86.133-192,192s86.133,192 192,192 192-86.133 192-192c0-24.741-4.864-48.327-13.426-70.065 1.402-1.007 2.79-2.049 4.051-3.31l16-16c12.5-12.492 12.5-32.758 0-45.25l-20.688-20.688 9.375-9.375 32.001-31.999zm-219.313,100.687c-52.938,0-96,43.063-96,96 0,8.836-7.164,16-16,16s-16-7.164-16-16c0-70.578 57.422-128 128-128 8.836,0 16,7.164 16,16s-7.164,16-16,16z"
6370 ), n.append("path").attr("class", "error-icon").attr(
6371 "d",
6372 "m459.02,148.98c-6.25-6.25-16.375-6.25-22.625,0s-6.25,16.375 0,22.625l16,16c3.125,3.125 7.219,4.688 11.313,4.688 4.094,0 8.188-1.563 11.313-4.688 6.25-6.25 6.25-16.375 0-22.625l-16.001-16z"
6373 ), n.append("path").attr("class", "error-icon").attr(
6374 "d",
6375 "m340.395,75.605c3.125,3.125 7.219,4.688 11.313,4.688 4.094,0 8.188-1.563 11.313-4.688 6.25-6.25 6.25-16.375 0-22.625l-16-16c-6.25-6.25-16.375-6.25-22.625,0s-6.25,16.375 0,22.625l15.999,16z"
6376 ), n.append("path").attr("class", "error-icon").attr(
6377 "d",
6378 "m400,64c8.844,0 16-7.164 16-16v-32c0-8.836-7.156-16-16-16-8.844,0-16,7.164-16,16v32c0,8.836 7.156,16 16,16z"
6379 ), n.append("path").attr("class", "error-icon").attr(
6380 "d",
6381 "m496,96.586h-32c-8.844,0-16,7.164-16,16 0,8.836 7.156,16 16,16h32c8.844,0 16-7.164 16-16 0-8.836-7.156-16-16-16z"
6382 ), n.append("path").attr("class", "error-icon").attr(
6383 "d",
6384 "m436.98,75.605c3.125,3.125 7.219,4.688 11.313,4.688 4.094,0 8.188-1.563 11.313-4.688l32-32c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.375 0-22.625s-16.375-6.25-22.625,0l-32,32c-6.251,6.25-6.251,16.375-0.001,22.625z"
6385 ), n.append("text").attr("class", "error-text").attr("x", 1440).attr("y", 250).attr("font-size", "150px").style("text-anchor", "middle").text("Syntax error in text"), n.append("text").attr("class", "error-text").attr("x", 1250).attr("y", 400).attr("font-size", "100px").style("text-anchor", "middle").text(`mermaid version ${i}`);
6386}, $l = { draw: W_ }, H_ = $l, j_ = {
6387 db: {},
6388 renderer: $l,
6389 parser: {
6390 parser: { yy: {} },
6391 parse: () => {
6392 }
6393 }
6394}, U_ = j_, Il = "flowchart-elk", Y_ = (t, e) => {
6395 var i;
6396 return (
6397 // If diagram explicitly states flowchart-elk
6398 !!(/^\s*flowchart-elk/.test(t) || // If a flowchart/graph diagram has their default renderer set to elk
6399 /^\s*flowchart|graph/.test(t) && ((i = e == null ? void 0 : e.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : i.defaultRenderer) === "elk")
6400 );
6401}, G_ = async () => {
6402 const { diagram: t } = await import("./flowchart-elk-definition-cf813a97.js");
6403 return { id: Il, diagram: t };
6404}, V_ = {
6405 id: Il,
6406 detector: Y_,
6407 loader: G_
6408}, X_ = V_, Dl = "timeline", K_ = (t) => /^\s*timeline/.test(t), Z_ = async () => {
6409 const { diagram: t } = await import("./timeline-definition-4ee9bff4.js");
6410 return { id: Dl, diagram: t };
6411}, J_ = {
6412 id: Dl,
6413 detector: K_,
6414 loader: Z_
6415}, Q_ = J_, Nl = "mindmap", tC = (t) => /^\s*mindmap/.test(t), eC = async () => {
6416 const { diagram: t } = await import("./mindmap-definition-9399c7e6.js");
6417 return { id: Nl, diagram: t };
6418}, iC = {
6419 id: Nl,
6420 detector: tC,
6421 loader: eC
6422}, rC = iC, Rl = "sankey", nC = (t) => /^\s*sankey-beta/.test(t), oC = async () => {
6423 const { diagram: t } = await import("./sankeyDiagram-52ec8976.js");
6424 return { id: Rl, diagram: t };
6425}, sC = {
6426 id: Rl,
6427 detector: nC,
6428 loader: oC
6429}, aC = sC, Pl = "block", lC = (t) => /^\s*block-beta/.test(t), hC = async () => {
6430 const { diagram: t } = await import("./blockDiagram-5dc23a45.js");
6431 return { id: Pl, diagram: t };
6432}, cC = {
6433 id: Pl,
6434 detector: lC,
6435 loader: hC
6436}, uC = cC;
6437let xs = !1;
6438const Kn = () => {
6439 xs || (xs = !0, ar("error", U_, (t) => t.toLowerCase().trim() === "error"), ar(
6440 "---",
6441 // --- diagram type may appear if YAML front-matter is not parsed correctly
6442 {
6443 db: {
6444 clear: () => {
6445 }
6446 },
6447 styles: {},
6448 // should never be used
6449 renderer: {
6450 draw: () => {
6451 }
6452 },
6453 parser: {
6454 parser: { yy: {} },
6455 parse: () => {
6456 throw new Error(
6457 "Diagrams beginning with --- are not valid. If you were trying to use a YAML front-matter, please ensure that you've correctly opened and closed the YAML front-matter with un-indented `---` blocks"
6458 );
6459 }
6460 },
6461 init: () => null
6462 // no op
6463 },
6464 (t) => t.toLowerCase().trimStart().startsWith("---")
6465 ), Pa(
6466 fy,
6467 l_,
6468 n_,
6469 Sy,
6470 My,
6471 Iy,
6472 Ry,
6473 Ky,
6474 t_,
6475 X_,
6476 xy,
6477 my,
6478 rC,
6479 Q_,
6480 Fy,
6481 m_,
6482 f_,
6483 x_,
6484 Wy,
6485 aC,
6486 Yy,
6487 uC
6488 ));
6490class ql {
6491 constructor(e, i = {}) {
6492 this.text = e, this.metadata = i, this.type = "graph", this.text = P0(e), this.text += `
6494 const r = $t();
6495 try {
6496 this.type = xr(e, r);
6497 } catch (o) {
6498 this.type = "error", this.detectError = o;
6499 }
6500 const n = Xn(this.type);
6501 L.debug("Type " + this.type), this.db = n.db, this.renderer = n.renderer, this.parser = n.parser, this.parser.parser.yy = this.db, this.init = n.init, this.parse();
6502 }
6503 parse() {
6504 var i, r, n, o, s;
6505 if (this.detectError)
6506 throw this.detectError;
6507 (r = (i = this.db).clear) == null || r.call(i);
6508 const e = $t();
6509 (n = this.init) == null || n.call(this, e), this.metadata.title && ((s = (o = this.db).setDiagramTitle) == null || s.call(o, this.metadata.title)), this.parser.parse(this.text);
6510 }
6511 async render(e, i) {
6512 await this.renderer.draw(this.text, e, i, this);
6513 }
6514 getParser() {
6515 return this.parser;
6516 }
6517 getType() {
6518 return this.type;
6519 }
6521const fC = async (t, e = {}) => {
6522 const i = xr(t, $t());
6523 try {
6524 Xn(i);
6525 } catch {
6526 const n = xp(i);
6527 if (!n)
6528 throw new Ra(`Diagram ${i} not found.`);
6529 const { id: o, diagram: s } = await n();
6530 ar(o, s);
6531 }
6532 return new ql(t, e);
6534let bs = [];
6535const dC = () => {
6536 bs.forEach((t) => {
6537 t();
6538 }), bs = [];
6540var pC = ja(Object.keys, Object);
6541const gC = pC;
6542var mC = Object.prototype, yC = mC.hasOwnProperty;
6543function _C(t) {
6544 if (!Sr(t))
6545 return gC(t);
6546 var e = [];
6547 for (var i in Object(t))
6548 yC.call(t, i) && i != "constructor" && e.push(i);
6549 return e;
6551var CC = Ce(Dt, "DataView");
6552const mn = CC;
6553var xC = Ce(Dt, "Promise");
6554const yn = xC;
6555var bC = Ce(Dt, "Set");
6556const _n = bC;
6557var TC = Ce(Dt, "WeakMap");
6558const Cn = TC;
6559var Ts = "[object Map]", kC = "[object Object]", ks = "[object Promise]", Ss = "[object Set]", vs = "[object WeakMap]", ws = "[object DataView]", SC = _e(mn), vC = _e(hi), wC = _e(yn), BC = _e(_n), FC = _e(Cn), he = Ne;
6560(mn && he(new mn(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != ws || hi && he(new hi()) != Ts || yn && he(yn.resolve()) != ks || _n && he(new _n()) != Ss || Cn && he(new Cn()) != vs) && (he = function(t) {
6561 var e = Ne(t), i = e == kC ? t.constructor : void 0, r = i ? _e(i) : "";
6562 if (r)
6563 switch (r) {
6564 case SC:
6565 return ws;
6566 case vC:
6567 return Ts;
6568 case wC:
6569 return ks;
6570 case BC:
6571 return Ss;
6572 case FC:
6573 return vs;
6574 }
6575 return e;
6577const AC = he;
6578var LC = "[object Map]", EC = "[object Set]", MC = Object.prototype, OC = MC.hasOwnProperty;
6579function Gr(t) {
6580 if (t == null)
6581 return !0;
6582 if (vr(t) && (rr(t) || typeof t == "string" || typeof t.splice == "function" || Nn(t) || Rn(t) || ir(t)))
6583 return !t.length;
6584 var e = AC(t);
6585 if (e == LC || e == EC)
6586 return !t.size;
6587 if (Sr(t))
6588 return !_C(t).length;
6589 for (var i in t)
6590 if (OC.call(t, i))
6591 return !1;
6592 return !0;
6594const $C = "graphics-document document";
6595function IC(t, e) {
6596 t.attr("role", $C), e !== "" && t.attr("aria-roledescription", e);
6598function DC(t, e, i, r) {
6599 if (t.insert !== void 0) {
6600 if (i) {
6601 const n = `chart-desc-${r}`;
6602 t.attr("aria-describedby", n), t.insert("desc", ":first-child").attr("id", n).text(i);
6603 }
6604 if (e) {
6605 const n = `chart-title-${r}`;
6606 t.attr("aria-labelledby", n), t.insert("title", ":first-child").attr("id", n).text(e);
6607 }
6608 }
6610const NC = (t) => t.replace(/^\s*%%(?!{)[^\n]+\n?/gm, "").trimStart();
6611/*! js-yaml 4.1.0 https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml @license MIT */
6612function zl(t) {
6613 return typeof t > "u" || t === null;
6615function RC(t) {
6616 return typeof t == "object" && t !== null;
6618function PC(t) {
6619 return Array.isArray(t) ? t : zl(t) ? [] : [t];
6621function qC(t, e) {
6622 var i, r, n, o;
6623 if (e)
6624 for (o = Object.keys(e), i = 0, r = o.length; i < r; i += 1)
6625 n = o[i], t[n] = e[n];
6626 return t;
6628function zC(t, e) {
6629 var i = "", r;
6630 for (r = 0; r < e; r += 1)
6631 i += t;
6632 return i;
6634function WC(t) {
6635 return t === 0 && Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === 1 / t;
6637var HC = zl, jC = RC, UC = PC, YC = zC, GC = WC, VC = qC, lt = {
6638 isNothing: HC,
6639 isObject: jC,
6640 toArray: UC,
6641 repeat: YC,
6642 isNegativeZero: GC,
6643 extend: VC
6645function Wl(t, e) {
6646 var i = "", r = t.reason || "(unknown reason)";
6647 return t.mark ? (t.mark.name && (i += 'in "' + t.mark.name + '" '), i += "(" + (t.mark.line + 1) + ":" + (t.mark.column + 1) + ")", !e && t.mark.snippet && (i += `
6649` + t.mark.snippet), r + " " + i) : r;
6651function fi(t, e) {
6652 Error.call(this), this.name = "YAMLException", this.reason = t, this.mark = e, this.message = Wl(this, !1), Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : this.stack = new Error().stack || "";
6654fi.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
6655fi.prototype.constructor = fi;
6656fi.prototype.toString = function(e) {
6657 return this.name + ": " + Wl(this, e);
6659var Yt = fi;
6660function Vr(t, e, i, r, n) {
6661 var o = "", s = "", a = Math.floor(n / 2) - 1;
6662 return r - e > a && (o = " ... ", e = r - a + o.length), i - r > a && (s = " ...", i = r + a - s.length), {
6663 str: o + t.slice(e, i).replace(/\t/g, "→") + s,
6664 pos: r - e + o.length
6665 // relative position
6666 };
6668function Xr(t, e) {
6669 return lt.repeat(" ", e - t.length) + t;
6671function XC(t, e) {
6672 if (e = Object.create(e || null), !t.buffer)
6673 return null;
6674 e.maxLength || (e.maxLength = 79), typeof e.indent != "number" && (e.indent = 1), typeof e.linesBefore != "number" && (e.linesBefore = 3), typeof e.linesAfter != "number" && (e.linesAfter = 2);
6675 for (var i = /\r?\n|\r|\0/g, r = [0], n = [], o, s = -1; o = i.exec(t.buffer); )
6676 n.push(o.index), r.push(o.index + o[0].length), t.position <= o.index && s < 0 && (s = r.length - 2);
6677 s < 0 && (s = r.length - 1);
6678 var a = "", l, h, u = Math.min(t.line + e.linesAfter, n.length).toString().length, f = e.maxLength - (e.indent + u + 3);
6679 for (l = 1; l <= e.linesBefore && !(s - l < 0); l++)
6680 h = Vr(
6681 t.buffer,
6682 r[s - l],
6683 n[s - l],
6684 t.position - (r[s] - r[s - l]),
6685 f
6686 ), a = lt.repeat(" ", e.indent) + Xr((t.line - l + 1).toString(), u) + " | " + h.str + `
6687` + a;
6688 for (h = Vr(t.buffer, r[s], n[s], t.position, f), a += lt.repeat(" ", e.indent) + Xr((t.line + 1).toString(), u) + " | " + h.str + `
6689`, a += lt.repeat("-", e.indent + u + 3 + h.pos) + `^
6690`, l = 1; l <= e.linesAfter && !(s + l >= n.length); l++)
6691 h = Vr(
6692 t.buffer,
6693 r[s + l],
6694 n[s + l],
6695 t.position - (r[s] - r[s + l]),
6696 f
6697 ), a += lt.repeat(" ", e.indent) + Xr((t.line + l + 1).toString(), u) + " | " + h.str + `
6699 return a.replace(/\n$/, "");
6701var KC = XC, ZC = [
6702 "kind",
6703 "multi",
6704 "resolve",
6705 "construct",
6706 "instanceOf",
6707 "predicate",
6708 "represent",
6709 "representName",
6710 "defaultStyle",
6711 "styleAliases"
6712], JC = [
6713 "scalar",
6714 "sequence",
6715 "mapping"
6717function QC(t) {
6718 var e = {};
6719 return t !== null && Object.keys(t).forEach(function(i) {
6720 t[i].forEach(function(r) {
6721 e[String(r)] = i;
6722 });
6723 }), e;
6725function tx(t, e) {
6726 if (e = e || {}, Object.keys(e).forEach(function(i) {
6727 if (ZC.indexOf(i) === -1)
6728 throw new Yt('Unknown option "' + i + '" is met in definition of "' + t + '" YAML type.');
6729 }), this.options = e, this.tag = t, this.kind = e.kind || null, this.resolve = e.resolve || function() {
6730 return !0;
6731 }, this.construct = e.construct || function(i) {
6732 return i;
6733 }, this.instanceOf = e.instanceOf || null, this.predicate = e.predicate || null, this.represent = e.represent || null, this.representName = e.representName || null, this.defaultStyle = e.defaultStyle || null, this.multi = e.multi || !1, this.styleAliases = QC(e.styleAliases || null), JC.indexOf(this.kind) === -1)
6734 throw new Yt('Unknown kind "' + this.kind + '" is specified for "' + t + '" YAML type.');
6736var at = tx;
6737function Bs(t, e) {
6738 var i = [];
6739 return t[e].forEach(function(r) {
6740 var n = i.length;
6741 i.forEach(function(o, s) {
6742 o.tag === r.tag && o.kind === r.kind && o.multi === r.multi && (n = s);
6743 }), i[n] = r;
6744 }), i;
6746function ex() {
6747 var t = {
6748 scalar: {},
6749 sequence: {},
6750 mapping: {},
6751 fallback: {},
6752 multi: {
6753 scalar: [],
6754 sequence: [],
6755 mapping: [],
6756 fallback: []
6757 }
6758 }, e, i;
6759 function r(n) {
6760 n.multi ? (t.multi[n.kind].push(n), t.multi.fallback.push(n)) : t[n.kind][n.tag] = t.fallback[n.tag] = n;
6761 }
6762 for (e = 0, i = arguments.length; e < i; e += 1)
6763 arguments[e].forEach(r);
6764 return t;
6766function xn(t) {
6767 return this.extend(t);
6769xn.prototype.extend = function(e) {
6770 var i = [], r = [];
6771 if (e instanceof at)
6772 r.push(e);
6773 else if (Array.isArray(e))
6774 r = r.concat(e);
6775 else if (e && (Array.isArray(e.implicit) || Array.isArray(e.explicit)))
6776 e.implicit && (i = i.concat(e.implicit)), e.explicit && (r = r.concat(e.explicit));
6777 else
6778 throw new Yt("Schema.extend argument should be a Type, [ Type ], or a schema definition ({ implicit: [...], explicit: [...] })");
6779 i.forEach(function(o) {
6780 if (!(o instanceof at))
6781 throw new Yt("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.");
6782 if (o.loadKind && o.loadKind !== "scalar")
6783 throw new Yt("There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.");
6784 if (o.multi)
6785 throw new Yt("There is a multi type in the implicit list of a schema. Multi tags can only be listed as explicit.");
6786 }), r.forEach(function(o) {
6787 if (!(o instanceof at))
6788 throw new Yt("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.");
6789 });
6790 var n = Object.create(xn.prototype);
6791 return n.implicit = (this.implicit || []).concat(i), n.explicit = (this.explicit || []).concat(r), n.compiledImplicit = Bs(n, "implicit"), n.compiledExplicit = Bs(n, "explicit"), n.compiledTypeMap = ex(n.compiledImplicit, n.compiledExplicit), n;
6793var ix = xn, rx = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:str", {
6794 kind: "scalar",
6795 construct: function(t) {
6796 return t !== null ? t : "";
6797 }
6798}), nx = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:seq", {
6799 kind: "sequence",
6800 construct: function(t) {
6801 return t !== null ? t : [];
6802 }
6803}), ox = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:map", {
6804 kind: "mapping",
6805 construct: function(t) {
6806 return t !== null ? t : {};
6807 }
6808}), sx = new ix({
6809 explicit: [
6810 rx,
6811 nx,
6812 ox
6813 ]
6815function ax(t) {
6816 if (t === null)
6817 return !0;
6818 var e = t.length;
6819 return e === 1 && t === "~" || e === 4 && (t === "null" || t === "Null" || t === "NULL");
6821function lx() {
6822 return null;
6824function hx(t) {
6825 return t === null;
6827var cx = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:null", {
6828 kind: "scalar",
6829 resolve: ax,
6830 construct: lx,
6831 predicate: hx,
6832 represent: {
6833 canonical: function() {
6834 return "~";
6835 },
6836 lowercase: function() {
6837 return "null";
6838 },
6839 uppercase: function() {
6840 return "NULL";
6841 },
6842 camelcase: function() {
6843 return "Null";
6844 },
6845 empty: function() {
6846 return "";
6847 }
6848 },
6849 defaultStyle: "lowercase"
6851function ux(t) {
6852 if (t === null)
6853 return !1;
6854 var e = t.length;
6855 return e === 4 && (t === "true" || t === "True" || t === "TRUE") || e === 5 && (t === "false" || t === "False" || t === "FALSE");
6857function fx(t) {
6858 return t === "true" || t === "True" || t === "TRUE";
6860function dx(t) {
6861 return Object.prototype.toString.call(t) === "[object Boolean]";
6863var px = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:bool", {
6864 kind: "scalar",
6865 resolve: ux,
6866 construct: fx,
6867 predicate: dx,
6868 represent: {
6869 lowercase: function(t) {
6870 return t ? "true" : "false";
6871 },
6872 uppercase: function(t) {
6873 return t ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
6874 },
6875 camelcase: function(t) {
6876 return t ? "True" : "False";
6877 }
6878 },
6879 defaultStyle: "lowercase"
6881function gx(t) {
6882 return 48 <= t && t <= 57 || 65 <= t && t <= 70 || 97 <= t && t <= 102;
6884function mx(t) {
6885 return 48 <= t && t <= 55;
6887function yx(t) {
6888 return 48 <= t && t <= 57;
6890function _x(t) {
6891 if (t === null)
6892 return !1;
6893 var e = t.length, i = 0, r = !1, n;
6894 if (!e)
6895 return !1;
6896 if (n = t[i], (n === "-" || n === "+") && (n = t[++i]), n === "0") {
6897 if (i + 1 === e)
6898 return !0;
6899 if (n = t[++i], n === "b") {
6900 for (i++; i < e; i++)
6901 if (n = t[i], n !== "_") {
6902 if (n !== "0" && n !== "1")
6903 return !1;
6904 r = !0;
6905 }
6906 return r && n !== "_";
6907 }
6908 if (n === "x") {
6909 for (i++; i < e; i++)
6910 if (n = t[i], n !== "_") {
6911 if (!gx(t.charCodeAt(i)))
6912 return !1;
6913 r = !0;
6914 }
6915 return r && n !== "_";
6916 }
6917 if (n === "o") {
6918 for (i++; i < e; i++)
6919 if (n = t[i], n !== "_") {
6920 if (!mx(t.charCodeAt(i)))
6921 return !1;
6922 r = !0;
6923 }
6924 return r && n !== "_";
6925 }
6926 }
6927 if (n === "_")
6928 return !1;
6929 for (; i < e; i++)
6930 if (n = t[i], n !== "_") {
6931 if (!yx(t.charCodeAt(i)))
6932 return !1;
6933 r = !0;
6934 }
6935 return !(!r || n === "_");
6937function Cx(t) {
6938 var e = t, i = 1, r;
6939 if (e.indexOf("_") !== -1 && (e = e.replace(/_/g, "")), r = e[0], (r === "-" || r === "+") && (r === "-" && (i = -1), e = e.slice(1), r = e[0]), e === "0")
6940 return 0;
6941 if (r === "0") {
6942 if (e[1] === "b")
6943 return i * parseInt(e.slice(2), 2);
6944 if (e[1] === "x")
6945 return i * parseInt(e.slice(2), 16);
6946 if (e[1] === "o")
6947 return i * parseInt(e.slice(2), 8);
6948 }
6949 return i * parseInt(e, 10);
6951function xx(t) {
6952 return Object.prototype.toString.call(t) === "[object Number]" && t % 1 === 0 && !lt.isNegativeZero(t);
6954var bx = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:int", {
6955 kind: "scalar",
6956 resolve: _x,
6957 construct: Cx,
6958 predicate: xx,
6959 represent: {
6960 binary: function(t) {
6961 return t >= 0 ? "0b" + t.toString(2) : "-0b" + t.toString(2).slice(1);
6962 },
6963 octal: function(t) {
6964 return t >= 0 ? "0o" + t.toString(8) : "-0o" + t.toString(8).slice(1);
6965 },
6966 decimal: function(t) {
6967 return t.toString(10);
6968 },
6969 /* eslint-disable max-len */
6970 hexadecimal: function(t) {
6971 return t >= 0 ? "0x" + t.toString(16).toUpperCase() : "-0x" + t.toString(16).toUpperCase().slice(1);
6972 }
6973 },
6974 defaultStyle: "decimal",
6975 styleAliases: {
6976 binary: [2, "bin"],
6977 octal: [8, "oct"],
6978 decimal: [10, "dec"],
6979 hexadecimal: [16, "hex"]
6980 }
6981}), Tx = new RegExp(
6982 // 2.5e4, 2.5 and integers
6983 "^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)(?:\\.[0-9_]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|[-+]?\\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)|\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$"
6985function kx(t) {
6986 return !(t === null || !Tx.test(t) || // Quick hack to not allow integers end with `_`
6987 // Probably should update regexp & check speed
6988 t[t.length - 1] === "_");
6990function Sx(t) {
6991 var e, i;
6992 return e = t.replace(/_/g, "").toLowerCase(), i = e[0] === "-" ? -1 : 1, "+-".indexOf(e[0]) >= 0 && (e = e.slice(1)), e === ".inf" ? i === 1 ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : e === ".nan" ? NaN : i * parseFloat(e, 10);
6994var vx = /^[-+]?[0-9]+e/;
6995function wx(t, e) {
6996 var i;
6997 if (isNaN(t))
6998 switch (e) {
6999 case "lowercase":
7000 return ".nan";
7001 case "uppercase":
7002 return ".NAN";
7003 case "camelcase":
7004 return ".NaN";
7005 }
7006 else if (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY === t)
7007 switch (e) {
7008 case "lowercase":
7009 return ".inf";
7010 case "uppercase":
7011 return ".INF";
7012 case "camelcase":
7013 return ".Inf";
7014 }
7015 else if (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === t)
7016 switch (e) {
7017 case "lowercase":
7018 return "-.inf";
7019 case "uppercase":
7020 return "-.INF";
7021 case "camelcase":
7022 return "-.Inf";
7023 }
7024 else if (lt.isNegativeZero(t))
7025 return "-0.0";
7026 return i = t.toString(10), vx.test(i) ? i.replace("e", ".e") : i;
7028function Bx(t) {
7029 return Object.prototype.toString.call(t) === "[object Number]" && (t % 1 !== 0 || lt.isNegativeZero(t));
7031var Fx = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:float", {
7032 kind: "scalar",
7033 resolve: kx,
7034 construct: Sx,
7035 predicate: Bx,
7036 represent: wx,
7037 defaultStyle: "lowercase"
7038}), Hl = sx.extend({
7039 implicit: [
7040 cx,
7041 px,
7042 bx,
7043 Fx
7044 ]
7045}), Ax = Hl, jl = new RegExp(
7046 "^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])$"
7047), Ul = new RegExp(
7048 "^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]?)-([0-9][0-9]?)(?:[Tt]|[ \\t]+)([0-9][0-9]?):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])(?:\\.([0-9]*))?(?:[ \\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?$"
7050function Lx(t) {
7051 return t === null ? !1 : jl.exec(t) !== null || Ul.exec(t) !== null;
7053function Ex(t) {
7054 var e, i, r, n, o, s, a, l = 0, h = null, u, f, c;
7055 if (e = jl.exec(t), e === null && (e = Ul.exec(t)), e === null)
7056 throw new Error("Date resolve error");
7057 if (i = +e[1], r = +e[2] - 1, n = +e[3], !e[4])
7058 return new Date(Date.UTC(i, r, n));
7059 if (o = +e[4], s = +e[5], a = +e[6], e[7]) {
7060 for (l = e[7].slice(0, 3); l.length < 3; )
7061 l += "0";
7062 l = +l;
7063 }
7064 return e[9] && (u = +e[10], f = +(e[11] || 0), h = (u * 60 + f) * 6e4, e[9] === "-" && (h = -h)), c = new Date(Date.UTC(i, r, n, o, s, a, l)), h && c.setTime(c.getTime() - h), c;
7066function Mx(t) {
7067 return t.toISOString();
7069var Ox = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp", {
7070 kind: "scalar",
7071 resolve: Lx,
7072 construct: Ex,
7073 instanceOf: Date,
7074 represent: Mx
7076function $x(t) {
7077 return t === "<<" || t === null;
7079var Ix = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:merge", {
7080 kind: "scalar",
7081 resolve: $x
7082}), Zn = `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=
7084function Dx(t) {
7085 if (t === null)
7086 return !1;
7087 var e, i, r = 0, n = t.length, o = Zn;
7088 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
7089 if (e = o.indexOf(t.charAt(i)), !(e > 64)) {
7090 if (e < 0)
7091 return !1;
7092 r += 6;
7093 }
7094 return r % 8 === 0;
7096function Nx(t) {
7097 var e, i, r = t.replace(/[\r\n=]/g, ""), n = r.length, o = Zn, s = 0, a = [];
7098 for (e = 0; e < n; e++)
7099 e % 4 === 0 && e && (a.push(s >> 16 & 255), a.push(s >> 8 & 255), a.push(s & 255)), s = s << 6 | o.indexOf(r.charAt(e));
7100 return i = n % 4 * 6, i === 0 ? (a.push(s >> 16 & 255), a.push(s >> 8 & 255), a.push(s & 255)) : i === 18 ? (a.push(s >> 10 & 255), a.push(s >> 2 & 255)) : i === 12 && a.push(s >> 4 & 255), new Uint8Array(a);
7102function Rx(t) {
7103 var e = "", i = 0, r, n, o = t.length, s = Zn;
7104 for (r = 0; r < o; r++)
7105 r % 3 === 0 && r && (e += s[i >> 18 & 63], e += s[i >> 12 & 63], e += s[i >> 6 & 63], e += s[i & 63]), i = (i << 8) + t[r];
7106 return n = o % 3, n === 0 ? (e += s[i >> 18 & 63], e += s[i >> 12 & 63], e += s[i >> 6 & 63], e += s[i & 63]) : n === 2 ? (e += s[i >> 10 & 63], e += s[i >> 4 & 63], e += s[i << 2 & 63], e += s[64]) : n === 1 && (e += s[i >> 2 & 63], e += s[i << 4 & 63], e += s[64], e += s[64]), e;
7108function Px(t) {
7109 return Object.prototype.toString.call(t) === "[object Uint8Array]";
7111var qx = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:binary", {
7112 kind: "scalar",
7113 resolve: Dx,
7114 construct: Nx,
7115 predicate: Px,
7116 represent: Rx
7117}), zx = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Wx = Object.prototype.toString;
7118function Hx(t) {
7119 if (t === null)
7120 return !0;
7121 var e = [], i, r, n, o, s, a = t;
7122 for (i = 0, r = a.length; i < r; i += 1) {
7123 if (n = a[i], s = !1, Wx.call(n) !== "[object Object]")
7124 return !1;
7125 for (o in n)
7126 if (zx.call(n, o))
7127 if (!s)
7128 s = !0;
7129 else
7130 return !1;
7131 if (!s)
7132 return !1;
7133 if (e.indexOf(o) === -1)
7134 e.push(o);
7135 else
7136 return !1;
7137 }
7138 return !0;
7140function jx(t) {
7141 return t !== null ? t : [];
7143var Ux = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:omap", {
7144 kind: "sequence",
7145 resolve: Hx,
7146 construct: jx
7147}), Yx = Object.prototype.toString;
7148function Gx(t) {
7149 if (t === null)
7150 return !0;
7151 var e, i, r, n, o, s = t;
7152 for (o = new Array(s.length), e = 0, i = s.length; e < i; e += 1) {
7153 if (r = s[e], Yx.call(r) !== "[object Object]" || (n = Object.keys(r), n.length !== 1))
7154 return !1;
7155 o[e] = [n[0], r[n[0]]];
7156 }
7157 return !0;
7159function Vx(t) {
7160 if (t === null)
7161 return [];
7162 var e, i, r, n, o, s = t;
7163 for (o = new Array(s.length), e = 0, i = s.length; e < i; e += 1)
7164 r = s[e], n = Object.keys(r), o[e] = [n[0], r[n[0]]];
7165 return o;
7167var Xx = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs", {
7168 kind: "sequence",
7169 resolve: Gx,
7170 construct: Vx
7171}), Kx = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
7172function Zx(t) {
7173 if (t === null)
7174 return !0;
7175 var e, i = t;
7176 for (e in i)
7177 if (Kx.call(i, e) && i[e] !== null)
7178 return !1;
7179 return !0;
7181function Jx(t) {
7182 return t !== null ? t : {};
7184var Qx = new at("tag:yaml.org,2002:set", {
7185 kind: "mapping",
7186 resolve: Zx,
7187 construct: Jx
7188}), tb = Ax.extend({
7189 implicit: [
7190 Ox,
7191 Ix
7192 ],
7193 explicit: [
7194 qx,
7195 Ux,
7196 Xx,
7197 Qx
7198 ]
7199}), re = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, lr = 1, Yl = 2, Gl = 3, hr = 4, Kr = 1, eb = 2, Fs = 3, ib = /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/, rb = /[\x85\u2028\u2029]/, nb = /[,\[\]\{\}]/, Vl = /^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i, Xl = /^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i;
7200function As(t) {
7201 return Object.prototype.toString.call(t);
7203function Mt(t) {
7204 return t === 10 || t === 13;
7206function de(t) {
7207 return t === 9 || t === 32;
7209function gt(t) {
7210 return t === 9 || t === 32 || t === 10 || t === 13;
7212function we(t) {
7213 return t === 44 || t === 91 || t === 93 || t === 123 || t === 125;
7215function ob(t) {
7216 var e;
7217 return 48 <= t && t <= 57 ? t - 48 : (e = t | 32, 97 <= e && e <= 102 ? e - 97 + 10 : -1);
7219function sb(t) {
7220 return t === 120 ? 2 : t === 117 ? 4 : t === 85 ? 8 : 0;
7222function ab(t) {
7223 return 48 <= t && t <= 57 ? t - 48 : -1;
7225function Ls(t) {
7226 return t === 48 ? "\0" : t === 97 ? "\x07" : t === 98 ? "\b" : t === 116 || t === 9 ? " " : t === 110 ? `
7227` : t === 118 ? "\v" : t === 102 ? "\f" : t === 114 ? "\r" : t === 101 ? "\x1B" : t === 32 ? " " : t === 34 ? '"' : t === 47 ? "/" : t === 92 ? "\\" : t === 78 ? "…" : t === 95 ? " " : t === 76 ? "\u2028" : t === 80 ? "\u2029" : "";
7229function lb(t) {
7230 return t <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(t) : String.fromCharCode(
7231 (t - 65536 >> 10) + 55296,
7232 (t - 65536 & 1023) + 56320
7233 );
7235var Kl = new Array(256), Zl = new Array(256);
7236for (var ve = 0; ve < 256; ve++)
7237 Kl[ve] = Ls(ve) ? 1 : 0, Zl[ve] = Ls(ve);
7238function hb(t, e) {
7239 this.input = t, this.filename = e.filename || null, this.schema = e.schema || tb, this.onWarning = e.onWarning || null, this.legacy = e.legacy || !1, this.json = e.json || !1, this.listener = e.listener || null, this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit, this.typeMap = this.schema.compiledTypeMap, this.length = t.length, this.position = 0, this.line = 0, this.lineStart = 0, this.lineIndent = 0, this.firstTabInLine = -1, this.documents = [];
7241function Jl(t, e) {
7242 var i = {
7243 name: t.filename,
7244 buffer: t.input.slice(0, -1),
7245 // omit trailing \0
7246 position: t.position,
7247 line: t.line,
7248 column: t.position - t.lineStart
7249 };
7250 return i.snippet = KC(i), new Yt(e, i);
7252function A(t, e) {
7253 throw Jl(t, e);
7255function cr(t, e) {
7256 t.onWarning && t.onWarning.call(null, Jl(t, e));
7258var Es = {
7259 YAML: function(e, i, r) {
7260 var n, o, s;
7261 e.version !== null && A(e, "duplication of %YAML directive"), r.length !== 1 && A(e, "YAML directive accepts exactly one argument"), n = /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/.exec(r[0]), n === null && A(e, "ill-formed argument of the YAML directive"), o = parseInt(n[1], 10), s = parseInt(n[2], 10), o !== 1 && A(e, "unacceptable YAML version of the document"), e.version = r[0], e.checkLineBreaks = s < 2, s !== 1 && s !== 2 && cr(e, "unsupported YAML version of the document");
7262 },
7263 TAG: function(e, i, r) {
7264 var n, o;
7265 r.length !== 2 && A(e, "TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments"), n = r[0], o = r[1], Vl.test(n) || A(e, "ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive"), re.call(e.tagMap, n) && A(e, 'there is a previously declared suffix for "' + n + '" tag handle'), Xl.test(o) || A(e, "ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive");
7266 try {
7267 o = decodeURIComponent(o);
7268 } catch {
7269 A(e, "tag prefix is malformed: " + o);
7270 }
7271 e.tagMap[n] = o;
7272 }
7274function ee(t, e, i, r) {
7275 var n, o, s, a;
7276 if (e < i) {
7277 if (a = t.input.slice(e, i), r)
7278 for (n = 0, o = a.length; n < o; n += 1)
7279 s = a.charCodeAt(n), s === 9 || 32 <= s && s <= 1114111 || A(t, "expected valid JSON character");
7280 else
7281 ib.test(a) && A(t, "the stream contains non-printable characters");
7282 t.result += a;
7283 }
7285function Ms(t, e, i, r) {
7286 var n, o, s, a;
7287 for (lt.isObject(i) || A(t, "cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable"), n = Object.keys(i), s = 0, a = n.length; s < a; s += 1)
7288 o = n[s], re.call(e, o) || (e[o] = i[o], r[o] = !0);
7290function Be(t, e, i, r, n, o, s, a, l) {
7291 var h, u;
7292 if (Array.isArray(n))
7293 for (n = Array.prototype.slice.call(n), h = 0, u = n.length; h < u; h += 1)
7294 Array.isArray(n[h]) && A(t, "nested arrays are not supported inside keys"), typeof n == "object" && As(n[h]) === "[object Object]" && (n[h] = "[object Object]");
7295 if (typeof n == "object" && As(n) === "[object Object]" && (n = "[object Object]"), n = String(n), e === null && (e = {}), r === "tag:yaml.org,2002:merge")
7296 if (Array.isArray(o))
7297 for (h = 0, u = o.length; h < u; h += 1)
7298 Ms(t, e, o[h], i);
7299 else
7300 Ms(t, e, o, i);
7301 else
7302 !t.json && !re.call(i, n) && re.call(e, n) && (t.line = s || t.line, t.lineStart = a || t.lineStart, t.position = l || t.position, A(t, "duplicated mapping key")), n === "__proto__" ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, {
7303 configurable: !0,
7304 enumerable: !0,
7305 writable: !0,
7306 value: o
7307 }) : e[n] = o, delete i[n];
7308 return e;
7310function Jn(t) {
7311 var e;
7312 e = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), e === 10 ? t.position++ : e === 13 ? (t.position++, t.input.charCodeAt(t.position) === 10 && t.position++) : A(t, "a line break is expected"), t.line += 1, t.lineStart = t.position, t.firstTabInLine = -1;
7314function Q(t, e, i) {
7315 for (var r = 0, n = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position); n !== 0; ) {
7316 for (; de(n); )
7317 n === 9 && t.firstTabInLine === -1 && (t.firstTabInLine = t.position), n = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7318 if (e && n === 35)
7319 do
7320 n = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7321 while (n !== 10 && n !== 13 && n !== 0);
7322 if (Mt(n))
7323 for (Jn(t), n = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), r++, t.lineIndent = 0; n === 32; )
7324 t.lineIndent++, n = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7325 else
7326 break;
7327 }
7328 return i !== -1 && r !== 0 && t.lineIndent < i && cr(t, "deficient indentation"), r;
7330function Ar(t) {
7331 var e = t.position, i;
7332 return i = t.input.charCodeAt(e), !!((i === 45 || i === 46) && i === t.input.charCodeAt(e + 1) && i === t.input.charCodeAt(e + 2) && (e += 3, i = t.input.charCodeAt(e), i === 0 || gt(i)));
7334function Qn(t, e) {
7335 e === 1 ? t.result += " " : e > 1 && (t.result += lt.repeat(`
7336`, e - 1));
7338function cb(t, e, i) {
7339 var r, n, o, s, a, l, h, u, f = t.kind, c = t.result, d;
7340 if (d = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), gt(d) || we(d) || d === 35 || d === 38 || d === 42 || d === 33 || d === 124 || d === 62 || d === 39 || d === 34 || d === 37 || d === 64 || d === 96 || (d === 63 || d === 45) && (n = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position + 1), gt(n) || i && we(n)))
7341 return !1;
7342 for (t.kind = "scalar", t.result = "", o = s = t.position, a = !1; d !== 0; ) {
7343 if (d === 58) {
7344 if (n = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position + 1), gt(n) || i && we(n))
7345 break;
7346 } else if (d === 35) {
7347 if (r = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position - 1), gt(r))
7348 break;
7349 } else {
7350 if (t.position === t.lineStart && Ar(t) || i && we(d))
7351 break;
7352 if (Mt(d))
7353 if (l = t.line, h = t.lineStart, u = t.lineIndent, Q(t, !1, -1), t.lineIndent >= e) {
7354 a = !0, d = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position);
7355 continue;
7356 } else {
7357 t.position = s, t.line = l, t.lineStart = h, t.lineIndent = u;
7358 break;
7359 }
7360 }
7361 a && (ee(t, o, s, !1), Qn(t, t.line - l), o = s = t.position, a = !1), de(d) || (s = t.position + 1), d = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7362 }
7363 return ee(t, o, s, !1), t.result ? !0 : (t.kind = f, t.result = c, !1);
7365function ub(t, e) {
7366 var i, r, n;
7367 if (i = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), i !== 39)
7368 return !1;
7369 for (t.kind = "scalar", t.result = "", t.position++, r = n = t.position; (i = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)) !== 0; )
7370 if (i === 39)
7371 if (ee(t, r, t.position, !0), i = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position), i === 39)
7372 r = t.position, t.position++, n = t.position;
7373 else
7374 return !0;
7375 else
7376 Mt(i) ? (ee(t, r, n, !0), Qn(t, Q(t, !1, e)), r = n = t.position) : t.position === t.lineStart && Ar(t) ? A(t, "unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar") : (t.position++, n = t.position);
7377 A(t, "unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar");
7379function fb(t, e) {
7380 var i, r, n, o, s, a;
7381 if (a = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), a !== 34)
7382 return !1;
7383 for (t.kind = "scalar", t.result = "", t.position++, i = r = t.position; (a = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)) !== 0; ) {
7384 if (a === 34)
7385 return ee(t, i, t.position, !0), t.position++, !0;
7386 if (a === 92) {
7387 if (ee(t, i, t.position, !0), a = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position), Mt(a))
7388 Q(t, !1, e);
7389 else if (a < 256 && Kl[a])
7390 t.result += Zl[a], t.position++;
7391 else if ((s = sb(a)) > 0) {
7392 for (n = s, o = 0; n > 0; n--)
7393 a = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position), (s = ob(a)) >= 0 ? o = (o << 4) + s : A(t, "expected hexadecimal character");
7394 t.result += lb(o), t.position++;
7395 } else
7396 A(t, "unknown escape sequence");
7397 i = r = t.position;
7398 } else
7399 Mt(a) ? (ee(t, i, r, !0), Qn(t, Q(t, !1, e)), i = r = t.position) : t.position === t.lineStart && Ar(t) ? A(t, "unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar") : (t.position++, r = t.position);
7400 }
7401 A(t, "unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar");
7403function db(t, e) {
7404 var i = !0, r, n, o, s = t.tag, a, l = t.anchor, h, u, f, c, d, m = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), S, O, z, T;
7405 if (T = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), T === 91)
7406 u = 93, d = !1, a = [];
7407 else if (T === 123)
7408 u = 125, d = !0, a = {};
7409 else
7410 return !1;
7411 for (t.anchor !== null && (t.anchorMap[t.anchor] = a), T = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position); T !== 0; ) {
7412 if (Q(t, !0, e), T = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), T === u)
7413 return t.position++, t.tag = s, t.anchor = l, t.kind = d ? "mapping" : "sequence", t.result = a, !0;
7414 i ? T === 44 && A(t, "expected the node content, but found ','") : A(t, "missed comma between flow collection entries"), O = S = z = null, f = c = !1, T === 63 && (h = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position + 1), gt(h) && (f = c = !0, t.position++, Q(t, !0, e))), r = t.line, n = t.lineStart, o = t.position, De(t, e, lr, !1, !0), O = t.tag, S = t.result, Q(t, !0, e), T = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), (c || t.line === r) && T === 58 && (f = !0, T = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position), Q(t, !0, e), De(t, e, lr, !1, !0), z = t.result), d ? Be(t, a, m, O, S, z, r, n, o) : f ? a.push(Be(t, null, m, O, S, z, r, n, o)) : a.push(S), Q(t, !0, e), T = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), T === 44 ? (i = !0, T = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)) : i = !1;
7415 }
7416 A(t, "unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection");
7418function pb(t, e) {
7419 var i, r, n = Kr, o = !1, s = !1, a = e, l = 0, h = !1, u, f;
7420 if (f = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), f === 124)
7421 r = !1;
7422 else if (f === 62)
7423 r = !0;
7424 else
7425 return !1;
7426 for (t.kind = "scalar", t.result = ""; f !== 0; )
7427 if (f = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position), f === 43 || f === 45)
7428 Kr === n ? n = f === 43 ? Fs : eb : A(t, "repeat of a chomping mode identifier");
7429 else if ((u = ab(f)) >= 0)
7430 u === 0 ? A(t, "bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one") : s ? A(t, "repeat of an indentation width identifier") : (a = e + u - 1, s = !0);
7431 else
7432 break;
7433 if (de(f)) {
7434 do
7435 f = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7436 while (de(f));
7437 if (f === 35)
7438 do
7439 f = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7440 while (!Mt(f) && f !== 0);
7441 }
7442 for (; f !== 0; ) {
7443 for (Jn(t), t.lineIndent = 0, f = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position); (!s || t.lineIndent < a) && f === 32; )
7444 t.lineIndent++, f = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7445 if (!s && t.lineIndent > a && (a = t.lineIndent), Mt(f)) {
7446 l++;
7447 continue;
7448 }
7449 if (t.lineIndent < a) {
7450 n === Fs ? t.result += lt.repeat(`
7451`, o ? 1 + l : l) : n === Kr && o && (t.result += `
7453 break;
7454 }
7455 for (r ? de(f) ? (h = !0, t.result += lt.repeat(`
7456`, o ? 1 + l : l)) : h ? (h = !1, t.result += lt.repeat(`
7457`, l + 1)) : l === 0 ? o && (t.result += " ") : t.result += lt.repeat(`
7458`, l) : t.result += lt.repeat(`
7459`, o ? 1 + l : l), o = !0, s = !0, l = 0, i = t.position; !Mt(f) && f !== 0; )
7460 f = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7461 ee(t, i, t.position, !1);
7462 }
7463 return !0;
7465function Os(t, e) {
7466 var i, r = t.tag, n = t.anchor, o = [], s, a = !1, l;
7467 if (t.firstTabInLine !== -1)
7468 return !1;
7469 for (t.anchor !== null && (t.anchorMap[t.anchor] = o), l = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position); l !== 0 && (t.firstTabInLine !== -1 && (t.position = t.firstTabInLine, A(t, "tab characters must not be used in indentation")), !(l !== 45 || (s = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position + 1), !gt(s)))); ) {
7470 if (a = !0, t.position++, Q(t, !0, -1) && t.lineIndent <= e) {
7471 o.push(null), l = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position);
7472 continue;
7473 }
7474 if (i = t.line, De(t, e, Gl, !1, !0), o.push(t.result), Q(t, !0, -1), l = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), (t.line === i || t.lineIndent > e) && l !== 0)
7475 A(t, "bad indentation of a sequence entry");
7476 else if (t.lineIndent < e)
7477 break;
7478 }
7479 return a ? (t.tag = r, t.anchor = n, t.kind = "sequence", t.result = o, !0) : !1;
7481function gb(t, e, i) {
7482 var r, n, o, s, a, l, h = t.tag, u = t.anchor, f = {}, c = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), d = null, m = null, S = null, O = !1, z = !1, T;
7483 if (t.firstTabInLine !== -1)
7484 return !1;
7485 for (t.anchor !== null && (t.anchorMap[t.anchor] = f), T = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position); T !== 0; ) {
7486 if (!O && t.firstTabInLine !== -1 && (t.position = t.firstTabInLine, A(t, "tab characters must not be used in indentation")), r = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position + 1), o = t.line, (T === 63 || T === 58) && gt(r))
7487 T === 63 ? (O && (Be(t, f, c, d, m, null, s, a, l), d = m = S = null), z = !0, O = !0, n = !0) : O ? (O = !1, n = !0) : A(t, "incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed; or followed by a non-tabulated empty line"), t.position += 1, T = r;
7488 else {
7489 if (s = t.line, a = t.lineStart, l = t.position, !De(t, i, Yl, !1, !0))
7490 break;
7491 if (t.line === o) {
7492 for (T = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position); de(T); )
7493 T = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7494 if (T === 58)
7495 T = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position), gt(T) || A(t, "a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping"), O && (Be(t, f, c, d, m, null, s, a, l), d = m = S = null), z = !0, O = !1, n = !1, d = t.tag, m = t.result;
7496 else if (z)
7497 A(t, "can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed");
7498 else
7499 return t.tag = h, t.anchor = u, !0;
7500 } else if (z)
7501 A(t, "can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key");
7502 else
7503 return t.tag = h, t.anchor = u, !0;
7504 }
7505 if ((t.line === o || t.lineIndent > e) && (O && (s = t.line, a = t.lineStart, l = t.position), De(t, e, hr, !0, n) && (O ? m = t.result : S = t.result), O || (Be(t, f, c, d, m, S, s, a, l), d = m = S = null), Q(t, !0, -1), T = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)), (t.line === o || t.lineIndent > e) && T !== 0)
7506 A(t, "bad indentation of a mapping entry");
7507 else if (t.lineIndent < e)
7508 break;
7509 }
7510 return O && Be(t, f, c, d, m, null, s, a, l), z && (t.tag = h, t.anchor = u, t.kind = "mapping", t.result = f), z;
7512function mb(t) {
7513 var e, i = !1, r = !1, n, o, s;
7514 if (s = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), s !== 33)
7515 return !1;
7516 if (t.tag !== null && A(t, "duplication of a tag property"), s = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position), s === 60 ? (i = !0, s = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)) : s === 33 ? (r = !0, n = "!!", s = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)) : n = "!", e = t.position, i) {
7517 do
7518 s = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7519 while (s !== 0 && s !== 62);
7520 t.position < t.length ? (o = t.input.slice(e, t.position), s = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)) : A(t, "unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag");
7521 } else {
7522 for (; s !== 0 && !gt(s); )
7523 s === 33 && (r ? A(t, "tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks") : (n = t.input.slice(e - 1, t.position + 1), Vl.test(n) || A(t, "named tag handle cannot contain such characters"), r = !0, e = t.position + 1)), s = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7524 o = t.input.slice(e, t.position), nb.test(o) && A(t, "tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters");
7525 }
7526 o && !Xl.test(o) && A(t, "tag name cannot contain such characters: " + o);
7527 try {
7528 o = decodeURIComponent(o);
7529 } catch {
7530 A(t, "tag name is malformed: " + o);
7531 }
7532 return i ? t.tag = o : re.call(t.tagMap, n) ? t.tag = t.tagMap[n] + o : n === "!" ? t.tag = "!" + o : n === "!!" ? t.tag = "tag:yaml.org,2002:" + o : A(t, 'undeclared tag handle "' + n + '"'), !0;
7534function yb(t) {
7535 var e, i;
7536 if (i = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), i !== 38)
7537 return !1;
7538 for (t.anchor !== null && A(t, "duplication of an anchor property"), i = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position), e = t.position; i !== 0 && !gt(i) && !we(i); )
7539 i = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7540 return t.position === e && A(t, "name of an anchor node must contain at least one character"), t.anchor = t.input.slice(e, t.position), !0;
7542function _b(t) {
7543 var e, i, r;
7544 if (r = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), r !== 42)
7545 return !1;
7546 for (r = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position), e = t.position; r !== 0 && !gt(r) && !we(r); )
7547 r = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7548 return t.position === e && A(t, "name of an alias node must contain at least one character"), i = t.input.slice(e, t.position), re.call(t.anchorMap, i) || A(t, 'unidentified alias "' + i + '"'), t.result = t.anchorMap[i], Q(t, !0, -1), !0;
7550function De(t, e, i, r, n) {
7551 var o, s, a, l = 1, h = !1, u = !1, f, c, d, m, S, O;
7552 if (t.listener !== null && t.listener("open", t), t.tag = null, t.anchor = null, t.kind = null, t.result = null, o = s = a = hr === i || Gl === i, r && Q(t, !0, -1) && (h = !0, t.lineIndent > e ? l = 1 : t.lineIndent === e ? l = 0 : t.lineIndent < e && (l = -1)), l === 1)
7553 for (; mb(t) || yb(t); )
7554 Q(t, !0, -1) ? (h = !0, a = o, t.lineIndent > e ? l = 1 : t.lineIndent === e ? l = 0 : t.lineIndent < e && (l = -1)) : a = !1;
7555 if (a && (a = h || n), (l === 1 || hr === i) && (lr === i || Yl === i ? S = e : S = e + 1, O = t.position - t.lineStart, l === 1 ? a && (Os(t, O) || gb(t, O, S)) || db(t, S) ? u = !0 : (s && pb(t, S) || ub(t, S) || fb(t, S) ? u = !0 : _b(t) ? (u = !0, (t.tag !== null || t.anchor !== null) && A(t, "alias node should not have any properties")) : cb(t, S, lr === i) && (u = !0, t.tag === null && (t.tag = "?")), t.anchor !== null && (t.anchorMap[t.anchor] = t.result)) : l === 0 && (u = a && Os(t, O))), t.tag === null)
7556 t.anchor !== null && (t.anchorMap[t.anchor] = t.result);
7557 else if (t.tag === "?") {
7558 for (t.result !== null && t.kind !== "scalar" && A(t, 'unacceptable node kind for !<?> tag; it should be "scalar", not "' + t.kind + '"'), f = 0, c = t.implicitTypes.length; f < c; f += 1)
7559 if (m = t.implicitTypes[f], m.resolve(t.result)) {
7560 t.result = m.construct(t.result), t.tag = m.tag, t.anchor !== null && (t.anchorMap[t.anchor] = t.result);
7561 break;
7562 }
7563 } else if (t.tag !== "!") {
7564 if (re.call(t.typeMap[t.kind || "fallback"], t.tag))
7565 m = t.typeMap[t.kind || "fallback"][t.tag];
7566 else
7567 for (m = null, d = t.typeMap.multi[t.kind || "fallback"], f = 0, c = d.length; f < c; f += 1)
7568 if (t.tag.slice(0, d[f].tag.length) === d[f].tag) {
7569 m = d[f];
7570 break;
7571 }
7572 m || A(t, "unknown tag !<" + t.tag + ">"), t.result !== null && m.kind !== t.kind && A(t, "unacceptable node kind for !<" + t.tag + '> tag; it should be "' + m.kind + '", not "' + t.kind + '"'), m.resolve(t.result, t.tag) ? (t.result = m.construct(t.result, t.tag), t.anchor !== null && (t.anchorMap[t.anchor] = t.result)) : A(t, "cannot resolve a node with !<" + t.tag + "> explicit tag");
7573 }
7574 return t.listener !== null && t.listener("close", t), t.tag !== null || t.anchor !== null || u;
7576function Cb(t) {
7577 var e = t.position, i, r, n, o = !1, s;
7578 for (t.version = null, t.checkLineBreaks = t.legacy, t.tagMap = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), t.anchorMap = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); (s = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)) !== 0 && (Q(t, !0, -1), s = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position), !(t.lineIndent > 0 || s !== 37)); ) {
7579 for (o = !0, s = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position), i = t.position; s !== 0 && !gt(s); )
7580 s = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7581 for (r = t.input.slice(i, t.position), n = [], r.length < 1 && A(t, "directive name must not be less than one character in length"); s !== 0; ) {
7582 for (; de(s); )
7583 s = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7584 if (s === 35) {
7585 do
7586 s = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7587 while (s !== 0 && !Mt(s));
7588 break;
7589 }
7590 if (Mt(s))
7591 break;
7592 for (i = t.position; s !== 0 && !gt(s); )
7593 s = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
7594 n.push(t.input.slice(i, t.position));
7595 }
7596 s !== 0 && Jn(t), re.call(Es, r) ? Es[r](t, r, n) : cr(t, 'unknown document directive "' + r + '"');
7597 }
7598 if (Q(t, !0, -1), t.lineIndent === 0 && t.input.charCodeAt(t.position) === 45 && t.input.charCodeAt(t.position + 1) === 45 && t.input.charCodeAt(t.position + 2) === 45 ? (t.position += 3, Q(t, !0, -1)) : o && A(t, "directives end mark is expected"), De(t, t.lineIndent - 1, hr, !1, !0), Q(t, !0, -1), t.checkLineBreaks && rb.test(t.input.slice(e, t.position)) && cr(t, "non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content"), t.documents.push(t.result), t.position === t.lineStart && Ar(t)) {
7599 t.input.charCodeAt(t.position) === 46 && (t.position += 3, Q(t, !0, -1));
7600 return;
7601 }
7602 if (t.position < t.length - 1)
7603 A(t, "end of the stream or a document separator is expected");
7604 else
7605 return;
7607function Ql(t, e) {
7608 t = String(t), e = e || {}, t.length !== 0 && (t.charCodeAt(t.length - 1) !== 10 && t.charCodeAt(t.length - 1) !== 13 && (t += `
7609`), t.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 && (t = t.slice(1)));
7610 var i = new hb(t, e), r = t.indexOf("\0");
7611 for (r !== -1 && (i.position = r, A(i, "null byte is not allowed in input")), i.input += "\0"; i.input.charCodeAt(i.position) === 32; )
7612 i.lineIndent += 1, i.position += 1;
7613 for (; i.position < i.length - 1; )
7614 Cb(i);
7615 return i.documents;
7617function xb(t, e, i) {
7618 e !== null && typeof e == "object" && typeof i > "u" && (i = e, e = null);
7619 var r = Ql(t, i);
7620 if (typeof e != "function")
7621 return r;
7622 for (var n = 0, o = r.length; n < o; n += 1)
7623 e(r[n]);
7625function bb(t, e) {
7626 var i = Ql(t, e);
7627 if (i.length !== 0) {
7628 if (i.length === 1)
7629 return i[0];
7630 throw new Yt("expected a single document in the stream, but found more");
7631 }
7633var Tb = xb, kb = bb, Sb = {
7634 loadAll: Tb,
7635 load: kb
7636}, vb = Hl, wb = Sb.load;
7637function Bb(t) {
7638 const e = t.match(Na);
7639 if (!e)
7640 return {
7641 text: t,
7642 metadata: {}
7643 };
7644 let i = wb(e[1], {
7645 // To support config, we need JSON schema.
7646 // https://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2803231
7647 schema: vb
7648 }) ?? {};
7649 i = typeof i == "object" && !Array.isArray(i) ? i : {};
7650 const r = {};
7651 return i.displayMode && (r.displayMode = i.displayMode.toString()), i.title && (r.title = i.title.toString()), i.config && (r.config = i.config), {
7652 text: t.slice(e[0].length),
7653 metadata: r
7654 };
7656const Fb = (t) => t.replace(/\r\n?/g, `
7658 /<(\w+)([^>]*)>/g,
7659 (e, i, r) => "<" + i + r.replace(/="([^"]*)"/g, "='$1'") + ">"
7660), Ab = (t) => {
7661 const { text: e, metadata: i } = Bb(t), { displayMode: r, title: n, config: o = {} } = i;
7662 return r && (o.gantt || (o.gantt = {}), o.gantt.displayMode = r), { title: n, config: o, text: e };
7663}, Lb = (t) => {
7664 const e = ei.detectInit(t) ?? {}, i = ei.detectDirective(t, "wrap");
7665 return Array.isArray(i) ? e.wrap = i.some(({ type: r }) => {
7666 }) : (i == null ? void 0 : i.type) === "wrap" && (e.wrap = !0), {
7667 text: _0(t),
7668 directive: e
7669 };
7671function th(t) {
7672 const e = Fb(t), i = Ab(e), r = Lb(i.text), n = nl(i.config, r.directive);
7673 return t = NC(r.text), {
7674 code: t,
7675 title: i.title,
7676 config: n
7677 };
7679const Eb = 5e4, Mb = "graph TB;a[Maximum text size in diagram exceeded];style a fill:#faa", Ob = "sandbox", $b = "loose", Ib = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", Db = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", Nb = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", Rb = "100%", Pb = "100%", qb = "border:0;margin:0;", zb = "margin:0", Wb = "allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-popups", Hb = 'The "iframe" tag is not supported by your browser.', jb = ["foreignobject"], Ub = ["dominant-baseline"];
7680function eh(t) {
7681 const e = th(t);
7682 return or(), sy(e.config ?? {}), e;
7684async function Yb(t, e) {
7685 Kn(), t = eh(t).code;
7686 try {
7687 await to(t);
7688 } catch (i) {
7689 if (e != null && e.suppressErrors)
7690 return !1;
7691 throw i;
7692 }
7693 return !0;
7695const $s = (t, e, i = []) => `
7696.${t} ${e} { ${i.join(" !important; ")} !important; }`, Gb = (t, e = {}) => {
7697 var r;
7698 let i = "";
7699 if (t.themeCSS !== void 0 && (i += `
7700${t.themeCSS}`), t.fontFamily !== void 0 && (i += `
7701:root { --mermaid-font-family: ${t.fontFamily}}`), t.altFontFamily !== void 0 && (i += `
7702:root { --mermaid-alt-font-family: ${t.altFontFamily}}`), !Gr(e)) {
7703 const a = t.htmlLabels || ((r = t.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : r.htmlLabels) ? ["> *", "span"] : ["rect", "polygon", "ellipse", "circle", "path"];
7704 for (const l in e) {
7705 const h = e[l];
7706 Gr(h.styles) || a.forEach((u) => {
7707 i += $s(h.id, u, h.styles);
7708 }), Gr(h.textStyles) || (i += $s(h.id, "tspan", h.textStyles));
7709 }
7710 }
7711 return i;
7712}, Vb = (t, e, i, r) => {
7713 const n = Gb(t, i), o = w_(e, n, t.themeVariables);
7714 return gn(ty(`${r}{${o}}`), iy);
7715}, Xb = (t = "", e, i) => {
7716 let r = t;
7717 return !i && !e && (r = r.replace(
7718 /marker-end="url\([\d+./:=?A-Za-z-]*?#/g,
7719 'marker-end="url(#'
7720 )), r = q0(r), r = r.replace(/<br>/g, "<br/>"), r;
7721}, Kb = (t = "", e) => {
7722 var n, o;
7723 const i = (o = (n = e == null ? void 0 : e.viewBox) == null ? void 0 : n.baseVal) != null && o.height ? e.viewBox.baseVal.height + "px" : Pb, r = btoa('<body style="' + zb + '">' + t + "</body>");
7724 return `<iframe style="width:${Rb};height:${i};${qb}" src="data:text/html;base64,${r}" sandbox="${Wb}">
7725 ${Hb}
7727}, Is = (t, e, i, r, n) => {
7728 const o = t.append("div");
7729 o.attr("id", i), r && o.attr("style", r);
7730 const s = o.append("svg").attr("id", e).attr("width", "100%").attr("xmlns", Ib);
7731 return n && s.attr("xmlns:xlink", n), s.append("g"), t;
7733function Ds(t, e) {
7734 return t.append("iframe").attr("id", e).attr("style", "width: 100%; height: 100%;").attr("sandbox", "");
7736const Zb = (t, e, i, r) => {
7737 var n, o, s;
7738 (n = t.getElementById(e)) == null || n.remove(), (o = t.getElementById(i)) == null || o.remove(), (s = t.getElementById(r)) == null || s.remove();
7739}, Jb = async function(t, e, i) {
7740 var Nt, M, k, C, w, x;
7741 Kn();
7742 const r = eh(e);
7743 e = r.code;
7744 const n = $t();
7745 L.debug(n), e.length > ((n == null ? void 0 : n.maxTextSize) ?? Eb) && (e = Mb);
7746 const o = "#" + t, s = "i" + t, a = "#" + s, l = "d" + t, h = "#" + l;
7747 let u = bt("body");
7748 const f = n.securityLevel === Ob, c = n.securityLevel === $b, d = n.fontFamily;
7749 if (i !== void 0) {
7750 if (i && (i.innerHTML = ""), f) {
7751 const b = Ds(bt(i), s);
7752 u = bt(b.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body), u.node().style.margin = 0;
7753 } else
7754 u = bt(i);
7755 Is(u, t, l, `font-family: ${d}`, Db);
7756 } else {
7757 if (Zb(document, t, l, s), f) {
7758 const b = Ds(bt("body"), s);
7759 u = bt(b.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body), u.node().style.margin = 0;
7760 } else
7761 u = bt("body");
7762 Is(u, t, l);
7763 }
7764 let m, S;
7765 try {
7766 m = await to(e, { title: r.title });
7767 } catch (b) {
7768 m = new ql("error"), S = b;
7769 }
7770 const O = u.select(h).node(), z = m.type, T = O.firstChild, R = T.firstChild, X = (M = (Nt = m.renderer).getClasses) == null ? void 0 : M.call(Nt, e, m), G = Vb(n, z, X, o), V = document.createElement("style");
7771 V.innerHTML = G, T.insertBefore(V, R);
7772 try {
7773 await m.renderer.draw(e, t, _s, m);
7774 } catch (b) {
7775 throw H_.draw(e, t, _s), b;
7776 }
7777 const H = u.select(`${h} svg`), oe = (C = (k = m.db).getAccTitle) == null ? void 0 : C.call(k), Kt = (x = (w = m.db).getAccDescription) == null ? void 0 : x.call(w);
7778 t1(z, H, oe, Kt), u.select(`[id="${t}"]`).selectAll("foreignobject > *").attr("xmlns", Nb);
7779 let P = u.select(h).node().innerHTML;
7780 if (L.debug("config.arrowMarkerAbsolute", n.arrowMarkerAbsolute), P = Xb(P, f, La(n.arrowMarkerAbsolute)), f) {
7781 const b = u.select(h + " svg").node();
7782 P = Kb(P, b);
7783 } else
7784 c || (P = Ee.sanitize(P, {
7785 ADD_TAGS: jb,
7786 ADD_ATTR: Ub
7787 }));
7788 if (dC(), S)
7789 throw S;
7790 const Ct = bt(f ? a : h).node();
7791 return Ct && "remove" in Ct && Ct.remove(), {
7792 svg: P,
7793 bindFunctions: m.db.bindFunctions
7794 };
7796function Qb(t = {}) {
7797 var i;
7798 t != null && t.fontFamily && !((i = t.themeVariables) != null && i.fontFamily) && (t.themeVariables || (t.themeVariables = {}), t.themeVariables.fontFamily = t.fontFamily), ny(t), t != null && t.theme && t.theme in Gt ? t.themeVariables = Gt[t.theme].getThemeVariables(
7799 t.themeVariables
7800 ) : t && (t.themeVariables = Gt.default.getThemeVariables(t.themeVariables));
7801 const e = typeof t == "object" ? ry(t) : fl();
7802 bn(e.logLevel), Kn();
7804const to = (t, e = {}) => {
7805 const { code: i } = th(t);
7806 return fC(i, e);
7808function t1(t, e, i, r) {
7809 IC(e, t), DC(e, i, r, e.attr("id"));
7811const me = Object.freeze({
7812 render: Jb,
7813 parse: Yb,
7814 getDiagramFromText: to,
7815 initialize: Qb,
7816 getConfig: $t,
7817 setConfig: dl,
7818 getSiteConfig: fl,
7819 updateSiteConfig: oy,
7820 reset: () => {
7821 or();
7822 },
7823 globalReset: () => {
7824 or($e);
7825 },
7826 defaultConfig: $e
7830const e1 = async () => {
7831 L.debug("Loading registered diagrams");
7832 const e = (await Promise.allSettled(
7833 Object.entries(Me).map(async ([i, { detector: r, loader: n }]) => {
7834 if (n)
7835 try {
7836 Xn(i);
7837 } catch {
7838 try {
7839 const { diagram: s, id: a } = await n();
7840 ar(a, s, r);
7841 } catch (s) {
7842 throw L.error(`Failed to load external diagram with key ${i}. Removing from detectors.`), delete Me[i], s;
7843 }
7844 }
7845 })
7846 )).filter((i) => i.status === "rejected");
7847 if (e.length > 0) {
7848 L.error(`Failed to load ${e.length} external diagrams`);
7849 for (const i of e)
7850 L.error(i);
7851 throw new Error(`Failed to load ${e.length} external diagrams`);
7852 }
7853}, i1 = (t, e, i) => {
7854 L.warn(t), rl(t) ? (i && i(t.str, t.hash), e.push({ ...t, message: t.str, error: t })) : (i && i(t), t instanceof Error && e.push({
7855 str: t.message,
7856 message: t.message,
7857 hash: t.name,
7858 error: t
7859 }));
7860}, ih = async function(t = {
7861 querySelector: ".mermaid"
7862}) {
7863 try {
7864 await r1(t);
7865 } catch (e) {
7866 if (rl(e) && L.error(e.str), Tt.parseError && Tt.parseError(e), !t.suppressErrors)
7867 throw L.error("Use the suppressErrors option to suppress these errors"), e;
7868 }
7869}, r1 = async function({ postRenderCallback: t, querySelector: e, nodes: i } = {
7870 querySelector: ".mermaid"
7871}) {
7872 const r = me.getConfig();
7873 L.debug(`${t ? "" : "No "}Callback function found`);
7874 let n;
7875 if (i)
7876 n = i;
7877 else if (e)
7878 n = document.querySelectorAll(e);
7879 else
7880 throw new Error("Nodes and querySelector are both undefined");
7881 L.debug(`Found ${n.length} diagrams`), (r == null ? void 0 : r.startOnLoad) !== void 0 && (L.debug("Start On Load: " + (r == null ? void 0 : r.startOnLoad)), me.updateSiteConfig({ startOnLoad: r == null ? void 0 : r.startOnLoad }));
7882 const o = new ei.InitIDGenerator(r.deterministicIds, r.deterministicIDSeed);
7883 let s;
7884 const a = [];
7885 for (const l of Array.from(n)) {
7886 L.info("Rendering diagram: " + l.id);
7887 /*! Check if previously processed */
7888 if (l.getAttribute("data-processed"))
7889 continue;
7890 l.setAttribute("data-processed", "true");
7891 const h = `mermaid-${o.next()}`;
7892 s = l.innerHTML, s = mh(ei.entityDecode(s)).trim().replace(/<br\s*\/?>/gi, "<br/>");
7893 const u = ei.detectInit(s);
7894 u && L.debug("Detected early reinit: ", u);
7895 try {
7896 const { svg: f, bindFunctions: c } = await sh(h, s, l);
7897 l.innerHTML = f, t && await t(h), c && c(l);
7898 } catch (f) {
7899 i1(f, a, Tt.parseError);
7900 }
7901 }
7902 if (a.length > 0)
7903 throw a[0];
7904}, rh = function(t) {
7905 me.initialize(t);
7906}, n1 = async function(t, e, i) {
7907 L.warn("mermaid.init is deprecated. Please use run instead."), t && rh(t);
7908 const r = { postRenderCallback: i, querySelector: ".mermaid" };
7909 typeof e == "string" ? r.querySelector = e : e && (e instanceof HTMLElement ? r.nodes = [e] : r.nodes = e), await ih(r);
7910}, o1 = async (t, {
7911 lazyLoad: e = !0
7912} = {}) => {
7913 Pa(...t), e === !1 && await e1();
7914}, nh = function() {
7915 if (Tt.startOnLoad) {
7916 const { startOnLoad: t } = me.getConfig();
7917 t && Tt.run().catch((e) => L.error("Mermaid failed to initialize", e));
7918 }
7920if (typeof document < "u") {
7921 /*!
7922 * Wait for document loaded before starting the execution
7923 */
7924 window.addEventListener("load", nh, !1);
7926const s1 = function(t) {
7927 Tt.parseError = t;
7928}, ur = [];
7929let Zr = !1;
7930const oh = async () => {
7931 if (!Zr) {
7932 for (Zr = !0; ur.length > 0; ) {
7933 const t = ur.shift();
7934 if (t)
7935 try {
7936 await t();
7937 } catch (e) {
7938 L.error("Error executing queue", e);
7939 }
7940 }
7941 Zr = !1;
7942 }
7943}, a1 = async (t, e) => new Promise((i, r) => {
7944 const n = () => new Promise((o, s) => {
7945 me.parse(t, e).then(
7946 (a) => {
7947 o(a), i(a);
7948 },
7949 (a) => {
7950 var l;
7951 L.error("Error parsing", a), (l = Tt.parseError) == null || l.call(Tt, a), s(a), r(a);
7952 }
7953 );
7954 });
7955 ur.push(n), oh().catch(r);
7956}), sh = (t, e, i) => new Promise((r, n) => {
7957 const o = () => new Promise((s, a) => {
7958 me.render(t, e, i).then(
7959 (l) => {
7960 s(l), r(l);
7961 },
7962 (l) => {
7963 var h;
7964 L.error("Error parsing", l), (h = Tt.parseError) == null || h.call(Tt, l), a(l), n(l);
7965 }
7966 );
7967 });
7968 ur.push(o), oh().catch(n);
7969}), Tt = {
7970 startOnLoad: !0,
7971 mermaidAPI: me,
7972 parse: a1,
7973 render: sh,
7974 init: n1,
7975 run: ih,
7976 registerExternalDiagrams: o1,
7977 initialize: rh,
7978 parseError: void 0,
7979 contentLoaded: nh,
7980 setParseErrorHandler: s1,
7981 detectType: xr
7983export {
7984 vn as $,
7985 ei as A,
7986 Je as B,
7987 M_ as C,
7988 O_ as D,
7989 B_ as E,
7990 Pf as F,
7991 C1 as G,
7992 L0 as H,
7993 R_ as I,
7994 Sn as J,
7995 Js as K,
7996 pi as L,
7997 uu as M,
7998 ea as N,
7999 l1 as O,
8000 yh as P,
8001 _h as Q,
8002 pt as R,
8003 yt as S,
8004 xh as T,
8005 z_ as U,
8006 m1 as V,
8007 yp as W,
8008 nl as X,
8009 zn as Y,
8010 up as Z,
8011 $t as _,
8012 E_ as a,
8013 Re as a$,
8014 te as a0,
8015 oi as a1,
8016 Mo as a2,
8017 _u as a3,
8018 Qo as a4,
8019 p0 as a5,
8020 x1 as a6,
8021 F0 as a7,
8022 ye as a8,
8023 l0 as a9,
8024 Ro as aA,
8025 g1 as aB,
8026 d1 as aC,
8027 h1 as aD,
8028 c1 as aE,
8029 _1 as aF,
8030 y1 as aG,
8031 f1 as aH,
8032 $ as aI,
8033 Ot as aJ,
8034 _i as aK,
8035 Ne as aL,
8036 tr as aM,
8037 Um as aN,
8038 _C as aO,
8039 yi as aP,
8040 ir as aQ,
8041 Pm as aR,
8042 Ua as aS,
8043 Dg as aT,
8044 Ng as aU,
8045 AC as aV,
8046 us as aW,
8047 Rg as aX,
8048 Nn as aY,
8049 $g as aZ,
8050 Hg as a_,
8051 Qm as aa,
8052 Dt as ab,
8053 h0 as ac,
8054 c0 as ad,
8055 Ja as ae,
8056 br as af,
8057 vr as ag,
8058 rr as ah,
8059 Mg as ai,
8060 Dn as aj,
8061 tl as ak,
8062 Za as al,
8063 Rm as am,
8064 Mm as an,
8065 t0 as ao,
8066 d0 as ap,
8067 gi as aq,
8068 w1 as ar,
8069 $_ as as,
8070 mi as at,
8071 F as au,
8072 E as av,
8073 An as aw,
8074 u1 as ax,
8075 p1 as ay,
8076 Po as az,
8077 L_ as b,
8078 ne as b0,
8079 ss as b1,
8080 Rn as b2,
8081 Ga as b3,
8082 _n as b4,
8083 Kg as b5,
8084 Gr as b6,
8085 q0 as b7,
8086 mh as b8,
8087 Tt as b9,
8088 Vn as c,
8089 ai as d,
8090 Rs as e,
8091 $n as f,
8092 A_ as g,
8093 st as h,
8094 nr as i,
8095 bt as j,
8096 Ol as k,
8097 L as l,
8098 I0 as m,
8099 Df as n,
8100 B0 as o,
8101 La as p,
8102 x0 as q,
8103 Od as r,
8104 F_ as s,
8105 k_ as t,
8106 v1 as u,
8107 Zs as v,
8108 O0 as w,
8109 Fh as x,
8110 sm as y,
8111 In as z