929 BPlain TextView Raw
2 "parser": "babel-eslint",
3 "extends": [
4 "eslint:recommended",
5 "plugin:react/recommended"
6 ],
7 "plugins": [
8 "envoy",
9 "react"
10 ],
11 "parserOptions": {
12 "ecmaFeatures": {
13 "jsx": true
14 }
15 },
16 "env": {
17 "node": true,
18 "browser": true,
19 "es6": true
20 },
21 "rules": {
22 "space-before-function-paren": "off",
23 "react/react-in-jsx-scope": "off",
24 "react/display-name": "off",
25 "react/prop-types": "off",
26 "react/no-deprecated": "off",
27 "react/jsx-key": "off",
28 "brace-style": [
29 "error",
30 "allman"
31 ],
32 "no-unused-vars": [
33 "warn",
34 {
35 "argsIgnorePattern": "^_.*"
36 }
37 ],
38 "no-console": [
39 "warn"
40 ],
41 "no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": [
42 "error"
43 ],
44 "envoy/attribute": 2,
45 "envoy/children": 2,
46 "indent": [
47 "error",
48 "tab",
49 {
50 "SwitchCase": 1
51 }
52 ]
53 },
54 "globals": {
55 "mesh": true
56 },
57 "settings": {
58 "react": {
59 "pragma": "envoy" // Pragma to use, default to "React"
60 }
61 }
\No newline at end of file